TSPSC Group-1 Prelims English Medium Model Papers
TSPSC Group-1 Prelims English Medium Model Papers
TSPSC Group-1 Prelims English Medium Model Papers
71. In 1998, as part of the “Andhra 73. Consider the following statements
Pradesh economic restructuring regarding the new economic reforms
Project”, the Andhra Pradesh under the Andhra Pradesh
government took a loan of how much i) The government of Andhra Pradesh
crores from the World Bank during used to give subsidy rice for poor
the LPG reforms? people for 1 kg for Rs. 2 before the
A) Rs. 2200 crores LPG reform.
B) Rs. 3200 crores ii) During the LPG reform period the
C) Rs. 5500 crores subsidy rice for poor people was
D) Rs. 9500 crores increased to 1kg per Rs. 5.50 and 50
Ans: A percent of the quota was reduced to
In 1998, as part of the “Andhra each family.
Pradesh economic restructuring Which of the statements given above
Project”, the Andhra Pradesh are incorrect?
government took a loan of Rs. 2200 A) Only i
crores from the World Bank. As a part B) Only ii
of APERP, the Andhra Pradesh C) Both
government implemented many D) None
reforms based on the Ans: B
recommendations given by the World T he government used to give subsidy
Bank. rice for poor people for 1 kg for Rs. 2,
which was increased to 1kg per Rs.
72. Consider the following sectors 3.50, and 25 % of the quota was
i) Welfare schemes. reduced to each family. These new
ii) Primary education, economic reforms have forced the
iii) Health, state into a debt trap and increased
iv) Medical sectors
Which of the statements given above 93. Consider the following statements
is correct? regarding the eight points 1969
A) Only i agreement
B) Only ii i) The formation of a planning forum for
C) Both funds.
D) None ii) To reduce injustices in the allocation
Ans: B of funds to Telangana.
The Jagapathi Rao actively iii) To reduce injustices in the allocation
participated in the “Jala Sadhana of funds to the backward regions of
Samithi” movement organized by both the Andhra and Telangana
Dushcharla Satyanarayana in regions.
Nalgonda. Jagapathi Rao participated How many statements given above
in a March (Pada Yatra) from are correct?
Nalgonda to Srisailam project as a part A) Only one statement
of the “Jala Sadhana Samithi” B) Only two statements
movement. C) All three statements are given above
D) None of the above
92. Assertion (A): Velichala Jagapathi Ans: B
Rao as convenor formed the The main features in the eight points
“Telangana Legislative Forum” with of the 1969 agreement were for the
about 100 Members Legislative formation of a planning forum for
Assembly of different parties from funds, to reduce injustices in the
the Telangana region during the allocation of funds to Telangana, to
1991-92 period. give more powers to the planning
Reason (R): Jana Reddy was elected as the forum for improvement of the
Chairman of the Telangana Telangana region, for the allotting the
Legislative Forum. jobs in Telangana to the local
Select the answer using the codes given candidates of Telangana and to
below restrict as required by the constitution
A) Both A and R are true, and R is the of India and other measures were part
proper explanation of A of the agreement.
B) Both A and R are true, and R is not a
proper explanation of A
C) Only A is true
Answer: D
Answer: B
A. abe
Answer: A B. bd
Explanation: C. adc
D. ac
answer: B
A. cdcdc
B. dcdcd
C. ccdcc
D. ddcdd
Answer: D
abcbc - abdbc - abdbc - abcbc → does not
follow any pattern
abdbc - abcbd - abcbc - abdbc → does not
follow any pattern
abcbc - abcbd - abcbc - abcbc → does not
follow any pattern
abdbc - abdbc - abdbc - abdbc → follows a
32) With reference to the Singularity and Event 33) With reference to Zinc-Air batteries,
Horizon of a Black hole, consider the consider the following statements:
following statements: 1. Zinc air batteries are usually
1. The Singularity is a location in the rechargeable and can be used
Centre of a black hole which contains multiple times before being disposed.
a huge mass in an infinitely small 2. Continuous supply of oxygen from
space. external sources is necessary to
123) The Mekong is a trans-boundary river in In this question some statements followed
Southeast Asia. It passes through which of by some conclusions.
these countries? You have to take the given statements to be
1. Myanmar 2. Laos true even if they seem to be at variance
3. India 4. Vietnam from commonly known facts and then
Select the correct answer code: decide which of the given conclusions
a) 1, 2, 3 b) 1, 2, 4 logically follow from the given statements
c) 1, 4 d) 1, 2, 3, 4 disregarding commonly known facts.
