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Upgradation of E-102 Combinaire Wooden structure with FRP

Submitted By:

QAS Arabia Co. Ltd.

Table of Contents

1. Scope 3

2. Normative Reference 3

3. Terms and Definitions 3-4

4. Quality Management System 4

4.1 General Requirements 4-5
4.2. Responsibility 6
4.3 Documentation Requirements 6
4.3.1 General 6
4.3.2 Quality Plan 6-7
4.3.4. Control of Documents 7 Purpose and Scope 7 General 7-8 Responsibility 8 Procedure 9
4.3.5. Control of Quality Records 9 Purpose and Scope 9 Responsibilities 10 Procedures 10-11

5. Management Responsibility 11
5.1 Management Commitment 11-12
5.2 Customer Focus 12
5.3 Quality Policy and Operating Values 13
5.4 Planning 13
5.4.1 Quality Objective 13-14
. 5.4.2 Quality Management System Planning 14
5.5 Responsibility, Authority, and Communication 14
5.5.1 Responsibility and Authority 14-15
5.5.2 Appointing a Quality Manager/Management 15
5.5.3 Internal Communication 15
5.6 Management Review 15
5.6.1 General 15-16
5.6.2 Review Input 16-17
5.6.3 Review Output 17-18

6. Resource Management 18
6.1 Provision of Resources 18
6.2 Human Resources 18
6.2.1 General 18-19
6.2.2 Competence, Awareness, and Training 19
6.3 Infrastructure 19-20

6.4 Work Environment 20

7. Project Execution 20
7.1. Planning of Project Execution 20
7.2 Customers Related Processes 20
7.2.1 Determining Project Requirements 20
7.2.2 Reviewing Project Requirements 20
7.2.3 Customer Communication 21
7.3 Design and Development 21
7.4. Purchasing 21
7.4.1 Purchasing Process 21
7.4.2 Purchase Information 21-22
7.4.3. Verification of Purchased Products 22
7.5. Production and Service Provision 22
7.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision 22-23
7.5.2. Validation of Processes for Production and Service 23
7.5.3. Identification and Traceability 23-24
7.5.4. SAUDI ARAMCO Property
7.5.5. Preservation of Material and Equipment 24
7.6. Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices 24-25

8. Measurement, Analysis & Improvement 26

8.1 General 26

8.2. Customer Satisfaction 26

8.3. Internal Audit 26-27

8.4. Monitoring and Measurement of Processes 27

8.5. Monitoring and Measurement of Production Processes 27-28

8.6. Control of Nonconforming Product 28-29

8.7. Analysis and Use of Data 29

8.8. Improvements 29-30

8.8.1 Continual Improvement 30

8.8.2. Corrective Action 31

8.8.3. Preventive Action 31-32

9. Project Quality Control Plan 33

1. Scope

The intent of this Quality plan by QAS Arabia Co. Ltd is for Upgradation of E-102 Combinaire
Wooden structure with FRP at Abqaiq NGL, Saudi Aramco in accordance with Project
specifications, IFC drawings, SAES Engineering Standards, Procedures and all applicable
regulatory requirements. This Quality Plan covers all the aspects related to the quality during
the phases of Procurement, Construction and Pre commissioning.

2. Normative Reference

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems – Fundamentals and

ISO 9001:2015
Quality Management Systems – Requirements

3. Terms and Definitions

For the purpose of this Quality Plan the following terms and definitions in addition to
terms and definitions given in ISO 9001:2015 and Saudi Aramco Standards shall apply
and have the meaning indicated in this section. No attempt is made to define ordinary
words which are used in accordance with their established dictionary meaning.

Inspection Assignment Package: A set of documents that include details of

purchased Material/equipment and their quality requirements needed to perform full
inspection at the vendor/sub-vendor facility.

Quality Plan: Document specifying which procedures and associated resources shall be
applied by whom and when to a specific project, product, process or contract. [ISO 9001]

Quality Policy: Statement of commitment and objectives by the company regarding

Quality Manual: Documentation of the Quality Policy and the Quality System of the

Quality System: Organizational structure, procedures, processes and resources needed

to implement quality management. [ISO 9001]

Quality Control: The part of the Quality System, which, through checks, review,
measurement test and inspections, determines that specified requirements are achieved.

