Ncert Class 11 To 12 Biology

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Chapterwise Solved Papers
Chief Editor
A.K. Mahajan
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1. Diversity in Living World ........................................................ 25-145
A1: What is living? ........................................................................................... 25
A1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs............................................................. 25
A1.2 Statement Based Questions ....................................................................... 30
A1.3 Match the Column...................................................................................... 31
A1.4 Assertion and Reason.................................................................................33
A2: Five Kingdom Classification.................................................................... 36
A2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs.............................................................36
A2.2 Statement Based Questions ........................................................................55
A2.3 Match the Column......................................................................................59
A2.4 Assertion and Reason.................................................................................69
A3: Plant classification: Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes & Gymnosperms .... 72
A3.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs.............................................................72
A3.2 Statement Based Questions ........................................................................83
A3.3 Match the Column......................................................................................88
A3.4 Assertion and Reason.................................................................................95
A4: Animal Classification: Non- chordates and Chordates .........................98
A4.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs.............................................................98
A4.2 Statement Based Questions ......................................................................118
A4.3 Match the Column....................................................................................125
A4.4 Assertion and Reason...............................................................................141
2. Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants .................................. 146-226
B1: Morphology of flowering plants .............................................................146
B1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ...........................................................146
B1.2 Statement Based Questions ......................................................................175
B1.3 Match the Column ....................................................................................186
B1.4 Assertion and Reason ...............................................................................198
B2: Animal tissues and Anatomy of systems (digestive, circulatory,
respiratory, nervous, reproductive) in insects .............................................201
B2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ...........................................................201
B2.2 Statement Based Questions ......................................................................213
B2.3 Match the Column ....................................................................................218
B2.4 Assertion and Reason ...............................................................................225
3. Cell Structure and Function .................................................................. 227-291
C1: Cell theory and structure ........................................................................227
C1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ...........................................................227
C1.2 Statement Based Questions ......................................................................229
C1.3 Match the Column ....................................................................................231
C1.4 Assertion and Reason ...............................................................................232
C2: Cell Organelles .........................................................................................232
C2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ...........................................................232
C2.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 244
C2.3 Match the Column ....................................................................................248
C2.4 Assertion and Reason ...............................................................................253
C3: Biomolecules: Proteins, Carbohydrates, Lipids, Nucleic acids. .........255
C3.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 255
C3.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 262
C3.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 265
C3.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 270
C4: Enzymes .................................................................................................... 271
C4.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 271
C4.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 274
C4.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 275
C4.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 277
C5: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis ...................................................................... 278
C5.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 278
C5.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 285
C5.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 288
C5.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 291
4. Plant Physiology ...................................................................................... 292-346
D1: Photosynthesis .......................................................................................... 292
D1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs........................................................... 292
D1.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 314
D1.3 Match the Column.................................................................................... 320
D1.4 Assertion and Reason............................................................................... 327
D2: Respiration ............................................................................................... 329
D2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs........................................................... 329
D2.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 334
D2.3 Match the Column.................................................................................... 336
D2.4 Assertion and Reason............................................................................... 337
D3: Plant growth and development............................................................... 338
D3.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs........................................................... 338
D3.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 342
D3.3 Match the Column.................................................................................... 343
D3.4 Assertion and Reason............................................................................... 346
5. Human physiology .................................................................................. 347-442
E1: Breathing and Respiration ...................................................................... 347
E1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 347
E1.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 354
E1.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 356
E1.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 358
E1.5 Numerical answer type ............................................................................. 359
E2: Body Fluids and Circulation ................................................................... 359
E2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 359
E2.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 372
E2.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 375
E2.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 381
E2.5 Numerical answer type ............................................................................. 383
E3: Excretory products and their elimination ............................................. 383
E3.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 383
E3.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 387
E3.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 389
E3.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 390
E3.5 Numerical answer type ............................................................................. 392
E4: Locomotion and movement ..................................................................... 392
E4.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 392
E4.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 400
E4.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 401
E4.4 Assertion and Reason .............................................................................. 404
E5: Neural Control and Coordination .......................................................... 405
E5.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 405
E5.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 417
E5.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 420
