Republic of South Sudan December 2021 Subject Time: 3hours

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Name:…………………………………….…….Index Number:…………....……..…….

School:……..…...................................................Centre Number:……………….………

Subject: Biology

For Control use only
Republic of South Sudan
National Examinations Council
Certificate of Secondary Education
December 2021

Subject: Biology Time: 3hours

Important instructions:-

Read the instructions carefully before answering any question.

1. Write your Name, Index No, School Center Number clearly in the appropriate
2. This paper consist of three sections (A, B and C)
3. Answer ALL questions in these sections.
4. ALL answers MUST be written in the boxes and blank spaces provided.
5. Answers to all questions MUST be written in ink (blue or Black)


Sections Questions Marks Marked by Checked by

A 1 - 20

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SECTION A (20Marks)

Attempt ALL questions in this section

Write the correct letter corresponding to your chosen correct answer to each question in the box
provided at the right hand side of this paper.

1-The process through which waste materials of the body metabolism are eliminated from
the body is termed as

a- Excretion.
b- Respiration.
c- Nutrition.
d- Reproduction.

2-Class insecta belongs to phylum

a. Annelida.
b. Arthropoda.
c. Chordate.
d. Mollusca

3- The use of condenser in a light microscope is to

a- magnify the object

b- reflect light rays
c- lower and raise the body tube at a longer distance
d- concentrate light rays on the object

4-_________________ is an organelle that functions as a site for cellular respiration.

a. Mitochondrion
b. Lysosome
c. Golgi bodies
d. Vacuoles

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5-The basic functional unit of the kidney that removes waste products is

a. Medulla.
b. Nephron.
c. Pelvis.
d. Cortex.

6-The specific locality in an ecosystem where an organism lives is referred to as

a- Community.
b- Niche.
c- Habitat.
d- Population.

7- The products of aerobic respiration are

a. Glucose and water.

b. Oxygen and water.
c. Starch and water.
d. Carbon dioxide and water.

8- When a homozygous black (BB) was mated with a homozygous white (bb) all the off
springs where brown

What would be the colour of the mice produced if the brown mice in F1 Is crossed with a
homozygous white parent?

a. 1 brown , 1 white
b. 3 brown , 1 white
c. All white
d. 1 brown , 3 white

9- What happens to enzymes when temperature is above 40 oc?

a. Enzymes are inactivated

b. Enzymes are denatured
c. Enzymes are neutralized
d. Enzymes are inhibited

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10- Which type of neuron is represented by the figure below?

a. Sensory neuron
b. Response neuron
c. Motor neuron
d. Relay neuron

11- ______________is a type of reproduction exhibited by amoeba

a. Binary fission
b. Budding
c. Seeds
d. Spores

12- Diffusion is __________________

a. Transfer of molecules from region of high concentration to a region of low concentration

b. Transfer of water molecule from a region of low concentration to a region of high
concentration through a semi permeable membrane
c. Transfer of water molecule from a region of high concentration to a region of low
concentration through a semi permeable membrane
d. Transfer of molecules from region of low concentration to a region of high concentration

13- In human skeleton, the thoracic vertebrae are found in the _____________________

a. Ribs region
b. Abdomen region
c. Neck region

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d. Pelvic girdle region

14- The amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is increased by the process of ______________

a. Respiration
b. Combustion
c. Photosynthesis
d. Fermentation

15- In a typical plant root, cell growth occurs in the region ___________________________

a. Maturation
b. Differentiation
c. Cell division
d. Elongation

16- The growth movement of plants in response to chemical substances is known as _____

a. Chemotropism
b. Phototropism
c. Geotropism
d. Thigmotropism

17- The part of the flower that receives pollen grains during pollination is known as ______

a. Anther
b. Stigma
c. Style
d. Ovary

18- The ability of living organism to obtain energy from food is termed as __________

a. Feeding
b. Growth
c. Respiration
d. Irritability

19- Amoebiasis is caused by a parasite called____________

a. Trypanasoma

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b. Entamoeba protus
c. Entamoeba dysentery
d. Entamoeba histolytica

20- Which one of the following sequences shows the correct life cycle of a butter fly?

a. Eggs, larvae, pupa , adult

b. Pupa, larvae, eggs, adults
c. Larvae , eggs pupa, adults
d. Eggs , pupa, larvae, adults

Section B (40 Marks)

Answer all the questions from this Section in the spaces provided.

Q21. a). i. Define photosynthesis (2mks)

ii). Write two factors affecting the rate of photosynthesis (2mks).

b). Explain how the following factors affects the activities of enzymes (4mks)

i). Temperature


ii).Substrate concentration


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22 a). Outline any four differences between veins and arteries (4mks)

Veins Arteries

b). Explain why the wall of the left ventricle of the heart is thicker than that of the right ventricle


23 a). Citing one example in each case, define the following terms (4mks)

i) . Ecological niche



ii) . Population

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b). The following data was collected from Ketty’s farm. 100,000 green plants, 200 lions, 10,000
Zebras, 10,000 elephants, 10,000 hares, 100 vultures, 150 cheetahs. Use this data to answer the
following questions.

i). Construct a food web for the above data (2mks).

ii). Extract any three food chains from your food web above (3mks).




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c). Explain any five measures that the government of South Sudan can take to conserve forestry





Q24. a). What is Osmosis? (1mk)


b). With aid of diagrams describe the process of Osmosis using living tissues of Irish potatoes


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Q25. The figure below shows the structure of a typical thoracic bone. Use it to answer the following

i). Label the parts marked Q – T





ii). Give a function of the following parts



SETION C (40 Marks).

Answer all the questions in the spaces provided.

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Q26. (a). Explain the following terms with an example.

i). Analogous structures (2mks)


ii). Adaptive radiation (2mks)



b). Explain four evidences that support organic evolution (4mks).


c). Citing an example discuss natural selection in action (4mks).


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Q27 a). Draw and label a section of a Mammalian kidney (4mks)

b). Describe the process of filtration and reabsorption in the nephron (6mks).


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c). Explain the mechanism of maintenance of blood glucose level in human beings (5mks)


Q28 (a). Name the three support tissues in plants and their strengthening materials (3mks).

Tissue Strengthening Material

b). Describe the adaptations of the fish to swim (8mks).


c). Give a function of each of the following parts of the human skeleton (2mks).

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i). Foraman magnum ……………………………………………………………………………….


ii). Transverse process ……………………………………………………………………………..


The End.

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