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Science Weekly Learning Plan

Science 60
Subject Week 1 Duration Form Year 1
Exploring Materials Sub- Science and Materials in Nature
Content Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of science
Standard and show how they are applied in everyday life.

Learning Evaluate the characteristics of science

Learning Explain the various characteristics of science in nature
Question(s) a. Carefully observe daily scientific principles and explain the
linked to the characteristics of science applied within.
Hierarchy b. How do you create a chart using the characteristics of science?
aligned with
c. How do you apply the characteristics of science, in measuring the
the Content
volume of water using a measuring cylinder?
Standards and
Learning d. In what ways can I integrate the cross-cutting themes- 21st century
Indicators skills, GESI, SEL and National values in teaching the various
characteristics of science in nature.

Talk for learning approach, Inquiry-based method, Think- pair- share,

Demonstration/ practical activity, Collaborative learning, discussion method.

 Measuring cylinder, Beaker, Funnel, Litmus paper, Water, vinegar,

metre rule, Projector,
Teaching &  Internet resources such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
 Poster pictures showing scenarios in which the characteristics of science are
displayed. (E.g.
and )

Key notes on Differentiation

Content Listing five characteristics of science in nature.
Explanation of the characteristics of science.
Explanation and application of the characteristics of science.

The use of different pedagogical strategies such as, Talk-for-life Learning,

Think-pair-share, Collaborative learning, mixed gender, mixed ability
groups and using resources most appropriate to all learners in order to
meet their varied learning needs.
State 5 characteristics of science in nature. (Accept oral response/
written answers)
Briefly explain 5 characteristics of science in nature. (Accept oral
Product response/ written answers)
Briefly explain how the characteristics of science in nature can be applied in
daily life. (Accept oral response/ written answers)

Empirical, replication. systematic, consistency, predictability, validity,

Keywords Precision and accuracy.

Assessment DoK
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and aligned to the
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Riddle! Riddle! Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 1: Recall
I am something. Introduction:(e.g10 Introduction: (10 minutes) 1. Explain
The longer I minutes) reliability
grow, the In mixed ability groups, nature of
shorter I Discuss the overview learners discuss the overview of science.
become. of the science and its the science and its importance 2. List and
What am I? importance using talk- explain four
Demonstrate for-learning. characteristics
with a burning Teacher Activity 1: Learning Activity 1: (E.g.15 of science in
candle. (E.g.15 minutes) minutes) nature.
2.Drill learners Put learners in mixed- Encourage learners to reflect 3. Describe how
to mention the ability groups to and cross-share their opinions characteristics
key words discuss some on the lesson through group of science in
correctly and characteristics of presentations. nature can be
find out from science in nature applied.
learners what using inquiry base
lesson for today activities. E.g., •
will be e.g., Empirical,
various replication.
characteristics systematic,
of science. consistency,
(E.g. 5minuntes predictability, validity,
for any starter experimentation,
recording, etc.
Engage learners in
different hands-on Learning Activity 2: (E.g.15
activities to minutes)
demonstrate Ask for further clarification
characteristics of on the characteristics of
science e g. Measuring science in mixed ability
volumes of water, coin groups.
burn experiment,
you choose.) separating iron filings
from water/ powder/
sand, testing the use of
Teacher Activity 2:
(E.g.15 minutes)
Summarize the
characteristics of
science from their
Lesson Closure
Activity (E.g.10 minutes)
How does the process of replication contribute to the reliability of scientific findings?

Reflection & Remarks

E. g 5mins
1. What went well during the lesson delivery?
1. The learners were able to understand the characteristics of science in nature
2. The learners were able to explain application of characteristics of science in everyday

Core Science Weekly Learning Plan

Core Science 60
Subject Week 2 Duration Form Year1
Exploring Sub-
Strand Science and Materials in Nature
Materials Strand
Content Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of science
Standard and show how they are applied in everyday life.

Learning  Evaluate the characteristics of science

Learning  Design projects using the characteristics of science
Question(s) a) In what way can a project be designed using the characteristics
linked to the of science in everyday life activities and why?
Knowledge b) In what way can you use empirical knowledge to design a
Hierarchy project?
aligned with c) What project can you design using the characteristics of science
the Content and why?
Standards and
 Collaborative learning
 Demonstration
 Project-based learning
 Projectors
 Poster pictures showing scenarios in which the characteristics of
science are displayed. (E.g.
Teaching &
Learning of-science/and
Resources projects/project-ideas/list )
 Internet sources

Keynotes on Differentiation
a. Identify at least three project designed using the characteristics of
Content b. Explain empirical knowledge involves in designing a project.
c. Design a project work which can be used to solve a particular problem
in your school.

a) Brainstorm to bring out examples of projects designed based on the

characteristics of science.
b) Use video to explain the steps involves in designing project using the
c) In mixed-ability groups, learnersdesign aproject using the
characteristics of science.

Product 1. Mention at leastthree projects that can be design using the

characteristics of science(oral presentation)
2. Explain the steps involve in designing a projectto solve a problem in
your school using the characteristic of science.
3. How can the essential knowledge andskills based be usedto design a
project work to solve a problem in the school?
Design, project, characteristics, etc.
Assessment DoK
Starter Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and aligned to the
(5minutes) Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Review the Teacher Level 3 Strategic
Learner Activities
characteristics Activities reasoning
of science, Provide short a) Give three
highlighting videos on Watch samples of videos on examples of
observation, designed how projects are design based designed
questioning, projects based on the characteristics of projects that is
experimentation on the science. based on the
, and drawing characteristics characteristics
conclusions. of science for of science.
Emphasize the learners to
importance of watch. b) State the steps
designing a involves in
controlled Activity 1 Activity 1 designing a
experiment. project using
Guide Mention examples of the
learners to projects that can be design characteristics
brainstorm to using the characteristics of of science.
come out with science.
some of the c) Explain the
examples of role of
projects that empirical
can be design knowledgein a
using project using
characteristics the
of science.
Activity2 of science.
Activity 2

In groups, Discuss in groups and

learners present how to design a
discuss and project using the
present to the characteristics of science to
class how to solve problems.
design a
project using
of science to

Activity 3
Activity 3
In groups design a project
In mixed - and explain the essential
ability groups knowledge and skills based
learners on the characteristics of
watch videos science.
on how
projects have
been design
using the
and skills.
Lesson Closure

Activity (10 minutes)

Explain how you will use a project to solve a particular problem in your school.

Reflection & Remarks

1. What went on well
2. What will I do differently if I have the opportunity to teach the lesson again?
3. Did I use teaching and learning resources appropriately in the lesson?

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science Year
Subject Week 3 Duration 60 minutes Form
Exploring Materials Sub- Science and Materials in Nature
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of science
Content Standard and show how they are applied in everyday life.
Learning Evaluate the characteristics of science
Learning Apply the characteristics of science where appropriate
Question(s) linked a}.How will use your knowledge and skills obtain in the characteristics of
to the Knowledge science to solve a problemin their school?
Hierarchy aligned
with the Content b}. In what ways will you apply the knowledge gained on characteristics of
scienceto solve at least two problems in the community?
Standards and
Learning Indicators c}. Howwill learnersapply the characteristics of science in achieving
personal hygiene in the school?

 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Demonstration
Strategies  Project-based learning
 Research method
 Projectors
 Poster pictures showing scenarios in which the characteristics of
science are displayed. (E.g.
Teaching &
Learning Resources
projects/project-ideas/list ).
 Internet source

Key notes on Differentiation

a. Identify at least two causes of soil erosion in agriculture.
b. How will you prepare your favorite food in the kitchen using the skills
Content and characteristics of science in home and school.
c. Write a report on an identified problems in your community and use the
characteristics of science to solve it in education, industry and health.
a. Collaborative learning.
Process b. Activity-based learning.
c. Research method.
a. Accept orally,answer at least two causes of soilerosion inagriculture .
Product b. Accept oral or written answers from learners.
c. Accept at least two answers from learners.
Design, application, project, characteristics, breeding etc.
Starter Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Assessment
DoK aligned
to the
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum
and Subject
Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Level 3:
Introduction [10min] Introduction Strategic
Show pictures of
Put learners into mixed-ability Learners observe, study reasoning
some eroded areas
groups to identify the features, and later discuss in groups  Explain
using the
pictures and videos in the features and reliability
projectorand ask
connection to the lesson. characteristics of science nature of
learners to observe
in agriculture. science.
and write their view
down.  List and
Ask learners how explain
Teacher Activity-1 (15min) Learner Activity-1 (15min)
they felt about the four
Display different types of Learners observe the
videos and pictures.
pictures pertaining to soil images displayed, take characteri
erosion for learners to notes of their features and stics of
observe. later present their findings science in
in groups. nature.
 Describe
Teacher Activity-2 (15min) Learner Activity-2 (15min)
Guides learners to identify the
characteristics of science in Learners identify and characteri
the community using the talk- differentiate the types of stics of
for-learning approach. soil erosion displayed science in
based on their features nature can

Lesson Closure
Activity (15 minutes)
How did your knowledge of the characteristics of science helpto control soil erosion to improve
agriculture activities?