E5.4 Assertion and Reason .............................................................................. 423
E6: Chemical coordination and regulation .................................................. 423
E6.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 423
E6.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 433
E6.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 435
E6.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 441
6. Reproduction ........................................................................................... 443-499
F1: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants ............................................. 443
F1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 443
F1.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 453
F1.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 456
F1.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 457
F2: Human Reproduction: Male and Female Reproduction ..................... 459
F2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 459
F2.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 479
F2.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 483
F2.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 486
F3: Reproductive Health ................................................................................ 487
F3.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ........................................................... 487
F3.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 493
F3.3 Match the Column .................................................................................... 495
F3.4 Assertion and Reason ............................................................................... 499
7. Genetics and Evolution........................................................................... 500-566
G1: Heredity and variation ............................................................................ 500
G1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs........................................................... 500
G1.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 509
G1.3 Match the Column.................................................................................... 512
G1.4 Assertion and Reason............................................................................... 516
G1.5 Numerical Answer type (NATs) .............................................................. 516
G2:Molecular basis of Inheritance ................................................................520
G2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQ ............................................................ 520
G2.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 538
G2.3 Match the Column.................................................................................... 544
G2.4 Assertion and Reason............................................................................... 548
G2.5 Numerical Answer type (NATs) .............................................................. 549
G3: Evolution ..................................................................................................550
G3.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs........................................................... 550
G3.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 561
G3.3 Match the Column ................................................................................... 562
G3.4 Assertion and Reason .............................................................................. 565
G3.5 Numerical Answer type (NATs) .............................................................. 566
8. Biology and Human Welfare ................................................................. 567-592
H1: Health and Disease .................................................................................. 567
H1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs........................................................... 567
H1.2 Statement Based Questions ..................................................................... 576
H1.3 Match the Column.................................................................................... 578
H1.4 Assertion and Reason............................................................................... 583
H2: Microbes in human welfare .................................................................... 584
H2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs........................................................... 584
H2.2 Statement Based Questions ...................................................................... 589
H2.3 Match the Column.................................................................................... 590
H2.4 Assertion and Reason............................................................................... 592
9. Biotechnology and Its Application ........................................................ 593-613
I1:Principles and process of biotechnology .................................................. 593
I1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ............................................................ 593
I1.2 Statement Based Questions ....................................................................... 599
I1.3 Match the Column ..................................................................................... 600
I1.4 Assertion and Reason ................................................................................ 602
I2: Applications of Biotechnology in Health and Agriculture .................... 602
I2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ............................................................ 602
I2.2 Statement Based Questions ....................................................................... 607
I2.3 Match the Column ..................................................................................... 610
I2.4 Assertion and Reason ................................................................................ 613
10. Ecology and Environment ..................................................................... 614-656
J1: Organisms and environment ................................................................... 614
J1.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ............................................................ 614
J1.2 Statement Based Questions ....................................................................... 623
J1.3 Match the Column ..................................................................................... 625
J1.4 Assertion and Reason ................................................................................ 634
J1.5 Numerical answer type .............................................................................635
J2: Ecosystem .................................................................................................. 636
J2.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ............................................................ 636
J2.2 Statement Based Questions ....................................................................... 643
J2.3 Match the Column ..................................................................................... 645
J2.4 Assertion and Reason ................................................................................ 648
J3: Biodiversity and its conservation ........................................................... 649
J3.1 Multiple Choice Questions MCQs ............................................................ 649
J3.2 Statement Based Questions ....................................................................... 653
J3.3 Match the Column ..................................................................................... 654
J3.4 Assertion and Reason ................................................................................ 656
NEET Exam Pattern & Syllabus
As per the NEET exam pattern, the questions in the Total marks in NEET 720 Marks
medical entrance examination will be divided into
4 marks will be
two sections: Section A and B. Section A will
awarded for each
contain 35 questions while Section B will have 15
NEET 2023 Marking correct answer & 1
questions. Of these 15 questions in Section B,
Scheme mark will be
candidates will have to answer 10 questions. deducted for each
NTA will conduct the NEET exam in pen and wrong attempt
paper-based mode for a 3 hours 20 minutes
NEET Exam Sections and Total Marks
duration, where candidates must answer Multiple
Choice Questions (MCQs) from Physics, Section-
Number of
Chemistry, and Biology subjects as per the Subjects Sections wise
given NEET syllabus. Aspirants seeking more Marks
information regarding the NEET exam pattern can Section A 35 140
check the article below to know the level of the Physics
Section B 15 40
exam, types, and the number of questions, marking
schemes, and all other relevant information. Section A 35 140
Factors in Exam Section B 15 40
Pattern Section A 35 140
Pen and Paper- Section B 15 40
based. Candidates
will be given an Section A 35 140
Mode of NEET Question Zoology
OMR sheet to mark Section B 15 40
the answers with a Total Marks 720
black or blue
ballpoint pen BIOLOGY
Duration of the NEET 3 hours and 20 Diversity in Living World
exam minutes • What is living? ; Biodiversity; Need for
English, Hindi, classification; Three domains of life; Taxonomy
Assamese, Bengali, & Systematics; Concept of species and
Gujarati, Marathi, taxonomical hierarchy; Binomial nomenclature;
Language/Medium Tamil, Telugu, Tools for study of Taxonomy – Museums,
Oriya, Malayalam, Zoos, Herbaria, Botanical gardens.
