Basic Infrastructure Operations: Level I

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Education and Training Core Process


Level I

Unit of Competence: Conduct Simple Sampling and Testing

Module Title: Conducting Simple Sampling and Testing

LG Code: CON BIO1M13 0311
-TTLM Code: CON BIO1TTLM 0816v1
Instruction Sheet Learning Guide #13

This learning guide is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding
the following learning out come and contents coverage.
LO1: Prepare for sampling
1.1 Safety plan, organizational policies and procedures and applications
1.2 Basic theoretical conceptual on:-
1.2.1 Plan preparation
1.2.2 Specifications, standard methods,
1.2.3 Quality requirements, and
1.2.4 Operational procedures and details
1.3 Construction materials and handling procedures
1.4 Plant, tools and equipment usage and selection
1.5 Environmental protection requirements

LO2: Take sample

2.1 OHS procedures
2.2 Sampling
2.2.1 types,
2.2.2 time,
2.2.3 tools,
2.2.4 sample collection,
2.2.5 handling
2.3 Sample labeling and storing
LO3: Conduct material testing
3.1 Hazards of testing and safe operating techniques
3.2 Basic arithmetic, volume , area , weight , density and graphing
3.3 Measuring and testing tools
3.4 Application of quality requirements
3.5 Basic concepts of field and laboratory test
3.5.1 Vibration test
3.5.2 Settling test
3.5.3 Cohesion test
3.5.4 Shrinkage test
3.5.5 Cement simple field test (color test, palm test etc…)
3.5.6 Simple field tests for reinforcement bar (rusting test, hammering test etc…)
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3.5.7 Moisture Content Determination Test
3.5.8 Atterberg (kassa granding) limit test
3.5.9 Gradation (Sieve analysis) Test
3.5.10 Specific gravity of soil, aggregate and stone
3.5.11 Density
3.5.12 compaction test

3.5.13 concrete slump

3.6 Apply testing methods and procedures

3.7 Report and documentation methods and procedures

LO4: Conduct preparation of stabilized construction materials

4.1 Site hazards and safe operational techniques
4.2 Handling of construction materials and stabilizers
4.3 Stabilization
4.3.1 Types
4.3.3basic concept on application

LO5: Identify hazards and risks

5.1 Types of hazards and risks

LO6: Control hazards and risks

6.1 Basic concept on hazards and risks control techniques, practices, procedures
and contingency measures
Basic concept on procedures for recognition/reporting of unexpected or unusual

This guide will also assist you to attain the learning outcome stated in the cover
page. Specifically, upon completion of this Learning Guide, you will be able to –

 It includes the planning and preparation for work, taking samples, conduct
material testing, conduct preparation of stabilized construction materials,
identifying hazards and risks and controlling hazards and risks.
Learning Instructions:
1. Read the specific objectives of this Learning Guide.
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2. Follow the instructions described in number 3 to 22.
3. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 1”. Try to understand
what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time
understanding them.
4. Accomplish the “Self-check 1” in page. _12_
5. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request your
teacher to correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you
finished answering the Self-check 1).
6. If you earned a satisfactory evaluation proceed to “Information Sheet 2”.
However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further instructions
or go back to Learning Activity #2.
7. Submit your accomplished Self-check. This will form part of your training
8. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 2”. Try to understand
what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time
understanding them.
9. Accomplish the “Self-check 2” in page _18_.
10. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request
your teacher to correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you
finished answering the Self-check 2).
11. Read the information written in the “Information Sheets 3”. Try to understand
what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time
understanding them.
12. Accomplish the “Self-check 3” in page _42_.
13. Ask from your teacher the key to correction (key answers) or you can request
your teacher to correct your work. (You are to get the key answer only after you
finished answering the Self-check 3).
14. If you earned a satisfactory evaluat3werion proceed to “Operation Sheet 1” in
page _44_. However, if your rating is unsatisfactory, see your teacher for further
instructions or go back to Learning Activity #6.
15. Read the “Operation Sheet 1” and try to understand the procedures discussed.
16. Do the “LAP test” in page _45_ (if you are ready). Request your teacher to
evaluate your performance and outputs. Your teacher will give you feedback and
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the evaluation will be either satisfactory or unsatisfactory. If unsatisfactory, your
teacher shall advice you on additional work. But if satisfactory you can proceed to
Learning Guide #4.
17. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 4”. Try to understand
what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time
understanding them.
18. Accomplish the “Self-check 4” in page _50_.
19. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 5”. Try to understand
what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time
understanding them.
20. Accomplish the “Self-check 5” in page _55_.
21. Read the information written in the “Information Sheet 6”. Try to understand
what are being discussed. Ask you teacher for assistance if you have hard time
understanding them.
22. Accomplish the “Self-check 6” in page _60_.

Information Sheet-1 Prepare for sampling

1.1 Safety plan, organizational policies and procedures and applications

1 Safety means a complete understanding of your work and knowledge of every step that must be
taken and the realization that mistakes could be costly to yourself and to the company.
2 Safety means good judgment. Never rely on luck; always be prepared to cope with unexpected
situations and being alert when following your routine.
3 Safety means remembering the safety rules set up by your company and applying them every
minute when you are on the job
The plan consists of construction drawings and specifications for each section of road. The
four most common views of plans for the re-vegetation specialist are plan views, cross-section
views, profile views, and typical views

Standard technical specification in Ethiopia

When we come to the standard specification published in Ethiopia, Ethiopian road authority
(ERA) published technical specification in 1958 by compiling the existing specification
(AASHTO,ASTM & BS) adding some modification to include local consideration by 2002 ERA.
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1.2 Basic theoretical conceptual on:-
1.2.1 Plan preparation
Construction materials and handling procedures
The material used in embankment, sub-grade, shoulders, etc. shall be soil, gravel, a mixture of
these or other material approved by the Engineer..

Identifying quarry site

When selecting a quarry site, a number of aspects need to be considered. These include:
 The quality of the gravel material,
 The depth of soil (or overburden) over the gravel,
 How to excavate the gravel,
 Hauling distance from the quarry to the road site, and
 Land ownership of the quarry site.