Reflection & Remarks

1. Was this my best moment?
2. Did I appropriately employ essential teaching strategies such as GESI, SEL and 21 st Century
Skills in the lesson?
3. Were learners able to apply the knowledge of characteristics of science in agriculture to solve
problems in everyday life

Science Weekly Learning Planner
Subject Science Week 4 Duration 60 minutes Form Year1

Strand Exploring Materials Sub- Science and Materials in Nature

Content Standard Know, understand, and identify the roles of solids in life

Learning  Explain the functions of solids in life.

Learning  Classify different solids and their uses.
Essential a. How will I help learners toexplainmetals?
Question(s) linked
to the Knowledge b. In what ways will you distinguishmetals from other non-metals?
Hierarchy aligned
with the Content
Standards and
c. How can you apply practical activity to demonstratesmetals, non-metals
and metalloid?

 Collaborative learning
 Activity-based learning
 Research method
 Nature walk
 Talk- for learning
 Internet resources such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs);
Teaching &
Learning  Projectors
 Charts
 Solid substances such as iron nails, plastic bottles, stones etc,.

Key notes on Differentiation

1. State at least three examples of metals?
2. Explain at least two distinguish metals from other non-metals?
3. Demonstratehow toapply practical activity to demonstrates metals, non-
metals and metalloids.
Process 1. Group working method, state three examples of metals?
2. Activity-based learning; distinguish metals from other non-metals?
3. Collaborative learning,demonstratehow rusting occurs in metals.
1. Accept oral response of at least three examples’metals.
Product 2. Accept written response todistinguish metals from other non-metals?
3. Accept written response to demonstrate how rusting occurs in metals.
Structures, ductility, lustre, malleability, tensile, periodic table, amorphous
solids, etc,.
DoK aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and
Starter the Curriculum
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
and Subject
Introduction  Level 2: Skills
(5min) of conceptual
Teacher review understanding
learners using the Give 3
first 20 element differences
discussed in between non-
metals and

Teacher Activities Learner Activities

Introduction (5min) Introduction (5min)
Teacher introduced the lesson Mention some examples of
using a flip chat of the metals element from the
periodic table and display on periodic table as shown.
the board.

Activity 1 (15min) Activity 1 (15min)

Through questions and Teacher guide learners
answer method teacher ask toidentify some metal
whole guide to introduce and element on the flip chat
identify some metal element display.
on the flip chat display.

Activity 2 (15min) Activity 2 (15min)

In small groups, ask learners Distinguish metals from
todistinguish metals from other non-metals?
other non-metals elements?

Activity 3 (10min)
Teacher put class into smaller
groups offour taking into
consideration their mixed Activity 3 (10min)
abilities, and assign them Explain metals, non-metals
tasks on metals, non-metals and metalloids.
and metalloids.

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Teacher concludes the lesson by summarizing the main types of Metals, non-metals, and metalloids.

Reflection & Remarks

Teacher reviews the lesson through oral questions and answers.
How will you use the knowledge of properties of metals and non-metals to take care of cooking
utensils at home.

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science 60
Subject Week 5 Duration Form Year 1
Exploring Sub-
Strand Science and Materials in Nature
Materials Strand
Content Know, understand, and identify the roles of solids in life
Learning  Explain the functions of solids in life.
Learning  Apply the properties of solids to everyday use
Question(s) 1. How will the use of ICT tools enhance learners’ understanding on how
linked to the the properties of materials influence their use in electronic devices?
Knowledge 2. How and why do the properties of materials change when they are
Hierarchy combined to create a new thing?
aligned with the 3. How does the flow of heat through materials affect their use in different
Content application?
Standards and
 Collaborative learning
 Activity-based learning
 Research method
 Demonstration

 Internet resources such as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs);

Teaching &  Laptop and projector, etc,.
 Charts
 Solid substances such as iron nails, plastic bottles, stones, conducting wire

Key notes on Differentiation

1. List four properties of different materials?
2. How are different materials identified using their properties?
3. Explain the relationship between metals and non-metals using their
1. Using individualized learning, learners brainstorm to come out with at
least five each of the properties of metals and non-metals.
2. In mixed ability groups learners research to explain at least four
properties of metals and non-metals
3. Through demonstration, learners explain using candle, cupper to explain
1. Orally accept at least threeproperties of metals, non-metals and semi
2. Accept oral or written explanation of why nonmetals are soluble using a
Product source of heat and a plastic bottle or candle.
3. Explain with a written experiment why metals are good conductors of

Keywords Solubility, binary, etc

Assessment DoK
Starter (5 Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and aligned to the
minutes) Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum and
Subject Manual
Solid, solid, firm Teacher Activity Learner Activity  Level 2: Skills of
and strong with a Introduction conceptual
shape and never (10minutes) understanding
changes long, Ask learners to look  Explain how the
round the classroom Look round the
and mention some classroom and list some
solid items found in solid items found in the
the classroom. classroom. Classify
Learners classify listed listed items into metals
items into metals and and non-metals

Activity 1(10 minutes) Activity

Using talk for learning 1(10minutes)Mention some
approachask learners properties of metals and
to mention the non-metals materials in
properties of both classroom.
metals andnon-metals.
Activity 2(10 minutes)
Ask learners in mixed
ability group to Activity 2(15 munites)
firm and fixed the identify and define In your mixed ability high tensile
same all the day. some common metals groups, define metals and strength of steel
based on their non-metals based on the contributes to its
properties properties given. usefulness in
bridges and buildi
Activity 3(15 minutes) ngs.
In pairsguide learners  Provide examples
to demonstrate the of everyday
effect of heat on metals Activity 3(15minutes) products that
and non-metals and In pairs, observe the utilize the
relate it to real life. demonstration of the effect
of heat on metals andnon-
conductivity of me
metals and brainstorm the
effect of heat on both metals tals.
and non-metals

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
How will the knowledge on properties of solids contribute to the manufacture of 21 st
century products?

Solid, solid, firm, and strong with a shape and never changes long, firm and fixed the same
all the day
Reflection & Remarks
Science Weekly Learning Planner
Science Year
Subject Week 6 Duration 60 minutes Form
Exploring Materials Sub- Science and Materials in Nature
Content Standard Know, understand, and identify the roles of solids in life

Learning  Explain the functions of solids in life.

Learning  Discuss the relationship between binary compounds, the composition of binary
Indicator(s) compounds and the names of compounds.
Question(s) linked 1. How are the properties of a compound determined by atoms and
to the Knowledge molecules?
Hierarchy aligned 2. How do compounds differ from mixture?
with the Content 3. What are the uses of compound in our everyday?
Standards and
 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Research method
 Demonstration
 Talk-for-learning approaches

 Internet resources such as Massive Open Online Courses

(MOOCs); (;;
 Projectors
Teaching &  Charts
Learning  Pictures of Binary compounds,
Resources  Equations and reaction equations
 Books and Journals.
 Videos on the relationship between binary compounds, chemical
equations, and names of compounds
 Models

Key notes on Differentiation

Content 1. How are compounds like water and methane?
2. How do compounds differ from pure element?
3. How can compounds be separated be separated in their component
1. How can you tell if a substance is a compound or a mixture?
2. How can you use chromatography to separate the to separate the
Process components of a compound?
3. How can you apply understanding of compounds to real world
1. How can you demonstrate the properties of compounds using a hand on
2. How can you use the computer simulation to explore the properties of
3. How can you use online resources to research to research the uses of
Keywords Binary, solubility, etc.
aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies
Starter the
to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
and Subject
Recitation of the 1st Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Leve
twenty elements. Introduction. (10 minutes) What are
Ask learners to re arrange the Re arrange the order of the
order of the elements one to the element one to implicati
thirteen. thirteen ons of
Activity 1(15minutes) Activity 1(15minutes) the
Learners, in a whole class In a Collaborative learning, relations
discuss the periodic table hip
discusses the periodic table
and form compounds out of it and form compound out of
it. ionic
Activity 2(15minutes) covalent
Activity 2 (15minutes) compou
Using a mixed ability Using a mixed ability
nds for
group(gender) ask learners group(gender). Discuss
todiscuses how these how these compounds
compounds were formed were formed ons,
Activity 3(15munites) Activity 3(15minutes) such as
Brainstorm learners to come Using the think pair in
out with reason why theses share learners come out medicine
compounds are useful to life. with these reasons. ,
Lesson Closure l 1: Recall
Activity (10 minutes)
How are compounds formed?
How applicable is compound to our daily life?
How can compounds be made dangerous if not properly used?

Reflection & Remarks

What will I do better when given another opportunity?

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science 60minute Year
Subject Week 7 Duration Form
s 1
Exploring Materials Sub- Science and Materials in Nature
Content Standard Know, understand, and identify the roles of solids in life

Learning  Explain the functions of solids in life.

