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By :

Name : Agatha Olivia Putri Manurung

Academic Number : 2101030006

Study Program : English Department Education

Lecturer :
Prof. Dr. Selviana Napitupulu, M.Hum




Table Of Content

Praise the presence of God Almighty who has given His grace and guidance so that the
writer can complete the task of this paper entitled the influence of social media on variation
teenage language. The purpose of writing this papers is to fulfill the task of Prof. Dr. Selviana
Napitupulu, M.Hum in Research Methodology.
The researcher would like to Prof. Dr. Selviana Napitupulu, M.Hum thank as a Research
Methodology lecturer who has given this assignment so we able to add knowledge and insight in
accordance with the field of study we pursue. The researcher also thank all those who shared
some of their knowledge so that the researcher could finish this research.

The researcher realize, that the paper is still far from perfect. Therefore, the researcher
will look forward to constructive criticism and suggestions for the perfection of this paper. And
thank you for all of your attention. Greetings Pro Deo Et Patria.

Pematang Siantar, October 2023


1.1 Background of the Research

Language was born because of the human need to communicate with other humans
other humans. This is in accordance with the opinion of Richards, Plett, and Weber (Richards,
1985) and Wiratno and Santosa (Wiratno, 2014) who state that language is a system used by
humans to communicate in the form of sound or writing that is structured to form a larger unit,
such as morphemes, words, and sentences. system used by humans to communicate which is
realized in the form of sound or writing that is structured to form a larger unit, such as
morphemes, words, and sentences. However, in its development, humans can communicate
easily with each other by using social media.
Technology is advancing, as evidenced by the presence of the internet, which is
becoming increasingly important in everyday life, including socialization, education, business,
and other activities. The use of social media is another indicator of technological progress in
people's lives. Social media is a collection of software that allows individuals and communities
to gather, share, communicate, and in certain cases collaborate or play with each other. Social
media has the power of user-generated content (UGC) where content is generated by users, not
by editors as in mass media agencies (Nasrullah. 2015).
According to Sari (2019), social media has changed the world a lot. Turning many
thoughts and theories around. Levels or levels of communication merge into one container called
social networking/social media. You also have to be aware of the consequences that arise, in the
sense that social media is increasingly opening up opportunities for each individual involved in it
to freely express their opinions. However, you must also have self-control, so that your freedom
does not violate boundaries and does not offend other parties. As time goes by, teenagers are one
of the most influential groups of people on social media.
The use of social media is an inseparable part of teenagers' lives. According to Piaget
(in Yusuf, 2012: 6), teenagers are included in the period of formal operations (cognitive or
mental processes) which are high-level mental operations. Teenagers experience various changes
and developments, one of which is language. Teenagers' use of various languages is intended to
create a group identity that is separate from other groups. In the communication process,
especially for teenagers. Teenagers also occasionally make language transitions from other
varieties or variations of language, such as language in a casual variety that exists between
people of the same age or peers.
Through language we can express openly everything that is implied within our hearts
and minds. Judging from the function of language as a communication tool, then in the media
Social language plays a very important role. Firmansyah (2018) stated that change and a person's
language development can be influenced by several things including environment, which
includes the environment here is technology that develops in society, the same as the statement
expressed by Ardila, Agustine, & Rosi (2018) regarding the level of language interference
influenced by the media. Which language used in social media is very diverse, from standard
language to using language that is not standard and does not comply with linguistic rules.
Meanwhile, social media users are currently dominated by teenagers.
The use of various languages in written content highlights the appeal of uploaded
photos or videos to users and readers. They may have written the status to express themselves or
for personal reasons. The choice of words used is very varied, such as borrowings from foreign
languages and regional languages. According to Lumintaintang (in Sirait, n.d.), functional
spoken Indonesian data also shows the use of speech that is influenced by foreign language
elements; such as: the use of the words OTW (On The Way) which means on the road or on the
way, hang out which means going for a walk, shopping which means shopping, and OMG (Oh
My God) which means Oh My God. Language users usually use foreign language words in their
daily conversations to make them seem cool or more prestigious and acceptable to their friends.
The reality on the ground shows that the use of social media very influential on changes in the
language of today's teenagers. Lots of information has brought many changes to language
variations among teenagers.
Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in raising this problem in
the form of a written work (thesis) in order to deepen understanding of the influence of social
media on language variations.