1.2.2 Specifications, standard methods,

Preferably, the gravel pit should be located close to your road to limit hauling distances.
Specification is a written article prepared by technically qualified experts by conducting a lot of
research work & certified by a government as an explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by a
material, product, system or service.
Standard technical specification for a country is prepared by considering & studying the
following topography, economy climate, Available materials & equipments, development in
technology & others. In order to achieve these work a lot of research work, skilled man power, and
long period of time, well organized team devoted for this job much capital, etc. A country may have
different towns & cities. Therefore the technical specification should be applicable in these ranges of
Why do specifications of different countries differ?
Economy available resources, development in technology, weather condition & other
 Economy
 Available resources
 Development in technology
 Weather condition

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1.2.3. Quality requirements
Quality Control Requirements
1. Materials
(a.) The material used in embankment, sub-grade, shoulders, etc. shall be soil, moored, gravel, a mixture
of these or other material approved by the Engineer. It shall be free from logs, stumps, roots, rubbish, etc.
2. The following types of material shall be considered unsuitable:
(i) Material from swamps, marshes and bogs
(ii) Peat, log, stump and perishable material; soil classified as OL, OI, OH or Pt as per IS: 1498.
--(iii) Materials susceptible to spontaneous combustion
(iv) clay having liquid limit exceeding 70 and plasticity index exceeding 45
(v) Material with salts resulting in leaching action e.g. sonic soils (pH > 8.5)
(vi) expansive clay with free swelling index exceeding 50 per cent
(vii) Materials in a frozen condition
(viii) Fill materials with a soluble sulphate content exceeding 1.9 gm of sulphate, (expressed as SO3) per
liter, if deposited within 500 mm or other distance described in the Contract, of concrete, cement bound
materials or other cementations materials forming part of permanent works
(ix) Material with a total sulphate content (expressed as SO3) exceeding 0.5 per cent by mass, if
deposited within 500 mm or other distance described in the Contract, of metallic items forming part of
permanent works
(b) The size of coarse material shall not ordinarily exceed 75 mm when placed in embankment and 50
mm when placed in sub-grade.
1.2.4. Operational procedures and details
Purpose of Soil Testing
The chemical and physical properties of materials are determined by carrying out different tests
on samples of soil in a laboratory.
Tests for the assessment of engineering properties, such as moisture content, Atterberg limits,
gradation and hydrometer analysis, density, CBR, in-situ density etc.
The parameters determined from laboratory tests, taken together with descriptive data relating to
the soil, area required by soil engineers for many purposes. The more usual applications are
a) The findings of a site investigation can be supplemented by farther testing as
construction proceed

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b) Criteria for the acceptance of a material used in construction
c) Data acquired from classification tests are applied to the identification of soil of soil
d) Laboratory tests are needed as part of the control measures which are applied
during construction of earth works on for ensuring that the design criteria are met.

The advantages of laboratory testing are in a field investigation for different construction projects,
the field operations, which includes of the geology and history of the site subsurface exploration
and in place testing, are of prime importance. The determination of the ground characteristics by
in place testing can take into account large scale effects. However the measurement of soil
properties by mans of laboratory tests offers a number of advantages, as follows:
1. A test can be run under conditions which are similar to, or which different from those
prevailing in situ, as may appropriate.
2. Test can be carried out on material (soils) which have been broken down and reconstituted.
3. Control of the test conditions, including boundary conditions can be exercised.
4. Control can be exercised over the choice of material which is too be tested.
5. Laboratory testing generally permits a greater degree of accuracy of measurements that
does field tests.

The evaluation of soil properties from reliable test procedures has led to a close understanding of
the nature and probable behavior of soils as engineering materials. Some of the resulting
advantages in the realm of civil engineering construction have been:
a) Increasing economy in the use of soils as construction materials
b) Reduction of uncertainties in the analysis of foundations and earthworks
c) Exploitation of difficult sites
d) Economies in design due to the use of lower factors of safety
e) Erection of structures, and below-ground construction, which would not have been
feasible without this knowledge.

1.3 Construction materials and handling procedures

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The material used in embankment, sub-grade, shoulders stone, etc. shall be soil, gravel, a mixture
of these or other material approved by the Engineer. It shall be free from logs, stumps, roots,
rubbish, etc. A good gravel surface should contain 35-65% for strength, 20-40% sand to fill the
gaps between the stone and 10-25% clay.

1.4 Plant, tools and equipment usage and selection

Tools:- Shovel, pix axis, tap, tray squire, sprit label, hammer etc……
Equipment:-Mixer, while barrow, excavator, roller, tractor, hand compacter etc….

Tools for Sampling

The type of equipment or tool required for sub surface investigation depends up on the nature of
the terrain and intended use of the data. Engineering judgment determines the selection of
equipment or tools listed below for the exploration or sampling operation.
- Hand augers
- Orchard or bucket-type hand auger
 Power auger and power rotary drills
Hand augers:-are suitable for use in shallow soil deposits.
An orchard or bucket-type hand auger:- with cylindrical sides is suggested for sand containing
little or no gravel.
Power auger and power rotary drills:-with appropriate bits samplers and core barrels are suitable
for both soil and rock investigation and sampling.

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1.5 Environmental protection requirements

Relevant principles of this act, which could impact on the contract, include:
- That pollution and degradation of the environment must be avoided or, where they cannot
be altogether avoided, are kept to a minimum and corrected.
- That waste is avoided, or where it cannot be altogether avoided, minimized.
- That negative impacts of the contract, on the environment and the people in the
environment, are prevented and where they cannot be altogether prevented, are kept to a
minimum and corrected.
The following construction and operations activities as having potential, in the absence of
mitigation, to result in the introduction of deleterious substances (contaminated runoff) into the
- Hazardous materials spill in the vicinity of the river/marsh during the course of roadway
- Release of re-suspended, contaminated bottom sediments during the course of construction of
roadway embankment over Riel Pond.
- During operation, introduction of contaminants (deleterious substances) into the River Marsh
as a result of discharge of roadway/bridge runoff from storm water management facilities.

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- During operation, release of hazardous materials as result of a spill associated with a vehicular
accident on the roadway, bridge deck or approaches.
- During operation, introduction of contaminants (deleterious substances) into the Sturgeon
River/Riel Marsh as a result of roadway/bridge maintenance procedures.
The above-described environmental protection measures will achieve the following:
- Minimization of the potential for hazardous materials spills to occur during construction
- Minimization of the potential for any spill occurring during construction or operation to reach
the Sturgeon River or Riel Marsh.
- Minimization of the volume of spilled material that could reach the Sturgeon River or Riel
Marsh during construction.
- Minimization of the risk that spilled material could pose to water quality or aquatic organisms.
- Minimization of the volume of hazardous materials that could reach the Sturgeon River or Riel
Marsh in the event of a spill resulting from a vehicular accident during roadway operation.
- Establishment of clear emergency response plans that ensure speedy and effective clean-up of
any spills that do occur during construction or operation and full compliance with all spill
reporting guidelines and regulations.
- Minimization of potential for the introduction of deleterious substances as a result of
roadway/bridge maintenance procedures. The measures discussed above adhere to existing best
management practices for roadway/bridge maintenance.
The following are guidelines for fulfilling the responsibility for protecting and preserving various
environmental resources during construction as required by law:

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Self-Check 1 Written Test
Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next

1.) Identify plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details are
2.) List down Safety requirements are obtained from the working place safety plan and
organizational policies and procedures.
3.) List down Construction materials to be used and handling procedures.
4.) Identify Plant, tools and equipment selected to carry out the job.
5.) What is an environmental protection requirement?

