Teaching Guide 5 SNC

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An outline of the course

World Watch is a Social Studies course for the 21st century. It is designed for Pakistani
primary schools as per the Single National Curriculum 2020, that want to stimulate curiosity,
thinking skills, and a love of learning. The course comprises four components: Pupil's Books,
Skills Books, digital resources, and Teaching Guides.
Core features
It draws its content and skills from the Single National Curriculum 2020 and the
international primary syllabuses.
•  oncepts are covered in a student-friendly way, in simple language with lots of fun and
• At all levels, learning is built on students’ experience, the teacher eliciting what they
already know and building on this, not simply loading them with facts.
• The language, content, and tasks are progressively graded according to class levels.
• These three core subject areas are linked to each other where possible.
• At least one geography-based unit per level is focused on environmental issues.
• Values education and ethical thinking are embedded in every unit of the course.
• High priority is given to independent thinking skills and problem-solving activities.
• From the start, students are asked to express individual opinions and it is stressed that
some questions have no easy answers.
• Writing frames are provided to help students express their own ideas in open-ended tasks.
• Mapping skills are taught in a progressive way—from simple plans and icons in Grade 1
to political, physical, environmental, and historical maps by Grade 5.
• A variety of graphs, tables, diagrams, and timelines are used to vary the presentation of
• At each level, students are encouraged to make connections between the geographical
environment and the way people live.
• The main focus is on the familiar world of Pakistan, starting with the home and moving
on to the town, district, country, and the wider world beyond.
• A key element is responsibility towards other people and towards the environment.
• An understanding of change over time begins in Grade 1 with recent history taught
through older people’s memories, artefacts, and photographs.
• Timelines and family trees are used to explain the concept of generational links.
• Stories of historical events and characters enliven history at lower levels.
• A sequenced approach begins in Grade 3 with the introduction of dates.

1 iii
• The main focus is on the history of Pakistan, balanced with an introduction to key events,
discoveries, and stories from world history. The series also highlights the legacy of our
past: what we can still see as a result of historical events.
• By Grade 5, students are learning to recognize the connections between the histories of
different cultures and the way people have learned from each other over time. They also
learn about why people acted as they did in the past and how their actions affect the
• At Grades 1 and 2, the idea of society is taught largely through stories. For example,
notions of sharing, kindness, and fairness are taught through stories about Rafay and
Hiba’s adventures. Stories of Quaid-e-Azam’s childhood inculcate the importance of
following rules and respecting others.
• By Grades 4 and 5, students are expected to express their opinions on key social and
ethical questions and to respect the opinions of those who differ from them.
• Students are frequently taught that there is no ‘right answer’ to complex, ethical problems
and that each one has to be considered in context.
Pupil's Books
The Pupil's Books form the core of the course. They are lavishly illustrated with
photographs to bring alive the familiar environment, distant places, and past times.
•  herever possible, students learn new concepts through student-friendly stories,
especially in Grades 1 and 2.
• The ‘Contents’ page details the learning outcomes for each unit.
• The thirtee units of the Pupil's Book consist mainly of reading texts followed by questions
and tasks.
• Students are usually expected to write in notebooks.
• At higher grades, units often end with a directed writing task such as a newspaper article,
letter to the head teacher, or poster for the school corridor.
• From Grades 3 to 5, there are Key fact boxes with revision questions.
Skills Books
• At each level, there is an accompanying Skills Book in single colour.
• Students are usually expected to write in the Skills Book.
• The tasks are varied and enjoyable, and include maps, wordsearches, crosswords, puzzles,
multiple choice questions, fill-in-the-blanks, and matching exercises.
• Skills Book pages should be introduced in class and can be completed either in class or
for homework.
• Every unit of the Skills Book includes a page entitled ‘Values’.
• I n Levels 2–5, there is a brief learning outcome at the top of every page in simple, student-
friendly language. For Level 1, the learning objective is given in the teacher’s notes at the
bottom of the page.

iv 1
Digital resource
A digital resource containing reinforcement exercises accompanies each Pupil’s Book.
Teaching Guides
Teaching Guides are an invaluable resource for the teacher, detailing:
• background knowledge
• learning outcomes
• step-by-step lesson plans
• ideas for further activities and pupil research
• answers to closed questions and indications of what to look for in open questions
At the back of each Teaching Guide there are:
• six photocopiable tests (one for every two units) to help the teacher track how well the
students are learning and give feedback to parents
• a photocopiable test record sheet for teachers to keep their records

1 v

Teaching objectives Learning outcomes

Page Nos / Units Key words and phrases
Pupil’s Book and Skills Book Students should be able to:
Page • To give facts about Karachi • relate facts about Karachi delta, harbour, beach,
Unit 1 1 • To explain the importance of • explain how imports and arch, stack, tourist,
Karachi exports and imports to the exports affect Pakistan’s import, export, sewage,
economy of Pakistan economy manufacturing, drought,
• To describe life in the Thar • draw a comparison between population, goods,
desert and compare it with life life in Thar and in Karachi services, government,
in Karachi • read the given map factory
• To find information on the
Page • To describe the physical • describe the physical features border, plain, juniper,
Unit 2 11 features of Balochistan of Balochistan sandstorm, ore, fossil
Balochistan • To describe coal mining in • compare and contrast coal fuel, generate, electricity
Pakistan and China and to mining in Pakistan and China
discuss the dangers and discuss the dangers
• To discuss some problems • discuss how mining can harm
caused by mining the environment
• To create awareness about the • discuss some problems faced
problems faced by the people by the people of Balochistan
of Balochistan
Page • To explain the difference • differentiate between weather atmosphere, greenhouse
Unit 3 24 between weather and climate and climate effect, temperature,
Climate • To discuss climate change and • explain how climate change polar ice cap, glacier,
change its impact on our life on Earth is affecting our lives and what renewable energy
• To discuss ways to help can be done to reduce the resources, solar
prevent climate change effect power, wind power,
• To discuss the floods of 2010 in • discuss the aftermath of and hydroelectricity, biomass,
Pakistan encourage students to help carbon dioxide, oxygen
those in need
Page • To explain how the world is • explain how the world is Equator, latitude,
Unit 4 34 divided into different time divided into time zones and longitude, scale,
Our world zones and to locate them on calculate the local time for degree, parallel, rotate,
the world map some countries rainforest
• To explain how to read a map • describe the different types
through 'BOLTS' of vegetation found in the
• To use latitudes and world’s biomes
longitudes in determining • read maps drawn to scale
location through grid
Page • To explain why money was • discuss the significance of barter, currency, bank
Unit 5 45 invented and how we use it money and its role in today’s account, cheque, poverty,
Money and today world employ, wage, salary
banks • To explain the purpose of a • discuss how a bank operates
bank and how to save and borrow
• To introduce Roshaneh Zafar money
and her work • discuss the work of Roshaneh
• To identify different ways of Zafar
earning money • discuss the different ways
money can be earned

vi 1
Teaching objectives Learning outcomes
Page Nos / Units Key words and phrases
Pupil’s Book and Skills Book Students should be able to:
Page • To explain the importance • explain why trading has Europe, sea,
Unit 6 53 of sports and games to the flourished in Greece since mountain, trade,
Ancient Greece people of Ancient Greece ancient times fishing, farming,
and Rome • To narrate an Ancient Greek • narrate an Ancient Greek god, goddess,
story legend worship, temple,
• To explain origins and legacy • explain the origins of the Athena, Apollo,
of the Roman civilisation Olympic games Zeus, Mount
• explain that the origin of Olympus, legend,
democracy can be traced to myth, Troy, Trojan,
the Ancient Greek civilisation stadium, Olympia,
Olympic Games,
city-state, emperor,
king, rule, vote,
Page • To identify similarities • explain why settlements ancient, kingdom,
Unit 7 65 between the temples of Taxila develop on trade routes Silk Roads,
The Gandhara and those of Ancient Greece • identify the important archaeologist,
kingdom • To explore features of the features of the Gandhara remains, Buddhist,
Buddhist monastery at Jaulian civilisation stupa, monastery,
• To explain the way of life • describe the origins of monk, art, picture,
of the people of Ancient Buddhism, and its importance statue, museum,
Gandhara in the history of our country Sirkap, Greek, grid,
• To explore the meaning of ruin, The Buddha,
greed suffering
Page • To give an account of the • explain how Quaid-e-Azam All India Muslim League,
Unit 8
72 struggle of the Muslims of the gave a voice to the election, conference,
subcontinent, under Quaid-e- Muslims of the subcontinent home rule, majority,
The struggle for
Azam’s leadership and led the struggle for Indian National Congress,
• To identify some prominent freedom nation, minority, penalty,
figures who contributed to the • give an account of life privilege, protest,
freedom struggle Bgum Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Governor General
• To explain how Pakistan came Khan and Begum Jahan Ara
into being Shahnawaz's
• explain the role of provinces
in the independence of
• name some freedom fighters
• explain how Pakistan finally
gained independence from the
Page • To compare the formation • describe the importance democracy, government,
Unit 9 84 of government at federal, of federation and representatives, federal,
provincial, and local levels interdependence between provincial, fraternity,
• To understand the importance local governments equality, liberty, budget,
of the constitution and rights • discuss the role of leaders, senate, autonomous,
of citizens political parties, and citizens social contract, supervise,
• describe the importance of in a democracy authority, opposition,
rule of law trial
• in a democratic system

1 vii
Teaching objectives Learning outcomes
Page Nos / Units Key words and phrases
Pupil’s Book and Skills Book Students should be able to:
Page • To differentiate between • To give reasons for high census, demography,
Unit 10 93 growth rate nad population population growth population density,
People of density • To identify factors that form a natural increase,
Pakistan • To describe the cultural culture migration, illiteracy,
diversity in Pakistan • To identify the advantages of culture, rituals, ethnic
• To explain the importance of a multicultural society
Page • To identify importance of • To differentiate between civic • vandalise, code of
Unit 11 102 human rights rights and responsibilities conduct, globalisation,
Citizenship • To give an account to create • To identify the importance of bullying, human
peace and harmony in ethics in digital citizenship rights, amendment,
everyday life • To understand the importance censorship,
• To explain the importance of of discussion and negotiation discriminate,
peace and freedom of speech as tools for resolving conflicts misinformation
at home and
• school
Page • To give an account of how the • discuss how media has advertisement, broadcast,
Unit 12 110 media evolved over the years progressed through hundreds code, corruption,
The role of • To discuss the different ways of years, starting before criticize, magnetism,
media news can be given out printing was invented electric telegraph,
• To explain the role of • discuss how news is given out entertainment, mail
advertising in helping us make and communication takes system, manufacturer,
choices place through different means media, partition, product,
• discuss how advertising helps public service, signal,
us in making choices signal box, signalmen,
technology, telegraph,
opinions, telegraph cable
Page • To explain the meaning of • explain how exports benefit economy, region,
Unit 13 120 exports and why they are our country specialize, surplus,
Trade important for a country • discuss why countries need to synthetic, licence, trading
• identify the function of import goods partner
consumers and producers • enumerate different causes,
• To identify the importance types of inflation and scarcity
of international trade for the • define and differentiate
development of Pakistan different types of
• To identify the importance of entrepreneurial businesses
taxes and government loans
to pay for goods and services
Page 134 Check-up Tests
Page 146 Answers to Check-up Tests
Page 148 Record of Assessments

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Unit 1 Karachi

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit features the city of Karachi: its climate; its location as a seaport; coastal landforms;
the land around the city; local industries; the port, goods and services; and the problems
that have to be solved in big, densely-populated cities, including pollution of the air, water,
and land.
The unit also helps the students learn how coastal features such as headlands, caves, arches,
and stacks are formed.
The focus on the Thar Desert helps students to learn how plants, animals, and people
survive in a desert and the climatic effects on their way of life.
The Thar Desert can support a human population better than many deserts because of its
varied landscape. There are hillocks and sandy or gravel plains between the stretches of
sand. By planting crops in June and July growers can make the most of the rains from July
to September.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students
should be able to:
• describe Karachi’s location, main industries, transport systems, and function as a seaport
• define the climate of Karachi and its immediate surroundings
• identify the physical features of the land and coast near Karachi
• explain the characteristics of deserts
They will learn how to:
use diagrams, photographs, and objects to acquire information about geographical
ask questions and draw conclusions about the effects of the land and climate on
people’s lives
They will begin to understand:
• how sea stacks are formed
• how plants, animals, and humans survive in a desert
• the importance of looking after our water supply

Lesson 1: Location; The coast of Karachi

• Pupil’s Book pages 2–4
• Skills Book page 2 Karachi map

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• locate Karachi on a map
• recognize and name coastal features
• describe and explain how sea stacks are formed
• use a key to interpret a map

1 1
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the class what they know about Karachi. They might recall that it is the biggest city
in Pakistan and was once its capital. They have learned in Book 4 that it is the capital city
of the province of Sindh and is an important centre for banking and financial services. Ask:
• Is Karachi on the coast or inland? (on the coast—it is a seaport on the west coast)
• Is it in the north or south of Pakistan? (south)
2. Ask the students to read the introduction and the paragraph titled ‘Location’ on page 3.
Then ask:
• What facts have you learned about Karachi? (Refer to the list on page 2.)
• Which sea is near Karachi? (the Arabian Sea)
• What makes its location good for a harbour? (It is in a sheltered bay.)
3. Ask the students to study the map and locate the harbour. They should be able to find
the sheltered inlet. If they are unable to do so, help them.
Read the second paragraph on page 3 with the class. Let them look at the large
photograph of the coast spread across pages 2 and 3. Discuss the coastal features in the
diagram on page 3 and ask them to read the labels.
5. Tell the class that they are going to learn about how the sea shapes the cliffs to form
the coastal features shown in the diagram. Ask:
• What do you think happens to the cliffs when the waves crash into them? (wear away)
Tell them that some parts are worn away more quickly than others, perhaps because the
rock is softer or there are gaps or cracks in it, or maybe at these places the waves hit the
cliffs more strongly. Ask:
• What do we call a large hole in a cliff? (a cave)
Enquire whether any of them have seen or been inside any caves. Let them describe what
they have seen/experienced.
6. Explain the following words that appear on page 4:
erode—wear away; inlet—an indented part of a coast—show the students this on the
map on page 2; landform—a feature of the land: for example, a mountain, cliff, cave,
or headland
7. Read page 4 with the class, then ask:
• What is a headland? (land that juts out into the sea)
• What is an arch? (It is a hole that is made when caves on both sides of a headland
meet to form a passage right through the headland.)
• How is a stack formed? (The top of an arch collapses, leaving only land on each side.)
• Where is there a stack at Karachi? (Paradise Point)
8. The students can now complete the exercise on page 4 in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps
1. Let the students study the map on this page then discuss the difference between it and
the one on page 2 of the Pupil’s Book. (This is a street map—a map of a much smaller

2 1
2. Discuss the map and its key with the class. Talk about the roads and buildings. Then ask:
• Have you seen any of these buildings?
• Are you familiar with any roads given on this map?
• What do you call the squares on the map? (a grid)
3. Let the students work with a partner to solve the given exercise.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 4

1. & 2.



cliff stack stump

cave arch

Answers to Skills Book page 2

1. I. I. Chundrigar Road 2. Karachi Port Trust
3. Habib Bank Plaza 4. M. A. Jinnah Road
5. Civil Hospital 6. Mauripur Road, Pichar Road, Nawab Road, Napier Road
Further activities
1. Find out about other coastal regions of Pakistan having the features that the students
have learned about in this unit: cliffs, caves, arches, stacks.
2. They could make a display or scrapbook showing pictures of these features with captions
for them that state which coast they are on, which province, and the nearest town or city.
3. The students could also research other ports to find out if, like Karachi, they developed
around sheltered inlets and bays: for example, Gwadar. Ports in India, such as Mumbai
and Mangalore could also be studied.

Lesson 2: Climate
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the climate of Karachi
• find information about climate from a temperature and rainfall chart

1 3
• Pupil’s Book page 5
• Skills Book page 3 Karachi crossword
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the class that they will learn about the climate of Karachi. Ask:
• What does climate mean? (the usual weather patterns of a place)
2. Read the paragraphs about climate on page 5 and ask them to answer the following
• Does Karachi have high or low rainfall each year? (quite low, about 220 mm)
• When does most of the rain fall? (during the monsoon season: July and August)
• When do most tourists visit Karachi? (in the winter)
• Why? (Karachi weather is usually mild and dry in the winter. In summer, it can be
very hot and humid, and the temperature is around 30–44°C.)
3. Discuss the chart of the average low temperature (first line), average high temperature
(second line), and the amount of rainfall, on page 5.
4. Let the students complete the exercise on this page.
Skills Book steps
1. Review the procedure of completing a crossword puzzle:
• point out the clues for the words that go across and down the puzzle
• one letter in one box
• clues don’t always follow the 1, 2, 3 sequence
• numbers that don’t have clues ‘across’ or ‘down’ are not mentioned
Ask the students to read the clues and write the answers in the crossword puzzle.
Encourage them to use the Pupil’s Book (pages 2–4) to help them find the answers and
spell the words correctly. The glossary of the Pupil’s Book will also help.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 5

2. January 3. May, June 4. July 5. The average rainfall is 18.5 mm.

Answers to Skills Book page 3

Across Down
4. Arabian 1. headland
6. Paradise Point 2. Sandspit Beach
7. pollute 3. monsoon
9. Karachi 5. bay
11. export 8. Malir
10. imports
Further activities
1. The students could find out about the average monthly temperatures and rainfall for
other cities and compare them with Karachi.
2. The students can make an ‘Average monthly temperatures and rainfall’ chart for a city
of any country of their choice.

4 1
Lesson 3: T
he Port of Karachi; What are services? What are goods?;
Goods and services in Karachi
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and describe the Port of Karachi
• identify the imports and exports that pass through the Port of Karachi
• investigate a place through aerial and conventional photographs
• Pupil’s Book pages 6–9
• Skills Book page 4 Export countries
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin by talking about the city, Karachi. Ask:
• What kind of a city is Karachi? (a seaport)
• How is Karachi important for Pakistan’s imports and exports? (It is the country’s main
2. Ask the students to read page 6 and look at the pictures. Then discuss what they can find
out about Karachi from this page.
3. Ask them to read page 7 so as to answer the following questions:
• Which countries are important for Pakistan’s export?
• Which countries are important for Pakistan’s import?
• What are goods?
• What are services?
4. The students can then give examples of goods and of services. Then read page 8 with
them to find out about goods and services in Karachi, especially manufactured goods.
• What are ‘manufactured’ goods? The goods made in large quantities, using machinery
are ‘manufactured’. (They could then name some goods manufactured in Karachi,
namely textiles, chemicals, medicines, electronic goods, steel, and cars.)
• Which food goods are important for Karachi? (fish and fish products)
• Which car factories are in Karachi? (Toyota and Suzuki)
• Which truck and bus factories are in Karachi? (Daihatsu and HinoPak buses; Millat Tractors)
• How does this affect the city? (It has a lot of factories, which adds to the city’s pollution.)
• Which services are important for Karachi? (banking, insurance, ICT and call centres,
television broadcasting, and transport)
• How does this affect the building structure of Karachi? (This results in a large number
of office buildings being built in this city.)
5. Ask the students to think about the natural resources around Karachi and to decide what
would be a good factory to open: for example, a food factory to make ready fishmeal;
a fashion designing business with a factory to produce its clothing, making use of local
textiles; a carpet factory; a factory for engines or parts for boats.
6. They can then complete the exercise on page 9 to create an advertisement for their
1 5
Skills Book steps
1. Read the instructions on this page with the students.
2. Use an atlas—the Oxford School Atlas for Pakistan—and ask them to locate Pakistan and
then identify the countries mentioned in the key. Offer assistance if necessary.
3. Once this is done, let them work on page 4.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 9

Answers will vary.
Further activities
1. Find out more about flights to and from Jinnah International Airport (the goods imported
and exported by air; the reasons why passengers come and go: tourism, visits to and from
families overseas, business).
2. The students could write to the airport for information and make their own booklets
about the airport.

Lesson 4: Big city problems

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and describe the problems (particularly pollution) of big cities such as Karachi
• derive possible solutions for these problems
• investigate a place through photographs
• Pupil’s Book pages 9–10
• Skills Book page 5 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Read ‘Big city problems’ on page 9 with the class and ask them to look at the photograph
and read its caption. Ask:
• In what ways do the manufacturing and service industries cause problems for the
city? (They add to the city’s traffic congestion and air pollution.)
• What problems are caused when many people live in a small area? (overcrowding;
traffic jams; not enough houses, electricity, or water; disposal of waste)
2. Ask the students to look at the pictures on pages 2–4 and also page 6, then ask:
• What do these make you think of Karachi?
3. Read page 10 with the students and ask them to look at these pictures and read their
captions. Ask:
• What do these make you think about Karachi? (Compare these with the pictures on
pages 2, 3, 4, and 6.)
• How is the city’s pollution harming the coast? (Oil waste and sewage are polluting
the sea.)
• Does this affect the people? (Yes, it can make people ill or even kill them.)

6 1
4. Read ‘It’s a Fact’ with them and discuss what can be done to help and protect people:
for example, repairing leaking pipes to reduce water shortages; finding ways to stop
factories from polluting water supplies; making it illegal to have water pipes near
sewage outlets.
5. The students can then complete the exercise on page 10.
Skills Book steps
1. Let the students look at the photograph at the bottom of page 10 of the Pupil’s Book. Ask:
• What is the boy doing?
• Is this a good water supply?
• Why do you think so?
2. Tell them that many people in Karachi cannot get clean water and that they are going
to find out more about this. Ask:
• Why do many people in Karachi not have clean water? (The city needs about six
hundred million gallons of water per day but only gets about four hundred and
thirty-five million gallons from the River Indus. Also, many of the pipes leak, so a lot
of water is wasted.)
• Does everyone in Karachi have to get water from public taps like the one in the
photograph? (No. Most houses and other buildings have piped water, but not in all
parts of the city. Some people buy their water from tankers.)
• How does the water from the public taps and tankers get polluted? (Pollution from
factories gets into the river where the water comes from.)
• What will happen in the future? (If the city continues to grow at this rate, there will
be even greater water shortages.)
3. The students can now complete the exercise.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 10

1. Answers will vary. (May include traffic jams, air pollution, water pollution, overcrowding,
water shortages, housing shortages, waste disposal, sewage)
2–4. Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 5
Answers will vary. Following are examples of correct answers:
1. Polluted water makes people ill and can cause death. People have a right to clean
water. It is not fair that some do not have it.
2. We could:
• turn off taps and showers properly after using them.
• not overfill baths, bowls, and cooking pots.
• not leave the tap running while brushing our teeth.
• collect rainwater to water plants.
• store water in tanks or reservoirs (as they do with ponds in the Thar Desert).

1 7
3. They could:
• find ways of removing pollutants.
• not let polluted water into the river—find ways of treating it.
4. People would become ill and die; people, clothes, homes, and streets would become
very dirty; disease would spread; people might fight over scarce water; they would
have to leave the city if there is no water; animals and plants would die too.
Further activities
1. Find out about the Karachi Strategic Development Plan 2020 and how it is trying to solve
the problems of the city.
2. Split the class into groups—each group to research a different problem and the solutions
that are being tried.
3. If known, find out how well they are working or the effects they have had.

Lesson 5: Life outside Karachi; Living in the Thar Desert

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify small towns and villages in the Sindh province
• describe the land and climate of the Thar Desert
• investigate a place through photographs and maps
• Pupil’s Book pages 11–12
• Skills Book page 5 Camels of the Thar Desert
• A photograph of a camel. (There is a camel in the beach photograph on page 3 but a
larger colour photograph would be better.)
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Discuss the map on page 11 and ask the students to locate cities, the Thar Desert, lakes,
and the Indus River’s course through the province of Sindh on the map.
2. Call on a volunteer to describe the land to the east of the Sindh province (desert). Ask:
• What is desert land like? (dry and dusty, with very few plants)
• What is the climate like? (Dry—with very little rain in any season. Many deserts have
a hot climate but there are some cold deserts too.) Explain that in deserts the
temperature can be very hot some of the time but very cold at others: for example,
at night and in the winter. Ask:
• What is the name of the desert in the east of Sindh? (Thar)
3. The class can now read page 11, look at the photograph, and read the caption. Ask:
• Which other country does the Thar Desert extend into? (India)
• When does the Thar Desert get some rain? (July to September)
Can the people there rely on having rain during those months? (No. There are
droughts sometimes. Remind the students of the meaning of drought.)

8 1
• How hot does it get in the desert? (up to 50°C)
• Does it ever reach freezing? (Yes.)
• What temperature is that? (0°C)
• How do the people living in the Thar Desert get water? (They have found ways of
storing it in a johar—a type of pond that they build.)
• Do these solve their water problems? (No. These johars (ponds) sometimes dry up.)
• What do the people do when that happens? (They move on to live somewhere else.
Many are nomads—people who keep moving to find fresh grazing for animals and
water for themselves and their animals.)
• Are all the people of the desert nomads? (No. In some places there is underground
water that they can reach by digging wells.)
4. Ask the students what they have learned about the lives and work of the people who
live in the Thar Desert. (They are mainly farmers.) Ask:
• What animals do they keep? (buffaloes, sheep, goats, camels, and oxen)
• Do they grow any crops? (Yes, they grow bajra, chillies, pulses, jowar, maize, sesame,
and groundnuts.)
5. Read the top section of page 12 with the class and ask them to look at the photographs
and read their captions. Help the students to describe the house in each picture, using
words such as cement, bricks, tiles, wood, windows, garage, garden, shutters, gutters,
storey, path, straw, mud, and sticks. Ask:
• What is the difference between the houses built in Karachi and those built in the Thar
6. Discuss why they are different. Many people in the desert build their own houses using
whatever materials they can find. Straw and mud are good materials for a dry place
because the mud will not wash away. Also, these materials help to keep the inside of
the house cool. Houses in Karachi are like those in most other cities around the world
that are made from materials brought to the city or even imported. They usually have
two levels for more space, and many have a garage because most people in cities have
cars. In the desert there is plenty of space but people do not have large houses, partly
because they don’t need them, as they spend most of their time working, and partly
because they build their own houses and have little choice of materials, thus keep them
simple. People living in deserts walk or travel on donkeys and camels. Point out that
there are fences and pens around the desert houses—most probably for domestic animals.
Discuss the rooms in modern city houses as compared to houses in the desert that usually
have just one or two small rooms.
7. Help the students describe the roads in Karachi and the Thar Desert, using words such as
tarmac, dual carriageway, single track, road markings, road signs, pavements, and traffic.
• How do you think the roads in Thar are different from those in Karachi? (They are
narrower, not dual carriageways, more like tracks, have little traffic because people
who live in the desert walk or travel on donkeys and camels, and very few people
travel across the desert.)
8. Ask the students to read ‘It’s a Fact’, which they will probably find surprising. Ask why
they think the Thar Desert is more densely populated than others. This desert has hillocks
with sandy and gravel plains in between stretches of sand which gives it a richer habitat

1 9
than most deserts. This also means that different types of vegetation can grow here. Thus
the desert can support more wildlife than many other deserts, which enables more people
to live a relatively comfortable life here than in other deserts. Though farming is not
easy they survive by managing their crops and animals. Crops are planted mainly in June
and July for a summer harvest and animals are grazed on common land in the villages.
9. The students can now complete the exercise on page 12. They could first work with a
partner to list the facts they now know about the Thar Desert and make a note of
anything they still need to find out. Help them to find the answers to their questions
using other books, such as the Oxford School Atlas for Pakistan, also other informational
books and leaflets—and if possible, websites about the Thar Desert.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 12

1. Answers will vary.
Further activities
1. Find out how other desert animals, plants, or insects survive.
2. Choose one desert animal to make a chart with. Have pictures and interesting facts about

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 13

A. 1. Karachi is the main centre of trade in Pakistan.
2. A bay is a coastal inlet with land on three sides.
3. A stack is formed when an arch collapses.
4. The Karachi coast has become polluted from factory waste.
5. Goods are things that you can see and touch.
6. Services are things provided for you by other people.
7. Imports are goods that are bought from other countries.
8. Exports are goods that are sold to other countries.
9. Some of the goods made in Karachi are textiles, chemicals, and cars.
B. Answers will vary but should include comparisons of school lessons and timetables,
leisure activities, transport, home life, and food.

10 1
Unit 2 Balochistan

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit features the largest province of Pakistan: its climate; its location in a mountainous
region that also has a desert, volcanoes, forests; local industries.
The unit helps the students to learn how mud volcanoes are formed and about desert
landforms, climate, and weather events. They also learn about conservation work on the
juniper forests.
The students learn how the climate and landscape affect the people’s way of life, the crops
they can grow, and the crafts and industries that characterize the region.
They learn about the province’s main industry—coal mining—and compare coal mining in
Pakistan with China.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students
should be able to:
• identify and describe the location and climate of Balochistan
• describe the physical features of the different types of land—mountains and desert—and
what grows and lives there
• identify the characteristics of mud volcanoes
• identify the mining industry
They will learn how to:
• use sources such as maps and photographs to learn about geographical features
• ask questions and draw conclusions about how the people’s way of life is affected by
the land and climate
• compare coal mining in Pakistan with that in China
They will begin to understand:
• how mud volcanoes are formed
• how plants, animals, and humans survive in a desert and in high mountains
• the importance of conservation of forests
• what makes coal mining dangerous and how it affects the environment

Lesson 1: Location; Landscape

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe and identify the location of Balochistan
• interpret the different physical features of the land in the province: desert, mountains,
plateaus, rivers, and forests
• use grid squares and a key to locate and describe features on a map
• use a compass rose to describe directions

1 11
• Pupil’s Book pages 14–15
• Skills Book page 6 Travelling in Balochistan; page 8 Quetta
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the class what they know about Balochistan. (They might know that it is the largest
province in Pakistan.)
2. Let the students study the map on page 14. Ask:
• Does Balochistan have a coast? (Yes—on the Arabian Sea.)
• Which other provinces of Pakistan does it have borders with? (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
to the north; Punjab and Sindh to the east)
• Does it have borders with other countries? (Yes—with Iran to the west and Afghanistan
to the north)
• What is the name of the capital city of Balochistan? (Quetta. The students should be
able to locate it on the map.)
• Which grid square is Quetta in? (C4)
3. Ask them to read the introduction and paragraph on ‘Location’ from page 14 to check
the information they found from the map. They should then read ‘It’s a Fact’. Ask:
• What fraction of Pakistan does Balochistan cover? (almost half)
4. Tell the class that they are going to find out about the land in Balochistan. Discuss the fact
that because it is such a large area, it has different types of landscapes: deserts, mountains,
river-valleys, and forests. They should then read ‘Landscape’. Ask different students to name
a mountain range in Balochistan and give its location using the compass rose. [Sulaiman
Range (north-east), Kirthar Range (south-east), Toba Kakar Range (north), Balochistan
Plateau (south)].
5. Repeat the pattern of ‘4’ for the Kharan Desert, the plains, and the rivers (Dasht, Hingol,
Zhob, and Hub). Ask:
From which mountain does each river rise? (Dasht, Hingol, and Hub: Balochistan
Plateau; Zhob in the Toba Kakar Range)
6. Remind the students how to locate places on a map using grid references, with the letters
along the bottom of the map and the numbers along the side. They can now complete
the exercise on page 15.
Skills Book steps (Page 6 Travelling in Balochistan)
1. Allow the class to study the map. Then ask:
• How is this different from the map on page 15 of the Pupil’s Book? (This is a road
map. It only shows the main roads and the towns and cities they link. It doesn’t show
the physical features such as rivers or mountains.) Point out that towns are shown as
black dots and roads as black lines.
2. Help them to complete B1 by asking:
• Can you find the Arabian Sea and the southern coast of Balochistan? (When they
have done so, ask them to look along the coast and read the names of the towns.
Ask them to look at the roads that link the towns. Explain that all main roads are
12 1
• Why do you think the roads are numbered? (To identify them when giving directions
or information.)
Explain that many roads, or parts of long roads, will have a name too. For our address
we give the name, rather than the number of the road. Ask the students to read the
numbers on the roads that link the south coast towns.
3. The students can then complete the remainder of the page.
Skills Book steps (Page 7 Quetta)
1. Begin by asking the students to locate Quetta on the maps in the Pupil’s Book and the
road map on page 6 of the Skills Book. Ask:
• Which roads lead to Quetta? (N40, N25, N65)
Tell them that Quetta also has a railway station and an airport, so it is not difficult to
get to.
2. Let them read the ‘Fact file’ on this page. Then ask:
• What is the landscape around Quetta like? (mountainous)
• Do you think the land is bare or are crops grown? (Fruit crops are grown here so
Quetta is known as ‘the Fruit garden of Pakistan’.)
• Do you think there is plenty to do there? (Yes, because it is the capital and the largest
city of Balochistan.)
3. The students can then read on to find out what there is to see and do in Quetta. Ask:
• What would you choose to do on a day out in Quetta?
4. Let them read about the climate in Quetta. Then ask:
• What are the winters like? (cold)
• What are the summers like? (hot)
• When is the best time to visit? (May to September, when it is not too cold.)
5. Ask the students to use the blank Fact file section at the bottom of the page to plan a
guide about their hometown, village, or city.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 15

1. b. D3 c. A2 d. D2
2. a. 200 km b. 100 km c. 100 km
Answers to Skills Book page 6
B. 1. a. Gwadar, Pasni, Ormara b. N10
2. a. N25 b. Kalat, Surab, Khuzdar, Bela, Liari, Uthal
3. N10, M8, N85, N30 Turbat; or N10, M8, N25 Turbat, Bela (or Pasni, Ormara, Lian,
Uthal, Bela)
4. True
5. Dalbandin
6. Hingol National Park
Answers to Skills Book page 7
Answers will vary.

