Crs Yr 10 Test

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5 minutes read


Examination malpractices may lead to a repeat of the subject or suspensions don’t be involved.


(1) —————- is the state of being loyal (a) obedience (b) honesty (c) attitudes (d) humility

(2) One of the ways humility can be demonstrated include ——–(a) paying of debt (b)greeting
people (c) regards to higher authority (d) shedding tears

(3) Salvation means—————- (a)confess to father(b)confess to God(c)deliverance from sickness

(d)deliverance from sin

(4) The Lord’s prayer can be found in which book of the bible? (a)Matthew(b)1st John(c)Jude(d)Micah

(5) Paul asked Philemon to receive Onesimus back as (a)a slave(b)a son(c)a brother(d)a prisoner

(6) ————————— also helps to restore a broken relationship (a) confession (b) Hard work (c)
angels (d) forgiveness

(7) ——————————- stole from his master and ran away. (a) Onesimus

(b) Philemon (c) Timothy (d) Acan

(8) ———————– consist of people who are related by blood, marriage or adoption (a) marriage (b)
relation (c) family (d) company

(9) Faith without work is—————– (a) questionable (b) fake (c) condemnation (d) somehow

(10) ————————-is referred to as the manifestations of genuine saving faith


(11) Man original deserves to ———————(a) be a slave(b) be a son(c)die(d) live

(12) —————- is the only condition for salvation (a)works(b)faith(c)fasting(d)camping

(13)———————– is a biblical term that is used to sum up the nine visible attributes of a Christian life.
(a)life style(b)holiness(c)the fruit of the Spirit(d)attribute

(14) Talents develop while spiritual gifts (a) advance (b) expand (c) mature (d) enlarge

(15) The eternal home of those who work after the bidding of the flesh is (a) Purgatory (b) paradise (c)
Abraham’s bosom (d) hell fire

(16) Only ————————- can be given spiritual gifts. (a) church workers (b) true Christians (c) pastors
(d) baptized Christians

(17) According to Paul Spiritual gifts can also be ——————— (a) coveted

(b) borrowed (c) stolen (d) envied

(18) —————————– demonstrated pride in the bible and was debased(a) Solomon (b)
Nebuchadnezzar (c) Judas Iscariot (d) Bethshebba

(19) ——————- is the source and distributor of Spiritual gifts (a) Christians (b) The Holy Spirit (c) the
prophets (d) pastors

(20) Spiritual gifts are given to individuals by God himself according to ————————— (a) the need
of the church (b) God’s choice (c) Individual’s choice (d) interest

(21) Good works are produced by ——————-(a)a salvation(b)faith(c)hard work(d)The Holy Spirit

(22) —————are the necessary fruits or result of true saving grace (a)Holy Spirit(b)good works(c)self

(23) Humility is equal to ——————(a)foolishness(b)lowliness in the spirit(c)overlooking ones

right(d)running away from trouble

(24) We are not saved by good works but ———————————–(a)as good works(b)in good
works(c)for good works(d)from good works

(25) Genuine saving faith can be made manifest through —————- (a) faith (b)works (c) fruits (d)

(26) The works of the flesh is sponsored by the ——————— (a) flesh (b) enemies (c) angels (d) God

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(27) The fruit of the Spirit are embedded in —————— (a) quietness(b) lukwarmness (c) honesty (d)
(28) The works of the flesh are manifested by ——————— (a) sinners (b) Christians (c) demons (d)

(29) Christians should be humble to (a) only elders (b) only God (c) only our parents (d) All

(30) As good Christian citizens we should ——————— those in authority (a) criticize (b) judge
(c)condemn(d)pray for

(31) Our spiritual gifts can manifest to the fullest when we (a) toil with it (b) sell it (c) exercise it (d)
abandon it

(32) One of the consequences of pride include (a)It humbles a person(b)It makes one popular(c)it
establishes one(d)it makes one wise

(33) Human rights should be ——————(a)denied(b)rubbished(c)caged(d)considered

(34) People in authority should ——————– (a)serve with military power(b)serve without
conscience(c)serve with the fear of God(d)fast

(35) Those in authority should be (a)used(b)suspected(c)respected(d)exalted

(36) Behaviours that can destabilize a family includes all but


(37) Good citizenship include all but one (a)fulfils civic rights(b)obeys rules of the state(c)respects
national symbols(d)embezzles fund
(38) ——————– can be defined as the attributes, character or behavior of a person.

