2K-24130 MS For Tank External ICCP
2K-24130 MS For Tank External ICCP
2K-24130 MS For Tank External ICCP
Table of Contents
1 External Bottom .................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Quality Control ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Safety...................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Materials Handling ................................................................................................................. 4
1.5 Installation Procedure for Shallow Anode Bed ...................................................................... 4
1.6 Transformer Rectifiers ........................................................................................................... 6
1.7 Junction Boxes & Test Station ................................................................................................ 7
1.8 DC Cables................................................................................................................................ 7
1.9 Negative Connections ............................................................................................................ 7
1.10 Holiday Test ............................................................................................................................ 7
1.11 List of Instruments ................................................................................................................. 8
2 Commissioning- Procedure for Tank External ....................................................................... 11
2.1 General ................................................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Quality Control ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.3 Safety.................................................................................................................................... 12
2.4 Materials Handling ............................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Tools used. ........................................................................................................................... 12
2.6 Commissioning Procedure ................................................................................................... 13
3 Commissioning Form ........................................................................................................... 14
Document Name Method Statement
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Date of Revision 12-JUN-24
1 External Bottom
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1.1 Scope
This specification shall be applicable for all works related to cathodic protection system installation.
These works include but are not limited to installation of impressed current HSCI anode, transformer
rectifier, junction boxes, D.C. cables, and sundry items for support and finishing of each facility.
In all cases, the cathodic protection system installation works would be carried out in a manner such
that the requirements of the applicable Saudi Aramco Standard drawings and specifications, and
the project drawings and specifications are met.
1.2 Quality Control
The installation work will always be carried out within an appropriate quality control system, this
should be affected by strictly adhering to all materials approval requirements.
1.3 Safety
The installation works shall always be carried out safely, with all site personnel, staff, and labor fully
adopting the project safety procedures.
All parties shall be particularly aware of safety requirements concerning working in trenches, hot
work, and installation of electrical equipment.
1.4 Materials Handling
All materials associated with the installation works shall be considered fragile and shall be treated
accordingly. Impressed current HSCI anodes shall be carefully handled. They shall not be removed
from their packing crates until immediately before installation.
All D.C. cables shall be handled and stored to avoid damage to the insulation. Inspection of insulation
shall take place before installation.
1.5 Installation Procedure for Shallow Anode Bed
Anode wells are drilled for the installation of cathodic protection ground beds. Shallow vertical
anode wells are classified as wells generally less than about 10 meters deep. These holes are
generally used for single anodes, either packed into a canister with backfill, or placed directly in the
ground and surrounded with low resistivity coke breeze backfill.
1.5.1. Drilling Activity:
Preparation of the site for drilling including maintaining the well integrity and drying it during
the installation processes.
1 drilling rig to be used in the location to meet the target time.
Contractor shall be responsible for the installation of permanent PVC surface casing for vent
and watering purpose (3 Meters) to permit drilling of 300mm borehole below 3.0 meter
Drilling will be continued below the casing to provide a 300mm diameter hole and get the
target depth.
The borehole is expected to be intact walls in every formation layer and cement casing is to
be installed to seal every lost circulation area within the bore.
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Mud drilling uses Bentonite mixed with water to form a slurry medium to protect the
Borehole from collapsing during drilling through the first layer and whenever it is needed.
Under no circumstances is the maximum drilling depth, as identified on the construction
drawings, to be exceeded without written approval from the concerned person.
When reaching the rock formation (if found) in depth or encountering hard rock different
drilling methods will be used Down the hole (DTH) hammer 6 inches for faster productivity
on reaching the required depth, followed by hole expansion to 10 inches (reaming job) and
all other activities remain same.
Pumping coke breeze from the bottom to top using a hose or with 2” inch dia. GI Pipe/Nylon
Lowering the anode using special prefabricated support pipe structures.
1.5.2. Installation of Anodes and Vent pipe
Before loading the anodes into the borehole, the bottom cement plug shall be lowered to
the bottom of the hole. Measurement of total depth shall be done before lowering of
anodes. If depth is less than required further cleaning of holes is required.
Ensure that the All-anodes cables are Holiday Tested using Holiday Detector at 18 kV DC just
before the installation and lowering of the Anode.
Also conduct a visual and touch inspection of the anode cable insulation immediately
adjacent to the head of the anode. Anode leads with noticeable "necking", or an obvious
reduction in diameter of the insulation, shall not be used.
All activities shall comply with the approved Anode installation drawing.
2” GI Pipe/Nylon Rope shall be used to provide support as well as pumping of Coke breeze
down to the bottom of Anode.
