Chant 3
Chant 3
Chant 3
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K R I S T E N' S C O L L E C T I O N
This text file contains sexually explicit
material. If you do not wish to read this
type of literature, or you are under age,
This work is copyrighted to the author � 2013. Please
don't remove the author information or make any changes
to this story. All rights reserved. Thank you for your
Chant - 3
by Barefootbandit (
"Wait! Stop!" She yelled. What the hell was all the
fuss about? Let him go and get back to sucking! I
"It's ok, I won't say anything. Suck it!" She said and
pushed him towards my dick. His face bumped into my
hardness but he didn't try to suck it. He looked at my
dick and then up at her.
"Lick it!" She said too loudly and hit him on the back
of the head with her hand.
"Yea, that's it! Suck his big man cock you little
sissy!" She said pushing his head down onto me.
Jenny knelt to his side and put her hand between his
legs. She reached under his ass with one hand and
around the side to his cock with the other. She winked
at me.
She took her hand off his balls and reached up onto
the stove where she or Kelly had been cooking that
morning. When her hand came back it was covered in
white goo. Bacon grease. Her hand made contact with
his ass. He pulled off my cock and looked back at her.
"Good! Scoot back a few inches and lift your legs up."
She said and walked over to me. She walked me over to
him rubbing my back. She reached down and stroked my
cock. It felt weird. I looked down. She had used her
greased up hand on me. It felt thick. That was the
best I could think of. It felt slowed down and thick.
Scott had his legs up. He was lying back on the table.
She walked me over to him and put his legs onto my
"Shut up you fagot! Just lay back and enjoy the ride!"
She yelled at him. She pushed my ass closer to him. My
cock touched between his cheeks.
She grabbed his left nipple in her hand and rubbed it.
She dropped and took his right nipple in her mouth. I
saw her teeth on his nipple right before she sucked it
in. He put his head back. She rubbed and licked. She
dropped her other hand to his cock. It was still rock
hard. She stroked him slowly. He visibly relaxed. His
ass came back down to the table and he sighed lowly.
Her hair was all over the place. Her hands were up
pinching her nipples and she was mushing herself into
Scott's face. She was dancing to music no one else
could hear. She had her eyes locked on my cock as she
ground her pussy into his face. I swear she was
frothing at the mouth.
I pulled out about three inches and then back in. This
was getting easier. I pulled out about five inches and
then back in. That was perfect. I started up a rhythm.
Taking five and giving five. Oh yea! I went faster.
"Yeaaaass!" He said.
"Yeahhh!" He groaned.
"It's ok." She said and took a step towards me. What
"Can I see it again?" She asked in her mousey little
voice. She seemed like she was in a daze. I didn't
know what to do. I stopped fidgeting and looked at
her. That need to bolt out of there slowly left me.
Was she serious? She looked up at my face.
"I've never seen a real one before. Are they all that
big?" She squeaked at me. I shrugged my shoulders. I
was at a loss for words. She touched me lightly on the
shoulder. I was bent with my hands covering my junk.
What was happening here? Her eyes went back down. Oh
man, this was getting me hard. I loosened my grip. I
could feel myself getting harder. I couldn't contain
it, my dick popped out of my cupped hands.
I had never shown anyone and no one had ever shown me.
I didn't know how to show her. She had her hand
different than I do it. When she had both hands on me
they had been like she was praying down my length with
her palms at my head. Now she just had the one hand on
the top with her fingers curled around. I took her
hand and moved her wrist. She didn't resist me but she
was trying to over correct. I couldn't get it right.
I brushed the pizza off and set her tiny little ass
down on the side table. I ran my hands down her legs
and yanked her tennis shoes off. She had already
started taking her belt off. I grabbed her pants at
the button and tried to unbutton them but I was too
rough and tore the button and ripped the jeans zipper
open. I pulled them down. She had Hello Kitty
underwear on. It was ripped where I had opened her
jeans. I ripped them more and forced them down her
I kicked her glasses and hat off the carpet and laid
down on it. She stood above me, looking down at my
dick. She put a foot to each side of my stomach and
squatted down. She still had her hair back in a
ponytail but the sides were pulled out where I had
gripped her. She still had her oversized pizza shirt
on with a name tag. I lifted her shirt up a bit so I
could see our connection. She was looking down at it
too. I felt her hand grasp my ridged erection and pull
it straight up. She put pressure on me and rubbed
herself onto me. She groaned when we connected on her
clit. She rolled back and sat down hard.
She rubbed back and forth and then sat down hard. She
lifted her feet right off the ground. Oh my god! It
felt like the skin was getting pulled off my cock! She
was screaming. I was screaming. We were tied together
and her feet were off the ground. The only thing
holding her up was my cock. She quickly lost balance
and put her hands on my stomach. The pain was intense.
I was finally in an inch or two! She put her feet
down. We both rested. The pain went away.
She shook her head and exhaled. She put her feet down
and re-gripped my legs. She pulled up a little bit and
slammed back down pulling with screaming. I felt the
damn break. It felt like someone had peeled the skin
off my cock. Her scream of frustration turned to pain
in an instant. I went down a couple inches into her.
Oh my god was that tight! I never even imagined
something like this!
I found the lube and opened the box. I opened the lid
and tried to squirt it onto my hand. Nothing came out.
I looked at it. There was a stupid sticker. I took the
cap off, removed the sticker, put the cap back on and
squirted some into my hand and rubbed my cock with it.
Woah! That was some slippery stuff! I squirted some
more in my hand and put the bottle down on the floor.
"Lick it!" I heard Jenny yell. She had her hand
wrapped up in Tina's hair. She had her face pressed up
under her cunt. Tina must have had reservations about
licking pussy. I walked up behind Scott and put my
juiced up hand where his ass would make contact on the
out strokes. He backed right into my hand. I ran my
wet fingers up his crack. He stopped. I grabbed the
bottle and squirted more. He kept still.
"Yea! Fucking suck it. That's it! I'm gunna cum! Don't
stop! Fuck me!" She screamed.
She spread them but not much. She was confused. She
didn't know what I was doing.
"Oh!" Tina said and grabbed Jenny's head. She put her
feet up on Jenny's back and pulled her face into her
wet bloody cunt. Oh shit, I'd forgotten about the
blood! Oh, well.
"Lick it!" She roared. She pulled her hair and humped
into her.
I raised my eyebrows.
I jumped in the shower and I let the hot water run all
over my body. I felt like the water was massaging my
tired muscles. I closed my eyes and just let the
feeling over take me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
This story was written as an adult fantasy. The author
does not condone the described behavior in real life in
anyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of
the scenarios in this story; should seriously consider
seeking professional help.
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Kristen's collection - Directory 75