Polar Coordinates

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Ministry of Higher education

and scientific research almustansyria

university/College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
The first stage/Morning study

Polar Coordinate
)‫هذا التقرير من متطلبات معالجة الدرجة لمادة (الرياضيات‬

‫المستوى األول‬
‫الفصل الدراسي الثاني‬

‫عبدالرحمن مؤيد زكي‬:‫األسم‬


‫حيدر عبداألمير مهدي‬:‫دكتور‬

Polar coordinates provide an alternative system to the familiar
Cartesian (rectangular) coordinate system for representing points in a
plane. Instead of using perpendicular axes, polar coordinates use a
distance from a fixed point (the pole) and an angle relative to a fixed
direction (the polar axis). This report explores the fundamentals of
polar coordinates, including their conversion to and from Cartesian
coordinates, equations of curves in polar form, and applications in
.various fields

Polar coordinates 2Page

Geographical positioning makes use of the angles from a reference
axis to locate specific points on the earth.

The polar coordinate system is quite similar to this positioning system.

The polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system
in which the location of each point could be traced using two
1. Its distance from a reference line.
2. Its angle from a reference direction.

When each point on a plane of a two-dimensional coordinate system is

decided by a distance from a reference point and an angle is taken
from a reference direction, it is known as the polar coordinate system.
Pole = The reference point
Polar axis = the line segment ray from the pole in the reference
In the polar coordinate system, the origin is called a pole.

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Here, instead of representing the point as (x, y), we can express it as a

Quadrant Cartesian Range


I (x, y) 0°-

II (-x, y) 90°-

III (-x, -y) 180°-


IV (x, -y) 270°-

polar coordinate (r, θ).

Quadrant Value of

I Calculated value

II Add π to the calculated value

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III Add π to the calculated value

IV Add π to the calculated value

Where the value of r can be negative. The value of angle changes

based on the quadrant in which the r lies.

What Are Polar Coordinates?

A coordinate system uses unique numbers to determine the position of
a point or any geometric element. Such a position indicating numbers
are called coordinates.
Two commonly used coordinate systems are:
1. The Cartesian coordinate system
The Cartesian coordinate system specifies each point uniquely in a
plane by a set of numerical coordinates. The distances are measured
from two fixed perpendicular oriented lines (X-axis and Y-axis)
measured in the same unit of length. It is also called a rectangular
coordinate system.

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2. The polar coordinate system
It is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a
plane has a unique distance from a reference point and a specific angle
from a reference direction.
By using polar coordinates we mark a point by how far away and at
what angle it is.

Here, the point P is at a distance 'rr' from the origin (0) and is at an
angle of θθ from the reference axis i.e., the x𝑥-axis.
The origin is called the pole, and the x𝑥-axis is termed as the polar

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The grid pattern for both the coordinate systems is presented below.

The polar coordinate plane is a series of concentric circles around a

central point of reference, called the pole. Each circle represents one
radius unit, and lines denoting angles in radians are seen.

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How to Plot Points Using Polar Coordinates?

The general form for writing polar coordinates is P (r,θr,𝜃)

The radial coordinate is often denoted by rr, and the angular
coordinate by θ𝜃.
Angles in polar coordinates are expressed in either degrees or radians.
A diagram for interconversion of radians and degrees is presented
below for quick reference.

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The Formulas for Converting Between Polar and Cartesian
The formulas for the conversion of polar coordinates into Cartesian
coordinates and vice-versa involve trigonometric functions.
Here are the formulas:

Let us explore the above formulas more.

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Convert Polar Coordinates into Cartesian Coordinates
We can convert polar coordinates into Cartesian
coordinates (x,y)(𝑥,𝑦) by using the trigonometric
functions sinsinand coscos.

The above diagram illustrates the relationship between polar and

Cartesian coordinates.
So, to convert from polar coordinates (r,θ)(𝑟,𝜃) to
Cartesian coordinates (x,y)(𝑥,𝑦) the formula is:


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Convert Cartesian Coordinates into Polar Coordinates

If we know the point in Cartesian coordinates (x,y)(𝑥,𝑦) and if

we want to know the polar coordinates we solve a right triangle with
two known sides.
Example: What is (15, 8) in polar coordinates?