Kannada, Punjabi • Five kingdom classification; salient features
and Urdu and classification of Monera; Protista and Fungi
into major groups; Lichens; Viruses and
Multiple Choice
Question Type Viroids.
Questions (MCQs)
• Salient features and classification of plants into
A total of 200
major groups-Algae, Bryophytes,
questions will be
Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms
Total Number of asked out of which
(three to five salient and distinguishing features
Questions candidates will have
and at least two examples of each category);
to answer 180
Angiospermsclassification up to class,
characteristic features and examples).
• Salient features and classification of animals- Transpiration-Opening and closing of stomata;
nonchordate up to phyla level and chordate up Uptake and translocation of mineral nutrients-
to classes level (three to five salient features Transport of food, phloem transport, Mass flow
and at least two examples). hypothesis; Diffusion of gases (brief mention).
Structural Organisation in Animals and • Mineral nutrition: Essential minerals, macro
Plants and micronutrients and their role; Deficiency
• Morphology and modifications; Tissues; symptoms; Mineral toxicity; Elementary idea of
Anatomy and functions of different parts of Hydroponics as a method to study mineral
flowering plants: Root, stem, leaf, nutrition; Nitrogen metabolism-Nitrogen cycle,
inflorescence- cymose and recemose, flower, biological nitrogen fixation.
fruit and seed (To be dealt along with the • Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis as a means of
relevant practical of the Practical Syllabus). Autotrophic nutrition; Site of photosynthesis
• Animal tissues; Morphology, anatomy and take place; pigments involved in Photosynthesis
functions of different systems (digestive, (Elementary idea); Photochemical and
circulatory, respiratory, nervous and biosynthetic phases of photosynthesis; Cyclic
reproductive) of an insect (cockroach). (Brief and non cyclic and photophosphorylation;
account only) Chemiosmotic hypothesis; Photorespiration C3
Cell Structure and Function and C4 pathways; Factors affecting
• Cell theory and cell as the basic unit of life;
Structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell; • Respiration: Exchange gases; Cellular
Plant cell and animal cell; Cell envelope, cell respiration-glycolysis, fermentation
membrane, cell wall; Cell organelles-structure (anaerobic), TCA cycle and electron transport
and function; Endomembrane system- system (aerobic); Energy relations- Number of
endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi bodies, ATP molecules generated; Amphibolic
lysosomes, vacuoles; mitochondria, ribosomes, pathways; Respiratory quotient.
plastids, micro bodies; Cytoskeleton, cilia, • Plant growth and development: Seed
flagella, centrioles (ultra structure and germination; Phases of Plant growth and plant
function); Nucleus-nuclear membrane, growth rate; Conditions of growth;
chromatin, nucleolus. Differentiation, dedifferentiation and
• Chemical constituents of living cells: redifferentiation; Sequence of developmental
Biomolecules-structure and function of process in a plant cell; Growth regulators-
proteins, carbodydrates, lipids, nucleic acids; auxin,gibberellin, cytokinin, ethylene, ABA;
Enzymes-types, properties, enzyme action. Seed dormancy; Vernalisation; Photoperiodism.
• B Cell division: Cell cycle, mitosis, meiosis and Human Physiology
their significance. • Digestion and absorption; Alimentary canal and
Plant Physiology digestive glands; Role of digestive enzymes and
• Transport in plants: Movement of water, gases gastrointestinal hormones; Peristalsis, digestion,
and nutrients; Cell to cell transport-Diffusion, absorption and assimilation of proteins,
facilitated diffusion, active transport; Plant – carbohydrates and fats; Caloric value of
water relations – Imbibition, water potential, proteins, carbohydrates and fats; Egestion;
osmosis, plasmolysis; Long distance transport Nutritional and digestive disorders – PEM,
of water – Absorption, apoplast, symplast, indigestion, constipation, vomiting, jaundice,
transpiration pull, root pressure and guttation; diarrhea.