Anode shall be securely attached with 2” GI Pipe/Nylon Rope with the help of PVC Tie rope.
Vent pipe along (with End Cap) with 2” GI Pipe/Nylon Rope with Anodes shall be lowered
together in the drilling hole.
Anode cable is securely tight with the Pipes during installation activity. Tie this Anode Cable
in a hanging arrangement till the Coke breeze backfilling is completed and settled.
Identify the anodes by providing a Temporarily Tag at the end of the Anode Cable.
After installation of anodes assemblies, the coke breeze backfill shall be fluidized with water
from slurry and shall be pumped into the borehole through a hose or pipe that is initially set
at the bottom of the anode hole or through the installed GI Pipe/Nylon Rope. The coke
breeze mixing ratio shall be 10 gallons of water per 100 pounds of coke. This will be the
maximum ratio. The recommended ratio is 5 gallons of water per 100 pounds of coke.
Mixing shall take place in a clean tank/container and pumping shall commence with the 2”
GI Pipe/Nylon Rope. Care shall be taken to ensure that no backfill enters the vent pipe during
this procedure from the Top.
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1.5.3. Excavation
All excavations for foundations and underground facilities shall be following approved drawings
and shall be excavated to the levels and depths specified in the approved project drawings. Care
shall be taken to avoid damage to existing underground facilities during excavation work.
This is especially important when crossing existing buried pipelines and cables. If We encounter
any pipes, cables, concrete, or other obstructions not indicated on the drawings, immediate
action is required to inform the site representative and subsequent construction operations.
The contractor shall excavate, backfill, and compact soil for foundations following approved
1.5.4. Backfilling
All fill material utilized on this project around and under foundations shall be selected fill
1.5.5. Testing Activity
During testing, all connections shall be sound and tight. Where any permanently installed cables
are used as part of these tests, they shall first be disconnected from all other equipment. The
test equipment should be calibrated.
Required Tools are listed below:
Soil Resistance/Resistivity Test Meter
Holiday Detector
Multimeter/AVO Meter
Cleaning tools such as file and wire brush
1.5.6. Anode Resistance Measurements
The test shall be made between the test anode and the structure to be protected. Resistance
measurements for the deep anode bed shall be taken and logged at 3-meter intervals. Care
shall be taken to ensure that connections are sound and are made to clean bright metal. Test
cable resistances shall be measured and deducted from these measurements.
1.5.7. Holiday Test
The anodes cables before installation of anodes should be tested visually and by using a holiday
tester. The holiday tester shall be set at 18kV for testing of anode cables. In the event of a
holiday if found or damage observed in the cable sheathing insulation, the anode, and its cable
shall be carefully withdrawn and discarded. The lead wire shall be cut from the reel with
sufficient length to permit the cable end to be terminated at the anode junction box.
1.6 Transformer Rectifiers
Transformer rectifier shall be installed following SAUDI ARAMCO standard drawing # AA-036378
sheet 1 & 2 and project drawing. The designated location for installation shall be verified on-site
before installation works take place. Oil-immersed rectifiers shall be mounted a minimum of 300
mm above ground to minimize sand accumulation against the rectifier.
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The unit shall be securely grounded before the connection of A.C. and D.C. cables. It shall be assured
that the applicable A.C. breaker at the associated sub-station is locked off before the connection of
A.C. cables. It shall be assured that the D.C. cables relate to the correct polarity.
The transformer rectifiers & AC disconnect switches shall be connected to the plant grounding
system at the nearest available ground grid.
1.7 Junction Boxes & Test Station
Junction boxes shall be constructed according to SAUDI ARAMCO standard drawing # AB-036274
and concrete foundation shall be constructing as per Saudi Aramco standard drawing # AB-036540.
Be careful at the time of anode junction box installations. It is highly recommended to install the
anodes power feeder cables first and then select the anode junction box location where all
associated anode power feeder cable tails can reach because cable joint in anode cable is not
allowed. Therefore, select the anode junction box location very carefully to avoid any problem
related to short anode cable length.
The exact locations shall be verified on-site as being suitable for the installation.
1.8 DC Cables
All cathodic protection cables running to/ for junction boxes & transformer rectifiers shall be directly
buried. The direct buried cables shall be installed according to Saudi Aramco standard drawing #
Anode power feeder cables and all positive cables for burial shall be inspected for insulation damage
immediately before installation. The inspection shall be conducted with a pulse-type holiday
detector set at 18,000 volts DC. Repair of the positive cable insulation by any method is prohibited.
Repair of above grade sections of a positive cable using above grade splice boxes is acceptable.
Negative cables for below-grade usage shall be visually checked for obvious insulation holidays.
