Spanish Ib Webquest Christmas Around The World

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Nombre: Victoria Farrow La Navidad

Visit the about website to learn how Christmas is celebrated in different regions of the world.
Write/type your answers in English and make sure they are in your OWN words. If you plagiarize you will
have to redo the assignment or take a zero.

Write in your own words how each of the below countries celebrates Christmas. Then choose 3 other
countries (Spanish-speaking) and tell how they celebrate Christmas.

Mexico: A few weeks before Christmas, people will usually set up decorative “markets” at every town
and city. These markets are also called Puestos and they can are typically laden with food and lots of
colorful crafts. There is a certain flower that is typically found among Puestos called Poinsettias. These
flowers were first connected to Christmas in the 17th century. Las posadas is the name of the main
celebration during this time. It consists of people reenacting Joseph and Mary’s search for shelter in

Nicaragua: When it comes to Christmas, Nicaragua holds many of the same customs of old Spain, as do
many Latin American countries. A while before Christmas, people of Nicaragua roam the streets looking
to buy things such as candles, food, and toys. A grand display of fireworks usually occurs after the
Holiday season.

Venezuela: The people of Venezuela attend a daily morning service at church during late December, this
is called Misa de Aguinaldo. In the capital of Venezuela it is common to see people roller-skating to
these church services and they sometimes close the streets off until eight in the morning. Children tie
the end of a string around their big toe before bed and hang the other one out of the window. In the
morning, roller-skaters will often tug on any strings they see.

Spain: In Spain, Christmas is a very religious Holiday. The Virgin Mary is Spain’s patron and the Christmas
season officially begins on December 8, this is called the feast of the Immaculate Conception. They
celebrate it each year in front of the great Gothic cathedral with a dancing ceremony. In Spain,
Christmas Eve is a time for family to rejoice and feast with each other. The children receive gifts on the
feast of the Epiphany.

Guatemala: Ancient Mayan culture is mixed with Spanish Christianity and this has created unique
traditions in Guatemala. In Guatemala, there is traditionally a lot of dancing and feasting. Christmas here
is much like Christmas in Spain.

Chile: Christmas in Chile is all about celebration. There is a ton of partying that takes place before, after,
and during Christmas. Typically, everyone has candles and lots of food while they are partying. Chilean
people pay their respects to God and they pray immensely on the day.
El Salvador: Christmas in this country is deeply religious. Everyone here praises the lord and there is little
to no partying going on around this time. For them, Christmas is so much more than presents and Santa
Claus. You would typically find people celebrating by praying every morning, afternoon, and night in
churches or often in their own houses.

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