Solution: b)
From the Tibetan Plateau the river 126. Statements:
runs through China's Yunnan All bells are woods.
Province, Myanmar, Laos, Some woods are mould.
Thailand,Cambodia, and Vietnam. No mould is a fan.
Conclusion I: All woods are bells
124) The Red Sea is a strip of water and an inlet Conclusion II: No bell is a fan
of the Indian Ocean occupying the area a) only Conclusion II is true
separating the continent ofAfrica from Asia. b) neither Conclusion I nor ll is true
The countries bordering the Red Sea are c) only Conclusion I is true
1. Yemen 2. Djibouti d) both Conclusions I and II are true
3. Ethiopia 4. Egypt Answer: b
5. Saudi Arabia
Select the correct answer code: 127. Statements:
a) 1, 2, 3, 4 b) 1, 2, 3, 5 No Mat is a Table.
c) 2, 3, 4, 5 d) 1, 2, 4, 5 All Canal are Tables.
Solution: d) All Hills are Canal.
The six countries that border the Red Sea Conclusion I: No Mat is a hill
are the following: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Conclusion II: No canal is a Mat
Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, andDjibouti. a) only Conclusion I is true
b) either Conclusion I or II is true
125) The Telangana government has sanctioned c) Both Conclusion I nor II is true
around 100 cr to convert GANAPA d) only Conclusion II is true
SAMUDRA , BUDHARAM ponds into Answer :c
150. Statement:
After a year, the Institute's Board will
convene again.
I. The Institute will continue to operate
after a year.
II. After a year, the Board will be
a) only assumption I is implicit
b) only assumption II is implicit
c) either assumption I is implicit or II is
d) neither I nor II is implicit
Answer : a
47. Which one of the following pairs of a river 50. Which one of the following is the highest
and its tributary is not correctly matched? waterfalls in India?
(a) Godavari : Wainganga (a) BarchiPani Falls
(b) Cauvery : Bhavani (b) Jog Falls
(c) Narmada : Amaravati (c) Meenmutty Falls
(d) Krishna : Bhima (d) Kunchikal Falls
Ans: c Ans: d
94. Find the angle between the hour hand and c.4 past 39 and 4 past 6
minute hand at 8.15? d.4 past 31 and 4 past 7
a.157.5° Answer: a
c.180.3° 99. Find the missing character in the following
d.257.5° question
Answer: a 4 5 7
6 8 4
2 3 8
95. A clock is started at noon. By 10 minutes 56 98 ?
past 4, the hour hand has turned through?
Answer: a
Answer: a
96. At what time between 5 o’ clock and 6 o’
clock, the two hands of the clock are
100. What will come in place of Question mark in
a.5 past 27
the following question
b.6 past 27
c.5 past 29 25 49 81
d.5 past 23 36 64 100
11 15 ?
Answer: a
97. At what between 8 o’ clock and 9 o’ clock
the two hands of the clock are opposite to
each other?
a.10 past 8 Answer: c
b.10 past 9
c.12 past 8
d.12 past 9
c.4 a.196
d.7 c.200
Answer :c
Answer: b
103. Find the missing character in the following 107.. What will come in place of Question mark
question (?) in the given number series?
2 14 21 28 12, 20.9, 29.1, 36.6, ?, 49.5
3 21 28 35 a.44.2
5 35 42 49 b.43.4
7 ? 56 ? c.40.8
a. 49 and 56 Answer: b
b.49 and 63
c.63 and 49 108.. What will come in place of Question mark
d.81 and 63 (?) in the given number series?
138. Which among the following about the 140. Which among the following is known as seed
Telangana plateau are correct? bowl of Telangana?
1. The average elevation of this plateau a) Bibinagar
is about 500 meters. b) Jangoan
2. It is mainly composed of Archaean c) Kazipet
gneisses. d) Ankapoor
Choose the correct option from the codes Answer: D
given below: Explanation: Ankapooris called as seed bowl
a) 1 only of Telangana, having about 30 seed
b) 2 only processing units, now the seed
c) Both 1 and 2 cultivation is spreading to nearby
d) Neither 1 nor 2 villages and the entire region is now
Answer: C houses the processing units of the
Explanation: Telangana plateau is mainly several major seed companies like
composed of Archaean gneisses. The poner, pro–Agro, Nuziveedu etc.
average elevation of this plateau is
about 500 meters. It is an example of
peneplain (A more or less level land 141. Which of the following areas form an
surface). integral part of Turmeric belt in Telangana?