Quality Assurance: The Planned and systematic process of producing of objective

evidence (By use of the Quality System) to verify specific requirements are being achieved. It
is a management system, which increases confidence that the materials and work conforms
to requirements.

Quality Audit: Verification activity to check that the quality system or work procedure
continues to conform to requirements.

Verification: The formal processing of confirming & documenting compliance with the
acceptance criteria.

Pre-Commissioning: Testing of system components for continuity, operability and in the

case of the process plants, their ability to withstand operating pressure prior to the
introduction of feedstock or other final products into the facility.

Type Test: Test or series of tests directed towards approval of a design conducted to
determine that is capable of meeting the requirements of the product specifications.

Hold Point: Inspection or Test may not proceed without the QA/QC organization
representative in attendance.

Witness Point: It defines a point that provides QA/QC organization with the opportunity to
attend the Inspection or Test, at their option.

Shall: "Shall" expresses a provision that is binding between two or more parties.

Will: "Will" expresses a declaration of purpose or intent by one party.

Should: “Should" expresses a recommendation among other possibilities.

4. Quality Management System

4.1 General Requirements

The Quality Management System (QMS) of QAS Arabia consists of 3 parts.

• The Quality Manual describes our Company policy and objectives, our
documentation requirements, our responsibilities and authority, our resources
and our measurement and control requirements.

• The Management System describes the processes and instructions for the
performance of our business.

• The Quality System describes the auditing procedures that allow us to measure
our performance with quantitative data, as well as the procedures for examining
non-conformances and opportunities for system improvements.

Our QMS documentation is accessible and controlled on our internal computer network.
GM with the assistance of Quality department has the overall responsibility for our QMS.
He is responsible for ensuring resources are available, policies and objectives are set
and communicated, and system improvements are implemented. Managers have
measurable objectives to demonstrate that their actions are effective and that client
satisfaction is being achieved.

Specifically, management will

• Communicate our QMS and our commitment to meeting client and regulatory
requirements to all employees.
• Enable our employees to give their full commitment to excellence by having a full
understanding of QMS and how their individual actions affect its success.
• Establish and maintain a working environment that encourages the delivery of
quality workmanship through orientation, training, job preparation and safety
• Provide service that meet specified requirements or objectives as established at
the Management System Review, Quality Review, Marketing Review, and
Contract Review Meetings.

The details of the processes with respect to the scope of the Project are
discussed ahead with references of QAS Arabia Co. Quality Manual.

4.2. Responsibility

4.2.1. It is the responsibility of the Management Representative and Department

Heads to ensure that the sequence and interaction of processes or activities of this
Quality Management System are determined in a suitable manner, utilizing tools
such as process maps, quality plans, flow charts, operating procedures, etc.

4.2.2. It is the responsibility of the Management Representative and Department

Heads to apply the necessary techniques and criteria in order to verify that
established processes/activities and their implemented controls are effective.

4.2.3. It is the responsibility of the GM Technical, Management Representative and

the Department Heads to ensure that the necessary human and material resources,
as well as the necessary information, are available to ensure the effective operation
and control of the processes of the Quality Management System.

4.2.4 It is the responsibility of the Management Representative and Department

Heads to ensure that the processes / activities which are part of the Quality
Management System are monitored, measured and analyzed regarding their
achievement of planned results.

4.2.5 As required, the Management Representative and Department Heads ensure

that action is taken to obtain expected results of processes/activities, as well as the
continual improvement of these processes/activities.

4.2.6. In the event that processes, which affect product conformity, are outsourced,
Quality Assurance via Supplier Quality establishes and implements the necessary
controls for approval processes to ensure conformance to specified requirements.
These implemented controls however do not absolve QAS Arabia from the responsibility
of providing services that meet customer requirements.

