5th Sem Syllabus

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Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre-Requisite

CIEPC14 Embedded Systems 4 3L-0T-2P ----


CO1: To understand various application areas of embedded system

CO2: To understand various ways of implementing an embedded system -
using a general purpose processor, using an application specific
processor and using a single purpose computer.
CO3: To understand AVR microcontroller
CO4: To understand embedded softwares
CO5: To be able to understand TinyML


Formal definition of an Embedded System. Embedded system examples.

Compare and contrast embedded system and conventional/generic
computer system.
Unit 1 Overview of elements of an Embedded system. Processor level
implementation using generic devices, full custom ASIP, Soft core
implementation on FPGA. Key parameters of Embedded System Design
(Time to market and cost).

Microcontroller Classification based on memory access, ISA

Microcontroller Classification based data bus width.
Example microcontroller families (8-bit, 16-bit and 32-bit examples).
Unit 2 Memory technologies, Memory interface busses. Desirable
microcontroller features. Development, debugging and testing tools,
Elements of Microcontroller Ecosystem: Reset, Clock, Power supply and
program download options.

AVR Microcontroller architecture details, Elements of physical

Unit 3 interfacing: Input devices, Output, environmental sensors, actuators,
Elements of analog signal processing., Inter and Intra-device
communication Interfaces, Real Time Clock, Storage devices, Power

supply topologies for embedded systems.

Embedded software, Introduction to RTOS, Threads, Processes and

Unit 4 Message Passing Basics of scheduling, Complete system design example,
Security in embedded systems.

Introduction to embedded machine learning, Need of Machine learning

Unit 5 for an embedded device, Fundamentals of TinyML, Specialized embedded

Suggested Readings:

1. Design with PIC Microcontrollers, John B. Peatman, Pearson Education

Asia, 2002

2. Embedded Hardware: Know It All. Jack Ganssle et al. ISBN: 0750685840.


3. Designing Embedded Hardware. 2nd Edition. John Catsoulis. ISBN:


4. Computers as components: Principles of Embedded Computing System

Design, Wayne Wolf, Morgan Kaufman Publication, 2000

5. Embedded Systems: World Class Designs. Jack Ganssle. ISBN:


6. Embedded System Design: A Unified Hardware/Software Introduction.

Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis. ISBN: 0471386782. Wiley.

7. An Embedded Software Primer. David E. Simon. ISBN 0-201-61569-X.


List of Practicals:

1. To interface the seven segment display with microcontroller 8051.

2. To create a series of moving lights using PIC on LEDs.
3. To interface the stepper motor with microcontroller.
4. To display character/s on 8*8 LED matrix.

5. To interface the seven segment display and series LEDs with
6. 8 X 8 matrix LED LCD interfacing with AVR.
7. Stepper motor interfacing with AVR.
8. Serial transmission and reception with AVR.
9. Keyboard interfacing with AVR.
10. Mini project on Arduino with TinyML kit.

Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre-Requisite

Artificial Intelligence Analysis & Design of
CICPC15 4 3L-0T-2P
& Machine Learning Algorithms


CO1: To distinguish between a conventional system and an intelligent system.

CO2: To explain Artificial Intelligence concept and its applications

CO3: To use the appropriate searching techniques and reasoning methods in

achieving desired goals

CO4: To develop an understanding of the fundamentals of machine learning

Co5: To implement the supervised learning and unsupervised learning


Unit No. Topics

History of Artificial Intelligence, Fundamentals of AI, Risks and

Benefits of AI, Intelligent Agents, Good Behavior: The Concept of
Unit 1
Rationality. Search Algorithms, Uninformed Search Strategies,
Informed(Heuristic) Search Strategies , Heuristic Functions

Adversarial Search and Games, Game Theory, Optimal Decisions in

Unit 2 Games, Heuristic Alpha- Beta Tree Search, Limitations of Game
Search Algorithms, Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Defining
Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Constraint Propagation: Inference in

CSPs, Backtracking Search for CSPs, Local Search for CSPs.

Knowledge and reasoning, representation Logical, Propositional Logic.

