(02x 10) BL CO: PO& PSO
(02x 10) BL CO: PO& PSO
(02x 10) BL CO: PO& PSO
Part – I Marks
Q1 Short Answer Type Questions (02x 10) BL CO PO &
1 What is URL and what are its different parts? 1 2 1,2,3
2 What is web server and what is its purpose? 1 3 1,2
3 Write required HTML code to display H2SO4 and X2+Y2 2 2 1,2,4
4 What is Empty Tag in HTML? Give two examples. 3 3 1,2,6
5 What is img tag in html? Write the code to insert an image “img.jpg” 3 2
in a html document.
6 Write the required HTML code to create a drop down list with three 2 5
7 Write the required HTML code to create three check boxes for 1 4
hobby singing, dancing and painting so that multiple check boxes 1,4,2
can be checked.
8 Differentiate between block element and inline element. Give 3 2 1,3,4
example from each.
9 How to make an image clickable? Give an example. 2 3 1,2
10 What is the purpose of alt attribute of img tag? Explain with an 2 4 1,2,7
11 How do I create a link that opens a new window? Write the required 1 4 1,2,4
HTML code to open “http://gita.edu.in” in a different window in the
browser when you click on a link “my college”
12 With an example explain one use of name attribute of anchor 3 3
tag(named anchor).
13 In HTML how can you create a button which acts like a link? Give 1 2
an example where clicking on the button “GoToMycollege” 1,2,3
gita.edu.in website will open.
14 Briefly discuss about read only and disabled attribute with respect to 1 3
forms with example 1,2
In how many ways CSS can be added to HTML documents? Explain 2 2
with examples. 1,2,4
What is CSS selector? Differentiate between ID and class Selector 3 3
with example. 1,2,6
Write the required CSS code to make i)background image fixed 3 2
ii)background image scroll .
18 Write the required CSS code to make all visited link colour to green. 2 5 1,3,5
19 Write Benefits of external CSS. 1 4 1,4,2
20 What do you understand by Pseudo-class selectors? Explain with an 3 2 1,3,4
21 What is the use of display property in CSS. Name any four values 1 2
for display property.
22 Write the required CSS code to make a box with rounded corner. 1 3
Choose box size on your own.
23 What is NaN and null in javascript? 2 2 1,2,4
24 Briefly discuss about anonymous function with example. 3 3 1,2,6
25 Briefly discuss about indexOf() method of Array with an example. 3 2 1,3,4
26 Discuss two methods of creating and initialising javascript objects. 2 5 1,3,5
27 Write javascript code to display array elements in reverse order. 1 4 1,4,2
Consider the java script code given below and find the output 3 2 1,3,4
function add( ) {
let result = ' ';
for (let i in arguments) {
return result;
28 }
Consider the java script code given below and find the output 2 3 1,2
var myArray = [1, "Hello", [2, 3]];
29 myArray.splice(1, 1, "Hello World");
30 What is javascript object?Give an example. 2 4 1,2,7
Find the output of the following javascript code 1 4 1,2,4
var a1 = [1,2,3];
var a2=[5,6,...a1,8,10,11];
32 What is XML? Write any two uses of XML. 3 3 1,2,3
33 What is DTD and what is the purpose of it. 1 2 1,2,3
34 What the following DTD signifies : <!ELEMENT Phone (pno*)> 1 3 1,2
35 How to declare element attribute in XML. Explain with an example. 2 2 1,2,4
36 Difference between XML and HTML. 3 3 1,2,6
37 What is Web Server and what are its purpose? Give an example of a 3 2
web server.
38 What is PHP and Apache ? How they are related? 2 5 1,3,5
39 What is the use of MIME? 1 4 1,4,2
40 Define firewall 3 2 1,3,4
Marks BL CO
02 Short Focussed Answer Type
(05 x 08)
Write the required HTML with CSS code to display a box with 3 2
background colour red and on hovering mouse over the box, the
10. size of the box will be doubled both lengthwise and breadthwise.
Write the required HTML with CSS code to display the following 1 2
table with two rows and three columns. The table cells background
colour will be white and black alternatively as shown below.
12. Explain the purpose of SGML and DTD in HTML, and how they contribute 1 3
to web page structure.
13. Describe the process and benefits of using images, links, lists, tables, and 2 2
forms in basic HTML for creating a user-friendly website.
