Rics Global Complaints Procedure
Rics Global Complaints Procedure
Rics Global Complaints Procedure
RICS takes complaints very seriously. We always strive to provide excellent standards of
service to all who deal with us, and will investigate where and why this does not happen. If
you are unhappy with our services, then please let us know. We want to understand what
has gone wrong and work with you towards a solution as quickly and effectively as possible.
Our complaints procedure is outlined below.
This procedure does not form part of any contract that you may have with us and it may be
amended at any time. We may also vary or depart from this procedure, including any time
limits, as appropriate in any case.
Continuous improvement
We want to make sure that we can provide the best service possible. Your feedback regarding
this is important to us, as it allows us to continue to learn and develop our products and
services. If you have comments and suggestions about how we can improve our services to
you, then please email us your feedback: serviceimprovement@rics.org
When you get in touch with us, we will aim to resolve your complaint at the first point of
contact. If further investigation is required, you will be assigned a member of the team who
will be your point of reference until the matter is resolved. You will be provided a unique case
reference number which will allow us to record the issues you have experienced on our
system. Your assigned contact will keep you regularly updated on the progress of your
complaint until the matter is resolved.
All complaints received by other routes (e.g. a letter to the President) will be re-routed to this
complaints handling database, so that we can ensure the complaint is captured and tracked
to resolution.
Stage 2 – Escalation
If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, or if you feel that you need to
escalate the matter further, you can ask to speak with one of our managers. You can ask to
do this using the contact details above and quoting your unique case reference number.
Our manager will review the case notes and any investigation that has taken place to
determine if the correct outcome has been reached. You will be contacted within 48 hours of
your complaint being escalated.
Our manager will work with you to ensure that all issues have been clearly identified and will
make a decision about how best to resolve the matter for you.
Likewise, persistent complaints that have already been through the complaint handling
process will be disregarded if we feel that we have taken the matter as far as we are
reasonably able.