Using Pythagoras theorem to find the long side rr (the hypotenuse) we

Using the tangent function to find the angle:
The point (15,8)(15,8) is (17,28.07∘)(17,28.07∘) in polar coordinates.

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What is tan-1?
It is also termed as an inverse tangent function/ arctangent.
The functions of tangent and arctangent are inverse.
Tangent takes an angle and gives us a ratio, whereas, inverse tangent
takes a ratio like 815815 and gives us an angle.
Thus, Cartesian coordinates can be converted into polar coordinates by
using the below-given formula:

The value of tan−1(yx)tan−1⁡(𝑦𝑥) for converting Cartesian

coordinates to polar coordinates may need to be adjusted as per
the quadrant in which the point lies:
Quadrant I: Use the calculated value
Quadrant II: Add 180∘180∘ to the calculated value
Quadrant III: Add 180∘180∘ to the calculated value
Quadrant IV: Add 360∘360∘ to the calculated value
The above adjustments are done as the calculator can give an incorrect
value of tan−1tan−1.

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Polar grid
Polar grid with different angles as shown below:

Also, π radians are equal to 360°.

Polar Coordinates Formula

We can write an infinite number of polar coordinates for one
coordinate point, using the formula
(r, θ+2πn) or (-r, θ+(2n+1)π), where n is an integer.
The value of θ is positive if measured counterclockwise.
The value of θ is negative if measured clockwise.
The value of r is positive if laid off at the terminal side of θ.
The value of r is negative if laid off at the prolongation through the
origin from the terminal side of θ.
The side where the angle starts is called the initial side and the ray
where the measurement of the angle stops is called the terminal side.

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Cartesian to Polar Coordinates
x = r cos θ
y = r sin θ

Finding r and θ using x and y:

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3D Polar Coordinates

3d polar coordinates or spherical coordinates will have three

parameters: distance from the origin and two angles.
The 3d-polar coordinate can be written as (r, Φ, θ).
R = distance of from the origin
Φ = the reference angle from XY-plane (in a counter-clockwise
direction from the x-axis)
θ = the reference angle from z-axis

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Polar Coordinates Examples
Example1: Plot the points M (2,π2)(2,𝜋2) and N(3,3π4)(3,3𝜋4) on a
polar coordinate plane. Can you also identify the polar coordinate of
the point C?
Solution: The points M and N can be plotted on a polar coordinate
plane as given below.

The polar coordinates of point C are (2,7π4)(2,7𝜋4).

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Example 2:
Convert the polar coordinate (4, π/2) to a rectangular point.

We know that,

Hence, the rectangular coordinate of the point is (0, 4).

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Example 3:
Convert the rectangular or cartesian coordinates (2, 2) to polar
(x, y)=(2, 2)


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Example4: What will be Cartesian coordinates for polar coordinates
Solution: For x𝑥 coordinate, we will use the cosine function
For y𝑦 coordinate, we will use the sine function, y=r×sinθ𝑦=𝑟×sin⁡θ
Putting r=10𝑟=10
For y𝑦 we will use sine function
The polar coordinates (10,30∘)(10,30∘) are almost
exactly (8.66,5)(8.66,5) in Cartesian coordinates.

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Polar coordinates offer a unique and valuable perspective on points in
a plane. Their ability to simplify representations of radial patterns and
circular motion makes them a powerful tool in various fields.
Understanding the conversion between Cartesian and polar
coordinates, along with the ability to express equations of curves in
polar form, enhances the comprehension and application of this
alternative coordinate system.

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1. Hungerford, Thomas W. (2004). Precalculus: A graphing approach. Austin, TX: Holt,
Rinehart andWinston.
2. Kim, Jiho (2007). GCalc, java mathematical graphing system. Retrieved June 24, 2008,
from GCal 3 Website: http://gcalc.net/
3. Larson, Ron (2004). Precalculus. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Company.
4. Larson, Ron (2002). Calculus I: With precalculus. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin
5. Roberts, Lila F. Mathdemos project. Retrieved June 24, 2008, from Polar Gallery Web
site: http://mathdemos.gcsu.edu/mathdemos/family_of_functions/polar_gallery.html
6. Swokowski, Earl W. Calculus with analytic geometry. Boston, MA: PWS Kent Publishing

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