Syntax and Semantics of First - Order Logic , Using First - Order
Logic , Knowledge Engineering in First – Order Logic Inference in
Unit 3
First-Order Logic, Propositional vs First-Order Inference, Unification
and First-Order Inference, Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining,
Resolution, Knowledge Representation

Basic concepts: Definition of learning systems, Goals and applications

of machine learning. Aspects of developing a learning system: training
data, concept representation, function approximation.

Types of Learning: Supervised learning, unsupervised learning and

Unit 4
reinforcement learning. Overview of classification: setup, training, test,
validation dataset, over fitting.
Naïve Bayes, Linear and Logistic Regression.

Supervised learning: decision trees, nearest neighbour algorithm.

Unsupervised learning: Clustering. K-means. EM Algorithm. Mixture

Unit 5 of Gaussians. Factor analysis. PCA (Principal components analysis),
ICA (Independent components analysis)

Suggested Readings:

1. S Russel and P Norvig , " Artificial Intelligence- Pearson New

International Edition- A Modern Approach , "4th edition Pearson
Education . ,2020

2. George F Luger , " Artificial Intelligence- Structures and Strategies

for Complex Problem Solving : 6thedition," Pearson Education

3. E. Rich and K. Knight ,"Artificial Intelligence”, Tata McGraw Hill,2010

4. Simon Haykin, "Neural Networks: A Comprehensive formulation”, Pearson

Education ,1997

5. Nils J Nilsson, “Artificial Intelligence”, Morgan Kaufmann,1997

6. Ivan Bratko, "Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence”, Addison

Wesley, 2011

7. RichardDuda,PeterHartandDavidStork,“PatternClassification,”JohnWiley

8. TomMitchell, “Machine Learning”, McGraw-Hill,1997

9. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani and Jerome Friedman, “The Elements of

Statistical Learning”, Springer, 2017

List of Practicals:

1. Write a program to implement Tic-Tac-Toe game problem.

2. Write a program to implement BFS (for 8-puzzle problem or Water Jug

problem or any Al search problem).

3. Write a program to implement DFS (for 8-puzzle problem or Water Jug

problem or any Al search problem).

4. Write a program to implement Single Player Game (Using Heuristic


5. Write a program to solve N-Queens problem.

6. Convert a given Prolog predicates into Semantic

7. Write a program to plot various plots using python on a given data


8. Write a program to implement Naïve Bayes theorem.

9. Write a program to implement Linear regression.

10. Write a program to implement Logistic Regression.

11. Write a program to Implement KNN Algorithm.

12. Write a program to implement a Decision Tree.

13. Write a program to implement K-Means algorithm.

Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre-Requisite
Advanced Computer Data
CICPC16 4 3L-0T-2P
Networks Communication


CO1: Learn the different network architecture.

CO2: Understand the routing strategies in unicast and multicast scenario.
CO3: Compare the different routing protocols
CO4: Understand and apply the concepts of Transport Layer.
CO5: Lean about the latest topics in Networking

Overview of computer network, OSI/ISO seven- layer architecture,

Unit 1 TCP/IP suite of protocol, FDDI, DQDB, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet,
Wi Fi, WiMax.

Network Layer Services, IPv4 address, Internet Protocol (IP), ARP, RARP,
and ICMP. Unicast Routing Protocols: Distance Vector Routing, Link
Unit 2
State Routing and Path-Vector Routing: Routing Information Protocol
(RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), Border Gateway Protocol (BGP).

Mobility in network: Unicasting, Multicasting and Broadcasting. IP

Multicasting: Basics, Multicasting routing protocols: Multicast Distance
Unit 3 Vector Routing Protocol (DVMRP), Multicast Link State Routing Protocol
(MOSPF), and Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM). Internet Group
Management Protocol (IGMP).