4.3 Documentation Requirements

4.3.1 General

QAS Arabia has established the following documentation for its quality management

• Quality policy and quality objectives

• This Quality Plan

• Documented procedures/Method statements of typical project activities

(Attached as Annexure A)

• Planning, operation, and process control documentation such as:

Ø Inspection & Test Plans (ITP)

Ø Work instructions
Ø Records of internal reviews
Ø Inspection and test reports
Ø Internal/external audit reports and corrective action
Ø Other documentation used to ensure effective planning operation and control


Ø Test Certificates.

Ø Checklist from Inspection Activities.

Ø Non-Conformance Reports.

Ø Technical Submission and Written Approval.

Ø Approved Subcontractors/Suppliers.

Ø Personnel Qualifications.

Ø Statutory Authorities Certificates (when applicable)

Ø Calibration Certificates

4.3.2 Quality Plan

QAS Arabia has established a Quality Plan for the Upgradation of E-102 Combinaire
Wooden structure with FRP at Abqaiq NGL, Saudi Aramco. The Quality Plan identifies

the scope of the Quality Management System and any exclusion to the requirements of ISO
9001:2015 and Saudi Aramco Standards. It includes procedures and documents covering
work activities. It includes a description of sequences and interactions of processes that fall
under the scope of the quality management system.

4.3.4. Control of Documents Purpose and Scope

QAS Arabia’s document control system ensures that:

• Documents are approved by the SAUDI ARAMCO prior to issue for construction.
• The latest issues of approved documents and drawings are used in the work
• Documents are complete and unambiguous. General

The Quality Plan, referenced procedures and Inspection & Test Plans are controlled
documents. The Quality Manager is responsible to ensure the initial issue and
subsequent changes are acknowledged by those authorized to receive the Quality Plan.
A documented procedure has been established to control documents required for the
Quality Management System. Project documents shall be maintained at the following

• Site Office
• QAS Arabia Head Office

Access to these files shall be limited to the senior management, the Project Manager,
the Quality Manager and persons authorized by the Project Manager/Quality Manager.
Only the latest authorized issue of project documents shall be available for use by
contractor personnel. Documents not authorized for use, voided documents shall be
marked “SUPERSEDED“ in red and placed in a separate folder meant for the purpose to
avoid the use.
All documents transmitted to SAUDI ARAMCO for review shall use a transmittal form
which identifies the item transmitted and the action to be taken by SAUDI ARAMCO. The
document status shall be updated based on transmittal information.
The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible for reviewing the contract and identifying
submittals and deliverables to be transmitted to SAUDI ARAMCO. For this purpose a
submittal/deliverable log shall be maintained in accordance with the schedule Q of this
Controls shall be established in accordance with the requirements of SAUDI ARAMCO
in order to track the status of any item on the list that requires authorization or approval.
These items shall not be released until approved or authorized.

A copy of the approved quality plan, procedures and Inspection & Test Plans for SAUDI
ARAMCO use shall be available at all locations where work is undertaken for this
Documents issued for construction will be approved by qualified and authorized
individuals as required by the contract. Responsibility

The Project Manager is responsible to review all project documents for conformance to
the contract prior to submitting to SAUDI ARAMCO. This review shall be indicated on
each item by imposing the company stamp and the signature of the Project Manager.
As-built documents shall be maintained by the Project Manager at the Site Office and
will be kept in QAS Arabia’s record room after the completion of the project. An index of
as built documents shall be maintained as part of the file. All documents shall be verified
for accuracy by the Quality Manager and finally by the Project Manager and shall be
transmitted to SAUDI ARAMCO by the Project Manager at the end of the project.
Overall responsibility for planning and control of the document control system shall be
assigned to the Quality Manager.
The Technical Staff shall be responsible for the registration and distribution of contract
specifications, contract drawings and approved shop drawings.
The Technical Staff shall be responsible for the submission of the request for change or
clarification to the client. Procedure

The following documents shall be controlled in accordance with this procedure:

Ø Contract Specifications
Ø Contract Drawings
Ø Approved Shop Drawings
Ø Project Quality Plan
Ø Loss Prevention Plan
Ø As-Built Drawing

Upon approval of controlled documents prepared by QAS Arabia or receipt of SAUDI

ARAMCO controlled documents, registration using the document control log sheets shall
be carried out.

