(Project) Answers
(Project) Answers
(Project) Answers
Purpose: This assessment will capture the student’s knowledge and skills to handle construction
materials for three (3) different tasks.
• Task 1: Subfloor
Which includes:
Safely handling, sorting and stacking:
o varying lengths of timber or similarly proportioned materials
o different sizes and types of sheet material
o bagged materials
o simulated hazardous materials
The unit is suitable for those with basic skills and knowledge undertaking routine work tasks
under the direction of more experienced workers.
This project is used with Observation Criteria CPCCCM2004 Handle Construction Materials. Before
starting the project read the observation with your students which outlines what you will be observing
while they complete this project activity.
Location: This assessment will be conducted in trade training workshops and classroom environment
advised by you, the Trainer Assessor.
Assessment Conditions: Students will the project under your supervision and you will provide them
with an allotted time to complete this assessment.
The trainer/assessor or training organisation is required to provide a workplace or a close simulation of
the workplace environment to replicate construction workplace conditions and standards, materials,
Department of Education
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activities, responsibilities, procedures, safety requirements and environmental considerations to each
Assessment Tools: The Trainer Assessor will use the following when assessing students:
• The assessment instrument (this assessment for evidence).
• The assessment instructions and benchmark answers (i.e., the steps involved in the assessment
and the benchmark standards set for this assessment to ensure fair judgement against all
• Observation Performance Indicators CPCCCM2004 Handle Construction Materials
The following resources, equipment and materials will be provided throughout the course to use to
demonstrate skills in this unit:
Appropriate PPE for the activity, ensuring the correct fit for the student:
- Gloves
- Safety glasses
- Face shield/helmet
- Welding gloves
- Hearing protection
- Long sleeved shirt and long pants
- Steel capped boots
Tools and equipment:
- Pencil/chalk
- Measuring tape
- Ruler
- Plumb line
- Hammer
- G clamps
- Bevel
- Spirit level
- Carpenters square
- Drop saw
- Circular saw
- Drop saw
- Chuck drill
- Impact drill
- Pneumatic nailing gun
- Bumpy level
- Laser level
- Welder
- Grinder
- Construction materials –steel bearer, floor joists, steel cleats, ply sheeting, timber frame
Documents required:
- Safety data sheets (SDS)
- Drawings and specifications
- Site safety procedures
- Environmental management plan
Re-Assessment: If students do not achieve the required satisfactory standard, they will be given the
opportunity to re-attempt the assessment. If you consider more training is required prior to the second
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assessment, you will indicate it in the comments section of the assessment. Arrangements will be made
on an individual basis.
Feedback: Feedback from the Trainer Assessor will be provided after the completion of assessment.
Students are required to sign the feedback to acknowledge that the feedback was received and that
the appeals process has been explained.
Achievement: Students must complete all activities and tasks correctly for a satisfactory achievement
of this assessment.
Reasonable Adjustment: If students feel they need assistance in the completion of this assessment, due
to disability or other special needs; wherever possible, the assessment will consider what reasonable
adjustments can be made to accommodate those needs.
However, adjustments cannot diminish the quality of the assessment outcome.
There are a number of activities that students will need to complete to handle the different
construction materials. This assessment will guide you through each activity, which students will use to
demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of undertaking a basic construction project.
The activities completed in this assessment will be used in conjunction with the Observation Criteria
which the Trainer Assessor will use to observe student’s performance to undertake a basic construction
The trainer assessor, acting as the worksite supervisor, will run a toolbox meeting.
Student instructions:
• Listen to the information provided in the toolbox talk and then fill out the “Record Toolbox
Meeting” form below
• Place a “√” against each item you think the Supervisor has covered
• Place an “X” against any item that is not covered
• If the Supervisor discusses an item that is not included on the form, add a comment in the
“Comment/Discussion” section at the bottom of the form.
• Your trainer assessor will observe you performing this activity.