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Note: Satisfactory rating - 10 points Unsatisfactory - below 10
You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1 ________________________________________________________________


2 ________________________________________________________________








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Information Sheet-2 Take sample

2.1 OHS procedures

Construction is a potanshalilly hazards occupation envollevining deferent phase and parties
Successful businesses increasingly encourage active participation of the workforce in the
management of health and safety. Make sure that health and safety is not viewed as a separate
function, but as an integral part of productivity, competitiveness and profitability and that our
health and safety risks are recognized as part of our business risks.
Sample tools and equipment.
- Mixing (Evaporating dish) about 114mm diameter
- Spatula or peel knife having blade about 76 mm length and 19 mm width
- Motorized liquid limit device
- Grooving tool
- Moisture can (container)
- Balance sensitive to 0.01gm
- Pan (small)
- Drying oven
- Graduated measuring cylinder 10-50ml
- Moisture can (container)
- Balance
- Oven
- Spatula
- Pan
Derived from Latin, tested treating or trying gold, metals and silver alloys. Examination or trial by
which the quality of anything may be determined.
The soil to be used in the specific gravity test may contain its natural moisture or be oven - dried.
The mass of the test sample on an oven - dry basis shall be at least 25g when the volumetric
flask is to be used and at least 10g when the stopper bottle is to be used.
Samples containing natural moisture - When the sample contains its natural moisture, the mass
of the soil, Wo, on an oven - dry basis shall be determined at the end of the test by

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evaporating the water in an oven maintained at 110±50c (230±90F) (Note 4). Samples of clay
soils containing their natural moisture content shall be dispersed in distilled water before
placing in the flask, using the dispersing equipment specified in AASHTO T 88.
Oven - Dried Samples - When an oven - dried sample is t be used, the sample shall be dried for
at least 12h, or to constant mass Vo±50c (230±90F) (Note 4), transferred to pycnometer and
weighed. The sample shall then be soaked in distilled water for at least 12h.

NOTE 4 - Drying of certain soils at 1100c may bring about loss of moisture of composition or
hydration, and in such cases drying shall be done, if desired, in reduced air pressure and at a
lower temperature.
The sample containing natural moisture shall be placed in the pycnometer, care being taken not
to lose any of the soil in case the mass of the sample has been determined. Distilled water
shall be added to fill the volumetric flask about three - fourths full on the stopper bottle about
half full.
Entrapped air shall be removed by either of the following methods:
1. By subjecting the contents to a partial vacuum (air pressure not exceeding 100mm of
mercury) or
2. By boiling gently for at least 10min. while occasionally rolling the pycnometer to assist in
the removal of the air. Subjection of the contents to reduced air pressure may be done
either by connecting the pycnometer directly to an aspiration or vacuum pump, or by use
of a bell jar. Some soils boil violently when subjected to reduced air pressure. It will be
necessary in those cases to reduce the air pressure at a slower rate or to use a larger flask
samples that are heated shall be cooled to room temperature.
The pycnometer shall then be filled with distilled water and the outside cleaned and dried with
a clean dry cloth. The mass of the pycnometer and contents, Wb, and the temperature in
degrees Celsius, Tx, of the contents shall be determined, as described in section 4. (Note 5)

NOTE 5 - The minimum volume of slurry that can be prepared by dispersing equipment
specified in AASHTO T88 is such that a 500ml flask is needed as pycnometer.

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8.1 The specific gravity of the soil, based on water at a temperature Tx, shall be calculated as
Specific Gravity, Tx/TxC = Wo
Wo + (Wa + Wb)
Where Wa = mass of sample of oven - dry soil, in grams
Wa = mass of pycnometer filled with water at temperature Tx (Note 6), in grams
Wb = mass of pycnometer filled with water and soil at temperature Tz, in grams and
Tx = temperature of the contents of the pycnometer when weight Wb, was determined,
in degrees Celsius.
NOTE 6 - This value shall be taken from the table of values of Wa prepared in accordance
with 5.1 for the temperature prevailing when mass Wb was taken.
8.2 Unless otherwise required, specific gravity values reported shall be based on water at 200c.
The value based on water at 200c shall be calculated from the value based on water at the
observed temperature Tx, as follows:
Specific gravity, Tx/200c = KX specific gravity, Tx/Tx0c, where:
K = a number found by dividing the relative density of water at temperature Tx by the relative
density of water at 200c. Values for a range of temperatures are given in Table 1.
8.3 When it is desired to report the specific gravity value based on water at 40c, such a specific
gravity value may be calculated by multiplying the specific gravity value at temperature Tx by
the relative density of water at temperature Tx.
8.4 When any portion of the original sample of soil is eliminated in the preparation of the test
sample, the portion of which the test has been made shall be reported.

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Table 1 Relative Density of water and conversion factor K for various temperatures

Temperature, Relative Density of

Correction Factor K
c Water
18 0.9986244 1.0004
19 0.9984347 1.0002
20 0.9982343 1.0000
21 0.9980233 0.9998
22 0.9978019 0.9996
23 0.9975702 0.9993
24 0.9973286 0.9991
25 0.9970770 0.9989
26 0.9968156 0.9986
27 0.9965451 0.9983
28 0.9962652 0.9980
29 0.9956761 0.9977
30 0.9956780 0.9974

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Self-Check 2 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next

1.) List down soil sampling tools.

2.) What is sample?
3.) List down procedure of moisture content.
4.) What are OHS procedures for obtaining and handling samples?

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Note: Satisfactory rating -10 points Unsatisfactory - below 10
You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet

Score = ___________
Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1 ________________________________________________________________


2 ________________________________________________________________








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Information Sheet-3 Conduct material testing

3.1 Hazards of testing and safe operating techniques

A Job Hazard Analysis requires the cooperation of all parties involved that includes:
Safety Professional
-Technical Advisor
Supervisors-Frontline Personnel responsible for making change
Employee-Person most familiar with job
If we take the above table one step further, we can begin to think about some of the hazards
that we might find in actual workplaces.
Radiation hazards Electric welding flashes Sunburn

3.2 Basic arithmetic, volume , area , weight , density and graphing

Volume: - The amount of 3-dimensional space occupied by an object. 1m3 is the volume of a
cube where each side is 1m. Volumes are calculated by multiplying a base area (e.g. m2) with a
third dimension.

Area:- 1m2 is the area of a square having sides whose length is 1m. Consequently, every unit
of length can be converted into an area if it is multiplied by itself.

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Weight: 1 kilogram (kg) is the weight of one cubic decimeter (dm3) or one liter of water with
a temperature of 4° C. Other units commonly used in construction are gram (g) and tone (t).

Straight-line equations

- Measuring and testing tools

- Mixing (Evaporating dish) about 114mm diameter

- Spatula or peel knife having blade about 76 mm length and 19 mm width
- Motorized liquid limit device
- Grooving tool
- Moisture can (container)
- Balance sensitive to 0.01gm
- Pan (small)
- Drying oven
- Graduated measuring cylinder 10-50ml
- Moisture can (container)
- Balance
- Oven
- Spatula
- Pan

