Science Weekly Learning Plan Complete
Science Weekly Learning Plan Complete
Science Weekly Learning Plan Complete
Science 60
Subject Week 1 Duration Form Year 1
Exploring Materials Sub- Science and Materials in Nature
Content Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of science
Standard and show how they are applied in everyday life.
Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and aligned to the
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Riddle! Riddle! Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 1: Recall
I am something. Introduction:(e.g10 Introduction: (10 minutes) 1. Explain
The longer I minutes) reliability
grow, the In mixed ability groups, nature of
shorter I Discuss the overview learners discuss the overview of science.
become. of the science and its the science and its importance 2. List and
What am I? importance using talk- explain four
Demonstrate for-learning. characteristics
with a burning Teacher Activity 1: Learning Activity 1: (E.g.15 of science in
candle. (E.g.15 minutes) minutes) nature.
2.Drill learners Put learners in mixed- Encourage learners to reflect 3. Describe how
to mention the ability groups to and cross-share their opinions characteristics
key words discuss some on the lesson through group of science in
correctly and characteristics of presentations. nature can be
find out from science in nature applied.
learners what using inquiry base
lesson for today activities. E.g., •
will be e.g., Empirical,
various replication.
characteristics systematic,
of science. consistency,
(E.g. 5minuntes predictability, validity,
for any starter experimentation,
recording, etc.
Engage learners in
different hands-on Learning Activity 2: (E.g.15
activities to minutes)
demonstrate Ask for further clarification
characteristics of on the characteristics of
science e g. Measuring science in mixed ability
volumes of water, coin groups.
burn experiment,
you choose.) separating iron filings
from water/ powder/
sand, testing the use of
Teacher Activity 2:
(E.g.15 minutes)
Summarize the
characteristics of
science from their
Lesson Closure
Activity (E.g.10 minutes)
How does the process of replication contribute to the reliability of scientific findings?
Core Science 60
Subject Week 2 Duration Form Year1
Exploring Sub-
Strand Science and Materials in Nature
Materials Strand
Content Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of science
Standard and show how they are applied in everyday life.
Keynotes on Differentiation
a. Identify at least three project designed using the characteristics of
Content b. Explain empirical knowledge involves in designing a project.
c. Design a project work which can be used to solve a particular problem
in your school.
Activity 3
Activity 3
In groups design a project
In mixed - and explain the essential
ability groups knowledge and skills based
learners on the characteristics of
watch videos science.
on how
projects have
been design
using the
and skills.
Lesson Closure
Collaborative learning
Pedagogical Demonstration
Strategies Project-based learning
Research method
Poster pictures showing scenarios in which the characteristics of
science are displayed. (E.g.
Teaching &
Learning Resources
projects/project-ideas/list ).
Internet source
Lesson Closure
Activity (15 minutes)
How did your knowledge of the characteristics of science helpto control soil erosion to improve
agriculture activities?
Science Weekly Learning Planner
Subject Science Week 4 Duration 60 minutes Form Year1
Collaborative learning
Activity-based learning
Research method
Nature walk
Talk- for learning
Internet resources such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs);
Teaching &
Learning Projectors
Solid substances such as iron nails, plastic bottles, stones etc,.
Activity 3 (10min)
Teacher put class into smaller
groups offour taking into
consideration their mixed Activity 3 (10min)
abilities, and assign them Explain metals, non-metals
tasks on metals, non-metals and metalloids.
and metalloids.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Teacher concludes the lesson by summarizing the main types of Metals, non-metals, and metalloids.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
How will the knowledge on properties of solids contribute to the manufacture of 21 st
century products?
Solid, solid, firm, and strong with a shape and never changes long, firm and fixed the same
all the day
Reflection & Remarks
Science Weekly Learning Planner
Science Year
Subject Week 6 Duration 60 minutes Form
Exploring Materials Sub- Science and Materials in Nature
Content Standard Know, understand, and identify the roles of solids in life
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points discussed and highlight on the importance of osmosis in common daily
Reflection & Remarks
Was I able to integrate 21 century skills, GESI and SEL in my lesson?
Were the resources enough for the lesson?
The learners were able to demonstrate osmosis using local materials and give examples of daily application
of osmosis.
Teaching &
Videos of flower and pollination, Pictures flower and pollination, Flowers, fruits
Learning and seeds ,Vegetative parts of plants such as corm, rhizome, suckers,
stem cuttings and bulbs, Videos showing propagation in plants,
Resources projectors and other ICT resources
Key notes on Differentiation
a) State the types of reproduction in plants.