1. Nizamabad
139. Consider the following pairs: 2. Jagtial
Eco tourism site : District 3. Nirmal
1. Pakhal Lake : Nizamabad
143. Which of the following is a site for 145. consider the following statements:
geothermal energy potential in the 1. In Telangana, Coal reserves are
Telangana State? distributed across Godavari and
a) Bugga Krishna river valleys.
b) Srirampur 2. Telangana is the only State in entire
c) Mandamarri Southern India with vast deposits of
d) GodavariKhani Coal.
Answer: A Which of the statements given above is/are
Explanation: Bugga, Bhadrachalam, correct?
Burgampad, Aswaraopet are the a) 1 only
areas conducive for generating b) 2 only
power using geothermal energy. c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
144. With reference to Mission kakatiya, consider Answer : B
the following statements:
123) Recently, US Government is agreed to fund 125) Consider the following statements regarding
conservation of which of the following sites Programme Of Action (POA) of the
in Hyderabad International Conference on Population and
A) Golconda tomb Development.
B)Paigha tombs 1. The Programme Of Action (POA) of
C)Kutubshaahi tombs the International Conference on
D)pahadi sharif darga Population and Development focuses
on meeting the needs of individual
123) The code name for police action that 125) Consider the following statements regarding
integrated Hyderabad into the Indian Union Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR).
is known as 1. The Indian Council for Cultural
a) Operation Black Thunder Relations (ICCR), is an
b) Operation Blue Star autonomous organisation of the
c) Operation Polo Government ofIndia, involved in
d) Operation Vijay cultural exchange with other
Solution: c) countries and their people.
Operation Polo: Indian armed forces 2. It can issue binding orders to
ended the rule of the Nizam of promote Indian culture, like making
Q.19) With reference to Indian Parliament, Consider Q. 20) If the President wants to seek legal opinion
the following statements about Department on a matter of public importance from the
Related Standing Committees (DRSCs): Supreme Court, then:
1. They are constitutional bodies mentioned (a) Supreme Court can assume to itself the
in Part V of the Constitution of India. power of legislation.
2. The term of office of each standing (b) President has to accept the advice given
committee is coterminous with the by the court.
life of Lok Sabha. (c) Supreme Court may refuse to tender its
3. They secure accountability of the Council opinion.
of Ministers towards the Parliament. (d) President has to first get the approval of
4. They assist the Parliament in scrutinizing the Parliament for the same.
the bills referred to it.
Which of the statements given above is/are option (c) is the correct answer.
correct? The Constitution (Article 143) authorises the
a) 2, 3 and 4 only President to seek the opinion of the
b) 3 only Supreme Court in
c) 3 and 4 only the two categories of matters:
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4 On any question of law or fact of public
Exp) Option c is the correct answer. importance which has arisen or which
Statement 1 is incorrect: They are not is likely to arise.
constitutional bodies. On the In this case the Supreme Court may tender or
recommendation of the Rules may refuse to tender its opinion to
Committee of the Lok Sabha, 17 DRSCs were the President.
set up in the Parliament in 1993. In On any dispute arising out of any pre-
2004, seven more such committees constitution treaty, agreement,
were set up, thus increasing their covenant, engagement, sanad or
number from 17 to 24. Out of the 24 other similar instruments. In this case, the
Departmental Standing Committees, Supreme Court ‘must’ tender its
8 work under the Rajya Sabha and 16 opinion to the President.
under the Lok Sabha. However, in both the cases, the opinion
Statement 2 is incorrect: The term of office of expressed by the Supreme Court is
each standing committee is one year only advisory and not a
from the date of its constitution. judicial pronouncement. Hence, it is not
Statement 3 is correct: They secure more binding on the President; he may
accountability of the Council of follow or may not follow the
I. The Chairperson and members of Explanation: The Human Rights courts can be
State Human Rights Commission are set up by the state government only
eligible for re-appointment. with the concurrence of the Chief
Justice of the High Court of that
II. The Chairperson and members of state.
State Human Rights Commission are
not eligible for any other 10. Chief Information Commissioner and other
employment under state or central members of the Central Information
government after their tenure Commission are appointed by the President
on the recommendations of the committee.
Which of the above statements are correct?