Learning  Discuss the relationship between binary compounds, the composition of binary
Indicator(s) compounds and the names of compounds.
Essential a) How does atomic bonding determine the systematic nomenclature of
Question(s) linked binary compounds?
to the Knowledge b) What rules and conventions apply to naming binary compounds?
Hierarchy aligned c) How can I integrate technology into the lesson to enhance learners
with the Content learn the relationship between binary compounds, the composition of
Standards and binary compounds and the names of compounds?
Learning Indicators
 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Research method
 Demonstration
 Talk-for-learning approaches

Teaching &  Internet resources such as Massive Open Online Courses

Learning Resources (MOOCs); (;;
 Projectors
 Charts
 Pictures of Binary compounds,
 Equations and reaction equations
 Books and Journals.
 Videos on the relationship between binary compounds, chemical
equations, and names of compounds
 Models

Key notes on Differentiation

a) Give at least threeexamples of binary compounds.

b) Describe how the named binary compounds are formed.

c) Write a balanced chemical equation for the following;
a. Magnesium and Hydrochloric acid
b. Calcium and Chlorine

a) In small groups give at least three examples of binary compounds

b) Think- pair- share describe how the named binary compounds are
c) Collaborative learning, use concepts to write balanced chemical
equations for the given reagents.

a) Accept oral response of at least three examples of binary compounds.

b) Accept written response to describe how the named binary compounds
are formed.
c) Accept a model and written response for writing balanced chemical

Combustion, decomposes, charges, anion, cation, calculate, peroxides, peroxides,

prefixes etc.
aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies
Starter the
to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
and Subject
(5 minutes) Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 3:
Teacher plays music Introduction (5 minutes) Introduction (5 minutes) Strategic
to learners using a  Show a video on formation of  Watch the video on reasoning
potable music box. ions and bonding. formation of ions and 1. Describe
bonding. the formation
of aluminium
Activity 1 (10 minutes) Activity 1 (10 minutes) oxide.
Using question and answers, ask Give at least three 2. Write a
learners to give at least three examples of binary balanced
examples of binary compounds compounds from the video
from the video watched. watched and present to the
class on the board.

Activity 2(15 minutes) Activity 2 (15minutes)

Using think- pair- share method, Brainstorm and come out
ask learners to brainstorm and with how ions are formed
come out with how ions are watched from the video
formed from the video watched. and present findings on the chemical
board. equation
Activity 3(15 minutes) between the
In mixed groups (gender, abilities, Activity 3 (15 minutes) following;
socio- economic background etc.) Write balanced chemical a.
task learners to write balanced equations for given Magnesium
chemical equations for given reactants and present on and
reactants. the board. Hydrochloric
Lesson Closure acid.

Activity (10 minutes)

Conclude the lesson by recapping on formation of binary compounds.

Reflection & Remarks

Give two differences between ionic and covalent compounds.
Write a balanced chemical equation between sodium and oxygen gas. the lesson through written tests.
Give two differences ionic and covalent compounds
Write a balance chemical equation between sodium and o

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Subject Science Week 8 Duration 60 minutes Form Year 1

Strand Processes For Living Sub- Essentials For Survival

Demonstrate understanding, appreciation and model the movement of substances in biotic
Content Standard and abiotic media

Learning  Appreciate the movement of substances in biotic and abiotic media.

Learning  Design, model and explain the process of osmosis and indicate its application to
Indicator(s) everyday life.
Question(s) linked a) How will I use pedagogical strategies to explain solute concentration and
to the Knowledge solvent movement in the process of osmosis?
Hierarchy aligned b) In at least three ways explain how osmosisis used in food preservation?
with the Content c) How are osmotic principles considered in the formulation of intravenous
Standards and solutions in medical settings?
 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Demonstration/ activity-based learning approach
Strategies  Talk-for-learning approaches

 Video Clips/2. Internet resources such as

Teaching &
Learning  Potassium Permanganate crystals,
Resources  Table salt/sugar, Water, Bowl, etc.
 Cellophane or any suitable substance available.
 Yam tissue, potato tissue or any suitable substance available.
Key notes on Differentiation
a) Explain osmosis and indicate at least three factors that affect the rate of this
Content b) Identify at least three daily activities that highlights the importance of osmosis in
human lives
c) Explain with designs and models the role of osmosis in urine formation.
a) Brainstorming
Process b) Activity- based learning, Group work and presentation.
c) Activity- based learning, Group work and presentation.
a) Accept oral and written response answers to three factors that affect the rate of
b) Accept oral, written and demonstrations as response to at least three daily
activities that highlight the importance of osmosis in humans.
c) Accept oral response and models only in demonstrating the role of osmosis in
urine formation.
Keywords Equilibrium, permeable, semi-permeable membrane, passive, etc.
DoK aligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies
Starter the Curriculum
to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
and Subject
(5 minutes) Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 3: Strategic
Teacher tells a short Introduction (5 minutes) Introduction (5 minutes) reasoning
 Show a video on solute  Watch the video on
concentration and movement solute concentration and
of solutes. movement of solutes.

Activity 1(15 minutes) Activity 1 (15 minutes)

 Using think- pair- share  Define osmosis and
method, ask learners to state the factors that
brainstorm and come out with affect the rate of
definition of osmosis and state osmosis and present the
the factors that affect the rate answers on the board.
of osmosis.

Activity 2(15 minutes) Activity 2 (15 minutes)

 Put learners in mixed groups  Design a simple model
about addition of
(gender, abilities, socio- osmosis with provided
excess salt to his soup. 1. Explain two
economic background etc.) to materials and present to
applications of
design simple modelsof the class. osmosis.
osmosiswith provided 1.

Activity 3 (10 minutes) Activity 3 (10 minutes) 2.

 Still in their groups,ask  Discuss your modelsin
learnersto discuss their Activity 2and relate
modelsin Activity 2and relate your findings to urine
their findings to urine formation.

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Summarize the key points discussed and highlight on the importance of osmosis in common daily
Reflection & Remarks
Was I able to integrate 21 century skills, GESI and SEL in my lesson?
Were the resources enough for the lesson?
The learners were able to demonstrate osmosis using local materials and give examples of daily application
of osmosis.

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Subject Science Week 9 Duration 60 minutes Form Year1
Processes For Living Sub- Essentials For Survival
Content Standard Demonstrate understanding, appreciation and model the movement of substances in biotic and a
Learning  Appreciate the movement of substances in biotic and abiotic media.
Learning  Explain the concept of diffusion and its application in life.
Question(s) linked 1. What phenomenon makes it possible for the smooth transport of minerals and bi
to the Knowledge which are needed for survival?
Hierarchy aligned 2. How do root hairs absorb nutrients and distribute it to other parts of the plant.
with the Content 3. How is technology applied in demonstrating gaseous exchange that occurs in the
Standards and
 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Demonstration, activity-based learning approach, brainstorming
Strategies  Talk-for-learning approaches

 Video Clips/2. Internet resources such as (
Teaching &
 Liquid perfume in a container with a lid.
Learning Resources  Potassium Permanganate crystals,
 Camphor.
Key notes on Differentiation
1. Explain diffusion as a concept of transport in everyday life?
Content 2. Explain diffusion and any two ways it can be applied in our daily lives?
3. Demonstrate diffusion in liquids and gases and identify two factors that affect its
1. Brainstorm the meaning of diffusion and its relevant examples in everyday life.
Process 2. Using thin-pair-share approaches discuss factors that affect diffusion?
3. Through experimentation, demonstrate diffusion in gases and liquids
1. Accept oral response on the meaning of diffusion with relevant examples.
Product 2. Accept oral or written response for the explanation of factor that affects diffusion
3. Accept diagrams or models for the demonstration of diffusion in liquids and gase
Keywords Diffuse, fragrance, gradient, concentration, etc.
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Assessment DoK alig
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Subj
5 minutes Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 4: Extended critica
A video Teacher Activity 1: (E.g.15 learner Activity 1: 1. nIn a lab experim
demonstrating minutes) (E.g.15 minutes) are filled with wa
diffusion in biotic Brainstorm the meaning of learners brainstorm and to each containe
and abiotic media. diffusion and its application. present the meaning of temperature and
Teacher Activity 2: (E.g.15 diffusion and its Predict and expla
minutes) application. diffusion betwee
Using think-pair-share approach, 2. How does the mo
learners discuss the factors that learner Activity 2: influence the rate
affect diffusion. (E.g.15 minutes)
Teacher Activity 3: (E.g.15
minutes) Learners present on the
in mixed ability groups, factors that affect
demonstrate diffusion in liquids diffusion.
and gases in everyday life. learner Activity 3:
(E.g.15 minutes)
learners present their
finding on the
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Sumerize the lesson on diffusion in biotic and abiotic media in our daily lives.
Reflection & Remarks
1. Was I able to impart and involve every learner?
2. Will learners be able to explain the application on diffusion?