Content b) Explain the functions of at least three parts of a flower.
c) Create two models of the vegetative parts of plants.
a) Learners brainstorm the two types of reproduction in plants with the help
of the teacher.
b) The use of role plays to describe the parts and functions of a flowering
c) In groups learners research and create two models of the vegetative parts
of a plant.
a) Accept oral or written response to the types of reproduction in plants.
b) Accept oral and written response to describe parts and functions of the
parts of a flowering plant.
c) Accept self -crafted the two models of vegetative parts of plants.
Keywords Fusion, nodes, bud, spore, fragmentation, gametes, asexual, etc.
DoK aligned
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and to the
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum
and Subject
Learners are to Teacher Activities Learner Activities
carefully observe the Activity 1(10mins) Activity 1(10 mins) Level 1
parts of some plants Visit the school farm. Mention at
on the school farm. Using experiential Observe and write down the least 3 parts
learning ,allow learners to take parts of some plants and of plants
a gallery walk to the school present them in class. used for
farm to observe and write the vegetative
parts of some plants. propagation.
Level 2
budding and
grafting as
methods of
Activity 2(10mins) Activity2(10 mins)
Put learners in mixed groups In their groups, use role
(gender, ability, socio-economic play to describe the parts of
Level 3
background, etc) and use Role plants observed on the
Describe with
play to describe the parts of the school farm and present
the aid of a
plants observed on the school their responses.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Teacher guides learners to answer some questions from all the activities done during the lesson:
What are the two types of reproduction in plants?
Describe the process of fertilization in flowering plants?
Learners were able to describe reproduction in plants.
a). In a mixed gender group, think .pair and share the organs
of reproductive system
Process b) using think -pair-share,discuss at least three hormones in
each reproductive organ
c) Using collaborative methods,model and describe at least
three parts of female\male reproductive system
Product a) . create a label chart of the female reproductive system and
male reproductive system
b) Describe the structure of female reproductive system
c) Explain and give the function each of five parts of female
reproductive system
Glands, sperm, hormone, fertilization, embryo,
accessory,menstruation ovulation etc.
DoK How is testosterone produced
aligned to it impact male reproductiv
Starter the Describe the female reprodu
Curriculum Draw the male reproduct
and Subject
brainstorm learners
about the myth of
Explain the reproductive system and show how that can be used to
Learning address reproduction-related issues(teenage pregnancy, STI,
Indicator(s) reproductive health) to address challenges of adolescent
reproductive health.
Question(s) linked a) Which better way can I equip my learners to understand reproduction?
to the Knowledge b) How can sexually related issues be resolved through reproduction
Hierarchy aligned education?
with the Content c) How can the knowledge and understanding of reproduction treat STIs
Standards and in our homes
Collaborative learning
Pedagogical Talk-for-learning approaches
Strategies Demonstration
Lesson Closure
Activity (5 minutes)
Clear myths, mis-informatin about STIs
Reflection & Remarks
a).Was the lesson inspiring to the learners?
b.what other way can I do it to be more inspiring?
c. What did not go well ?
d. Which new way can I teach it to be well with learners?
Collaborative learning,
Talk-for-learning approaches,
a) Using videos and chats, the steps and materials used in generating electricity
using panel.
Activity2. Activity 2.
Use the ICT lab for learners to From the videos and
watch short videos and audio-visual charts, list some of the
chats on how electricity is generated steps and precautions
using solar panel. involves in the
generation of electricity
mention a more from the solar panel. Explain the
effective power steps
source. Activity 3. Activity 3. involves in
In group present how the solar Present to the class how generating
Suggested panels are more efficient in efficient solar panels impact electricity
Answers. electricity generation more generation of using solar
Learners shout electricity in the panel.
to show their community.
appointment What are
after the lights Lesson Closure some of the
Explain the impact of solar panel and why it is mostly used in your community.
Content Demonstrate understanding of forms of energy, sources, their generation and effects
Standard on the environment.
Learning Relate forms of energy to their sources and their generation
Learning Design and build Solar panel using locally available materials.
linked to the
Hierarchy 3. How will I create a positive and engaging environment that fosters learner’s
aligned with creativity and curiosity in designing a solar panel using locally available material?
the Content
Standards and 2. What local materials are available for the building of a solar panel in this
Learning community?
3. How do these local materials aid in the processes of designing the solar panel
Collaborative learning
Talk-for-learning approaches
Think-pair share
Project-based approach
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
1. Explain the processes in designing the solar panel
2. Teacher summarizes the lessons on solar panels
3. Read on how solar panels are built
Reflection & Remarks
1. How well was the lesson delivery?
2. Were learners able to identify local materials which can be used for designing solar panels?
1. Learners were able to design the solar panels in their groups
Science Weekly Learning Planner
Subject Science Week 15 Duration 60 minutes Form Year 1
Strand Vigour Behind Life Sub-Strand Powering the future with energy forms.