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3.5 Basic concepts of field and laboratory test
Field Testing
Standard penetration test most common strength test conducted in the field
Number of blows (N value) required to drive sampler into the soil layer 30 cm
by a standard mass ( 63.5 Kg) dropped a specific distance ( 75 cm).
Used on all soils except gravel
A disturbed sample can also be taken from the spoon
Measures cohesiveness in clays
Shoved into the soil and a torque applied
• Field log of the test hole
– sample number, depth and type
– field tests, depth and results
– depth to layer changes
– field soil description
• type of soil grains
• moisture conditions
• consistency or density
• seams and stratification
• other distinguishing features
Soil Laboratory Testing
Test:- derived from Latin, tested treating or trying gold, metals and silver alloys. Examination or
trial by which the quality of anything may be determined. The process or action of examining a
substance under known conditions in order to determine its identify or that of one of its
constituents. The physical properties of materials are tested in order to determine their ability to
satisfy particular requirements.
Laboratory:- experiments in natural science.
Sample:- a relatively small quantity of material from which the quality of the mass which it
represents may be inferred.
Specimen:- a part of as representative of the whole sample.
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This manual deals with standard laboratory.
- Moisture content
- Atterberg limits (LL, PL, PI, SL, LS)
- Compaction
- Classification
- California Bearing Ratio
- In-place Density

- Sieve analysis and hydrometer

3.5.1 Vibration test
The test consists of first placing a dry sample on a board or a piece of cardboard. When lifting the
board at the end and tapping it slightly, the particles separate since the difference in weight causes
the finer once to stay high and the coarser once to move downward

If there are a lot of different fractions between the largest and the smallest, the sample is well
graded. If only a few sizes can be seen, the sample is single sized or poorly graded. Single-sized
materials do not compact well, because there are no suitably small-sized particles to fill the empty
voids between the bigger particles.

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3.5.2 Settling test
The settling test provides a simple method to determine the proportions of the various soil
fractions. A sample is placed in a glass jar with straight sides. Approximately half the jar is filled
with a sample of the soil. Add water until the jar is three-quarters full.
Adding some salt to the water speeds up the settling of the finer material. Shake the jar, and then
let it settle.
The gravel and coarse sand fractions will settle immediately. The finer sand settles more slowly,
taking approximately half a minute. The silt fractions will remain in suspension for
As much as an hour before settling while the clay fraction remains in suspension for a longer time.
The approximate quantities of each size can be seen as layers in the sample.

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3.5.3 Cohesion test
To determine whether a soil contains a high quantity of silts or clays, a handful of moistened
soil is molded into a ball. When silts or clays are present, the ball stays together and your
hands are stained. If the sample contains only fine sand, the ball will stick together but
crumbles easily when applying pressure. If the sample contains only coarse sand and gravel,
the material cannot be mounded at all
3.5.4 Shrinkage test
A matchbox is filled with a well moistened
sample of fines and allowed to dry out. If
there is high clay content in the soil, the
sample will crack and shrink when it dries.
Silt will not shrink, but tends to crumble after
it has dried.
3.5.5 Cement simple field test
Color test, palm test etc…
3.5.6 Simple field tests for reinforcement bar
Rusting test, hammering test etc
3.5.7 Moisture Content Determination Test


1.1 Moisture Content
1. Definition
The mass of water which can be removed from the soil and aggregate by heating
(oven drying) at 105 - 1100c expressed as a percentage of the dry mass.
- Moisture can (container)
- Balance
- Oven
- Spatula
- Pan

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Clean and dry the moisture can (container). Make sure that all are marked the
same reference no. or letter.
 Weigh each container and record.
 Place the wet sample in the container, the mass of sample to be used as
Mass of soil sample 50-300 gm
Mass of aggregate sample 300-500 gm
 Weigh wet of sample + container and record
 Place the wet sample + container in the over. Maintain the required
temperature normally 105-1100c for 12 - 24 hours.
 Remove the sample from the oven and allow in the air to cool at least 10-
 Weigh the dried sample + container and record.

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The moisture content of a soil or aggregate is expressed as a percentage of its dry
Moisture content = A-B
Where A. Weight of wet sample + Container
B. Weight of dry sample + Container
C. Weight of Container

3.5.8 Atterberg (kassa granding) limit test

Atterberg limits (Consistency limits)

 Liquid limit
 Plastic limit
 Shrinkage limit

Liquid limit (LL) is the minimum water content at which the soil can flow under its own weight
(has no strength). Using Casagrande apparatus, it is defined as the moisture content at which 25
blows in the standardized liquid limit determination device will just close a specification groove in a
sample of soil.
Plastic limit (PL) is the minimum water content at which the soil can be rolled into a thread 3mm
in diameter, without breaking.
Shrinkage limit (SL) is the water content at which further loss of moisture does not cause a decrease
in the volume of the soil.

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Plasticity index (PI) is defined as the water content range over which the soil exhibits plastic
behavior. It is the numerical difference between the liquid and plastic limits of a soil.
3.5.9 Gradation (Sieve analysis) Test

Gradation Test
_ Sieve Analysis, Screen Analysis or Mechanical
• Used to evaluate the suitability of the aggregate
Materials with respect to their grain size distribution for a specific use
1. Sieve Analysis

Sieve Site Weight

% Retained % Passing
(mm) retained gm
75 -
63.5 -
50 -
37.5 -
25 600 23.83 76
20 480 19.06 57
12.5 360 14.3 43
9.5 278 11.04 32
4.7 260 10.33 21
2 60 2.38 19
Pan 480 19.06
Total 2518 100

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Carleton University - CIVE 3208 Lab 1_ Sieve Analysis_(360p).flv

3.5.10 Specific gravity of soil, aggregate and stone

AASHTO DESIGNATION: T 100 - 75 (1982)
(ASTEM DESIGNATION: d 854 - 58 (1972))
1.1 This method of test is intended for determining the specific gravity of soils by
means of a pycnometer. When the soils is composed of particles larger than the
4.75mm (No.4) sieve, the method outlined in the Standard Method of Test for
Specific Gravity and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate (AASHTO T 85) shall be
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followed. When the soil is composed of particles both large and smaller than the
4.75mm sieve, the sample shall be separated on the 4.75mm sieve and the
appropriate method of test used on each portion. The specific gravity value for the
soil shall be the weighted average of the two values. When the specific gravity value
is to be used in calculations in connection with the hydrometer portion of the
Standard Method of Mechanical Analysis of Soils (AASHTO 88) it is intended that
the specific gravity test be made on that portion of the soil which passes the
2.00mm (No.10) or 0.425mm (No.40) sieve, as appropriate.
2.1 Specific Gravity - Specific gravity is the ration of the mass in air of a given
volume of a material at a stated temperature to the mass in air of an equal volume
of distilled water at a stated temperature.
The apparatus shall consist of the following:
Pycnometer - Either a volumetric flask having a capacity of at least 100ml
or a stopper bottle having a capacity of at least 50ml (Note 1). The stopper shall
be of the same material as the bottle, and of such size and shape that it can be
easily inserted to a fixed depth in the neck of the bottle, and shall have a small
hole through its center to permit the emission of air and surplus water.
Note 1 - The use of either the volumetric flask or the Stoppard bottle is a
matter of individual preference, but in general, the flask should be used
when a larger sample that can be used in the Stoppard bottle is needed due
to maximum grain size of the sample.
Balance - Either a balance sensitive to 0.01g for use with the volumetric
flask, or a balance sensitive to 0.001g for use with the stopper bottle.
Desiccators - A desiccators, about 8 in. (approximately 200mm) in
diameter containing anhydrous sillca gel or other suitable desiccant.
Oven - A thermostatically controlled drying over capable of maintaining a
temperature of 110±5c (230±90F).