(39)The fruit of the Spirit include all but one (a)prosperity(b)love(c)joy(d)peace

(40) The general assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the universal declaration of
human right in the year (a)1999(b)1958(c)1948(d)1984

(41) The fruit of the Spirit is produced by (a)Satan(b)spirit (c)The Holy Spirit(d)The Christian

(42) ————— can be defined as the system of fundamental principles with which a state, corporation
or any organization is governed. (a)law (b)constitution(c)leadership(d)rules

(43) ————————— are divine endowments given by God to individuals according to God’s
purpose. (a)spiritual gifts(b)blessings (c)talents(d)gifts

(44) According to Apostle Paul, how many spiritual gifts do we have?


(45)All but one are spiritual gifts (a)goodness(b)prophecy(c)faith(d)gift of healing

(46) Natural abilities given to us by God is also known as ————————


(47) We can exercise our talents in the church by all except (a)imposing our decision on others
(b)singing (c)praying(d)cleaning the church
(48) The act of pardoning an offender from the heart for an offence committed is known as

(49) Onesimus ran away from his master because he (a)abused his master(b)slapped his master(c)killed
his master(d)stole from his master

(50) Good citizenship also means (a)being hardworking(b)being obedient(c)being patriotic(d)aggressive

(51) One of the effects of unforgiveness include (a)God will not forgive us (b)God will applaud
us(c)suicide(d)the offended will kill us

(52) The results of ones saving faith experienced in Christ can also be referred to as —————–(a)
flesh (b) deeds (c) attitudes (d) works

(53) Christians can bear the fruit of the Spirit when (a) they are matured (b) they are dead (c) the flesh is
crucified (d) the devil is crucified

(54) Crucifixion of the flesh means (a) killing our flesh (b) denying ourselves of good things of life (c) not
living after the dictates of the flesh (d) denying our flesh of food

(55) Show me your works and I will show you your (a) flesh (b) deeds (c) attitudes (d) works

(56) We become true Christians when we (a) destroy our flesh (b) believe in the person of Jesus (c)
practice what we believe (d) practice works

(57) Works are manifested by (a) every Christian (b) anyone (c) religious Christians (d) true Christians

(58) ————————- is the end product of any seed (a) fruit (b) deeds (c) attitudes (d) action
(59) All but one are talents an individual can possess (a) singing (b) playing of instrument (c) greeting
(d) writing

(60) ————————– comprises of the father, mother and children (a) acquaintance(b) family
(c)nuclear the family (d) marriage



Instruction: Answer any three questions from this session!

(1a) Mention three behaviours that can destabilize the family.

(b) Define family and explain the types of family.

(c) Mention two duties each expected of individual members of the family according to Apostle Paul.

(2a) Mention three rights of the African Charter on Human Rights and People’s Right

(b)Mention the duties of a good citizen mentioned by Apostle Peter in 1Pet 2:13-17

(c) Faith without work is dead. Explain at least in six sentences.

(3a) What is faith? In the context of the teaching.

(b) List about five good works that demonstrate Christian faith

(c) Quote Eph 2:8-9

(4a) Define forgiveness.

(b)Mention three differences between spiritual gifts and talents.

(c) What are the uses of spiritual gifts?

(5a) How can a Christian bear the fruit of the Spirit?

(b) Explain how Onesimus came across Paul.

(c) What was the step taken by Paul to reconcile Onesimus and Philemon?


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