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Total No.

of Questions: 5 Seat No:

F.Y. B.B.A. (CA)

(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Attempt any eight of the following (out of Ten) [8×2=16]

a) Define website.
b) What is style sheet?
c) Define: 1) FTP 2)IP
d) Write any two HTTP request & response message.
e) What is browser?
f) Define HTML.
g) Define CSS.
h) Explain <table> tag with example.
i) List any four tags used in HTML.
j) Explain <body> tag.

Q2) Attempt any four of the following. (out of five) [4P×4=16]

a) Explain HTML form element with example.
b) Explain array in JavaScript.
c) Explain ordered & unordered list.
d) Explain the use of <frameset>tag with an example.
e) Explain any 4 tag in HTML with Syntax.
Q3) Attempt any four of the following. (out of Five) [4×4=16]

a) Explain the Working of caching

b) Write Note on FTP.
c) Explain any 4 predefined functions used in JavaScript.

d) Explain DOM.

e) Write a JavaScript program accept a number from user and check

whether it is Armstrong number or not.

Q4) Attempt any four of the following. (Out of Five) [4×4=16]

a) Explain control structure in JavaScript.

b) Explain any 4 operators used in JavaScript with example.

c) What are the different points to be considered while choosing the color
for websites?
d) Design an HTML form to take the information of a customer for
booking a travel plan consisting of fields such as name, address, contact
no., gender etc. you should provide button to submit contents.

c) Write a JavaScript code to accept a number from user and display its

Q5) Attempt any two of the following. (Out of Three) [2×3=6]

a) Explain embedding audio, video in HTML.

b) Write a short note on Internet.

c) Explain Date objects in Javascript.

TotalNo.ofQuestions:5 Seat No:

F.Y. B.B.A. (CA)

(2019 Pattern) (Semester - II)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates:
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Attempt any eight of the following (out of Ten) [8×2=16]

a) Define HTML.
b) What is stylesheet?
c) Define: 1) FTP 2)IP
d) Write any two HTTP request methods.
e) What is WWW?
f) Define CSS. Define Website.
g) Explain <table> tag with example.
h) Explain <br> tag.
i) Explain <body> tag.

Q2) Attempt any four of the following. (out of five) [4×4=16]

a) Explain Client Server Communication.
b) Explain array in JavaScript.
c) Explain physical and logical HTML.
d) What is CSS? Explain with its types.
e) Explain any 4 tag in HTML with Syntax.
Q3) Attempt any four of the following. (out of Five) [4×4=16]

a) Explain concepts of effective web design in details.

b) Write Note on FTP.
c) Explain any 4 predefined functions used in JavaScript.

d) Explain DOM.

e) Write a JavaScript program to create four button on the web page.clicking

on button will change the background color of web page.

Q4) Attempt any four of the following. (Out of Five) [4×4=16]

a) Write HTML code to design the following output for table


TNO TNAME Arrival Time Departure Time

T01 Rajdhani 04.00pm 04.30pm

T02 Indrayani 05.15pm 05.45pm

b) Explain any 4 operators used in JavaScript with example.

c) Explain the Working of caching.

d) Design an HTML form to take the information of a customer for booking

a travel plan consisting of fields such as name, address, contact no., gender
etc. you should provide button to submit contents.

e) Write a JavaScript program to check given number is perfect or not.

Q5) Attempt any two of the following. (Out of Three) [2×3=6]

a) Short note on Bandwidth.

b) Write a short note on Internet.

c) Explain types of stylesheet.

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