Deo Ngonyani
Deo Ngonyani
Deo Ngonyani
Overview: This proposal seeks support for a postdoctoral fellow to collaborate with the
mentor to (a) build a digital archive of language data collected from fieldwork including
Dhaisu and Kisi and other East African languages; (b) co-author and co-present
linguistics papers; and (c) write a grant proposal for Documenting Endangered
Languages program of NSF.
Objectives: Support is sought for collaborative work to archive language material from
the AAP supported fieldwork on Dhaisu (2017-2019), as well as materials I have
collected on Ndendeule, Ngoni, Kisi, and Nyanja. Most of the primary materials are in
notebooks, on CDs and hard drives as audio files. The materials include wordlists,
personal narratives, folktales, songs, as well as elicited sentences and phrases. The
project will involve inputting words, texts, and the analysis of each word on the
FieldWorks. FieldWorks is a set of software tools created by the Summer Institute of
Linguistics (SIL) and is used in managing linguistic data. This popular set of tools
archives linguistic data as well as cultural data. It enables the researcher to create a
database for making dictionaries, interlinearization of texts and morphological analysis.
Activities: The mentor and the fellow will (a) build a digital archive of language data,
(b) write a grant proposal for the Documenting Endangered Language program of NSF,
(c) co-author papers, and (d) co-present at conferences such as the Annual Conference
African Linguistics.
Significance: The collaboration with the mentee will expand our language
documentation activities from three to four institutions with the ultimate goal of
creating a sustainable partnership. With respect to transforming lives, the project seeks
to preserve cultural material and cultural diversity through language materials. The
primary data will be resources for language description, theoretical studies and
comparative study of Bantu languages. The FieldWorks template facilitates the creation
of dictionaries and the writing of sketch grammars. The archive will be a base for future
documentation. The AAP supported project involved three institutions, Michigan State
Univesity, Tumaini University Dar es Salaam College in Tanzania and the US
International University in Nairobi, Kenya. The collaboration with the mentee will
expand our activities to another institution with the ultimate goal of creating a
sustainable partnership.
Current Status of the Project: Already about 2500 words from Dhaisu have been input
into FieldWorks and have been morphologically tagged. This was made possible by the
College of Arts and Letters fund that was used to hire a student. Far more materials
remain to be input from Dhaisu, Ndendeule, Kisi, and Nyanja.
The Mentee: Ideally, the fellow will be a linguist who is interested in general
linguistics, language description, and linguistic theory. Since all interviews were
conducted in Swahili, the fellow should also speak Swahili.
Deogratias Ngonyani Wells Hall B331
East Lansing, MI 48824
H (+1) 517 512 8437
Curriculum Vitae B,
1996 PhD Linguistics, The University of California Los Angeles, Dissertation, The Morphosyn-
tax of Applicatives.
Advisor: Hilda Koopman
1994 MA Linguistics, The University of California Los Angeles, Thesis, A Classification of
Southern Tanzanian Languages.
Advisor: Thomas Hinnebusch
1988 MA Linguistics, The University of Dar es Salaam, Thesis:, A Comparative Study of
Kindendeule, Kingoni and Kimatengo.
Advisor: Herman Batibo
1985 BA(Ed), The University of Dar es Salaam, Thesis, Segmental Phonology of Ndendeule.
Advisor: Atwaya Saidi Nchimbi
1980 Diploma in Education, Dar es Salaam College of National Education.
Academic Appointments
2005 - Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African
present Languages
2014 Visiting Fulbright Scholar, Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, Pwani
University, Kenya.
1999-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African
1998-1999 Outreach Coordinator, African Studies Program, Indiana University Bloomington
1996-1998 Visiting Lecturer, African Studies Program, Indiana University, Bloomington
1991-1996 Teaching Assistant, Linguistics Department, University of California Los Angeles
1988-1991 Assistant Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, University of Dar es
1986-1988 Tutorial Assistant, Department of Linguistics and Languages, University of Dar es Salaam
1985-1986 Secondary School Teacher, Mzumbe Secondary School
1980-1982 Secondary School Teacher, Ifunda Technical Secondary School
2017-2018 MSU Alliance for African Partnership. Documenting Endangered Languages of East Africa.
Co-PI with Ann Biersteker, Angelina Kioko and Josephat Rugemalira.
2014 Fulbright Scholar, US Department of State. Kiswahili Verb Extensions: Productivity and
Affix Order.