Registration shall include recording the following information relating to the document:

Ø Document reference Number

Ø Document title
Ø Current Revision Number
Ø Date of Issue/Revision

For the purpose of recording, the following register shall be used:

Ø Project Document Register

- Contract Specification
- Project Quality Plan

Ø Drawing Register
- Contract Drawings
- Approved Shop Drawings

• Upon completion of registration, controlled documents shall be issued to those

personnel or organization identified to the “Distribution List” shown on the
applicable register.

• Controlled documents shall be issued internally under cover of the memorandum.

• Controlled documents shall be issued externally under cover for a Document

transmittal or letter.

• The person responsible for distribution shall prepare the memorandum,

document transmittal or letter.

• Each recipient shown on the distribution list shall be responsible for removing
obsolete drawings from the point of use.

• When it is possible to remove obsolete drawing, the word “SUPERSEDED” shall

be marked in red on the document such that the word is clearly visible and thus
mistaken use is not possible.

• One copy of the obsolete document shall be kept in a master set maintained by
the Quality Assurance Manager.

• The Quality Assurance Manager shall carry out a monthly check of QAS Arabia’s
drawing register using the most recent approval register from the SAUDI

• All requests for change or clarification of contract documents shall be forwarded

to SAUDI ARAMCO in correspondence signed by the Project Manager. A
register/log book of all correspondence, incoming, and outgoing shall be
maintained and regularly reviewed for reply by the Project Manager.

4.3.5. Control of Quality Records Purpose and Scope

QAS Arabia shall maintain records to support and substantiate all planned activities
related to the Quality system.

These records will provide objective evidence to SAUDI ARAMCO that the quality of the
Project is in accordance with the specified requirements.

The originals of all records pertaining to the acceptance of permanent project works shall
be transmitted to SAUDI ARAMCO as soon as practical, following the completion and
acceptance of the work. QAS Arabia shall only retain copies of the records generated.

10 Responsibilities

The Quality Assurance Manager shall plan, establish, and maintain a filing system for
the collection and preservation of the documents generated by the quality system.
QAS Arabia records, that provide evidence of conformance to requirements and of the
effective operation of its quality management system shall be identified, stored,
protected, and retained. Retrieval shall be controlled. The QA Manager is responsible for
identifying the records to be retained, retention time, disposal method, and for arranging
for their protection and controlled retrieval. Procedures

Documents shall be generated in compliance with the activities described in the Project
Quality Plan. These documents are termed the quality records and shall be retained and
filed for the use of QAS ARABIA and SAUDI ARAMCO only.

The Quality Assurance Manager shall collate and maintain the Quality Records in an
indexed readily accessible filling system.

Project records shall be stored in safe filing cabinet to prevent damage or deterioration
and to prevent loss. Only copies being used for the day-to-day reference/work purpose.

Records shall be stored in chronological order commencing with the oldest and
progressing through to the most recent.

The Quality records to be collected and stored shall include the following:

Ø Test Certificates.

Ø Checklist from Inspection Activities.

Ø Non-Conformance Reports.

Ø Audit Reports

Ø Technical Submittals and Written Approval.

Ø Approved Subcontractors/Suppliers.

Ø Personnel Qualifications.

Ø Statutory Authorities Certificates (when applicable)

Ø Calibration Certificates

The filling system shall be established and maintained in the following format:

A. General Files

B. Construction Process File

A. General Files / Subdivisions

A1) Project Quality Plan

A2) Audits Reports and Follow-ups

A3) Inspection Measuring and Testing Equipment’s Calibration

A4) Statutory Authority Approval

A5) Non-Conformance Reports

A6) Punch Listing

A7) As-Built Drawing

A8) Loss Prevention Plan

B. Construction Process Files

Construction Process Files shall be established as follows:

B1) Civil Works

Subdivision shall be established within each Construction Process File:

a) Test Certificates

b) Completed Checklist and Reports

c) Approvals / Technical Submittals

d) Correspondence

The Project Manager shall identify those records to be transmitted to SAUDI ARAMCO
upon completion of the project and transmit the appropriate records.