1 13
Further activities
1. Look at a road map of your province (if you are not in Balochistan).
2. Find the numbers of the roads that lead to your nearest town or city.
3. Find out which towns or cities they go to.
4. The students could write their own questions about the road map for others to answer.
5. Find out more about Quetta: for example, more details about the climate. Does it have
a monsoon season? Are winters or summers wet or dry? What is the average temperature
and rainfall for each month?

Lesson 2: Mud volcanoes; Juniper forests

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe and define the mud volcanoes of Balochistan—the types of places where they
are found, how they form, what they are like when they erupt, and how people
interact with them
• identify and describe the juniper forests of Balochistan and their use as a natural
• relate how the forests are endangered and conservation work taking place
• Pupil’s Book pages 16–17
• Skills Book page 9 Quetta earthquake
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the class that they will be learning about some interesting natural features of
Balochistan, beginning with mud volcanoes. Ask them if they know what ‘mud volcanoes’
2. Explain that mud volcanoes are different from ordinary volcanoes, and let the students
read the first two paragraphs of page 16. Ask:
• How does a mud volcano form? (Water, gases, and mud from deep under the ground
escape to the surface of the Earth to form mud volcanoes.)
• What happens when the mud reaches the surface? (Different things could happen. It
could spread out or form mounds or cones, explode high into the air, or just ooze out
• What kinds of places are most likely to have mud volcanoes? (areas with oil and
natural gas)
3. Write the following questions on the board and ask the students to look for the answers
on page 16.
• About how many mud volcanoes are there in Balochistan? (more than 80)
• In which parts of the province are they? (west, in the Gwadar district; north-east of
• Which is the most famous mud volcano? (Chandrakup)
• Why do Hindus stop there on their pilgrimage to Hinglaj? (They believe it is holy.)

14 1
• What do they do there? (They stay up all night to make rotis to offer the volcano.)
4. Let the students read the first paragraph about juniper forests on page 17, including ‘It’s a
Fact’. Ask:
• How old are the juniper forests? (at least 5000 years old)
• How are the forests useful as a natural resource? (Berries are used for flavouring food.
Oil from the trees is used in medicines. Tourists come to see them.)
Ask them to read the rest of the section on juniper forests then ask the following
• What is endangering the forests? (A disease is killing the trees, also people cut them
down for firewood.)
• Why are these particularly bad problems for juniper trees? (They grow very slowly.)
• What is being done to protect them? (World Wildlife Fund Pakistan has developed a
plan to protect them.)
• What message would you give people to encourage them to safeguard the juniper
6. Ask them to plan how they could give this message using pictures and words. They can
then complete the exercise on page 17
Skills Book steps
1. Tell the class that there was an earthquake in the area around Quetta in 1935 and that
they are going to read about it from the point of view of someone who was there.
2. Help the students read Salwa’s diary: you could invite them to take turns to read aloud
a sentence each. Ask:
• What was the date of the earthquake? (31st May, 1935)
• Was it a powerful earthquake and how can you tell? (Yes. The ground was shaking
so much that Salwa could not stand up, and the only building still standing afterwards
was the Government House.)
• How many people died on the first day of the earthquake? (more than 30,000)

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 17

The students design a poster.
Answers to Skills Book page 8
B. 1. Answers will vary, depending on the date when the exercise is undertaken. (In 2013
it is 78 years.)
2. In bed. She was awoken by the earthquake.
3. A couple of minutes
4. She took cover under the table.
5. She was scared because everything was shaking.
6. All the shops, the railway station, and every building except the Government House
was reduced to rubble.
7. The Government House
8. It must have been stronger than the others and well built, perhaps because it was
a government building.

1 15
Further activities
1. The students could find out about other parts of the world that have mud volcanoes and
compare these areas with Balochistan, noting, for example, whether they have gas and
a) There are few mud volcanoes in most of Europe, apart from Italy, Sicily, Romania,
and in Russia, whereas there are many on the Taman Peninsula, and also in Ukraine.
b) In Italy they are common in the northern part of the Apennine Mountains and in
c) In Asia they can be found in Indonesia, Azerbaijan, Iran, the Andaman Islands off
the coast of India, the Philippines, Xinjiang province of China, Burma, Taiwan, and
d) In North America they can be found in California, Alaska; British Columbia in Canada;
and Yellowstone National Park in the USA.
e) In South and Central America there are mud volcanoes in Venezuela and Trinidad
and Tobago

Lesson 3: Climate; The Kharan Desert; The people

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• define and describe the climate of different parts of Balochistan
• identify the characteristics of a desert landscape and the people who live there
• ask questions and find answers about how land and climate affect the people’s way of
• Pupil’s Book pages 17–19
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the class that they will now find out about the climate of Balochistan, the Kharan
Desert, and the people who live there. Ask:
What do you know about the climate of Quetta? (It has hot summers and cold
2. After the students read about the climate of the province of Balochistan on page 17, ask:
• Which parts of Balochistan are the coldest in winter? (the north and the mountains)
• Where is the climate milder? (on the coast and the plains)
• Which are the hottest, driest, parts of the province? (Chaghai and Kharan in the west)
• Does Balochistan have a monsoon season? (No.)
3. Explain any words the students might not know in the section on the Kharan Desert.
sand dunes: hills of sand formed by wind or water flow
drought: a time when there is no rain, or hardly any
4. Ask the students to read the first paragraph about the Kharan Desert on page 18 and
discuss what information it provides about the climate. (It can be very windy, causing
shifting sand dunes up to 30 feet high and fierce sandstorms.)

16 1
5. The students can then read the next paragraph from ‘The Kharan Desert’ (page 18) and
‘It’s a Fact’ from page 19 to find out in what ways the weather in the Kharan Desert is
‘extreme’ (having extremes of rainfall; low or high, extremes of temperature; low or high,
and extremely strong winds). Some of these extremes can be seen in the photographs.
• What interesting feature does the Kharan Desert have because of a lack of rain? (dry
lakes that are now salty marshes with moving sand dunes)
6. Ask the students to read ‘The people’ (of Balochistan) from page 18, then ask:
• Where do most of the people of Balochistan live? (Quetta in the north, and the port
of Gwadar in the south)
• How do many people who live in the mountains make a living? (They raise animals
and sell their produce at bazaars in the towns.)
• Which animals do some of them raise? (camels)
• How do many people on the plains make a living? (They grow fruit such as grapes,
apples, cherries, peaches, pomegranates, dates, apricots, and almonds.)
• What other crops do they grow? (wheat)
• How do many people who live on the coast make a living? (fishing)
• Which traditional craft do people earn a living from? (rug-making)
7. The students can now complete the exercise on page 19.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 19

1. No answer required.
Answers will vary. Useful words include arid, cracked, dusty, dry, flat, parched,
windswept, bare, vast.
3. Answers will vary, but examples may be: The Kharan Desert is dry and dusty. Sand
blows to form dunes in the desert. The desert is bare and flat. The earth is parched and
Further activities
1. The students could find out more about the daily lives of children in the Kharan Desert:
education; what the schools are like; what they do for entertainment and leisure; any
work they do, etc.
2. Find photographs of the Kharan Desert.

Lesson 4: Mining in Balochistan

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and describe the minerals mined in Balochistan
• use a key on a map to find out where the different minerals are mined
• Pupil’s Book pages 19–21
• If possible, some samples of minerals mined in Pakistan: for example, copper, limestone,
marble, and perhaps fluorite, might not be difficult to find. Avoid sulphur, unless in a

1 17
sealed jar (and check your school’s health and safety policy regarding substances). Avoid
antimony as it is poisonous.
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin by asking the students if they know what minerals are. Elaborate that they are
materials found in the ground: some are metals but others are not, e.g. coal, gemstones,
marble, and sulphur. Ask:
• Can you name any metallic minerals? (gold, silver, copper, iron)
2. Explain that most minerals, when first mined, do not look like the materials we know,
for example, metal ores that are dug from the ground do not look like the finished
metals. They have to be cleaned and shaped. Show the students some examples of
minerals and ask for a description of each: their colour and whether they have crystals
(regularly-shaped pieces; these can easily be seen in fluorite and in many everyday
materials, such as sugar and salt).
3. Let the students read ‘Mining in Balochistan’ from page 19 and look at the pictures and
read their captions. Ask:
• Which two minerals are being mined in the photographs? (copper and chromite)
• What is copper used for? (electrical wires, household pots, jugs and pans, roofing,
pipes for water or gas)
4. Explain that copper is easily pulled into thin lengths to make wires; it can easily be
hammered into sheets or shaped into pipes; and it doesn’t rust. Chromite is the source of
the metal chromium. Ask:
• Can you name anything made from chromium (sometimes called chrome)? (It is used
in making dyes and colour pigments for paints, and in treating leather. It can be used
for plating other metals to stop them from rusting and to make them look attractive
because it is easy to polish.)
• Do you have anything at home made from chrome or coated with chrome? (examples:
water taps, metal trims on some cars around lights, metal parts of windscreen wipers,
some parts of bicycles, door handles) Ask:
• Does mining look like an easy job? Explain why. (Draw attention to the places where
miners work and the types of equipment and machinery they use: underground tunnels,
pits with heavy machinery working around them, dust, etc.)
• How is an open-pit mine different from an underground mine? (It has pits on the surface
of the ground instead of tunnels underground.)
• Where in Pakistan is copper mined? (Saindak and Reko Diq)
• Which other metal is found alongside copper? (gold)
• Where is chromite mined? (Muslim Bagh)
• To which country is most of Pakistan’s copper and chromite exported? (China)
5. Ask the class to look at the pictures of minerals found in Pakistan on page 21. Read the
captions with them. Ask:
• What is limestone used for? (making cement, glass, soap, paper, and paint)
• Which other minerals are used in making cement? (magnesite, gypsum)
6. They can then complete the exercise on page 21.

18 1
7. Let the students study the map on page 20. Ask:
• What does this map show? (the minerals mined in Balochistan and the places where
they are mined)
• What mineral does a red circle on the map show? (sulphur)
• What symbol on the map shows where marble is mined? (a yellow rectangle)
• What does a green triangle tell you? (Gold is mined in this place.)
8. Now that they know more about the minerals, the students can understand the key to
the map. Ask them to use the key to help them answer the questions on this page.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 20

1. Gunga, Kudni, Bankhri 2. Sulphur   3. Chagai 4. Chamalong, Spintangi 5. Qila
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 21
A. 1. It is used to make steel for bridges, cars, ships, buildings, machinery, and tools.
2. Baryte (Chromite is also used for making colour pigments.)
3. Electrical wires, jewellery, cooking pans, making brass, making bronze
4. Antimony 5. Marble
B. Answers will vary.
Further activities
1. Make a display about some of the everyday things made from minerals from Balochistan.
2. Include information about the minerals.
3. The students could look up the minerals to find out why they are good for these purposes,
e.g. chromite changes the colours of some other minerals; iron is very strong and hard;
copper does not rust.

Lesson 5: Coal mining in Pakistan; Mining problems

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe how coal forms and where it is mined in Pakistan
• determine how coal is used
• dentify and describe the dangers faced by miners
• Pupil’s Book pages 22–23
• If possible, a piece of coal
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Show the class a piece of coal and ask:
• What is this?
• Where does it come from?
• What is it made of?

1 19
2. E
 xplain that coal is a mineral and not a metal, so it is called ‘non-metallic’. Explain that it
is formed when plants and animals that have died and are eventually buried in the ground
are pressed together for millions of years. Plants and animals contain a great deal of
carbon which is the main material that coal is made of.
3. When the students have read ‘Coal mining in Pakistan’ from page 22 and studied the
map, ask:
• Which provinces of Pakistan have coal? (Punjab, Balochistan, and Sindh)
• What do we use coal for? (It is used as a fuel—something to burn to get heat. It is useful in
furnaces that heat boilers to make steam for driving generators that produce electricity.)
4. Ask them to read ‘Mining problems’, including ‘It’s a Fact’ to find the answers to the
following questions:
• What dangers do miners face at work?
• How should mine owners try to protect their workers?
• What damage can coal mining do to the environment?
• What do you think mining companies should do to avoid this as far as possible?
5. Ask the students to read ‘It’s a Fact’ on page 22. Ask:
• Can we continue mining coal forever? Explain why. (No, because fossil fuels take millions
of years to form. We are using them up much faster than they form. If they are used up
at this pace, there will soon be none left.)
6. The students can now complete the exercise on page 23.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 23

1. They are fuels formed from plants and animals and are used for burning as fuel to
heat water in boilers to produce steam to generate electricity.
2. Any three from Makarwal, Dandot, Pidh, Mach, Lakhra, Sondah.
3. O
 pen-pit mines are on the surface of the ground. In an underground mine, the mine
tunnels are under the ground.
4. Tunnels can collapse. They can become flooded. Gases can cause explosions. Miners
can develop lung diseases because of the dust.
5. Answers will vary.
Further activities
1. The students could find out more about coal mining and then list all the advantages and
disadvantages they can find.
2. They could discuss these in groups of four and decide whether or not the advantages
outweigh the disadvantages.

20 1
Lesson 6: Coal mining in China; Comparing coal mining in China and Pakistan
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe coal mining in China
• compare and contrast coal mining in China with Pakistan
• Pupil’s Book pages 23–24
• Skills Book page 10 Coal mining accident—China; page 11 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the class that one of our neighbouring countries is one of the largest producers of
coal in the world. Ask if they can guess which country this is. (China)
2. Let the students read ‘Coal mining in China, from page 23 and study the map. Ask:
• Which parts of China have coal? (the east and north)
3. Discuss why China imports as well as exports coal. The coal is mined far from the industrial
areas of the south of China, that use the most coal. It is difficult to transport the coal by
road and the north-south railways cannot cope with it. This means that coal has to be
taken to ports, loaded onto ships, and taken round the coast to southern ports, from where
it is transported by rail and road to the places where it is needed. Also, importing coal
rather than mining it helps to keep China’s air, water, and land pollution down. In addition
to this China has become more and more industrialized. The main fuel has long been coal,
so industry has come to depend largely on it. However it is not producing enough coal to
support its fast developing industries. Until 2008 China’s exports of coal were larger than
its imports. They became equal in 2008, and presently imports are greater than exports and
presently increasing each year.
4. Tell the class that China has some open-pit mines but most are underground. Its largest
open-pit mine is at Haerwusu in the north of inner Mongolia.
5. Ask the students to read ‘Mining problems’ and ‘It’s a Fact’ to get the answers to the
following questions:
• What dangers do miners face at work?
• How should mine owners try to protect their workers?
• What damage can coal mining do to the environment?
• What do you think mining companies should do to avoid this as far as they can?
6. Read page 24 ‘Comparing coal mining in China with Pakistan’ with the class. Ask a different
student to read each bullet point aloud. Then ask:
• Which country produces more coal, Pakistan or China? (China)
• Which country uses more coal? (China. Point out that this is not very surprising because
it is bigger than Pakistan and has a much larger population.)
• Which fuels does Pakistan use to produce most of its electricity? (oil and gas)
• Which fuel does China mostly use? (coal)
• What surprising fact have you learned about Pakistan’s coal deposits? (It has one of the
world’s largest coal deposits in the Thar Desert which have not been mined.)
• What have you learned about pollution caused by coal mining? (Both Pakistan and

1 21
China have pollution problems from coal mining but China has one of the most polluted
cities in the world.)
• Does Pakistan have mining accidents? (Yes. Coal mining accidents can happen anywhere
because it is a hazardous industry. People work underground where there are many
dangers: collapsing tunnels, flooding, gas leaks, dust, etc. See page 23).
Skills Book steps (Page 10 Coal mining accident—China)
1. Tell the class that they are going to read some facts about a coal mining accident in China
and will then write a newspaper report about it.
2. Begin by reading the facts about the accident with the students. Ask them to make notes
about each fact under headings What, Who, Where, When, Why, and Other interesting
facts. They could make a chart as shown:
Other interesting facts
Mining accidents are common in China—only a week after there was another accident (also
a gas leak); last year more than 2400 people died in mining accidents. 3. The students could
use their notes to help them complete the newspaper report on the lower half of the page.
You could cover the initial portion so they can make notes. This will help them later on
when they are able to write a news report without the help of a template. It will help the
students to write in their own words rather than copy from books.
4. When they have written their report the students should read through it and then think up
an interesting headline that sums it up, telling the readers what the report is about, e.g. Pit
disaster at Shizong kills 20; Shizong gas leak kills 20; Another gas leak kills miners.
Remind the students to write the date of publishing of that newspaper.
Skills Book steps (Page 11 Values)
1. Explain that this page is about problems that people face in Balochistan. They have learned
that many people’s lives there are difficult because of extreme weather and dangerous
landscapes, but there are other problems caused by the actions of people.
• What problems do you know of that are faced by the people in Balochistan? (List the
answers on the board. Then read the first column of the chart: Issue/problem.)
2. Make groups of four and allocate a problem to each group. Ask them to read about the
problem and then the possible solutions. They should think about the two possible solutions
given and decide which is better and why. In their groups the students should give each
member a turn to voice his or her opinion. They can then vote to choose a group solution.
3. After about 10 minutes invite feedback from each group. A member of the group should
say what problem they have been discussing, what the two possible solutions are, which
one they choose, and why.

22 1
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 24
Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 10
Answers will vary.
Example: Yesterday at the Shizong mine in Yunnan province there was a bad coal mining
accident. The accident occurred in the early hours of the morning and was caused by an
explosion, trapping the miners. It took hundreds of firemen, doctors, and rescuers 40 hours
to rescue miners but unfortunately 20 miners died. Coal mining accidents are common in
China. This accident happened less than one week after another mine in another part of
China also suffered a gas leak. Last year more than 2400 people died in coal mining
accidents in China.
Answers to Skills Book page 11
Answers will vary.
Further activities
1. The students could write to coal mining companies in Pakistan to ask about their protection
measures for the safety of the mine workers.
2. They could also ask about the different causes of coal mine accidents and how the mining
companies try to keep their employees safe from these dangers.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 25

A. 1. underground
2. open-pit
3. fossil fuel
4. dangerous 5. tunnels
B. Answers will vary.

1 23
Unit 3 Climate change

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit explains climate change and the ‘greenhouse effect’. It also deals with how climatic
changes affect the weather, land, sea, waterways, plants, animals, and also the lives of
many communities.
There is information about how human activity, especially the growth of industry around
the world, is affecting the climate across the Earth.
The students are encouraged to consider how some of the choices we make can contribute
to the greenhouse effect and what we can do to minimize this.
The mean surface temperature of the Earth has increased by about 0.8°C since the beginning
of the 20th century. Studies by NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), USA
show that the areas that have the greatest increase in temperature are around the Poles.
This affects the rest of the Earth because when polar ice melts the overall sea level rises.
Most of the temperature increases have occured since 1980. Many scientists are convinced
that greenhouse gases are produced by human activities such as burning fossil fuels and
destroying forests. Countries have joined together to form the Intergovernmental Panel on
Climate Change, where scientists record temperatures and all aspects of the weather, and
their effects. They have found that climate change affects different parts of the world in
different ways. There has been a rise in sea levels and the amount and pattern of rain, sleet,
hail, and snow have changed. Some subtropical deserts have spread.
As most people around the world will have noticed, there has been an increase in severe or
unusual weather such as drought and heavy rains that are causing floods.
Scientists have predicted that if global warming continues at this rate, many species of plants
and animals could be lost and there will be severe threats to food crops and livestock. Some
places will probably become uninhabitable due to flooding, drought, expansion of deserts,
Many countries support the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which not only
studies and records climatic changes and their effects, but also works on ways of slowing
these down through reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. They are also working on ways
of adapting to climate change.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students should
be able to:
• comprehend the meaning of climate, climatic change, and the greenhouse effect
• establish how humans are contribting to the greenhouse effect
They will learn how to:
• use diagrams, charts, photographs, and maps for information on climate change and its
• ask questions and draw conclusions about the causes and effects of climatic change
• interpret a key on a map showing floods

24 1
They will begin to understand:
• how humans are contributing to climate changes
• what can be done to help reduce the greenhouse effect and slow down climatic changes

Lesson 1: W
 hat is climate? What is weather? What is climate change?
What is causing climate change?
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• define and describe climate change and the greenhouse effect
• use a diagram to understand and explain the greenhouse effect
• Pupil’s Book pages 26-27
• A wall thermometer
Pupil’s Book steps
1. After reviewing the meaning of weather with the class, ask:
• What day-to-day changes are measured when studying the weather? (temperature;
rainfall; any other precipitation, such as hail, sleet, or snow; cloud cover; wind
strength; wind direction)
• What does climate mean? (the usual weather conditions of a place over a long period
of time)
• What is the weather like today?
• What was it like last week?
2. Discuss the difference between‘weather’ and ‘climate’ with the students. Let them know
that even if it has rained all week, it doesn’t mean that the place has a wet climate—the
full year’s weather is considered. This was probably just a particularly wet week or it
might be the monsoon season. If it is the monsoon season that is part of the climate, as
it happens each year.
3. Talk about today’s temperature. Whether they think it is hot, warm, cool, or cold. They
could predict the outdoor temperature of shaded areas in degrees Celsius (°C). Take the
students outdoors to record the air temperature. The thermometer should be placed in
the shade and left for a few minutes so as to get a correct reading. They could make a
note of this, and record the temperature at the same time each day for a few weeks. Tell
them that they are measuring and recording the weather which changes from day to
day and even during the same day. Discuss how this is connected with climate.
4. Ask the class to read page 26, then invite volunteers to say what they have learned
from it about weather, climate, and climate change. The students should complete the
exercise on page 27.

1 25
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 27
A. 1. weather: day-to-day changes in temperature, rainfall, cloud, and wind
2. climate: the usual weather in a place during the year
3. global warming: an increase in the Earth’s temperature
4. climate change: a change in the world’s climate
5. atmosphere: the ‘blanket’ of gases that surrounds the Earth
B. Answers will vary, for example:
1. The weather today has been very windy and hot.
2. The climate in Sindh has hot summers and cool winters.
3. Scientists think humans are causing global warming.
4. The world’s climate changes naturally over thousands of years.
5. The Earth’s atmosphere consists of many different gases.
Further activities
1. Collect news reports on climate change and read them with the students.
2. Hold a class debate about whether we can do anything about climate change or whether
we should accept it and plan on how to adapt to it.

Lesson 2: The greenhouse effect; What are humans doing to make the
greenhouse effect stronger? What might happen if the Earth
gets warmer?
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• interpret the meaning of the greenhouse effect
• derive information and explanations from diagrams
• Pupil’s Book pages 27-28
• Skills Book page 10 Climate change quiz
• A map of Pakistan—or maps of the provinces—showing the height of land above sea
level for Further activities.
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin by asking the students the following questions:
• Does anyone know what a greenhouse is? (also called a glasshouse—a shed-like
building in which plants are grown)
• What is a greenhouse used for? (to protect plants from cold weather)
If they have never been inside a greenhouse it is useful to demonstrate the effect of
sunlight on glass. The students can feel this by standing for a little while next to a
window, inside the classroom that gets direct sunlight.
• What did you feel? (They should realize that the Sun’s rays feel hot through the glass.)
• Do we need greenhouses in most parts of Pakistan? (No, because most places here are
not very cold—in fact, a greenhouse would make the plants too hot, but in places

26 1
where temperatures drop to freezing point at night a greenhouse is useful for
protecting plants.)
2. Read page 27 with the class. Then ask them to look at the diagram of the greenhouse
and invite a volunteer to use it to explain how a greenhouse works. Tell them that the
gases in the Earth’s atmosphere act in a similar way to the glass of a greenhouse. Ask
them to look at the diagram of the greenhouse effect on the same page and let another
volunteer explain the greenhouse effect using the diagram.
3. Tell the students that most scientists think that human activity is adding to greenhouse
gases in the Earth’s atmosphere. Ask them to read page 28 to find out how this is
happening. Then ask:
• What are humans doing that adds to the greenhouse effect? (causing too much carbon
dioxide to be released into the air)
• How? (by burning fossil fuels)
• Can you name some fossil fuels? (coal, gas, and oil)
• Can anyone give two more examples of how carbon dioxide is being released into the
air? (smoke from factories, cutting down and burning trees for cooking and heating)
• What is likely to happen if the Earth gets warmer? (Polar ice will melt.)
• Why would this be a problem? (The sea levels will rise and some coastal and lowland
settlements will be flooded.)
• What was the rise in sea levels in the 20th century? (between 0.1 and 0.2 metres)
• Which coastal city in Pakistan would be in danger of flooding? (Karachi)
• What other effect will global warming have? (Some places will become deserts.)
• How will the increase in desert lands affect humans? (There will be less land for
settlements and farming.)
4. The students can then complete the exercise.
Skills Book steps
1. Ask the students to read the text from pages 27 to 28 again to find the answers to the
‘Climate change quiz’.
2. Ask them to tick the correct answers to questions 1–6 of Exercise A, and write the answers
to B on the lines provided.
3. After completing the quiz they could read out their questions for B for the rest of the class
to answer.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 28

1. True 4. False; there will be more flooding.
2. False; it helps to heat it. 5. True
3. True
Answers to Skills Book page 10
A. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c
B. Answers will vary.

1 27
Further activities
1. Divide the class into groups of four and allocate a different province of Pakistan to each
2. Ask them to look at maps to identify the lowest land in Pakistan (in metres above or below
sea level).
3. They should list the names of settlements on low land in order beginning with the lowest.
4. Ask the students to find out which of these places have been flooded and which are in
danger of flooding if the sea level rises or rivers flood.
5. Help the students find out what is being done to help people living in these places protect
their homes, businesses, or farmland, or to help them move to a safer place.
6. Organize the class into groups of four and allocate a different land type to each group:
mountains, deserts, plains, coasts, and mangroves.
7. Ask the students to use books and the Internet to find out what the area was like before
global warming began, how it is now, and what it might be like in the future.
8. They can collect photographs, draw pictures, and write captions for examples of this type of

Lesson 3: Natural disasters

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify what causes different forms of natural disasters
• describe measures that can be taken for safety during a natural disaster
• ask questions and explain how floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, and droughts occur and
their effect on communities
• Pupil’s Book pages 29-32
• Skills Book page 11 Climate change and Pakistan
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Explain to students that the natural disasters are calamitous events with atmospheric and
geological origins that can cause fatalities, property damage and socio-environmental
2. Brainstorm natural disasters like droughts, earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslide.
Help students understand that natural disasters cannot be controlled by humans in their
intensity and timing, but its effect can be controlled with human efforts that minimize
suffering, for example: early warning systems, evacuations, pre-emptive measures, and
safety precautions).
2. Ask students to read page 29. Discuss why floods occur (heavy rainfall and melting of snow
during summers) and how humans have come up with various ways to store water and
avoid damage from floods (making canals, planting trees to absorb water, constructing
boundaries to avoid spilling of water from rivers, digging canals, making dams, etc.)

28 1
3. Explain the reasons for floods to be common in Pakistan (Pakistan has 5 rivers, heavy
monsoon rainfall during summers, melted snow from mountains joining rivers). Ask students:
• What is a glacier? (a river of frozen water)
• Do the glaciers melt every summer? (No, only a little ice melts.)
• How does this help? (It keeps the rivers flowing and provides the water needed.)
• What has happened during the past few years? (More and more ice from the mountain
glaciers has melted and caused floods.)
• What has made the floods even worse? (heavy rain)
4. Discuss how global warming has led to increased number of floods as glaciers are melting
faster than before. Read the ‘It’s a Fact!’ box on page 29 and share newspaper cut-outs for
students to grasp the damage floods can have on land (washing away crops) and people
(lives of people and livestock, business, wages, infrastructure). Discuss the photograph on
page 29 and ask what must life for the people in these places be like? (Ask the students to
think about how everything they do would change if their homes were flooded.)
5. Read ‘Safety measures’ on page 29. Explain to students that in an emergency such as
this, they must take care to unplug electrical appliances to avoid electric shock and carry
essentials like (drinking water, money, flashlight, etc.) to find refuge. Share with students
some steps taken nowadays by states to avoid heavy damage from floods like early warning
system to move people from areas in danger from floods, constructing higher walls around
rivers, managing canals and dams to reroute water, etc.
6. Read Earthquakes on page 30 and ask students if they have experienced it firsthand. Explore
the cause of shifting of the Earth’s surface (Earth’s crust is made of tectonic plates that rests
on molten rocks and is in constant motion). Explain how fault lines on the boundaries
of these plates sometimes are strained due to these movements that creates friction and
abrupt slipping of plates on each other. Show pictures of seismometer and Richter scale and
explain the difference between the two (A seismograph/ seismometer is used to detect and
record earthquakes. It records the motion of the ground during a quake. The Richter scale
gives numerical value that measures the power or magnitude of earthquakes.)
7. Discuss the photograph on page 30 and share pictures from Kashmir earthquake in 2005.
Discuss the damage that earthquakes can have on lives and property. Act out the given
safety measures for earthquakes on page 30-31(don’t panic, drop, take cover, hold on,
don’t take elevators while rushing out, stay away from windows and turn off electricity
and gas supplies).
8. Read page 31 and explain that an earthquake or a volcanic eruption under the sea leads to
a tsunami. Using pictures or drawings explain the damage that these high and very speedy
waves incur on coastal areas because of little or no warning before the impact.
9. Read the ‘It’s a Fact!’ box on page 31 about the speed of tidal waves. Share with them
how destructive the waves can be (Strong currents lead to the erosion of foundations of
buildings and the collapse of bridges and seawalls. These waves and the floating material
it carry can move houses and overturn railroad cars).
10. Read page 32 with the students and discuss the picture. Explain how absence of rainfall
leads to droughts. Elaborate the effect of droughts on land and people. Ask:
• What opposite effect of global warming occurred in 2011? (There was a drought.)
• How did this affect the people in Sindh? (There was a shortage of water for homes and
farms. Farmers faced many problems in growing their crops.)

