The Physics of Ice Cream
The Physics of Ice Cream
The Physics of Ice Cream
To cite this article: Chris Clarke 2003 Phys. Educ. 38 248 - Effect of Dairy and Non-Dairy Ingredients
on the Physical Characteristic of Ice
Cream: Review
Andreas Romulo, Bayu Meindrawan and
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Almost everybody likes ice cream, so it can provide an excellent vehicle for
discussing and demonstrating a variety of physical phenomena, such as
Newton’s law of cooling, Boyle’s law and the relationship between
microstructure and macroscopic properties (e.g. Young’s modulus).
Furthermore, a demonstration of freezing point depression can be used to
make ice cream in the classroom!
(Some figures in this article are in colour only in the electronic version)
The main ingredients of ice cream are water, stabilize the emulsion with a surfactant. There
milk protein, fat, sugar, flavour (e.g. strawberries, are two types of surfactant in ice cream: milk
vanilla or chocolate) and a substantial amount proteins (e.g. casein) and emulsifiers (e.g. mono-
of air. But simply mixing these and placing diglycerides or lecithin from egg yolks or soy
them in your freezer does not produce good ice beans). Next, the mix is cooled down to about
cream. How the ingredients are put together is 5 ◦ C, below the melting point of the fat, which
crucial. We can see why this is so by looking at begins to crystallize. This is known as ageing.
ice cream at a microscopic level, i.e. on length So now we have created one component of the
scales of 1 µm to 1 mm. Figure 1 is a scanning microstructure—the fat droplets. The reason why
electron micrograph of ice cream, which reveals a we need small, partly crystalline fat droplets will
complex microstructure of ice crystals (about 30% become apparent in the next stage of manufacture,
by volume) and air bubbles (50%) held together by when the mix is converted into ice cream by
a viscous sugar solution (15%). Close inspection aerating and freezing it.
of the air bubbles shows some tiny features on It is reputed that Mongolian horsemen on
their surface—these are fat droplets (5%). The journeys across the Gobi desert in winter were the
texture that you experience when you eat ice first to make ice cream by simultaneous aeration
cream depends on the size of the ice crystals and freezing. Their provisions of cream stored in
and air bubbles; for example, large ice crystals animal intestines were vigorously shaken as they
make the ice cream icy and gritty. To make good galloped, and frozen at the same time by the sub-
quality ice cream, it is necessary to create a fine zero temperatures. Ice cream is no longer made
microstructure. And to do this, you need to know by this method, but is based on the same principle
about lots of different aspects of physics. of simultaneous aeration and freezing.
So how do you form the microstructure? In an The first ice cream-making machines ap-
ice cream factory, the ingredients are first blended peared in the 19th century. They consisted of a bar-
in the correct quantities and this mix is pasteurized rel in which the ingredients were placed. A mix-
to kill any harmful micro-organisms. Next, the ture of ice and salt was packed around the outside
mix is homogenized, which breaks the fat globules or bottom of the barrel, and the mix was churned
down into an emulsion of small droplets (< 1 µm). by turning a handle. The freezers you find in an
To keep the fat droplets small it is necessary to ice cream factory today are remarkably similar in
Figure 1. A scanning electron micrograph of ice cream (courtesy of M Kirkland, Unilever R & D Colworth). The
scale bar is 100 µm. Ice crystals, air bubbles and sugar solution are marked. The fat droplets are too small to be
seen at this magnification.
Amount of ice
NaCl crystals
Temperature (°C)
+ saltwater
Ice +
–21.1 Viscosity
Ice +
NaCl crystals
0 23.3 100
Inlet Outlet
Weight % NaCl Distance along barrel
Figure 3. The phase diagram for salt–water mixtures. Figure 4. The temperature, ice content and viscosity
of ice cream as it passes through the freezer.
becomes saturated (i.e. no more can be dissolved)
so that the freezing point cannot be depressed any increases as the volume fraction (φ) of solid (in
further. this case, ice) increases. Einstein proposed the
Newton’s law of cooling states that the equation that describes this:
temperature difference between the refrigerant (Tr )
and the mix (Tic ) determines the rate at which it η = η0 (1 + 2.5φ).
cools down:
This approximation works for small solid volume
dTic fractions (another term is needed to account
∝ (Tr − Tic ).
