Power of Positive Language

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of Positive
Positive adult language is the professional use of words and tone of voice to enable children
to learn in an engaged, active way. This includes learning social skills. To guide children
towards choosing and maintaining positive behaviors, we as educators need to carefully
choose the words and tone and body language we use when speaking to them.

The aim of this learning module is to make you more aware of your current use of language
and give you the knowledge and tools to make enhancements if needed. It will cover:
1. Language
2. Tone & Body Language
3. Alternative phrases to promote positive language
4. Empowering children to make good choices
Learning to use positive language with children takes time and for some people it can take years to
build a vocabulary that supports the use of positive language.

If you want less stress and better behaviour, you can avoid most back-talk, tantrums, and daily power
struggles just by using positive language. Positive language clearly shows your children what you want
them to stop doing and what you’d like for them to do instead.

This can be difficult to master, especially on those bad days where you are stressed and overworked
yourself but take a deep breath and put more thought into your reactions.
Try to make the typical negative phrases with the positive alternative ones:

Old Phrase New Phrase

Don’t even think about running I’m so glad you’re here today. I see you’re
inside. I’m watching you! remembering to walk safely in the classroom
I would like you to use your inside voice like this
Stop shouting
(give verbal example as to what that sounds like)
Your face is showing me that you are upset.
There’s no need to cry
Would you like tell me why?

Don’t throw sand Would you like to fill this bucket with sand?

Do you see the difference?

It can be very hard to get used to at first but as soon as speaking in a more positive way
becomes a habit, you’ll soon see that your children will behave better and they will start
to talk to each other positively too.
Tone & Body Language
Did you know that only 7% of how we communicate is by our language? The rest is through our
body language and our voice. Here are two videos which will give you an insight as to why this is


Alternative Phrases to
Promote Positive Language
What are some of your most common sentences you repeat with the children? Take some time to
write them down and say them in front of a full-length mirror. This will also help you to identify
areas of adjustments to your facial expression, tone and body language.

What suggestions can you make. It may be hard at first to build and reflect on your current
language as we are creatures of habit. Share your new skill with a colleague to keep you
accountable to your new learnings, even encourage them to get on board too. This way your team
can identify ways in which you can improve our language including tone, facial expression and
body language.
Use the following reflection spreadsheet:

Prase/ Instruction
Facial Expression
Body Language
Empowering Children to Make
Good Choices
With Positive Language comes positive behaviors.

To choose positive behaviors, children need to see themselves as capable individuals and responsible community members.
We as Early Childhood Educators can use positive language to help children build that self-perception.

For example, the educator announces this to children when they arrive, “When everyone is quiet, we’ll start our group
time/morning meeting,”
An educator says to the children, “You can look at our poster to remind yourselves what to do when you finish eating.” These
words convey belief that children want to cooperate, listen, and do good work, while also giving them information about how
they can follow through on those good intentions.

With our words, we convey our assumptions and expectations about children, which, in turn, influence children’s assumptions
and expectations about themselves

Other Example:
Think of a child who attends the preschool with lots of energy. They love Kindergarten and sometimes forget the preschool
agreement about walking inside. You anticipate this happening and have the opportunity to address this.
These two ways of talking send very different messages:

(a) The first way communicates a lack of faith in Ben’s ability to follow the rules. It also sets up the
adult as an “enforcer,” undermining trust between the adult and the child.
(b)The second way communicates that the adult sees Ben’s good intentions and responsible
behavior and, most importantly, believes that she can succeed.

By using positive language to convey your belief in children’s abilities and intentions, you help them
adopt a positive identity with themselves and develop more awareness and self-control.

As a bonus, your language helps those within earshot form a positive perception of Ben, which
further enhances the child’s self-perception and helps to promote positive behavior among other
Language Matters
The benefits of using positive language are:

Allows you as an educator to be more approachable.

Empowers the children to make responsible choices.
Help you to portray belief in their abilities.

All of these will aid you to build strong relationships with the children, families and other Educators.

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