1 29
• What change did this bring about in the Thar Desert? (Instead of a drought occurring every
three years there now is a continuous drought that lasts for most of three years.)
11. Read the exercise on page 32 with the class and ask them to imagine being a farmer whose
crops are withering, and animals are dying due to a lack of water and grazing grounds.
Then let them write their answers in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps (page 11 Climate change and Pakistan)
1. Read the information about the regions on the map with the class and discuss how global
warming could affect the region they live in.
2. Ask the students to read the incomplete passage with a partner and to use the information
on this page and in the Pupil’s Book to help them fill in the missing words.
3. They can then complete the exercise.

Answers to Pupil’s book page 31

1a. Stay away from glass, windows, and things that could fall, such as fixtures or furniture.
Find a place to drop, take cover and hold on like under the bed.
1b. Go to an open area away from trees, poles, and buildings and drop low to take cover.
Stay there until the shaking stops.
2. heavy rainfall, melting of snow in summers, or when very big oceans waves come on to
the shore.
3. The answers will vary.
Answers to Skills book page 11
Answers will vary
Further activities
1. Ask students to name some flash floods that have occurred around the world and find out
what steps were taken to manage the disaster.
2. Ask students to investigate how earthquakes occur; the way earthquakes are measured;
and the geology of their home or school location.
3. Ask the students to use books and the Internet to find out what the area was like before
global warming began, how it is now, and what it might be like in the future.
4. They can collect photographs, draw pictures, and write captions for examples of this type
of area.

Lesson 4: What can I do to help stop climate change?

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe how everyday human activities can add to climatic change
• establish what can be done to help reduce global warming
• Pupil’s Book pages 33–34
• Skills Book page 12

30 1
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin with previous information from Books 3 and 4 about how we can all help to reduce
climate change. Ask the students for their opinions. Tell them that they are going to read
about ways in which all families can help.
2. Ask the students to read pages 33 and 34 and then let them close their books. Ask:
• What are the seven things all families can do to help slow down climate change?
(Individual students could be called upon to name each one: use the car less; practise
the three Rs—reduce, recycle, reuse; plant trees; turn down the air conditioning; use
energy-efficient light bulbs; turn off the television; buy food from local growers.)
3. Divide the class into seven groups and allocate one of the measures to each group. Ask
them to explain how that will help to slow down climatic changes.
4. Read the exercise on page 34 with the class and ask each group to make a poster for the
measure they were given to work on (see 3).
5. The students should now read page 34 to help them work on their posters.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 34

Answers will vary.
Further activities
1. The students could continue to work in groups and find out more about how the measures
they have been concentrating on affect global warming and what they can do to persuade
others to follow too.
2. They could write persuasive leaflets or scan their posters and print them for display in local
shops or public buildings if they can get permission for this.
3. Read ‘It’s a Fact’ on page 44 again with the class and ask them to look at a map of the
world or maps of the different continents and to list the cities that might be at risk of
flooding—also to find out about any flood-defence measures. An example is the Thames
Barrage, which has protected London, England, from floods since 1984.

Thames Barrier, London The Oosterscheldekering (in English: Eastern Scheldt

storm surge barrier), which protects the Netherlands
from flooding. It was opened in 1897.

1 31
Lesson 5: What can Pakistan do to help stop climate change?
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• relate how Pakistan and other countries are trying to reduce global warming
• identify and describe renewable energy sources that are being used in Pakistan
• write a formal letter to the government asking for assistance to install solar panels
• Pupil’s Book pages 35-36
• Skills Book page 13 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the students what they have learned about the major ways by which we add to global
warming. Discuss the fact that they all involve the use of energy but that some forms of
energy are renewable—they do not use up limited resources but use resources that are
renewed all the time. Also they do not produce greenhouse gases. Ask:
• Do you know about any forms of renewable energy?
2. Let them read pages 35-36 to find out about some renewable energy sources that Pakistan
could use. Ask:
• What have you found out about renewable energy resources that Pakistan could use?
(solar power, wind power, hydropower, biomass, and biogas; invite volunteers to explain
each of these, referring to the Pupil’s Book when necessary).
• Which of these renewable energy sources is Pakistan already using the most? (Water—
Pakistan generates a lot of electricity through this source.)
• Where in Pakistan could this form of energy be developed? (In northern Pakistan
because it has many water sources.)
3. Read the exercise with the students and ask them to think about how television advertisements
can be used to help in the conservation of energy. Discuss the fact that television clips and
advertisements are usually very short, often less than a minute, and are very appealing
because of the audio-visual effects.
4. The students should think of ways of capturing the attention of the television audience in
a very short time, showing them how their actions could save energy in an appealing and
convincing manner. They can then work with a partner or in groups of three or four to
discuss, try out, and write an advertisement for television on energy conservation.
Skills Book steps (Page 11 Climate Change in Pakistan)
1. Read the information about the regions on the map with the class and discuss how global
warming could affect the region they live in.
2. Ask the students to read the incomplete passage with a partner and to use the information
on this page and in the Pupil’s Book to help them fill in the missing words.
3. They can then complete the exercise.

32 1
Skills Book steps (Page 13 values)
1. Read and discuss the advertisement with the class. Then ask:
• Who is suffering most because of the floods? (Children; they are dying.)
• What kind of help does the advertisement ask for? (donations to help flood victims)
2. Ask the students to read the questions and write their answers.
3. Invite individual volunteers to read one of their answers aloud. Others could comment and
say what they wrote, and why.
4. Ask if it is worthwhile for someone to give only one rupee. (Yes, because all the small
donations will add up in the end.)
5. Read the instructions and design an awareness poster about earthquake

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 36

Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 13
Answers will vary.
Further activities
1. Find out about opportunities for using renewable energy in the local area and about any
renewable energy projects that are already in place or are being developed.
2. The students could write a newspaper article about the above projects—or about any
project they think could be developed.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 37

1. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa      2. dark blue      3. Yes, moderately

1 33
Unit 4 Our world

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit is about the continents of the world and explains why different parts have
different climates and habitats. The students learn about the different climate zones of the
Earth and a variety of habitats such as tropical rainforests, tropical savannahs, deserts,
chaparral, grasslands, temperate deciduous forests, temperate coniferous forests, and
tundra areas. They also learn to find out where these are located or found and why they
are in these specific regions/areas. The unit explains latitude and longitude and their links
with climate and time.
The everyday language we use to describe the apparent movement of the Sun suggests
that the Sun, rather than the Earth, moves—the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west,
but the students will have learned from previous lessons that it is the Earth and not the
Sun that is moving. The Earth’s rotation is the basis for the length of the day (including
night). To measure time, the day has been divided into twenty-four equal segments (hours).
In a complete rotation, the Earth spins through 360°; therefore, in an hour it spins through
360 ÷ 24 = 15 degrees. Each 15 degrees marks a time zone. Lines of longitude are marked
in degrees, beginning with 0° at Greenwich, London—chosen (because of the observatory
there) at an international meeting held in 1884 in Washington DC.
The Earth spins around an axis which is tilted at an angle of about 23° from the
perpendicular to the plane on which it orbits the Sun. One hemisphere tilts towards the
Sun and the other tilts away from it, creating warm and cold seasons. The temperatures of
areas near the Equator differ little from season to season but this increases towards the
Poles. In winter the areas near the Poles have permanent darkness and in summer
permanent daylight, for about two months.
Latitude is more difficult to explain to students. It is an angle that is measured in relation
to the Earth’s axis:

A perspective view of the Earth showing

how latitude ( ) and longitude ( ) are
defined on a spherical model. The
spacing is 10 degrees.

Expected learning outcomes for the unit

When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students
should be able to:
• identify locations, shapes, and sizes of all the world’s continents
• describe different types of habitat found in different parts of the world
They will learn how to:
use diagrams, charts, photographs, and maps to find information about latitude,
longitude, climate, time, and habitats

34 1
• ask questions and draw conclusions about climate and habitat
• interpret a longitude, time chart, and calculate the time in different parts of the world
at any one moment
They will begin to understand:
• how latitude and altitude affect climate
• how longitude is linked with time

Lesson 1: The continents of the world

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and describe the names, locations, sizes, and shapes of the world’s continents
• name and define locations of specified countries in each continent
• Pupil’s Book pages 38–39
• Skills Book page 14 Countries of the world
• A large map of the world
• A globe
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Show the class a large map of the world with the names of the continents and the oceans
on it. Point to each continent and ask them its name. Write these on the board and ask
if they can name a country in each continent. Point to the oceans one at a time and ask
the students to name them. Then write the names on the board.
2. They can then look at the map on page 38. Ask them to check their list of continents and
add any they have missed out. Ask:
• Why is the Pacific Ocean shown on the left side (west) of the map as well as on the
right side (east)?
Make sure the students know that there is only one Pacific Ocean even though the name
is in two places on the map. To clarify this, show them a globe and remind them that a
map of the world shows the Earth, which is a solid ball (sphere) flattened out into a
• What else can you see on the map besides the oceans and continents? (They should
notice the compass rose which is by now familiar to them and also the three lines of
latitude. Remind them that lines of latitude are lines marked on maps of the Earth,
running horizontally across the map.)
• What is the name of the line of latitude in the centre? (the Equator)
• Which continents does the Equator pass through? (South America, Africa, Asia, and
• Can you name the line of latitude marked just above the Equator? (Tropic of Cancer)
• Through which continents does the Tropic of Cancer pass? (North America, Africa,
and Asia)
• Can you name the line of latitude marked just below the Equator? (Tropic of

1 35
• Which continents does the Tropic of Capricorn pass through? (South America, Africa,
and Oceania. You could explain that the tropics get their names from the
constellations which are groups of stars in the Zodiac.)
3. The students should read page 38. Ask:
• What do we call smaller areas of water that the oceans are split into? (seas)
• Which ocean is nearest to Pakistan? (Indian Ocean)
• What is the name of the sea bordering the south of Pakistan? (Arabian Sea)
• What are the smaller areas of land that the continents are split into called?
• Which continent is Pakistan in? (Asia)
4. With a partner, they could use their atlases to help them locate other countries in
different continents: for example, countries they have learned about in history lessons,
such as England, France, Greece, Egypt, the Netherlands, Germany, China, Mexico, the
Bahamas, etc.
5. The students can now complete the exercise on page 49 in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps page 14
1. Begin with a short quiz. You name a country. The students’ task is to say which continent
it is in, e.g. Iceland (Europe), Japan (Asia), Egypt (Africa), New Zealand (Oceania).
2. Then read the exercise with them and ask them to use the atlas to help them to complete
it. Remind the students that islands are included as parts of continents even though they
are separate from the mainland.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 39

A. 1. Asia
2. Indian Ocean
3. Africa, Antarctica
4. Asia, Oceania
5. Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
6. United States, Mexico, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Costa Rica,
Panama, El Salvador, Honduras, Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Nicaragua, Haiti,
the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Grenada, Saint
Vincent and the Grenadines, Dominica, Saint Kitts, Nevis.
7. Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia,
China, Cyprus, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan,
North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives,
Mongolia, Myanmar (Burma), Nepal, Oman, Philippines, Qatar, Russia, Saudi Arabia,
Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan, United Arab
Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Yemen
Answers to Skills Book page 14
3. Asia
4. Students can write the name of any one country using the Oxford School Atlas for

36 1
Further activities
Divide the class into groups of four and allocate a continent to each group. A quiz of
10 questions should be set by each group about that continent, which they will ask other

Lesson 2: W
 orld climate; Why do different places have different types of
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• establish how latitude affects climate
• interpret a climate map of the world using a key and lines of latitude for reference
• Pupil’s Book pages 39–40
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Let the students look at the map on page 39 to identify the Equator. Ask:
• What degree will you find this line of latitude on? (0°)
Remind them that the lines of latitude are numbered from the Equator towards the North
and South Poles. Ask the students to estimate the degree of the lines of latitude, known
as the Tropics. (A little more than 20º north or south. Tell them that the Tropic of Cancer is
at 23°N and the Tropic of Capricorn is at 23°S. Demonstrate how these references are to be
2. Explain that the Tropic of Cancer is the farthest point north of the Equator where the Sun is
directly overhead at its highest point in the sky. The Tropic of Capricorn is the farthest point
south of the Equator where the Sun is directly overhead at its highest point in the sky. Ask:
• What does this tell you about the climate of countries within the Tropics? (It is hot
because they are on the parts of the Earth that are closest to the Sun.)
• Do lines of latitude meet or cross one another? (No, because they are parallel.) Point
out the lines on a page of a notebook and mention that railway lines are parallel,
running side by side and will never meet no matter how far they extend.
• Read page 39 with the class and ask them to read the key and identify what each colour
represents. They can use the explanation given below the map to describe each type of
climate. Ask:
• Which parts of the Earth have the coldest climates? (places near the North and South
• Why are they the coldest places? (They are the farthest from the Sun. Ask them to
identify the Arctic and Antarctic Circles.)
• At roughly what latitude are the Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle? (Just above 50°N
and 50°S. Tell them the exact latitudes and invite volunteers to write these on the
board: 66°N and 66°S.)
•  Which continents have the places with the hottest climates? (North America—
southern parts, South America, Africa, and Asia)

1 37
• What kind of climate does Pakistan have? (a mixture of arid and tropical)
• What kind of climate does England have? (temperate)
• What kind of climate does Greece have? (Mediterranean)
• What kind of climate do countries in central Africa have? (tropical)
3. Read page 40 with the class and use the diagram to explain why the areas of the Earth
between the Tropics have hotter climates than others and why the areas near the Poles
have colder climates.
4. The students can then complete the exercise.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 40

1. a. arid, tropical, temperate
b. polar, temperate, Mediterranean
2. Individual answers: location, direct rays of the sun, distance from the poles
3. South America and Africa
Further activities
1. Divide the class into groups of four and allocate a different line of latitude to each group
(Arctic Circle, Antarctic Circle, Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer, and Equator. Since
the Tropic of Cancer runs through the most land, distribute this area among three groups.
Similarly, the Tropic of Capricorn and the Equator could be divided.)
2. Ask them to look at a map of the world to list the countries these lines pass through.
3. Individual students could then find out about some of the places in each country that the
line runs through.

Lesson 3: Longitude and latitude

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• determine why different parts of the world have different climates
• establish how climate zones are related to latitude
• interpret how time is related to longitude
• describe a location or identify a place on a map using latitude and longitude references

• Pupil’s Book pages 41–42
• Skills Book page 15 Longitude and latitude
• A globe
• A 360º protractor
• A map of the world with countries marked and named
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Show the class a globe and let them study the lines of longitude. Ask:
• Are lines of longitude parallel? (No.)
• How can you tell? (They meet at the Poles. Parallel lines do not meet no matter how
far they extend.)

38 1
2. Let the students take turns to look at the globe from the top. Most globes are positioned
on a stand so that they tilt in the same way as the Earth tilts on its axis. They will need
to tilt it back or take it off its stand so that they can look straight down on to the North
Pole. Discuss what they notice about the lines of longitude. They could also look at the
South Pole in the same way—the lines meet at the South Pole.
3. To demonstrate how lines of longitude are measured, show the students how to draw a
large circle using a 360º protractor. Ask them to locate and mark 0º on the edge of the
circle. They could then mark every fifteen degrees clockwise until they reach 180° west,
e.g. 15°W, 30°W, etc. They should do the same working anti-clockwise, i.e. 15°E, 30°E,
etc. They should be able to conclude that both 180°W and 180°E are the same line. Tell
them that they will learn more about this in the next lesson. They will need these
drawings for the next lesson.
4. Ask the students to look for the line of longitude that passes through Pakistan and also
for other places along it that have similar times of the day, for example, Uzbekistan,
Kazakhstan, and Russia. Ask them to look for longitude 0°. Discuss the fact that it passes
through London and that this was chosen at an international meeting of scientists held
in 1884 in Washington DC because of the observatory at Greenwich, London. This line is
called the Greenwich Meridian and is marked with a metal strip in the courtyard of the
Greenwich Observatory.
5. Read pages 41 and 42 with the class and ask them to look carefully at the picture of the
globe on both these pages so that they can see how the lines of latitude and longitude
are numbered—latitude in one place and longitude in both directions—east and west. Ask:
• At which line of longitude will these numbers meet? (180°). Explain that this line is the
International Date Line and, to make sense of the time there, it has been agreed that
any place just to the east of it is a day ahead of the places to the west. It passes through
some small islands but it has been agreed that the line will be drawn so that it bends to
miss any land.
6. Read the exercise on page 42 with the class, which also shows lines of latitude. Ask:
• Which country is this?
They should know that it is Africa. Ask them to look at this map of Africa to see how the
lines of latitude cross the lines of longitude. Explain that they can use the lines of longitude
and latitude to find places or to tell people where they are: for example, 20°N, 10°W is in
the middle of Mauritania. Help the students to locate the examples at the beginning of the
exercise. They can then complete the exercise.
Skills Book steps
1. Read the first example with the class and show them how to find the point 20°N 80°E.
They should recognize India without having to look it up in their atlas.
2. Ask them to read the next example and to find the place on this map. Then ask:
• Do you know which country this is? If not, they should look it up in their atlas. (USA)
3. They can then complete the exercise.

1 39
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 42
1. Angola 2. Egypt 3. Namibia 4. Morocco 5. South Africa
Answers to Skills Book page 15
1. a. 40°N 100°W USA b. 40°N 140°E Japan c. 20°S 140°E Australia
d. 10°S 40°W Brazil e. 60°N 100°W Canada f. 20°N 80°E India

Further activities
1. Ask the students to use a map of the world to plan a trip. They decide where they want
to go and plan a route from Pakistan to that place.
2. They will send postcards to friends at home to tell them their route but will not mention
any names of places. They simply write the longitude and latitude of each country they
go to. They should make ten stops during their journey.
3. Those who wish could do so in more detail, writing the longitude and latitude of each
town or city they visit. (They can use plain pieces of paper cut out to look like postcards.)
4. They then give these, in order, to another group, who will trace the route on a map of
the world and write the names of the places visited.

Lesson 4: What time is it in the world?

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• interpret that longitude is related to time in different parts of the world
• identify and explain the meaning of time zones
• Pupil’s Book page 43
• A globe
• The drawings the students made using the 360º protractor during the last lesson
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin with what they already know from the previous lesson about longitude.
Ask the students to take the drawing they made in the previous lesson and to check that
they have marked each 15º all the way round the protractor where the numbers end at
180º and not 360º—the measurement of a circle. Ask:
• Do you remember why this is?
• How many sections of 15 degrees are there? (24)
2. Explain that this is the number of hours in a day (including night). The Earth turns 360
degrees in a day and night causing 24 hours. Demonstrate this using the globe—it turns
through 15 degrees in one hour.
3. Explain that places on the same line of longitude have the same time of day. Give them
time to look at the lines of longitude on a globe or a map of the world.
4. Ask them to read the top section of page 43, including ‘It’s a Fact’. Then ask:

40 1
• What is a time zone? (an area that has the same time)
• How does this affect large countries? (They can have different times in different parts
of the country.)
• What problems could this cause? (Train timetables might not match if the train crosses
time zones.) Discuss how time zones affect Russia and China.
5. Ask the students to look at the world time zone map and to find places within the same
time zone as Pakistan. Ask:
• Are these places north, south, east, or west of Pakistan? (north and south)
• Why are they not to the east or west? (These are different time zones because of their
longitude location.)
6. Together, work through the example below the map, locating the time zone for Lahore.
7. They can now complete the exercise on this page.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 4 3

1. a. 3 b. 9 c. 2
2. a. 16.00 b. 13.00 c. 17.00 d. 22.00
Further activities
The students could make a chart as follows, to show the times of other places when it is
12.00 in Lahore.
City Time
Lahore, Pakistan 12.00
Cairo, Egypt
Sydney, Australia
Athens, Greece
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Accra, Ghana
Rome, Italy

Lesson 7: L ooking at places in more detail; Map A—The World;

Map B—Asia; Map C—Pakistan
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• determine how map scales can be used to calculate distances on the ground using maps
of the world, Asia, and Pakistan
• apply what they have learned to establish distances on a map of Europe
• identify and describe the different scales used for maps
• Pupil’s Book pages 51–52
• Skills Book page 17 Cities in Europe; page 18 Values
• Rulers

1 41
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the class to look at the map of the world on page 51 and to read about its scale.
Tell them that this is a small scale map which uses a small length on the page to
represent a large one on the ground.
• Why are world maps in small scale? (so that very large areas can be drawn on a piece
of paper)
2. With a ruler, they should measure the width of Australia from west to east at its widest
point. Ask:
• How wide is it in centimetres?
• What is this distance in kilometres on the ground?
3. Repeat step two for other places, e.g. the width of Iran from west to east, the length of
Africa from north to south. Ask:
• Do you think a map of Asia can be drawn with a larger scale than a world map on
a piece of paper? (Yes, because it is smaller than the world.)
4. Ask them to look at the map of Asia and to read about the scale. The students could
measure India at its widest point and work out this distance using the scale.
5. They should now be asked to look at the map of Pakistan. Ask:
• Does this map have a larger or smaller scale than the map of Asia? (larger)
6. Ask them to measure the distance from Karachi to the northernmost point on the border
between Pakistan and Afghanistan and use the scale to calculate how far this is on the
7. Read the exercise on page 52 with the students and ask them to use their rulers to measure
the distances carefully. They can then calculate how far each one is in kilometres on the
Skills Book steps (Page 17 Cities in Europe)
1. Let the students look at the map and read the names of the countries on it. Ask:
• Which continent do you think this is a map of? (Europe)
• Can you name four countries in the north of Europe? ( Iceland, Finland, Sweden, and
• Can you name three countries in the far south of Europe. (Turkey, Greece, Italy)
• Which country is Stockholm in? (Sweden—it is the capital of Sweden.)
• Which country is Helsinki in? (Finland—it is Finland’s capital city.)
• What is the distance between these cities? (2 cm – 1 cm = 250 km)
• How far is this on the ground? (2 cm = 250 + 250 = 500 km)
Repeat this for Paris and Prague, Naples and Istanbul, London and Paris, and Paris and
2. They should now complete the table on page 25.

42 1
Skills Book steps (Page 18 Values)
1. Begin by asking the students the following questions:
• Do you think that what happens in other countries matters?
• Can you explain why and give examples? (Give the others a chance to respond to the
ideas given.)
• Would it matter if we had no contact at all with other countries? (Discuss their ideas
about the differences that contact with other countries makes.)
2. Tell them that they will read about some of the ways in which Pakistan interacts with
different countries. Read the first item on the chart with the class and then ask:
• Do you think it is good or bad that people in Pakistan can phone anyone in any part
of the world? Explain why you think so.
3. Read the second point with the students and ask them to think about what they have
learned from other lessons regarding trade with other countries.
4. The students can then discuss the other points on the chart with a partner and share their
ideas and reasons.
At the end of the lesson, invite feedback and after each point let others comment,
beginning with any who disagree. Ask for their reasons.
6. At another time you could choose one of the points from the chart as a topic for class

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 52

The approximate distances calculated are:
1. Quetta/Multan 2. Sukkur/Hyderabad 3. Islamabad/Karachi
2 cm = 400 km 1.5 cm = 300 km 6 cm = 1200 km
4. Peshawar/Gilgit 5. Gwadar/Zhob
2 cm = 400 km 5 cm = 1000 km
Answers to Skills Book page 17
Cities Distance in cm Distance in km
Stockholm and Helsinki 2 cm 500 km (250 + 250 or 2 * 250)
Paris and Prague 4 cm 1000 km (4 * 250)
Naples and Istanbul 5 cm 1250 km (5 * 250)
London and Paris 2 cm 500 km (2 * 250)
Paris and Madrid 5 cm 1250 km (5 * 250)

Answers to Skills Book page 18

Answers will vary.

1 43
Further activities
1. The students could plan a route by air around Europe, starting at London, in June. Tell
them that they should measure distances as if the plane could go directly, in a straight
line from one city to the next. They should visit six cities.
2. They should find pictures of the cities and write a ‘travel log’ about their journey: how
far they travelled what they saw in each city, what the weather was like in June, and
so on. They could do some of the research for this at home, using the Internet and travel
brochures, newspaper/magazine advertisements, etc.
3. Students should attempt the CD activity.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 53

A. 1. Asia is a continent.
2. Pakistan is a country.
3. The Equator is a line on a map across the middle of the Earth.
4. Lines of latitude go across the map.
5. Lines of longitude go down the map.
6. The Earth rotates once every 24 hours.
7. A biome is a type of habitat found in an area.
8. Tropical rainforests are found near the Equator.
9. Deserts are places with little rainfall.
10. The scale on a map helps us to measure distances.
B. 2. a. In the tropical rainforests of South America
b. It helps the frog to blend in with tree leaves.
c. This means sleeping during the day and coming out at night
d. Red-eyed tree frogs eat insects such as crickets, moths, and flies.

44 1
Unit 5 Money and banks

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit is about how money can be managed and the different ways in which we can pay
for goods and services.
After a brief overview of the history of coinage, paper money and banking, and currencies,
there is an explanation of banking, including bank accounts, saving, currency exchange,
credit, debit, credit cards, debit cards, loans, and interest.
People have been using coins for thousands of years. Some of the earliest known tokens
used as coins come from China, from around 1000 bce. The first known paper money also
came from China. The use of coins developed from bartering. In some societies people began
to use ‘standardized’ items for barter—useful commodities such as grain or livestock. The
word shekel (Israel) comes from a word for ‘weighing’. The shekel was a standard weight
of grain that was used as currency. In Iceland the early settlers (from about 874 ce) used
bolts of woollen cloth, sheep, and cattle as currency.
Some coins from a mint which used moulds to ensure exact replicas have been found in Lydia
(now part of Turkey) that seem to be from around the 7th century bce.
The earliest banks were temples, which were safe storage places for riches, and had been
used only by rulers to keep their wealth in. This was in the form of precious artefacts and
useful commodities such as grain or cloth. People believed that their gods would protect the
Others began to make safe storage places for valuables. The evidence for this comes from
clay tablets from around 8000–1500 bce in the Near East, e.g. the ancient city of Ur. These
recorded items such as grain that were accepted for storage. Larger clay tablets recording
the laws for banking were also discovered in and around Mesopotamia (now Iraq), parts of
northern Syria, south-east Turkey, and south-west Iran.
Banking that involved credit is thought to have begun in ancient Assyria and Babylonia
around 2000 bce, when merchant banks made loans of grain to farmers and traders who
transported goods from city to city. The Ancient Greeks and Romans developed this. Lenders
who operated from temples began to accept deposits as well as make loans. They also
exchanged money. Modern banking is thought to have developed from the 14th century in
Italy when rich families, such as the Medici, set up banks and opened branches across Europe.
In the 16th century the Netherlands also became a centre of banking and, in the 17th century,
Credit cards developed in the 1890s in Europe, when merchants began to give their customers
a card on which they recorded items sold but not paid for. In the late 1930s businesses began
to accept one another’s ‘cards’. These were not always actual cards but could be plastic
tokens, metal discs, and tokens made of various other paper, plastic, or metal-based
The first bank card was issued in the USA in 1946. It was a ‘charge it’ programme between
bank customers and local merchants. The merchants would place sales slips at the bank and
the bank billed the customer.
The first plastic credit card as we know them today was the Diners Club card, created by
Frank McNamara in 1950 in the USA. The idea came to him when he had eaten at a
restaurant and didn’t have enough cash with him to pay the bill. It was used only at

1 45
restaurants at first, and customers had to pay the entire amount when they received their
bill; so it was really a charge card.
Inventors began to produce ideas for ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) in the 1930s but the
first successful one was installed at Barclays Bank, in Enfield, London, in 1967.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students should
be able to:
• describe how money developed
• determine how bank deposits are safeguarded
• interpret how banks operate credit and debit
• define the development of banks around the world
• identify and list the main banks of Pakistan
They will learn how to:
• use photographs, drawings, maps, and stories to get information about banking and money
• ask questions and draw conclusions about banking and money
• calculate currency exchanges
They will begin to understand:
• how banks operate
• Interest and bank charges
• debit and credit

Lesson 1: Who invented money? Money today

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• determine how people began to use money for trading
• identify some international currencies and their rates of exchange
• Pupil’s Book pages 54–55
• Skills Book page 19 World currencies
• Some items that could be used for a ‘bartering’ activity such as pencils and other everyday
school items, fruit and sweets, toys, games, football or cricket ball, etc.
• Small, regular items that could be used as ‘money’ to represent the value of items, e.g.
shells, beads, small pebbles, etc.
• If possible, some foreign currency
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Prepare for the lesson by setting up a market. Place some items for bartering on a table.
Discuss this market stall and pretend that money has not yet been invented. Invite a
student to visit the market stall and choose something to buy. Ask what he/she would
give in exchange (explain that everything will be given back after the lesson). Discuss
whether that is enough to pay for the chosen object. For example, if he/she offers a pencil
in exchange for a large bag of fruit, tell him/her that it is worth six pencils. If he/she only
has one, you could suggest something like ‘a pencil, an eraser, and a pencil sharpener’.

46 1
Repeat this using other items and with different students. The class could join in setting
a price. Explain that this is called bartering.
2. Show the students a box or bag of small items such as pebbles. (Only use similar items.)
Tell them that these are valuable and that they can be exchanged for goods at your
stall. Ask the class to work in groups to decide how many pebbles (or other items) each
object on your stall is worth. They could then try buying other things using these.
3. Explain that in the past people used things such as shells, rolls of cloth, grain, and even
livestock as ‘money’ before they began using real money.
4. Ask the class to read the top section of page 54 to find out more about the development
of money. Discuss what they have learned.
5. Show them some money from different countries and give them time to look at the
pictures and patterns and to read the words and numbers on it. Introduce the term
‘currency’. Ask if they have ever exchanged Pakistani money for money from other
countries for a visit abroad. They could tell the rest of the class about it: their destination,
where they exchanged the money, the name of the currency, what it was worth in
Pakistani money, any exchange fees, and so on.
6. Ask them to read the rest of the page to find out about currencies of some different
countries. Ask:
Have you seen people paying for goods or services in any other ways—without giving
cash? (cards, cheques, bank drafts)
• Do you know what a cheque is?
Explain that a cheque is a leaf that people tear out of a cheque book that they get
from their bank. They write whom they are paying the amount they want to pay to,
and then sign it. Their bank transfers the money to the other person’s bank account.
Ask if they have heard of a ‘cheque guarantee card’. Explain that this verifies the
identity of the cheque book holder and also assures that their bank will pay up to a
certain amount. Some also use the card without a cheque, for direct payment from their
bank account or to get money from a cash machine that automatically deducts it from
the balance in their bank account.
7. The students should read the first paragraph of page 55, about bank/credit cards, and
complete the adjacent exercise (a–d) in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps
1. Read the instructions and information about currencies with the students and enquire
if they have seen any of these currencies. If you have samples, let them look at the
2. Explain that they are going to colour the map to show where each of these currencies is
used. Ask them to complete the exercise.

1 47
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 55
1. a. 192 b. 306 c. 369 d. 60
Answers to Skills Book page 19
Currency Countries shaded
dollar USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Namibia (There are several others,
rupee Pakistan, India, Mauritius
euro France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Finland (also Andorra, Austria, Belgium, and
peso Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Philippines (also Colombia and others)
pound United Kingdom, Sudan, Egypt (Syria and a few smaller countries)
dinar Iraq, Libya, Algeria, Kuwait, Bahrain (also Tunisia and a few more countries)

Further activities
1. Divide the class into groups of four and allocate a country and its currency to each group.
2. For homework they should find out as much as possible about that country’s currency, for
example, who and/or what is/are shown in any pictures, the country’s main bank, names on
the currency, the denominations of currency (coins and notes), and what these are worth in
relation to Pakistani currency.

Lesson 2: Banks; How do we earn money?