• Breathing and Respiration: Respiratory organs • Chemical coordination and regulation:
in animals (recall only); Respiratory system in Endocrine glands and hormones; Human
humans; Mechanism of breathing and its endocrine system-Hypothalamus, Pituitary,
Pineal, Thyroid, Parathyroid, Adrenal,
regulation in humans-Exchange of gases, Pancreas, Gonads; Mechanism of hormone
transport of gases and regulation of respiration action (Elementary Idea); Role of hormones as
Respiratory volumes; Disorders related to messengers and regulators, Hypo-and
respiration-Asthma, Emphysema, hyperactivity and related disorders (Common
Occupational respiratory disorders. disorders e.g. Dwarfism, Acromegaly,
Cretinism, goiter, exopthalmic goiter, diabetes,
• Body fluids and circulation: Composition of Addison’s disease). (Imp: Diseases and
blood, blood groups, coagulation of blood; disorders mentioned above to be dealt in
Composition of lymph and its function; brief.)
Human circulatory system-Structure of human Reproduction
heart and blood vessels; Cardiac cycle, cardiac • Reproduction in organisms: Reproduction, a
output, ECG, Double circulation; Regulation characteristic feature of all organisms for
of cardiac activity; Disorders of circulatory continuation of species; Modes of reproduction
system- Hypertension, Coronary artery – Asexual and sexual; Asexual reproduction;
Modes-Binary fission, sporulation, budding,
disease, Angina pectoris, Heart failure.
gemmule, fragmentation; vegetative
• Excretory products and their elimination: propagation in plants.
Modes of excretion- Ammonotelism, • Sexual reproduction in flowering plants: Flower
ureotelism, uricotelism; Human excretory structure; Development of male and female
system-structure and fuction; Urine formation, gametophytes; Pollination-types, agencies and
Osmoregulation; Regulation of kidney examples; Outbreeding devices; Pollen-Pistil
function-Renin-angiotensin, Atrial Natriuretic interaction; Double fertilization; Post
Factor, ADH and Diabetes insipidus; Role of fertilization events- Development of endosperm
other organs in excretion; Disorders; Uraemia, and embryo, Development of seed and
Renal failure, Renal calculi, Nephritis; formation of fruit; Special modes-apomixis,
parthenocarpy, polyembryony; Significance of
Dialysis and artificial kidney.
seed and fruit formation.
• Locomotion and Movement: Types of
• Human Reproduction: Male and female
movement- ciliary, fiagellar, muscular;
reproductive systems; Microscopic anatomy of
Skeletal muscle- contractile proteins and testis and ovary; Gametogenesis-
muscle contraction; Skeletal system and its spermatogenesis & oogenesis; Menstrual cycle;
functions (To be dealt with the relevant Fertilisation, embryo development upto
practical of Practical syllabus); Joints; blastocyst formation, implantation; Pregnancy
Disorders of muscular and skeletal system- and placenta formation (Elementary idea);
Myasthenia gravis, Tetany, Muscular Parturition (Elementary idea); Lactation
dystrophy, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout. (Elementary idea).
• Neural control and coordination: Neuron and • Reproductive health: Need for reproductive
health and prevention of sexually transmitted
nerves; Nervous system in humanscentral
diseases (STD); Birth control-Need and
nervous system, peripheral nervous system and
Methods, Contraception and Medical
visceral nervous system; Generation and
Termination of Pregnancy (MTP);
conduction of nerve impulse; Reflex action; Amniocentesis; Infertility and assisted
Sense organs; Elementary structure and reproductive technologies – IVF, ZIFT, GIFT
function of eye and ear. (Elementary idea for general awareness).
Genetics and Evolution • Microbes in human welfare: In household food
• Heredity and variation: Mendelian Inheritance; processing, industrial production, sewage
Deviations from Mendelism- Incomplete treatment, energy generation and as biocontrol
dominance, Co-dominance, Multiple alleles and agents and biofertilizers.