The consists of the following members:
A. I & II B. I only C. II only I. Prime Minister
D. None II. Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha
Ans: a III. Home Minister
IV. Union Cabinet Minister nominated by
Explanation: Both are true Prime Minister
8. The Protection of Human Rights Act,1993 A. I,II & III B. I & II only C. I,II &
provided for establishment of which of the IV D. I,II,III & IV
Ans: c
Explanation: They are appointed by the
I. National Human Rights Commission President on the recommendation of
II. State Human Rights Commission a committee consisting of the Prime
III. Human Rights Court at district level Minister as Chairperson, the Leader
only of Opposition in the Lok Sabha and a
Union Cabinet Minister nominated by
A. I & II B. II & III C. I the Prime Minister.
Ans: d 11. Which of the following are matched
Explanation: All are correct
12. Central Information Commission submits its 15. Which of the following statements is/are
annual report to the incorrect with respect to CBI?
A. The President
B. The Central Government I. CBI undertakes investigation of
C. The Parliament corruption related cases, economic
D. The Lok Sabha offences but not the cases of
Ans: b conventional crimes.
II. The CBI acts as the “National Central
Explanation: The Commission submits an Bureau” of Interpol in India.
annual report to the Central III. The CBI Academy is located at Noida,
Government on the implementation Uttar Pradesh.
of the provisions of this Act. The IV. The CBI is required to obtain the prior
Central Government places this approval of the Central Government
report before each House of before conducting any inquiry or
Parliament. investigation into an offence
committed by officers of the rank of
13. Which of the following is/are neither a joint secretary and above in the
Constitutional body nor a statutory body? Central Government and its
I. Central Information Commission A. I,II & III B. II,III & IV C. I,III & IV
II. Central Vigilance Commission D. I,II,III & IV
III. Central Bureau of Investigation Ans: c
IV. National Investigation Agency
A. I & II only B. II & III only C. III only D. Explanation: CBI undertakes investigation of
IV only corruption related cases, economic
Ans: c offences and also the cases of
conventional crimes.The CBI
Explanation: Central Bureau of Investigation Academy is located at Ghaziabad,
is formed through executive Uttar Pradesh.The CBI is not required
resolution and it draws its powers to obtain the prior approval of the
from Delhi SPecial Police Central Government before
Establishment Act. conducting any inquiry or
investigation into an offence
14. The Central Government shall appoint committed by officers of the rank of
joint secretary and above in the
officers of the rank of SP and above in the
Central Government and its
CBI on the recommendation of a committee authorities.
consisting of the following members:
Explanation Answer A
● Context: Report is published by UN
Women and the UN Department of Explanation
Economic and Social Affairs. ● Recently, the Indian Biological Data
● Key findings of the report: Center (IBDC) was inaugurated at
○ World is not on track to achieve Faridabad, Haryana.
gender equality by 2030. ● IBDC is the first national repository
○ 380 million women and girls live in for life science data in India.
extreme poverty. ● It is envisaged to emerge as a major
○ Nearly 1 in 3 women face food data repository for all life science
insecurity. data emerging from India.
○ Unsafe abortion is a leading but ● Also, as per the Biotech-PRIDE
preventable cause of maternal guidelines, released last year, IBDC is
mortality. mandated to archive all life science
○ In India, a quarter of rural data generated from publicly-funded
households’ women and girls devote research in India.
more than 50 minutes per day to ● It is being established at Regional
collecting water. Centre of Biotechnology (RCB),
● Therefore,option(c) is correct Faridabad in collaboration with
National Informatics Centre (NIC).
8, Recently in news, The Survey “Mother ● Therefore,option(a) is correct
Tongue Survey of India” is released by
a) Ministry of Education
10. Which one of the following statements is
b) Ministry of Home affairs
c) NITI Aayog correct with respect to the Air-independent
d) None of the above Propulsion (AIP) system?
(a) It is a technology developed by ISRO
Answer B to launch multiple satellites in a
single rocket.
Explanation (b) It is a geo-engineering technique to
● The Ministry of Home Affairs recently clean the polluted air in real-time.
completed MTSI. (c) It allows a non-nuclear submarine to
● MTSI surveys the mother tongues, operate without access to
which are returned consistently atmospheric oxygen.
across two and more Census decades (d) It is a method used to reduce fire
and analyzes their linguistic features. incidents related to electric vehicles.