1.2 Formulation of Research Problem

Based on the background in the study, the formulation of the problem in the study is
how the influence of social media on language variation in teenagers?

1.3 Research Objective

Based on the problem formulation above, the objectives of this research are as follows:
To find out how social media influences language variation in teenagers.

1.4 Research Subjective

Theoretically, the findings of this study should be useful for researchers, particularly linguistic
students, as well as other people interested in the study of sociolinguistics in general.

Practically, the researcher hopes that this research will benefit or serve as a reference for other
researchers, providing more knowledge to students studying special courses and people
interested in sociolinguistics in general.

1.5 The Scope Of Research

To minimize the breadth of the research, the researcher limits the research. Due to the wide
scope of social media and there are also certain communities or groups, the researcher limits the
research to focus only on the language variations of TikTok and X (Twitter) users who are
followed by the researcher.

2.1 Social Media

Social Media consists of two words, namely media and social. Media is referred to as
communication equipment as the definition is known so far (Laughey, 2007; McQuail, 2003). On
the other hand, social is meant in part by social reality (the social as social fact) if each person
carries out actions that contribute to donations to the community. This statement shows that in
reality, media and all software (applications) are social in the sense that they are products of
social processes (Durkheim, in Fuchs, 2014). Based on the meaning of each of these words, it
can be concluded that social media is a communication tool used by users in social processes.
According to Nasrullah (2015), to develop a definition of social media, we need to look at the
growth of people's ties to media features.
Thus, it can be explained that the existence of social media is basically a form that is
not much different from the existence and working methods of computers. The 3 forms of
socializing, such as recognition, communication and cooperation, can be analogous to computer
working methods which also form a system like the existing system between individuals and
society. (Mulawarman & Dyas Nurfitri, 2020: 4)
In essence, with social media various two-way activities can be carried out in various
forms of exchange, collaboration and getting to know each other in written, visual and
audiovisual form. Social media begins with three things, namely Sharing, Collaborating and
Connecting (Puntoadi, 2011).
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that social media is a form that is
not much different from different forms, and the existence of social media is a form of
socializing, recognition, communication and cooperation. Social media can be carried out
actively in various forms of exchange, collaboration and getting to know each other in written,
visual and audiovisual forms.

2.1.1 Twitter (X)

Twitter is a social networking service (social media) and also a microblog that allows
users to send and read messages of no more than 280 characters called tweets. Twitter was
founded in San Francisco in 2006 by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams.
the following features are on twitter: profile, home, followers, following, mentions, favorites,
direct messages, and hashtags. and in July 2023 Twitter changed its name to X.

2.1.2 Tiktok
TikTok is a social network and music video that has been launched since 2017 (Ahmad
Fauzan, 2021). TikTok is an application that has been developed by ByteDance China, which is
engaged in technology. TikTok can be downloaded through the app store, google play, android
apps and others by its users. TikTok makes the user's cell phone like a walking studio, where
users can interact through video content. The videos presented in TikTok also vary, where this
application presents various effects that users can use to be creative. So TikTok also allows
creators to develop their talents without limits

2.2 Sociolinguistics
Sociolinguistics analyzes the relationship between language and society, which
combines two areas that can be studied separately, namely structure formal language by
linguistics and structure of society by sociology (Wardhaugh, 1984: 4; Holmes, 1993: 1; Hudson,
1996:2) in (Malabar, 2015). According to (Chaer and Agustina, 2010) explains that
sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary study of sociology and linguistics, two fields of science
closely related experiments. Correspondingly, to understand what is sociolinguistics, it is
necessary to first discuss what is meant with sociology and linguistics. Sociology, also known as
social science, is an objective and scientific study of humans in society, institutions or
organizations, and the social processes that exist in public. Sociology seeks to understand and
discover how society arises, persists, and continues to exist. By studying social institutions and
all social problems in a society, you will learn about how humans adapt to their surroundings,
socialize, and position themselves in public. Meanwhile, linguistics is a branch of science that
studies language, or a branch of science that studies language as an object. Thus, sociolinguistics
can be defined as an interdisciplinary science that studies language in relation to its use in
Aside from that, (Chaer and Agustina, 2010) also said that sociolinguistics is a branch
of linguistics that is interdisciplinary with science sociology, with the object of research being
the relationship between language and factors social in a speech community. Thus, it can be said
that sociolinguistics in addition to studying structure (phonological structure, morphological
system, syntactic structure) of a language that is homogeneous, also examines aspects linguistic
heterogeneity. Factors or elements that cause Language heterogeneity is a factor in the
circumstances and background of the speakers. Influence situational language gives rise to
language variants called varieties and registers, while speakers' background factors give rise to
the so-called language variations dialect (geographical, age, social). According to (Chaer and
Agustina, 2010) explains that sociolinguistics will gives us guidelines in communicating by
showing what language, variety of language or language style should we use if we talk to a
specific person.
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that sociolinguistics is a branch of
linguistics that studies the relationship between language and society. Specifically,
sociolinguistics examines language variation that occurs among social groups and how social
context can influence a person's language choices.