Content Demonstrate understanding of forms of energy, sources, their generation and effects
Standard on the environment.
Learning Relate forms of energy to their sources and their generation
Learning Design and build Solar panel using locally available materials.
Question(s) a. What pedagogical strategies and materials will be most effective for teaching
linked to the the design and building of solar panels using local materials.
Knowledge b. Why should your communityencourage the building solar panels from local
Hierarchy materials?
aligned with c. Howcan different solar panels built from local materials be put together as a
the Content single functioning unit?
Standards and d. How can I ensure at each stagethat the solar panel built from local materials
Learning actually works?
Collaborative learning, Talk-for-learning approaches, Demonstration,
Pedagogical Think-pair share, Project-based approach
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
One group gives oral description of the processes used to build solar panels from local materials.
Provide additionalreferences for further exploration to students.
Reflection & Remarks
1. Were introverts encouraged enough to take part in the activities?
2. Did I take adequate measures to protect students from dangers posed by the materials used in
building the panel?
3. Could I have obtained enough materials for students to work individually?
Teaching & cardboard
Toy car
Key notes on Differentiation
a. Concise definition of distance, speed, velocity, and acceleration
b. How does a change in force affect the velocity and acceleration of an
Content object in motion?
c. How can the concepts of distance, velocity, speed, and acceleration be
used to design safety features for vehicles?
a. In groups learners discuss definition of distance, speed, velocity, and
acceleration on based motion demonstrated in the class.
b. Learners watch video of an athlete in a hundred-meter race and list the
force experienced by the athlete.
c. In groups learners discuss safety measures that can be designed in vehicles
using distance, speed, velocity and acceleration.
a. Accept oral or written definition of distance, speed, velocity, and
b. Learners can show the effect of force on velocity and acceleration through
oral description, written explanation or graphical illustration.
c. Practical demonstrations, charts, diagrams can be used to describe the how
the concepts studied are used to design safety measures in vehicles.
Keywords Force, velocity, speed, acceleration
DoK aligned to
Starter the Curriculum
and Subject
Present a short Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 2:
video on a car Introduction (7 Skills of
speeding down a mins) conceptu
slope and crashing 1. Lead learners in 1. Discuss and make a list al
to kill the mixed-ability groups of common words understan
passengers in it. to discuss and write associated with the ding
Let learners do a common words video watched.
silent reflection on associated with the
video watched.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
1. One group provides written definitions of distance, speed, velocity, and acceleration and
presents it on card bord to the class.
2. Another group presents a diagram showing the relationship between the concepts.
3. Write the concepts that will be covered in the next lesson on the board as reading assignment.
Reflection & Remarks
1. Did the differentiation strategies cater for the needs of different ability groups?
2. Were the relations between the concepts clearly established?
Collaborative learning
Talk-for-learning approaches
Activity-based learning
Teaching &
Capacitor, LED, transistors, resistors, diodes, switches
Learning Pictures/charts/videos of simple amplifiers.
Key notes on Differentiation
Content a) Identify at least three electronic component and their uses?
b) Explain at least three electronic component and their symbols?
c) Design and explain a circuit involving a transistor and a switch?
a) In pairs, identify electronic component and their uses?
b) In small group, explain electronic component and symbols?
Process c) Collaborative learning, design and explain a circuit involving transistor
and switch?
a) Accept oral response of at least three electronic component and their uses
b) Accept written and drawing response to explain the uses and symbolsof
Product electronic. components
c) Accept a model showing the design and explain a circuit involving a
transistor and switch.
Keywords Households, convert, restrict, signals, components, etc.
DoKaligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and
Starter the Curriculum
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
and Subject
3min Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 4:
Teacher using Introduction (5 min) Introduction (5 min) Extended
smart board to critical
play a song Show videos of basic Watch videos of the
through in-built electronic components electronic component reasoning
speaker to the whole class.