2013-2016 US Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad for Intensive Summer
Kiswahili Program in Tanzania.
2011-2013 MSU HARP grant, Documentation of Kimwera.
2008-2011 US Department of Education Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad for Intensive Summer
Kiswahili Program in Tanzania
2006-2007 NSF/NEH Documenting Endangered Languages Fellowship for Documenting Kikisi.
2001-2002 MSU Intramural Research Grant Program, A Study of Kingoni Grammar.
1991-1992 Governance Program of East Africa. Language Shift and Ethnic Identity in Tanzania.
1990-1991 Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern Africa. Ideology Versus ChildrenâĂŹs
Interests in Tanzanian Primary School Language Textbooks.
1985 The University of Dar es Salaam Convoncation, Best Undergraduate Education Student
2003 Ngonyani, Deo, A Grammar of Chingoni, Munich: Lincom Europa..
2012 Rugemalira, J., H. Muzale, P. Ezekiel, K. Kindija, G. Mrikaria, B.P. Lema, N. Asheli, A.
Lusekelo, D. Ngonyani, K. Mathayo, J. Taji 2012. Harmonization of the Orthography of
Bantu Languages of Tanzania. Cape Town: Center for Advanced Study of African Society,
Monograph No. 250.
Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals
2017 Ngonyani, Deo, Conditionals in Ndendeule. Studies in African Linguistics. 46,1&2:173-
2016 Ngonyani, Deo. Pairwise combinations of Applicatives with other extensions in Swahili.
Nordic Journal of African Studies, 25, 1:52-71
2015 Ngonyani, Deo The morphosyntax of Kiswahili causatives. Kiswahili: Journal of Institute
of Kiswahili Studies, 78:123-145.
2013 Ngonyani, Deo. Kiswahili riddles: parallelism and function. Southern African Journal of
Linguistics, 33, 1:1-10.
2006 Ngonyani, Deo. Attract F and verbal morphology in Kiswahili. The Linguistic Review
23, 1: 35-66.
2006 Ngonyani, Deo. Lexical innovation in Tanzania’s political discourse. Kiswahili: Journal
of the Institute of Kiswahili Research 69: 1-21.
2006 Ngonyani, Deo & Peter Githinji. The asymmetric nature of Bantu applicative construc-
tions. Lingua 116, 1: 31-63.
2004 Ngonyani, Deo. Vowel harmony in Kindendeule and Chingoni languages of Tanzania.
Utafiti: Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam.
Vol.5, No.1; pp.99-112.
2001 Ngonyani, Deo. The evolution of Tanzanian Ngoni. Sprache und Geschichte in Afrika
2001 Ngonyani, Deo. Onomastic devices in Shaaban Robert’s narratives. Journal of African
Cultural Studies 14, 2:125-136.
2001 Ngonyani, Deo. The changing fortunes of Kiswahili in Tanzania. South African Journal
of African Languages 21, 3:244-258.
2000 Ngonyani, Deo. Tools of deception: Media coverage of student protests in Tanzania.
Nordic Journal of African Studies. Vol. 9, 2: 22-48.
1999 Ngonyani, Deo. Xo -movement in Kiswahili relative clauses. Linguistic Analysis Vol.29,
1-2: 137-159.
1989 Ngonyani, Deo. A weak reading foundation: Some inadequacies of Tanzanian primary
school language textbooks. In Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, Vol. 4,
Book Chapters
2008 Foster, Valerie & Deo Ngonyani. Talking about HIV/AIDS: Metaphors that shape our
perception of the crisis in Tanzania. In Intercultural Communication. Obeng, Sam G. &
Beverly A. S. Hartford, pp. 1-25. New York, Nova Science Publishers, Inc
2006 Ngonyani, Deo . Sub-Saharan Africa. In The American Midwest: An Interpretive
Encyclopedia. Richard Sisson, Christian Zacher, and Andrew Cayton, (Eds) Bloomington:
Indiana University Press.
2002 Ngonyani, Deo. Ujamaa (Socialism) metaphors: The basis of President Nyerere’s
political terminology. In Samuel G. Obeng and Beverly G. Hartford (eds.), Surviving
Through Obliqueness: Language of Politics in Developing Democracies. New York: Nova
Science Publishers. pp. 31-44.
1994 Rajabu, Rehema and Deo Ngonyani. Language policy in Tanzania and the hidden agenda.
In C. M. Rubagumya (ed.). Teaching and Researching Language in African Classrooms.