Transport Layer: UDP, TCP protocols, Flow Control: Silly Window

Unit 4 Syndrome, Error Control, and Connection Establishment. Congestion
Control, TCP Timers, Overview of TCP Reno and TCP Tahoe

IPV6: Why IPV6, IPv6 addressing, IPv6 protocol, extension & options,
Transition from IPv4 to IPv6: Dual Stack, Tunneling, Header Translation.
Unit 5
Introduction to Optical Networking: Advantage and Disadvantages.
SONET Layered Architecture and Frame Format. Overview of VoIP,
Network Function Virtualization, Software-Defined Networking (SDN)

Suggested Readings:

1. W. ER. Stevens, “TCP/IP illustrated, Volume 1: The protocols”, Addison

Wesley, 1994
2. Frouzan, “TCP/IP Protocol Suite”, Tata Mc Grew Hill, 4th Ed., 2009.
3. William Stallings, “Foundations of Modern Networking: SDN, NFV, QoE,
IoT, and Cloud”, Addison Wesley, 2015
4. Nader F. Mir, “Computer and Communication Networks”, Pearson, 2009.
5. James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross, “Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach”, Pearson, 2022

List of Practicals:

1. WAP to convert binary IP address into dotted decimal and vice-

2. WAP to compute the class of a given IP address.
3. Implementation of static routing to connect computers of five
different locations in WAN environment.
4. Implementation of dynamic routing using DHCP to connect
computers of five different locations in WAN environment.
5. WAP to implement Bellman-Ford Algorithm.
6. WAP to implement Distance Vector Algorithm.
7. Implementation of dynamic routing using RIP to connect
computers of five different locations in WAN environment.
8. Implementation of dynamic routing using OSPF version II to
connect computers of five different locations in WAN environment.
9. Implementation of dynamic routing using BGP to connect
computers of five different locations in WAN environment.
10. Introduction of Wireshark. Capture the packets and save it and
perform following.
a. Filter the Transport layer packets.
b. Analyse How many TCP and UDP packets have been sent.
c. Filter packets relate to DNS.

d. Explore the statistics menu of Wireshark.
Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre-Requisite
CICPC17 Cloud Computing 4 3L-0T-2P Architecture &


CO1: To understand the concepts of cloud computing.

CO2: To Demonstrate the awareness of cloud computing technologies.
CO3: To understand the concepts of virtualization in cloud computing.
CO4: To demonstrate the awareness of various cloud computing
CO5: To understand the quality of service and security issues in cloud


Introduction to Cloud Computing, Definition, Characteristics,

Components, Cloud provider, SAAS, PAAS, IAAS and Others,
Organizational scenarios of clouds, Administering & Monitoring cloud
Unit 1 services, benefits and limitations, Deploy application over cloud,
Comparison among SAAS, PAAS, IAAS, Cloud computing platforms:
Infrastructure as service: Amazon EC2,Platform as Service: Google App
Engine, Microsoft Azure

Introduction to Cloud Technologies, Study of Hypervisors, SOAP,

Unit 2 REST, Compare SOAP and REST, Web services, AJAX and mashups-
Web services, Mashups: user interface services.

Virtual machine technology, virtualization applications in enterprises,

Pitfalls of virtualization, Multi-entity support, Multi-schema approach,
Unit 3 Multi-tenance using cloud data stores, Data access control for
enterprise applications.

Unit 4 Data in the cloud: Relational databases, Cloud file systems: GFS and
HDFS, Big Table, HBase and Dynamo, Map-Reduce and extensions:

Parallel computing, The map-Reduce model, Parallel efficiency of Map-
Reduce, Relational operations using Map-Reduce, Introduction to
cloud development, Monitoring in Cloud, A grid of clouds, Mobile
Cloud Computing, Sky computing, Utility Computing, Elastic

Cloud security fundamentals, Vulnerability assessment tool for cloud,

Privacy and Security in cloud, Cloud computing security architecture,
Cloud computing security challenges, Issues in cloud computing,
Implementing real time application over cloud platform, Issues in Inter
Unit 5
cloud environments, QoS Issues in Cloud, Dependability, data
migration, streaming in Cloud. Quality of Service (QoS) monitoring in a
Cloud computing environment, , Inter Cloud issues, , load balancing,
resource optimization

Suggested Readings:

1. Cloud Computing : A Practical Approach, Antohy T Velte, et.al McGrawHill,

2. Cloud Computing for Dummies by Judith Hurwitz, R.Bloor, M.Kanfman,

F.Halper (Wiley India Edition)

3. Cloud Security & Privacy by Tim Malhar, S.Kumaraswammy,S.Latif


4. Cloud Computing Bible by Barrie Sosinsky, Wiley In

List of Practicals:

1. Develop a Hello World application using Google App

2. Create a warehouse application on SalesForce.com.

3. Creating an application in SalesForce.com using Apex

Programming Language.
4. Implementing SOAP Web services in C#, JAVA

5. Implement Para-virtualization using VM Ware’s
Workstation/Oracle’s Virtual Box and Guest.
6. Create an application (Ex: Word Count) using Hadoop

7. Develop a simple Hadoop application called Word Count.

Counts the number of occurrences of each word in each

input set.
8. Develop a Hadoop application to count the number of

characters, no of words and each character's frequency.