2.3 Language Variations

Language variation is a variety or variety of language according to its use varies
according to the topic discussed, according to the relationship of conversation, interlocutor,
person being talked about, and obeying (Kridalaksana in Sirait, n.d.). Meanwhile, according to
(Chaer and Agustina, 2010) stated that Variations or varieties of language are seen as a result of
the social diversity of speakers language and the diversity of language functions. This means that
language variations occur as a result from the existence of social diversity and the diversity of
language functions. Another opinion, according to (Kartomiharjo, 1998) states that variations or
varieties of language is a rather general term and is neutral in nature. The term is associated with
the differences in a language that arise because of its existence differences in economic class,
educational background, ideology, ideals, religion, and so forth.

In (Chaer and Agustina, 2010) experts have different views regarding language variation.
Hartman and Stork differentiate between language variations based on several criteria, namely
(1) geographic and social background of the speaker, (2) the medium used, and (3) the subject of
discussion. Preston and Shuy divide language variations, especially for American English based
on (1) speaker, (2) interaction, (3) code, and (4) realization. Halliday differentiates language
variations based on the user (dialect) and usage (register). Meanwhile, Mc David divides
language variations based on (1) regional dimensions, (2) dimensions social, and (3) temporal

Meanwhile, (Chaer and Agustina, 2010: 61) classifies language variations as follows :
Language variations can be seen in terms of speakers, usage, formality, and form in terms of
facilities (Chaer, 2010).
1. Variations in terms of speakers
a. Idiolect, characterizes an individual with regard to voice color, choice words, language
style, and sentence structure. The easiest characteristic to recognize A person's idiolect is
the color of their voice, even without direct face to face contact. Idiolect differentiates
one person from another person even though at the same dialect.
b. Dialect, characterizing a particular area or region or called geographic dialect. Dialects
characterize certain groups that differentiate them from dialects other groups.

c. Chronolect or temporal dialect, characterizes language use at that time certain. Language
use in the 1990s and 2000s, of course different.
d. Sociolect or social dialect, namely language variations related to status, group and social
class of a person such as education, occupation, level and social, economic status, age
and so on.

2. Variations in use Language usage

varies based on the needs expressed by a specific field or style. Facilities and the level of
user formality. When using language for medical purposes, users may use language
variations related to health or medicine. Doctors and nurses use medical language
differently than patients do.

3. Variations in terms of formality

a. Frozen variety, namely the most formal language variation because it has been
designed and determined absolutely for the common good. Frozen variety such as state
documents, namely the 1945 Constitution, reads Pancasila, Indonesia Raya song lyrics,
sale and purchase agreement, rental agreement, and Notarial Deed.
b. Official variety, namely the variety that has been established as a standard for a
language. For example, talks between deans and student discussions in college
c.Variety of business, namely the variety of language used in conversation produce
products, for example meetings.
d. Casual variety, namely the variety of language used when the situation is not official.
e. Familiar variety, namely the variety of language used by existing speakers have a close
relationship with their speech partner.

4. Variations in terms of facilities

Language variations in terms of means are spoken and written. Variety spoken
language is characterized by paralinguistics or something other than language but gives
influence or effect on the language, such as gestures, facial expressions, eye expressions,
and so on. Meanwhile, the written variety is marked with the use of punctuation to show
the effect of the language.
According to the evidence presented above, language variation is a type of language
that occurs due to diverse human interactions in the environment. This is evident in the
use of language in society.