Inheritance of blood groups, Pleiotropy; Biotechnology and Its Applications
Elementary idea of polygenic inheritance;
• Principles and process of Biotechnology:
Chromosome theory of inheritance;
Genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA
Chromosomes and genes; Sex determination-In
humans, birds, honey bee; Linkage and crossing
over; Sex linked inheritance-Haemophilia, • Application of Biotechnology in health and
Colour blindness; Mendelian disorders in agriculture: Human insulin and vaccine
humans-Thalassemia; Chromosomal disorders production, gene therapy; Genetically modified
in humans; Down’s syndrome, Turner’s and organisms-Bt crops; Transgenic Animals;
Klinefelter’s syndromes. Biosafety issues-Biopiracy and patents.
• Molecular basis of Inheritance: Search for Ecology and environment
genetic material and DNA as genetic material; • Organisms and environment: Habitat and niche;
Structure of DNA and RNA; DNA packaging; Population and ecological adaptations;
DNA replication; Central dogma; Transcription, Population interactions-mutualism, competition,
genetic code, translation; Gene expression and predation, parasitism; Population attributes-
regulation- Lac Operon; Genome and human
growth, birth rate and death rate, age
genome project; DNA finger printing.
• Evolution: Origin of life; Biological evolution
• Ecosystem: Patterns, components; productivity
and evidences for biological evolution from
and decomposition; Energy flow; Pyramids of
Paleontology, comparative anatomy,
number, biomass, energy; Nutrient cycling
embryology and molecular evidence); Darwin’s
(carbon and phosphorous); Ecological
contribution, Modern Synthetic theory of
succession; Ecological Services-Carbon fixation,
Evolution; Mechanism of evolution-Variation
(Mutation and Recombination) and Natural pollination, oxygen release.
Selection with examples, types of natural • Biodiversity and its conservation: Concept of
selection; Gene flow and genetic drift; Hardy- Biodiversity; Patterns of Biodiversity;
Weinberg’s principle; Adaptive Radiation; Importance of Biodiversity; Loss of
Human evolution. Biodiversity; Biodiversity conservation;
Biology and Human Welfare Hotspots, endangered organisms, extinction, Red
• Health and Disease; Pathogens; parasites causing Data Book, biosphere reserves, National parks
human diseases (Malaria, Filariasis, Ascariasis. and sanctuaries.
Typhoid, Pneumonia, common cold, amoebiasis, • Environmental issues: Air pollution and its
ring worm); Basic concepts of immunology- control; Water pollution and its control;
vaccines; Cancer, HIV and AIDS; Adolescence, Agrochemicals and their effects; Solid waste
drug and alcohol abuse. management; Radioactive waste management;
• Improvement in food production; Plant breeding, Greenhouse effect and global warning; Ozone
tissue culture, single cell protein, depletion; Deforestation; Any three case studies
Biofortification; Apiculture and Animal as success stories addressing environmental
husbandry. issues.
All India Medical Entrance Exam, NEET & AIIMS Biology
Previous Years Exam Papers Analysis Chart
S. Exam Proposed Year Question Paper Total Question
All India Pre Medical Test/National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (AIPMT/NEET)
1. RE-NEET 23.06.2024 100
2. NEET (UG) 05.05.2024 100
3. NEET (Re-Exam) 06.06.2023 100
4. NEET (UG) 07.05.2023 100
5. NEET (UG) (Re-Exam) 04.09.2022 100
6. NEET (UG) 17.07.2022 100
7. NEET (UG) 2021 90
8. NEET (UG) 2020 Phase-I 90
9. NEET (UG) 2020 Phase-II 90