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Thermometer - A thermometer covering the range of 0-500c (32 - 1220F), readable
and accurate to 10c (20F).
Specific Gravity - Calculation of Soil

Bottle No. A B
W1 - Weight of Bottle 16 18
W2 - Weight of Sample 10 10
W3 - Weight of bottle + sample + water 40.2 40.3
W4 - Weight of Bottle full of Water 34 34.1
V - Volume of bottle (W4 + W2) - W3 3.8 3.8
GS - Specific Gravity W2 2.632 2.632

3.5.11 Density

Density: Another very useful concept in highway engineering is density (or, unit weight)
which is expressed as mass per unit volume.

Example: A sample of wet silt clay soil has a mass of 126 kg. The following data were obtained
from laboratory tests on the sample: Wet density, = , calculate the wet volume of silty clay soil.
pb =2.1gm/cm3

3.5.12 compaction test

Compaction:- The process of packing soil particles more closely together, usually by rolling,
ramming or mechanical means, thus increasing the dry density of soil.

1. Compaction Process:- the solid soil particles are paced more closely together by mechanical
means. This process must not be confused with consolidation, in which water is squeezed out
under the action of a continuous static load. The air voids cannot be eliminated altogether by
compaction, but with proper control they can be reduced for a minimum. At low moisture
content the soil grains are surrounded by a thin film of water, which tends to keep the grins a

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part even when compacted. The finer soil grains the more significant is this effect. If the
moisture content is increased the additional water enables the grains to be more easily
compacted together, some of the air is displaced and the dry density is increased. The addition of
more water, up to a certain point, enables more air to be expelled during compaction. At that
point the soil grains become as closely packed together as they can be (i.e. the dry density is at
the maximum) under the application of this compactive effort when the amount of water
exceeds that required to achieve this condition, the excess water begins to push the particle apart
or water takes more spaces, so that the dry density is reduced. At higher moisture contents little
or no more air is displaced by compaction, and the resulting dry density continues to decrease.
2. Sample preparation:- the method of preparation of test samples from the original (received from
field) soil sample depends up on.
3.1 The largest size of stone (particles) present in the original sample.
3.2 Whether or not the soil particles are susceptible to crushing during compaction is assessed by
inspection, or by passing the soil through sieves in the gravel-size range the amount of course
materials determines the size of mold to be used i.e. whether 4" or 6" dia mold should be
If breakdown of particles results in a change in the soil characteristics, and it a single batch of
soil is compacted several times that change will be progressive during the test. A separate -
batch of susceptible soil is needed for each determination of compacted dry density,
consequently a much larger sample is required.
Cohesive soils should be broken down into small pieces before to be ready for compaction.
3. Mass of sample for test:- the mass of sample to be prepared for the tests.
For each determination with 4"(102mm) diameter of mold about (2.5kg) for with 6"(152.4mm)
diameter of molds about 6kg.
The amount of sample before riffling.
If gravel more than 75kg
If clay about 30-50kg
For subsequent determination, adjust the moisture condition of the samples as follows
To obtain a lower m/c allow the soil sample to partially air/dry do not allow the soil to dry
more than necessary.

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Place the soil in an air tight container if it is not to be used immediately. For a cohesive soil,
leave it in the container for a maturing period of at least 24 hours to allow for a uniform
distribution of water in the sample.
4. For multiple sample batches:- subdivide the prepared sample to give 5 or more representative
specimens for test. Each specimen should be of about 2.5kg for 4" dia and 6kg for 6" diameter of
5. Stone content sample:- particles larger than 19.5mm which are removed before test may consist
of gravel, fragments of rock and other hard material, and are collectively referred to bellow as
stone. The soil actually tested is called the matrix material (pass 19.5mm) four categories of soil
are recognized, depending on the largest sizes of particles remaining after initial preparation.
These categories relate to the following test methods.
Method A and B material retained on 4.75mm sieve is removed and no correction is made, if
the amount of retained material is 7% or more by mass. Method "c" is recommended instead.
Method "C" coarse grained material passing on a 19mm sieve and removed retained material,
and no correction is made. However if the amount of retained material is 10% or more, Method
"D" is recommended instead.
Method "D" the amount of material retained on the 19.5mm sieve is from 10% to 30% the
retained material on a 75mm sieve and discard the material retained on that 75mm sieve.
Replace the material between 75mm sieve by an equal mass of similar material taken from an
unused portion of the sample, passing 75mm sieve and retained on 4.75mm sieve mix in the
replaced material thoroughly.
Choice.2 If the % retained material on 19mm sieve is 10-30%
Mass of sample for one batch = 6kg
6kg x 30% = 1. 8 of retained on 4.75mm sieve
And passing material on 19.5mm sieve is = 6 - 1. 8 = 4.2kg.
Mix the retained on 4.75mm sieve and passing on 19mm sieve (4.2+1. 8) = 6kg

If the amount of material retained in the 19mm is more than 30% the rest methods for the
determination of density or compaction is not applicable.

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Mold for Compaction:- Method "A" and "C" the 4"(102mm) diameter of mold compaction
mold is used for method "D" the 6" (152.4mm) diameter compaction mold is used
6. Apparatus
1. Mold
2. Rammer
3. Measuring cylinder
4. 19 and 4.75mm sieves
5. Metal tray
6. Balance
7. Sample extruder (extracting)
8. Trimming knife (straightedge)
9. Drying oven
10. Moisture tine (can)
7. Test procedures
Check that mold, extension collar and base plate are clean and dry
Weigh the mold body to the nearest 1g sensitive balance

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3.5.13 concrete slump

Slump Test
Check and control the consistency of the concrete during each pour. According to Specification the
slump test is a measure of the consistency of the concrete. The consistency therefore is a measure of
the water content of the concrete. The water content controls and affects the cement content of the
concrete. Since the slump test is important, do not substitute a guess for an actual test. The added
water to increase the slump cannot exceed the design water by more than 4% percent.
Guidelines for the approximate changes in water content, in percent, for various changes in
slump are shown in the following Table. To illustrate the use of the table; assume the water for a
given mix will produce a 50 mm (2 in.) slump. If a 100 mm (4 in.) slump is desired with this mix,
increase the water content 7.9%. In another illustration, the water content is decreased 10.3% to
reduce the slump from 125 to 50 mm (5 to 2 in.).