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and describe bank accounts and debit and credit cards
• identify and define the terms income, loans, and interest
• Pupil’s Book pages 55–58
• Skills Book page 21 Jobs
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Review what the students have learnt about bank accounts and read the section titled
‘Banks’ on page 58 with them again. Ask:
• What is a bank account? (money entrusted to a bank from which the customer can
withdraw cash when required)
• How do people get their money out of their bank accounts? (They use a cheque from
their cheque book, or they use their debit card. They can pay people for goods and
services with cheques, withdraw cash from the bank, or use an ATM—cash machine.)
• Who can have a bank account? (Anyone who has a certain amount of money that
he/she wishes to keep in a bank can have a bank account.)
2. Ask the students to name some banks they know and list these names on the board. If
they have not mentioned it, add the State Bank of Pakistan and ask if they have heard
of it. Ask if they have seen any of its buildings. Also add the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh.

48 1
Tell the students that they are going to read about these banks.
3. Read page 56 with the class. Then ask:
• What is the name of the service banks give that help people to pay for expensive things
(such as cars, houses, etc.) they need but do not have the money to buy? (loans)
• Why do many banks not lend money to poor people? (They might not be able to
repay the loan.)
4. Read the first four paragraphs of page 57 with the class and discuss the pictures and captions.
• What did Roshaneh Zafar do to help poor people who wanted loans? (Let different
students contribute to the answer.)
• How did she help people to get out of poverty? (She set up the Kashf Foundation to
help them get loans so as to improve their lives.)
• Can you give some examples from these pages?
• How do we earn money? (The students could suggest some answers before reading
the text on page 57.)
5. Read the text on pages 63 and 58 under the heading ‘How do we earn money?’, then
• Why do some people not have enough money? (They don’t hold well-paid jobs, cannot
find work, they have not had a good education, they must take care of their children
and other family members, or they may have disabilities—there are many reasons.)
6. The students should then complete the exercise on page 58.
Skills Book steps (Page 21 Jobs)
1. Read the instructions and the list of jobs with the students. Invite a volunteer to say
briefly what each job is about (one sentence would do). After each job ask the class:
• How is it useful?
• What would happen if no one did this job?
• How would it affect our community?
• Are there any jobs on the list that you would hate to do? Why?
• Do you think anyone enjoys doing this job?
2. Ask the students to choose a job that interests them, circle it, and then complete the
3. Then ask about the jobs they thought the least enjoyable. Ask:
• Now that you have thought about this job will it change how you think of people
who do it?
Point out that it is important to respect all jobs and also the people who do them, even if
they seem unpleasant, because they are all important to the community.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 58

Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 21 Jobs
Answers will vary.

1 49
Further activities
1. Start a ‘class bank’ using imitation money. Different groups of students could operate
the bank at different times for others (as customers) to open different types of accounts—
current account or deposit account.
2. They could make bank cards and cheque books and keep records of their customers’
money and credit cards. They will make some mistakes but will learn from the experience.
3. Perhaps someone from a local bank (or a member of one of the student’s families who
is a bank employee) could come to school to talk about some simple day-to-day banking
practices and facilities.
4. From time to time you could hold a class meeting to discuss any problems they had to
solve—or any problems they do not know how to solve. This project could go on for several

Lesson 3: A story about lending money

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• determine and define loans
• establish and interpret the fact that honesty is a virtue
• Pupil’s Book 58-61
• Skills Book page 20 Money ‘sayings’; page 22 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the class that they will read a story about a loan from the time of the Mughal
Emperor Akbar. Read the story that begins on page 58 with the class, allowing volunteers
to take turns in reading aloud. Ask:
• Who, in this story was honest? (the second merchant and the first merchant’s son)
• Who was dishonest? (the first merchant)
• How do you think the second merchant felt?
2. Ask the students to think about what people should do when they give or take loans.
They might have different views, for example, always write it down and ask the person
to sign something, never lend money, only lend to people you trust, only lend what you
can afford. Ask:
• How did Birbal get to the truth? (He tested the two merchants by hiding gold coins
under some grain that he asked them to sell.)
• What do you think of this way of finding out the truth?
3. Ask the class what they can find out about Birbal on this page. They can read ‘It’s a Fact’, then
• Why do you think the Emperor Akbar trusted Birbal?
4. Read the exercise on page 61 with the class. They should complete this in their notebooks.

50 1
Skills Book steps (Page 20 Money ‘sayings’)
1. Ask the students if they know any sayings about money and what they think they mean.
Tell them that they will read some well-known money sayings.
2. Ask them to read the first saying with a partner and discuss its meaning, then invite feedback.
You could give an example to help them to decide what they think: One person is very poor
but has good health. The second person is very rich but has a very serious illness. ‘Can money
buy happiness?’ One person is very poor but has a big, happy family who help one another.
The second person is very rich but all his family has died. So, can money buy happiness? The
students could think up some other examples. These will also help them to consider the
second saying.
3. The students can then write their answers about the first two sayings.
4. Ask them to think about the third saying and to consider why it might be good never to
see this person again, before they make up their minds about this.
5. Ask what the fourth saying might mean. (There is no endless supply of money. We can
only spend what we have. When it is gone we have to wait until we have earned more.)
This saying is often used by parents to their children! Discuss why.
6. The discussions of the first question will help with the above discussion. Ask the students
what valuable things are free, and that these need not be goods.
Skills Book steps (Page 22 Values)
1. Read the instructions and discuss the choices from the given boxes.
2. Let the students work in pairs to complete this exercise.
3. Now ask them to read the instructions for the next exercise and complete it with their

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 67

1. Answers will vary.
2. Answers will vary.
3. She was worried that the friend might not pay it back.
4. He was honest.
5. If someone is dishonest about small matters, they will be dishonest about important
ones too.
Answers to Skills Book page 20
Answers to all these will vary, for example:
1. that some important things can’t be bought, for example, love, family, and health.
2. that it is better to be healthy and poor rather than ill and rich. Money can’t buy
3. that if you don’t see them again they are dishonest, so you are better off without
4. that you can only spend what you have or earn.

1 51
5. that there are many important things in life that do not cost any money, e.g. health,
family, kindness, love, friendship, and trust.
Answers to Skills Book page 22
1 and 2. Answers will vary.

Further activities
1. Ask the students to make up some of their own sayings about money.
2. They could write their own story about a loan. It might be a loan that was repaid and
led to something very good or a loan that was not repaid and what happened as a result.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 62

1. a.
2. a. Iraq b. Russia c. Japan d. Mexico e. Thailand
3. and 4. Answers will vary.

p y e n r u p e e

e o n p l a e f t

p e u r o r s r d

y d i n a r o u o

b a h t d i z b l

a f g h a n i l l

p v l r i a l e a

r e n m i n b i r

52 1
Unit 6 Ancient Greece and Rome

Background knowledge of the unit

Ancient Greece and Rome
Most of Greece is mountainous. It has little good farmland, but olive trees grow well in
poor soil in the hot, dry climate of Greece. The Greeks have exported olive oil since ancient
times. Separate communities developed in small parts of Greece that were partially cut off
from one another by mountains and on the many islands around the coast of Greece. The
communities on the mainland developed into city-states such as Athens and Sparta.
Sometimes the city-states were at war with one another, but they would unite against
enemies such as the Persians.
Ancient Greek literature, art, and architecture has influenced western culture up to the
present day, and their myths and legends have been passed on through the ages. In
addition to the main god, Zeus, other significant deities (and their areas of influence) were
Demeter and Persephone (growing grain), Artemis (hunting), Aphrodite (love), Apollo (the
Sun, light, healing, and medicine), and Athena (wisdom and learning).
Rich Ancient Greeks paid for temples and shrines dedicated to their gods. Many have
survived. They offered gold, silver, and gifts from the harvest to their gods and made animal
sacrifices to them. There were also festivals for the gods.
They worshipped a number of deities, all of whom, they believed, were descended from
Gaia (the Earth) and Uranos (the sky) and lived on Mount Olympus (in the north of Greece,
on the borders of Macedonia and Thessaly).
We know a lot about the Ancient Greeks from their writings (many have survived or were
copied), art, and buildings such as homes, jewellery, everyday objects, temples, and public
buildings—also from pictures on pots. Ancient Greek leaders encouraged their people to
take part in sports to keep fit (especially men who needed to be fit to be good soldiers).
There were four notable sports competitions at Olympia (not to be confused with Mount
Olympus). Competitors travelled there from all over the world. The main competition—the
Olympic Games—continued until just over 2,000 years ago. A French man, Baron Pierre de
Coubertin organised the modern Olympics as a revival of the games; the first of the modern
Games were held in Athens in 1896. They have continued until the present day, except
during the First and Second World Wars (1916, 1940
and 1944). Olympia was a temple sanctuary area in Elis (the peninsula in the southwest of
Greece) that contained several temples and monuments to the gods. A famous statue there
was the gold and ivory statue of Zeus. Nearby were the hippodrome (horse and chariot
racing area) and the stadium, where sports were held.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
Most children should be able to:
• locate Greece in Europe, on the Mediterranean Sea
• describe the daily life and work of the Ancient Greeks
• explain that the Ancient Greeks worshipped many gods and goddesses and that we know
about them from temples and from Ancient Greek literature and art
• explain that Ancient Greeks had no king or emperor, but the people could get rid of bad

1 53
• describe the ancient Olympic Games
• recount some Ancient Greek myths and legends
They will learn how to
• use sources such as stories, statues, toys, pictures on pots, and the remains of buildings to
find out about how people lived in the past
• use maps and geographical details to discover why ancient civilisations developed as they did
• ask questions and draw conclusions about evidence from the past
They will begin to understand
• how people of the past organized their communities
• democracy
• the importance of rules
• how we know about people of the past

Lesson 1: Life in Ancient Greece

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• locate Greece in the continent of Europe
• explain how the geography of Greece affected people who lived there in the past
• explain how the people of Ancient Greece made use of the sea that almost surrounded
their land
• Pupil’s Book 3 pages 63–64
• a map of the world
• if possible, some olive oil, olives, and bread
• a picture of a rowing boat
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask, which continent is Pakistan in? (Asia) Do you know which continent Greece is in?
(Europe) Invite a volunteer to point out Europe, then Greece on a map of the world.
2. Tell the class that they are going to read about the people who lived in Greece in ancient
3. Explain any words on the page that the children might not know, for example: trading:
buying and selling goods; you could ask the class to give some modern examples of the
goods we buy and sell. cargo: the goods a ship carries
4. Read page 63 with the children. Ask, what was the land in Ancient Greece like? (Almost
covered with mountains) How did this affect their farming? (It was not good for most
farming but it was good for growing olive trees.) What was the most important crop
that? the Ancient Greeks grew and traded? (olives)
5. Invite different children to talk about how the sea affected the people’s lives. What was
useful about the sea? (They fished in it and sailed to places they traded with.) What food
came from it? (fish) What skills did the Ancient Greeks have because they lived near the
sea? (Shipbuilding) What three types of ship do you know about that the Ancient Greeks
built? (Trading ships, fishing boats, and warships) Explain how the ships moved: the wind
54 1
blew the sails—the sailors had to make sure the sails were turned in the right direction
to catch the wind. If there was no wind, they could use oars.) Have you seen a rowing?
boat? Write the word ‘oars’ on the board and show a picture of a boat with oars. Point
out the oars. Explain how oars are used to move a rowing boat.
7. Ask about the goods that the Ancient Greeks traded. Why did they buy corn and wheat
from other lands? (They could not grow much of these because of the poor farmland.)
What did they take to other lands to sell? (Olives, olive oil, and earthenware pots)
8. Ask the children to read the questions at the top of page 64. Tell them that they can
find the answers on page 63 by reading and looking at the pictures.

Pupil’s Book answers page 64

1. The sea was important because the Ancient Greeks could fish there. They could also
sail to other lands to trade with people there.
2. We know from ships that archaeologists have excavated and from pictures on pots and
in other places.
3. They had sails: the wind moved them. They also had oars. The sailors rowed with the
Further activities
You could take some olives, olive oil, and bread into the classroom to show the children and
teach them the words for these. They could taste a small amount of olive oil (dip a piece
of bread into some olive oil in a shallow dish). Cut up some olives for the children to taste.
Ask if they like the taste of olives or olive oil.

Lesson 2: Gods and goddesses

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the religious beliefs and practices of the Ancient Greeks
• explain how we can learn from buildings and objects from the past
• Pupil’s Book pages 64–65
• a map of Greece
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the children if they know what a temple is. Explain that it is a place of worship and that
some faiths today have temples: for example, Hinduism and Buddhism. Tell them that the
Ancient Greeks built many temples.
2. Show the children a map of Greece and help them to find Athens. Point out the picture of
the Parthenon on page 64 of the Pupil’s Book. Tell them that it is in Athens, the capital city
of Greece. Ask them to describe it. You could teach them the words for features such as
pillars and capitals (the carved parts at the tops of pillars).
3. Read page 64 with the children and help them to find Mount Olympus on a map of Greece.
Ask them what they have learned about Mount Olympus. Why is Mount Olympus famous?

1 55
(The Ancient Greeks believed that their gods lived there. NB. It is not the site of the ancient
Olympic Games—see pages 66–67.)
4. Ask the children what they have learned about the religion of the Ancient Greeks. What
did they believe? (They believed that there were many gods; the gods were like people but
could live forever and had magical powers. Gods were in charge of different things and
lived on Mount Olympus.)
5. Ask how we know about the Ancient Greek gods. (They made carvings and statues of their
gods and wrote stories and plays about them.)
6. Tell them more about Apollo’s chariot (a sort of cart with two wheels, pulled by horses).
Apollo had a string of horses to pull his chariot. They could fly across the sky. The Ancient
Greeks told this story to explain why the Sun seems to move across the sky each day.
7. Point out the picture of Mount Olympus and ask the children that they have learned about
it. What do you know about Mount Olympus? (It is in north of Greece. The Ancient Greeks
believed that it was the home of their gods.)
8. The children can then answer the questions at the top of the page 65.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 65

1. The Ancient Greeks worshipped one god. False. (The Ancient Greeks worshipped many
2. There were temples for the different gods. True.
3. We can still see the remains of many temples. True.
4. The Ancient Greeks believed that their gods lived under the ground. False. (They
believed that their gods lived on Mount Olympus.)
B. Zeus, Athena, Apollo
Further activities
Tell the children about some of the other Greek gods. Athena was the goddess of wisdom.
They believed that Apollo could tell what was going to happen in the future and even
change this. His temple was the Oracle at Delphi. The Ancient Greeks used to go there for
advice from him before important events such as wars.

Lesson 3: Greek myths and legends

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• retell an Ancient Greek legend
• explain what is meant by ‘myths’ and ‘legends’
• Pupil’s Book 3 pages 65–66
• a map of the Mediterranean area showing Greece and Italy (including Sicily)

56 1
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the children if they can remember the story that the Ancient Greeks made up to explain why
the Sun looks as if it moves across the sky each day. (See Lesson 10.1) Tell them that invented
stories like this are called myths and that the Ancient Greeks told and wrote many myths.
2. Read the first paragraph on page 62 with the children and ask them to name two types of
story that the Ancient Greeks told. What two types of story are the Ancient Greeks famous
for telling? (myths and legends) What type of story is the tale of Apollo pulling the Sun
across the sky? How is a legend different?
3. Read the story on page 65 and continued on page 66 (Greek myths and legends) with the
children. Ask them about some key points Who were the Ancient Greeks at war against?
(the Trojans) Where did the Trojans live? (Troy—an ancient city state that was in the land
now called Turkey)
4. Read the story of the Wooden Horse of Troy with the class. Ask, What did the Greeks make
to trick the Trojans? (a giant horse made of wood) What did they do with it? (Soldiers hid in
it and when the Trojans took it into their city, the soldiers surprised them with an attack.)
5. Divide the children into groups of four and give each child a role: A Greek soldier in the
wooden horse; a Greek soldier waiting outside the walls of Troy; A Trojan soldier finding
the wooden horse: and a Trojan soldier waking up when the Greeks attacked. Explain that
they are going to act part of the story of the Wooden Horse of Troy (but not the fighting!).
What will you do? What will you say?

Pupil’s Book answers page 66

There are no set answers. The children enact the story.
Further activities
Read other Greek myths and legends with the children and help them to draw picture stories
to re-tell them. Show them how to write the spoken words in speech bubbles.

Lesson 4: The Olympic Games

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the past from pictures of buildings and artefacts from the time
• explain the importance of the legacy of ancient times
• Pupil’s Book pages 66–67
• Skills Book page 23 Sports in Ancient Greece
• a map of Greece
• if possible, pictures of the modern Olympic Games
Pupil’s Book steps
Ask the children what they know about the Olympic Games. What happens at the
Olympic Games? (Different countries send athletes to take part in sports.) Where are the
Games held? (in a different country around the world each time) What Olympic sports

1 57
do you know? What do the winners receive? (gold medals, with silver medals for second
place, and bronze for third)
2. Explain that the modern Olympic Games are held every four years, like the Ancient
Games, but that a different country hosts them each time. Where were the last modern
Olympic Games held? (London, England, 2012)
3. Show the children a map of Greece and help them to find Olympia. Tell them that the
ancient Olympic Games were held there every four years from more than 2,700 years
ago. The remains of some of the temples can still be seen there and there are texts from
the time about the games. The games were held to encourage men to train for the sports.
This helped to keep them fit for battle if they were needed.
4. Read page 66 with the children. Ask them what they have learned about the Olympic Games.
Where were the games held? (in a stadium at Olympia, in Greece)
What sports did they compete in? (throwing the javelin and discus, fighting in boxing
and wrestling matches, racing on foot and on horses)
What did the winners get as prizes? (a crown of olive leaves)
How do we know about the games? (from their writing and pictures on walls and
vases and from the remains of stadiums and sporting equipment that archaeologists
have found)
5. Read the instructions for the exercise on page 67 with the children. They could talk to a
partner about the pictures on the vases and compare them with modern sports that they
know. Ask them to explain how they can tell what sport is shown in each picture. The
left-hand vase shows a race on foot. We cannot tell how long the race is but it looks like
a sprint. The right-hand vase shows an archer holding a bow.
Skills Book steps for page 23
1. Tell the class that they are going to look at some pictures of sports from Ancient Greece.
Read the instructions on page 39 of the Skills Book with the children. Ask them to describe
each picture. What are these athletes doing? What equipment are they using? How do you
win a competition for this sport?
2. Ask the children to write the correct sport below each picture.
3. For each picture ask, how is this sport like a modern sport? How is it different?
4. The children can then look at the picture at the bottom of the page. Ask them to look at
the pictures of sports to see if they can find an athlete using these objects.

Pupil’s Book answers page 67

1. racing on foot/running
2. archery
Skills Book answers page 23
A. 1. Wrestling 2. Horse racing 3. Running 4. Chariot racing
5. Discus 6. Javelin 7. Boxing 8. Long jump
B. These are jumping weights. They used them in the long-jump competition. The athletes
held a weight in each hand and threw their arms backwards before jumping. The jumper
swung the weights forwards as he jumped to help to push him forwards.

58 1
Further activities
The children could compare the sports of the ancient Olympic Games with the modern Games
and draw pictures with captions (and cut out newspaper or magazine pictures of any modern
Olympic competitions) to show the differences: for example, the modern discus can be made
of solid rubber or a metal core with sides made of plastic, wood, fiberglass, carbon fibre, or
metal. The rim is made of metal and has to be smooth, with no finger holds.

Lesson 5: Athens—a land with no king and Alexander the Great

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe events from the past using sources from the time
• explain the forms of government in the past from their art and writing
• Pupil’s Book pages 67–68
• Skills Book page 24 Values
• a map of Greece
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Show the children a map of Greece and remind them of the location of Athens. Explain that
the main Greek cities had their own governments: they were city-states. Remind the children
about what they have learned about how other ancient civilisations were governed: for
example, Ancient Egypt had pharaohs; Ancient Rome had emperors. Read the first two
paragraph of page 67 (Athens—a land with no king) with the children and ask them how
Ancient Greece was different. How did the Ancient Greeks govern their city-states, such as
Athens? (The people chose their leaders by voting. They made the rules and laws.)
2. Demonstrate what is meant by voting by asking the class to vote for their favourite colour
and recording the result. Tell them that if the class had to choose something, they could do
it that way.
3. Ask the children if they think the people of Athens had a fair way of choosing them leaders
and agreeing on rules and laws. Ask, what was fair? What was unfair? Is voting fair?
4. Read the information on page 68 (‘It’s a fact’) about how votes were cast in Ancient Greece
and ask, what was good and what was not so good about this? What made it a good way
to collect votes and count them? Can you think of anything that could be improved?
5. Ask, do you think Pericles was a good leader? (yes) How can you tell? (Because the Ancient
Greeks chose him as their leader every year for fifteen years) How did the Ancient Greeks
get rid of a bad leader. (They wrote his name on a piece of clay. If at least 6,000 people did
this, the leader had to go away for ten years.) Do you think this was a good way to get rid
of bad leaders? Why?
6. Read about Alexander the Great on page 68 and ask, what did Alexander do that made
him great? Brainstorm his expansion of the empire and its effects on those lands much later
after he left. Students should be able to draw conclusion that Alexander did what every
other colonial has done, bring their ideas and culture to the place they conquer. He is
responsible for Greek ideas spread in other areas.

1 59
7. Brainstorm gifts from the Greeks - trial by jury, advances in medicine and science and math
and astronomy, the Olympics, the theatre, comedy, tragedy, the wheelbarrow, architectural
wonders like the ancient Greek columns, incredible myths, and tales of legends, heroes,
and fables. Ask students if Alexander’s conquests justify the gifts from Greeks. Encourage
constructive debate centered around the human cost of war to conclude on short-term and
long-term effects of imperialism.
8. Read the exercise on page 68 with the children, divide them into pairs and ask them to
discuss their ideas with their partner. Allow about five minutes and then invite different
pairs to tell the class what they think. The others should listen and then ask questions
about what they said.
Skills Book steps for page 24
1. Tell the class that they are going to learn about rules and laws. Ask them when rules are
useful in different places and for different events: What would sports be like with no rules?
How do you use rules when you play?
2. Read the information at the top of page 24 with the children. Ask them how these are like
and unlike rules for modern sports. Which rules are like the rules for modern sports? Which
rules are not like them?
3. Remind the children that the ancient Olympic Games were held around a temple sanctuary
in honour of the Greek gods; that was why there was a rule about showing respect to the
temple. Ask, how would you show respect to a temple during sports? (They could talk
about looking after the temple, leaving it clean and tidy after the sports, behaving in a
way that shows respect for other people as well as the building.)
4. Ask the children if they think the rules and punishments were fair, or if not, how they
would change them.
5. Divide children into pairs or threes for activity A and ask them to decide with their partner
which rule is the best; which rule is second best, and which is third best. Allow about five
minutes and then invite the children to tell the class their choices and to explain them.
6. For activities B and C, the children could continue to work in pairs or threes. They should
choose a sport or game they play and decide on the two most important rules and what
should happen if anyone breaks the rules. Ask, Why do we need that rule? How does it
help? What happens if someone breaks the rule?

Pupil’s Book answers page 68

1. & 2. There are no right or wrong answers. The children give their opinions and should
be able to justify them (orally, but not in writing).
Skills Book answers page 24 (Values)
There are no right or wrong answers. The children give their opinions and should be able
to justify them (orally, but not in writing).
Further activities
Discuss sports in the news, especially where players have been disciplined for breaking rules.
The children could say what they think of the penalties faced by the athletes. Ask, Was this
a good punishment or should it have been tougher or not so tough?

60 1
Lesson 6: Roman civilisation
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the evolution of Roman civilisation from republic to monarchy
• explain the forms of Roman government in the past
• explain the social life of Romans from their art and writing
• explain the reasons for the downfall of the Roman civilisation
• differentiate between the Greek and Roman civilisations
• Pupil’s Book pages 69-70
• Skills Book page 25 Roman civilisation
• Skills Book page 26 Greeks and Romans at a glance
• a map of Roman civilisation
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Show the children the map of ancient Roman civilisation on page 69. Share a bigger map
and ask to locate the following places - Mediterranean Sea, Aegean Sea, Greece, Italy,
France, Spain, Atlantic Ocean, North Africa, Black Sea, Istanbul (Constantinople), Red Sea,
Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean. Discuss that Rome was not built in a day. First it was a Kingdom,
then a Republic, and then an Empire. Rome kept growing and expanding from 625 BCE to
476 CE.
2. Read the first paragraph on page 69 and introduce that Ancient Rome started as a Kingdom
like the Greeks but then changed into a republic. Explain how in a republic, power is held
by the citizens and their elected representatives. Over the period of the highest power is in
the hands of an elected or nominated president rather than a monarch. Explain to students
that Romans were from the same geographical area as the Greeks and were influenced by
their legacy. The Romans style of governance resembled that of the Greeks, however, they
claimed they were a republic. Ask students what the difference between a democracy and
a republic is.
3. Ask students to read the second paragraph on page 69 about social life in ancient Rome.
Bring attention to the five main social classes shown on page 69. Explain the disparity
between citizens through power distribution between the Patricians and the plebeians.
Patricians were the richest and held the most power by making laws in the Senate and
letting their family members control administration. The largest class was of the plebeians
who voted for representatives in the Senate. Ask students ‘if Rome was a republic when
slaves did not have any rights.’
4. Engage students in a simulation by asking them how they will feel if they were a ruler or
the one ruled in the following situations:
a. make laws
b. controlled banks
c. high taxes on agriculture
d. manage trade

1 61
5. Ask students to read the last paragraph on page 69 and mention that the shift from a
republic to Roman empire came due to a century of wars and corruption. Explain that an
empire is different from a republic since in an empire, the power remains concentrated in
the hands of the emperor who choses the next emperor.
6. Identify the achievements of the Romans and ask students to explore in what ways were
the Romans better than the Greeks (size of the empire was bigger, the civilisation lasted
longer than the Greeks, they connected the lands they conquered by making roads, they
were better engineers, etc.)
7. Ask students to read page 70 and see the similarities and differences between the gods and
goddesses of the Romans from the Greeks.
8. Discuss the split of the Roman Empire. Explain that by 476 AD the western half of the
Roman Empire had collapsed. The social, military, and economic systems in Roman Empire
collapsed and the empire began to break up into two factions. Main reasons were:
•  he Roman Empire grew to be huge. It covered most of Europe, North Africa, and
parts of Asia. Just getting messages from Rome to the outer parts of the Empire took
weeks. The outer provinces did whatever they wanted.
•  nrest between the rich and free people with slaves who had no rights and had to
work very hard for their masters. Civil wars broke out between different political
•  mperors were often selected by violence, or by birth, so the head of government
was not always a capable leader.
• The poor were overtaxed.
• Trade decreased, while taxes and prices increased.
•  he population was shrinking due to starvation and disease. That made it difficult to
manage farms and government effectively.
• he rise of Christianity made people believe that a peaceful life of service was
possible, and they did not want the join the army. It also taught that all men were
created equal in the eyes of God which questioned the idea of slavery.
•  hen the Roman Emperor Constantine split the empire in two to make it easier to
rule, the eastern part (the Byzantine Empire), stayed Christian. This split led to the
fall of the Roman Empire.
Skills Book steps for page 25 Roman civilisation
1. Tell the class that the exercise in the Skills Book will help them to remember basic facts
and most celebrated aspects of the Ancient Roman civilisation.
2. Ask students to recall:
• the Roman style of governance,
• their class system,
• its shift republic to an empire
3. Students can answer the fill in the blanks.

62 1
4. Ask students to read the question 2 and contrast modern idea of fair treatment for all
citizens with the Roman idea of fairness for selected people.
5. Brainstorm the difference between republic and empire from what the students have
learned from the Pupils book.

Roman Republic Roman Empire

509 BCE – 27 BCE 27 BCE – 5 CE
Patricians and military made rules and Emperor was the most powerful and
controlled the government controlled everything. Was worshipped
as God.
People voted and participated in making laws People’s wishes were not considered
while making policies
6. Ask students which type of governance is more suited to present times. (answers may vary)
Students should now be able to answer question 2 on their own.
Skills Book steps for page 26 Comparison between Greeks and Romans
1. Ask students to read the word box.
2. Students should be able to sort the characteristics of Greek and Roman civilisation by
taking help from the Pupil’s book.

Answer to Pupil’s book on page

1. (Answers may vary due to research) Great engineers who made grand buildings such
as the Colosseum and other amphitheaters, forums, public baths, libraries and temples.
Architects have copied their styles for centuries.
2. What caused the fall of the Roman Empire? People were unhappy with the Roman
religion and started to like the Christian belief in one God and equality between people.
The size of the empire was huge, so the Roman Emperor Constantine split the empire in
two to make it easier to rule. The western part fell apart due to invasions.
Answers to Skills Book page 25
a. people
b. classes, emperor, patricians, equites, plebians, slaves
c. Patricians
d. Slaves
e. emperor
f. emperor
2. a. No. Romans had a class system where women and slaves had no rights.
b. Roman republic was run by Senate where elected members made laws while an
empire was run by one person, the emperor.

1 63
Answers to Skills Book page 26

Greek civilisation Common traits Roman civilisation

Parthenon Located by t h e Start of Christianity
Mediterranean Sea
Olympic games famous literature and arts Road builders
Direct democracy Farmers Today is a city in Italy
Columns Traders Colosseum
Athens Arches
Ship builders Representative democracy
Country in Europe

Further activities
1. Ask students to find out what the difference between a democracy and a republic is.
2. On a Venn Diagram, list the characteristics of each social class.
3. Students will then take part in a drawing of Plebeians versus Patricians. Students will choose
who they will portray from the container. For 10 minutes (or any given amount of time),
students will play their new roles; have them switch roles for another 10 minutes.
4. Ask students to make a presentation on the achievements of the Roman civilisation.
5. Make students perform a comic skit to describe the similarities and differences between
Roman and Greek Gods and Goddesses.
6. Ask students to research the common causes of the downfall of great empires in history.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 71

A. 1. Greece is a long way from the sea. False. (Greece is almost surrounded by sea.)
2. Olive trees grow well in Greece. True.
3. The people of Ancient Greece were great shipbuilders. True.
4. All the people in Athens were allowed to vote. False. (Slaves and women could not
5. The modern Olympic Games are held every four years. True.
B. 1. Zeus or Apollo (or Castor or Pollux) and Athena
2. The Olympic Games
3. any three from running, horse racing, chariot-racing, wrestling, boxing
4. There could be several correct answers: for example, the modern Olympics have
extra sports, such as basketball, swimming, gymnastics, and tennis; the winners of
the ancient Olympic Games won crowns of laurel leaves, but modern winners get
gold, silver, and bronze medals; the ancient Olympic Games were always held at
Olympia in Greece, but the modern Olympics are held in a different country each
time; both ancient and modern Games were/are held every four years; the equipment
has changed because modern materials, such as plastic, are used.
5. The people of Ancient Athens chose their leaders by voting.

