9700 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2015 Series
9700 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2015 Series
9700 BIOLOGY: MARK SCHEME For The May/June 2015 Series
9700/51 Paper 5 (Planning, Analysis and Evaluation),
maximum raw mark 30
This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Examiners were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner
Report for Teachers.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.
Cambridge is publishing the mark schemes for the May/June 2015 series for most
Cambridge IGCSE®, Cambridge International A and AS Level components and some
Cambridge O Level components.
1 (a) any 2 from: accept ref. to contact lenses as opposed to simulated ones
1 idea of difficult to identify the end point / AW ; 1 A in context of when all gelatin digested away / plastic
becomes transparent / AW ;
2 (because) gel, disappears / falls off / is digested / AW, 2 A idea that colour fades gradually
gradually / AW ; A idea of non-uniform removal of gelatin
3 (because) the dye colours the solution / solution 3 A ref. to needing to lift out the plastic (because the
becomes, cloudy / murky / AW dye colours the water)
or solution might not be, clear enough / AW ; [max 2]
3 ref. to correct volume of saline (containing EDTA) and 3 A if correct volume (50 cm3) achieved once
of stock solution to give stated subtilisin concentration A if correct volume achieved by removal after dilution
and a volume of 50 cm3 ; I type of concentration units given
R dilution with water alone
4 range of 5 concentrations or more stated between 4 range must cover 20 µg / cm3 and 100 µg / cm3 but
20 µg / cm3 and 100 µg / cm3 (allow 0.02 mg / cm3- could extend below / above
0.1 mg / cm3) ; A in mg / cm3 ( below 0.02 mg / cm3 and 0.1 mg / cm3) [max 3]
(ii) solution:
boiled (cleaning) solution / (cleaning / saline) solution I water alone / immobilised enzyme
without, enzyme / subtilisin A / protease ; A denatured / inactive, enzyme
A sodium chloride / NaCl (solution) / saline (and EDTA)
idea that other components of the (cleaning) solution do not, I film alone
digest / remove / break down the, gelatin / protein / layer I ref. to removal of colour
A ref. to, other substances / saline / EDTA, having no effect
If water is given as the solution
it is the, enzyme / subtilisin A, that, digest / remove / break A to show that enzyme, digests gelatin / AW
down the, gelatin / protein / layer ; I ref. to the enzyme having an effect – needs digests, etc.
‘lacks the enzyme that digest gelatin’ / AW
R ‘it shows the other components do not digest [2]
gelatin’ / AW
independent variable
1 ref. to using 10 cm3 of each, enzyme / cleaning solution / 1 A other stated volumes between 7 cm3–12 cm3
AW, concentration in, each pot / all pots ; A fixed / same, volume of each concentration
used / AW
7 use of, buffer / named buffer, to keep pH constant / to 7 If pH stated must be a single value between 7.0–7.5
control pH ; or the range 7.0–7.5
8 ref. to using same, size / area, of (simulated) contact 8 A 10 mm × 10 mm pieces or any other sensible size
lens / plastic ;
9 ref. to, low risk investigation / hazard and suitable safety 9 e.g. allergy / sensitivity / to, enzyme / chemical and
precaution ; wearing, goggles / gloves / mask
e.g. (chemical) irritant / toxic (chemical) and wearing,
goggles / gloves / mask
R no risk/ no safety implications
10 ref. to minimum number of replicates and mean ; 10 A 3 (original plus 2) / several / many, replicates and
or 3 replicates to, identify / remove, anomalies /
outliers [max 6]
(d) (i) 1 axes correctly orientated with labels ; 1 x-axis, concentration of subtilisin A and y-axis, time
for / rate of, gelatin / protein / layer / colour / AW,
removal / digestion / breakdown
(ii) idea of: find the time for the gelatin to disappear (using the
cleaning solution) on the y-axis and read the concentration
from the x-axis ; [1]
[Total: 19]
2 (a) exposure (and non-exposure) to alcohol, before birth / during A in context of baby or mother.
pregnancy / prenatal ; R concentration / volume of alcohol
I alcohol unqualified [1]
(b) (i) sensory conduction: max 1 from for faster / slower accept AW throughout
1 pre-natal alcohol exposure / group 1 / first group, is 1 specific days need to be given not just ‘earlier / later’
faster at 20 days (than no pre-natal exposure) / AW ora
pre-natal alcohol exposure / group 1 / first group, is
slower at 400 days (than no pre-natal exposure) / AW ;
2 increase in conduction speed for group 1 between 20 2 stated raw speed figures alone are not enough
and 400 days is less (than that for group 2) ; ora A ‘increase over the time period is less...’
3 In both groups 1 and 2 sensory neurone conduction 3 A in terms of increases over, the time period / the age
speed increases with age ; period / from 20 days to 400 days / with the days /
growth / AW
5 increase in conduction speed between 20 and 400 5 raw speed figures must be qualified
days is similar for group 1 and group 2 ;
6 In both groups 1 and 2 motor neurone conduction 6 A in terms of increases over, the time period / the age
speed increases with age ; period / from 20 days to 400 days / with the days /
growth / AW [max 2]
(b) (ii) max 1 from: must be idea of the whole nerve / motor and sensory
1 motor conduction is faster than sensory at 20 days, in 1 and 2 specific days needed not earlier / later
group 2 / with no pre-natal alcohol exposure ora
motor conduction slower than sensory at 400 days, in
group 2 / with no pre-natal alcohol exposure ; ora
3 (conduction speed) increases with age (of the infant) ; 3 mp not awarded if mp3 or mp6 given in b (i)
A increases over, the time period / the age
period / from 20 days to 400 days / with the days /
growth / AW
(c) most reliable: mp not awarded if more than one group selected
group 2 / no pre-natal alcohol exposure, at 400 days, motor
(velocity) ;
(d) (i) there is no overlap in the standard deviations ; I error bars / data / results
A descriptions of no overlap, e.g. ‘ranges of the standard
deviations don’t have anything in common’
(ii) the data, is continuous / has a normal distribution / are R continuous variable / change is continuous
comparing (two) means ; [1]
(iii) there is no significant difference between the sensory A the difference in the sensory conduction velocity / speed
conduction, velocity / speed (of the median nerve), in, (of the median nerve), between, group 1 (babies) / babies
group 1 (babies) / babies with pre-natal exposure to alcohol, with pre-natal exposure to alcohol, and, group 2
and, group 2 (babies) / babies with no pre-natal exposure to (babies) / babies with no pre-natal exposure / between the
alcohol ; two groups (of babies), to alcohol is not significant
3 different numbers of males and females in each group ; 3 A more females than males ora
I stated figures unqualified
4 does not include mothers, who drink less than 32 mg of
alcohol / who drink alcohol occasionally ;
5 does not include the full age range of mothers / AW ; 5 A only has mothers of age 23–25 years / small age
range of mothers
6 body mass / weight, of the, mothers / babies ;
[Total: 11]