Keeping Quiet

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Summary of Keeping Quiet

Keeping Quiet summary discusses peace, humanity, and

brotherhood. This poem is by the author Pablo Neruda. The

poem is explosive as well as quiet at the same time. Neruda

speaks of a world of wisdom in a calm fashion. Neruda

believes that staunch activism is not the best way to get into

the heart and minds of the masses. Consequently, the

author speaks with much serenity. Furthermore, this

serenity creates an aftermath of thought ripples in the minds

of the reader. The poet wants the readers to take time out of

their busy lives for retrospection and introspection. The

poem is symbolic of stopping all activities and understanding

the purpose of the world. Keeping Quiet appeals to the heart

of the readers in contrast to the intellect. Through this

poem, Neruda aims to get his readers thinking and

pondering as opposed to intellectual stimulation.

Keeping Quiet Summary in English

This poem emphasizes the importance of self-introspection

and silence. Furthermore, these two can transform the life of

an individual. Moreover, they can also transform the face of

the earth. The poet says that self-introspection and silence

do not take much time to look within. Any individual can do

it and examine oneself. This is easy and takes only as long

as it will take someone to count to twelve. During this time

of introspection (self-examination), it is important for the

individual to keep quiet. The individual must say nothing at

all. Without silence and keeping quiet, self-introspection will

not work. Silently introspecting will give the individual a

strange feeling of unity and togetherness with all others.

In the beginning, it will certainly feel a little strange.

However, eventually, it has the power to bring us all

together. This silence will be free from the annoying sounds

of engines. Furthermore, this silence will also be free from

the people rushing to get their work done. The author feels

contentment while imagining the change that will take place

in those moments. The men who have to deal with the pain

while collecting salt will get a little relief. Even the people

who desire war and destruction will put on clean clothes and

an opportunity to walk among their brothers. They will get to

experience a life that is free of enmity and hatred. There will

be a halt to their destructive and dangerous activities. Peace

and tranquillity will prevail everywhere once such harmful

activities come to a stop, even if it is for a short time.

The poet clarifies that his wish should not mean “total

inactivity”. The poet only desires to interrupt the violent,

cruel, and sad activities taking place all over the world for a

few moments and let individuals introspect their actions. In

fact, there is a connection to what he says with life rather

than death. Activity is the very essence of life whereas

inactivity is symbolic of death. However, for a new,

improved, and useful activity, a little stillness is quite


The poet makes use of the image of the earth to explain how

life exists in things that seem dormant. In winter, the earth

becomes very silent and it seems to be dead. The Earth

becomes lively again in spring. Furthermore, in spring, the

addition of fresh new beauties and colours takes place. In a

similar fashion, man can resume his activities in a better

manner after a little silence and quietness.

Conclusion of Keeping Quiet

Keeping Quiet summary tells us about the big impact of

silence and self-introspection in making this world a better


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