9. Case Study: PAAS(Facebook, Google App Engine)

10. Case Study: Amazon Web Services.

Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre-Requisite
CICPE01 Software Engineering 4 3L-0T-2P ------


CO1: Define the fundamental concepts of Software engineering.

CO2: Compare and Contrast various process models for development of
software applications.

CO3: Use different conceptual modeling techniques for information system

design (including ER Diagrams, DFDs)
CO4: Implement logic modeling techniques (decision tree/table, structured
English), and illustrate the managerial issues involved in SA & D
CO5: Design test cases using software testing techniques


Introduction: Introduction to software Engineering, Need of Software

Engineering, Software characteristics, Software development life-cycle
models: Build and Fix, Water fall model, V-model, Prototyping model,
Unit 1
Incremental model, Iterative enhancement Model, RAD model, Spiral
models, Comparison of the models, Introduction to Agile methodology
and Design for Software Engineering.

Requirement Engineering: Software Requirement Analysis and

Specification: Requirements Elicitation Techniques, Requirements
analysis, Models for Requirements analysis, requirements
Unit 2
specification, requirements validation, ER diagrams, data flow
diagrams, Data Dictionaries, Functional and non-Functional
requirements, Software Requirement Specification (SRS).

System Design: Design Principles: Problem partitioning, Software
Design: Modularity, Cohesion & Coupling, Classification of
Unit 3 Cohesiveness & Coupling, Design Strategies, Function Oriented
Design, Object Oriented Design, User Interface Design, structured
analysis, extending DFD to structure chart.

Software Project Management: Project planning and Project

scheduling. Software Metrics: Size Metrics like LOC, Token Count,
Function Count. Cost estimation using models like COCOMO, Risk
Analysis and Risk Management.
Unit 4
Software Reliability and Quality Assurance: Reliability issues,
Reliability metrics, reliability models, Software quality, software quality
metrices, ISO 9000 certification for software industry, SEI CMM

Software Testing: Software Testing process and Terminologies,

Verification and Validation, White box testing, Black box testing, Level
of testing: Unit, Integration Testing, System Testing, Acceptance testing,
Regression Testing, Mutation testing, Testing Tools and Standards,
Introduction to continuous testing and deployment.
Unit 5
Software Maintenance: Management of Maintenance, Maintenance
Process, Maintenance Models, Reverse Engineering, Software Re-
engineering, Configuration Management, Documentation, Introduction
to CASE tools and CASE shells, CASE Tool architectures, Introduction
to continuous integration and maintenance.

Suggested Readings:

1. K. K. Aggarwal and Yogesh Singh, “Software Engineering”, New Age


2. R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach”,

McGraw Hill Int. , 5thEd.

3. Pankaj Jalote, “An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering”, Narosa,


4. Stephen R. Schach, “Classical & Object Oriented Software Engineering”,


5. James Peter, W. Pedrycz, “Software Engineering: An Engineering

Approach”, John Wiley &Sons.

6. I. Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Addison Wesley, 8 thEd.

7. Frank Tsui and Orlando Karan, “Essentials of Software Engineering”, Joes

and Bartlett,

8. Kassem A. Saleh, “Software Engineering”, Cengage Learning,

9. Rajib Mall, “Fundamrntal of Software Engineering”, PHI, 3 rdEd.

10. Carlo Ghizzi, Mehdi Jazayeri and Dino Mandrioli, “ Fundamental of

Software Engineering”, PHI.

List of Practicals:

1. Write down the problem statement for a suggested system of


2. Do requirement analysis and develop Software Requirement

Specification Sheet (SRS) for suggested system.

3. To perform the function oriented diagram: Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

and Structured chart.