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science Year
Subject Week 10 Duration 60 minutes Form
Processes For Sub-
Strand Essentials For Survival
Living Strand
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles of reproduction
Content Standard and their application in addressing sexually related societal problems
Learning  Illustrate the principles of reproduction.
Learning  Explain reproduction in plants and humans.
Question(s) linked a) How do I unnerve the misconception that plants do not produce offspring
to the Knowledge of their kind?
Hierarchy aligned b) Demonstrate the understanding of parts of a flowering plant using a
with the Content diagram.
Standards and c) Using understanding gained during the lesson, create a model to
Learning represent the fertilization process in plants.
 Collaborative learning
 Demonstration/ activity-based learning approach
Pedagogical  Talk-for-learning approaches
Strategies  Project-based Learning
 Nature walk

Teaching &
Videos of flower and pollination, Pictures flower and pollination, Flowers, fruits
Learning and seeds ,Vegetative parts of plants such as corm, rhizome, suckers,
stem cuttings and bulbs, Videos showing propagation in plants,
Resources projectors and other ICT resources
Key notes on Differentiation
a) State the types of reproduction in plants.
Content b) Explain the functions of at least three parts of a flower.
c) Create two models of the vegetative parts of plants.
a) Learners brainstorm the two types of reproduction in plants with the help
of the teacher.
b) The use of role plays to describe the parts and functions of a flowering
c) In groups learners research and create two models of the vegetative parts
of a plant.
a) Accept oral or written response to the types of reproduction in plants.
b) Accept oral and written response to describe parts and functions of the
parts of a flowering plant.
c) Accept self -crafted the two models of vegetative parts of plants.
Keywords Fusion, nodes, bud, spore, fragmentation, gametes, asexual, etc.
DoK aligned
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and to the
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum
and Subject
Learners are to Teacher Activities Learner Activities
carefully observe the Activity 1(10mins) Activity 1(10 mins) Level 1
parts of some plants Visit the school farm. Mention at
on the school farm. Using experiential Observe and write down the least 3 parts
learning ,allow learners to take parts of some plants and of plants
a gallery walk to the school present them in class. used for
farm to observe and write the vegetative
parts of some plants. propagation.

Level 2

budding and
grafting as
methods of
Activity 2(10mins) Activity2(10 mins)
Put learners in mixed groups In their groups, use role
(gender, ability, socio-economic play to describe the parts of
Level 3
background, etc) and use Role plants observed on the
Describe with
play to describe the parts of the school farm and present
the aid of a
plants observed on the school their responses.

Activity 3(10 mins) Activity 3(10 mins)

Using diamond nine approach In their groups learners
guide learners in their groups to create two models of the
create two models of the vegetative parts of plants
diagram, the
vegetative parts of plants and and present in PowerPoint.
present their models.
on a school

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Teacher guides learners to answer some questions from all the activities done during the lesson:
 What are the two types of reproduction in plants?
 Describe the process of fertilization in flowering plants?

Reflection & Remarks

1. What could I use to get all the learners to participate in the lesson?
2. Were the pedagogical strategies used right?
3. Were the resources enough for the lesson?

Learners were able to describe reproduction in plants.

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science 1 60 Year
Subject Week Duration Form
1 minutes 1
Processes Sub-
Strand Essentials For Survival
For Living Strand
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles
Content of reproduction and their application in addressing sexually
Standard related societal problems
Learning  Illustrate the principles of reproduction. 
Learning Explain reproduction in plants and humans
Question(s) a) What ways can the concept of reproduction be
linked to
Knowledge understood?
aligned b) How does the structure of the reproductive system aid
with the reproduction?
c). What role does each part of the reproductive system
play and why?

 Discuss the reproductive system and its various

parts in groups (teacher quide the grouping to
ensure a hecterogenious grouping)
l Strategies
 Modeling of the reproductive system
 Talk-for-learning approaches

 Charts/pictures and models of the reproductive system

male and female human.
 Videos of the reproductive system of mammals.
Teaching &  Internet resources such as

 Journals
Key notes on Differentiation
a) State the organs of the female and male
reproductive system
b) State and give the functions of organs in the
Content reproductive system
c) Draw the female/male reproductive systems and
describe at least three parts of it

a). In a mixed gender group, think .pair and share the organs
of reproductive system
Process b) using think -pair-share,discuss at least three hormones in
each reproductive organ
c) Using collaborative methods,model and describe at least
three parts of female\male reproductive system
Product a) . create a label chart of the female reproductive system and
male reproductive system
b) Describe the structure of female reproductive system
c) Explain and give the function each of five parts of female
reproductive system
Glands, sperm, hormone, fertilization, embryo,
accessory,menstruation ovulation etc.
DoK How is testosterone produced
aligned to it impact male reproductiv
Starter the Describe the female reprodu
Curriculum Draw the male reproduct
and Subject
brainstorm learners
about the myth of

Teacher Activities 1 Learner Activities 1

(10min) (15 mins)
In mix ability Each group present
group,learners their finding on the
brainstorm on the concept
concept reproduction by
reproduction and groups leaders in
A five state the parts of class
minutes reproductive systems
rhyme on ACTIVITIES 2 (15
the body Teacher Activities 2 mins)  Level 3:
parts (all (10min) Learners discuss Strategies
parts my of among themselves and
body belong Displace select their leaders to
to God) reproductive model/ present their group
chart to learners in a findings to the class
mixed ability group
and guide learners to
identify the various
Activities 3 (15mins)
Activities 3 (10mins) Learners discuss the
Play a video talk on the video and think in
reproduction by pairs and share their
specialist and guide views with class
learners to discuss
the video
Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)

Reflection & Remarks

Science Weekly Learning Planner
Science Year
Subject Week 12 Duration 60 minutes Form
Processes For Sub-
Strand Essentials for survival
Living Strand
Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the principles of reproduction
Content Standard and their application in addressing sexually related societal problems

Learning  Design Possible solutions to address sexually related societal

Outcome(s) problems.

 Explain the reproductive system and show how that can be used to
Learning address reproduction-related issues(teenage pregnancy, STI,
Indicator(s) reproductive health) to address challenges of adolescent
reproductive health.
Question(s) linked a) Which better way can I equip my learners to understand reproduction?
to the Knowledge b) How can sexually related issues be resolved through reproduction
Hierarchy aligned education?
with the Content c) How can the knowledge and understanding of reproduction treat STIs
Standards and in our homes
 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Talk-for-learning approaches
Strategies  Demonstration

Teaching &  Books

 Charts/videos/pictures of menstrual cycle.
Learning  Internet resources such as (
Resources ovulation-calculator;
Key notes on Differentiation
a) . state at least four STIs
Content b) Explain at least three STIs
c) Explain a cause and effect of at three STIs
a) , discuss in pairs STIs that could affect teenagers through early per-marital
b) Using collaborative learning, explain STIs
Process (the grouping should be guided by teacher to ensure a heterogeneous
groups .accept oral or written responses)
c). using discussion learning, explain the causes and effects of STIs

a) . state at least three STIs (accept oral and written responses)

Product b) State and explain at least three STIs (accept oral or written responses)
c) explain at least three causes and effects of STIs
Keywords Phase, ovulation, physiological, monthly, cycle, menstrual Hygiene, etc.
aligned to
Starter the
and Subject
(5mins) Teacher Activities Learner Activities 1. Use a chart
Singing a rhyme of Introduction; (5mins ) Introduction: to calculate
body parts (“all Elicit the meaning of the key Learners brainstorm on the menstrual
parts of my body words from starter lesson (oral keywords and parts of the cycle
belong to God”) responses) reproductive system from 2. Explain the
starter lesson concepts of
Activities 1 (10mins) Activity 1 (15mins ) cycle-words
Play a video on health talk on Learners in pairs discuss and
reproduction for learners to share their views in class
watch orally from the video (ensure
that each member pair

Activity 2 (10mins ) Activity 2 (15mins )

Guide learners in a Learners discuss STIs
heterogeneous group to discuss and leaders share the
STIs (ensure all members groups contribution to the
contribute, select their group class
leader) (accept model display or
oral responses )

Activity 3 (5mins ) Activity 3

Lead learners identify and Learners and teacher discuss
explain the causes and effects of the causes and effects of

Lesson Closure
Activity (5 minutes)
Clear myths, mis-informatin about STIs
Reflection & Remarks
a).Was the lesson inspiring to the learners?
b.what other way can I do it to be more inspiring?
c. What did not go well ?
d. Which new way can I teach it to be well with learners?

Subject Science Week 13 Duration 60 minutes Form Year1

Strand Vigour Behind Life Sub-Strand Powering the future with energy forms.

Content Demonstrate understanding of forms of energy, sources, their generation and

Standard effects on the environment.
Learning  Relate forms of energy to their sources and their generation
Learning  Describe the generation of electricity from solar cells/panels.
Question(s) a) How can I ensure that the 21st century skills, GESI and SEL issues are
linked to the address in my choice of pedagogy and resources in the generation of
Knowledge electricity using solar panel?
aligned with
the Content
b)What are the steps and precautions involving in the generation of
Standards and
electricity using solar panel.?
Indicators c) How does the efficiency of solar panel impact the overall electricity

 Collaborative learning,
 Talk-for-learning approaches,
 Demonstration,
 Brainstorm.

Teaching &  Prototypes of solar panels

Learning  Charts, pictures, and simulations of various forms of
electricity generation.
 Internet resources such as
Resources (;
 Different appropriate materials from the environment.
Key notes on Differentiation
a) Mention material that can be used to generate electricity in the education

b) Explain how to generate electricity using the available materials.

c) Describe briefly the impact of the importance of solar panel in electricity
generation in the education sector.

a) Using videos and chats, the steps and materials used in generating electricity
using panel.

b) Discuss in groups how electricity is generated using solar panel.

c) Group presentation on the impact of solar panel in the generation of
electricity in education sector.

a) Give at least three examples of materials used to construct solar panel.

b) Explain the process involve in generating electricity using solar panel.

c) Describe how solar panel impact in the generation of electricity in the
education sector.
Keywords Direct Current, alternating Current, electrons, solar, photons, current, electricity, etc.
DoK aligned
to the
and Subject
A prompt action Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Level 4:
by putting off the Use talk-for-learning approach to Present the various forms Mention
light and fan in engage learners to revise various of electricity generation the
the classroom forms of electricity generation. using talk for learning material
and ask learners approach. that can be
the negative used to
effects of Activity1.Brainstorm on the Activity 1. generate
hydroelectricity meaning, advantage and Mention the advantages electricity.
and help them to
disadvantage of solar energy to life and disadvantages of
environment. solar energy.

