KL48H4538 Nia
KL48H4538 Nia
KL48H4538 Nia
For POPULAR VEHICLES & SERVICES LTD Sub Total : 4797.00 11869.48
Deductibles(As per policy T & C) 1000.00
Net Bill Amount (Rounded) 15666.00
Authorised Signatory
Rupees Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred and Sixty Six Only
Dealer GSTIN : 32AABCP3805G1ZW
I acknowledge that the jobs/repairs/service carried out in my vehicle and the respective cost estimates were
explained to me. I have received my vehicle after completion of all repairs being carried out to my satisfaction and
I confirm that my vehicle is in good condition. I further authorize this workshop to contact me by call or sms to
inform me with any other information in relation to my vehicle. Customer Signature Mob No.
Created By : SRM_SRR.Ashiq.PV