4. To perform the user’s view analysis for the suggested system: Use case

5. To draw the structural view diagram for the system: Class diagram,
object diagram.

6. To draw the behavioral view diagram for suggested system: State-

chart diagram, Activity diagram Sequence diagram, Collaboration

7. To perform the implementation view diagram: Component diagram for

the system.

8. To perform the environmental view diagram: Deployment diagram for

the system.

9. To perform various testing using the testing tool unit testing,

integration testing for a sample code of the suggested system.

10. To Prepare time line chart/Gantt Chart/PERT Chart for selected

software project.

B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (BIG DATA ANALYTICS)
Course No Course Name Course Structure
CICPE02 Data Science L T P 3-0-2
CO1: Understand basics of Data Science.
CO2: Learn the statistics and skills of data science.
C03: Usage of the tools for data science
CO4: Implement language models for data science.
CO5: Explore and Solve Real World Problems related to data science.
Unit No. Topics
UNIT 1 Data Science, Data Science Vs Data Analytics, Data Scientist, Data Science and
Business Intelligence, Components and Data Science Lifecycle, Pros and Cons of
Data Science

UNIT 2 Statistics for Data Science: Descriptive Statistics, Inferential Statistics, Skills
Required for Data Science: Technical Skills, Non-Technical Skills. Types of Data:
Nominal, Ordinal, Discrete, Continuous.

Tools: Hadoop, Apache Spark, Natural Language Processing, Phases of NLP,

UNIT 3 Semantic Analysis, Syntactic Analysis, Preprocessing: Tokenization, Tokens to
vector; Sentiment Analysis, NLTK Exploration: PoS Tagging, Stemming and
Statistics and Correlation Analysis, significance of correlation, Hypothesis and
UNIT 4 Inference, Statistical Distributions, Language Modelling: Word embedding
model (Word2Vec, Paragraph2Vec, FastText), N-Gram Model, Hidden MarkoV
Model, Viterbi Algorithm
Application of Data Science: Social Media, Risk and Fraud Detection, Healthcare,
UNIT 5 Hate Speech Detection, Recommender Systems, Image Recognition, Speech
Recognition, Augmented Reality

1. “Data Science and Data Analytics”, Amit Kumar Tyagi, CRC Press, 2021
2. “The Data Science Handbook: Advice and Insights from 25 Amazing Data Scientists” Carl Shan,
Haijiang Henry Wang, William Chen, Max Song, 2015, Data Science Book Shelf
3. Data Science for Beginners: Comprehensive Guide to Most Important Basics in Data Science,
Campbell, Alex, 2021

List of Practicals:

1. Install, configure, and run Hadoop and HDFS.

2. Implement an MapReduce program that processes a weather dataset

3. Installation of NLTK. Write a program to tokenize a text file into sentences and
words. Write a program to identify and remove stop words from a text file after
4. Write a program to count word frequency of a text file.
5. Write a program to evaluate frequency distribution of each word in a loaded text
file and plot the frequency distribution graph for it.
6. Create a character N-gram model and words N-gram model in python to develop
an automatic text filler using N-Grams.
7. Implement Hidden Markov Model.
8. Implement Word embedding model (Word2Vec, Paragraph2Vec, FastText).
9. Write a program to implement SVM classification algorithm.
10. Write a program for Sentiment Analysis.

Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre-Requisite

CICPE03 Network Security 4 3L-0T-2P


CO1: To understand threats, attacks and security.

CO2: To explain the security requirements of a system
CO3: To implement basic security algorithms
CO4: To analyze and differentiate private and public cryptosystems.
CO5: To understand the latest security protocols


Threats and Attacks, Attacks classification, Security services –

Confidentiality, Availability, Integrity, Authentication, Non-Repudiation.
Unit 1
Security Model, Basic/Traditional Cryptographic Techniques –
Substitution and Transposition, Examples

Types of Cryptosystems, Private Key Cryptosystems, Data Encryption

Unit 2 Standard (DES), Triple DES. Advanced Encryption Standard (AES):
Evaluation criteria for AES, AES design

Key Management, Diffie-Hellman key Exchange, Public Key
Unit 3 Cryptosystems - RSA,
Message Authentication and Digital Signatures

Denial of service attack, Distributed Denial of service attack,

Unit 4
Secure Hash Algorithm, Kerberos, IP security, Pretty Good Privacy (PGP).