10. NEET (UG) 05.05.2019 90
11. NEET (UG) (Odisha) 20.05.2019 90
12. NEET (UG) 2018 90
13. NEET (UG) 2017 90
14. NEET (UG) 2016 Phase-I 90
15. NEET (UG) 2016 Phase-II 90
16. AIPMT (Re-Exam) 2015 90
17. AIPMT 2015 90
18. NEET 2014 90
19. NEET 2013 90
20. NEET (Karnataka) 2013 90
21. AIPMT (Mains) 2012 100
22. AIPMT (Screening) 2012 100
23. AIPMT (Mains) 2011 100
24. AIPMT (Screening) 2011 100
25. AIPMT (Mains) 2010 100
26. AIPMT (Screening) 2010 100
27. AIPMT 2009 100
28. AIPMT 2008 100
29. AIPMT 2007 100
30. AIPMT 2006 100
31. AIPMT 2005 100
32. AIPMT 2004 100
33. AIPMT 2003 100
34. AIPMT 2002 100
35. AIPMT 2001 100
36. AIPMT 2000 100

37. AIPMT 1999 100
38. AIPMT 1998 100
39. AIPMT 1997 100
40. AIPMT 1996 100
41. AIPMT 1995 100
42. AIPMT 1994 100
43. AIPMT 1993 100
44. AIPMT 1992 100
45. AIPMT 1991 100
46. AIPMT 1990 100
47. AIPMT 1989 100
48. AIPMT 1988 100
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)
49. AIIMS 26.05.2019 Shift-I 60
50. AIIMS 26.05.2019 Shift-II 60
51. AIIMS 25.05.2019 Shift-I 60
52. AIIMS 25.05.2019 Shift-II 60
53. AIIMS 26.05.2018 Shift-I 60
54. AIIMS 26.05.2018 Shift-II 60
55. AIIMS 27.05.2018 Shift-I 60
56. AIIMS 27.05.2018 Shift-II 60
57. AIIMS 2017 60
58. AIIMS 2016 60
59. AIIMS 2015 60
60. AIIMS 2014 60
61. AIIMS 2013 60
62. AIIMS 2012 60
63. AIIMS 2011 60
64. AIIMS 2010 60
65. AIIMS 2009 60
66. AIIMS 2008 60
67. AIIMS 2007 60
68. AIIMS 2006 60
69. AIIMS 2005 60
70. AIIMS 2004 60
71. AIIMS 2003 60
72. AIIMS 2002 60
73. AIIMS 2001 60
74. AIIMS 2000 60
75. AIIMS 1999 60
76. AIIMS 1998 60

77. AIIMS 1997 60
78. AIIMS 1996 60
79. AIIMS 1995 60
80. AIIMS 1994 60
Assam Combined Entrance Examination (CEE)
81. ASSAM-CEE 2014 40
Andhra Pradesh Engineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test (AP EAMCET)
82. AP EAPCET Medical 22.05.2023 Shift-I 80
83. AP EAPCET Medical 22.05.2023 Shift-II 80
84. AP EAPCET Medical 23.05.2023 Shift-I 80
85. AP EAPCET Medical 23.05.2023 Shift-II 80
86. AP EAMCET Medical 11.07.2022 Shift-I 80
87. AP EAMCET Medical 11.07.2022 Shift-II 80
88. AP EAMCET Medical 12.07.2022 Shift-I 80
89. AP EAMCET Medical 12.07.2022 Shift-II 80
90. AP EAMCET Medical 03.09.2021 Shift-I 80
91. AP EAMCET Medical 03.09.2021 Shift-II 80
92. AP EAMCET Medical 06.09.2021 Shift-I 80
93. AP EAMCET Medical 06.09.2021 Shift-II 80
94. AP EAMCET Medical 07.09.2021 Shift-I 80
95. AP EAMCET Medical 05.10.2021 Shift-I 80
96. AP EAMCET Medical 25.09.2020 Shift-I 80
97. AP EAMCET Medical 25.09.2020 Shift-II 80
98. AP EAMCET Medical 24.09.2020 Shift-I 80
99. AP EAMCET Medical 24.09.2020 Shift-II 80
100. AP EAMCET Medical 24.04.2019 Shift-I 80
101. AP EAMCET Medical 24.04.2019 Shift-II 80
102. AP EAMCET Medical 23.04.2019 Shift-II 80
103. AP EAMCET Medical 25.04.2018 Shift-I 80
104. AP EAMCET Medical 25.04.2018 Shift-II 80
105. AP EAMCET Medical 28.04.2017 Shift-I 80
106. AP EAMCET Medical 28.04.2017 Shift-II 80
107. AP EAMCET Medical 2016 80
108. AP EAMCET Medical 2015 80
109. AP EAMCET Medical 2014 80
110. AP EAMCET Medical 2013 80
111. AP EAMCET Medical 2012 80
112. AP EAMCET Medical 2011 80
113. AP EAMCET Medical 2010 80
114. AP EAMCET Medical 2009 80
115. AP EAMCET Medical 2008 80
116. AP EAMCET Medical 2007 80
117. AP EAMCET Medical 2006 80

118. AP EAMCET Medical 2005 80
119. AP EAMCET Medical 2004 80
120. AP EAMCET Medical 2003 80
121. AP EAMCET Medical 2002 80
122. AP EAMCET Medical 2001 100
123. AP EAMCET Medical 2000 100
124. AP EAMCET Medical 1999 100
125. AP EAMCET Medical 1998 100
126. AP EAMCET Medical 1997 100
