Get Prepared For University Entrance Interview

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Get Prepared for University Entrance Interview


Candidates’ selection Criteria for university studies:

- Academic achievements: Universities may look at your high school

or previous college transcripts, as well as your standardized test scores
(such as TCF, TOEFL, …).
- Personal statement or essay: Many universities require applicants
to write an essay or personal statement. This is an opportunity for you
to demonstrate your writing ability and express why you are interested
in the university and the program.
- Letter of recommendation: Some universities may require letters of
recommendation from teachers or other professionals who know you
- Extracurricular activities: Universities often consider your
involvement in extracurricular activities, such as sports, clubs, or
volunteering, as it demonstrates your commitment, leadership skills,
and ability to balance multiple responsibilities.
- Community involvement: Universities may also consider your
involvement in your local community, such as volunteering or
participating in community events.
- Diversity: Universities value diversity in their student body, and may
actively seek out applicants from a variety of backgrounds and

Interviewers generally look for evidence of the following qualities

in applicants:

- Application and interest: capacity for sustained study, motivation

and interest, an independent and reflective approach to learning;
- Reasoning ability: ability to analyse and solve problems using logical
and critical approaches, ability to assess relevance, capacity to
construct and critically assess arguments, flexibility and willingness to
consider alternative views;
- Communication: willingness and ability to express ideas clearly and
effectively on paper and orally; ability to listen; ability to give
considered responses.

Get ready for the interview:

1. Research the university:

Before the interview, take some time to research the university and learn
more about their programs, faculty, and culture. Check out their website,
read reviews from students, and try to understand their mission and values.

2. Review the program:
Make sure you have a good understanding of the program you are
applying for. Read the course descriptions and syllabus, and try to identify
any areas of the program that particularly interest you.

3. Practice answering common interview questions:

Enrollments interview questions may vary based on the university and
program, but there are some common questions that you can expect.
Practice answering questions such as :
- Why do you want to attend this university?
- What are your academic goals?
- What motivated you to pursue this particular field of study?
- What are your academic strengths and weaknesses?
- How do you plan to contribute to our university community?
- What extracurricular activities have you been involved in and how
have they shaped you as a person?
- Can you describe a challenge you have faced and how you overcame
- What are your short-term and long-term career goals?
- How do you plan to use your degree after graduation?
- What research have you done about our university and what
specifically interests you about our program?
- Can you discuss a book or article that has had an impact on you?

4. Prepare questions to ask the interviewer:

It's important to come prepared with questions to ask the interviewer.
This shows that you are genuinely interested in the university and the
program. You can ask about the curriculum, faculty, career opportunities, or
anything else that you want to know more about.

5. Dress appropriately:
Make sure to dress professionally for the interview. This doesn't
necessarily mean you need to wear a suit, but you should dress neatly and
avoid anything too casual.

6. Be confident and personable:

During the interview, be confident and personable. Smile, maintain eye
contact, and speak clearly. Try to demonstrate your passion for the
program and your eagerness to learn.

7. After the interview :

After the interview, be sure to thank the interviewer for their time and
express your continued interest in the program.

Questions en français :

- Pourquoi voulez-vous fréquenter cette université ?

- Quels sont vos objectifs académiques ?

- Qu'est-ce qui vous a motivé à poursuivre ce domaine d'études


- Quelles sont vos forces et vos faiblesses académiques ?

- Comment comptez-vous contribuer à notre communauté


- À quelles activités parascolaires avez-vous participé et comment vous

ont-elles façonné en tant que personne ?

- Pouvez-vous décrire un défi auquel vous avez été confronté et

comment vous l'avez surmonté ?

- Quels sont vos objectifs de carrière à court et à long terme ?

- Comment comptez-vous utiliser votre diplôme après l'obtention de

votre diplôme ?

- Quelles recherches avez-vous faites sur notre université et qu'est-ce

qui vous intéresse spécifiquement dans notre programme ?

- Pouvez-vous parler d'un livre ou d'un article qui vous a marqué ?

1. Pouvez-vous nous parler de votre parcours académique et

professionnel jusqu'à présent ?
2. Quelles sont vos principales réalisations dans le domaine de la
gouvernance économique appliquée ?
3. Comment définiriez-vous la gouvernance économique et pourquoi est-
ce important ?
4. Quelles sont les principales tendances dans la gouvernance
économique actuellement ?

5. Comment évaluez-vous la pertinence des politiques économiques
actuelles dans le contexte mondial ?
6. Pouvez-vous nous donner des exemples de pays qui ont réussi à
mettre en place une bonne gouvernance économique ? Quelles ont été
les clés de leur succès ?
7. Comment voyez-vous l'avenir de la gouvernance économique à
l'échelle mondiale ?
8. Comment travaillez-vous en équipe et quelle est votre contribution à la
réussite d'un projet en équipe ?
9. Pouvez-vous nous parler d'un projet particulièrement complexe que
vous avez géré dans le passé ? Comment avez-vous géré les défis
rencontrés ?
10. Pourquoi avez-vous choisi de postuler pour ce poste ? Qu'est-ce
qui vous attire dans la faculté de gouvernance économie appliquée ?

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