System security, Security Standards, Intruders and Viruses, Firewalls,

Malicious software, Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion Prevention
Unit 5 System, Trusted Systems

Suggested Readings:

1. William Stallings, "Cryptography And Network Security - Principles and

Practices", Prentice Hall of India, Third Edition, 2003.

2. Wade Trappe, Lawrence C Washington, ― Introduction to Cryptography with

coding theory‖, 2nd ed, Pearson, 2007.

3. R. Rajaram, ―Network Security and Cryptography‖ SciTech Publication,

First Edition, 2013.

4. Atul Kahate, "Cryptography and Network Security", Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003

5. Bruce Schneier, "Applied Cryptography", John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2001.

List of Practicals:

1. Design a program for encryption and decryption using mono-

alphabetic substitution.

2. Design a program for encryption and decryption using poly-

alphabetic substitution

3. Design a program for encryption and decryption using any

transposition technique.

4. Write a program to implement DES algorithm for Encryption and


5. Write a program to implement basic building blocks of AES

algorithm for Encryption and Decryption.

6. Study of Account and password management. PAM, password

7. Study of Security analysis tools: Nessus, Microsoft baseline
security analyzer.

8. Study of Security configuration tools: Bastille, Microsoft IIS

lockdown tool.

9. To identify organization‘s Firewall IP address and access control.

10. To configure common services like IIS, Apache, Open SSH, WU-

Course No. Title of the Course Credits Course Pre-Requisite

Sensors for Microprocessor and
CICPE04 4 3L-1T-0P
Engineering Microcontrollers


CO1: Appreciate the operation of various measuring and control instruments

which they encounter in their respective fields.

CO2: Visualize the sensors and the measuring systems when they have to
work in areas of interdisciplinary nature.

CO3: To think of sensors and sensors systems when for a new situation they
encounter in their career

CO4: Identify and select the right process or phenomena on which the sensor
should depend on.

CO5: Know various stimuli that are to be measured in real life instrumentation


Introduction to sensors and transducers. Need for sensors in the modern

world. Different fields of sensors based on the stimuli - various
schematics for active and passive sensors. Static and dynamic
Unit 1
characteristics of sensors - zero, I and II order sensors – Response to
impulse, step, ramp and sinusoidal inputs. Environmental factors and
reliability of sensors.

Sensors for mechanical systems or mechanical sensors - Displacement -

acceleration and force - flow of fluids - level indicators - pressure in
Unit 2 fluids - stress in solids. Typical sensors - wire and film strain gauges,
anemometers, piezo electric and magnetostrictive accelerometers,
potentio metric sensors, LVDT

Thermal sensors – temperature – temperature difference – heat quantity.
Thermometers for different situation – thermocouples thermistors – color
pyrometry. Optical sensors: light intensity – wavelength and color – light
Unit 3
dependent resistors, photodiode, photo transistor, CCD, CMOS sensors.
Radiation detectors: radiation intensity, particle counter – Gieger Muller
courter (gas based), Hallide radiation detectors.

Magnetic sensors: magnetic field, magnetic flux density – magneto

resistors, Hall sensors, super conduction squids. Acoustic or sonic
Unit 4
sensors: Intensity of sound, frequency of sound in various media,
various forms of microphones, piezo electric sensors.

Electrical sensors: conventional volt and ammeters, high current

sensors, (current transformers), high voltage sensors, High power
Unit 5
sensors. High frequency sensors like microwave frequency sensors,
wavelength measuring sensors. MEMs and MEM based sensors

Suggested Readings:

1. Doebelin, “Measurement Systems: Application and Design”, McGraw Hill

Kogakusha Ltd.

2. Julian W. Gardner, Vijay K. Varadan, Osama O. Awadelkarim

“Microsensors, MEMS and Smart Devices”, New York: Wiley, 2001.

3. Henry Bolte, “Sensors – A Comprehensive Sensors”, John Wiley.

4. Jocob Fraden,” Handbook of Modern Sensors, Physics, Designs, and

Applications”, Springer. 5. Manabendra Bhuyan,” Intelligent
Instrumentation Principles and Applications”, CRC Press.

5. Randy Frank,” Understanding Smart Sensors”, Second edition, Artech



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