Sharif Bala Gabari of Kano From Scribe T
Sharif Bala Gabari of Kano From Scribe T
Sharif Bala Gabari of Kano From Scribe T
orn in the late 1930$ "Mahiru" for exportation; 3) the relatively late - in
(the "skilled one") Sharif Bala comparison with other Muslim countries -
Gabari (also known as Sharif establishment of a local printing industry.
Sala Zaytawa), can be considered today as When printed Arabic books started to
the living legend of the Islamic calligraphic circulate in northern Nigeria, the growing
tradition of Kano, the pulsating commercial public of northern Nigerian readers
heart and vibrant centre of Islamic scholar- who were able to buy books were still
ship in twentieth century northern Nigeria. accustomed to the variant of the maghrebi
The career of Sharif Sala developed during years of C script used in local qur'anic schools, and were not
profound transformation of the book market in Kano, familiar with, or did not appreciate, the Eastern
marked by the conjuncture of three interconnected script available through the imported printing
factors: 1) the phenomenon of religious revival and facilities. Thus, it became necessary for the local
increased Arabic literacy, inspired by two dynamic scholars engaged in the Nigerian Sufi revival of the
Sufi brotherhoods (Tijaniyya Nyassiyya and Qadiriyya 1950s, who wanted to market their writings among
Nasiriyya) whose scholars engaged in extensive a wider audience, to hire a scribe who would write
poetry writing; 2) the integration of Kano - formerly a sample in the local script, and then rely on one
a prominent southern terminal of the trans-Saharan of the newly established local printing companies
trade routes to Libya - in the new, South-oriented, (Oluseyi Press; Northern Maktabat Printing Press) to
economy of Nigeria, wherein Kano became the produce lithographed or photocopied editions that
commercial centre where the agricultural produce would be marketed through the scholarly networks
of the North (groundnuts and cotton) was gathered of Northern Nigerian zawiyas (religious centres linked
before being transferred to the southern seaports D to a particular Sufi order).
Above A printed edttion of the Kitab al-shifa from a manuscript copy written by Sharif Bala Gabari in hausawi script.
Sharif Bala wrote down his first complete copy of K;J As a general rule, thinner and slightly more cursive
the Qur'an at the age of 20, and was noticed for the styles tend to be appreciated for prose works, for they
clarity of his script by some of the then emerging Sufi economise the space of a page . Bold, thicker hands
scholars and religious poets of Kano city, who started of a monumental aspect, instead, tend to be used for
hiring him to write sample copies of their writings - writings that are more suitable to ritual recitation, like
especially poetry, both in Arabic and in Hausa ajami the Qur'an, the Da/a'il al-Khayriit. along with highly
(Hausa in Arabic script). Although he wrote a number cherished, almost iconised works of poetry such as
of poems for some prominent Tijani scholars of Kano, the Burda of Imam al-Buslrl, the DTwiin of Shaykh
his main patron would soon become Malam Nasiru IbrahTm Nyass, or the Hausa and Arab ic poems of
Kabara (d. 1996), prolific writer and leader of the local Malam Nasiru Kabara. Over the years, Sharif Bala has
Qadiriyya, whom Sharif Bala considers his religious started to maximise the boldness and angularity of
mentor. his style in order to improve its decorative appeal ,
With rare exceptions, Sharif Bala consistently while at the same time trying to standardise the
wrote in the Nigerian variant of the maghrebi script. dimension of letters, The latter concern can be seen
Transmitted through the Middle Ages to Bornu as a distinctively modern one (traditional Bornu
and Kano, the typical Nigerian hand shares most hands, on the contrary, deliberately avoid regularity),
of the basic features of the other maghrebi scripts that makes his script somewhat sim ilar to a sort of
(andalusian, (asl, sahariiwJ, etc.), like the one-dot hand-made proxy of a printed Nigerian Kufic hand.
qaf, under,dotted (t]" un-dotted final nUn, etc., but Thanks to the regularity of his script, a new hizb
displays, in its most decorative variants used for (one sixtieth) division of the Qur'an always starts at
poetry, Qur'ans and prayer-books, a characteristic the beginning of a new page . This allows readers to
boldness that is reminiscent of the most archaic easily divide the Qur'an (whose sheets, according
forms of Kufic. When interrogated on what styles he to the local use, are always left loose) into separate
uses more often, Sharif Bala proudly emphasises that sixtieths for congregational reading in mosques, an
the Nigerian hand he is using is indeed the modern additional factor that makes Sharif Bala's copies of
heir of Kufic. o the Qur'an especially appreciated.