64 1
Unit 7 The Gandhara Kingdom

Background knowledge for The Gandhara Kingdom

The kingdom of Gandhara lasted from around the beginning of the first millennium bBCE
to the 11th century CE. It was in the area that is now northern Pakistan and parts of eastern
Afghanistan, mainly in the low land around Peshawar, the Potwar plateau, and along the
Kabul River to where it meets the Indus. The area had human inhabitants long before that
time: Archaeologists have found evidence that people lived in the area at least 30,000 years
ago. Gandhara was the location of many tales from the Hindu scriptures, and Taxila is
named in old texts, so the city might be up to four thousand years older than the Gandhara
At different times in its history, Gandhara was ruled by various groups of people. These
include Buddhist kings, Greeks, a Hindu dynasty, and Muslims. The name Gandhara was no
longer used after Mahmud of Ghazni became king in 1021 CE.
We know about Gandhara from different sources, including excavations of the ruins of cities
such as Taxila, Sirkap, and Peshawar; Buddhist and Greek art; the writing of Al-Biruni from
the tenth to eleventh centuries, Kalhana of Kashmir in the twelfth century, Chinese writers,
and nineteenth century British soldiers and officials.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
Most children should be able to:
• identify Gandhara as an ancient kingdom in Pakistan
• explain that different groups of people ruled Gandhara at different times and that they
brought different religions: the three main ones were Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam
• explain how settlements grow in certain places: for example, Taxila grew where important
ancient trade routes met.
They will learn how to:
• use sources such as the remains of buildings, coins, and works of art to find out about how
people lived in the past
• ask questions and draw conclusions about evidence from the past
They will begin to understand:
• where old trade routes developed and the goods that were traded
• how people traded in the past
• how civilisations were organised and ruled

Lesson 1: An ancient kingdom in Pakistan

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain how archaeologists find out about the past from the remains of buildings,
objects, and old texts
• describe ancient trade routes
• explain how some of our cities have developed
• explain why settlements developed in certain places

1 65
• Pupil’s Book pages 72-73
• a map of the Pakistan and Afghanistan area, showing the location of the main part of the
Gandhara kingdom, including Taxila
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the class that they are going to read about an ancient kingdom in Pakistan, Afghanistan,
and India named Gandhara.
2. Explain the meanings of some words on the page that they might not know: ancient: very
old. Ask the children to name anything they can think of that is ancient. Tell them that
we usually use ancient to talk about things that are about two thousand years old or
more route: a word for a road, path or track. It means a way of getting from one place to
another. The children could talk about their routes to and from school.
3. Read page 72 with the children. Explain that settlements, such as cities, grow in places
where people can get things they need, and that sometimes they get some of these by
trading. Explain that trading means buying and selling, or exchanging, things. Point out
the Silk Roads on the map and show where they went to.
4. Discuss why the city of Taxila grew in that place. Ask, Why did people come and live in
Taxila? (It was on an ancient road.) What made it a good place for trade? (It was on the
Silk Road, which had been used for a long time by traders crossing Asia.)
5. Tell the children about the Silk Roads: they were not roads like the ones we have today,
but tracks across valleys, mountains, rivers, and so on, that linked different settlements. Ask
why travellers kept on using the same roads: perhaps other travellers had worn a track, cut
away bushes, and so on. Perhaps they used these roads because they followed the easiest
path across the land. Ask, Why did people in ancient times make these old roads that went
for hundreds, even thousands, of miles across land and over mountains? (to trade) What
did the ancient traders carry? Where from? (silk from China) Why were the old roads called
the Silk Roads? (Since ancient times, silk traders used the same tracks and these became
roads.) Where did they go from and to? (from China westwards into the rest of Asia and
Europe. They went to seaports on the coasts of the Arabian Sea and the Mediterranean
6. Ask the children to read the definitions at the top of page 73, to copy them into their
notebooks and write the answers.

Pupil’s Book answers page 73

1. Gandhara   2. Silk Road   3. passes   4. valleys
Further activities
You could look at any local footpaths that people have made over the years, where grass
has been worn away and tracks made across fields and through forests. Also find out about
the oldest streets in the neighbourhood: what is in them, what places they link, and why
people might have made them. Sometimes the names of streets give clues. Ask, Which places
does this path link? Why did people make it? Why do they want to get from the one place
to the other? What have you learned about how roads begin?

66 1
Lesson 2: The ancient city of Taxila
Learning outcome
Students should be able to:
• identify important features of Gandhara civilisation
• Pupil’s Book page 73-74
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the children what they know about Taxila. They should know, from Lesson 1, that it
was the ancient capital city of the Gandhara kingdom and was on the Silk Road. Tell them
that Taxila is a World Heritage Site and explain that countries that have World Heritage
Sites have signed an agreement to look after them.
2. Explain the meanings of some words on the page that they might not know:
Buddhist: Ask if they have heard of this religion and if they know how it got its name.
Explain that it is an old religion—but not as old as Hinduism—that began in the area
that is now Pakistan and northern India. It is named after its founder, the Buddha (‘the
Enlightened One’)—a prince named Siddhartha Gautama who gave up all his riches to
become a holy man.
stupa: a holy building for Buddhists. Show them the picture of a stupa on page 73 and read
‘It’s a fact’ with them. monk a religious man who devotes his life to his faith. monastery:
a place where monks live and work. Show the children the picture of the monastery on
page 74. Tell them that they are going to find out more about it. Also mention that other
religions have monasteries, too: there are Christian monasteries.
3. Read page 73 with the children and ask them how many cities Taxila grew from. Ask, How
do we know that there were Buddhists at Taxila? (There are Buddhist buildings there, such
as a stupa and a monastery.) What is a monastery? (a place where monks live and work)
How old is the monastery at Jaulian? (2,500 years) What are monks? (religious men who
devote their lives to their faith) What is a stupa? (a holy building for Buddhists) What does
a stupa look like? (a mound of stones)
4. Explain that Buddhists, like Hindus, have their bodies burned on a fire after they die. The
ashes from the fire are treated with respect and scattered or buried in a special place. All
stupas should have some of the Buddha’s ashes in them.
5. The children can now copy the words in the exercise into their notebooks and write their

Pupil’s Book answers page 74

1. a religious man who devotes his life to his faith
2. someone who follows the teachings of the Buddha
3. a holy building for Buddhists: it has some of the Buddha’s ashes in it.
4. a place where monks live and work
Further activities
Find out about the remains of another Buddhist monastery nearby—Sirkap. Also look at
other pictures of Buddhist art from the region.
1 67
Lesson 3: Peshawar
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the past from pictures of objects and buildings from the time
• describe King Kanishka—a Buddhist ruler of Gandhara about 2,000 years ago
• Pupil’s Book pages 74-75
• a map of Pakistan that shows Peshawar
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask if any of the children have been to Peshawar. They could talk about what they saw
there. Ask, Did you see statues? What did the people look like? Did you see any unusual
objects? What were they made of? What do you think they were for?
2. Explain that although Peshawar now has modern buildings, it is a very ancient city. The
first buildings in Peshawar were built more than 2,000 years ago. Tell them that they are
going to find out about what Peshawar was like all those years ago when it was part of
Gandhara, and about a king who ruled Gandhara.
3. Explain the meanings of some words on the page that they might not know:
museum: a place that looks after and displays historical objects. Ask if they have heard this
word before and if they know what a museum is for. Point out the picture of the museum
of Peshawar on page 74.
excavation: Remind the children what archaeologists do; tell them that we call this
excavating and that a place where archaeologists have dug (excavated) is called an
excavation. Show them the picture of the excavation of Gor Khatri in Peshawar (page 75).
casket: Point out the picture of King Kanishka’s casket on page 75 and ask the children to
describe what they see. Useful words for talking about this are box, special (for keeping
something important and precious in). They could say what made this casket special.
ruin: the remains of a building or monument that has been damaged by weather, time, or
the actions of people.
4. Ask, How do we know about King Kanishka? (from the casket, coins found at Peshawar,
and from old Chinese texts) How do we know when King Kanishka ruled Gandhara? How
do we know that he was a Buddhist? What have you learned about King Kanishka? (He
lived about 2,000 years ago; he was king of Gandhara; he was a Buddhist.) What have
you learned about Peshawar? (It is an ancient city; people lived there more than 2,000
years ago; it has the biggest and deepest excavation in the world; it has the remains of
an enormous stupa; the people who lived there used coins.) If you were a tourist going to
Peshawar, what would you see?
Further activities
Choose an object the children will not have seen before. This could be something very old,
something connected with a trade, profession, craft, or hobby. Show the children the object
and (if safe) let them handle it. Invite them to talk about what they see and feel (and, if
appropriate, what they can smell). Then ask them what the object might be or what it might
be used for. They should give reasons for their answers: for example, if it is some sort of

68 1
container, they could say what kind of thing it could hold: e.g. liquids, dry foods such as
corn or flour, large amounts or small amounts. Eventually, tell the children what the object
is and point out the important features that give clues. Tell them that they have been
working as archaeologists.

Lesson 4: Buddhism
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain Buddhism and its importance in Gandhara
• Pupil’s Book page 76
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Remind the children of what they have learned about Buddhism and the Buddhist King
Kanishka of Gandhara. Ask, Where does the name Buddhism come from? (Buddha—‘the
Enlightened One’—who founded the religion)
2. Tell the children that they are going to read the story of the Buddha, whose real name was
Prince Siddhartha Gautama. Ask, What does this name tell you about the Buddha? (He was
a prince—from a royal family, so he was probably very rich.)
3. Show the children the picture of the Buddha and ask, What can you find out about him
from it? (He has long hair piled up on top of his head. He looks as if he is wearing earrings.
He has a mark on his forehead. He looks gentle, peaceful, and calm.) What is he wearing?
(a long robe with sleeves) Do his clothes make him look rich or poor? (poor) We know that
he was from a royal family, so why do you think he dressed like this? (He did not want
riches. He wanted to be equal with other people.)
4. Read the story of Prince Siddhartha Gautama with the children. Ask, What did the Buddha
think causes suffering in the world? (greed—people wanting things) Do you think he was
right? Why? What does the name ‘Buddha’ mean? (The Enlightened One— knowing all)
Why do you think people gave him this name? (They thought he was very wise.)
5. Look at the picture at the bottom of the page—‘The Great Departure’. Explain that
departure means going away. Ask the children what is happening in the picture. Who
is going away? (Prince Siddhartha Gautama) Where is he going away from? (the palace
where he lived) Who are the other people in the picture? (his parents, family, and perhaps
servants at the palace) What are they doing? (They are trying to stop him.) Why are they
doing this? (They want him to stay. Perhaps they think he will not be able to live in the
outside world, because he has always lived in the palace.) Who is he leaving? (his family)
What is he leaving behind? (the palace, his rich clothes, jewels, and so on) Where is Prince
Siddhartha going? (to a quiet place where he can think about why people suffer)
6. Talk about the ways in which people suffer and what causes suffering: for example, being
hungry, cold, without a home, frightened, tortured. Ask, What did the Buddha say would
end all the suffering in the word? (people stopping being greedy and wanting things) The
children could discuss some examples: If no one was greedy for food, but just ate what
he or she needed, how could this help to stop others suffering? If people were not greedy
for riches: designer clothes, jewellery, palaces, and so on, how could this help to stop the
suffering of others?

1 69
Pupil’s Book answers page 76
1. The children might think of various ways in which people suffer: for example, hunger,
thirst, homelessness, poverty, cruelty, disasters such as earthquakes, floods, or war.
2. He said that greed makes people suffer.
3. They could stop being greedy and wanting things.
Furt her activities
You could collect newspaper reports about people who are suffering from causes such as
famine, wars, earthquakes, or floods and think of ways to help. Perhaps the class could raise
money to support a welfare organisation working with people suffering hardship.

Lesson 5: Gandhara art

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe our heritage of art from past civilisations
• explain why we should care for our heritage
• describe people and events of the past from their art and buildings
• Pupil’s Book page 77
• a map of the world
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask if any children have been to Sirkap or the National Museum of Pakistan. If so, they
might have photographs or information to bring to school. Ask them what they remember
about their visit.
2. Tell them that they are going to look at some art from Gandhara that was found at Sirkap
and some that is in the National Museum of Pakistan. Tell them that a Greek king who once
ruled Gandhara built the city of Sirkap. Ask, What country do Greek people come from?
(Greece) Where is Greece? (Europe. Point out the location of Greece on a map of the world.)
3. Read page 77 of the Pupil’s Book with the class. Ask, them to name some famous Greeks
who came to Gandhara. (Alexander the Great and King Demetrius)
4. Ask how Sirkap was built that makes it like an ancient Greek city. Ask, What is special
about the way ancient Greek cities were built? (The streets were planned in a grid pattern
and then the buildings were built according to a plan.) You could draw a grid pattern to
show what this means. (The streets are straight and they meet at right angles.)
5. Explain that most of the land in the subcontinent was called India before Pakistan was
created; that is why the word ‘Indian’ is used. Ask, Why were some of the art and buildings
a mixture of Indian and Greek styles? (Greeks settled there.) The Buddha was from India, so
why does this statue show him with clothes that look Greek? (A lot of the art of Gandhara
was made by Greek artists and other artists copied their style.)

70 1
Answers to Pupil’s Book 3 page 77
1. The art and buildings of Gandhara are a mixture of Indian and Greek.
2. This is because Greeks had settled in Gandhara in ancient times.
Answers to exercises Pupil’s Book page 78
A. 1. a building to show things from history T A X I L A
2. the main city of Gandhara
3. a building where monks live M O N A S T E R Y
4. a word that means ‘from Greece’ G R E E K
5. King Kanishka’s capital city
6. a holy building for Buddhists
B. Different answers are acceptable. Examples:
monk: a holy man/a man who devotes his life to his faith
Buddhist: a follower of the Buddha
Silk Road: an ancient road from China to the rest of Asia
ancient: very old/from at least 2,000 years ago
Further activities
Send for small pictures (such as postcards) of Gandhara art from the National Museum of
Pakistan, Taxila, and Sirkap. Make a classroom display of these. The children could write
captions for the display, saying what the pictures show, where the art is, and what they like
best about it.

1 71
Unit 8 The struggle for independence

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit explores the movement towards home rule for the subcontinent that followed the
War of Independence:
• the political groups that were formed: the Indian National Congress and All India Muslim
• leaders: Syed Ahmed Khan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah , Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal
• significant events: the Lucknow meeting in 1916, the Amritsar massacre, the Round Table
Conferences in London
• independence: the partitioning of the subcontinent and the creation of Pakistan in 1947
The events leading to independence are well documented in the speeches made by Jinnah
, Gandhi, Nehru, and others, in newspaper reports and various documents on the
Internet. However, as with all such material, reports might have some bias, reflecting the
views of the writer.
The story of independence is complicated; so to simplify it for the students’ comprehension
of the key points, this unit focuses on important people, the main political groups, and
some key events. It provides opportunities for students to consider and discuss the clashes
between different individuals and groups and to begin to understand their points of view.
The achievements of Syed Ahmed Khan should be highlighted and students told that he
was given the title of ‘Sir’ by the British because of his contributions in the educational
sector. His contributions towards bridging the gap between the Muslims and their British
rulers were also recognized. He is fondly known as Sir Syed.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students
should be able to:
• describe the political developments that followed the War of Independence
• explain how the Muslim League and Indian National Congress were founded
• describe the key leaders in the movement for independence: Jinnah , Gandhi, and
They will learn how to:
• find out about the past through reading, from photographs from the time, and from
historical sites
• ask questions and draw conclusions about people and events in the past
They will begin to understand:
• how political parties are formed and develop and how they can influence events
• how conflict can be resolved through discussion

72 1
Lesson 1: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• establish how the Indian National Congress and All India Muslim League began—and
their aims
• consider the opinion of a leader on achievement of home rule
• discuss the beginnings of the idea of partition of the subcontinent
• Pupil’s Book pages 79–80
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Introduce to students what role leader play in historical movements Introduce Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan as reformer and discuss role in turms the to do for Muslims of subcontinent
2. Tell the students that they are going to find out about the people and the new political
groups that began to work towards independence of the lands in the subcontinent that
Britain ruled, i.e. most of India and the land that is now Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Burma.
3. When the students have read the first two paragraphs of page 88 ask the following
• What good did the War of Independence cause to happen? (The British government
realized that they must let the people of the subcontinent take an active part in the
governance of their own land.)
• What was the first new political party in India? (Indian National Congress)
• Which new political party did Muslims form? (All India Muslim League)
• Why was it necessary for Muslims to form a separate political party? (They were
outnumbered by Hindus and did not feel that the Congress represented the Muslim
cause fairly.)
• How did Sir Syed help the Indian Muslim 79.
4. Ask them to read the third paragraph of page 88 and ‘It’s a Fact’. Then, ask the following
• How did Syed Ahmed Khan think Britain could help the Muslims? (Britain could help
Muslims to have their voice heard, because they had little power alone.)
• What good did Syed Ahmed Khan say could come from the west, in particular, Britain?
(good education)
• Why do you think Syed Ahmed Khan thought this? (Encourage the students to express
their ideas and say whether they think he was right and why.)
5. The students can then complete the exercise on page 80.

1 73
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 80
A. 1. True
2. True
3. False. Muslims could join the Indian National Congress but they were outnumbered
many times over by Hindus, and so wanted their own political party to be sure of
proper representation.
4. True
B. Answers will vary but should include the fact that Syed Ahmed Khan thought that
education was important and advised people to learn all they could in order to succeed.
Further activities
1. Find out more about Syed Ahmed Khan from books and the Internet.
2. Make a list of, and collect information about, the schools, universities, and colleges Syed
Ahmed Khan supported.

Lesson 2: Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• define and describe Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s efforts for home rule
• identify the agenda of an important meeting in the movement for home rule
• establish and identify fair means of elections
• Pupil’s Book pages 80-81
• Skills Book page 37 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin by asking the class this question:
• Why do we have a national holiday on 25th December. (To commemorate the birthday
of Quaid-e-Azam, Muhammad Ali Jinnah .)
Tell them that they are going to learn how Jinnah became involved in the movement
for home rule and about an important meeting of the Indian National Congress, of which
he was a member.
2. Ask the students to read page 89 and then ask the following questions:
• Where did Jinnah train as a lawyer? (London)
• How do you think this helped him in discussions with the British government? (He
understood the British legal and political systems and was well-educated and able to
speak persuasively as a result of this training.)
• Did he want the subcontinent to be partitioned or kept as one nation? (one nation)
• Why do you think he wanted this? (The students give their own ideas. Perhaps he
thought that Muslims would have a stronger position in a united country.)
3. Ask the students to read ‘It’s a Fact’ and the next four lines on page 90. Then ask:
• Which two political groups met at Lucknow in 1916? (the Indian National Congress and
the Muslim League)

74 1
• Did the two groups agree on what they wanted from Britain? (Yes)
• There were many more Hindus than Muslims, so how did they agree to make Muslims’
votes count in the elections? (The Muslims could have separate elections for the people
they wanted in government.)
4. The students can then complete the exercise in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps
1. Tell the class that the exercise in the Skills Book will help them to understand fairness
during elections and how difficult it can be to conduct ‘fair’ elections.
2. Together, read the introduction. Before reading about the choices for the main courses,
ask if the election will be fair if everyone in the class votes for their ‘favourite’ meal. If
they answer in the negative or there is a mixture of yes/no answers invite some students to
explain. Then ask them to look at the pictures and read the captions. Then ask:
• Is it fair to the five vegetarians? (Ask the students to explain their answers.)
3. They should then read what the vegetarians said, and think about the suggestion that
there be a separate vote for a vegetarian main course. They should also read what the non-
vegetarians said. Ask:
• Why do the non-vegetarians think it is not fair to give the vegetarians a separate vote?
(The non-vegetarians who liked chicken might have wanted to make sure there was a
chicken course, or some of them might dislike lentils or be allergic to a food, and so on,
but they will not have a separate vote for chicken meals or meals without lentils, etc.)
4. Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the final question:
• What do you think is fair?
They can then report back to the class and listen to one another’s explanations.
5. This could be linked to the request of the Muslim League for a separate vote and discuss
why it might seem fair to some people but not to others.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 90

A. 1. He hoped that both groups could work together to make India one country.
2. He wanted it to have home rule and be free from British rule.
3. They were in a minority. There were many more Hindus, so they were worried that
they might not have enough say in the government.
4. It was agreed that Muslims should have separate elections.
B. Answers will vary but should include the point that people saw him as a leader and
he was chosen as the President of the Muslim League.
Answers to Skills Book page 37
Answers will vary but should take into account all the points mentioned in the steps to
this page of the Skills Book.
Further activities
1. Set the class a homework task to read about the life of Jinnah and to make a note of
something interesting to report to the class.

1 75
2. Choose different students to present their ‘interesting fact’ to the class. The rest of the
students listen and a comparison of ideas and comments could follow.

Lesson 3: The events between 1920-1947

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• learn about the different views of people here regarding what should happen
once the subcontinent got home rule
• consider different views about the partitioning of the subcontinent

• Pupil’s Book page 81-83
• Skills Book steps 31
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Construct a timeline on the board or by using material as standpoints for different events.
2. Ask different students to read out loud pages 81 and ask the following questions:
• What do you think is civil disobedience?
• How did the civil disobedience affect the British?
• Why did Jinnah resign from the Congress in 1920?
3. Ask students to read page 82 about the fourteen points of Quaid-e-Azam and explain
the differences between Congress and League as different approach to the same problem.
While Congress was dominated by one socio-religious group, Hindus, they wanted The
British to allow a system that gave more powers to the majority. But Muslims wished for
a system that protected the political, economic, and religious rights of minorities as well.
This led to clashes between the two political parties who could not agree with each other’s
proposals for change. This also increased tension between Muslims and Hindus across
subcontinent and led to violence.
4. Tell the class that they are going to learn how the leaders of the subcontinent worked
towards gaining home rule.
2. Ask them to imagine that they lived during the time of British rule when many people had
decided that they wanted home rule. Ask:
• What would you have wanted the leaders to do? (Discuss each answer by asking: What
do you think would have happened if you did that?) Tell the students that the British
held meetings to discuss how the subcontinent should be governed.
• Who do you think should have been at those meetings?
3. Read pages 92 and 93 together then ask the following questions:
• Who went to the first meetings? (the British)
• What did the Indian National Congress do? (They held their own meetings.)
• What did they decide at their meetings? (India should have home rule without British
influence. Separate elections for Muslims should end because separation by religion
was wrong.)
• What were the views of many Muslims about this? (They thought their wishes would
not count because there were so many more Hindus.)

76 1
• How did the meetings in Britain change? (Leaders from the subcontinent went too.)
• What name was given to these meetings? (Round Table Conferences—remind the class
that at that time ‘India’ meant the entire subcontinent.)
4. Ask the students to read ‘It’s a Fact’, look at the pictures and read the speech bubbles.
• In 1935 how did Britain begin to split up some parts of the land it ruled in the subcontinent?
(It separated Burma and Aden from India. Then it separated Sindh from the Bombay
Presidency and made Bihar and Orissa two separate provinces.) Help them to locate these
places on a map of the subcontinent. Point out that Aden was a port on the coast of Yemen.
The British had ruled Aden and the land around it as part of the Bombay Presidency but it
remained a colony when they began to split up the subcontinent.
5. Read paragraphs on page 82 and discuss the passing of government of India Act 1935.
Explain to students that it allowed for elections that were won by Congress. They enjoyed
confidence of many Muslims who had voted for them but that confidence was lost when
the Congress leadership mistreated them. Ask the following questions:
• why did Indian Muslims feel mistreated by the Congress rule? (promotion of Hindi, singing
of anti-Muslim anthems, banning the slaughter of cow)
• how did the Congress rule affect the Muslim League? (Muslim League had less supporters
and had lost seats in the 1937 elections but the mistreatment of Muslims made them realise
the importance of separate representation to protect and promote their economic, political
and social interests)
6. Read page 83 and ask students:
• What plans did the British have for the subcontinent? (They wanted to split it into separate
states with some government of their own but to stay in charge of money, taxes, the army,
and the police.)
• What did the Indian National Congress and Muslim League think of that? (They disagreed
and wanted no British rule at all.)
5. Read the exercise with the class and discuss any questions the students do not understand.
6. They can then complete the exercise in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps 31
1. Tell the students that they are going to complete a timeline of important events from 1885
to 1947. Read the introduction to this page with them and ask them to look at the first
picture. Ask:
• Who is this? (Syed Ahmed Khan)
• What important thing did he do? (He established the Aligarh Muslim University and
was a founding member of the All India Muslim League)
• When was the All India Muslim League founded? (They could re-read page 88 to
2. Let the students study the second picture. Ask:
• What does this picture show? (The meeting of the Indian National Congress and the

1 77
Muslim League in Lucknow)
• In which year was this held? (They can check by reading page 90 again—1916.)
3. Continue as done previously and ask:
• What does this picture show? (a Round Table Conference in London)
• What was the conference for? (to discuss home rule for the subcontinent, with the British
• In which year was this? (1928.)
4. After they look at the last picture, ask:
• What does this picture show? (The national flag of Pakistan)
• What event does it commemorate? (independence)
• In which year was this? (They probably know—1947.)
5. Follow the previous procedure and ask:
• What does this picture show? (Migration at the time of partition)
• Why are there so many people wanting to leave by this train? (To save their lives from
the violence between Hindus, Muslims, and Sikhs.)
• In which year was the migration? (1947.)
6. The students can now write a sentence about each event and draw lines to join their
sentences to the correct date on the timeline.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 83

1. Quaid-e-Azam believed that by cooperating with the British, the people of the
subcontinent could get democratic reforms.
2. Answers may vary in phrasing but should cover proposal for a federal form of
government, greater rights for minorities, one-third representation for Muslims in
the Central Legislature, separation of Sindh from the Bombay province.
3. Answers may vary but discussions should allow students to phrase and include that
Congress wished for Hindu domination and celebration which is why they promoted
Hindi and banned cow slaughter, etc.
4. Answers may vary.

Lesson 4: Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan and

Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• learn about the role of women in the struggle for independence
• describe leadership qualities found in Begum Ra’ana and Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
• list the contribution of both female leaders in the struggle for independence

• Pupil’s Book page 84-85
• Skills Book page 32

78 1
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Make students do a brainstorming activity and ask them to think the role of women during
the mid-1900 in the subcontinent. Explain to them that majority of women were uneducated,
had little to no role outside of their households but were still important characters in the
struggle for independence and some of them played key role in it.
2. Read page 84 and introduce Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan as the wife of Muslim League’s
very important leader who was intelligent and resourceful.
3. Read page 85 and introduce Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz as a fierce woman who took an
active part in the struggle of independence. Ask the following questions:
• what is common between Sir Syed and Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz? (writing to
promote education and political awareness)
• why did Begum Jahan Ara stress on education of women? (she understood that more
women will increase Muslim supporters and that women get affected by political
policies so they should also be made part of policy making and economic activities.)
• What is Begum Jahan Ara most famous for? (Her speech against British colonialism in
the Round Table Conference at London)
4. Read the exercise with the class and discuss any questions they do not understand.
5. They can then complete the exercise in their notebooks.
Steps to Skills Book page 32
1. Review the steps of completing a crossword puzzle.
2. Ask the students to read the clues and write the answers in the crossword puzzle.
3. Encourage them to use the Pupil’s Book to find the answers and spell the words. Thebglossary
of the Pupil’s Book will also help.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 85

A. 1. She set up of volunteer medical group for nursing and first aid in Delhi, and
was selected as the Chairperson of the economic section of the Muslim League
by Quaid-e-Azam .
2. She helped to form the Pakistan Nurses’ Foundation, Pakistan Women’s National
Guard, Pakistan Women Naval Reserve as well as the All Pakistan Women
Association (APWA). She served as Pakistan’s ambassador in the Netherlands,
Italy and Tunisia and at the International Labour Organisation (ILO), and as
Sindh governor. In 1947,
B. Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 32
Across Down
4. nations 1. Quaid
6. round 2. Aligarh
7. Har 3. Punjab
5. Congress
7. Hindi

1 79
Lesson 6: A new nation
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• learn about the different views of people here regarding what should happen once
the subcontinent got home rule
• consider different views about the partitioning of the subcontinent

• Pupil’s Book page 86
• Skills Book page 30
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Inform the students that they will learn about the discussions held by the leaders of the
subcontinent as they worked towards home rule. Explain that they were not in complete
agreement as to whether there should be one nation or two—with a separate nation for
Muslims. Tell them that this was called the partition of India. Ask:
• Why do you think some people wanted to split the subcontinent according to religion?
(List the students’ answers on the board.)
• Why do you think some people were against this? (List their answers on the board.)
2. Read through the students’ ideas and then tell them that they are going to find out what
important people of that time said about it.
3. Together read page 86 and ‘It’s a Fact’. Ask:
• Which people said that there should be one nation? (Mohandas Gandhi)
• Who said that the subcontinent should be partitioned? (Muhammad Ali Jinnah and
the politician and poet Allama Iqbal )
• What reasons did they give for partitioning? (to save Muslims from being overshadowed
by the Hindus; also because Muslims have a different way of life and religious practices
as compared to Hindus)
• What reasons were given against partitioning? (Religion should not be the basis for a
division. It should be one man one vote, whether Hindu or Muslim.)
4. Read the exercise with the class and discuss any questions they do not understand.
5. They can then complete the exercise in their notebooks.
Steps for Skills Book page 30
1. Tell the class that the exercise in the Skills Book will help them to remember important
facts about some of the leaders in the movement for independence.
2. Point out that they will be able to answer some of the questions about the leaders from
what they have learned from the Pupil’s Book and will learn more in other lessons. They
will not be able to complete the entire page now.
3. Tell them to match the information in the boxes to the personality it fits.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 86

A. 1. Mohandas Gandhi
2. Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Allama Iqbal

80 1
3. Chairperson of the economic section of Muslim League
4. Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
B. 1. Two reasons from: We should not be divided by religion. It should be one man
one vote, whether a Hindu or Muslim. Minority is no reason for privilege and
majority is no reason for penalty.
2. So that Muslims would not be overshadowed by Hindus. Because Muslims and
Hindus have different ways of life and different religions.
Answers to Skills Book page 30
A 1. First women to be elected as parliamentary secretary. Begum Jahan Ara Shahnawaz
2. She was the first Asian woman to receive Human Rights award. Begum Ra’ana
Liaquat Ali Khan
3. He was the first Governor General of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali
4. He proposed the name Pakistan. Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
5. He built the Aligarh Muslim University in Uttar Pradesh. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
6. He joined both the Muslim League and the Indian National Congress because
he thought Hindus and Muslims should work together for independence. Quaid-
e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
B. Answers may vary.

Further activities
1. Ask the class which of the people shown on this page had changed his mind about
partitioning? (Jinnah )
2. Divide them into groups of four and ask the students to discuss why they think Jinnah
changed his mind. They could research this for homework using books and the Internet and
by asking their families.

Lesson 7: Independence for Pakistan and role of provinces

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the pre-partition struggle and sacrifices
• identify and establish the process of the creation of Pakistan by studying the role of provinces

• Pupil’s Book page 87-88
• A modern map of Pakistan and India
• If possible, a photograph of the Pakistan Monument in Islamabad
• Skills Book page 33 The emergence of Pakistan and India
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin by asking the following questions:
• Why do we have a national holiday on 14th August?
• What do we celebrate on Independence Day?
• you do anything special or use any special symbols on that day? (Individual students
could tell the class what they do on this day.)