Clevedon: Multilingual Matters Ltd. pp. 6-14.
Working Papers
2018 Ngonyani, Deo & Nancy Jumwa Ngowa.The reversive derivation in Swahili. Arusha
Working Papers in Linguistics 1:1-23.
2015 Ngonyani, Deo. Jinsi ya Kuthibitisha na Kuchanganua Viambajengo na Muundo wa Virai.
Mulika, 34:14-37.
2008 Ngonyani, Deo. Infinitival relatives in Bantu Languages. Languages of Tanzania Occas-
sional Papers in Linguistics 3: 1-22.
2005 Ngonyani, Deo. Vitendawili: Usambamba na dhima yake katika Jamii. (Riddles: Struc-
tural Parallelism and Social Function). Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere , Swahili Forum
2001 Ngonyani, Deo. The morphosyntax of negation in Kiswahili. Afrikanistische Arbeitspa-
piere 68, Swahili Forum VIII, pp. 17-33.
1996 Ngonyani, Deo . VP ellipsis in Swahili and Ndendeule applicatives. Garrett, E. and F.
Lee (eds.) Syntax at Sunset: UCLA Working Papers in Syntax and Semantics, No. 1.
1997 Ngonyani, Deo. The failure of language policy in Tanzanian education. In Social
Education, November/December Vol. 61 (7) pp. 412-418.
1995 Ngonyani, Deo. Language shift and national identity in Tanzania. Ufahamu: Journal of
African Activist Association, Vol. 23 (2), pp. 69-92.
Conference Proceedings
2016 Ngonyani, Deo & Ngowa, Nancy Jumwa . The productivity of the reversive extension in
Swahili. In Doris L. Payne, Sara Pacchiarotti & Mokaya Bosire (eds.), Diversity in African
Languages, 255-271. Berlin: Language Science Press.
2013 Ngonyani, Deo S. Surrogate imperatives in Bantu languages with postverbal negative
particles. In Selected Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Conference on African Linguistics,
ed. OÌčlanikeÌč OÌčla Orie and Karen W. Sanders, pp. 177-187. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla
Proceedings Project.
2006 Ngonyani, Deo. Resumptive pronominal clitics in Bantu Languages. In Selected Proceed-
ings of the Annual Conference on African Linguistics. Arasanyin, Olaoba F. and Michael
Pimberton (eds). Pp 51-59. Sommerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
2003 Ngonyani, Deo. Aspects of relative clause constructions in Kindendeule and Kingoni. In
John Mugane (ed), Linguistic Typology and Representation in African Linguages Vol 5.
Trenton, NJ: Africa World Publishers. pp 229-242.
2002 Ngonyani, Deo. Sentential negation and verb movement in Bantu languages. In Pro-
ceedings of the 28th Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, February 15-18,
2002. Ed. Julie Larson and Mary Paster. pp 201-212.
2000 Ngonyani, Deo. The constituent structure of Kindendeule applicatives. In Vicki Carstens
and Frederick Parkinson (eds). Advances in African Linguistics. Trenton, N.J.: Africa
World Press pp. 61-76.
1998 Ngonyani, Deo. Towards a typology of applicatives. In Ian Maddieson and Tom Hinneb-
usch (eds). Language History and Linguistic Description in African Linguistics. Trenton,
N.J.: Africa World Press pp .249-258.
1997 Ngonyani, Deo. Elementary reading materials in US, Canada and Tanzania: A Compara-
tive Study. In Hamza Njozi (Ed) East Africa and the US: Problems and Issues. Proceedings
of 2nd East African-American Studies Colloquium, May 26-30, 1991.
Mganga, Y., Kisanji, J., Royer, O., & Ngonyani, D. Maendeleo ya Wanafunzi katika
Kujifunza Utamaduni Mpya Ng’ambo katika Familia: Uzoefu wa Mradi ya GPA Kiswahili.
Journal of African Language Teachers Association.
Ngonyani, D., Mganga, Y., Kisanji, J. & Royer, O. Intensive Summer Fulbright-Hays
GPA for Advanced Swahili and Intercultural Development, Journal of African Language
Teachers Association.
Ngowa, Nancy and Deo Ngonyani. The Subjunctive Mood in Giryama and Tanzanian
Nyanja, Studia Orientalia Electronica.
Ngonyani, Deo The poetics of kanga sayings. Book chapter in Adu-Amankwah, David.