Cable with visible insulation damage shall either be rejected or repaired with 3 half-lap layers of
plastic vinyl tape over 3 half-lap layers of rubber tape.
DC Cables shall be installed following SAUDI ARAMCO specifications. Special care shall be taken to
avoid damage to cable insulation during all stages of laying and backfilling.
All DC cables inside the positive junction boxes, TR terminals, and test stations excluding single pin
test stations shall be identified by their tag numbers following Saudi Aramco standard drawing #
1.9 Negative Connections
The connection of the negative cable to the tank shell shall be done by thermite welding directly to
the tank rim. All thermite welds shall be done according to Saudi Aramco standard drawing # AB-
036381. After thermite welding, all flux shall be removed and repaired as per the project coating
specification for the tank’s shell.
1.10 Holiday Test
The purpose of the holiday test is to identify any insulation damage or Pinholes in the Power feeder
cables. So, it is important to do the Holiday test on-site before installation. Check the functionality
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of the Holiday Detector by touching both of its Pins. It should produce a noticeable sound as an
indication of its proper function.
The holiday detector shall be set to 18KV, one end of the Holiday Detector Pin shall be connected
to the one end of the Power Feeder cable and the other end of the Holiday Detector Pin (which
relates to a wire brush) shall be moved on the cable. If there is a pinhole a beep sound shall be
audible otherwise the Cable is free from the Pin Hole. Touch both Pins of the Holiday Detector to
release any stored energy to avoid any possible electrical shock.
Note: Extreme care shall be taken to avoid any direct touching of the pins/cable ends with the body
as this Equipment is operating at 18KV and there will be a chance of Electrical shocks. (Kindly refer
to the instrument manual for more information on the safety aspect provided with the instrument.)
1.11 List of Instruments
Calibrated multimeter Fluke/LC-4.5
Calibrated Clamp meter
All stages should be checked and signed off on checklist.
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2 Commissioning- Procedure
for Tank External
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2.1 General
This procedure and guidelines shall be applicable for works related to the testing and commissioning
of the cathodic protection system in compliance with the Scope of services as described in contract
no. An initial check of a new system and periodic electrical measurements and inspection are
necessary to determine that cathodic protection has been established and maintained according to
the required criteria and that each part of the cathodic protection system is operating properly.
Conditions, which affect protection, are subject to change with time. Corresponding adjustments of
the cathodic protection system may be required to maintain protection.
2.2 Quality Control
The Testing and Commissioning activity will always be carried out within an approved quality control
document, approved procedures, formats & Checklist.
2.3 Safety
1 Commissioning activity shall always be carried out safely, with all site personnel, staff, and
labor, fully adopting the project safety procedures.
2 All parties shall be particularly aware of safety requirements concerning working in DC
outputs, hot work/cold work, and monitoring of electrical equipment operating at DC outputs.
3 There is a potential for an electric shock when working with Impressed Current Cathodic
Protection equipment. Normally Rectifiers are powered by 400 Volts AC. The DC side of the
circuit often handles 10-50 volts DC and 5-100 amps DC. A Rectifier Case should be checked
for proper grounding before touching.
4 While out in the “field” taking cathodic protection readings one could encounter livestock or
hazardous wildlife such as snakes, alligators, bees or wasps, etc. Proper precautions should be
5 There is the potential for an arc or ignition source when connecting or disconnecting
components connected to impressed current cathodic protection, such as flanges or wires.
6 When opening a flange, electrical junction box, rectifier, or even a hole in the ground, be
aware of the line-of-fire, in the event of an unexpected release or discharge.
7 Monitoring Access Hole Nozzle shall be opened to check the Tank Potential w.r.t. Portable ref.
Electrode. Proper safety arrangements shall be made to avoid leakage of hazardous gas or
other liquid.
2.4 Materials Handling
All Toolbox materials associated with the Commissioning activity shall be considered as fragile and
shall be treated accordingly. Reference Electrodes & Measuring Tools shall be handled with care to
avoid damage and entry of moisture within the measuring instruments.
2.5 Tools used.
Followings tools or Equipment shall be used commonly.
High Impedance Multimeter / LC-4.5
Clamp Meter
Saturated Portable Reference Electrodes Cu/CuSO4
Interrupter Circuit (if required)
Hand Tools
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2.6 Commissioning Procedure
1 Before Testing and Commissioning any work this procedure in conjunction with all relevant
“As-Built” drawings and documents should be reviewed and understood. It should also be
verified that any work permits required have been issued and that it is acceptable to start the
2 Record the Liquid Level inside the Tank, to ensure proper contact between soil and bottom
3 Identify the Location of the Transformer Rectifier, Anodes Junction Box, Monitoring Access
Hole, and Reference electrodes with their Tag Number.