Slump height measuring

Equipment needed:
 Slump cone in clean and good condition
 Smooth, rounded 16.0 mm (5/8 in.) diameter steel rod with a rounded tip

Changes in slump
Consistency (Slump) Test Procedure:
1) Obtain a representative concrete sample. Start test within 5 minutes of when sample was taken.
2) Dampen the slump cone and place on a flat, moist, non-absorbent and rigid surface; hold the
cone firmly in place by standing on the foot pieces.
3) Immediately fill the cone in 3 layers, each layer approximately one-third the volume of the mold
or about 67 mm (2 5/8 in.) for the first layer and 155 mm (6 1/8 in.) for the middle layer.
4) Rod each layer with 25 strokes of the tamping rod. Uniformly distribute the strokes over the
cross-sections of each layer making approximately half of the strokes near the perimeter, then
progress with vertical strokes spirally toward the center, slightly penetrating into the underlying
layer. In Roding the top layer, an excess of concrete is maintained above the top of the cone. After
the top layer is rode, the surface of the concrete is struck off even with the top of the cone.
5) Remove any excess spillage of concrete from around the base of the cone and lift the cone clear
of the concrete allowing the concrete to settle or slump under its own weight. Slowly lift the cone

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vertically and carefully to secure a proper result, with the lifting operation taking approximately 3
to 7 seconds.
6) The amount of slump is measured immediately after the mold is lifted by placing the ridding bar
across the inverted mold and measuring from the top of the mold to the displaced original center of
the top of the concrete. Record the slump as measured to the nearest 5 mm (1/4 in.).
7) If the slump test shows results higher than the maximum of the 25 mm (1 in.) slump range
specified, notify the Contractor of the results and test the next load. When testing the next load, do
not allow the placing of any concrete until the test shows acceptable slump.

3.6 Apply testing methods and procedures

Sampling method can be classified as:
a) Disturbed method and
b) Undisturbed method.
General Mistakes in Specimen Collections
While collecting specimen, we do some common mistakes, which should be taken care of:
- Lab personnel often do mistakes in labeling the specimen correctly and in specifying the
applicable info on the test form.
- The quantity of specimen taken for test is not sufficient to conduct the test.
- Proper container isn't used to preserve the specimen.
- Incomplete and inaccurate patient instructions before collecting the specimen.
- Lids of specimen containers or other specimen collection devices are often loosened resulting in
leakage and/or contamination of specimen.
- Specimen is often stored at inappropriate temperature resulting in the degradation in the quality
of sample.
3.7 Report and documentation methods and procedures

The testing of materials may be performed with one of the three points below:
(1) to supply routine information on the quality of a product- commercial or control testing,
(2) to develop new or better information on known materials or to develop new materials-
materials research,
(3) to obtain accurate measures of fundamental properties of materials- scientific measurement.
In reporting assessment results, counselors indicate reservations that exist regarding validity or
reliability due to circumstances of the assessment or the inappropriateness of the norms for the
person tested.

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Self-Check 3 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next
1. Hazards associated with testing operations to minimize risk.
2. List down the procedure of soil compaction.
3. Report and documentation methods and procedures.

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Note: Satisfactory rating -10 points Unsatisfactory - below 10
You can ask you teacher for the copy of the correct answers.

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1 ________________________________________________________________










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Procedure on how to determine the
Operation Sheet
water content of the soil

Before starting the operation, you should know the definition of water content (w), which is
defined as the ratio, of the weight of water in a given soil mass to the weight
of solid.

1.) Prepare the apparatus needed.

a. Oven.
b. Balances.
c. Specimen Containers
2.) Prepare the soil specimen
3.) Record all identifying information for the specimen
4.) Record the number and tare weight of the specimen container.
5.) Place the specimen in the container
6.) Before the specimen is placed in the oven
7.) After the specimen has dried to constant weight
8.) After the specimen has cooled, determine its dry weight and record it on the data sheet.
9.) Compute the water content of the soil using the formula:

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LAP Test Practical Demonstration

Name: ______________________________________ Date: ________________

Time started: ___________________ Time finished: ________________

1.) You are required to determine the moisture content or water content of the soil. You
are given 1hr and 30 minutes to finish the exercise.
1.1 Request your teacher to provide the necessary apparatus needed for your
1.2 Gather the soil specimen needed for the exercise.
1.3 Make sure you understand the instructions. If you did not understand, call the
attention of your instructor for clarifications, and then perform the following tasks
in front of your teacher.

2.) Request your teacher for evaluation and feedback.


The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials

(AASHTO) part 2, 1986 T87-T274

ASTM Volume 04, 08 Rock and Soil (1) D420 - D4914

British Standard 1377 part 1 - 9 K H Head Part 1 and 2

Soil Mech – M DAS

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Information Sheet-4 Conduct preparation of stabilized
construction materials

4.1 Site hazards and safe operational techniques

Field working conditions can be dangerous. Each worker should take
responsibility for his or her own personal safety. This includes wearing personal
protective equipment and being aware of the potential hazards involved with a
given task. Potential hazards of the operation, materials, equipment and
environment should be defined before work begins, and plans should be made to
minimize these hazards.

.1 Personal Protective Equipment

When handling pipe and other materials, the first step to protect yourself from
injury is to wear adequate personal protective equipment. Personal protective
equipment such as hard hats and steel-toed safety shoes help prevent injuries
from heavy falling objects and rolling pipe.

Hard hats should be worn when loading or unloading PE pipe and fittings in
storage areas, pipe yards and other areas where overhead hazards and low
overhead clearance exist. At job sites, hard hats not only protect your head, but
also give motorists an eye-level warning of your presence. As a general rule,
steel-toed safety shoes should be worn at all times. They are especially

4.2 Handling of construction materials and stabilizers

This guide was developed and published with the technical help and financial
support of the members of PPI (the Plastics Pipe Institute). The members have shown
their interest in quality products by assisting independent standards-making and user
organizations in the development of standards, and also by developing reports and
guides on an industry-wide basis to help engineers, code officials, specifying groups,
contractors and end-users.

The purpose of this guide is to provide important safety information on handling,

lifting, loading, storing and installing polyethylene pipe and fittings. As in almost all
industries, the handling, transportation and installation of polyethylene pipe and fittings
present the potential for serious injury or even death. This guide seeks to raise
awareness of the potential hazards involved in the polyethylene piping industry. By
adhering to these and other safety guidelines, it is the sincere hope of PPI and its
members that the number of serious accidents and injuries can be kept to a minimum.

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This report has been prepared by PPI as a service to the industry. It does not
purport to address all of the product applications or construction practices that could be
used, nor all of the safety practices necessary to protect persons and property. It is the
responsibility of the users of this guide and the installers of polyethylene piping systems
to establish appropriate safety and health practices and to determine the applicability of
regulatory limitations before any use or installation. Consult the manufacturer for
additional safety information regarding the use of its specific piping products.

PPI intends to revise this report from time to time in response to comments and
suggestions from users of this report. Please send suggestions to the address below.
Information on other publications can be obtained by contacting PPI directly or visiting
the web site.
OSHA Guidelines for Marking Hazards

When marking objects, machinery, or are as which present a danger, OSHA

has prescribed certain color codes: red shall designate fire protection equipment
and danger. Emergency stop bars and stop buttons on hazardous machines
shall be red. Yellow shall designate caution and for marking physical hazards
such as striking against, stumbling, falling and tripping hazards, which may be
relevant near stacks of pipes or fittings. 29 C.F.R. §1910.144. OSHA also
regulates the shape and design of danger signs, caution signs, slow-moving
vehicle signs, and safety instruction signs. 29 C.F.R. §1910.145

4.3 Stabilization
Soil stabilization
Soil stabilization is a process of treating a soil in such a manner as to maintain, alter or improve the
performance of the soil as a construction material. The changes in the soil properties are brought
about either by the incorporation of additives or by mechanical blending of different soil types.