● As per analysis of 2011 linguistic
census data, more than 19,500 Answer C
Answer D
● Pratham,
a Non-Governmental Organisation
(NGO) functioning in the field of
education, received the Indira Gandhi
Prize for Peace, Disarmament, and
Development of 2021 at Jawahar
Bhawan in New Delhi, Delhi.
● Therefore,option(d) is correct
Answer A
● The “2022 UNESCO Asia-Pacific
Awards for Cultural Heritage
Conservation” (Heritage Awards)
were awarded to 13 award-winning
projects from 6 different countries
across the Asia-Pacific region.The 6
40. Ibn-Batuta was a traveller from 43. All of the following states of the
Morocco visited the court of? confederacy participated in the Battle
A) Alauddin Khilji of Talikota Or Rakasi tangadi which
B) Muhammad Ghori ended the glory of Vijayanagara
C) Balban dynasty, except?
D) Mohammad Bin Tughlaq A) Ahmad Nagar B) Bijapur
Ans: D C) Bidar D) Berar
In 1341, Ibn-Batuta, a traveller from Ans: D
Morocco visited the court of Mohammad Battle of Talikota Or Rakasi It ended the
Bin Tughlaq. He was made the Qazi of Delhi. gloryTangadi (1565) of Vijayanagar
He wrote Kitab-i-Rihla. Empire. It was a battle between the
forces of Vijayanagar commanded by
41. The first sultan of Delhi who received Aliya Rama Raya and the Bahmani
the investiture of Khalifa is? confederacy commanded by Hussain
A) Alauddin Khilji B) Iltutmish Shah of Ahmad Nagar. The main cause
C) Muhammad ghori D) Balban of the war was Aliya’s foreign policy of
Ans: B Divide and Rule. Except for Berar, all
Iltutmish was the first sultan of Delhi the other four states of the confederacy
participated. Sadashiv Raya was the
who received the investiture of
king of Hampi during the war.
Khalifa,hw got the title 'sultan I azam'
from the Khalifa. 44. Assertion (A): The ‘ Nayaka’ system was
the system of civil servants in the
42. Consider the following statements Vijayanagara dynasty.
regarding Firuz Shah Tughlaq Reason(R): The Nayakas discharged civil
i) Futuhat-i-Firoz Shahi was a and military functions on behalf of the
biography of Firuz Shah Tughlaq emperor and in return were given lands
written by Ziauddin Barani. called Amarams.
ii) He revived the Iqta system and Select the answer from the codes given
introduced hereditary succession below
in the army. A) Both A and R are true, and R is
Which of the statements given above not proper explanation of A
are correct? B) Both A and R are true, and R is
A) Only I B) Only ii proper explanation of A
C) Both D) None C) Only A is true
64. Consider the following statements 66. Consider the following statements
i) The Battle of Wandiwash or i) The Sati system was abolished by
Vandavasi fought during the Lord Wellesley
Second Carnatic War. ii) The regulation of XV11 of Bengal
ii) The Third Carnatic War once and code (1827) banned the practice
for all ended the fortunes of the of Sati system
French in India. Which of the statements given above
Which of the statements given above are incorrect?
are incorrect? A) Only I B) Only ii
A) Only I B) Only ii C) Both D) None
C) Both D) None Ans: A
Ans: A Regulation of 17 of Bengal code 1829
The Third Carnatic War (1756 – 1763) was a legal act promulgated by the East
was started with the Seven Years’ War India Company rule of British by the
between England and France in Europe. then governor General William
Bussey, the French Commander, was Bentinck banned the practice of Sati
defeated by Colonel Forde in the Battle system.
of Chandurthi (1757). The French lost
Hyderabad. The most important battle 67. Consider the following statements
was the Battle of Wandiwash or i) Dastaks were passed or licenses
Vandavasi fought on Jan 22, 1760. The issued by the President of the
Calcutta Council to the English
entire French navy under Count de Lally
merchants claiming exemption
was devastated by Colonel Eyre Coote from customs duties.
of the English. The war, once and for all, ii) the misuse of ‘Dastaks led to the
ended the fortunes of the French in Battle of Buxar
India. The war finally ended with the Which of the statements given above
Paris Treaty in 1764. are correct?
A) Only I B) Only ii
65. Consider the following governor C) Both D) None
Generals Ans: C
i) Lord Cornwallis The main cause for differences
ii) Thomas Munro between Nawab of Bengal and English
iii) Alexander Reed East Indian Company was the misuse of
Which of the above are associated with ‘Dastaks’, which were passed or
the Ryotwari system in India during
licenses issued by the President of the
British rule?