Activity2. Activity 2.
Use the ICT lab for learners to From the videos and
watch short videos and audio-visual charts, list some of the
chats on how electricity is generated steps and precautions
using solar panel. involves in the
generation of electricity
mention a more from the solar panel. Explain the
effective power steps
source. Activity 3. Activity 3. involves in
In group present how the solar Present to the class how generating
Suggested panels are more efficient in efficient solar panels impact electricity
Answers. electricity generation more generation of using solar
Learners shout electricity in the panel.
to show their community.
appointment What are
after the lights Lesson Closure some of the
Explain the impact of solar panel and why it is mostly used in your community.

Reflection & Remarks

1. What went well?

2.Were the pedagogical strategies applied well in the lesson?

2. What will I do different if am to teach the lesson again?

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Subject Science Week 14 Duration 60 minutes Form Year 1
Strand Vigour Behind Life Sub-Strand Powering the future with energy forms.

Content Demonstrate understanding of forms of energy, sources, their generation and effects
Standard on the environment.
Learning  Relate forms of energy to their sources and their generation
Learning  Design and build Solar panel using locally available materials.
linked to the
Hierarchy 3. How will I create a positive and engaging environment that fosters learner’s
aligned with creativity and curiosity in designing a solar panel using locally available material?
the Content
Standards and 2. What local materials are available for the building of a solar panel in this
Learning community?
3. How do these local materials aid in the processes of designing the solar panel

 Collaborative learning
 Talk-for-learning approaches
 Demonstration
 Think-pair share
 Project-based approach

 Prototypes of solar panels

 Charts, pictures, and simulations of various forms of
Teaching & electricity generation.
Learning  Internet resources such as
Resources (;
 Different appropriate materials from the environment.
Key notes on Differentiation
1. Identify at least three local materials used in building a solar panel in your
2. Explain the functions of at least three local materials in the designing of the
solar panel
3. With the aid of a diagram, explain how a solar panel can be designed using
the local materials in your community.
1. Using video and diagram to help learners identify materials used in building
a solar panel.
2. Put learners in mixed ability group to discuss the functions of the various
materials used in designing the solar panel.
3. Using demonstration, guide design a project on solar panel using locally
available materials
1. Identify at least three local materials used in solar panel building (Accept
written responses)
2. Explain at least three functions of the local materials identified in designing a
solar panel(Accept oral responses)
3. With the aid of a diagram explain how you will design a solar panel (Accept
written response)
Keywords Connect, voltage, encapsulate, design, Solar panel/cell, etc.
Starter Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and Competencies to Assessment
reinforce as in the Subject Manual DoK aligned
to the
and Subject
Teacher Activities Learner Activities
Introduction: 10 minutes Introduction: 10 minutes
Put learners in mixed groups In mixed groups discuss
(gender, ability socio-economic how designs are made
background etc.) to discuss the and present their
video on how designs are made and responses.
come out with their responses.
Learner activity
Teacher activity 1: (10 minutes) (10minutes)
Using videos and diagrams, guide Encourage learners to watch
learners to watch and understand the video and reflect on the
processes and how solar panel is processes and how solar
Show short
designed panel is designed.
video on design
making to Level 2: Skills
Teacher activity 2: (10 minutes) Learner activity 2: (10 of conceptual
Using talk-for-learning, guide minutes) understanding
learners interest
in solar panel
learners to discuss the various In mixed ability groups,
design materials that can be used in their encourage learners to reflect
community to design a solar panel and share views on materials
that can be used to make
solar panels in their

Teacher activity 3: (20 minutes) Learner activity 3: (20

In mixed ability groups demonstrate minutes)
to learners how solar panels are In mixed ability groups,
designed using materials in the demonstrate how solar
community panels are designed using
materials in the community

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
1. Explain the processes in designing the solar panel
2. Teacher summarizes the lessons on solar panels
3. Read on how solar panels are built
Reflection & Remarks
1. How well was the lesson delivery?
2. Were learners able to identify local materials which can be used for designing solar panels?
1. Learners were able to design the solar panels in their groups
Science Weekly Learning Planner
Subject Science Week 15 Duration 60 minutes Form Year 1
Strand Vigour Behind Life Sub-Strand Powering the future with energy forms.

Content Demonstrate understanding of forms of energy, sources, their generation and effects
Standard on the environment.
Learning  Relate forms of energy to their sources and their generation
Learning  Design and build Solar panel using locally available materials.
Question(s) a. What pedagogical strategies and materials will be most effective for teaching
linked to the the design and building of solar panels using local materials.
Knowledge b. Why should your communityencourage the building solar panels from local
Hierarchy materials?
aligned with c. Howcan different solar panels built from local materials be put together as a
the Content single functioning unit?
Standards and d. How can I ensure at each stagethat the solar panel built from local materials
Learning actually works?
Collaborative learning, Talk-for-learning approaches, Demonstration,
Pedagogical Think-pair share, Project-based approach

 Prototypes of solar panels

 Charts, pictures, and simulations of various forms of
Teaching & electricity generation.
Learning  Internet resources such as
Resources (;
 Different appropriate materials from the environment.
Key notes on Differentiation
a. What steps and local materials can be used to build a solar panel?
b. Explain the function(s)of the materials used to the build the solar panel at
each stage.
c. How can the solar panel built from local materials be used to power a house?
Process a. Use video to describe the steps involved in building solar panels from local
b. Use project-based learning to guide students to produce solar panels from
local materials.
c. Building on what a group says, students describe stages that can be used by a
small industry to build solar panels from local materials.
a. Describe at least five steps used to build solar panel from local materials.
b. Create a flow chart of stages and activities for a small industry in your
community that wants to build solar panels from local materials.(Accept oral
Product descriptions or the chart/pictures/diagrams)
c. Accept diagrams, charts, models, concept mapping, written or oral
description of how solar panel built from local materials be used to power a
Connect, voltage, encapsulate, design, Solar panel/cell, precautions, output,
overlapping, etc.
DoK aligned
to the
and Subject
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 4:
Narrate a tragic Introduction (10 mins) Extended
story about a 1. Show a video of how to build 1. In mixed-ability critical thinking
and reasoning
school girl who solar panels from local groups students
was knocked materials, adjusting the watch a video on
down and ran volume, lighting, etc to cater how to build solar
over by a for the needs of students. panel from local
vehicle because materials.
the traffic lights Activities
at Oduom 1. Through whole group 1. In their groups
Roundabout discussion,learners list the learners make a list
went off local materials and steps of the materials and
suddenly due to used in the video to build the steps seen in the
power outage in solar panel. video and present
the area; let their findings.
students 2. Using project-based
brainstorm and approach, guidelearners 2. Build a solar panel
write on the inmixed-ability groups to from materials
board how the build solar panel from provided.
tragedy could materials provided, ensuring
have been that each student carries out
avoided. an activity in a step.

3. Through peer review, lead 3. In turns,group

learners to test and critique testtheir solar
the solar panels built by the panelsusing
multimeter and low
groups (encourage learners to voltage bulb and
be open to other learner’s critique their
view). colleagues work.
4. Through whole group 4. Learners give oral
discussion assist learners to explanation of the
explain how their benefit of using
communities will benefit local materials to
from the use of local build solar panels.
materials to build solar

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
One group gives oral description of the processes used to build solar panels from local materials.
Provide additionalreferences for further exploration to students.
Reflection & Remarks
1. Were introverts encouraged enough to take part in the activities?
2. Did I take adequate measures to protect students from dangers posed by the materials used in
building the panel?
3. Could I have obtained enough materials for students to work individually?


Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science Year
Subject Week 16 Duration 60 minutes Form
Vigour Behind Sub-
Strand Forces acting on substances and mechanisms
Life Strand
Content Recognize the various forms of forces and their effects on motions
Learning  Apply various forms of forces according to their effects on motions.
Learning  Identify and explain concepts associated with forces
Question(s) a. What pedagogical strategies and materials will be most effective for
linked to the teaching concepts related to forces.
Knowledge b. How do forces affect the speed and acceleration of a sprinter during a
Hierarchy race?
aligned with the c. How does a change in force affect the acceleration of an object in motion?
Standards and
Collaborative learning, Talk-for-learning approaches,
Pedagogical Demonstration, Think-pair share, Enquiry-based approach

 projector
 laptop
Teaching &  cardboard
 Markers
 Toy car
 ramp
Key notes on Differentiation
a. Concise definition of distance, speed, velocity, and acceleration
b. How does a change in force affect the velocity and acceleration of an
Content object in motion?
c. How can the concepts of distance, velocity, speed, and acceleration be
used to design safety features for vehicles?
a. In groups learners discuss definition of distance, speed, velocity, and
acceleration on based motion demonstrated in the class.
b. Learners watch video of an athlete in a hundred-meter race and list the
force experienced by the athlete.
c. In groups learners discuss safety measures that can be designed in vehicles
using distance, speed, velocity and acceleration.
a. Accept oral or written definition of distance, speed, velocity, and
b. Learners can show the effect of force on velocity and acceleration through
oral description, written explanation or graphical illustration.
c. Practical demonstrations, charts, diagrams can be used to describe the how
the concepts studied are used to design safety measures in vehicles.
Keywords Force, velocity, speed, acceleration
DoK aligned to
Starter the Curriculum
and Subject
Present a short Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Level 2:
video on a car Introduction (7 Skills of
speeding down a mins) conceptu
slope and crashing 1. Lead learners in 1. Discuss and make a list al
to kill the mixed-ability groups of common words understan
passengers in it. to discuss and write associated with the ding
Let learners do a common words video watched.
silent reflection on associated with the
video watched.

