WAP On Mentoring and Coaching - RICABLANCA
WAP On Mentoring and Coaching - RICABLANCA
WAP On Mentoring and Coaching - RICABLANCA
I. Profile
Name RYAN R. RICABLANCA School and Position Lagro High School, Master Teacher II
Title of PD Programs Head Teachers Training on Date of Delivery October 24, 2024
Mentoring and Coaching in the
Context of the MATATAG
Curriculum PD Program SDO-QC- Curriculum Implementation Division
Name of Immediate Zaida M. Padullo School and Position Lagro High School-Principal IV
In response to the Department of Education's MATATAG Curriculum, the Schools Division Office (SDO) of Quezon City, through its
Curriculum Implementation Division, held Head Teachers' Training on Mentoring and Coaching in the Context of MATATAG. This effort
seeks to provide Department Heads with the required skills, knowledge, and resources to improve their leadership, instructional
supervision, and mentoring abilities. The ultimate goal is to increase instructional delivery quality in Quezon City schools by developing
department heads' instructional and leadership capacities, since they play a critical role in directing teachers and guaranteeing efficient
curriculum implementation.
The MATATAG Curriculum prioritizes holistic student development and high-quality teaching, necessitating a constant process of teacher
professional development and reflective practice. Head teachers, as instructional leaders, are driving this movement. Structured
mentorship and coaching can help to build a collaborative culture, facilitate professional growth, and guide teachers in implementing
creative and inclusive teaching practices that match with the MATATAG Curriculum.
Mentoring and coaching are widely regarded as important tools for enhancing teachers' professional competencies. These methods
entail giving teachers with direction, critical feedback, and targeted support, allowing them to enhance their teaching techniques and
student outcomes. Mentoring and coaching in the MATATAG Curriculum extend beyond individual teacher development. They help to
create a community of educators who are committed to continual growth, reflective teaching techniques, and successful class delivery.
The program also adheres to the Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH), which define the competences required for
effective school leadership. By addressing key domains, strands, and indicators in the PPSSH, the training helps department leaders to
successfully mentor and coach their staff. This, in turn, promotes consistent and high-quality implementation of the MATATAG
Curriculum across grade levels and topics, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded and relevant education.
Thus, Head Teachers' Mentoring and Coaching Training is an important step in providing department heads with the leadership qualities
they need to monitor, assess, and support teachers in achieving excellence in the classroom. Department heads will become essential
drivers of professional development as a result of this program, guiding their teams toward a common goal of educational excellence.
As a Department Head, my mentoring and coaching strategy seeks to provide structured chances for professional dialogue, observation,
and constructive feedback among teachers. This program is meant to foster a shared vision for successful teaching, encourage the
development of teacher leadership abilities, and ensure that the MATATAG Curriculum is consistently implemented across all grades.
Republic Act No. 9155 (Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001) promotes shared governance and the empowerment of school staff,
especially teachers. Section 7 states that regional, divisional, and school-level authorities must provide support services, including
technical assistance, to ensure the delivery of quality basic education. Republic Act No. 10533 (Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013)
mandates the adoption of the K-12 curriculum and requires instructors to learn new skills.
Section 5 emphasizes the importance of providing teachers with professional development and training in order to properly deliver the
upgraded curriculum. Dependant Order No. 32, s. 2010 (National Adoption and Implementation of the National Competency-Based
Standards for School Heads and Teachers) requires teachers to receive ongoing professional development through technical assistance
from school principals, supervisors, and other relevant bodies in order to improve teaching practices. Civil Service Commission
Memorandum Circular No. 24, s. 2017 The policy compels public servants, including teachers, to continually enhance their skills, with
agencies responsible for providing training and technical help to their employees in order to satisfy performance criteria.
The following professional standards/competencies are being addressed in the Head Teachers’ Training on Mentoring and Coaching in the Context of
MATATAG Curriculum:
Strand 3.2. Teaching Indicator 3.2.2 Provide Develop and apply effective Conduct a Needs
standards and technical assistance to strategies in planning and Assessment to identify the
pedagogies teachers on teaching management of specific instructional delivery Implement a Workplace
standards and pedagogies developmentally sequenced areas where teachers need Application Plan (WAP) and
within and across learning teaching and learning process. support. Technical Assistance (TA)
areas to improve their plan articulating the
teaching practice specific projects and
activities to be done to
Strand 3.3 Teacher Indicator 3.3.2 Use Design and implement Conduct a Needs improve teachers’
performance feedback validated feedback obtained needs- based programs to Assessment to identify the instructional delivery
from learners, parents and improve teachers’ specific instructional
other stakeholders to help instructional delivery. delivery areas where Collaborative Expertise (CE)
teachers improve their teachers need support. aligned with the PPST.
Strand 3.6 Learning Indicator 3.6.2 Manage a Provide technical assistance Conduct professional growth
Environment learner-friendly, inclusive to teacher in dealing with development seminars,
and healthy environment. their students to promote trainings, and workshops.
positive relationships and
engaging learning
Domain 4. Developing Self and Others
Strand 4.5. Professional Indicator 4.5.3. Monitor Encourage teachers to grow Conduct professional growth
Development of School and evaluate the personally and professionally development seminars,
Personnel implementation of by participating in various trainings, and workshops.
professional development seminars, workshops, and
initiatives in enhancing self-improvement activities
strengths and in addressing
performance gaps among
school personnel.
IV. Implementation Plan [the WAP must be implemented within 6-9 months after the training]
Provide regular mentoring and Conduct Needs Assessment October 20, 2024 Needs Assessment Jennifer E. Tan
coaching sessions to teachers, and Profiling of Teachers. Data ASTP for SHS
focusing on the improvement of
Teachers’ Profile by
teaching practices Conduct individual coaching Remmon E.
based on the results of Llanes
Monitoring Report End of every quarter TA Plan HT VI
Adopting Innovative Teaching Explore and implement Year Round Adopt different
Strategies innovative teaching strategies teaching strategies
such as active learning, flipped for diverse learners.
classrooms, project-based
learning, and inquiry-based
learning to promote student
engagement and deeper
Collaborative Learning Foster collaboration and Year Round Group activities,
teamwork among learners projects, and
promoting critical
communication, and
problem-solving skills
Master Teacher II
Principal IV
Public Schools District Supervisor
** Recommending Approval by (name and
Schools Division Superintendent