1 81
2. Show a photograph of the Pakistan Monument in Islamabad and ask:
• Do you know what this is and where it is? Once the Monument and its location have
been identified, ask:
• What happens in Islamabad each year on Independence Day? (The national flag is
raised on the Parliament House and the Presidency, and the National Anthem is sung.)
• What other celebrations have you seen on television?
• How do the people in your area celebrate Independence Day?
3. Tell the class that they are going to learn how our country was created on 14th August
1947. Ask:
• How old is Pakistan? (They could calculate this in years and months or even years,
months, and days.)
4. Different students could read sections of page 87 aloud to the class. Ask:
• Which religious group, in addition to Muslims, asked for their own nation? (Sikhs)
• Where? (Punjab)
• What did the British want to do? (unite Muslims and Hindus)
• What worried Jinnah ? (The Indian National Congress might join with the British to
stop the Muslim nation from being created.)
• What did he plan for people across the subcontinent? (peaceful protest marches)
• Were the marches peaceful? (No, there was violence in which people were injured or
killed and buildings were damaged.)
• When the subcontinent got home rule and was split into two nations, how did this
affect many people? (Many Muslims in the ‘new India’ and Hindus and Sikhs in the ‘new
Pakistan’ left their homes. Hundreds of thousands died or suffered hardship because of
this and many died or were injured in the fighting that began.)
5. It is said that Chaudry Rehmat Ali invented the name Pakistan. P for Punjab; A for Afghania
(near the north-west border of the subcontinent); K for Kashmir; S for Sindh; Tan from
Balochistan. Also, the name meant Pak (pure) Nation (stan).
6. Ask different students to read the paragraphs for heading role of provinces from pages 87-
88 and ask the following questions:
• how did students participate in the struggle for independence? (they held rallies,
secret meetings, and promoted the message of Quaid through pamphlets.)
• Which was the first province to adopt the Pakistan Resolution? (Sindh)
• Which provinces were partitioned for independence? (Punjab and Bengal)
• Why did the Prince of Kashmir not agree to join Pakistan? (The Orince, Hari Singh,
was a Sikh and wanted a separate state for Sikhs. He did not listen to the people of
his land who were majority Muslims and wanted to join Pakistan)
• Why is most of Kashmir a disputed area between India and Pakistan? (Prince of
Kashmir agreed to join India to fight off his people who wanted to join Pakistan.
Kashmiri Freedom fighters freed some area which is Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Both
the countries have fought wars over it and the issue is still not resolved)
Steps for Skills Book page 33 The emergence of Pakistan and India
1. Ask the class to look at the map of the subcontinent on page 33 of the Skills Book and
compare it with a modern map.
• How was Pakistan different when it was first created? (It included parts of the land now
known as Bangladesh but these were separate from the land that is now Pakistan.)
• How was India different from modern India? (Hyderabad was not included in India.)
• What do the arrows show? (The directions in which people moved from their homes to
other parts of the subcontinent after the partition)

82 1
2. Discuss the directions in which the people moved. (Many Hindus and Sikhs who lived in the
new Pakistan left their homes to move to India. Many Muslims in India left them homes to
move to the new Pakistan.)
3. The students can now fill in the gaps in the sentences, referring to page 88 of the Pupil’s
Book if necessary.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 88

A. Answers will vary: for example, Muhammad Ali Jinnah , the founder of Pakistan
and its first Governor-General; Syed Ahmed Khan, who founded the All India Muslim
League; Jawaharlal Nehru, who was the first Prime Minister of India; Mohandas
Gandhi, who worked for Independence through the Indian National Congress;
Chaudhry Rehmat Ali, who wrote about his ideas for the new Pakistan and is said to
have proposed the name Pakistan. All provinces participated in spreading the message
of Muslim League leaders through pamphlets, secret meetings and organizing people
in rallies to promote the idea of separate state for Muslims of subcontinent)
B. Answers will vary: the children enact a discussion according to what they have learned
about Jinnah and Gandhi.
Answers to Skills Book page 33
1. When the subcontinent was partitioned, Pakistan had two parts: West Pakistan and
East Pakistan.
2. Many Muslims left their homes in the new India to move to Pakistan.
3. Many Hindus and Sikhs left their homes in the new Pakistan to move to India.
4. The north-western border of West Pakistan separated it from Afghanistan.
5. The northern border of East Pakistan separated it from Nepal, Bhutan, and China.
6. East Pakistan was surrounded by India on almost every side.
Further activities
1. Make a class scrapbook about Independence Day celebrations: photographs, reports,
drawings and commemorative items that can be glued into the book, such as pictures of
the national flag, commemorative stamps, etc.
2. Students should attempt the CD activity.
3. Students should find out names of provincial leaders who took part in the struggle of
independence and celebrate their work through presentations and simulation activities.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 89

A. Answers will vary: for example, Muhammad Ali Jinnah , the founder of Pakistan
and its first Governor-General; Syed Ahmed Khan, who founded the All India Muslim
League; Begum Ra’ana Liaquat Ali Khan, who was the first lady of Pakistan; Begum
Jahan Ara Shahnawaz, who was the most notable female leader of the Pakistan
Movement; Mohandas Gandhi, who worked for Independence through the Indian
National Congress; Chaudhry Rehmat Ali, who wrote about his ideas for the new
Pakistan and is said to have proposed the name Pakistan.
B. Answers will vary: the children enact a discussion according to what they have learned
about Jinnah and Gandhi.
C. Answers will vary.
D. Answers will vary.

1 83
Unit 9 Understanding governance.

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit helps the students to learn about governance structure in Pakistan, its day to day
application, and its importance. They will revisit the concepts of democracy as a style of
governance for and by the people.
The unit promotes civics through understanding of individual rights, our duties in the
society, state or country and the rights and responsibilities of all citizens for a politically
and socially just society. It empowers students to be well-informed, active citizens and
identify the opportunities around them to change what is wrong around them.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book, most students
should be able to:
• explain the need for rules and regulations for just governance for all
• describe federal government in Pakistan
• describe the functions of federal government’s organs in governance
• understand the interdependence of all organs of governance
• role of citizens in a democracy
They will learn how to:
• participate as responsible citizen
• choose leaders
• give and take as citizens in their country for justice, equal opportunities, and security
They will begin to understand:
• how laws are made and implemented
• the need and responsibilities of people’s representatives in parliament
• how to protect and respect rights of all citizens
• importance of choosing leaders

Lesson 1: Federal and provincial form of government

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the structure of governance in Pakistan
• differentiate between federal and provincial governments
• explain the roles and responsibilities of federal and provincial governments

• Pupil’s Book pages 90-92
Pupil’s Book steps
Ask the following questions to introduce power structures necessary for order and
implementation of rules (Here the case is for schools; your examples can be different)

84 1
• who runs the school? (principal/administrator)
• are they responsible for everything around the school? (no – responsibilities are
distributed between staff members)
• what is the difference between roles and responsibilities of different staff members
like teachers, helpers, admin, etc.? (answers will vary)
2. Discuss the importance of rules and the structure of power for implementing rules. Explain
to students that countries around the world have similar and different structures of
governing its citizens and providing them their rights. Some are dictatorial, where the
power is concentrated in the hands of one person, while others have democratic style of
governance where citizens get to vote and chose leaders who make laws according to
the wishes of majority of its citizens.
3. Discuss Pakistan is a federal form of government, meaning it is an amalgamation of more
than two states that have shared some powers while enjoy others individually (without
4. Ask students to read ‘It’s a fact!’ on page 90 and explain the vision of Quaid-e-Azam
as a country that treated all its citizens with equality. Discuss that the quote shows that
according to him, Muslims uphold equality and hence enjoy a democracy.
5. Ask students to read ‘Federal government’ on page 90 with a map of Pakistan. Explain
that a federal form of government is followed by countries with diverse states, like
United States of America has over 50 states, France, India, etc. Tell them Pakistan has 4
provinces, two administrative zones, and capital.
6. Ask students to read Need for federal government on page 90 and ask the following
• what are the responsibilities of federal government? (national affairs like defence,
budget, foreign affairs, etc.)
• why does federal government not interfere in provincial matters? (to avoid conflicts
between provinces over preferential treatment)
• what matters are the responsibility of provincial governments? (education, health,
food, agriculture, etc.)
• what is the difference between the election of federal and provincial assemblies?
7. Ask students to read page 90 and 91 and make an elaborative chart over the organs of federal
government for them to understand the division of power and the system of accountability, like

1 85
8. Ask the following questions:
• which organ is responsible for making laws in a federal government? (parliament)
• how many levels does Pakistan’s parliament has? (two – national assembly and senate)
• who is the head of the government in a parliamentary federal set-up? (Prime Minister)
• who elects the members of national assembly? (common people)
• who elects the members of senate? (members of provincial assembly and national
• how are the powers of senate and national assembly different? (money related bills
are done in senate)
• provincial head of government is called? (Chief minister)
9. Explain to students that all the rules of governance like in a game are in a rule book.
Governance rule books are called constitutions. Pakistan is following its constitution of
Discuss how provincial governments are independent on many matters from federal
government but have mostly the same set-up, like the chief minister of any province is the
leader of the political party with majority members in the provincial assembly in an election
and selects members as ministers in his cabinet responsible for subjects of governance – just
like the prime minister.
11. The students can then complete the exercise on page 92.
Steps for Skills Book page 34
1. Read the passage on page 34 of Skills book and use the board or Lego pieces to help
students understand the process.
2. Help students understand the different roles of National Assembly, Senate and the President
in law making.

86 1
3. Perform a law-making activity in class where most of the students are members of national
assembly, Prefect and Monitor as members of Senate, and the teacher plays the role of
President. Stress on the idea that most of the power rests with the students.
4. Students can answer the exercise after the activity.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 92

1. Answers may vary but must include: Pakistan has four provinces, two administrative
units and a capital; to avoid conflicts and have smooth governance; division of powers)
2. Answers may vary : National assemblies are formed after elections where common
people cast vote and choose representatives while members of national assembly and
provincial assemblies elect senate members.
3. Federal government provincial government local government
finance, defense, education, waste and snow
foreign healthcare, removal, water and sewage,
affairs, transportation, provincial issuing building permits,
communications, and level justice, energy and collecting
revenue for the entire wildlife protection. property tax, making and
country. maintaining libraries, parks
and recreation
Answers to Skills Book page 34
1. a. Laws are made for the whole country and members of the National Assembly are
elected by the citizens of the country while Senate members are selected by Senate
members from National Assembly.
b. Yes as
2. National Assembly holds more power as maker and proposers of law as a bill.
The Senate can amend the bill once approved by the Assembly and the President must
give his approval if a bill is approved by the Parliament.

Further activities
1. Have students brainstorm, either individually or as a group, ideas for laws. Ask they why
their ideas would make good laws and who those laws would help.
2. Instruct the students to choose the idea that would be most beneficial to the most people.

Lesson 2: Interdependence in federation

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• list the subjects of sharing between the federal, provincial and local governments
• importance of interdependence for a strong federal system

• Pupil’s Book pages 92
• Skills Book page 35
1 87
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask students the meaning of interdependence. Give examples how producers are dependent
on consumers to continue having the capital and demand to stay in work and how consumers
are dependent on producers to get job so that they can afford to buy the goods and services
from producers.
2. Explain to students how communication is most important for a system to work efficiently.
If students do not share their problems with teachers, they cannot work out solutions for
them. If teachers fail to help students, the students cannot perform well. If teachers do
not convey the problems of students to their supervisors for additional help, the head
of the school will not know why there are complaints from students. This shows how
communication helps avoid chaos and work out problems by sharing information and
working together to resolve problems. Organs of governments are dependent on each
other for smooth functioning.
3. Explain to students what news and information the three organs (federal, provincial and
local) share with each other and that they do not interfere in each other’s decision making.
They coordinate for information and resources and hold ministers accountable for honest
actions for the betterment of citizens rather than serving personal interests.
4. Ask them to read page 92 and give them research tasks to find in what ways does the
school coordinate between management, teaching, security, admin, and cleaning staff for
smooth running of the school.
5. Ask students:
• how is the federal government dependent on the provincial government? (public
grievances, plans and budgets for public welfare, taxes)
• how is the federal government dependent on the local government? (grassroot access,
implementation of laws, taxes)
• how is the provincial government dependent on the federal government? (money,
safety, policies for conduct between other provinces and administrative zones)
• how is the local government dependent on the federal and provincial governments?
(affordable health insurance, building roads, airports, highway systems, and pollution
Steps for Skills Book page 35
1. Share the history of governments for students to trace the need for federal system for
diverse groups living together as one nation.
2. Ask students the difference between the role of federal and provincial governments. Both
governments have certain duties and are interdependent. Share examples of federations
around the world.
3. Students should be able to answer the exercise after discussion.

Answer for Skills Book page 35

Responsibilities of Federal Government Responsibilities of Provincial Government

making national budgets setting up schools
making new weapons making roads
war with other countries collecting taxes

88 1
b. Centralized powers are disproportionate and can be manipulated to favor some people
while most of the citizens suffer.
c. Answers may vary. USA, UAE, Germany, etc.

Further activities
Write and perform a skit on the 3 organs of government that reflects how they are
interdependent on each other for a democratic government and society. Example https://
2. Make a 3D booklet on government covering information like:
• Structure of government
• Names of incumbent chief minister
• Names of incumbent President and Prime Minister
• how are organs of government interdependent for information, funds and check and

Lesson 3: Rule of Law, constitution

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain why people have a laws
• differentiate between rules and laws
• explain the roles of constitution in governance

• Pupil’s Book pages 92-93
• Skills Book page 37 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Define rules (instructions about right and wrong behaviour) and laws (rules that everyone
has to follow to protect people and the things they own) to students for differentiation
and then ask them to brainstorm what rules and laws do they follow daily. Build over the
concept why it is essential for people to live together peacefully with justice. For example:

Rules Laws
be kind follow traffic lights
keeping hands to yourself follow street signs
pick after ourselves do not steal
only go down the slides keep public spaces clean by throwing
away trash in dustbins
raise your hand in class before speaking put on the seat belt when riding in a car
do not interrupt wear helmets when riding a bicycle or

1 89
2. Show videos from YouTube in class (example: https://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=tLhLRwvDA2c&ab_channel=AmazonPrimeVideo) or share the links on class
portals. Read page 93 and first paragraph on page 94. Discuss with students the importance
of rules and laws and brainstorm what are the pros and cons of living with rules and laws.
Give examples on what happens when people do not follow rules and laws (punishments,
lawlessness, chaos, injustice, etc.).
3. Introduce the concept of constitution as the rule book for governance that outlines what
laws can can be made and which laws cannot be passed if they are in contradiction to its
rules. Explain that constitution guarantees equal rights to all citizens and guarantees basic
human rights, free education, fair elections, freedom of expression and religion to all its
people. Read the 2nd paragraph and the bullets of 1973 constitution of Pakistan and ask
students to research more clauses of the constitution Pakistan follows today.
4. Ask students to suggest ten class rules and brainstorm penalties if anyone breaks those
Skills Book page 37 Values
1. the class that the exercise in the Skills Book will help them to understand fairness during
elections and how difficult it can be to conduct ‘fair’ elections.
2. Together, read the introduction. Before reading about the choices for the main courses,
ask if the election will be fair if everyone in the class votes for their ‘favourite’ meal. If
they answer in the negative or there is a mixture of yes/no answers invite some students
to explain. Then ask them to look at the pictures and read the captions. Then ask:
• Is it fair to the five vegetarians? (Ask the students to explain their answers.)
3. They should then read what the vegetarians said, and think about the suggestion that
there be a separate vote for a vegetarian main course. They should also read what the
non-vegetarians said. Ask:
• Why do the non-vegetarians think it is not fair to give the vegetarians a separate
vote? (The non-vegetarians who liked chicken might have wanted to make sure there
was a chicken course, or some of them might dislike lentils or be allergic to a food,
and so on, but they will not have a separate vote for chicken meals or meals without
lentils, etc.)
4. Divide the class into groups of four to discuss the final question:
• What do you think is fair?
They can then report back to the class and listen to one another’s explanations.
5. This could be linked to the request of the Muslim League for a separate vote and discuss
why it might seem fair to some people but not to others.
Answers to Skills Book page 37

Answers to Skills Book page 37

Answers will vary but should consider all the points mentioned in the steps to this
page of the Skills Book.

90 1
Further activities
1. Research and make a timeline tracing the set up of democratic states from monarchies to
2. Research and perform a skit on any civil rights movement from the history, for example
civil rights movement of pre-partition Subcontinent, the United States of America 1960s,
Northern Ireland of 1920s and 60s, etc.

Lesson 4: Role of leaders and citizens in democracy

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the importance of representation in a democracy
• explain the role of leaders in a democracy
• responsibility of citizens in a democracy

• Pupil’s Book pages 93-94
• Skills Book page 36
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Revisit the concept of democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for
the people. This means that this government is people’s government, it has representation
of people in the law-making assemblies that make laws which majority of the citizens
approve of.
2. Give examples of the previous lesson where Indians struggled for British to allow them
representation in law making bodies. If some groups of citizens are not represented, people
who do not understand their problems make laws which create bigger problems for them.
Such forms of government are not a democracy in spirit and letter.
3. Ask students to read page 93 and 94 and share that democracies allow leaders of political
parties to represent its followers. They get elected when citizens cast vote in elections and
choose the leader they strongly believe in. Ask:
• how does democracy protect diversity? (represents the will of the people who come
from diverse backgrounds, cultures, faith and face different problems)
• Which political party forms the government after the election? (the one with majority
members elected in the assembly)
• why are there more than one political party? (people from different economic and
social backgrounds make up political parties; they have different problems; they have
different solutions for a common problem, etc.)
• what is the job of the opposition in a legislative assembly? (keep a check and balance
on the policies and conduct of the government, ensure that the will of the people is
listened to.)
4. Ask students to read ‘Role of Pakistani citizen in a democracy’ on page 94. Ask students what
the difference between rights and responsibilities is. Explain to students the interdependence
of citizens in a democracy because if citizens do not perform their responsibilities or do it
selectively, their rights are not protected and provided.

1 91
Skills Book page 35
1. Explain to students that people in a democracy hold the most power through an activity.
For example, make students responsible for cleanliness in their classroom. Students may
elect monitors as representatives, but if the student body does not take care or keep a check
on how the monitors behave and perform their duties, their classroom will look shabby and
reflect poorly on them.
2. Discuss the right and responsibility of citizens to express their ideas and opinions. Help
students understand that it keeps them informed and helps them vote responsibly.
Encourage students to ask questions and to speak up when they don’t understand or agree
with what is discussed for participation and confidence.
3. Students should be able to answer the exercise after the discussion.

Answers to Skills Book page 35

1. a. Inequality of justice and opportunities will put democracy in danger. Some people
will enjoy rights more than others.
b. Citizens can participate in governance by voting in the elections, keeping themselves
informed, and protecting the rights of others.
Answers may vary. Parliamentarians can be held accountable through frequent
elections in political parties and through judiciary.

Further activities

1 . Ask students to vote for their class representative. Take 3 nominations from every student
and finalize three students with maximum recommendations. Ask the selected three
students to make speeches about how they plan to represent their class and help them.
Take a vote and make the winner, the class representative for the term.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 95

Positions Problems for resolution
Prime Minister improving relations with neighbouring countries, climate change
Chief Minister education policies, police reforms,
Nazim of your area garbage disposal,
B. 1. Political parties contest elections and try to improve the lives of citizens and the people
it represents by making laws that solves their problems. It is important for the political
parties to follow and respect the constitution to make sure the rights of all citizens are
represented and provided for.
2. The answer may vary: political parties are supported by people who have similar
ideas, problems, and demands. Different political parties have different ideas about
the supporters of a certain political party form a community that have similar ideas,
problems and demands. Each party has its own leader, and they have different plans
on running of the government.
3. keep check and balance on the government policies and conduct that they follow
constitution and make and implement laws according to majority demands.
4. without bias, treat others equally, respect civil rights for all citizens, be fair, should
not abuse public spaces like damage public property, laws, etc.
C. The answers will vary.
D. The answers will vary.

92 1
Unit 10 People of Pakistan

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit introduces demography (the study of population), including census, population
growth and population density.
It presents an introduction to the twenty or more different indigenous ethnic groups that
make up the population of Pakistan, many of which originated in ancient civilisations such
as the large regions of Gandhara and the Indus Valley, as well as centres such as Mehrgarh
(Balochistan), Mohenjo-Daro (Sindh),Taxila and Harappa (Punjab) Baltit Fort (Gligit-Baltistan)
and Takht-i-Bahi (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa). Each has its own traditions, culture and language
that have developed over the centuries. These are expressed in the music and dance, sports,
festivals, food and clothing that are special for those regions.
As well as presenting this variety among the population, the unit draws on the features that
unite the population: the national language (Urdu), the main religion (Islam), national dress
(shalwar qameez) and the shared values of respect and patriotism.
Each region has its own specialisms in industry, arts and crafts, some of which have developed
because of its climate, resources and traditions.
The students learn about:
• national and regional demography
• national and regional culture
• the benefits of a multicultural society
• diversity and unity
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students should
be able to:
• explain terms used in demography, such as ‘census’, ‘population growth’ and ‘population
• describe the factors that affect population increase, and its effects
• identify and describe the diverse cultural groups of Pakistan, focusing on aspects of their
culture, such as religion, language, arts and crafts, music and dance, food, dress, sports and
• identify the advantages of a multicultural society
• discuss nationalism and how people can cooperate in a multicultural society.
They will learn how to:
• use maps and their keys and scales to find out about population density
• ask questions and draw conclusions about variations in population growth and density
• identify the factors that create distinctive cultures
They will begin to understand:
• the factors that influence population growth and density
• why the government needs information about the nation’s population
• how different cultures develop within a nation
• the factors that link the people from diverse cultures across the nation

1 93
Lesson 1:

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• explain the importance of the national census
• use a key to interpret a population density map
• explain the meanings of “census”, “population growth” and “population density”

• Pupil’s Book pages 96-97
• atlases or a physical map of Pakistan
• Skills Book page 38 Population density
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the students that this lesson is about the population of Pakistan. Ask, “What does
population mean?” (The people of a country, province, city, town, village or other area).
2. Tell the students that most countries have a census to count the number of people living
there. The most common way of doing this is for local government to count the people in
its area by asking each household to fill in a form naming everyone who lives in it. The
form usually has questions about the members of the household, such as age, date of birth,
place of birth, nationality, occupation, religion, education.
3. Ask the students to read page 96 of the Pupil’s Book, including “It’s a Fact”, then check that
they understood it and clarify any difficult words.
4. Ask them to look at the map on page 96 of the Pupil’s Book and to say what they can find
out from it (the population density of different regions of Pakistan).
5. Ask them to read the key and then to point out the places that have the highest population
densities. Ask why they think the region-coloured deep red in the far south of the country
has a very high population density. (It is the area of Sindh around a large city (Karachi).
Ask what they notice about the population density of most of Balochistan. (It is very low).
Ask why they think this is. (The central and eastern parts have high mountains. The Kharan
desert is on the western side.) A small part of Balochistan is coloured orange. Ask: What
does this tell you? (Its population density is 200-400 – higher than the rest of the province.
Ask: Why is this? (It is around Quetta, a large city that is the capital of the province. Ask
what does the turquoise blue colouring of the north eastern part of the country tell you?
(There is no data for that area because it is disputed territory.)
6. Ask:
• When was the last census in Pakistan? (2017)
• What was the population of Pakistan in the 2017 census? (207,774,520 – two hundred
and seven million, seven hundred and seventy-four thousand, five hundred and twenty)
• What does “population density mean”? (The number of people per square kilometre)
7. The students can now complete the exercise at the top of page 97 in their notebooks.
Ask, “Why do you think the government collects all this information?” (So that they can
plan for services such as education, healthcare, public transport, and so on.) Ask them to
read the paragraph that follows the exercise at the top of page 97.

94 1
Skills Book steps page 38
1. Ensure that the students have an atlas showing a political map of Pakistan or access to a
large map or an online map. The map should show the provinces and regions and main
cities and towns.
2. Ask the students to use their map and to find the information from the map on page 96 that
will help them to complete this page.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 97

1. Population. 2. Demography. 3. Census.
4. Population density 5. Growth
Answers to Skills Book page 38
Down Across
1. government 2. demography
3. rural 4. census
7. ten 5. Punjab
9. skills 6. culture
8. density
10. illiteracy
11. population

Further activities
1. The students can check today’s population of Pakistan on the Worldometer website. (Click
on Population, then Population by country, then choose Pakistan. They will find that
fun as it will change over the course of a few minutes!
2. Do the same for other countries. Different students could record and compare the changes
of population in Pakistan and another country.
Lesson 2: Factors affecting population growth

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• name some factors that affect population growth
• interpret graphs, tables and charts of population changes
• explain why the populations of some regions change more quickly than others

• Pupil’s Book page 97
• Atlas or a physical map of Pakistan
• Skills Book page 39 Population growth
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the students that this lesson is about the population growth. Ask them to consider
what makes the population of a place increase (become bigger) and what makes it
decrease (become smaller). Factors they should include are: deaths, births, immigration
and emigration.
1 95
2. The students should now read page 97 of the Pupil’s Book. As them to consider what factors
make the birth rate high in some places but not others and what makes the death rate
higher in some places than in others. Also ask why some places might be affected more
than others by immigration and emigration.
3. They can now complete the exercise on page 97 in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps for page 39
1. Recall reasons and effect of high population growth in a country. Ask students to read
page 39 of Skills Book and discuss high population growth rate’s impact on:
• Environment (there will be more pollution, more deforestation for agriculture, mining,
industry, etc.)
• Society (lifestyle changes with more ideas for invention, urbanization, etc.)
• Economy (more taxes, more products, etc.)
2. Ask students to record the conditions that affect population growth. Examples include
natural changes (births and deaths), diseases, especially pandemics, health care, migration,
and education.
3. Students can answer the questions in the exercise after the discussion.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 97

1. People migrate to towns and cities for work and education. Homes are close together.
Rural areas have large areas of farmland, desert or mountains.
2. In rural areas people have larger families so that there are enough people to work on
their land.
3. Answers will vary and could include better health care, so that people live longer,
also when the population of one generation increases the next generation’s
population will always increase more, because it has a larger starting point.
Answers to Skills Book page 39
Answers will vary. Factors to discuss include increases in growth result from improved
healthcare, sanitation, water supplies, food supplies, immigration and the causes, such
as jobs and housing. Decreases in growth could result from poor health care, drought,
famine, global warming, natural disasters such as floods, wars, and diseases of
humans, animals and plants.

Further activities
1. Use World Population Clock to look at graphs that show the nation’s population growth.
Find out in which years the population has grown the most and the least. This could be
linked with the students’ studies of history.
2. Use World Population Clock to find out about places whose population growth has
increased the most or decreased the most in recent years and explore the reasons.

96 1
Lesson 3: Culture
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• identify and describe some of the diverse cultural groups of Pakistan, focusing on
variations in religion and language
• explain how language and religion also link these diverse groups as one nation

• Pupil’s Book pages 98-99
• atlases or a map of Pakistan
• some photos of buildings that have traditional Mughal architecture, such as the Badshahi
mosque, Lahore (page 99) or other famous buildings, such as: parts of Lahore Fort; Darbar
Mahal in Bahawalpur; the tomb of Jahangir in Lahore; the tomb of Shah Rukn-e-Alam in
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the students to look at a map of Pakistan in an atlas, a large, printed map or on the
internet. Ask them to name the provinces and regions and tell them that this lesson will
focus on some of the things that make life different in the different provinces and regions,
as well as what links these different areas as a nation.
2. Remind them that the people of Pakistan come from different civilisations that were
here many centuries ago and that different cultures developed in different regions of the
country, that many Pakistanis came here from other regions of the subcontinent after
Independence, and that some are immigrants from other countries.
3. Split the students into pairs or groups of three or four and give them a few minutes to
discuss and make a note of anything they can think of that makes up the culture of a group
of people and gives the group its identity. You could allocate a specific region to each
4. Invite feedback from each group, then ask what they know about that links all these
different cultures in one nation.
5. Ask the students what is the first thing they notice on page 98 of the Pupil’s Book (the
photograph of the Pakistan Monument in Islamabad). Tell them that this monument was
built as a symbol of the the unity of the people of Pakistan. It can be seen across the entire
Islamabad-Rawalpindi city area. Its flower shape is like the traditional muqarna designs of
Mughal architecture.
6. Show some photos of Mughal architecture so that the students can see the muqarna shapes.
Explain that the architect designed the Monument like this because: “We should learn from
history but not remain in it.” The seven petals, stand together to represent the nation of
Pakistan. The four large petals are for the four cultures of the people of Pakistan: Punjabi,
Balochi, Sindhi and Pakhtun. The three smaller petals are for Azad Kashmir and Gilgit
Baltistan. They surround the star and the crescent of the flag of Pakistan.
7. the students to read pages 98-99 of the Pupil’s Book. Ask them what distinguishes some of
the different cultures of Pakistan and what unites the people of these cultures as a nation.
8. The students can now complete the exercise on page 99 in their notebooks.

1 97
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 99
A 1. Ways of life of people from a community or country, including everything they do
to express themselves, such as art, music, dance, dress, rituals, games, religion and
2. T
 he unity of the people of a country through shared aspects of their lives, such as
language, religion, dress, and values.
3. Focusing on their similarities and what they share, rather than on differences.
B. Answers will vary but should include the idea of a shared method of communication.

Further activities
Set homework for the students to find out about a culture of their choice that is prevalent
in a part of Pakistan that they choose. This could be a culture they have read about, seen
on television or know about through their family. Ask them to make notes that can be
continued while they are working on this unit. To begin with, they could focus on languages,
religions, customs and traditions. This could be compiled in notebooks or on their computer
or tablet. They should begin by writing notes under the headings Language and Religion
and values. They will add more headings to focus on following lessons 4 and 5.

Lesson 4: Family, Food, Clothing, Sports, Arts and crafts and Cultural
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• identify and describe some of the diverse cultural groups of Pakistan, focusing on
variations in their ways of life, including regional food, dress, sport and festivals
• explain how sport, festivals and celebrations, dress and values link these diverse
groups as one nation

• Pupil’s Book pages 100- 102
• Skills Book page 40 Culture
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the students that this lesson is about the different cultures in Pakistan, beginning
with the special culture of families.
2. Having completed a mind map for Lesson 1, ask them to set out their own mind maps
with the central heading “Family”. They will need a large sheet of paper or extend this
across two pages of their notebooks. They should add other headings around the central
heading, as shown below (and any other useful headings they think of):
Please insert a diagram for a mind map, as shown, but with oval shapes rather than
Other useful headings for the mind map: Meeting, How we communicate, What we do
together, Helping each other, Favourite foods that we share.

98 1
Living nearby
Living in my home


Living father away

Living in other in Pakistan

3. Allow the students a few minutes to make notes on their mind maps. Remind them to write
briefly, not in sentences, and where possible using one-word notes.
4. Invite feedback from individuals. Then ask the class what similarities there are between
these and their own families. List these on the board under the headings “Food”, “Clothing”,
and “Interests and activities”.
5. Ask the students in what ways the things they do with their families might differ from those
who live in a different region of Pakistan. Discuss the reasons for this: traditions, local arts
and crafts, local events and celebrations, sports and festivals.
6. Ask what they think are the similarities between families from different regions (“How are
they alike?”)
7. The students should then read pages 100-102 of the Pupil’s Book and make a note of
anything they do not understand. Allow time at the end of the lesson to answer their
Steps for Skills book page 40
Ask students to recall what everyday habits and activities make a culture and then
brainstorm three statements that explain their classroom culture. (Answers may vary)
2. Ask students how people from the same area can have similar and different cultural habits.
3. Ask students to work in pairs and share what Pakistani cultural habits and activities they
like the most.
4. Discuss changes and adaption in cultures over time (cuisine, music, celebrations, etc.)
5. Students should be able to answer the exercise after discussion.

Answers to Skills Book page 40

1. Geography, language, food, arts, etc.
2. Answers may vary.
3. Answers may vary.

1 99
Further activities
The students should continue their investigations of another culture in Pakistan, which they
began after the previous lesson. To the previous headings of Language and Religion, they
should add the headings: Family, Food, Clothing, Sports, Arts and crafts and Cultural festivals

Lesson 5: Benefits of a multicultural society

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• identify and describe some of the benefits of a multicultural society
• identify some of the challenges that might arise in a multicultural society and the reasons
for them
• consider how to resolve any difficulties through cooperation

• the student’s notes from the previous two lessons on their investigations of different cultures
• Pupil’s Book pages 103-104
• Skills Book page 41 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Invite individual students to use their notes from their homework to help them to tell the
class what they have found out about the culture they investigated.
2. Ask the class to name some benefits that come from having different cultures within one
nation. List these on the board.
3. Ask about the problems that might arise when there is a mixture of cultures within a nation.
List these on the board. They might include religious or racial prejudice or gender bias.
4. Ask them to consider what is important when facing a problem like this. Draw out the
importance of understanding and tolerance of other people’s views and traditions, and
5. Ask the students to read pages 103-104 of the Pupil’s Book. They should then complete the
exercise on page 104 in their notebooks.
Steps for Skills book page 41 Values
1. Read page 41 of Skills book and ask students:
• How can we respect diversity (by learning about them, appreciating them, accepting
them, etc.)
• What actions reflect intolerance? (Making fun of others, encouraging inequality,
spreading misinformation about people we do not like, etc.)
2. Brainstorm the benefits of a tolerant multicultural society and an intolerant on the board.
3. Students can answer the exercise after discussion and phrases from the board.

