Field Methods Presentation 4 Interview
Field Methods Presentation 4 Interview
Field Methods Presentation 4 Interview
Field Methods
Lesson Objective
Or Researcher-made Scale
3. What is the academic Grades of Students Secondary Data requested Secondary Data
performance of the from the Department (secure from Registrar or
repondents? Department)
4. Is there as significant Data Set for StressLevel Provided in No. 2 & 3 Statistical Computation
relationship between ... Data Set for Academic Perf.
5. How do students Qualitative Descrpitions Interview Structured Interview
experience stress? Responses
Interview Schedule (Interview Guide)
• a plan or a list containing a set of structured questions that
have been prepared, to serve as a guide for interviewers,
researchers and investigators in in collecting information or
data about a specific topic or issue
• Generally, interview schedule should have the following three
major parts:
• 1. Opening / Engagement
• 2. Body / Interview Proper
• 3. Closing / Termination
Activity: Preparing Interview Questions
•Draft an “Interview Schedule or Guide”
focused on the question, “How do
students experience stress?”
•Prepare your plan and questions for
Engagement, Interview Proper,
•Interview can be conducted in 60
minutes only
How to conduct a research interview