African Expressive Routines: Introducing Popular Communication Strategies in Africa.
Under Review
Ngonyani, Deo. Bantu applicative constructions (entry for a Handbook of Bantu Lan-
Biersteker, Ann, Angelina Kioko Ngonyani, Deo and Josephat Rugemalira. Proto-Bantu
reflexes in Dhaisu. 49ACAL Proceedings
Yan Cong and Ngonyani Deo A Causative in Disguise in Swahili. 49ACAL Proceedings
In Preparation
Ngonyani, Deo. A Sketch Grammar of Chinyanja of Tanzania. (monograph)
Kisanji, Joachim & Deo Ngonyani. Metonimia katika Methali za Kiswahili (Metonymy in
Swahili proverbs- article)
Ngonyani, Deo. The Copula in Ndendeule (article)
Ngonyani, Deo. A Grammar of Kikisi (monograph)
Ngonyani, Deo. A Grammar of Kindendeule (monograph)
Ngonyani, Deo and Asmaha Heddi. Exploring Indigenous Knowledge Systems in the
language class: riddles (article)
2018 Nyerere and the Discursive Invention of Tanzania. Paper presented at the 61st Annual
Meeting of the African Studies Association, Atlanta, GA, November 29 - December 1.
2018 with Peter Githinji, Joachim Kisanji and Yusta Mganga. Haja ya Kuimarisha Mikabala na
Mbinu za Kuwafunza Wageni Lugha ya Kiswahili Nchini Kenya. Paper presented at the
CHAKITA International Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, August 9 - 10, 2018.
2018 with Ann Biersteker, Angelina Kioko and Josephat Rugemalira. Proto-Bantu reflexes in
Dhaisu. Paper presented at the 49th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Michigan
State University, March 22-24, 2018.
2018 with Peter Githinji, Joachim Kisanji and Yusta Mganga. Students’ evaluation of the
effectiveness of Swahili GPA. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual ALTA Conference,
Dulles, April 19-22.
2017 With Nancy Ngowa. Popular Culture and Swahili Slang. Paper presented at the the 60th
Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Chicago November 16-20, 2017
2017 With Nancy Ngowa The Subjunctive Mood in Giryama and Tanzanian Nyanja. Paper
presented at the conference on Verbal Morphology in Undescribed Languages, University
of Gothenburg, June 2-3, 2017.
2017 With Asmaha Heddi. Exploring Indigenous Knowledge Systems in the language class:
riddles. Paper presented at the 21 Annual Conference of the African Language Teachers
Association, April 20-23, 2017.
2017 With Nancy Ngowa The Subjunctive Mood in Giryama and Tanzanian Nyanja. Poster
presentation at the Annual Conference on African Linguistics, March 30-April 1, 2017.
Bloomington Indiana.
2017 Swahili Passive and Stative Extensions and their Interaction with the Applicative. Paper
presented at the Annual Conference on African Linguistics, March 30-April 1, 2017.
Bloomington Indiana.
2016 Mganga, Yusta, Joachim Kisanji, Omega Royer and Deo Ngonyani. Maendeleo ya Wana-
funzi katika Kujifunza Utamaduni Mpya Ng‘ambo katika Familia: Uzoefu wa Mradi ya
GPA Kiswahili. Paper presented at the CHAUKIDU conference in Nairobi, December
16-17, 2016.
2016 Contemporary East African Presidents Viewed Through Gado‘s Prism. Paper presented at
the annual meeting of the African Studies Association, Washington DC, December 1-3,
2016 Intensive Summer Swahili GPA and Intercultural Development. Paper presented at the
African Language Teachers Association, Atlanta Georgia, April 21-24, 2016.
2015 Metaphors in Tanzanian political cartoons. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the
African Studies Association, San Diego, November 18 - 22, 2015.
2015 Issues of language in the new Education Policy in Tanzania. Presentation at the Symposium
on Tanzanian Education Post-2014: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead, College of Education,
Michigan State University, September 23, 2015.
2015 (with Nancy Ngowa) The reversive extension in Swahili. Paper presented at the 8th World
Congress of African Linguistics, Kyoto, Japan, August 21-24, 2015.
2015 (with Nancy Ngowa) The productivity of the reversive extension in Swahili. Paper presented
at the 46th Association of Contemporary African Linguistics, University of Oregon, March
26-28, 2015.