Aligarh Muslim University
127. AMU Medical 2015 100
128. AMU Medical 2014 100
129. AMU Medical 2012 100
130. AMU Medical 2011 100
131. AMU Medical 2010 100
132. AMU Medical 2009 100
133. AMU Medical 2008 100
134. AMU Medical 2007 100
135. AMU Medical 2006 100
136. AMU Medical 2005 100
137. AMU Medical 2004 100
138. AMU Medical 2003 100
139. AMU Medical 2002 100
140. AMU Medical 2001 100
141. AMU Medical 2000 100
142. AMU Medical 1999 100
143. AMU Medical 1998 100
144. AMU Medical 1997 100
145. AMU Medical 1996 100
146. AMU Medical 1995 100
Armed Forces Medical College
147. AFMC 2011 50
148. AFMC 2010 50
149. AFMC 2009 50
150. AFMC 2008 50
151. AFMC 2007 50
152. AFMC 2006 50
153. AFMC 2005 50
154. AFMC 2004 50
155. AFMC 2003 50
156. AFMC 2002 50
157. AFMC 2001 50
158. AFMC 2000 50

BCECE Medical
159. BCECE Medical 2016 50
160. BCECE Medical 2015 50
161. BCECE Medical 2014 50
162. BCECE Medical 2013 50
163. BCECE Medical 2012 50
164. BCECE Medical 2011 50
165. BCECE Medical 2010 50
166. BCECE Medical 2009 50
167. BCECE Medical 2008 50
168. BCECE Medical 2007 50
169. BCECE Medical 2006 50
170. BCECE Medical 2005 50
171. BCECE Medical 2004 50
172. BCECE Medical 2003 50
173. BCECE Medical 2002 50
174. BCECE Medical 2001 50
Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed University Medical College
175. BVP Medical 2015 100
176. BVP Medical 2014 100
177. BVP Medical 2013 100
178. BVP Medical 2012 100
179. BVP Medical 2011 100
180. BVP Medical 2010 100
181. BVP Medical 2009 100
182. BVP Medical 2008 100
183. BVP Medical 2007 100
184. BVP Medical 2006 100
185. BVP Medical 2005 100
186. BVP Medical 2004 100
187. BVP Medical 2003 100
188. BVP Medical 2002 100
189. BVP Medical 2001 100
190. BVP Medical 2000 100
Banaras Hindu University PMT
191. BHU PMT (Screening) 2011 50
192. BHU PMT (Mains) 2011 50
193. BHU PMT (Screening) 2010 50
194. BHU PMT (Mains) 2010 50
195. BHU PMT (Screening) 2009 50
196. BHU PMT (Mains) 2009 50
197. BHU PMT (Screening) 2008 50

198. BHU PMT (Mains) 2008 50
199. BHU PMT (Screening) 2007 50
200. BHU PMT (Mains) 2007 50
201. BHU PMT (Screening) 2006 50
202. BHU PMT (Mains) 2006 50
203. BHU PMT (Screening) 2005 50
204. BHU PMT (Mains) 2005 50
205. BHU PMT 2004 100
206. BHU PMT 2003 100
207. BHU PMT 2002 100
208. BHU PMT 2001 100
CMC-Medical Vellore/Ludhiana
209. CMC-Medical Vellore 2015 50
210. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2015 50
211. CMC-Medical Vellore 2014 50
212. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2014 50
213. CMC-Medical Vellore 2013 50
214. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2013 50
215. CMC-Medical Vellore 2012 50
216. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2012 50
217. CMC-Medical Vellore 2011 50
218. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2011 50
219. CMC-Medical Vellore 2010 50
220. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2010 50
221. CMC-Medical Vellore 2009 50
222. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2009 50
223. CMC-Medical Vellore 2008 50
224. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2008 50
225. CMC-Medical Vellore 2007 50
226. CMC-Medical Ludhiana 2007 50
Chhattisgarh PMT
227. CG PMT 2011 100
228. CG PMT 2010 100
229. CG PMT 2009 100
230. CG PMT 2008 100
231. CG PMT 2007 100
232. CG PMT 2006 100
233. CG PMT 2005 100
234. CG PMT 2004 100
Delhi University Medical-Dental Entrance Test
235. DUMET Medical 2011 100
236. DUMET Medical 2010 100


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