Tanor Engineering

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Gffi1-dl+r -
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of lndia srTdlr6r€-q BHARATMALA
First ftoor, Parkside Buitding, Near BSNL, Barik, Shitlong, ROADTO PiOSPERIIY

Emai t- qdplhj tLone@ nh idc[. com, ed prosh iI Lonqn hidct@qmai L. com Cl N : U45400D120 1 4GO1269062

NHIDCL/ RO-SHG/MR/z OZ1 / 09 / 7 /,.1 o 1 { Dated: 01.07.2073

Authorized Signatory
M/s Tanor Engineering
P-Sector, ltanagar, Dist- Papum Pare,791'111, Arunachal Pradesh
GST no. - 12AVFPT6405QZZ4
Emait: tanoreneineerinq65@qmai[.com

Sub: Maintenance and repair of NH 40 between Shittong to Dawki road up to Bangtadesh Border
from km 81+740 to km 93+490, km 123+800 to 131+820, km 151+330 to L'1 1$l+400 atong the
existing road (Package l,lll, V) & km 61+800 to km 79+000 (Shittong-Barapani) in the State of
Meghataya in FY 2022-23 (ltem Rate & Work Order Basis): Revocation of Declaration as Non-
Performer and Debarment from participating in future projects of NHIDCL/ NHAI/MoRTH- Reg

Ref : (i ) PMU-Mytteim / P /SD(Pkg- l, I I l&V ) / M&R I 1 449 dated 21 .01 .7073

(ii ) TE / ED ( Project) / N H I DC L/ Shg I NH40 I 2022-23 I 01 dated 1 3.01 .7023
(iii) NHIDCL/RO-SHG/MR17071 I 09 I 3017 dated 11.01.2023

Reference is invited to the subject mentioned above and letters cited.

2. Whereas, NHIDCL vide tetter at ref (iii), has dectared the Maintenance Contractor, M/s Tanor
Engineering as "Non-performer" and debarred for a period of one (01) year from participating in
the future projects of NHIDCL/ MoRTH/ NHAI directly or indirectty, in any form, in any work.

3. Whereas, your firm vide letter at ref (ii) has made a representation to NHIDCL and requested
for re-consideration of its decision by providing an opportunity to ensure that the work is executed
in accordance with the provisions of the Contract Agreement.

4. Whereas, the PMU vide letter at ref (i) has submitted that the progress of work executed by
the Maintenance Contractor for the [ast 10 days has been closely monitored, wherein it has been
observed that the Maintenance Contractor has taken strict cognizance on its prior defautts and
mobitized sufficient manpower and machineries in the Shittong-Dawki Road (Packages I & V) and
the Maintenance Contractor has taken up bituminous work in Shittong-Dawki Package-l and
completed 30 per cent of the total scope of Bituminous Concrete and furthermore, despite the
numerous traffic ptying the road under Package-S, the Maintenance Contractor has made 9 km of
road in traffic worth condition by taying WMM material and has atso started Bituminous work.
Moreover, it has been submitted that the Maintenance Contractor has committed to comptete the
bituminous work of Shittong-Dawki Package-S by 2nd week of February 7023.

5. ln view of the above and based on PMU's recommendation, the Declaration of the
Maintenance Contractor, M/s Tanor Engineering as Non-Performer and Debarment from
participating in future projects of NHIDCL/ NHAI/MoRTH is hereby revoked and withdrawn
subject to the condition that the Maintenance Contractor are to strictty execute the work in
accordance with the Contract Agreement provisions, expedite the progress of work and to
comptete the work within the stiputated timetine, without,lru,},h6;_.
tt. :
a.: ,t'

Corporate Office: NHIDCL, 3'dFtoor, PTI Buitding, 4-Par[ tieet, New Dethi-1 1 0001
Te[: 01 1 -237 1 1 1 01, Email: info@nhidct. com
Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Government of lndia or{dq-+N-q
First ftoor, Parkside Buitding, Near BSNL, Barik, Shittong,
Emait- edp.shittone@nhidct.com, edproshitlonqnhidc[@qmai[.com CIN : U45400D120 1 4GOt769062

6. This is for information and necessary action.

fay Verma)
Executive Director (Project)

Copy to:
(i) Director Genera[ (RD&SS), MORTH
(ii ) Director Generat (Border Roads), Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Narayana, New
(iii Chairman, NHAI
(iv) Chief Secretaries (PWD Roads) of att State Govt./ UT with National Highways and
Centratly Sponsored Schemes
(v) PS to MD, NHIDCL/ Director (T), NHIDCL/ Director (A&F), NHIDCL New Dethi
(vi) Att Offices of NHIDCL-HQ/ Branch Offices
(vii) Media relation/ lT Division/ lnfracon Cett with request to revoke and remove the same
from NHIDCL Website.

Corporate Office: NHIDCL, 3'dFtoor, PTI Buitding, 4-Partiament Street, New Dethi-110001
Tet:01 1 73711 101 ,Emait: info@nhidct.com

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