5. Management Responsibility

5.1 Management Commitment

The top management of QAS ARABIA is committed to the development and
improvement of the quality management system by:

• Communicating the importance of meeting SAUDI ARAMCO, regulatory and

legal requirements by conducting regular meetings and through
memorandum with the project Quality and Execution staff.

• Establishment of a quality policy and objectives.

• Conducting management reviews in accordance with Saudi Aramco

Standards and paragraph 5.6 of this Quality Plan.

• Ensuring the availability of necessary resources.

5.2 Customer Focus:

QAS Arabia Management ensures that procedures for determining and meeting SAUDI
ARAMCO requirements and standards are established and implemented. QAS ARABIA
ensures SAUDI ARAMCO satisfaction by:

• Reviewing contract requirements, Quality Management System, and

procedures for compatibility and submit modifications as appropriate.

• Allocating trained and qualified staff resources to perform project tasks.

• Schedule and reporting progress in sufficient detail to control project cost.

• Training of personnel during the project as required.

• Performing management reviews and internal quality audits as specified in

Saudi Aramco Standards and paragraph 8.3 of this Quality Plan.

• Establish a program for problem identification and resolution and problem


• Maintaining data control systems and records of project activities.

• Timely submittals of deliverables in compliance with Saudi Aramco Standards.

• In time completion of every activity of the project as per the approved project

5.3 Quality Policy and Operating Values

QAS ARABIA has the following policy regarding the quality of the goods and services we
offer to our customers.




Our operating values at QAS ARABIA are to

• Continuously exceed the expectations of our clients, staff and our

• Be an innovator and leader in all corporate endeavors
• Understand our clients’ priorities and problems and create a relationship
built on Mutual trust and respect
• Promote growth, mutual respect, common core values, safety and
open Communication with our staff
• Make a profit.

It is the responsibility of QAS ARABIA’s management to implement and maintain this

Quality Policy. The Quality Policy includes QAS ARABIA’s commitment for continual
improvement, for meeting internal requirements and customer requirements, and
provides a basis for the establishment and review of quality objectives. The Quality
Policy is made known within the organization and understood and adhered to by
employees. During management reviews, the Quality Policy is reviewed for its
continuing suitability.

5.4 Planning:

5.4.1 Quality Objective

We commit to maintain and continually improve the effectiveness of our Quality

Management System. We will set objectives and measure our success. For
example, client satisfaction and long term relationships are achieved by

• performing up to and beyond client expectations (measured by customer
satisfaction reports),
• offering competitive pricing (measured by quotation success)
• Meeting our safety targets (measured by accident reports).
• Meeting our quality targets (measured by the no. of NCRs)

As well, our operating objective for this project is to be focused on the following

• Contract Requirements
• Saudi Aramco Standards
• Resource Allocation
• Quality Control
• Cost Control
• Schedule Control
• Continual Improvement

The objectives are measurable, consistent with policy, relevant to the successful
completion of the project, and attainment of objectives is considered as part of our effort
for improvement.

5.4.2 Quality Management System Planning

The elements that comprise the quality planning process are this Quality plan, Inspection
& Test Plans, project organization charts that prescribe personnel allocations and
mobilizations, titles of individuals, subcontractors necessary to complete the Work and
the integration of quality improvement initiatives described in this quality plan (reference
paragraph 5.6 Management Review and 8.4 Measurements and Monitoring).
In the first and the third quarter of the year, the Management Representative calls for a
meeting of the Department Heads with the purpose to review, coordinate and plan the
efficiency and effectiveness of the Quality Management System and the realization of
established quality objectives of the departments, as well the coordination of
improvement opportunities.
The output of these planning activities includes the identification of required resources.
As appropriate, results from audits of the Quality Management System are considered.
Planning activities are documented and are consistent with other requirements of the
Quality Management System.
It is the responsibility of the Management Representative to ensure that resulting
organizational changes and their consequences are identified and defined, that changes
resulting from planning activities are coordinated and implemented in a controlled
manner, that changes to the Quality Management System are documented,
implemented and approved, and that the Quality Management System is properly
maintained during these changes.

