NECO - Computer Studies - syllabusNG
NECO - Computer Studies - syllabusNG
NECO - Computer Studies - syllabusNG
computer Studies
A comprehensive Guide to acing your NECO examinations with ease
Recommended Textbook
NECO Grading System
About Us..................................................................................Page 3
Chapter One
About NECO...............................................................................Page 5
Chapter Two
Syllabus...................................................................................Page 6
Chapter Three
Recommended Textbooks........................................................Page 7
Chapter Four
NECO Grading System...............................................................Page 8
Syllabus NG is the premier destination for all educational resources and exam
preparation materials in Nigeria and the world. Our mission is simple yet impactful; to
empower learners of all ages and backgrounds with the resources they need to
succeed academically. It is always better to work smarter than to work harder.
Research & Editorial Team: Rukaya Yusuf, Leonie Chisom, Afeez Adebayo
Project Manager: Afeez Adebayo
Creative Development: Emmanuel Udeoji
Contact:, +2347070546767
The National Examination Council (NECO) is an examination board that conducts the
Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) for internal and external candi-
dates within Nigeria. This examination board also conducts other examinations such
as the National Common Entrance Examination (NCEE) and Basic Education Certifi-
cate Examination (BECE).
The SSCE conducted by NECO is an examination written by students who have con-
cluded their senior secondary education. The certificate is one of the prerequisite
documents for gaining admission into a tertiary institution for students who are will-
ing to further their education.
The BECE is an examination written by students who have completed their junior
secondary education and are willing to advance to the senior secondary level.
The NCCE is an exam taken by students in their final year of primary education, typ-
ically in the 6th year.
The main NECO syllabus is the property of The National Examinations Council
(NECO). This ebook is only for education purposes. No copyright issues intended.
Chapter One
Aims & Objectives
We’ve put this syllabus together to give you a clear roadmap on what to expect in
your computer studies NECO exam. The NECO Computer Studies exam syllabus has
been divided into ten thematic areas, each focusing on essential aspects of computer
studies. From the basics of computer fundamentals and hardware to software appli-
The examiners want to test your understanding, knowledge, and skills in a variety of
areas. From understanding the basic concepts of computer operations to flexing
those problem-solving muscles, they want to see what you’ve got. So, buckle up and
get ready.
___________________________________________________________________ Aims & Objectives
Paper 1
Paper 1 is your first round, you've got 50 multiple-choice questions coming your way,
and you've got to answer them all in just one hour. That’s a lot of brain power packed
into a short time frame, but don't worry, you've got this, each correct answer will earn
Paper 2
You will face five essay questions, but here's the twist: you only need to answer three
of them. That gives you a bit of flexibility to show off your knowledge and writing skills.
You've still got just one hour, so make every word count. This paper is worth 30 marks
Paper 3
Paper 3 is the practical showcase. This is where you get to tighten your belt as the
practical assessment will determine your success. For school candidates, it's all about
putting your practical skills to the test. Private candidates, don't worry, the examiner
has something for you too, a chance to show off your knowledge of practical work. You
will have two hours to answer three questions and earn yourself 45 marks.
Chapter Two
1 COMPUTER 1.1 Computing Devices I (Precomputing age-
EVOLUTION 19th century)
(i)Features , components and uses of early
computing devices:
- Abacus;
- Slide Rule ;
- Napier’s bone;
- Pascal’s calculator;
- Leibniz multiplier;
- Jacquard loom;
- Charles Babbage’s analytical engine;
- Hollerith Census Machine;
- Burrough’s Machine.
(ii)Contribution of each of the founder of these
devices to
Characteristics of Computers
- Electronic in nature;
- Accuracy;
- Speed;
- Interactive etc.
2.2 Data and Information
- Definition and examples of data and
- Differences between data and
3 COMPUTER ETHICS 3.1 Security and Ethics
AND HUMAN ISSUE 1. Sources of security breaches:
- Virus, worms and Trojan horses;
- Poor implementation of network;
- Poor implementation or
lack of ICT policies;
- Carelessness- giving out personal and
vital information on
the net without careful screening.
- Hackers, spammers etc
2.Preventive measures
-Use of antivirus software e.g. Norton, McAfee,
Avast, etc
-Use of firewall;
-Exercising care in giving out vital and personal
-Proper Network Implementation and Policy
-Using sites with web certificates
-Exercising care in opening email
3.Legal Issues
-Copyright (software copyright)
-ownership right to
-audio; -video
-Privacy of audio and video software -Cyber
-identity theft;
-internet fraud
4 COMPUTER 4.1 Input devices
HARDWARE Definition and examples of input devices
The use of keyboard, mouse, scanner, joystick,
light pen, etc
Classification of keys on the keyboard into
Function, Numeric,
-Cursor keys
-Features, function and operation of the
mouse -Differences in
keyboard, mouse, light pen and scanner
6.2 Spreadsheet
(i) Definition and examples of
spreadsheet program
-MS Excel
-Autocad, etc
(ii)Feature of spreadsheet program
(iii)Application areas of Spreadsheet
-Statistical calculation
-Student result, etc
(iv)Features of MS Excel Environment
-status bar
-menu bar
-formula bar, etc
(v)Definition of basic terms in MS Excel
-cell ranges
(vi)Data types in Excel
(vii)Basic operation in Excel
-Data Entry
(viii)Arithmetic calculations using formula and
built-in function
(ix)Additional operation in Excel
-Drawing charts, etc
6.3 Database
(i)Definition of database and database
7 MANAGING 7.1 Concept of Computer Files
COMPUTER FILES (i)Definition of some terms
-computer file
-data item
(ii)Types of data item
(iii)File structure organisation (Data item—
(iv)Types of file organization
(v)Methods of accessing files
(vi)File classification
-master file
-transaction file
-reference file
(vii)Criteria for classifying files:
-nature of content(program and data)
-organisation method
-storage medium
9.3 Internet
(i)Definition of Internet and some Internet
(ii)Types of internet browsers
(iii)Features of Internet browsers
(iv)Types of Internet services
9.5 Networking
(i)Definition of a Computer Network
(ii)Types of Network
(iii) Network topology
(iv)Network devices
(v)Advantages of Networking
It is very important to score at least 50% which will give you a C6 in the 4 compul-
sory subjects as well as your core subjects or you could have problems getting admis-
sion and may have to re-write the exams.
For example, if you want to study Medicine and Surgery, you should try hard to score
high in Mathematics, English, Civic Education, and the trade subject you are writing
and your core subjects which are: Physics, Biology, and Chemistry
Chapter Three
NECO Grading System
The performance and grading of the SSCE candidates in the NECO examination can
be determined by the grading system. The basic criteria for admission into a ter-
tiary institution and employment in most organizations in Nigeria are 5 credits in
Mathematics, English, and 3 other subjects related to the field of study, in a mini-
mum of two sittings.
75-100 A1 Excellent
65-69 B3 Good
60-64 C4 Credit
55-59 C5 Credit
50-54 C6 Credit
45-49 D7 Pass
40-44 E8 Pass
(2) Laptops
(3) Scanners
(4) Printers
(11) DVD
(14) Word processing packages, database package, BASIC program and CorelDraw
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