2.4 The Previous Related Studies

In connection with this title, researcher found several relevant studies, including the following:

2.4.1. Research conducted by Mariani (2021), with the title "Analysis of Slang Variation in
Bikers Community in Social Media Group". Slang Variations in the Bikers Community in the
Social Media Group Facebook group "Keluarga Bikers" (Sociolinguistic Study)". This research
This research discusses various varieties of language such as sentences or words used by a
certain group (Keluarga Bikers) and the research is conducted through social media Facebook.
The similarities between research conducted by Mariani and the researcher, namely, both
examines the variety of language used, another similarity is the same Another similarity is that
they both use sociolinguistic studies. The difference The difference lies in the social media used
as research material, Mariani Mariani uses Facebook while the author uses social media that
focuses on Tiktok and X.

2.4.2. Research conducted by Istiqomah (2017) with the title "Analysis of Variations in the Use
of Caption Language on Instagram". This research discusses the use of language variations in
captions by Instagram users. The similarities between the research conducted by Istiqomah and
the current researcher, namely the same to analyze a language variation used by social media
users. And the difference is in the scope or target focused on the research, Istiqomah analyzes the
use of language variations of Instagram users in general, while the researcher focuses on the use
of language variations of Instagram users in general. instagram users in general, while researcher
focus on the language variations used by accounts followed by researcher on social media
TikTok and X.

2.4.3. Research conducted by Angelo (2018) with the title "Register Language and Jargon
Language Variations in Basketball Sports (Sociolinguistic Study)".This research discusses and
describes the variation of jargon language variations in basketball sports and also complements
the register of basketball sports language in previous studies. language in basketball sports in
previous studies. As for similarities between research conducted by Angelo and researcher
namely, both examine the variety of language used, Another similarity is that it used the same
sociolinguistic study. The difference is in the data source used, namely Angelo took data only in
the scope of basketball sports, while the researcher took data on the use of language variations
used by the accounts followed by the researcher on Tiktok social media and X.

3.1 Research Design

Descriptive method is a method that describes the characteristics of the dara accurately
according to the nature itself. accurately in accordance with the nature of nature itself. The data
collected is not in the form of numerical data, but in the form of words or descriptions of
something (Djajasudarma, 2010). Based on this description, qualitative descriptive research
methods descriptive research method is a direct method used by researchers objectively to
investigate a problem under study and presented in a research report.
Creswell (1994:1-2) defines qualitative research as “an inquiry process of
understanding a social or human problem based on building a complex, holistic picture, formed
with words, reporting detailed views of informants, and conducted in a natural setting”. This
type of research is descriptive qualitative. According to Denzin (Lincoln, 1994) Qualitative
research focuses on understanding existing phenomena. It is descriptive because it aims to
describe the language variations on social media.

3.2 Research Subject and Object

1. Subject
The subjects of this research are social media posts (TikTok and X)

The object of this research is language variation on social media.

3.3 Research Instrument

Instruments are tools needed or used for collecting data. In this research the researcher used
documents and audio-visual instrument. To make the writer easier in conducting the research, the
writer needed supporting instruments such as mobile phone,laptop journal and note taking.
3.4 Technique of collecting data

The data collection techniques used in this research are documentation and note-taking
techniques. The documentation technique is to look for data or information about things or
variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscriptions, meeting
minutes, agendas, and so on. magazines, inscriptions, meeting minutes, agendas, and etc.
(Arikunto, 2010). The reason researchers use documentation techniques, because researcher will
document and collect posts or tweets on social media Twitter that contain language variation.
Twitter social media and Tiktok videos that contain language variations. Data collection is done
by using screen capture and download if a video containing language variation, so that will
appear containing the user's name, a description of the time when the status or tweet was made,
and the owner of the social media account. Meanwhile, the The next data collection technique
used note-taking. The reason the author using the note-taking technique, because the researcher
will write or record important or necessary things using a writing instrument. important or
necessary things by using a writing instrument.

3.5 Technique of Analysis data

This study used Miles and Huberman's (1994) data analysis techniques. Miles and
Huberman (1994) stated that the data was analyzed in three steps. These were: data reduction,
display data, and data conclusion. The steps in the analysis in this study are as follows as

 Researchers read and watch several posts and comments on accounts followed by
researchers in the Tiktok and X applications carefully and thoroughly.
 Researchers mark and identify posts that containing language variations.
 The data is then classified based on its type.
 Data that has been classified will then be analyzed and described.

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