5.5 Responsibility, Authority, and Communication

5.5.1 Responsibility and Authority

It is the responsibility of the Management Representative to develop and maintain an
organization chart of QAS ARABIA. Updated charts are distributed to Department Heads
and are available to employees on a need to know basis.

The QA Manager shall have organizational authority at least to that of the line managers
responsible for the execution of the work. All QC personnel shall functionally report to
the QA Manager. While assigned to the project, quality personnel shall be dedicated to
the work described in Saudi Aramco Standards and perform no other function on this

5.5.2 Appointing a Quality Manager/Management Representative

QAS Arabia has assigned Quality Assurance Manager as the management

representative for quality on this project. He shall ensure the quality system is
established, maintained and implemented and shall report to top management on a
weekly basis and make recommendations for quality system improvements. Reports
shall be issued in writing to top management and maintained in an open status until the
resolution of outstanding items. The management representative for quality shall assure
that the project team is aware of SAUDI ARAMCO requirements regarding the project.

5.5.3 Internal Communication

Effective internal communication is essential for the proper functioning of the Quality
Management System. The Quality Assurance Manager, with the assistance of the
Project Manager, ensures that required communication and information between
different sections of the project is defined in documented procedures, memos, forms
and/or documents, and staff meetings. Any communication problem regarding the
Quality Management System is reported to the Management Representative for
corrective action.
The QA Manager ensures the processes of the quality management system and their
effectiveness are communicated throughout the project team by conducting the in house
quality meetings and distribution of audit reports, management review procedures and
work instructions.

5.6 Management Review

5.6.1 General

QAS Arabia top management conducts a formal meeting after every six months to
discuss and review the continuing effectiveness and adequacy of the Quality
Management System. This is a planned affair and shall be informed to the SAUDI
ARAMCO in advance in order to have their representation. The review includes the
evaluation of the need for changes to the Quality Management System, the Quality
Policy and quality objectives, as well as the assessment of improvement opportunities
based on the review and analysis of performance trends, achievement of quality
objectives and customer satisfaction, and the cost of poor quality.
This review covers all clauses of the Quality Management System. As required,
Department Heads, Project Manager and employees are invited to attend the meeting
when issues of his area of responsibility are discussed.
The Management Representative, with the input from management, prepares the
agenda of upcoming meetings, ensures that the required data and documents are

available for management review, writes the minutes of the meeting and informs results
to the Department Heads and individuals concerned and follows-up on required actions
resulting from these meetings. Management is kept informed on the status of follow-up
activities. Records of management reviews are maintained.
The following topics will be reviewed during the meeting in addition to the agenda
proposed by the Quality Manager/Management Representative.

• Review of the minutes of the last meeting.

• Review of the quality policies and quality objectives.
• Results of internal and extrinsic audits.
• Non-conformity reports and corrective action taken.
• Customer complaints.
• Status on preventive actions.
• Adequacy of existing quality system and proposed improvements and changes
as needed.
• Process performance and product conformity.
• Training requirements.
• Date of next Management Review Meeting

Minutes of meeting shall include action related to improvement of effectiveness of

the Quality Management System and improvement of work result related to customer
requirements (corrective action, preventive action and resources needed)

5.6.2 Review Input

As a minimum, the following inputs are to be considered for at least one meeting after
every six months:

• Performance of production processes, product conformity, including performance

• Status and effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions
• Follow-up actions from previous management reviews
• Planned changes that could affect the Quality Management System
• Assessment of improvement opportunities and recommendations for improvements
• Employees’ knowledge, understanding and adherence to quality policies,
directives and procedures, and their involvement in the quality improvement
• Availability and effectiveness of internal and external information within the
company, at all levels
• Human resources, training and staffing requirements
• Suitability of working environment
• Availability of material resources
• Effectiveness of quality planning (quality system, design/development of products
and processes)
• Achievement of corporate quality objectives, including those specified in the
business plan
• Achievement of departmental quality objectives

• Effectiveness of continual improvement activities of products, processes, and
Quality Management System
• Results of internal and external audits of the quality system, incl. audits of
manufacturing processes
• Statistical results of operational performance, based on the analysis of collected
data, which includes:

Ø quality system audits

Ø internal quality audits

Ø customer satisfaction surveys and other customer feedback regarding customer


Ø customer complaints

Ø suppliers performance

Ø product and service quality and nonconformities

Ø direct and indirect costs and benefits of the quality system (relation cost – benefit)

Ø Cost of poor quality – scrap, rework, returns, warranty repairs, excessive freight
charges, etc.