Activity 1 (10 minutes)

Using talk-for-learning Activity 1(10 minutes)
approach, guide students Through talk-for-learning,
to explore various leaners explore some
definitions of force, definitions of force, distance,
distance, speed, velocity, speed, velocity, and
and acceleration. Remind acceleration.
groups to make room for
every member of the
group to talk.

Activity 2 (10 minutes)

Using 3E approach and
pushing of a toy car
along a ramp, guide Activity 2 (10 minutes)
learners to engage, Pushing toy car along a ramp
explore how a change in with difference forces, learners
force affect the velocity explore how a change in force
and acceleration of an affect the velocity and
object in motion.
the video. acceleration of an object in
(3 mins) motion
Activity 3 (10 minutes)
Present a video of an
athlete in a hundred-
meter race and through Activity 3 (10 minutes)
scaffolding lead learners Using a video of an athlete in a
to explain the effect of race, learners explain the forces
forces on an athlete in a acting on an athlete in a race.

Activity 4 (10 minutes)

Through enquiry Activity 4 (10 minutes)
approach, guide learners Learners explore safety
to exploresafety
mechanisms that can be fitted
measures that can be
in vehicles to reduce/prevent
used in vehicles to
deaths from collisions.
prevent the death in the
video watched at the
start of the lesson.

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
1. One group provides written definitions of distance, speed, velocity, and acceleration and
presents it on card bord to the class.
2. Another group presents a diagram showing the relationship between the concepts.
3. Write the concepts that will be covered in the next lesson on the board as reading assignment.
Reflection & Remarks
1. Did the differentiation strategies cater for the needs of different ability groups?
2. Were the relations between the concepts clearly established?

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science 60
Subject Week 17 Duration Form Year 1
Vigour Behind Sub-
Strand Life Consumer Electronics
Content Demonstrate knowledge and recognition of selected electronic components and
Standard their uses in Household Electronic devices.

Learning  Identify selected electronic components and their uses in household

Outcome(s) electronic gadgets and the use of amplifiers.
Learning  Explain the uses of electronic components in household electronic devices
Indicator(s) and amplifiers.
Question(s) a) How do resistors contribute to thefunctioning of household electronic
linked to the devices in amplifiers?
Knowledge b) How can Iintegratetechnology to help learners in identifying some
Hierarchy electronic component and their uses in the household electronic gadget?
aligned with the c) How will the knowledge acquire help learners identify an electronic
Content component in the electrical circuit diagram help in the usage and repair of
Standards and electrical gadget in household?
Learning d) What role do capacitors play in smoothing signals in electronic component
Indicators used at home?

 Collaborative learning
 Talk-for-learning approaches
 Demonstration
 Activity-based learning

Teaching &
 Capacitor, LED, transistors, resistors, diodes, switches
Learning  Pictures/charts/videos of simple amplifiers.
Key notes on Differentiation
Content a) Identify at least three electronic component and their uses?
b) Explain at least three electronic component and their symbols?
c) Design and explain a circuit involving a transistor and a switch?
a) In pairs, identify electronic component and their uses?
b) In small group, explain electronic component and symbols?
Process c) Collaborative learning, design and explain a circuit involving transistor
and switch?

a) Accept oral response of at least three electronic component and their uses
b) Accept written and drawing response to explain the uses and symbolsof
Product electronic. components
c) Accept a model showing the design and explain a circuit involving a
transistor and switch.
Keywords Households, convert, restrict, signals, components, etc.
DoKaligned to
Main Lesson drawing on Concepts, Skills and
Starter the Curriculum
Competencies to reinforce as in the Subject Manual
and Subject
3min Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Level 4:
Teacher using Introduction (5 min) Introduction (5 min) Extended
smart board to critical
play a song Show videos of basic Watch videos of the
through in-built electronic components electronic component reasoning
speaker to the whole class.

Asks learners in mix

groups, to watch a
video on the electronic

1. In whole class, ask Activity 1 (10min) a) Design
learners to mention at circuits
least three electronic 1. Mention at least three involving
electronic components transistors
componentsfrom the
watched from the video and
video watched
and present their switches
Activity 2 (15min) responses
b) Draw
2. Guides learners to Activity 2 (15min)
think-pair and share to of four
come out with symbols 2. Use think- pair and electronic
of electronic share to come out with componen
componentsobserved thedrawings of the
from the video. symbols of electronic
component derived
Activity 3 (20min) from the video and
present their feedback
3. In pairs, guide learners on the marker board.
to design and explain a
circuit involving a
transistor and a switch. Activity 3 (20min)
3. In pairs, design and
explaina circuit
involving a transistor
anda switch for the
whole class

Lesson Closure
Activity (7 minutes) Reinforce the practical applications of electronic components in everyday life and
suggest their significance in making various devices function effectively.

Reflection & Remarks

1. Did I use 21st century skills in my lesson delivery?
2. Were learners able to design and explain a circuit involving a transistor and a switch?
3. Were learners able to understand the uses of basic electronic component?

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Subject Science Week 18 Duration 60 minutes Form Year 1
Relationships With Sub-
Strand the Environment The Human Body and Health
Content Standard Demonstrate understanding of hazards in everyday life and how to manage them.
Learning Discuss everyday hazards and how to manage them in the environment.
Learning Explore common risks and hazards in the environment and how to address them.
Question(s) linked a) What constitutes hazards in the environment?
to the Knowledge b) What are the effects of hazards on the environment?
Hierarchy aligned c) What are the most effective ways by which hazards could be managed in everyday l
with the Content
Standards and
Learning Indicators
Pedagogical  Collaborative learning
Teaching &  videos on workplace and home hazards.
Learning Resources writing materials.
Key notes on Differentiation

A)Meaning of hazard in the communities.( home, school and industries)

B) Effects of hazards communities.( home, school and industries)
C) Management of hazards in the communities (home, school and industries)

A) In groups, provide at least one meaning of hazard orally

Process B) In pairs, explain at least two effects of hazards
C) In groups, analyse at least three strategies you would adopt to manage hazards in the

a) Accept responses to at least one meaning of hazard orally

b) Accept at least three explanations to the effects of hazards (Accept oral respons
c) Accept responses to at least three strategies to be adopt to manage hazards in the e
Product oral response/ written answer)

Keywords Hazards, radiation, prolonged,etc..

Assessment Do
Starter Learners are made to watch videos
Curriculum an
Video on various Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Enumerate at le
hazards Activity 1 Activity 1 hazards and ris
Introduction:(e.g15 minutes) Introduction:(e.g10 school and wor
Put learners into mixed-ability minutes)
groups.  Explain four w
In their groups learners industrial activ
. discuss the various and transportat
. hazards that occur in the hazard in the h
Activity 2:(e.g30 minutes) environment and present community.
Guide learners discussions on the their findings.
 Design a chart
various hazards that occur in the Activity 2:(e.g30 minutes)
common hazar
environment. cross-share their views on
they can be ma
the common hazards in the industries.( cha
Activity 3:(e.g30 minutes) environment throughgroup
Engage learners to think-pair and presentations.
share how to manage the common Activity 3:(e.g30 minutes)
hazards in the environment Engage learners to think-
pair and share how to
manage the common
Activity 4:(e.g30 minutes) hazards in the environment.
Guide learners to brainstorm
Activity 4:(e.g30 minutes)
Discuss ways by which
laboratories workers may
handle infectious
specimens or experiment
with biological materials in
order not to pose as hazards
in the community

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes) summarise the key points and highlight the important aspect of the strands

Reflection & Remarks

Weekly Learning Planner

Science Year
Subject Week 19 Duration 60minutes Form
Relationships With Sub-
Strand the Environment The Human Body and Health
Show understanding of Lifestyle Diseases, their causes, symptoms and
Content Standard prevention.
Learning  Distinguish various types of lifestyle diseases.
Learng  Describe lifestyle diseases, their causes, effects and prevention.
Question(s) linked  How will I use various pedagogical strategies and skills to help learners
to the Knowledge identifylifestyle diseases?
Hierarchy aligned  How will the learners be able to identify lifestyle diseases and their
with the Content impact on overall health and well-being of an individual based on the
Standards and knowledge gained
Learning  How can a person’s diet contribute to the development of lifestyle
Indicators diseases

 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Talk-for-learning approaches
Strategies  Demonstration
 Invite a resource person
 Public Address system
Teaching &  Resource person
Learning  Pictures/videos of humans suffering from lifestyle diseases
Resources  Charts of diseases
 Health Journals
Key notes on Differentiation
a). What is meant bylifestyle diseases
Content b). Identify the types of lifestyle diseases and explain 3 of them
c). Explain the causes of lifestyle diseases and how they can be prevented
a). Identify the symptoms of cardiovascular disease
b). Explain the role of physical activity in managing and preventing
cardiovascular disease
c). Explain how dietary changes can be made to manage lifestyle diseases
a. Accept a list of at least four types of diseases
b. Accept oral responses of at least 3 causes of lifestyle diseases
Product c. Oral presentation that outlines the role of physical activity in managing
and preventing cardiovascular disease

Keywords Unhealthy, obesity, inactivity,impact, lifestyle, Habits, disease, etc.