100 1
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 104
A 1. Foods such as meat, fish and lentils cooked with spices: biryani, qorma, shawarma,
tandoori and kebab, with rice and vegetables.
2. Answers will vary but should refer to some of the arts and crafts that regions of
Pakistan are famous for: carpets from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; onyx,
embroidery, caps and shoes from Balochistan; embroidery and beadwork from
Kashmiri cultures; stone carving in the north west; meena kari; enamelling and
carved wooden furniture from Chiniot in Punjab; mirror work and Ajrak from
Sindh; earthenware pottery from Rawalpindi; and truck and rickshaw painting and
calligraphy that has its own distinctive style in different regions.
3. Answers will vary but should take into account the ideas of working towards
common goals; collaboration; tolerance and adaptability.
Answers to Skills Book page 41 Values
4. Answers will vary.
5. Intolerant societies do not allow freedom of speech to all and encourage inequality.

Further activities
1. Collect examples of how multicultural societies have solved, or are still working on solving
problems together both in Pakistan and in other countries where Pakistanis have migrated.
These could include problems in sport, in neighbourhoods and in work situations. Split the
students into groups of three or four to identify how the problem started and, if it
continued for some time, why this was; how people began to identify the problem and
the steps taken to solve it.
The students can complete the crossword puzzle on Skills Book page ?? check their
learning from this unit.
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 105
A. Answers will vary, for example (goods): food, water, materials such as wood and fuel;
(services): healthcare; communication systems such as telephones systems, internet
provision, railways and roads. Explanations will vary but should focus on how different
people would suffer through shortages and how industries would be affected.
Answers will vary but should include information from this unit as well as extra
information from the students’ own research projects.

1 101
Unit 11 Citizenship

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit explores the concept of citizenship. It presents the definition of a citizen and builds
on the students’ previous learning that if one has rights, one also has responsibilities. The
students learn more about the rights and responsibilities of a citizen. They also learn about
human rights that have been agreed internationally. Some of these are explored in more
detail, for example: freedom of speech.
The students’ previous learning about global and digital citizenship, including online
etiquette, is developed. They have opportunities to explore the implications of freedom of
speech, as well as peace, tolerance and diversity, including how to resolve conflicts. The
students will learn about the rights and responsibilities of citizens (national, global and
online), the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and how to resolve conflicts.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book most students
should be able to:
• understand and explain the meaning of citizenship
• give examples of the rights and responsibilities of a citizen
• identify their role and responsibilities as a ‘digital citizenship’ by giving examples
• name some of the human rights set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
• find out ways to resolve conflicts
They will learn how to:
• behave as a good citizen of their country and internationally
• observe digital etiquette
• resolve conflicts
They will begin to understand:
• the rights and responsibilities of all citizens
• digital citizenship
• the need to uphold people’s human rights
• the ways in which people with different views can resolve conflicts.

Lesson 1:
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• explain the meaning of citizenship
• list and describe some civic rights and civic responsibilities
• set out what they can do to be good citizens of their country

• Pupil’s Book page 106
• Skills Book page 42 Civic rights and responsibilities
• a passport (the students need not be shown the details within)

102 1
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Show the students a passport. (You need only show the cover.) Ask them what this document
is and what information it contains. Then ask what a passport means, and what makes it
very important. Explain that a passport proves a person’s identity as a citizen of a country.
They have the right to live in that country.
2. Ask what rights citizens have in their country. From previous learning, they might remember
some of these rights, such as: education; the right to practise their religion; to travel within
and outside their country, buy property there, and vote in elections.
3. They should now read page 106 of the Pupil’s Book up to the exercise.
4. Ask them what they have learned from this page. They should have realised that anyone
who has rights as a citizen also has responsibilities.
5. The students can now complete the exercise on page 106 in their notebooks.
Skills Book steps page 42 Civic rights and responsibilities
1. Remind the students that they are citizens and ask them to consider how the rights and
responsibilities of citizenship affect them and their families.
2. They could work in pairs to complete the Skills Book activity.
3. After they have completed this, invite feedback from the students. They could contribute
to a classroom display set out like the Skills Book page, but larger, to which they can add
illustrated examples.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 106

1. Belonging to a country.
2. Travel; buy property in their country; vote in its elections; protest to bring attention to
wrongs or about or neglected situations; practise their religion.
3. Knowing about community issues; paying taxes; following the law; acting responsibly in
public spaces and buildings; paying taxes; protecting the rights of all.
Answers to Skills Book page 42
Answers will vary.

Further activities
1. Collect and discuss examples from newspapers about people acting as responsible citizens.
2. Collect and discuss examples of people not being able to have their rights as citizens (of
any country).

Lesson 2: Digital citizenship

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• define digital citizenship
• explain the terms “code of conduct”, “globalisation” and “etiquette”
• explain why the populations of some regions change more quickly than others

• Pupil’s Book pages 107-108
1 103
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Display the heading “Digital Citizenship” and invite individuals to define this. They should
know that “digital” usually refers to online activities They have learned the meaning of
citizenship, so they should be able to work towards a definition of digital citizenship.
2. Ask them to consider the rights of online citizens, which are similar in many ways to those
of citizens of a nation, such as: treating others with respect; being honest in what they do
and say; obeying rules; behaving safely (taking responsibility for their own online safety
and doing what they can to help others to stay safe). Remind them of the term “digital
footprint” and ensure that they know its meaning (the material they put online, which can
be copied before they have time to delete it, and shared with others). Ask what they think
they should do before sharing or posting anything online. (Think about how it might affect
others, and who; and how it might affect themselves later – even many years later.
3. Ask the students what they understand about global citizenship (citizenship that is shared
by everyone in the world). Like any citizenship, it involves rights and responsibilities.
4. Read page 107 and the top section of page 108 of the Pupil’s Book with the students,
perhaps with individuals taking turns to read a paragraph. Explain any new or difficult
words as they come across them.
5. Ask them to close their books and to see if they can remember the “10 social etiquettes for
kids”. They could list these in a table set out as follows:

10 Social Etiquettes for Kids

Do Do not

6. The students should then check that they have included all ten and add any that they
missed out. They could also try to think of any others that would be useful but are not
included in any of the existing ones.
7. Ask the students to write a checklist to consider before posting anything online: text,
photographs, drawings or videos. As they write the checklist, points to draw their
attention to, if necessary, include:
• whether it is true (have you checked?)
•  hether it shares information about you that should be kept private
• whether it shows respect for others
• how it will affect anyone else (think about privacy and the views of others)
8. S ummarise the lesson by pointing out that, in many ways digital citizenship is like any type
of citizenship. People’s behaviour online should follow similar rules to their behaviour in
any setting.
Further activities
1. H
 ave a class discussion about how to stay safe online, beginning with whether you know
the people who contact you; the clues to look for to check whether they are really who
they say they are; the questions you can ask; the information you should never share. The
students could use the discussion to help them to write a “Digital safety checklist” that
could be displayed in the classroom or on the school website.

104 1
2. C
 onsider online “influencers” and discuss how to decide whether or not an “influencer” or
any well-known person is a good role model. The students can do this for homework and
share their ideas in class. They should support any opinions they express with facts that
they have checked using a reliable source and keep a note of this.

Lesson 3: Human rights

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• describe the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and name some of the human
rights that were agreed by the nations that signed it in 1948
• explain the importance of freedom of speech
• define peace, tolerance and diversity and give examples of how to try to resolve a

• Pupil’s Book pages 108-109
• Skills Book page 43 Human Rights
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the students what they have heard about human rights. They might have seen, heard
or read news items about abuses of human rights.
2. Tell them that a list of the human rights everyone should have been set out in 1948 by the
General Assembly of the United Nations. Explain that the United Nations is an international
organisation that was set up in 1945, just after the Second World War. Its purpose is to keep
international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations and promote
social progress, better living standards and human rights. Any sovereign state of the world
can be a member. Each state has equal representation (equal voting rights), whatever the
size of its population. A sovereign state is a state with a definite territory; runs its own
government and is not ruled by another power.
3. Tell the students that one of the first tasks of the United Nations was to work on an
international agreement of human rights that everyone has. They should now read the
section of page 108 of the Pupil’s Book headed Human rights, including “It’s a Fact”.
4. Split the class into pairs or small groups and ask them to discuss and make a note of the
rights they think everyone has that cannot be taken away. When the groups have compiled
a list, even if there is not time to complete it, invite feedback, and write their responses on
the board.
5. Tell the students that they can now check whether their answers were correct and whether
they have missed any by reading the top part of page 109 of the pupil’s Book. It will be
useful to read this with them to ensure that they understand each item in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
6. Ask the class if they can think of people who are being stopped from having any of these
rights. They could refer to items from the news. Ask: Who is taking away their rights? Why?
What can they do about it? How are others trying to help?
7. The students should now read the rest of page 109 of the Pupil’s Book. Ensure that they
understand any new or difficult terms, such as: conscience; “presumption of innocence”

1 105
(believing that a person is innocent unless proved guilty); “freedom of assembly and
association” (being free to meet with others and share larger meeting with others); servitude
(similar to slavery, being forced to do very hard work in poor conditions or for too long,
not being paid fairly); “recognition of the legal personality” (having their legal rights
recognised); asylum (shelter or protection from harm); “democratic participation” ( being
able to vote where they are a citizen); “freedom of opinion and expression” (freedom of
speech); unionisation (in a workplace, being allowed to be a member of a trade union);
“arbitrary detention” (being kept prisoner without a trial or any proven guilt).
8. Ask them what they understand about freedom of speech. Ask: Does it mean that people can
say whatever they like, where they like? Discuss what should be considered, for example:
truth, not causing offence, respecting others, including their cultures and beliefs.
9. The students now have an opportunity to refresh and develop their previous learning
about resolving conflicts. Ask: How would you begin to resolve a conflict, for example: a
disagreement with a friend or family member. They should know about the importance of
focusing on what they agree about, rather than the point they disagree over; agree what
the problem is; think of solutions that might work; share and discuss these solutions; be
willing to give way to some of the other person’s wishes; if necessary, ask someone you
trust to be a mediator.
10. The students can now complete the exercise on page 110 in their notebooks.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 110

1. Answers will vary but should refer to the fact that taking away someone’s human rights
sets an example that others can be mistreated.
2. To uphold human rights for all.
B. Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 43

1. We have the right to our thoughts and expression of our opinions.

2. We are all equal before the law and enjoy its equal protection.

3. We have the right to fair and public trial.

4. Everyone has the right to get an education.

106 1
5. We have the right to social security and getting economic, social, and
cultural help from our government.

6. We have the right to seek asylum in another country if we are persecuted

in our own.

7. No one has the right to hold anyone in slavery.

8. Everyone has the right to follow a religion.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 111

A. Answers will vary but should include examples of online activity that includes:
a. fact-checking,
b. respecting freedom of speech.
B. Answers will vary but should include the words at the top of the table.

Further activities
Set homework for the students to find out about an example in which people’s human rights
were taken away, and how the United Nations helped, or is helping, to restore them. This
could be historical, recent or at the present time.
Lesson 4: Peace, tolerance, and diversity
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to
• describe the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and name some of the human rights
that were agreed by the nations that signed it in 1948
• explain the importance of freedom of speech
• define peace, tolerance and diversity and give examples of how to try to resolve a conflict

• Pupil’s Book pages 110
• Skills Book page 44 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask students to contrast physical and cultural similarities and differences of their class
fellows. Ask:
• How many types of diverse groups can they name in their class? (Answers will vary and
can be as simple as girl and boy or complicated as ethnic groups -write them on the
board for activity)
• How do these different groups express their happiness and anger? (Answers will vary-
1 107
2. Explain to students that a common and an overly simple picture or opinion of a person,
group, or thing is called a stereotype. Ask students to share their lists and write them on
the board for discussion. Give students a few moments to consider those phrases. Then ask
them to share their reactions. Lead students to the conclusion that the statements are too
general to be true; encourage them to recognize that it is unfair to make such sweeping
3. Read page 110 and discuss how can students be tolerant in their classroom and in their
digital interactions.
4. Discuss the importance of equal rights and responsibilities for all citizens. Ask students:
• How do they celebrate Eid?
• How is it different from Eid celebrations from Muslims living in other non-Muslim
• How will they feel if they are completely discouraged to celebrate their cultural
5. Ask students the most effective ways in which they have resolved conflicts between friends
and siblings. Ask students to work in pairs and share a hypothetical conflict. Engage
students by applying the given methods for resolution on Pupil’s book page 110. Instil the
importance of keeping a calm head, making compromise, and taking help.
Skills Book steps page 44 Values
1. Statements that show tolerance and inclusivity:
• We may seem different but share similar values.
• You are different from me, but I’d like to know more about you.
• We have different beliefs. I would like to know more about your faith.
• You speak differently. It must be fun to know many languages. Can you teach me some
of it?
• Your style is unique.
2. a. 
understand b. 
respect c. 
embrace d. 

Answers for Pupil’s Book page 110

A. 1. If the rights of one person or a group of people are taken away from them, an
example is set that other people or groups can be mistreated, too.
2. These rights are universal, which means they are for all, because everyone is born
with them whatever their race, ethnicity, gender, religion, culture, or the country
where they live. It says that these rights cannot be taken away from anyone.
B. Answers may vary

108 1
Answers for Pupil’s Book page 111
A. Answers may vary. Both situations can lead to
bullying, not respecting privacy, and spreading
B. Dos and Don’ts in conflict
Do Don’t
listen argue
cooperate interrupt
collaborate judge
share criticise
reassure ignore
honesty yell
compassion laugh

1 109
Unit 12 The role of media

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit helps the students to learn about some important developments in communication
technology in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries such as postage, the electric
telegraph, railway communication systems, newspapers, and radio.
The unit also explores how advances in technology opened up new ways in which people
could send and receive messages, e.g., greetings, warnings, questions, announcements, news,
advertisements, etc. It explores the role and influence of the media on communication and
provides an opportunity for students to discuss how the media can influence people’s
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book, most students should
be able to:
• describe the history of the postal system in Pakistan
• explain how the electric telegraph was developed and how it worked
• describe the development of railways, railway signalling, and how the early signalling
system worked
• explain and describe the development of printing which led to newspapers, and retell the
history of newspapers in Pakistan
• describe the history of radio broadcasting around the world and particularly in Pakistan
• explain how the media can influence people
They will learn how to:
• find out about the past through reading and from photographs and objects from the past
• investigate objects from the past by making and using models
They will begin to understand:
• how new technology can change the way things are done
• how the opinions or biases of a speaker, writer, photographer, or television producer can
influence the audience
Lesson 1: Sending messages

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• describe the historic Indus Valley postal system and how the British developed it
• explain the use and working of the electric telegraph
• explain how the speed of communication increased throughout history, especially in the
19th and 20th centuries
• Pupil’s Book pages 107–108
• Skills Book page 54 The electric telegraph

110 1
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the class what they remember from the previous lessons about the way mail was
sent long ago in the Indus Valley. Remind them that for a long time, people in the Indus
Valley sent messages by runners—people whose job was to run from one place to another
carrying messages. Explain that the runners would each have their own ‘run’ that went
from one ‘station’ to another. If any of their messages had to go any farther they would
hand them over to another runner. Read the first two paragraphs of page 107 with the
class so that they can find out how the British developed this mail system and introduced
postage stamps here.
2. Ask the students what they remember from Unit 10 about inventions that helped to speed
up communication. Ask:
• Do you remember what you read about the electric telegraph? (Tell them that they can
find out more about it on this page and ask them to read to the end of the page.)
• How were the messages sent? (Electricity and magnetism were used, and the messages
were sent in a code.)
• What is a code?
Explain that a code is when you exchange the letters of a word for other letters, numbers,
or symbols, and if they are sent along wires, electronic signals that can be read as symbols.
A very simple code is to use numbers instead of letters of the alphabet A = 1, B = 2, C = 3, D
= 4, etc. The students could complete a chart as shown in the following example and then
write some words using the code or they could tap the numbers for someone listening, e.g.
4 taps = D):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

3. Together read, ‘It’s a Fact’ so that the students can find out how the electric telegraph
sent coded messages. Explain that the telegraph operator tapped the signalling machine
to send each letter of a word (usually as a series of slow and quick taps). The message
receiver printed out the message as dots (.) for quick taps and dashes (–) for slow taps.
4. The students can then complete the exercise on page 108.
Skills Book steps
1. Tell the class that they are going to learn how the electric telegraph sent messages and
what they looked like when the receiver printed them. Explain that the Morse code was
named after its inventor and became an international code.
2. Ask the students to read the introduction to this page and to study the code. Ask them how
they would tap these letters and numbers: T E Z 3 A 16 R. Then ask:
• Which letters are the quickest to tap? (E and T because only one dot or dash is used)
• Why do you think these letters were given a very quick code: just one dot or one
dash? (The inventor was British and the language he used was English. In English the
letters E and T are used more than any others.)
3. They can now follow the instructions and complete the page.

1 111
Further activities
1. The students could use a page of English text to check how many times each letter occurs
and to appreciate how the Morse code was devised.
2. They could record their findings on a chart. Here is an example that is partially filled in:

Letter Tally Total

A |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| 137
|||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
|||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||||
B |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| 45
C |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| |||| ||| 48

Note that the tally is one stroke or line for each time the letter is counted (|). The fifth
stroke or line is made horizontally across the previous four (||||). This makes it easy to count
the total.
3. Ask the students if they think this code would work for other languages such as Urdu. If
not, how would they change the code? They could work in groups to investigate this during
language lessons.

Lesson 2: Railway communications

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain how railway signalling developed
• explain how signals are used in communications and their development with improved

• Pupil’s Book pages 108–109
• Skills Book page 55 The railway signal
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin the lesson by asking:
• Have you seen the signals used on railways? (Tell them that modern railways mainly
use electric signals that light up. However, the first railways had no signals as
signalling was done manually by people.)
2. Read page 108 ‘Railway communications’ and ask:
• If someone walked ahead of the train waving a flag, what does this tell you about
the speed of the train? (It was very slow!)
• How did they signal? (With their arms and hands. Tell them that the first steam-
powered locomotives that pulled trains were not very fast but the later the ones were
much faster, even faster than cars.)

112 1
• What have you found out about old railway signals? (They looked like straight arms at
the tops of tall poles. A signalman moved them up and down.)
• What was the main problem with these signals? (Train drivers couldn’t see them if it
was dark or foggy.)
3. Read the first two paragraphs on page 109 with the class. Ask:
• Why were there a lot of crashes? (Drivers couldn’t tell if there was a train standing on
the track ahead unless they could see it and it took a long time to get a message to a
train a long way down the track.)
• Which new invention helped? (the electric telegraph)
• In what other way was electricity helpful? (It could be used to operate signals and
move pieces of the railway track.)
4. The students can then complete the exercise on page 109.
Skills book steps
1. Tell the students that they can learn how old railway signals worked from this exercise.
Ask them to look at the train signals key, and read it with them. Make sure they understand
the signals. They could practise using their arms to give the signals: Stop, Caution, and
Clear. You could play a game. Call out a signal for the students to make with their arms.
Anyone getting it wrong should drop out until there is only one student left. If they are
all getting the signals right, the student who shows the signal last drops out.
2. Read the introduction with the class and ask them to draw the correct signals for each
place on the map. They should look out for other trains and for stations and junctions
(places where tracks join).

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 109

A. 1. Drivers couldn’t tell if there was a train stuck on the track ahead and it took a
long time to get a message across long distances.
2. the electric telegraph
3. Signals and parts of tracks could be moved using electric switches.
4. Coloured lights could be used. Drivers could see these in the dark and the fog.
They were bright enough to show in the daytime too.
B. No answers. The children could try various ways of sending a message e.g. using
pieces of card or cloth, or flags of different colours, with different colours having a
different meaning; different sounds. They should test their ideas, measuring the
longest distance over which they could send a message.
Answers to Skills Book page 55
Train A to Green Hill: signal should show caution.
Train B to Green Hill: signal should show clear.
Train C to Blue Lake: first signal should show clear, second signal should show caution.
Further activities
1. Make a class museum on old railways. The students could bring in photographs, postcards,
magazines, and objects their families are willing to loan. They should label each and
make a short information panel about it to display in the ‘museum’.
2. Also they could ‘interview’ older people who remember the old railways and write about
the interview.

1 113
Lesson 3: The news in print
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and describe different ways in which news has been spread in the past
• explain how newspapers developed and the impact of the news provided

• Pupil’s Book pages 114-115
• Skills Book steps page 46 Values
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Ask the class how they think people used to spread news before there were newspapers,
radio, and so on. For example, they could read the news out loud in public places, write
notices and put them in public places, or send signals in code that could be seen or heard a
long way off. The people receiving the news would have to know the code.
• How long ago do you think the first newspaper was printed? (Discuss what they have
learned about printing from Book 4, Unit 11 Printing and Books. It was printed in Germany
in 1609.)
2. Ask them to read ‘The news in print’ on page 114 to find out about the early newspapers in
the subcontinent. Ask:
• Which language was used for the first newspapers in the subcontinent? (English)
• Why? (The British ruled most of the subcontinent and many people here spoke English.)
• Did the newspapers just give facts about the news? (No. They also gave opinions or tried
to influence people.)
• What happened if these opinions were anti-British? (The editors were sacked or sent to
prison and a newspaper could even be closed.)
3. Ask the students to read the paragraph on page 115. Ask:
• Who founded the newspaper, Dawn? (Muhammad Ali Jinnah )
• In which language was it printed? (English)
• Why do you think it was in English? (It might have been that though the people of the
subcontinent spoke many different languages, most spoke English too. It could be read
by more people if it was in English.)
• In which city was Dawn founded? (Delhi)
• Where is it published today? (Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad)
• How did the editor of Dawn use the newspaper to influence people in 1946? (He urged
Muslims to take part in protests to support the partition of the subcontinent.)
4. Read ‘It’s a Fact’ at the bottom of page 115 with the class. Ask:
• What do you know about the newspaper Dawn? (Perhaps they have it at home.)
• Can you name three other Muslim newspapers from the time of independence? (Morning
News, Jang, and Anjam)
• In which languages were they printed? (Morning News was in English; Jang and Anjam
were in Urdu.)

114 1
5. Read the exercise on page 115 with the students and ask them to think about each sentence
before writing True or False. They should correct the false sentences.
Skills Book steps (Page 46 Values)
1. Review what the students have learned about facts and opinions in newspapers.
2. Highlight the difference between facts and opinions in a newspaper by reviewing a
newspaper in your class and sorting the information as a fact or opinion.
3. Share the following information with reference to chapter Struggle for independence, and
• Why do you think the editor of the first (British) newspaper in the subcontinent got
sacked and sent back to Britain when he criticized the British East India Company in his
newspaper? (He was punished for speaking against those in power.)
• Why was another editor of a British newspaper fined by the East India Company and
imprisoned when he wrote about its corruption and suffering of the native Indians? (The
Company did not want its corruption exposed or any attention drawn to the people’s
suffering because it was responsible for their misery.)
• Were those British editors writing just facts or also opinions? (They wrote facts but in a
way that showed their opinions.)
• Do you think newspapers should print only facts or should they give opinions? (Let the
students express their ideas and then discuss it with a friend or a small group before
writing their answers and reasons in the speech bubbles on this page.)

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 115

A. 1. False. There were newspapers that sold all over the subcontinent, including Dawn.
2. True
3. True
B. Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 46
Answers will vary

Further activities
1. The students could choose a newspaper to research. Ask them to find out who founded it,
where and when it was founded, and in what language.
2. They could write the information about each paper on a card, with the name of the
newspaper at the top, and file these alphabetically to form a database, or enter the
information into a computer database.

Lesson 4: The news on air and advertising

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain how radio broadcasting developed at the beginning of the 20th century,
particularly in the subcontinent
• describe the importance of radio broadcasting for large numbers of people
• explain how technological developments in the media opened new ways of advertising
goods and services in the early 20th century

1 115
• Pupil’s Book pages 116-117
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin the lesson by asking:
• When was the radio invented?
• Did you grandparents have radios?
• Did your great-grandparents have radios when they were young? (They probably did,
because by 1947 radios were very common across the subcontinent.)
2. Read page 116 with the class and ask:
• What were the first radio programmes? (news)
Who were the early radio broadcasters, and why did they start radio stations?
(governments: to send out news; radio manufacturers and department stores: to sell
radios; newspapers: to broadcast news and opinions)
3. Discuss the development of the radio in the subcontinent by asking:
• When did the radio come to the subcontinent?
• Who was the first broadcaster?
• Who took over?
• What did they name the broadcasting company?
4. Discuss information about the radio. Ask:
• Why was the radio called a ‘wireless’? (No wires linked the transmitter to the receiver.)
5. Ask the students to look at the photographs and read the captions. Then invite volunteers
to say what they have observed in them. (what radios looked like in the 1940s, why they
were called ‘wirelesses’, the location of Radio Pakistan)
6. They can then read ‘It’s a Fact’ on page 116 to find out how the subcontinent got its first
wireless radio transmitter. Ask the students to read the next page and ask:
• How many radio stations did Pakistan have when the country was created in 1947?
• Who took over these radio stations?
• What was the name of the new radio broadcasting company?
• When and where did television broadcasting begin?
• What is the name of the world’s first public television broadcasting service?
Explain that public service broadcasting means ‘broadcasting for the benefit of the people
rather than just to make money’.
7. Begin with a discussion about when advertising began. Students might think it began
when the media developed in the 19th and early 20th centuries: newspapers, radio, and
8. Ask the students to read paragraphs for advertising from page 117 and describe ways in which
advertisers attract people’s attention and ensure that they continue reading, listening, or
watching. They entertain by singing, dancing, reciting rhymes, telling ‘mini stories’, etc. The
students could give examples from modern advertisements they have heard, read, or watched.
9. Students should attempt the CD activity and could then discuss how advertising has changed
over the years.
10. The students can then complete the exercise on page 117.

116 1
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 117
A. 1. The Indian Broadcasting Company
2. All India Radio
3. Yes, because All India Radio had three radio stations here.
4. No, because Pakistan Television began in 1964.
B. Answers will vary.
C. Answers will vary but should consider that there were several newspapers in the
subcontinent at that time and many people had radios but very few had television sets.

Further activities
1. Help the students to make a timeline of radio broadcasting in the subcontinent. They
should begin by drawing a line on which to write the important dates. This could be drawn
horizontally across a page, ready for the dates to be written on it, beginning with the
earliest on the left.
2. Ask them to read the information given in the Pupil’s Book again and to make a note of
the important dates and what happened during those years. They should write the earliest
date at the left-hand end of the timeline and the latest date at the other end. They can
then mark the timeline off in blocks of 25 years and use a calculator to work out how much
space to leave between the 25-year markers.
3. Once the timeline is created the students should write a heading for each key event and
link it to the timeline.
4. Help the students to collect copies of pictures of old advertisements for a wall display.
5. They could also find out from older members of their families about advertisements they
remember, from newspapers, magazines, radio, or television. Tell them that advertising is
known to have been used since ancient times—writing persuasive messages on the media
of the time, for example, papyrus, wood, or stone.)
6. The students could draw and write about these.

Lesson 5: Social and mass media

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain the difference between the roles of social and mass media in today’s life
• describe the responsibilities of social and mass media to inform and entertain people

• Pupil’s Book pages 118-119
• Skills Book page 45
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin the lesson by asking:
• What applications do they use on their phones?
• Do they believe everything they read or see on the Internet?
• Is there a difference between social media and mass media?

1 117
2. Ask students to read pages 118 and discuss the different roles and responsibilities of social
and mass media. Ask the following questions:
• which medium is more entertaining?
• which medium is more reliable for news and information?
• which medium is faster?
• which medium has a greater reach?
3. Read ‘It’s a fact!’ on page 118 and explain to students the importance of regulations
(rules) on internet. Discuss all the ways irresponsible behaviour on the Internet is harmful
(bullying, misinformation, advertising for scams, etc.) and Pakistan has national Response
Center which investigates people involved in cybercrime for justice.
4. Brainstorm all the ways social media and mass media has benefited and caused problems in
modern life. Ask students to read page 119 and discuss responsibilities of users (consumers)
to share information with honesty and respect other people’s diverse opinions, cultures and
Skills Book steps page 45
1. Start with a review of mass and social media and ask about the most reliable and most
famous mass and social media platforms they know of.
2. Ask the class to survey (inquire and note) the number of students using mass and social
media in the class.
3. The students can then list the newspapers on the chart in order of date, beginning with the
oldest, and then complete the information.
4. Arrange the mediums in terms of popularity in exercise 2.
5. Students will research the most popular mass media forms like local newspapers, radio
channels, and local TV channels. Students will fill out exercise 3.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 119

1. a. Mass media is quick and has an unlimited audience. It entertains and informs and
works under rules and regulations.
b. Social media has a smaller audience with instant sharing options. The advertisements
are shared according to people’s preference and has less rules and regulations.
Mass media has a large unlimited audience because many people cannot afford
cellphones or computers and do not know how to use them. Most people are dependent
on newspapers, television and radio for information and entertainment.
3. Mass media.
B. Yes. Explanations will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 45
Answers will vary

Further activities
1. Help students understand the role of social media in pressurizing institutions for political
actions and social welfare like convincing businesses to switch to paper or cloth bags instead
of plastic, political revolutions that started due to social media, etc.

118 1
2. Make students think, pair, and share their experiences on social media about peer pressure
and bullying. Instill rules of responsible cyber citizenship to encourage respect for freedom
of expression and diversity.
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 120
A. 1. They could use the British mail system that developed from the old Scinde Dawk.
2. They started to use horses and camels instead of human runners.
3. by electric telegraph
4. It meant people had the electric telegraph, and enabled inventors to create radio
and television.
B. Answers will vary. They should consider the number of people who could receive news
via each of these media, who broadcast the news and how biased it might be, what news
was broadcast or printed and what might be omitted, who could understand it, whether
they were likely to get the news in a language they knew, and how many people in
different places might have been able to read at the time.

1 119
Unit 13 Trade

Background knowledge for the unit

This unit helps the students to learn the meaning of trade, including vocabulary connected
with trade: market, goods, services, licence, retail, economy, trading partner, export, and
import. They will have come across some of these terms in previous learning in history,
geography, and civics.
The main focus of the unit concerns Pakistan’s trade—within the country, across the
subcontinent, and with overseas trading partners. The students learn about our country’s
most important products and services and also about its main imports and exports.
There are also opportunities to consider the ethics of trade and industry and how care for
the environment can guide our buying habits.
Expected learning outcomes for the unit
When they have completed this unit in the Pupil’s Book and Skills Book, most students
should be able to:
• explain the meaning of trade
• describe the key vocabulary concerning trade
• identify and list Pakistan’s main products and key imports and exports
• identify Pakistan’s main trading partners
They will learn how to:
• interpret charts and graphs about trade
• record information in charts
They will begin to understand:
• how trade is important for a country’s economy
• how buying habits can affect the environment

Lesson 1: Local trade

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and define words connected with trade
• explain how individuals and small and large organizations trade

• Pupil’s Book pages 115–116
• Skills Book page 59 Trade
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin the lesson by asking:
• What is trade? (buying and selling)
• What do people buy and sell?
Write some examples on the board. If all are objects, tell the students that these are
called goods. Point out that we also pay for things people do for us and ask for examples.
List some examples and explain that we call these services.