Purpose of soil stabilization

(i) To improve the strength of sub-bases, bases and surface course in the case of low-cost roads.
(ii) To bring about economy in the cost of a road.
(iii) To make use of locally available soils and other materials which are otherwise inferior.
(iv) To eliminate or improve certain undesirable properties of soils, such as excessive swelling or
shrinkage, high plasticity, difficulty in compacting etc.
(v) To control dust e.g. Calcium chloride
(vi) To facilitate compaction and increase load-bearing property.
(vii) To reduce compressibility and thereby settlements.
(viii) To improve permeability characteristics.

4.3.1 Types

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Mechanical stabilization
Mechanical stabilization, whereby the stability of the soil is increased by blending the available soil
with imported soil or aggregate so as to obtain a desired particle size distribution , and by
compacting the mixture to a desired density. Compacting a soil at appropriate moisture content is
itself a form of mechanical stabilization.

The application of the principle of mechanical stabilization is evident in the following specifications:
 Soil-aggregate mixture  Sand-gravel mixture
 Sand-clay mixture  Stabilization of soil with a soft aggregate.
Chemically Stabilized Soils
Various methods have been developed to improve the quality of soils. The method is by mixing
soils or aggregate with a number of materials such as chlorides, molasses, lime and cement which
can improve the quality of soils for road building purposes. When referring to chemical stabilization
of soils, the most common methods are the use of lime or cement to improve the soil properties. The
soil becomes stabilized because the cement or lime reacts chemically with the soil particles and bind
them together. This process can be achieved in both clayey and granular soils; however, organic
soils can’t be stabilized in these ways because they contain (acid) components which prevent the
chemical reaction.

Materials with low plasticity, i.e. granular materials, are best treated with cement. Lime
stabilization is more appropriate for soils with high clay contents. The use of chemicals to improve
local soils is costly, and should only be considered when the cost of obtaining good quality natural
or processed materials, such as crushed rock, exceeds the cost of using a local soils modified with
4.3.2 technique

a) Soil-Lime stabilization
The soil-lime mixtures are used as sub-base and base course. Because of the favorable condition and
the occurrence of clayey soils in large areas, this technique offers considerable scope. Clayey soils
are most amenable to lime treatment.
The strength of a soil lime-mixture is greatly influenced by the lime content. A concentration of
lime less than 2% is not generally amenable to proper mixing and is not recommended for use. A
quantity of 3 to 10% by weight of dry soil is normally required to stabilize most soils.
Due to the aggregation of smaller particles into bigger ones, one of the early effects of adding
lime is to make the grains coarser. Lime brings about a substantial reduction in plasticity. The liquid
limit generally decreases and the plastic limit increase, thus causing reduction plasticity index of the
The soil swell and shrinkage potential is significantly reduced by the addition of lime. This is highly
important in dealing with expansive soils, which swell in volume when the water is added and
shrink in volume when the moisture content is reduced.
b) Lime-Cement- Soil stabilization
Both lime and cement produce cementations products in the presence of clay minerals and water. A
mixture of lime and cement is sometimes used for stabilization. The combined lime and cement

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content can be normally be around 10%-15%, and a ratio of lime to cement can be between 1: 3 and
3:2 depending upon the soil type and the strength desired.
c) Soil-Cement stabilization
The addition of cement to soil is to improve its strength. When water is added to cement, major
cementations products are produced. In stabilization of granular materials with cement, these
cementations materials provide the bond between the mineral particles. As a rough guide, cement
content, expressed as a percentage by weight of the dry soil, varies between 4 and 14.
Factor affecting strength of soil-cement mixes
Factor affecting strength of soil-cement mixes:
(i) Cement content
(ii) Moisture content
(iii) Soil degree of pulverization in mixing
(iv) Mixing
(v) Compacting
(vi) Curing
d) Chloride stabilization
Granular soils lack stability when they are to dry. If their moisture content can be stabilized by the
addition of some chemicals, then these soils can be used successfully. Chlorides of calcium and
sodium are two of the most popular salts used for this purpose.
e) Other chemicals
A number of other chemicals/ materials have been used for chemical stabilization of soils. Some of
them are:
 Sodium silicate  Lignin
 Resins  Molasses

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Self-Check 4 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next

1.) Identify construction materials and additives (stabilizers) used for the preparation of
the mix.
2.) List down stabilized technical.
3.) Why Preparation of stabilized in road construction.

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Note: Satisfactory rating -10 points Unsatisfactory - below 10
Answer Sheet Score = ___________
Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1 ________________________________________________________________










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Information Sheet-5 Identify hazards and risks

5.1 Types of hazards and risks

Types of Hazard

Hazards can be broadly grouped based on their nature. This is shown below:

Hazard Example
Wet floors
Physical hazards
Loose electrical cables Objects protruding in walkways or doorways
Lifting heavy objects Stretching the body
Ergonomic hazards Twisting the body
Poor desk seating
Loud sounds
Psychological hazards
Bright lights
Room temperature
Ventilation Contaminated air
Environmental hazards
Some office plants Acids
Hazardous substances Alkalis Solvents
Hepatitis B
Biological hazards
New strain influenza
Radiation hazards Electric welding flashes Sunburn

Some More Workplace Hazards

If we take the above table one step further, we can begin to think about some of the hazards that we
might find in actual workplaces.
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Effect on human health
Effects on central nervous system, lungs, digestive system, circulatory system, skin,
reproductive system. Short term (acute) effects such as burns, rashes, irritation,
feeling unwell, coma and death.
Long term (chronic) effects such as mutagenic (affects cell structure), carcinogenic
(cancer), teratogenic (reproductive effect), dermatitis of the skin, and occupational
asthma and lung damage.
High levels of industrial noise will cause irritation in the short term, and industrial
deafness in the long term.
Personal comfort is best between temperatures of 16°C and 30°C, better between
21°C and 26°C.

Temperature Working outside these temperature ranges: may lead to becoming chilled, even
hypothermia (deep body cooling) in the colder temperatures, and may lead to
dehydration, cramps, heat exhaustion, and hyperthermia (heat stroke) in the
warmer temperatures.
This hazard could be a projectile, moving object or material. The health effect could
Being struck by
be lacerations, bruising, breaks, eye injuries, and possibly death.
Crushed by A typical example of this hazard is tractor rollover. Death is usually the result
Becoming entangled in machinery. Effects could be crushing, lacerations, bruising,
Entangled by
breaks amputation and death.
High energy Explosions, high pressure gases, liquids and dusts, fires, electricity and sources such
sources as lasers can all have serious effects on the body, even death.
Vibration can affect the human body in the hand arm with `white-finger' or
Vibration Reynaud’s Syndrome, and the whole body with motion sickness, giddiness, damage
to bones and audits, blood pressure and nervous system problems.
Slips, trips and A very common workplace hazard from tripping on floors, falling off structures or
falls down stairs, and slipping on spills.
Radiation can have serious health effects. Skin cancer, other cancers, sterility, birth
deformities, blood changes, skin burns and eye damage are examples.
Excessive effort, poor posture and repetition can all lead to muscular pain, tendon
damage and deterioration to bones and related structures
Stress, anxiety, tiredness, poor concentration, headaches, back pain and heart
disease can be the health effects
More common in the health, food and agricultural industries. Effects such as
infectious disease, rashes and allergic response.