Calcutta Council to the English
A) Only ii B) Only I and ii
C) Only ii and iii D) All the above merchants claiming exemption from
Ans,: C customs duties.
In the Ryotwari system every registered
holder of land is recognized as a 68. Consider the following princely states
of British rule in India
proprietor of land and is responsible for
i) Jhansi ii) Sambalpur
direct payment of land revenue to the iii) Satara
state. Captain Reed assisted by Thomas
115. Consider the following statements 117. Consider the following subjects
regarding Charter Act,1813 i) Education ii) Jails
i) Started Free Trade Policy, ending iii) Public Health iv) Sanitation
the monopoly on all items except Which of the above were transferred
Tea, Coffee and Opium. subjects under the dyarchy scheme of
ii) The Act made training Montagu Chelmsford reforms?
compulsory for all Civil Servants A) Only i, ii and iii B) Only i and iii
before joining the Service. C) Only i, iii and iv D) All the above
Which of the statements given above Ans: C
are incorrect? The transferred subjects like Education,
A) Only I B) Only ii
Public Health, Sanitation, Municipal
C) Both D) None
Ans: A Administration, Irrigation and Industries
were to be administered by the
Started Free Trade Policy, ending the
monopoly on all items except Tea and Governor and his Council of Ministers.
Opium. The Act made training
118. Consider the following statements
compulsory for all Civil Servants before
regarding Montague – Chelmsford
joining the Service. It provided Rs 1 Lac Reforms
for promoting education in British India. i) Bicameral Legislatures were
introduced at the provincial level.
ii) The office of the Indian High
116. Assertion (A): Centralisation of Commission was created for the
Legislation started with Charter first time in London.
124. "Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari" 126. Consider the following statements
campaign was organised by which of i) the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram
the following? Jyoti Yojana was launched on
A) Niti Aayog 28th April 2018.
B) Ministry of Rural Development ii) Ministry of Power is the Nodal
C) Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Agency for implementation of
Husbandry and Dairying. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram
D) Ministry of Panchayat Raj Jyoti Yojana.
Ans: C Which of the statements given above
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry are incorrect?
and Dairying has organized the week- A) Only I B) Only ii
long "Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta C) Both D) None
Hamari" campaign from 25th to 30th Ans: B
April 2022 in association with the The Government of India has launched
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ the scheme “Deendayal Upadhyaya
Since the man is referring to his
nephew, the nephew’s parent has to
be a sibling to the man. Now the last
If the total income of the family during 1993 part says that the man’s sister has no
was 100000, the savings of the family in 1993 other sister and hence the brother-
was sister relationship is established
a. 1,750 between the man and his nephew’s
b. 20,000 mother. Now the lady in the picture is
c. 12,500 the grandmother of the nephew and
d. 50,000 hence she is the mother of the man’s
ANSWER: C sister.
Savings = 12.5% of 100000 148. A man walked 30 m towards the
=(12.5x100000)/100 North. Then he turned right and
walked 45 m. Then he turns right and
= 12500
walks 45 m. Then he turns left and
SOURCE: SSC CGL PRELIMS walks 5 m. Finally, he turns left and
walks 15 m. In which direction and
146. If in a certain code, 'bir le nac' means how many meters is he from the
'green and tasty'; 'picnachor' means starting position?
'tomato is green' and 'cocbirhor' a. 15m West
means 'food is tasty'. b. 50m East
Which of the following means 'tomato c. 50m West
is tasty' in that code? d. 55m East
a. Bir le hor
b. Pic hornac ANSWER: B
c. Pic horbir EXPLANATION:
d. None of these From the conditions given in the
question above, we can make the
ANSWER: C following diagram, As we can see
149. In a row of certain persons, Pradip is
sitting 463 from the left end and 531
from the right end. Find out the total (A + B)’s 1 day’s work = 1/10
number of persons in that row? A’s 1 day’s work = 1/30
a. 963 B’s 1 day’s work = (1/10) - (1/30)
b. 942 =(3-1)/30
c. 993 =2/30
d. Can’t be determined =1/15
ANSWER: C Hence, B, alone can complete the
EXPLANATION: work in 15 days.
The total number of persons is = SOURCE: CPO SI EXAM 2004
Position of Pradip from the right ends Hence, 2026 is the correct answer.
+ Position of Pradip from the left ends
463 + 531 – 1 = 993