Ø analysis of field-failures (returns, warranty repairs), their impact on quality, safety,


Ø the impact or potential impact of changes that could affect the Quality Management

Ø opportunities for improvement resulting from additions or changes

5.6.3 Review Output

Results of the assessment and conclusions of management reviews include the

following output:

• Effectiveness of corrective and/or preventive actions

• The suitability and effectiveness of the Quality Management


• improvement of the effectiveness of the Quality Management

System and its processes

• improvement of product with focus on customer requirements

• availability of human and material resources

• suitability of the corporate Quality Policy

• frequency of Management Reviews

• required corrective and or preventive actions regarding items


Results of management reviews shall be recorded and address as appropriate:

Ø Improvements in the QMS and its processes
Ø Improvements in project related to SAUDI ARAMCO requirements
Ø Resource needs

Action items should be followed up on at subsequent management reviews to ensure

closure. A copy of the results of this Management Review shall be forwarded to SAUDI
ARAMCO within two weeks after the management review meeting.

6. Resource Management

6.1 Provision of Resources

The Project Manager is responsible to assess organizational and project needs including
oversight functions and develop resource requirements in order to assure resources
necessary to implement and improve the processes of the QMS and address SAUDI
ARAMCO satisfaction issues are provided in a timely manner.

6.2 Human Resources

6.2.1 General

QAS Arabia shall assign personnel to the project in accordance with Saudi Aramco
Standards that is competent on the basis of applicable education, training, skills, and
experience. All personnel assigned to this project shall meet the minimum qualification
and experience levels specified in Saudi Aramco Standards.
The QA Manager is responsible to review the contract to determine any customer
requirement for competency level of personnel assigned to the project and ensure that
assignment of personnel including subcontractors meet the requirements. Resumes of
all quality personnel including sub-contractor quality personnel shall be submitted to
SAUDI ARAMCO for review and approval at least two weeks prior to the start of the

Work. All procedures and personnel qualifications for special processes shall be
submitted 30 days prior to the start of work.
QAS ARABIA shall provide on a monthly basis a listing of approved personnel forecast
to be mobilized in the next 60 days as well as list of personnel to be demobilized in the
next sixty days.
QAS ARABIA planned staffing levels shall comply with the SAUDI ARAMCO approved
quality plan. Reduction from required level of quality personnel specified in Saudi
Aramco Standards shall require SAUDI ARAMCO written approval.
Anticipated changes in personnel due to vacation, temporary assignments or
resignations shall be advised to SAUDI ARAMCO at least 30 days in advance of the
scheduled absence. All other changes such as for illness and emergency leaves will be
advised as soon as possible.

6.2.2 Competence, Awareness, and Training

• QAS Arabia has developed position descriptions for those personnel performing
activities affecting quality that identify competency requirements. QA Manager
maintains the latest issue of position descriptions.

• The Q/A Manager is responsible to identify training needs and assure training is
performed. Personnel lacking required competencies shall receive training such
as formal, informal, or on-the-job. QAS ARABIA will provide training as deemed
appropriate to satisfy competency needs or utilize external training sources.

• QAS ARABIA shall evaluate the effectiveness of the training through periodic
internal audits, review and analysis of employee generated errors, omissions,
rework and nonconformities.

• QAS ARABIA employees and sub-contractors shall be made aware of the project
quality requirements and how their work activities contribute to the achievement
of quality objectives. It can be achieved by the following practices
• Quality Awareness Presentations
• Project Kick off Meetings
• Project Position Description
• Project Organization Chart
• News Letters
• Toolbox Meetings
• Performance Evaluation

• QAS ARABIA shall maintain records of education, training skills, and experience
for personnel effecting quality. Commercial Manager is responsible to ensure
appropriate record including records of training activities and subject matter of
the training are maintained.

