GBR 0014 Laut 1 1
GBR 0014 Laut 1 1
GBR 0014 Laut 1 1
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Correspondence, 1922-12 - 1923, 1960 - 2003
Table Of Contents
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Correspondence, 1922-12 - 1923, 1960 - 2003
Summary Information
Includes: letters between HL and Rachel Steinberg's family on HL's engagement to Rachel; their
marriage certificate; HL's alien registration certificate and University of London card.
Also includes papers from Sir Elihu Lauterpacht's source material for his biography of HL,
including: copies of the engagement letters; notes of an interview with1st Lord McNair on his
first meeting with HL in 1923 and their later friendship, particularly their work on the Annual
Digest; notes of an interview with Leon Radzinowicz on his view of HL; letters of sympathy to
Rachel, Lady Lauterpacht, on HL's death, recalling first meetings with him in 1923, from
individuals including Sir Orby Mootham, George Keeton, Vera Anstey and Samuel Segal; letter
to Rachel, Lady Lauterpacht from Lord McNair on the death of his wife Marjorie.
Administrative Information
Publication Statement
Churchill Archives Centre
Churchill Archives Centre
Churchill College - Page 3 -
Correspondence, 1922-12 - 1923, 1960 - 2003
Churchill Archives Centre
Churchill College
Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB3 0DS
The collection is open for consultation by researchers using Churchill Archives Centre, Churchill
College, Cambridge.
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