dt correctly for higher volume fractions). The result
of the increase of the viscosity means that the
Thus the colder the refrigerant, the faster the mix becomes harder to beat—and the power
ice cream is cooled down. Whilst the coldest needed to rotate the dasher is greater. This
refrigerant available to the Victorians was about extra energy is dissipated in the ice cream as
−20 ◦ C, today ice cream factories typically use heat. Eventually, when the temperature of the
liquid ammonia at −30 ◦ C, and ice cream making ice cream reaches about −5 ◦ C, the energy input
is much faster. In fact, Newton’s law of cooling through the dasher equals the energy removed
explains why the world record for the fastest ice as heat by the refrigerant, and it is not possible
cream ever made used liquid nitrogen at −196 ◦ C to cool the ice cream any further: the process
[1]. becomes self-limiting. At −5 ◦ C, the ice
At the same time that the ice cream is frozen, cream is too soft for further processing, such as
air is injected, forming large bubbles, which are covering it in chocolate, and the microstructure
broken down into many smaller ones by the beating is unstable. Therefore the ice cream is extruded
of the dasher (figure 2). The fat droplets and milk from the freezer and cooled rapidly (‘hardened’)
proteins adsorb to the surface of the air bubbles and by blowing air at about −40 ◦ C over it in an
help to stabilize them, in the same way that the milk enclosed chamber. After hardening, the ice cream
protein and emulsifiers stabilize the fat droplets. is packaged, and is transported from the factory
Since the fat droplets are partially crystalline, to the shop. Having successfully created the
they form a strong, rigid coating, which prevents microstructure of ice crystals, fat droplets and air
collapse of the air bubbles. bubbles in the freezer, the next challenge is to
As the ice cream passes through the freezer, its preserve it through the distribution system so that
temperature drops, and more ice is formed. This it reaches the consumer in perfect condition.
is shown in figure 4. Ice cream is very sensitive to temperature: if
The viscosity of the ice cream also increases, it warms up too much, it will melt. However,
for two reasons. Firstly, the viscosity of the liquid even at temperatures below the melting point,
(η0 ) increases as it gets colder. Secondly, the its quality can deteriorate due to changes
viscosity of a suspension of solid particles (η) in the microstructure. The microstructure
Pressure (atm)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000
tells us that V2 is 0.77 litres! This could lead to a volume is smaller. A very neat solution would be
number of problems. Obviously 0.5 litres of ice, to create a microstructure in which the air structure
sugar and fat and 0.77 litres of air cannot fit in is continuous (like a sponge) rather than in discrete
a 1 litre tub. Thus the lid of the tub could get bubbles, so that it could flow in and out as the
blown off. There are also consequences for the pressure changes. However, this is technically
structure of the ice cream. The air bubbles will very challenging!
expand as the external pressure decreases. The Having preserved the microstructure through
rest of the ice cream may be able to expand with the distribution system, the ice cream finally
them to some extent, but there will come a point reaches the consumer in perfect condition. This
when the expansion ruptures the air bubbles. As is not the end of the physics, however. The
they burst, the air can escape from the ice cream, microstructure of the ice cream determines its
resulting in collapse of the whole structure, and an texture—for example whether it is hard, soft or
unappetizing mess for the consumer! One possible chewy when you eat it. Ice cream scientists
solution is to put in less air, so that the change in need to understand the relationship between
F/2 F/2
7 16.6%
6 28.5%
Force (N)
5 37.5%
4 50.0%
δ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Displacement (mm)
F/2 F/2
Figure 8. Force–displacement curves from the
four-point bend test for ice cream samples with air
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of the four-point bend volume fractions from 16.6% to 50.0%.
eat some ice cream, think of Newton, Einstein,
microstructure and texture, and the way that we Ostwald, Boyle and Young—and all the physics
do this is to ask how soft and how chewy it is— that has gone into making and eating it!
i.e. to measure its mechanical properties, such as
the Young’s modulus. To do this, we often use an Received 14 February 2003
PII: S0031-9120(03)59581-8
experiment called a four-point bend test.
Four bars hold a standard size block of ice
cream as shown in figure 7. The top two are fixed, Reference
while the bottom two are slowly moved upwards. [1] Guinness World Records 2002 Guinness Book of
The force (F ) required to move them is measured Records 2002 p 266
and plotted against the resulting displacement (δ).
Figure 8 shows a series of such curves for four Further information
ice cream samples that contain a range of different An excellent website on ice cream can be found at:
volume fractions of air from 16.6% to 50.0%.
All the curves have the same shape, but the
initial slope, the maximum force and displacement
increase as the volume fraction of air is reduced.
The initial slope is directly related to the Young’s
modulus (through the dimensions of the sample). Chris Clarke is a research scientist who
studies colloidal and crystallization
It is clear that reducing the air content makes the ice phenomena in ice cream at Unilever
cream much harder. Other mechanical properties R & D Colworth. He is currently writing
can be related to textures—for example, the work a book entitled The Science of Ice Cream
which will be published by the Royal
of fracture (i.e. the area under the curve in figure 8) Society of Chemistry in 2004 (see
relates to the ‘chewiness’. So the next time you for details).