DoK aligned to
Main lesson drawing on concepts, skills and competencies the
to reinforce as in the Subject Manual Curriculum
and Subject
(5minutes) Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Level 3:
Drill learners to Introduction (10 minutes) Introduction Strategic
mention the key 1). Greet the students and -Learners are guided to reasoning
words correctly explain the importance of give the importance of
and let them learning about lifestyle diseases.
learning about lifestyle
predict what the 2). Show pictures/videosof diseases.
lesson for today humans suffering from lifestyle -Learners to name signs
will be diseases (e.g. type two diabetics)
and symptoms and identify
Discuss the
Come out with the strategic
Activity 1 (15 minutes) definition of lifestyle approaches to
Guide learners to brainstorm and diseases and present improving
come out with the meaningof theiranswers preventive
lifestyle diseases

Put learners in mixed ability In their groupsdiscussthe

groups to discuss some common common causes of lifestyle
causes of lifestyle diseases diseases and present

Activity 2(25 minutes)

Invite a health care practitioner Participate and contribute
measures of
To talk about lifestyle diseases to the talk about lifestyle
highlighting on causes, effects diseases (guide learners to
and preventive measures. ask questions, make
suggestions and note
responses from the
resource person

Lesson Closure
(5 minutes)Teacher reviews the lesson through question and answer: state and explain four causes
of lifestyle diseases.

Reflection & Remarks

1. Was the lesson successful?

2. Was I able to involve learners at the various stages of the lesson?
3. Did I use appropriate strategies in my delivery?


Learners were able to come out with causes and preventive measures of lifestyle diseases.

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Science Year
Subject Week 20 Duration 60 minutes Form
Relationships With Sub-
Strand The Environment The Human Body and Health
Content Exhibit understanding of the concept of drugs and reflect on their
Standard effects on humans as well as their control.
Learning  Clarify the concept of drugs and reflect on their effects on
Outcome(s) humans.
Learning  Analyze the attributes of drugs
Question(s) a. How can I foster an open and non-judgmental classroom environment for
linked to the
Knowledge learners to discuss the long-term effects of drug use on cognitive abilities?
Hierarchy b. How can technology be integrated into the lesson to enhance learners learn
aligned with the the concept of drugs and its attribute
Content c. In what ways can we work together to address the underlying social,
Standards and emotional and environmental factors that contribute to drug use
 Collaborative learning
Pedagogical  Talk-for-learning approaches
Strategies  Demonstration
 Invite a resource person
Teaching &  Computer with modem, charts, videos, journals, books showing people
Learning affected by drug abuse.
Resources  Resource person.

Key notes on Differentiation

a. define drugs?
Content b. Explain any two attributes of drugs
c. List and explain four effects of drugs on humans
a. List two ways of controlling the use of drugs
Process b. List any four ways of controlling the use of drugs
c. Explain any three ways of controlling the use of drugs
a. Accept oral definition of drugs
Product b. Accept written response of at least effects of drugs on humans
c. Written response of at least three ways of controlling the use of drugs
Keywords Symptoms, therapeutic, effects, Risks, illegal, etc.
DoK aligned to
Concept of drugs and its effects on humans as well as its the
control Curriculum
and Subject
(5 minutes)Call Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Level 3:
out a learner to act Introduction (10 munites) Strategic
like a drunkard Explain the purpose of the Mention two drugs and its reasoning
and ask the rest of lesson effects
the learners to Ask students to share
observe and knowledge of any drug and its
predict what today effect
lesson will be
Activity 1 (15 minutes) Activity 1
Think-pair and share, ask the Brainstorm and come out
learners to brainstorm and with the definition of
come out with the definition of drugs from what you
drugs from what you observed observed from the act
from the act

Activity 2 (10 minutes) Activity 2

In small groups, ask learners to Discuss the attributes of
discuss the attributes of drugs. drugs and present it to the
whole class
Activity 3 (10 minutes)
In the whole class, teacher asks Activity 3
learners to come out with the Come out with the effects
effects of drugs from the act of drugs from the act they
they observed observed and present it

Activity 4 (10 minutes) 1. Describe

In mixed groups (gender, Activity 4 any 4
abilities, socio economic Brainstorm to come out attributes of
background etc), engage with the control measures drugs on
learners to brainstorm to come of the use of drugs and their effect.
out with the control measures share it to the whole 2. Describe
of the use of drugs class. any
Lesson Closure attributes of
Activity (10 minutes) summarise the key points covered in the lesson
Teacher reviews the lesson through written test: list and explain four ways of controlling the use of

Reflection & Remarks

4. Was the lesson successful?

5. Was I able to involve learners at the various stages of the lesson?
6. Did I use appropriate strategies in my delivery?

Remarks: Learners were able to explain what are drugs and their effects on humans

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Subject Science Week 21 Duration 60 minutes Form Year1
With The Sub-
Strand Technology in our Local Industries
Environment Strand

Content Demonstrate understanding of the process of local soap making and design methods of producing so
Standard purposes for income generation.
 Produce local soap in the community.
Learning  Describe the process of local soap production using technology devices.
Question(s) a. How can I use real-world applications to make the lesson more relevant?
linked to the b. How can technological tools be used effectively in various stages of soap production
Knowledge c. How can digital platforms be used to promote and sell locally produced soaps?
Hierarchy d. What smart packaging solutions can be integrated in local soap production to enhan
aligned with the experience?
Standards and
Collaborative learning, Talk-for-learning/ brainstorm, Demonstration, Field trip

 Writing materials
Teaching &  Camera.
Learning  Voice recording device
Resources  Journal from field trip
 Internet sources (, https://www.youtub
Key notes on Differentiation
a) Processes of local soap production
Content b) Explanation of processes involved in local soap production
c) Application of technologies involved in the production of local soap
a) Use mixed-ability grouping, assigning specific roles to learners in their groups to
process of local soap production(oral or written )
b) Use discussion methods to explain at leastthree processes involved in local soap p
technology (oral or written )
c) Demonstrate how to prepare at least three local soap using technology

a) Accept responses to at least four process of local soap production (accept oral or wr
b) Accept explanations to at least three processes involved in local soap production u
(oral or written )
c) Accept at least preparation of three local soap
Keywords Local, devices, measurements, emulsification, mixing, etc.
Starter (10 Assessment DoK alig
minutes) Curriculum and Subj
Let learners Teacher Activities Learner Activities  Level 2: Skills of conc
watch videos on understanding
production(take minutes) minutes)
into Let learners review key Review key concepts and
concepts and important processes of local soap
processes from the videos. production from the video
Have learners list the
processes from the video.

ACTIVITY 1(20 minutes)

Put learners into mixed ACTIVITY 1(20 minutes
ability groups to discuss and Groups discuss and come out
brainstorm the processes of with the processes of local
local soap production using soap production and present
technology and present their their findings (orally)
findings (ensure that
leadership roles are assigned
equally among females,
consideration Describe how technology h
males and learners with
learners with production of local soap?
special education needs)
visual and
hearing needs)
ACTIVITY 2(60 minutes)
Guide learners in groups to ACTIVITY 2(60 minutes)
demonstrate the processes of Groups demonstrate the
local soap production (use processes of local soap
videos and charts to production and present their
highlight key steps and findings

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Use peer discussion and effective questioning to find out from learners what they have learnt about local soap p
feedback and summarize the lesson.
Reflection & Remarks

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Subject Science Week 22 Duration 60 minutes Form Year
Strand Relationships With The Sub- Technology in our Local Industries
Environment Stran
Demonstrate understanding of the process of local soap making and design methods of pro
Content Standard
purposes for income generation.
 Produce local soap in the community.
Learning  Design Experiment to produce different types of soap
Question(s) linked a) How does the choice of oils impact the properties of local soap production?
to the Knowledge b) What safety measures can you take in the making local soap?
Hierarchy aligned c) How will I integrate ICT and 21st Century skills in local soap making?
with the Content
Standards and
Collaborative learning, Talk-for-learning/ brainstorm, Demonstration, Field