Date: date of meeting Name of Supervisor running the meeting: trainer assessor name
5. PPE/water /fatigue ✓
13. Select, and check for faults, equipment and/or attachments for work ✓
Student Signature
The trainer/assessor, acting as the worksite supervisor, will run a toolbox meeting for students. The students are
to listen carefully to the information provided and then fill out the “Record Toolbox Meeting” form below. The
student must place a “√” against each item they think the Supervisor has covered. The student must place an “X”
against any item that is not covered.
If the Supervisor (trainer) discusses an item that is not included on the form, the student must add a comment in
the “Comment/Discussion” section at the bottom of the form to briefly identified what was discussed.
At the conclusion of the meeting, the trainer/assessor may ask each student to repeat or paraphrase one item
from the list of items. This provides the opportunity for the student to demonstrate their verbal communication
with the rest of the group.
• The student added a comment in the “Comment / Discussion” section at the bottom of the form to briefly
identify what was discussed.
• The student correctly answered a questions asked by the trainer/assessor and/or the student responded
verbally by summarising their understanding of what was said about that specific item.
This activity requires students to prepare to handle construction materials for the following three
(3) tasks:
• Task 1: Subfloor
Student instructions:
Client Name: Example client who project is Job Details: Prepare for work
Worker signature: Student signature
Phone Number:
Work instructions
Answer lists appropriate work instructions provided by client and
supervisor (trainer assessor)
planning meeting)-------------------------------------------------------
Manufacturers’ specifications to be
followed Answer lists appropriate Manufacturers’ specifications to be
Workplace requirements
Answer lists appropriate Workplace requirements
Answer lists tools/equipment to be used tick Answer briefly describes fault of each tool/piece of
equipment that they find
Phone Number:
Worker name:
Work instructions
Students to follow same steps as in previous task but apply to Task
2 – External timber frame
Sequence of work
Manufacturers’ specifications to be
Sign off:
Phone Number:
Worker name:
Work instructions
Students to follow same steps as in previous task but apply to Task
3 – Wall frame
Sequence of work
Manufacturers’ specifications to be
Sign off:
This activity requires you to organise the performance of basic work task to construct a timber deck.
• Complete the steps given by your trainer assessor to complete the sub floor
• Complete the table below to explain the process used to construct the sub floor
o Environmental requirements
o Workplace requirements
Manually handle, sort, stack and store materials – Task 1 – Sub floor
Client Name: Job Details: Manually handle, sort, stack and store
Worker signature:
Phone Number:
Worker name:
• Material type Answer lists the material type, size and safety requirements of the
contamination ----------------------------------------------------------
Sign off:
Student and trainer assessor (supervisor)
Client Name: Job Details: Manually handle, sort, stack and store
Worker signature:
Phone Number:
Worker name:
• Material type Students follow same steps as in previous task but apply to Task 2 –
External timber frame
• Size
• Safety requirements, including
SDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sign off:
Client Name: Job Details: Manually handle, sort, stack and store
Worker signature:
Phone Number:
Worker name:
• Material type Students follow same steps as in previous task but apply to Task 3 –
Wall frame
• Size
• Safety requirements, including
SDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sign off:
Step 1: Clean up, meeting all legislative and workplace requirements for safety, waste disposal and materials
Your trainer/assessor (Supervisor) will observe you performing this activity and sign off the checklist after
ensuring each step is completed.
• Material record
o Type of Material
o Type of Activity
o Location
o Total Quantities
• Legislative and workplace requirements for safety, waste disposal, materials handling and
protection of the environment.
Step 2: Check, maintain and store tools and equipment and report any faults.
• Ensure that the tools, equipment and materials are properly stored, secured and protected as per the
manufacturer specifications.
Complete the following using the table below.
Phone Number:
Worker name:
Legislative and workplace requirements for safety, waste disposal and materials handling.
-Waste disposal
-Materials handling
Material record:
Type of
Material Type of Activity Location Total Quantities
Answer lists Answer lists type of Answer lists new Answer lists quantities
type of activity - location of material and
material dispose/recycle/stor safe storage method(s)
e to reuse used
The student demonstrated the above knowledge and skills to a satisfactory standard as required
by the performance benchmarks