4 Conduct the continuity test between Anode cables & Positive Header cable. Check the
continuity between the Tank and negative Header cable. Check the Continuity between Tanks
and test Cable. Check the discontinuity between the Negative Header cable and Positive
Header cable. Record all these values.
5 Check the Polarity of Header Cables Termination within the Rectifier.
6 Check all the cables are properly terminated and tightly connected.
7 Check the rectifier case is grounded.
8 The oil level of the Transformer Rectifier if it is oil-cooled and there will be no oil leakage.
9 For measurement of potential, place the reference electrode in access hole and close to
structure. Ensure that the reference is contacting with the soil (sand). Connect the negative
cable of meter to reference electrode and positive cable of meter to structure, the reading
will be displayed with negative sign.
10 Record the as Found Potential of the Tank at with Portable Reference Electrode at Monitoring
Access Holes.
11 Verify the AC input Voltage from the Main AC supply is the same as mentioned on the Rectifier
name Plate.
12 Energize the Transformer Rectifier with minimum Tap setting or 10 % of the Rated Load and
verify the DC outputs measured with calibrated Multimeter with the Panel meters.
13 Increase the Rectifier setting up to 70% to get the Tanks Potential as mentioned in the Design
criteria, and let the system operate for sufficient time to ensure complete polarization of the
14 If the Rectifier has an inbuilt interrupter circuit adjust the ON/OFF cycle in the ratio 4:1 or as
advised by the proponent. If the rectifier has no inbuilt interrupter circuit, use the external
interrupter circuit in series of the positive header cable.
15 Measure the ON/ instant OFF potential at all Access hole Locations with Portable Reference
Electrode. If the potential values meet one of the required Saudi Aramco protections criteria,
then record all these values, otherwise, readjust the rectifier setting to get the value as per
Aramco criteria.
16 Continue system monitoring on monthly basis to ensure smooth operation of CP system.
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3 Commissioning Form
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Commissioning Checklist
Project Name Project No.
Client Contract No.
Tank No. Date
Sr. No Item Descriptions OK N/A Remarks
Product Level in the Tank to be verified for
Continuity between Anode cable & positive
header cable checked
Continuity between the tank and negative heard
cable checked
Continuity between the tank and test cable
The discontinuity between positive and negative
header cable checked
The polarity of rectifier DC out connection
Main AC input Voltage shall be same as per
Rectifier name Plate
8 Cable Termination tightens shall be checked
9 Cable Termination Tag shall be checked
Oil Level in the Rectifier check in case oil-cooled
11 Oil Leakage with Oil Level Gauge shall be checked
12 Grounding of rectifier shall be checked
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Inspection of TR After Energizing
Project Name Client
Test Equipment Data
Meter type Calibration Date
Model Serial No
System Data
Manufacturer AC Input
T/R Model No T/R Rating
T/R Serial No. Shunt Value
Rectifier Type Phase
Setting Type Tap: C: Measured O/P Voltage: Current:
Current Drain in Negative Cable: ___________
Negative Cable Connected to Structure:
Inspection Data
Values shown on rectifier panel meters: V______, Verify Rectifier A and V by Multimeter _______V
A______ and _______A
Shunt Rating: mV Amps (1 mV = __________Amps)
Check and record oil temperature (if equipped with temperature gauge): _____________ºC
Check List for T/R After Energizing
A Description Yes No N/A Remarks
Energize the rectifier. Note: Ensure that the rectifier
output is set at the minimum value.
For rectifiers with link bars: turn off the rectifier before
changing the output setting.
Check all DC connections to ensure that there is no
excessive heat at the connections (loose connection
generates excessive heat). If excessive heat is present,
turn off the system, then tighten the loose connections.
Note: Excessive heat from a loose connection immersed
in oil can generate bubbles.
Adjust rectifier output as necessary to obtain adequate
protection levels at key locations.
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External Tank Bottom Test Form
Project Name Project No.
Client Contract No.
Test Equipment Data
Meter Type: Calibration Date
Model No Serial No
System Data
Manufacturer AC Input
T/R Model No T/R Rating
T/R Serial No. T/R Tag
T/R Model Shunt Value
Rectifier Type Phase
Setting Type Tap: C: Voltage V Current A
Negative Cable Connected to
Current Drain in Negative Cable: (A)
Inspection Data
Reading Through Ring Wall Soil Access
Tank to Portable Cu/CuSO4 Reference Potentials In (-mv)
Access Location
As Found On Instant Off Remarks
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