 Internet sources (, https://ww

Teaching & v=Kc7duzDEa6Y)
Learning  Potash (ash from burnt stalks, cocoa pods, plantain peels etc), vegetable oil, fir
Resources weighing scale, common salt, water, filter paper.
 Camera and voice recording device.
 Journal from fieldtrip.
Key notes on Differentiation
a) Identification of ingredients local soap production
Content b) Identification of ingredients/steps in local soap making
c) Explanation of safety measures with regards to each step in local soap makin
a) Using talk for learning in mixed ability groupings learners identify ingredie
local soap making
b) By experiential learning learners demonstrate the steps to produce their kind
c) Using think-pair-share, learners brainstorm the safety measures in each step

a) Identify at least 5 key ingredients needed for making local soap?(accept ora
Product b) Explain at least three steps in making local soap. (accept oral or written res
c) Discuss the safety measures with regards to each step that should be taken d
experiment. (accept oral or written response)
Keywords Types, molds, accurate, ingredients, etc.
The Memory Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 4: Ext
Game(5 minutes) INTRODUCTION (15 minutes) INTRODUCTION: (15 and reasoni
Start off by showing Review learners knowledge from minutes)
learners as many previous lesson in respect to the Learners recall and reinforce
How are some l
starter (acknowledge and respect information from previous
learners views) lesson (orally or written)

ACTIVITY 1 (10 minutes) ACTIVITY 1 (10 minutes)

Show learners a video on Learners watch video on
experiment to make local experiment on local soap
soap(consider learners with making
visual and hearing needs)

ACTIVITY 2 (20 minutes) ACTIVITY 2 (20 minutes)

Teacher brainstorm key terms Learners build on what
related to local soap making, for others say, sharing their
example, saponification, lye, etc. thoughts on key terms
from the video (create safe and related local soap production
inclusive environment where all experiment (orally or
learners feel comfortable written)
expressing their opinions without
fear of judgment)

ACTIVITY 3( 10 minutes) ACTIVITY 3(10 minutes)

images of each other?
Put learners into mixed ability Groups identify key
groups to identify key ingredients ingredients in making local
in making local soap(integrate soap(orally or written)
nts for about 30
opportunities for collaboration
within groups)
Then hide it and
give learners couple
ACTIVITY 4 (40 minutes) ACTIVITY 4(40 minutes)
of minutes to write
Guide groups demonstrate the Groups perform the
as many they can
process of local soap making – experiment to make to make
remember. Whoever
give clear and concise their kind of local soap.
writes the greatest
instructions for the (group leaders and
number becomes
experiment(monitor learners’ secretaries put their
the winner.
progress and offer assistance) observations in report for
presentation (written)

Lesson Closure
Activity (10 minutes)
Learners summarize key findings, noting any unexpected results (consider suggestions for improvem
exploration in similar experiments) orally or written

Reflection & Remarks

Science Weekly Learning Planner
Subject Science Week 23 Duration 60 minutes Form Year 1

Strand Relationships With The Sub- Technology in our Local Industries

Environment Strand

Content Standard Explore the production of an indigenous food (gari, akyeke, yakeyake. kenkey [Ga or Fante], abol
Learning Outcome(s)  Conduct a project on the production of an indigenous food and produce a report
Learning  Investigate the production of an indigenous food to identify the science underlying the sta
Essential Question(s)
linked to the 1. How willI use various pedagogical skills to help learnersproducean indigenous foo
Knowledge 2. Howwill the learnersuse various activities the production an indigenous food in the
Hierarchy aligned
with the Content 3. How can the knowledge gained in the production indigenous food be used to ident
Standards and production?
Learning Indicators

Pedagogical  Field trip

Strategies  Activity-based learning
 Demonstration
 Collaborative learning

Teaching & Learning • Internet sources (,

Resources • Fire source, cooking utensils.
• Journal from fieldtrip, short videos.
• Local food materials/ingredients
• Checklist of science processes involved in processing local food.
• Writing materials, text books

Key notes on Differentiation

Content 1. Mention the procedure for the production an indigenous food in your community?
2. Explain at least two (2) activities governing the production of an indigenous food i
3. Design a model on how to produce an indigenous food in your community.
Process 1. The use of collaborative learningto come up with the procedure for the production
2. The use of collaborative learning to outline the activities used in the production of
3. The use of activity based learning, to design a model on how to produce indigenou
underlying the stages of production.
Product 1. Accept oral responses of the procedure for the production of indigenous food.
2. Accept a list of at least three activities underlying the production of indigenous foo
3. Accept a model showing the procedure for the production of indigenous food and
production of indigenous food.
Keywords Indigenous,procedure, science, food, production, community, activity, fieldtrip etc
Starter Investigating the production of an indigenous food to identify the Assessment DoK alig
science underlying the stages of production. Subje
(5 Teacher Activities Learner Activities • Level 2: Skills of co
minutes )Brainstor Introduction:(5 minutes) Introduction: (5minutes) • Identify one indig
A short video on the production of Learners observed the demonstration of
m with learners community and it
an indigenous food was shown to on the preparation of the indigenous
using the eyes learners. food. • Write down the a
breaker D R M to Teacher Activity 1: (15 minutes) Learning Activity 1: (15 minutes) preparing your na
predict the day’s Put learners into mixed ability Learners discuss in mixed ability • What activities w
lesson. groups considering gender, groups, the procedure for the preparing a local
socioeconomic backgroundetc, to production of an indigenous food
• Outline the proc
discuss the procedure for the using collaborative learning
production of indigenous food. approach. of an indigenous
Teacher Activity 2: (15 minutes) Learning Activity 2: (15 minutes) underlying its pro
Let learners brainstorm through Learners discuss by think-pair-share to
think-pair-share to identify the outline the science behind the
various sciences underlying the production of indigenous food.
production of indigenous food. Learning Activity 3: (15 minutes)
Teacher Activity 3: (15 minutes) Learners Research the internet to come
Using the internet task learners to up with a model on the production of
surf for a model on the production indigenous food indicating the science
of an indigenous food indicating the underlying the stages.
science underlying the stages of
Lesson Closure
Activity (5minutes)
• What is indigenous food?
• Summarize the lesson

Reflection & Remarks

• Did learners gain the necessary knowledge?
• Was I able to involve every learner?
• Was lesson beneficial to varying ability learners?

Science Weekly Learning Planner

Subject Science Week 24 Duration 60 minutes Form Year1
Relationships With Sub-
Strand The Environment Technology in our Local Industries
Content Explore the production of an indigenous food (gari, akyeke, yakeyake. kenkey [Ga or
Standard Fante], aboloo, tubaani, dawadawa, etc).
Conduct a project on the production of an indigenous food and produce a report
Learning Investigate the production of an indigenous food to identify the science underlying the
Indicator(s) stages of production.
Question(s) a. How do the scientific principles involved in the production of indigenous
linked to the
Knowledge food help make food wholesome for human consumption?
Hierarchy b. Why certain ingredients are added in the production of an indigenous food
aligned with the in homes?
Content c. What technologies are used to preserve indigenous foods?
Standards and
Collaborative learning, Activity-based learning, Think-pair-share
Internet sources (,, Potash (ash from burnt stalks, cocoa
Teaching & pods, plantain peels etc), vegetable oil, fire source, saucepan, beaker, weighing scale,
Learning common salt, water, filter paper, Camera and voice recording device.. Journal from
Resources fieldtrip, Local food materials/ingredients, Checklist of science processes involved in
processing local food, Writing materials

Key notes on Differentiation

a. Define indigenous food.
b. Organize an activity to produce an indigenous food using scientific principles
Content and writing report on it.
c. Organize an activity to produce an indigenous food and explain the role of two
science processes involved.
a. Use brainstorming and collaborative learning strategies to define
indigenous food and identification of key ingredients.
b. Using activity based learning to demonstrate the production of indigenous
foods and their scientific principles underlying.
a. Accept oral definition of indigenous foods.
b. . Accept both oral and written response on importance of scientific
Product underlying production of indigenous foods in homes.
c. Design a project to produce local foods and state the scientific principle
underlying the production.
Keywords Ingredients, indigenous, fermentation, boiling, flour, etc.
DoK aligned
to the
Starter (5mins)
and Subject
Teacher Activities Learner Activities Level 2: Skills
I am a name of a Activity1:(5mins) Activity 1:(5mins) of conceptual
Ask learners to define Define indigenous food understanding:
person. Children
indigenous food through 1. Write down
hate my first four
the scientific
letters but they brainstorming
like the other four Activity 2: (20mins)
Activity2: (10minus) Each Group chooses an
indigenous food and list the
In groups learner choose ingredients needed to produce it
one indigenous food in their and shares results with the class.
locality and list the set of
ingredients needed to
produce it.

Ask each group to compile Each group discusses and

and present the steps involve present sequentially, the steps
in the production of an involved in orally.
indigenous food mentioned.

letters. What am In groups, give reasons why involved in

I? certain ingredients Each group explains why and kenkey
added, and activities are how certain ingredients are added production.
performed at certain stages
certain important stages at the
Ans. Beatrice of the production process production process 2. What are
(Beat and Rice) the importance
Activity 3:(5mins) Activity 3: (10mins) of washing the
Visit school kitchen to Learners identify key scientific corn before
observe kenkey production principles and processes involved grinding it for
process in the kenkey production process. Kenkey.
3. How long
does the
Lesson Closure
Activity (5minutes)
1. What are the main ingredients used in making Kenkey?
2. What account for the sour taste of kenkey?
3. Teacher summarizes the salient points in the lesson.
Reflection & Remarks
1. Was the lesson well taught?
2. To what extent were my students actively engaged in the lesson?
3. Was my lesson interesting?

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