Effective Thermal Conductivity of Composite Numeri
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Composite Numeri
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Composite Numeri
6 423
1 author:
Karkri Mustapha
Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne - Université Paris 12
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M. Karkri1*
Université Paris Est Créteil Van de Marne, CERTES, 61 avenue du Général de Gaulle, 94010
Créteil Cedex, France
* Corresponding author: mustapha.karkri@u-pec.fr
Abstract: In this paper, thermal properties of transfer in the medium. Auriault and Ene [8]
composites are investigated numerically and have investigated the influence of the interfacial
experimentally. In the numerical study, finite- thermal barrier on the effective conductivity and
elements method is used to modelize heat on the structure of the macroscopic heat transfer
transfer and to calculate the Effective Thermal equations. Using the finite elements method,
Conductivity (ETC) of the composite for three Veyret at al. [9] studied the heat conductive
elementary cells, such as simple cubic (SC), transfer in the periodic distribution of the filler in
body centered cubic (BCC) and face centered the composite materials. In their study,
cubic (FCC). The effect of the filler calculation was carried out on two and three-
concentrations, the ratio of thermal dimensional geometric spaces. The same method
conductivities of filler to matrix material and the was used by Ramani and Vaidyanathan [10] that
Kapitza resistance of the contact inclusion/matrix have incorporated the effect of microstructural
on the effective conductivity was investigated. A characteristics such as filler aspect ratio,
periodical method was used to measure interfacial thermal resistance, volume fraction,
simultaneously thermal conductivity, specific and filler dispersion to determine the effective
heat and diffusivity of the composite consisting thermal conductivity of a composite with
of epoxy resin matrix filled with brass spheres. A spherical and parallelepipedic fillers. The
comparison between the numerically calculated thermal conductivity has increased from
thermal conductivities, measured and analytical 0.32 W .m −1K −1 for pure PA6 to 2.09 W .m −1K −1
ones for various samples is made and the for spherical copper powder filler with a 50%
significance of the findings will be discussed in volume fraction. A numerical approach to
the paper. calculate the ETC of granular reinforced
composite was proposed by Cruz [11]. Many
Keywords: Thermal properties, Composite other contributing works were attributed to Yin
materials, Finite elements method, Analytical et al. [12], Kumlutas et al. [13] and Jiang et al.
models, Inverse problem. [14]. Recently, ANSYS software was used by
Liang [15], to perform the numerical simulation
1. Introduction of the heat-transfer process in hollow-glass-bead
(HGB)-filled polymer composites. The effects of
The knowledge of the effective thermal the content and size of the HGB on the effective
conductivity of composites is becoming thermal conductivity was identified. The
increasingly important in many engineering effective thermal conductivity of the
application and in technological developments. polypropylene (PP)/HGB composites was
Numerous theoretical and empirical models have estimated at temperatures varying from 25 to 30
been proposed to predict the effective thermal °C. Lattice Monte Carlo (LMC) and finite
conductivity [1-4]. Numerous numerical studies element analyses were used on the ETC of
of thermal conductivity of filled polymer were sintered metallic hollow spheres structures,
conducted in the past. Deissler’s [5] works were Fiedler et al. [16]. In their work, the LMC
extended by Wakao and Kato [6] for a cubic or calculation strategy is enhanced in order to
orthorhombic array of uniform spheres in incorporate temperature dependence of thermal
contact. Shonnard and Whitaker [7] have conductivity and specific heat in transient
investigated the influence of contacts on two- thermal analyses [17]. In this paper, the effective
dimensional models. They have developed a thermal conductivity of brass spheres/resin
global equation with an integral method for heat epoxy is investigated numerically and
experimentally. The ETC was calculated using Matrix :
∇ (λm∇τ ) = 0
the COMSOL software. The obtained values are
compared with experimental results and some
existing theoretical and semi-empirical models. τ = τ 1 , z = +b and τ = τ 2 , z = −b (2)
τ = (τ1 + τ 2 ) / 2 , z = 0 (3)
2. Prediction methods of effective thermal
∂τ (4)
conductivity λm = (σ − τ ) / rc , matrix ∩ sphere
2.1. Mathematical modeling and Finite ∂τ (5)
− λm = 0, lateral faces
Element Solution. ∂n
Sphere :
Using the finite-element software COMSOL
3.5b, thermal analysis was carried out for the
( )
∇ λ f ∇σ = 0 (6)
∂σ (7)
three-dimensional conductive heat transfer. −λf = (τ − σ ) / rc sphere ∩ matrix
About the geometry, we considered three unit ∂n
cells corresponding to some arrangements such
as simple cubic (SC), body centered cubic (BCC) Where n is the normal unit vector pointing from
and face centered cubic (FCC). The simple cubic the filler to the matrix. In order to simplify the
body is composed of a sphere of radius r problem and to decrease the computing time,
centered in a cubic cavity of dimensions (2 × b )3 dimensionless parameters and variables were
(Figure 1).