14. What are frames in HTML, and how do they enhance website interactivity? 3 3
Mention any issues with using frames.
15. How do external, internal, and inline style sheets differ in CSS, and when 3 2
should each be used?
16. Compare let,var and const in javascript. 2 5
Write a javascript code to show function returning a function as 1 4
return value.
Discuss the different types of popup boxes in JavaScript . Provide a code 3 2
18 example for each type.
Explain the use of Date, Array, and Math objects in JavaScript with 2 3
examples. How does the Date object handle date and time?
Write the HTML code to display a form to read name and gender. 1 3
The name must be a text box with restriction that maximum no of
character is 20. Three radio buttons-male,Female,ThirdGender
should be displayed for reading value of gender. The male radio
24 button is by default checked.
Part – III
Long Answer type Questions (Answer any two) (20 x2) BL CO
Q1 a Briefly discuss HTTP request and response phases. 1 2
b Briefly discuss the major features of web1.0,web2.0 and web 3.0. 1 3
c Explain the different components of WWW. Describe each of them. 2 2
d Explain the roles of a web server, web browser, and how they interact 3 3
in a two-tier or three-tier web architecture.
Q2 A Discuss the importance of HTML in web development. Explain the 3 2
structure and purpose of SGML and DTDs, and how they relate to
Provide examples of basic HTML elements used for incorporating
images, links, lists, tables, and forms.
B Describe the syntax and structure of CSS. Explain how the class 2 5
selector, ID selector, and inline, internal, and external stylesheets are
used to apply CSS to HTML elements.
Give examples showing how to style background images, colors,
fonts, and borders using CSS.
C Write an HTML code for creating a enquiry form which accepts the 1 4
following data.
i. Your Nametext box with restriction that maximum length is 25
characters. The text box must display “enter your name here” in
faded colour.
ii. Date of birthyou will be able to enter date manually.
iii. Email id in valid format
iv. Genderradio buttons. Male must be checked by default
v. Hobbycheck boxes for singing, painting, outdoor game Multiple
check box can be selected.
vi. Statedrop down list that contains names of some states
vii. Comment box Here you can write few lines
viii. Submit button On clicking the submit button a thank you message
for the user.
Reset button On clicking this button the entered data in the form
should be cleared.
D Briefly discuss the box model of CSS. 3 2
E Create a web page giving the following train details. 2 3
a) Train Name
b) Starting Place
c) Destination
d) Arrival and Departure time
e) Fare
Place a border for the table and use cell padding to present the cell
data with clarity. Align the table in the center of the screen. Use a
caption saying ‘Time Table and Fare List’.
Q3 A What do you understand by DOM in javascript? Discuss any three 2 4
methods of document object to access HTML element with example
B Write a javascript program to display the biggest element in the array. 1 4
C Write a javascript program to calculate factorial of a number using user 3 3
defined function.
D Write a javascript program to display a multiple table of a given number. 1 2
E Write a javascript program that accept two numbers to perform all 1 3
arithmetic on those numbers. The output should be displayed in table
Q4 A Explain the purpose of XML and discuss the basic, schema, linking, and 2 2
presentation standards associated with it. How do these standards enhance
the functionality of XML?
B Describe the process of creating a simple XML file and define the purpose of 3 3
a Document Type Definition (DTD). What role do attributes and entities play
in a DTD?
C Describe the lifecycle of a Java Applet and write code to design a simple 3 2
login page using Java Applets. Explain how Java Applets can be used to
build interactive web applications
D Differentiate between XML & HTML. 2 5
E Create a XML document that contains employee records using internal 1 4
DTD. The employee record consist of Eid,Ename, designation and
F Design an external DTD for student record. A student record can have 3 2
roll, name, address and contact. The name field can be divided into
firstname and lastname. There can be multiple value for contact and
Q5 A Explain the use of arrays, functions, and forms in PHP. Provide an example 1 2
of a form submission in PHP that uses an array and a function to process the
submitted data.
B What are the common methods for handling errors and exceptions in PHP? 1 3
Provide code examples for both error handling and exception handling.
C Explain database connectivity in PHP with reference to MYSQL. 2 2
D Discuss the role of phpMyAdmin in managing databases. List basic SQL 3 3
commands with PHP examples for creating a database, listing tables, and
deleting data from a table.