120 1
2. Read page 115 with the class and ask them to look at the pictures and read their captions.
• What does trade mean? (buying and selling)
• What is the word for any place where people buy and sell things? (market)
• What is the word for things we buy and sell? (goods)
• What is the word for things we pay people to do for us? (services)
• What is the word for something we get when we pay for permission to use or do
something? (licence)
• For what services do people pay for a licence? (receiving television broadcasts from
public service broadcasters. Discuss how the BBC and other public service broadcasters
earn money to pay for programmes.)
• Where can you buy local goods? (At a shop or market. The students could give some
local examples.)
• Where can you buy goods from farther away? (at a bazaar or shopping mall)
Ask for examples of famous bazaars and shopping malls. (bazaar: Anarkali Bazaar in
Lahore; shopping malls: Park Towers and Forum in Karachi, etc.)
3. Read the exercise on page 116 with the class. Ask them to make a list of the goods and
services they and their families have bought/used this week before they complete the
Skills Book steps
1. Ask volunteers to explain how a crossword puzzle should be completed.
2. The students should read the clues and write the answers in the crossword puzzle. Encourage
them to use the Pupil’s Book to help find the answers and spell the words. The glossary of
the Pupil’s Book will also help.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 116

Answers will vary.
Answers to Skills Book page 59
A. 1
4 5 6
8 9

Further activities
1. To learn the new words connected with trade, ask the children to copy the words, read
them, then cover them and try to write them again.
2. They can then give them to a partner to check in the Pupil’s Book.

1 121
3. To help them learn the words, write them on large pieces of card or paper and put them on
a display board along with their meanings.

Lesson 2: Regional trade

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• identify and describe the main products of the different parts of Pakistan
• explain how trade is carried out within the country
• explain that goods and services are part of the country’s economy
• Pupil’s Book pages 116–117
• Skills Book page 60 Goods and services
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Explain that a region can mean different things but is always part of a larger area. In this
case it means ‘part of a country’. Ask:
• Why do different regions produce very different crops and have different industries?
(The crops will depend on the climate, land, and soil. Industry can depend on many
factors e.g. the crops that are grown, minerals found in a region, transport, natural
features (such as rivers, lakes, mountains, and plains), and on local traditions, skills, and
2. Ask them to read about regional trade on page 116 and to look at the picture and read the
caption. Ask:
• How does trade help people in different regions? (They can buy goods and services that
are not produced in their home region.)
Explain that sometimes regions buy goods and services from other regions even when they
also produce them.
• Why do you think they do this? (They might not be able to produce enough at all
times, and so face shortages if they don’t trade; they might produce different types
of a product—different styles of clothes, different sports gear, etc.)
• How does trade affect our towns and cities? (Offices are built, more people come to
work there, and so more buildings are needed. The traffic increases and there is a
greater demand for electricity, water, hospitals, education, and other services.)
Read page 117 with the class, and ask them to look at the pictures and read their
captions. They should then use the chart and pictures to help them answer the following:
• Can you name an important produce of Balochistan? (coal, gas, or minerals)
Which regions produce wheat to sell to other regions? (Punjab, Sindh, Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan)
• Which is the nation’s main banking region? (Islamabad Capital Territory)
• The students can then complete the exercise on page 117.

122 1
Skills Book steps
1. Tell the students that they are going to learn about the goods and services of the different
regions of Pakistan by looking at the chart on this page and then checking it with the chart
on page 117 of the Pupil’s Book, to find out in which regions each of the goods and services
are produced.
2. Read the headings on the chart with them and discuss the completion of the first line:
aircraft are produced in Punjab but are not one of the main industries of the other regions,
so only Punjab is marked. Discuss how they can check this using the Pupil’s Book. Look at
the chart on page 117 then look at the second line of the chart in the Skills Book: only
Islamabad Capital Territory is marked. Ask the class to check the Pupil’s Book to make sure
this is correct. Ask:
• Which crop is listed next in this chart? (barley)
• Where is barley produced? (The students should check with the chart in the Pupil’s Book.
Barley is produced in Gilgit-Baltistan, so they should mark that column in this chart.) If
necessary, complete a few more lines of the chart in the same way with them.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 117

A. 1. Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and Gilgit-Baltistan
2. Sindh and Punjab
3. Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Gilgit-Baltistan
B. Punjab
Answers to Skills Book page 60

Goods or Khyber Gilgit- Islamabad
Balochistan Sindh Punjab
services Pakhtunkhwa Baltistan Capital Territory
Banking and
Electrical goods

1 123
Rock salt
Sports goods

Further activities
1. Find out where the goods sold in local markets and shops come from.
2. The students could make their own chart to record these.

Lesson 3: Exports
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain the term ‘export’
• list Pakistan’s main exports

• Pupil’s Book pages 123
• Skills Book page 48 Exports
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin the lesson by asking:
• What are exports? (Goods and services that are sold to another country are called
• Do you know what goods and services Pakistan exports? (The students can refer to
page 122.)
2. Read the first paragraph of page 123 with the class. Explain that surplus means anything
left over that is not needed. Then ask them to read the next paragraph and to look at

124 1
the picture and read its caption. Discuss the exports of Pakistan namely, some food crops,
textiles, and carpets.
3. Tell the students that textiles are our main export but that many other goods are exported
and that they can find out about these from the graph. Read the headings and information
given on it and point out the numbers on the left hand side that show the value of the
exports in millions of US dollars. Ask them to read the list of exports across the bottom of
the graph to see which product has the longest coloured column. Ask:
• Which export was the most valuable in the year 2019 to 2020? (textiles) They could
check the value of our country’s textile exports by placing a ruler across the top of
the coloured column and looking along it to the number of dollars on the left.
• What is our second most valuable export? (foods)
• Which is the third most valuable export according to this graph? (Petroleum goods and
‘other goods’ are of about the same value.) Explain that ‘other goods’ covers every item
of export that is not listed separately.
• Why do you think exports are often shown on graphs? (It is easy to see at a glance
which are the most valuable. It is also easier to compare the changing values of exports
from one year to the next if they are presented on a graph.)
4. Read the exercise on page 124 with the students and ask them to complete it using
information from the graph.
Skills Book steps (Page 48 Pakistan’s exports)
1. Ask the class to read the introduction to this page. Tell them that they will find the answers
in this unit in the Pupil’s Book.
2. Help them to match the first picture to the trading partners that Pakistan exports leather
to, i.e., China and the European Union. They should draw lines to link the picture of leather
to China and Europe. Tell them that they will get this information from the Pupil’s Book
on page 122. Ask them to find out to which countries Pakistan exports textiles and to draw
lines to join Pakistan to those places.
3. The students can then complete the exercise.
4. Ask them to add arrowheads to the lines to show the direction in which the goods are
transported (away from Pakistan).

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 124

A. 1. milk
2. textiles
3. export
4. foods
5. carpets
6. leather
B. The students might be surprised to learn that Pakistan imports as well as exports
petroleum goods. Explain that there are different types of petroleum goods such as
waxes, kerosene, liquid petroleum gases etc. At times Pakistan might need to import
some of these but at other times is able to export them; Or the surplus might reduce
and there might be a shortage at other times.

1 125
Further activities
1. The students could choose an export to find out more about e.g. the countries it is exported
to. They could track an export from production to transport (road, rail, air, sea), arrival at
the destination country, and then sale to the companies that buy it. 2. They could make a
chart or scrapbook using the information and pictures of the exports, countries the export
is sent to, and the means of transportation.

Lesson 4: Imports
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• explain the term ‘import’
• list Pakistan’s main imports
• describe how our choices of goods affect the environment

• Pupil’s Book pages 124-125
• Skills book page 49 Imports
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Begin the lesson by asking:
• What are imports? (The goods and services bought from another country are called
• Do you know what goods and services Pakistan imports? (The students can find out
from page 125.)
2. Read the section on Imports from page 124-125 with the class. Ask:
• What are two of the goods that Pakistan imports? (Pakistan imports wheat and sugar.)
• Does this surprise you?
• Why? (The students might remember that many regions of Pakistan produce wheat and
sugar. However, we need more of these than we can produce. Point out that this might
not always happen. There might be times when we have enough.)
• Can you name a port in Pakistan where imports arrive in containers? (Karachi)
3. Ask them to read page 125, including ‘It’s a Fact’ and to study the graph. This will enable
them to find the answers to the following questions:
• What is Pakistan’s most valuable export? (petroleum goods)
• What is the second most valuable export? (Other goods. Explain that ‘other goods’
covers every import that is not listed separately.)
• What is the third most valuable export? (foods)
• What other imports are shown on the graph? (Remind them that the numbers on the
left hand side of the graph show the value of the imports in millions of US dollars. Ask
them to read the list of imports across the bottom of the graph and check the value
of the imports by placing a ruler across the top of each coloured column and looking
along it at the number of $millions on the left.)
• Why are imports often shown on graphs? (It is easy to see which are the most valuable.
It is also easier to compare the changing values of imports from one year to the next if
they are presented on a graph.)

126 1
4. Together, read the exercise on page 126 and then ask the students to complete it using
information from the graph.
Skills Book steps (Page 49 Pakistan’s imports)
1. Ask the class to read the introduction to this page and tell them that they can find the
answers in this unit in the Pupil’s Book.
2. Help them to match the first picture to the trading partner that Pakistan imports aircraft
from, namely China. They should draw lines to link the picture of the plane to China. Ask
them to look for this information in the Pupil’s Book page 122. Ask them to find out where
Pakistan imports machinery from and to draw lines to join Pakistan to these places.
3. They can then complete the exercise.
4. Ask the students to add arrowheads to the lines to show the direction in which the goods
are transported (towards Pakistan).
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 126
A. 1. petroleum goods
2. other goods—a combination of many different goods on every import that is not
listed separately
3. foods
4. Answers will vary.
5. This is a research based question. Use [https://www.finance.gov.pk/survey_2021.html]
or other links to find out the answer.
B. There are many kinds of chemicals and Pakistan might need to import some of these.
Alternatively, we might have a surplus of others to export. There is a possibility that the
surplus might reduce sometimes and there might be a shortage at other times.

Further activities
1. The students could choose an import to find out more about, maybe an item they have at
2. They could make a diagram to show where they got it, where it came from before that,
and how it arrived in Pakistan from another country.
3. They could trace the transportation journey on a map of the world.
Lesson 5: Trading partners
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
define the term ‘trading partners’ and find out about Pakistan’s trading partners
namely USA, China, and the European Union
• identify and list the main goods Pakistan trades with the USA, China, and the European

• Pupil’s Book pages 126-127
• a political map of the world (showing the names of countries)
• Skills Book page 51 Values

1 127
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Tell the class that there are trading partnerships between countries around the world.
This means that the countries have made agreements regarding trade. Although individual
companies trade with others in different countries, governments also negotiate trading
agreements that help. (See ‘It’s a Fact’ on page 127.)
2. Ask the students to look at the map on page 126. Explain that the red patches show countries
that trade with Pakistan. Ask them to name as many of these countries as they can. They
could first try this without looking at a map that has the countries’ names written on it to
see how many they can recognize.
3. Read ‘Trading partners’ on page 126 with the class. Ask:
• Which countries are Pakistan’s main trading partners? (the USA, China, and the European
• What are the main exports to the USA? (clothing, household goods, sports goods, and
camping goods)
• What are the main imports from the USA? (raw cotton, tanks, weapons, ammunition,
and parts for military equipment; also, steel-making materials, and civilian aircraft)
• Why does Pakistan import cotton even though it produces a lot of cotton? (The USA
is a very large cotton producer. Pakistan’s skilled textile workers produce very large
amounts of cotton goods, including clothing and household linens. The USA does not
have this tradition and so it exports cotton and imports the goods made from it.)
4. Ask the students to read about Pakistan’s trading partnerships with China and the European
Union on page 127. Ask:
• Which country imports marble from Pakistan? (China imports marble from Pakistan.)
• Which trading partner imports rice from Pakistan? (the European Union)
• Which trading partner imports seafood from Pakistan? (China)
5. The students can then complete the exercise on page 127.
Skills Book steps page 51 Values
1. Discuss the effect on the environment if we buy locally produced goods or goods brought
from other regions or overseas. The farther goods are transported, the more fuel is used to
bring them to us. The more fuel we use, the more gases are released into the air. Many of
these gases harm plants, animals, the land, and us.
2. Read the introduction with the class and ask them to choose ten goods their families have
bought. They should try to find out where each item came from by reading the packaging
and labels, or their parents might know, especially if they are local goods. They can
complete section A at home.
3. The next day, invite the students to share their research. Different students could tell the
class about one item they checked. They might be able to help one another by sharing
information about any goods whose sources were unknown to them.
4. Section B will need more research. You could get this from local organizations for trade.
The final part of the exercise is a sentence for the students to complete about how they can
help the environment when they buy things. Ask them to choose one locally produced item
that they can always buy instead of goods from farther away.

128 1
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 127
A. 1. any three European countries marked on the map: France, Germany, Ireland, Italy,
Portugal, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
2. Yes. Chile is one of Pakistan’s export partners.
3. any three African countries that are marked on the map: Egypt, Ghana, Ivory Coast,
Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa
any three Asian countries that are marked on the map: Afghanistan, Bahrain,
Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Russia,
Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Iran, the Philippines. Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates,
5. Yes. There is a red marker on the map for Japan.
B. In 2006, Pakistan and China signed a free trade agreement. They stopped charging taxes
on imports and exports and made trade easier in other ways.

Further activities
1. Take newspapers such as Dawn to school and help the students find any articles about
overseas trade. They could make a class display of these.
2. Once you have a good collection of articles, write some questions on cards and display
them with the newspaper articles. The students could read the articles to find the answers
during some spare time when they finish a piece of work. Encourage them to read with a
friend so that they can help one another.
3. Students should attempt the CD activity.
Lesson 6: Producers, consumers; goods and services
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• define the term ‘producers and consumers’ in economics with examples
• identify and list the difference between public and private goods and services.

• Pupil’s Book pages 128-129
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Recall goods and services from Book 4 and ask students to read passage from the heading
Producers and consumers, page 128. Explain that goods and services around us are created
or served for people’s use and are bought by others. People involved in the making and
serving of these goods and services are called producers while people who buy them are
called consumers.
2. Use everyday examples to explain the interdependence of producers and consumers in
an economy, like teachers (producers) provide a service and are dependent on students
(consumers) for a job that helps them buy things that they need, while students (consumers)
are dependent on teachers (producers) for knowledge.

1 129
3. Ask students to Public and private goods and services, page 128. Brainstorm goods and
services and sort which of them were produced by the government and which ones were
created by private means.
4. Explain to students the importance of public goods and services as cheap and available for
the use of all citizens while private goods and services provide competition for better and a
variety of goods and services.
5. Talk about taxes and ask the following questions:
• How does the government provide public goods and services? (taxes are used to make
and distribute public goods and services)
• why are public goods and services important? (they are available for all citizens at a
cheap price)
• Why is not paying of taxes a crime? (Taxes help create and distribute public goods and
services and benefit most of the people)
6. Together, read the exercise on page 128 and discuss. Ask the students to complete it.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 128

1. Answers will vary.
2. Pizza - Good Pizza delivery - service Books - Good - tudents - consumer - Library - service
/ producer - Construction worker - service / producer - Tool kit - Good

Lesson 7: Inflation, scarcity and transportation

Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• define the term ‘inflation and scarcity’
• describe the cause and effect of inflation and scarcity
• identify role of transportation in trade

• Pupil’s Book pages 129-131
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Walk the students mentally through making a recipe or a crafts project. Name the raw
materials/ingredients for it with price and calculate the price of making the dish/craft
Now increase the price of one or two articles, for example the price of vegetables increases
because of the hike on petrol prices. Explain how that impacts the price of goods and how
that increases the price of the product.
2. Ask students to read inflation on page 129-130. Discuss the two types of inflation and ask
the following question:
• What is inflation? (Rise in prices of goods and services rise, meaning more money for a
smaller number of goods)

130 1
• What happens when the demand for a good or service increases? (It causes inflation
because now more people need the limited good or service because it has become more
• Explain cost push inflation with example. (Answers may vary)
3. Read ‘It’s a fact!’ on page 130 and discuss how inflation can affect the lives of people by
reducing the purchasing power of people. Discuss that inflation can make the currency
mean little compared to other currencies. Give example of value of 1 Pakistani rupee
compared to 1 dollar, 1 euro, 1 dirham, etc.
4. Introduce scarcity as a concept with examples from the class. Read the relevant paragraphs
from page 130 and ask the following questions:
• What are the causes of scarcity? (natural disasters that can disrupt supply and demand like
floods, hurricanes, etc.)
5. Read the paragraphs for Transportation on page 131 and explain that prices of all goods
and services are affected by the ease or difficulty on roads, railways (infrastructure) or the
prices of fuel. Trade is heavily dependent on dependable modes of vehicles that can supply
goods and services quickly and efficiently.
6. Read ‘It’s a fact!’ on page 131 and discuss trade and transportation in Pakistan which is
mostly reliant on transportation of goods and services through roads.
7. Together, read the exercise on page 130 and discuss. Ask the students to complete it.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 130

1. Situation when there is not enough any good or service
Demand pull inflation is caused when a good or service becomes more valuable
because of the rise in its demands. Cost push inflation happens when any factor has
raised the cost of production. Examples will vary.
3. Taxes pay for public goods and services which are available for all at a cheaper price
like hospitals, schools, roads, railways, police, military, etc.

Further activities
1. Differentiate between different modes of transportation like road, railway, sea, and air,
for quick and reliable trade.

Lesson 8: Entrepreneurship
Learning outcomes
Students should be able to:
• define an entrepreneur
• give examples of risk and creativity in everyday life and trade
• describe characteristics of an entrepreneurial mindset

• Pupil’s Book pages 131-132
• Skills book page 51 Entrepreneurship

1 131
Pupil’s Book steps
1. Discuss with class what is creativity (finding new ways to do things or solve a problem) and
how important is it in our day to day lives. Brainstorm entrepreneur as a word in economics
that refers to a person who takes a risk to start a business.
2. Explain that entrepreneurs are people who take the risks of organizing productive resources
to produce goods and services. An incentive to entrepreneurs is that they want to earn a
profit. Profit occurs after all expenses have been paid. “Revenues-Expenses=Profit.”
3. Discuss how people come up with ways of doing things everyday because they face problems
differently. An entrepreneur is not just a creative person, but a focused person businessman
or woman who comes up with new ideas, takes risks to make their customers satisfied.
4. Read passage on page 131 and discuss how entrepreneurs helped during crisis situations
like the global pandemic for people to help each other, for the economy to continue, etc.
5. Give examples of different types of entrepreneurship like setting up organisations and
businesses for social welfare (Abdul Sattar Edhi) or making investing in new technologies
to make better trading models (Jeff Bezos or Mark Zuckerberg), etc.
6. Read page 132 and give students the following situations and ask them how do they think
an entrepreneur will react:
• When things don’t go the way they want them to? (have a positive outlook)
• When they are stuck and cannot find a solution? (determined to find a solution, use
imagination and be creative)
• When their customers are not satisfied with their product? (relationships are important.
they put efforts into finding a way to make it better for their customers)
• Why is being organised important for businesses? ( cannot keep track of work, paperwork
gets lost, and valuable time is wasted)
7. Together, read the exercise on page 128 and discuss. Ask the students to complete it.
Skills book steps page 51 (Entrepreneurship)
1. Ask the class to read the first question on page 51 and tell them they can find the
characteristics of an entrepreneur from the Pupil’s book for reference.
2. Help students identify entrepreneurs around them and describe their business and its use.
3. Ask students to formulate plans as producer to sell something made from art supplies in
their classroom.
a. is it creative
b. what will be the budget
c. how will you advertise your product
4. Hold the sale of the products the next day and ask students to answer the exercise questions.
Answers to Pupil’s Book page 132
1. answers will vary but should include: people who take risks of organizing resources to
make a profit
2. positive attitude, creative and determined minds, good customer relations, and organised
set up
3. The answers will vary.

132 1
Further activities
1. Organise a student entrepreneur fair and encourage them to form groups and set up booth
as magazine publishers, craft productions; put up button and badge sales, cookie bakery;
newspaper recycling project, etc. Help them manage budgets, advertise and focus on
making a profit.
2. Fill out a character study form for a renowned entrepreneur of their choosing that focuses
on their characteristics as leaders.

Answers to Pupil’s Book page 133-134

Export Regions
i textiles Punjab
ii foods Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan
iii petroleum goods Sindh, Punjab
(also ‘other goods’—not listed)

Exports Imports
i China cotton fabric, cotton thread, electrical equipment,
mineral ores and ash, marble, machinery, military equipment
chemicals, leather, fish, seafood and aircraft, iron and steel,
ii European textiles, rice, leather, carpets, industrial machinery, power
Union fruit machinery, telecommunication
and broadcasting equipment,
chemicals, medicines, medical
products, metal ores, scrap
iii USA clothing, household goods, raw cotton, tanks, weapons,
sports goods, camping goods ammunition, parts for military
equipment, steel-making
materials, civilian aircraft

C. Pakistan produces raw cotton but has a very large textile industry and needs more
cotton for this than produced. Pakistan then exports clothing and household goods
made from cotton. Those made from other materials are also exported.
D. Answers will vary.
E. Research based question. Answers will vary.
F. Answers will vary (engages more people in economic work and makes markets competitive
and modernised)
G. Answers will vary

1 133
Check-up Tests

1. Photocopy the Check-up test for Units 1 and 2—one for each student.
2. Explain that this test will help you to find out how much the students have understood.
It is important that you stress the fact that it does not matter if they get some answers
3. The students should put the Pupil’s and Skills Books in their bags so that they do not
refer to them while solving the test.
4. Distribute a copy of the test to each student. They will need a pencil and colour pencils.
Ensure that their names are written at the top of the sheet. Read the instructions
aloud for each stage so that the students know what to do.
5. Ask them to attempt the test on their own and without helping each other. You may
help them to read the words, but do not give the answers.
6. Do not pressurize them to finish within a set time limit. Let those who finish early
draw a picture of their choice on the back (which you will not mark).
7. When the students have finished, take up their work and mark it out of ten.
8. Photocopy the record sheet. If there are more than thirty in the class, make two
9. Record the students’ marks so that you can see which ones are facing difficulties, and
take steps to help them.
10. PLEASE DO NOT TELL THE STUDENTS THEIR MARKS. At this stage of their lives, they
do not need to know as a low score will serve to demotivate them.
11. If you wish, you may share the marks with parents at the Parent(s)/Teacher meetings,
but stress the fact that students who are slow in reading may not be able to document
their understanding in the test; at this level, the situation changes rapidly.
It is important to review these instructions before every Check-up Test.

134 1
Check-up Test 1

Grade 5, Units 1 and 2 Name:

Tick the box for the correct answer.
1. Karachi is the largest city in Pakistan.
a) false
b) true
2. Look at this diagram of common features found on a coast. Add the missing label.



cliff stump

cave arch

3. Tick the box that completes the statement correctly.

Exports are .
a) goods and services that are sold to other countries.
b) places that are no longer ports.
c) goods and services bought from other countries.
d) goods and services of the native country.
4. Tick all the services.
a) food
b) hospitals
c) schools
d) street cleaning
5. Sindh Province has a large desert. What is it called?
a) Cholistan Desert
b) Thal Desert
c) Thar Desert
d) Kharan Desert

1 135
Photocopiable material
6. Which province is the largest in Pakistan?
a) Sindh
b) Punjab
c) Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d) Balochistan
7. In what way is the climate in Balochistan different from the rest of Pakistan?
a) It has more rain.
b) It is hotter.
c) It does not have a monsoon season.
d) It has more clouds.
8. Mining is very important in Balochistan. Tick two minerals that are mined here.
a) opals
b) copper
c) diamonds
d) iron ore
9. An open-pit mine is .
a) a place where minerals are dug out
from the ground using tunnels.
b) a place where minerals are dug out of
the ground by making a large opening
in the ground.
c) a coal mine.
d) a gold mine.
10. Tick all the fossil fuels.
a) coal
b) oil
c) wood
d) gas

Marks out of 10:

136 1
Photocopiable material
Check-up Test 2

Grade 5, Unit 3 Name:

Tick the box for the correct answer.
1. Climate change means a change in the world’s normal climate patterns.
a) true
b) false
2. Tick two things that might happen if the world’s climate gets warmer.
a) Heat waves and prolonged seasons will occur.
b) Sea levels will rise and this will cause flooding.
c) More areas will become deserts.
d) All of the above.
3. Tick two things that people can do to help stop global warming.
a) less use of cars
b) more use of cars
c) plant more trees
d) use more electricity
4. Which of these are renewable energy resources?
a) oil, coal, and gas
b) wind, the Sun, and water
5. If we recycle paper, fewer __________ will be cut.
a) grass
b) vegetables
c) fruits
d) trees
6. The ten warmest years in world climate history happened in the past _________ years
because of global warming.
a) ten
b) twelve
c) fifteen
d) twenty
7. Scientists think humans are putting too much _____________ into the air.
a) oxygen
b) sulphur
c) hydrogen
d) carbon dioxide
1 137
Photocopiable material
8. _________________ are catastrophic events caused by changes in the Earth.
a) Elections
b) Rainfall
c) Natural disasters
d) Accidents
9. A ________________ has glass walls and a glass roof.
a) attic
b) nursery
c) treehouse
d) greenhouse
10. Sudden and unexpected floods are called _________ floods.
a) flash
b) light
c) tidal
d) extreme
Marks out of 10:

138 1
Check-up Test 3

Grade 5, Units 4 and 5 Name:

1. Look at this map of the world’s continents. Name the missing continent.

North Europe






2. What are the lines on this globe called?

a) longitude
b) latitude

3. No trees grow in tundras because ...
a. it has a very hot climate
b. it has a very cold climate
c. it receives little rainfall
d. it has poor soil
4. Where are the world’s tropical rainforests found?
a) near the North and South Poles
b) in desert regions
c) in cool, temperate regions
d) near the Equator

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5. What does this scale on a map mean?
1 cm = 200 km
a) 1 cm is the same measurement as 200 km
b) 1 cm measured on the map = 200 km on the ground
6. What currency is used in Pakistan?
a) dollar
b) euro
c) rupee
d) pound
7. Roshaneh Zafar is well known because she .
a) borrowed money to run a shop in Lahore.
b) set up the Kashf Foundation to help poor people by lending them money.
8. What does credit mean?
a) buying something now and paying for it later
b) taking money out of your bank account to buy something
9. Tick two ways in which banks can help us.
a) They keep our money safe.
b) They give us money whenever we need it.
c) They can lend us money.
d) They give our money away to the poor.
10. List five jobs people can do to earn money.

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Check-up Test 4

Grade 5, Units 6, 7, and 8 Name:

1–5. Write the correct caption and the name of the place under each picture.

Choose from:
The Parthenon, in Athens, is a temple for the
goddess Athena.
Hindus and Muslims migrating at the time of
Partition of Subcontinent in 1947.
Aligarh Muslim University built by Syed Ahmed
Round Table Conference in London.
Prince Siddhartha Gautama leaving his palace.

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6. The main city of Gandhara, on the ancient Silk Roads
a) Islamabad
b) Taxila
c) Mohenjo-Daro
d) Harappa
7. The religion of the people who built the monastery at Jaulian
a) Buddhism
b) Christianity
c) Islam
d) Hinduism
8. The capital city of King Kanishka of Gandhara
a) Islamabad
b) Rawalpindi
c) Peshawar
d) Taxila
9. A lot of art and buildings from Gandhara are like those from
a) Ancient China.
b) the Indus Valley.
c) Ancient Egypt.
d) Ancient Greece.
10. The Greeks built this ancient city of Gandhara with streets set out in a grid pattern
a) Jaulian
b) Taxila
c) Sirkap
d) Peshawar

Marks out of 10:

142 1
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Check-up Test 5

Grade 5, Units 9 and 10 Name:

Tick the box for the correct answer.
1. Pakistan’s population has grown by _______% since 1997.
a) 75
b) 57
c) 87
d) 67
2. The ____________ by the government records the number of people in the country.
a) President
b) Prime minister
c) census
d) hospitals
3. If there are more births and fewer deaths, the population growth will be _________.
a) high
b) low
c) average
d) zero
4. The federal government does not interfere in the affairs of the ____________ government.
a) local
b) provincial
c) international
d) all of the above
5. _____________ is key to decrease unjust and illegal activities in society.
a) brotherhood
b) government
c) laws
d) equality
6. The rights of Pakistani citizens are protected by the constitution of ___________.
a) 1962
b) 1956
c) 1949
d) 1973

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7. The national sport of Pakistan is hockey but the most popular sport in all cities is
a) football
b) tennis
c) cricket
d) badminton
8. ____________ is the land of five rivers, with farming its main industry.
a) Sindh
b) Punjab
c) Balochistan 

Marks out of 10:

144 1
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Check-up Test 6

Grade 5, Units 11, 12, and 13 Name:

Tick the box for correct answer
1. We cannot choose to respect some __________ but not others.
a) rights
b) information
c) freedom
d) work
____________ citizens are concerned about issues that are common everywhere and
collaborate for solutions.
a) Pakistani
b) Regional
c) Global
d) Local
3. Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah started Dawn in 1941 in ___________.
a) Islamabad
b) Lahore
c) Karachi
d) Delhi
4. In 1895 the ____________ inventor Marconi made the first
wireless radio transmitter and receiver.
a) Mexican
b) Italian
c) Spanish
d) Russian
Write the missing words:
1. Trade means b and s .
2. A place where people trade is called a m .
3. People buy g and s .
4. Pakistan exports goods to other countries. Pakistan’s main export is t .
5. Pakistan imports goods from other countries. Its main import is p goods.
6. Countries we buy from or sell to are called our t p .

Marks out of 10:

1 145
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Answers for Check-up Tests

Units 1 and 2
1. b) true
2. stack
3. a) goods and services that are sold to other countries.
4. b) hospitals c) schools d) street cleaning
5. c) Thar Desert
6. d) Balochistan
7. d) It does not have a monsoon season.
8. b) copper d) iron ore
9. b) a place where minerals are dug out of the ground by making a large opening
in the ground.
10. a) coal b) oil d) gas
Units 3
1. True
2. All of the above
3. plant more trees
4. wind, the Sun, and water
5. trees
6. fifteen
7. carbon dioxide
8. Natural disasters
9. greenhouse
10. flash
Units 4 and 5
1. Asia
2. a) longitude
3. b) because it has very cold climate
4. d) near the Equator
5. b) 1 cm measured on the map = 200 km on the ground
6. c) rupee
7. b) set up the Kashf Foundation to help poor people by lending them money.
8. a) buying something now and paying for it later
9. a) They keep our money safe. c) They can lend us money.
10. Check that each answer is a job that can earn money.
Units 6, 7, and 8
1. Hindus and Muslims migrating at the time of Partition of Subcontinent in 1947.
2. Round Table Conference in London.
3. Aligarh Muslim University built by Syed Ahmed Khan
4. Prince Siddhartha Gautama leaving his palace.
5. The Parthenon, in Athens, is a temple for the goddess Athena.
6. b Taxila
7. a Buddhism
8. c Peshawar
9. d Ancient Greece
10. c Sirkap

146 1
Answers for Check-up Tests

Units 9 and 10
1. b) 57
2. c) census
3. a) high
4. b) provincial
5. d) equality
6. d) 1973
7. c) cricket
8. b) Punjab
9. d) adaptable
10. a) first
Units 11, 12. and 13
1. a) rights
2. c) Global
3. d) Delhi
4. a) Mexican
1. Trade means buying and selling.
2. A place where people trade is called a market.
3. People buy goods and services.
4. Pakistan exports goods to other countries. Pakistan’s main export is textiles.
5. Pakistan imports goods from other countries. Its main import is petroleum goods.
6. Countries we buy from or sell to are called our trade partners.

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