Managing Hazards

Common ways of managing hazards are shown below:

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Steps Roles And Responsibilities
Step 1 - Responsibility of organizations
Codes of practice, policies - Must be compliant with the various WHS Acts
and procedures - Should involve employees on a cooperative basis
Step 2 Responsibility of organizations
Workplace method - Written in cooperation with employees
statements - Must be compliant with various WHS Acts
- Initiated by organization with cooperation of employees
Step 3
- Must be compliant with the various WHS Acts
Work safe instructions
- Must be followed by employees
Step 4 - Provided by organization
Wearing of protective - Must be compliant with the various WHS Acts
clothing or equipment - Must be worn by employees as directed by management
Senior management must:
- ensure that legislative requirements are complied with
- provide adequate funding for implementing safe workplace strategies
- work in cooperation with others to provide a safe workplace
- liaise with relevant personnel such as unions supervisors, WHS
committees, WHS representatives
Step 5
- lead by example.
Hazard and risk
Employees must:
- observe established safe work practices and procedures
- be involved in the identification of various substances or chemicals
- be proactive in WHS meetings or other communication opportunities
- report any situation that involves risk or hazard to the appropriate
- Accident or incident report prepared on workplace checklist
- Management inspects accident or incident area
Step 6 - Management evaluates the outcome of the investigation and makes
Incident or accident report recommendations
- The report tabulates inspection findings which include employee input
and enables management to determine appropriate action.

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Self-Check 5 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next

1. List down roles and responsibilities of hazard

2. What is environmental hazard?
3. Identify hazard Incident or accident

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Note: Satisfactory rating -10 points Unsatisfactory - below 10
Answer Sheet Score = ___________
Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

1 ________________________________________________________________










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Control hazards and risks
Information Sheet-6

6.1 Basic concept on hazards and risks control techniques, practices, procedures
and contingency measures
Basic concept on procedures for recognition/reporting of unexpected or unusual
Identifying and evaluating control measures using risk assessment
The risk assessment should consider a range of control measures and provide a basis for the
selection of control measures. Risk assessment can be a useful tool, which can save or optimise the
use of resources, by determining the effectiveness and costs of different control options, improving
the decision-making process and providing a basis for allocating resources in the most effective
manner. The risk assessment process should provide the following in relation to control measures:
a) identification or clarification of existing and potential control measure options;
b) evaluation of effects of control measures on risk levels;
c) basis for selection or rejection of control measures and the associated justification of
adequacy; and
d) basis for defining performance indicators for selected control measures.
The range of control measures that should be considered in the risk assessment is addressed later in
this guidance material. The risk assessment should evaluate the range of control measures in terms
of viability and effectiveness to provide a basis for selection or rejection of each control measure:
a) Viability relates to the practicability of implementing the control measure within the
facility; and
b) Effectiveness relates to the effect of the control measure on the level of risk. For example,
the reliability and availability of control measures influence the likelihood of an incident
occurring, while the functionality and survivability of the control measures during the
incident influence the consequences.
Specific studies may be carried out as part of the risk assessment to evaluate these issues for
individual or groups of control measures.
By evaluating options for control measures within the risk assessment the employer should be able
to determine what additional benefit is gained from introducing additional or alternative control
measures. If these do not result in any reduction in risk, the basis for rejection is apparent. The
employer should look for gaps in the existing control regime, where the introduction of further
control measures may be necessary.
Using the risk assessment to set performance indicators
The risk assessment should generate information useful to the setting of performance indicators for
the adopted control measures. For example:

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a) matching performance indicators with the control measures – control measures with more
rigorous performance standards are more likely to be associated with the high
consequence hazards than the lower consequence hazards;
b) control measure functionality, including reliability, reflecting the scale of incidents being
c) reliability, or number of control measures, reflecting the likelihood of the corresponding
Overall framework and principles for risk assessment
There are fundamental questions most forms of risk assessment attempt to address to ensure the risk
assessment is comprehensive and systematic (see Figure 4).
Figure 4: Basic questions within risk assessment

The risk assessment should use assessment methods (quantitative or qualitative or both) that suit the
hazards being considered. This means that the tools employed must be selected according to the
nature of the risk. A tool that does not address any variability or uncertainty in the nature of the
hazards and incidents identified can fail to generate the necessary understanding and provide no
basis for differentiating between control measures.
There is no single tool able to meet all the requirements for risk assessment, and all tools have
limitations and weaknesses. For example:
If the dominant contributor to a major accident relates to aging of equipment and associated
mechanical integrity problems, then an analysis of mechanical integrity, corrosion rates, breakdown
data, reliability and inspection/testing/maintenance issues may be necessary to develop the required

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understanding. In such a case, a quantitative risk assessment (QRA), which is usually based on
generic data, may not provide the necessary information or lead to effective solutions.
Similarly, if a facility employer has identified human error as a key risk driver, then a Task Analysis,
Human Reliability Analysis, or detailed analysis of the operating procedures may be appropriate.
Analysis of equipment condition and reliability in this case would probably not be effective.
For many facilities, there may be several types of assessment required. In the interests of efficiency,
it is desirable to clearly identify the types of detailed study required, before following any particular
route. Two basic tools can assist this process, they are preliminary/qualitative risk assessments and
hazard or risk ranking. There are plenty of examples of both types of tool, but they all have a
common purpose - to determine the nature of the risk in terms of the basic causes, likelihood,
consequences and controls.
Where it is clear that the employer has insufficient knowledge of causes or likelihood, detailed
studies may be needed. A preliminary evaluation should point towards the types of detailed study
required. An appropriate ranking methodology allows the key areas to be identified and prioritised.
It enables the employer to determine if the gaps in knowledge correspond to what may be major risk
Priority should be given to those areas where it is obvious there is likely to be a high risk and
there are also gaps in knowledge about the things giving rise to the risk. Some iteration may be
required where the ranking of key areas is revisited following detailed assessment, to see if any
hazards have increased in rank and now require more detailed study. Figure 5 aims to illustrate
the relationship of preliminary evaluation, ranking and detailed studies.
Personal Protective Equipment is acceptable as a control method in the following
 When engineering controls are not feasible or do not totally eliminate the hazard;
 While engineering controls are being developed;
 When safe work practices do not provide sufficient additional protection; and
 During emergencies when engineering controls may not be feasible.

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Version: 1 Revision: 0
Self-Check 6 Written Test

Directions: Answer all the questions listed below. Use the Answer sheet provided in the next

1.) What is Personal protective equipment (PPE) is correctly used in accordance with
organization OHS procedures and practices?
2. What is the risk assessment process to control measures?
3. List down risk assessment to set performance indicators.
Note: Satisfactory rating - 20 points Unsatisfactory - below 20

Answer Sheet Score = ___________

Rating: ____________

Name: _________________________ Date: _______________

Short Answer Questions

2 ________________________________________________________________




3 ________________________________________________________________




4 ________________________________________________________________






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Revision: 2 Author: ecbp/MoE – TVET Outcome Based Training Core Process

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