X = x/r , Y = y/r and Z = z / r : the
z dimensionless space variables.
b , −b τ1 S = (2σ − τ1 − τ 2 ) / (τ1 − τ 2 ) : the unknown inner
temperatures field.
y T = (2τ − τ 1 − τ 2 )/ (τ 1 − τ 2 ) : the unknown outer
temperatures field. B = (2b − 2r ) / 2r : the
reduced resistance of the matrix layer between
nearest spheres. D = λm / λ f is the conductivity
b , −b b , −b ratio between the two phases. C = rc λm / r is the
reduced contact resistance located at the sphere
Figure 1. Simple cubic body. interface.
The heat transfer in the elementary cell is E = λeff / λm : the effective thermal conductivity.
governed by the stationary heat transfer The effective thermal conductivity E is
equations. At the interphase the temperature calculated versus four parameters (the relative
potential jumps across the interface. The thermal contact resistance between particle and
associated normal component of the heat flux is matrix C, the half distance between the particles
continuous and is proportional to the jump in divided by the sphere radius B, the filler volume
temperature potential. The boundary conditions fraction φ and the ratio of thermal conductivity
at the edges of the elementary cell are of between the two phases D). In order to obtain
adiabatic type except at the upper and lower high accuracy for the ETC computation with
faces where temperature is prescribed with σ each model (SC, BCC and FCC), the refinement
and τ the filler and the matrix temperatures mesh around small geometrical features and on
respectively and rc the thermal contact the upper face ( z = b ) was considered (Fig. 2).
resistance. According to the symmetries, only In the light of a previous work [18], the effective
one-sixteenth of the original simple cubic cell thermal conductivity for each model is calculated
needs to be meshed (Fig. 2). The mathematical versus the heat flux crossing the elementary
equations representing the heat transfer model cells.
are given by the equations system (1-7).
S1 S1 filler amount φ BCC is correlated to B by:
1 m
φBCC = π / 3(1 + B) , with :
1/16 of sphere dT 1 dS
y QBCC = ∫∫
dZ 1 D
dS + ∫∫ dZ
dS 2
0 s1 s2
x B
S3 + S2
S1 2.2. Experimental study
In our experimental set-up, the matrix material
is an epoxy resin of VANTICO Company. The
Araldite® LY5052 is mixed to 38% weight of
Aradur® 5052. The brass spheres (70%Cu, 30%
(b) (c)
Zn, ρbrass = 8530 Kg / m 3 ) of 3.18 mm and 6.35
mm of diameter with a thermal conductivity of
Figure 2: Mesh of elementary cell for SC (a) and 124 W .m −1K −1 were placed in aluminum mold
FCC (b) and BCC (c) models
cavity ( 45 × 45mm 2 ). Three samples were
- Effective thermal conductivity of simple cubic model: prepared under the same conditions: the first two
are presented in figures 3 and 4. The first
The heat flux crossing the simple cubic configuration is a simple cubic with brass
elementary cell is defined by: spheres of 6.35 mm diameter and the second one
B +1 Y = X is an hexagonal arrangement, with a maximum
dY dX
0 0
∫ ∫ dZ Z = B +1
(8) volume fraction(14)with brass spheres (3.18 mm
diameter). The third sample is a stacking of three
layers of spheres with a 6.35 mm diameter which
The effective thermal conductivity and the filler represents a face centered cubic model for its
volume fraction of the SC model are given by: central part (Figure 5).
E = 2QSC /(1 + B) ; φSC = π / 6(1 + B)3
- Effective thermal conductivity of FCC model (Figure
- Effective thermal conductivity of BCC model : Figure 4: Sample (b), epoxy resin / brass
spheres of diameter 3.18mm and computed
The heat flux for this case is calculated and the elementary cell
effective thermal conductivity is deduced from
the following relation: E = 2QBCC /(1 + B ) . The
Figure 5: Sample (c) and the computed φ = 60% φ = 50% φ = 40%
φ = 30% φ = 20% φ = 10%
elementary cell: calculation of the effective 7
φ = 5%
thermal conductivity 6
Effective conductivity (E)
3. Results and discussion
26 5
24 B= 0 φ = 52.4 %
22 B= 0.001 φ = 52.2%
B=0.0025 φ = 52.0 %
Effective conductivity ( E )
20 B=0.01 φ = 50.8 %
18 B=0.025 φ = 48.6 % 3
B=0.1 φ = 39 %
14 2
10 1
6 0
-5 -4 -3 -2 -1
4 0.0 1.0x10 10 10 10 10
2 C [-]
-15 -14 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
C [-]
Figure 8: Effect of the thermal contact resistance
Figure 6: ETC versus C and B, SC model on the ETC for different filler volume fractions
( D = 10−5 ) (BCC model, D = 10 −5 )
3.2. Comparison between analytical models
and numerical simulations 3.5
FC C (D = 10 )
Sthrikman model.
Effective conductivity (E)
8 -4
BCC (D = 10 )
7 Lewis and Nielsen M odel
φ max = 52 %
φ max = 68 %
The examination of these results shows that 6
φ max = 74 %
the difference between the Sthrikman model and 5
the numericals ETC lies between 2.4% and 7.9%
for the SC model and about 17% for the BCC
[ ]
model. On another side, for D ∈ 10 −3 ,10 −1 , it is
6 1.0 φ (% )
( )
Sample a