1. In whole class, ask Activity 1 (10min) a) Design
learners to mention at circuits
least three electronic 1. Mention at least three involving
electronic components transistors
componentsfrom the
watched from the video and
video watched
and present their switches
Activity 2 (15min) responses
b) Draw
2. Guides learners to Activity 2 (15min)
think-pair and share to of four
come out with symbols 2. Use think- pair and electronic
of electronic share to come out with componen
componentsobserved thedrawings of the
from the video. symbols of electronic
component derived
Activity 3 (20min) from the video and
present their feedback
3. In pairs, guide learners on the marker board.
to design and explain a
circuit involving a
transistor and a switch. Activity 3 (20min)
3. In pairs, design and
explaina circuit
involving a transistor
anda switch for the
whole class
Lesson Closure
Activity (7 minutes) Reinforce the practical applications of electronic components in everyday life and
suggest their significance in making various devices function effectively.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes) summarise the key points and highlight the important aspect of the strands
Collaborative learning
Pedagogical Talk-for-learning approaches
Strategies Demonstration
Invite a resource person
Public Address system
Teaching & Resource person
Learning Pictures/videos of humans suffering from lifestyle diseases
Resources Charts of diseases
Health Journals
Key notes on Differentiation
a). What is meant bylifestyle diseases
Content b). Identify the types of lifestyle diseases and explain 3 of them
c). Explain the causes of lifestyle diseases and how they can be prevented
a). Identify the symptoms of cardiovascular disease
b). Explain the role of physical activity in managing and preventing
cardiovascular disease
c). Explain how dietary changes can be made to manage lifestyle diseases
a. Accept a list of at least four types of diseases
b. Accept oral responses of at least 3 causes of lifestyle diseases
Product c. Oral presentation that outlines the role of physical activity in managing
and preventing cardiovascular disease
Lesson Closure
(5 minutes)Teacher reviews the lesson through question and answer: state and explain four causes
of lifestyle diseases.
Learners were able to come out with causes and preventive measures of lifestyle diseases.
Remarks: Learners were able to explain what are drugs and their effects on humans
Content Demonstrate understanding of the process of local soap making and design methods of producing so
Standard purposes for income generation.
Produce local soap in the community.
Learning Describe the process of local soap production using technology devices.
Question(s) a. How can I use real-world applications to make the lesson more relevant?
linked to the b. How can technological tools be used effectively in various stages of soap production
Knowledge c. How can digital platforms be used to promote and sell locally produced soaps?
Hierarchy d. What smart packaging solutions can be integrated in local soap production to enhan
aligned with the experience?
Standards and
Collaborative learning, Talk-for-learning/ brainstorm, Demonstration, Field trip
Writing materials
Teaching & Camera.
Learning Voice recording device
Resources Journal from field trip
Internet sources (, https://www.youtub
Key notes on Differentiation
a) Processes of local soap production
Content b) Explanation of processes involved in local soap production
c) Application of technologies involved in the production of local soap
a) Use mixed-ability grouping, assigning specific roles to learners in their groups to
process of local soap production(oral or written )
b) Use discussion methods to explain at leastthree processes involved in local soap p
technology (oral or written )
c) Demonstrate how to prepare at least three local soap using technology
a) Accept responses to at least four process of local soap production (accept oral or wr
b) Accept explanations to at least three processes involved in local soap production u
(oral or written )
c) Accept at least preparation of three local soap
Keywords Local, devices, measurements, emulsification, mixing, etc.
Starter (10 Assessment DoK alig
minutes) Curriculum and Subj
Let learners Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 2: Skills of conc
watch videos on understanding
production(take minutes) minutes)
into Let learners review key Review key concepts and
concepts and important processes of local soap
processes from the videos. production from the video
Have learners list the
processes from the video.
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt about local soap p
feedback and summarize the lesson.
Reflection & Remarks
a) Identify at least 5 key ingredients needed for making local soap?(accept ora
Product b) Explain at least three steps in making local soap. (accept oral or written res
c) Discuss the safety measures with regards to each step that should be taken d
experiment. (accept oral or written response)
Keywords Types, molds, accurate, ingredients, etc.
The Memory Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 4: Ext
Game(5 minutes) INTRODUCTION (15 minutes) INTRODUCTION: (15 and reasoni
Start off by showing Review learners knowledge from minutes)
learners as many previous lesson in respect to the Learners recall and reinforce
How are some l
starter (acknowledge and respect information from previous
learners views) lesson (orally or written)
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Learners summarize key findings, noting any unexpected results (consider suggestions for improvem
exploration in similar experiments) orally or written
Content Standard Explore the production of an indigenous food (gari, akyeke, yakeyake. kenkey [Ga or Fante], abol
Learning Outcome(s) Conduct a project on the production of an indigenous food and produce a report
Learning Investigate the production of an indigenous food to identify the science underlying the sta
Essential Question(s)
linked to the 1. How willI use various pedagogical skills to help learnersproducean indigenous foo
Knowledge 2. Howwill the learnersuse various activities the production an indigenous food in the
Hierarchy aligned
with the Content 3. How can the knowledge gained in the production indigenous food be used to ident
Standards and production?
Learning Indicators