2014 Riddling and Children‘s Acquisition of Metaphors. Departmental Seminar, Pwani University,
Department of Languages, Linguistics and Literature, March 24, 2014.
2012 The Subjunctive in Kikisi, Kindendeule, Chingoni and Kiswahili. Paper presented at 13th
Workshop on the Languages of Tanzania, May 25, 2012, University of Dar es Salaam.
2011 The Subjunctive and the Left Periphery in Bantu. 42nd Annual Conference on African
Linguistics, June 10-12, 2011, University of Maryland, College Park.
2011 Homestays and Intercultural Development: The Intensive Kiswahili GPA Experience.
Annual meeting of the African Language Teachers Association, April 2011, University of
2010 Issues in the syntax of African languages. Graduate seminar conducted at the University
of Dar es Salaam August 16-17, 2010.
2010 Nyerere‘s War Against Cannibals. Invited presentation University of Iowa February 22,
2009 Property Concepts in Kikisi. 6th World Congress of African Languages. Cologne, Germany,
August 19-21, 2009.
2009 Demonstratives in Kikisi and Kindendeule. Annual Conference on African Linguistics.
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, April 2009.
2009 Demonstratives in Kindendeule. 3rd International Conference on Bantu Languages. Ter-
vuren, Belgium, March 25-25, 2009.
2009 Nyerere‘s War Against Political Cannibals. Annual Meeting of the African Studies Associa-
tion. November 2009.
2007 Property concept words in Kindendeule. Presented at the Colloquium of African Linguistics,
University of Dar es Salaam, May 17, 2007.
2007 Infinitival relatives in Bantu. Presented at the Languages of Tanzania Workshop, University
of Dar es Salaam, May 24-25, 2007.
2006 Infinitival Relatives in Bantu. 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics, University of
Oregon, Eugene April 6-9, 2006.
2005 Kiswahili verbal morphology and post-syntactic movement. Paper presented at the 75th
Jubilee of the Institute of Kiswahili Research, University of Dar es Salaam July 4 - 10,
2004 Vitendawili: Usambamba na Dhima Yake Katika Jamii. (Riddles: Their Linguistic Paral-
lelism and Social Function) African Studies Association, New Orleans, November 11-14,
2004 The position of Kindendeule transitivizing extensions. Annual Conference on African
Linguistics, Harvard University, April 1-3, 2004.
2004 with Peter Githinji Argument Structure in Multiple Object Constructions. Invited talk at
Syntax Group meeting, University of Michigan, December 4, 2004.
2003 with Foster, Valerie. Talking about HIV/AIDS: Metaphors that shape our perception of
the crisis, African Studies Association Annual Meeting, Boston Nov. 2003.
2003 Negation Marking Asymmetry in Bantu Languages. World Congress of African Linguistics,
Rutgers University, 06, 18, 2003.
2003 with Foster, Valerie. HIV/AIDS in Africa: Metaphors that shape African perception of the
Crisis. Invited Talk Western Illinois University, December 2, 2003.
2002 Resistance and Surrender in Swahili Political Terminology. Paper presented at the Annual
Meeting of the African Studies Association, Washington DC, December 5-9, 2002.
2002 Aspects of Relative Clause Constructions in Kindendeule and Kingoni. Paper presented at
the Annual Conference on African Linguistics, Ohio University, Athens, March 22-24, 2002.
2002 Sentential Negation and Verb Movement in Bantu Languages. Paper presented at the
Berkeley Linguistic Society, February 15-18, 2002.
2001 Jespersen‘s Cycle in Bantu: A Comparative Study of Bantu Negation. Michigan State
University Linguistics Colloquium, April 19, 2001.
2001 The Relevance of Tense for Sentential Negation in Kindendeule. Paper presented at 32nd
Annual Conference on African Linguistics, U.C. Berkeley, March 22-25, 2001.
2000 Fertilizing the Mind: Nyerere‘s Metaphors and the Development of Post-Colonial Political
Discourse in Tanzania. Paper read at the African Studies Annual Meeting, Nashville,
November 17, 2000.
2000 The Architectures of Bantu Applicatives. Paper presented at the Michigan State University
Linguistics Colloquium, March 23, 2000.
2000 The Relative Marker in Bantu: A Pronoun or Complementizer? Paper presented at Annual
Conference on African Linguistics 2000, Boston University, March 1, 2000
1998 Constructing National Identity and Language Shift in Tanzania. Paper presented at the
29th Annual Conference on African Linguistics. March 26-29, 1998, Yale University.
