XII IP Term-1 Programs

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Term-1 Practical Programs

1 Write a python program to create series from a list.

2 Write a python program to create series from a list and assign indexes.

3 Write a python program to create series from a scalar value.

4 Write a python program to create series from a dictionary.

5 Write a python program to demonstrate numpy array supports vectorized operation unlike lists.

6 Write a python program to print Series elements based on condition.

7 Write a python program to check which elements satisfy given criteria and to access elements based on
given condition.
8 Write a python program to create series and use tail() function for accessing 2 elements from end.

9 Write a python program to modify an element in series.

10 Write a python program to create DataFrame from a 2D List.

11 Write a python program to create DataFrame and assign column labels.

12 Write a python program to create a numpy array from a 2D List.

13 Write a python program to create DataFrame from a dictinary of List.

14 Write a python program to create DataFrame from series.

15 Write a python program to create DataFrame from a list of dictionary.

16 Write a python program to access elements from a DataFrame.

17 Write a python program to create 2 DataFrame and use append() function for concatenating both.
18 Write a python program to print employee names whose salary>53000.

19 Write a python program to find mean of elements of a DataFrame column-wise.

20 Write a python program to draw line chart in black color and line format should be dashed.

21 Write a python program to draw line chart having color=’cyan’ , marker type=diamond and line
style=’dashed’. Assign graph-title and labels to X-axis and Y-axis.
22 Write a python programs to draw 2 line charts in same figure.
23 Write a python program to draw 2 line charts in same figure and use loc attribute for adding description
to both line charts.
24 Write a python program to draw bar chart. Use color, width and align attribute.

25 Write a python program that can output given bar chart.

26 Write a python program to draw 2 bar graphs in same figure and use legend() for adding description to
both bar graphs.
27 We have year-wise production of wheat, pulse and potato. Write python code for drawing bar chart. Use
appropriate title, x-axis label, y-axis labels.
28 Write a python program to create histogram and assign title, x-axis label, y-axis labels.
29 Write a python program to create histograms and use bins, facecolor, edge color attribute.

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