1998 Right-hand Head Rule and the Kiswahili Verb. Paper presented at the 29th Annual
Conference on African Linguistics. March 26-29, 1998, Yale University.
1998 X0 Movement in the Bantu Verb. Linguistics Colloquium of Michigan State University,
January 30, 1998.
1997 The Constituent Structure of Kindendeule Applicatives. Paper presented at the 28th
Annual Conference on African Linguistics, July 11-13, 1997, Cornell University.
1996 The morphosyntax of applicatives. Colloquium talk UCLA Linguistics Department, June
1995 Instrumental Applicatives in Ndendeule and Swahili. Paper presented at 8th Niger-Congo
Syntax & Semantics Workshop, African Studies Center, Boston University, October 24-25,
1995 Nationalism, Language Shift and the Crisis in the Medium of Education in Tanzania. Paper
presented at UCLA African Activist Association Young Scholars Conference. April 7-8,
1995 Towards a Typology of Applicatives in Bantu. Paper presented at the 26th Annual
Conference on African Linguistics, March 24-26, 1995, Los Angeles.
1995 Language Shift, National Identity, and the Crisis of the Medium of Instruction in Tanzania.
Paper presented at the African Studies Association 38th Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida,
Nov. 3-6, 1995.
1991 Elementary Reading Materials in USA, Canada and Tanzania: A Comparative Study. Paper
presented at the Second Colloquium on American Studies in East Africa, Arusha, May,
Michigan State University
Director, Undergraduate Linguistics Program
Director Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad for Intensive Kiswahili in Tanzania. 2008
-2011, 2012-2016.
Director, MSU Intensive Swahili Summer Program, Summer 2000.
Reviewer, MSU Intramural Research Grant Program, Fall 2000.
Reviewer for MSU RGP
Member, Advisory Committee of the Center for Advanced Studies in Development, 2002-
2009; 2012-13
African Studies Advisory Committee 2011
African Studies Center FLAS reviewer
African Studies Student Union Advisor
Co-editor, Journal of African Language Teachers Association 2001-2003
Director, Summer Cooperative African Language Institute (national institute hosted by
Michigan State University Summer 2002)
Program reviewer: Swahili Program, University of Michigan 2009-2010.
Program reviewer: Swahili Program, University of Iowa 2010.
Reviewer, National Science Foundation proposals 2001, 2002, 2005, 2012
Consulted for Ethnologue for languages of Southern Tanzania 2000.
Reviewer for Trends in African Linguistics; International Review of Language Acquisition,
Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, Modern Language Journal, Journal of African
Language Teachers Association, Linguistic Inquiry, Lingua, Utafiti, Linguistic Review,
Southern African Journal of African Languages, Studies in African Linguistics, Journal
of Linguistics and Language in Education, Arusha Working Papers in African Linguistics
Reviewer, Swahili Group Projects Abroad, 2001-2016
In Country Director for Swahili Group Projects Abroad, Summer 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010,
2011, 2013, 2016
Director, Intensive Kiswahili Group Projects Abroad (GPA) in Tanzania 2008-2011
Treasurer, African Language Teachers Association 2004-06
Member, Editorial Board, UTAFITI: Interdisciplinary Journal of Faculty of Arts and Social
Sciences, University of Dar es Salaam, 2004 - 2017
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Linguistics and Language in Education, University of
Dar es Salaam 2013 - present
Board Member, Tanzania Studies Association 1999-2010
Professional Organizations
African Studies Association (ASA).
African Language Teachers Association (ALTA)
Tanzanian Studies Association (TSA)
Association of Contemporary African Linguistics (ACAL)
Global Association for the Promotion of Swahili (CHAUKIDU)
Other Activities
Swahili Court Interpreter, Eighth Judicial District Court, Las Vegas: 1995.
Swahili Court Interpreter, Los Angeles District Court, Los Angeles: 1995.
Swahili Translator, Executive Linguist Agency, P.O. Box 3616, Redondo Beach, CA 90277.
Swahili Dialogue Coach and Translator (Various Movies), Hollywood, California, 1993-1996.
Swahili Language Instructor, African-American Cultural Center, Los Angeles, 1994-1996.
Court Intepreter, St John, MI 2013.
Dr. Yen-Hwei Lin
Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages
619 Red Cedar Road
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East Lansing, MI 48824, USA