6.3 Infrastructure

QAS Arabia provides a work environment suitable for it to achieve its business objective
and satisfy project requirements. A proper site office shall be established along with a
PMT office equipped with all the necessary fixtures and equipments considering the
safety and quality requirements of SAUDI ARAMCO. The workstations shall also be
provided for QAS Arabia site office. QAS Arabia is committed to provide a very
congenial and safe working environment at the project site for its employees.

6.4 Work Environment

This section is addressed in the Loss Prevention Manual.

7. Project Execution

7.1. Planning of Project Execution:

The quality objectives for the (procurement, construction activities, etc.) are identified in
the Saudi Aramco Standards. The documentation, resources, and facilities shall be
established for this project. (Reference paragraph 4.3. and 6 of this quality plan).
Verification and validation are incorporated into the planning process by considering the
acceptance testing, planned inspections, approvals.
Acceptance criteria for the work will be developed where appropriate.
Records attesting to conformity of process and resulting Work shall be maintained by
Manager Quality Assurance. Records include:
• Inspection reports and certificates
• Disposition reports
• Internal quality audit results and closures
• Records of management reviews

Project acceptance by SAUDI ARAMCO shall be documented by Mechanical

Completion Certificate(s) (MCC).

7.2 Customers Related Processes

7.2.1 Determining Project Requirements

QAS Arabia will review the contract agreement to determine SAUDI ARAMCO
requirements. The Group Commercial Manager will evaluate these requirements and
determine any additional requirements including regulatory and legal ones, which may
not have been identified by the Saudi Aramco PMT, and need to be implemented to
support the delivery of the Work.

7.2.2 Reviewing Project Requirements

QAS Arabia has assigned the responsibility to review the contract to the Technical
Manager. The Technical Manager shall ensure that the requirements are understood,
and that we have the capability of performing the work. The contract shall be reviewed
by Director Projects to ensure any agreed-to changes have been incorporated. The
review shall be documented and records maintained.

7.2.3 Customer Communication

The Project Manager is responsible to establish and maintain communication with the
SAUDI ARAMCO representative regarding procurement, inspection, or construction/ pre-
commissioning activities. This can be achieved through weekly progress meetings and
written correspondence.
The Project Manager is responsible for evaluation of SAUDI ARAMCO
feedback/complaints and responding to them.

7.3 Design and Development

The design responsibilities lie with SAUDI ARAMCO.

7.4. Purchasing

7.4.1 Purchasing Process

The Manager Quality Assurance is responsible for the effective and efficient operation of
purchasing functions and activities and will be assisted by the Material department of
Where subcontractors and suppliers are engaged to work on this project, their capability
to perform the assigned scope of work is evaluated by the Manager Quality Assurance in
accordance with Saudi Aramco Standards. Physical surveys, when needed shall be
performed by a qualified auditor and supported by a technical specialist for the
equipment under consideration. Except as provided in Saudi Aramco Standards,
evidence of qualification of subcontractors and suppliers shall be provided to Saudi
Records of subcontractor and supplier performance shall be maintained by Supervisor
Procurement Quality Control.
Subcontractors and suppliers with a record of poor performance shall be excluded from
future consideration. Evaluation criteria are defined. Evaluation of subcontractor and
supplier performance shall take place on a quarterly basis. The Supervisor Procurement
Quality Control is responsible to follow up on identified areas of poor performance.

7.4.2 Purchase Information

The data describe and identify clearly the product to be ordered, requirements for the
SAUDI ARAMCO approval of product, procedures, processes and equipment, statutory
and regulatory requirements, requirements for qualification of personnel, and Quality
Management System requirements, as applicable. As appropriate, standards or other
documents are referenced. The adequacy of specified purchase requirements is
ensured prior to submission to the supplier.
In accordance with the Contract, purchase orders with Subcontractors and suppliers will
define service or product requirements, Quality Management system requirements,
applicable procedures, and processes, equipment, and personnel qualifications in
sufficient detail to ensure the work performed meets the purchase order

requirements. All requisitions shall be reviewed by Manager Quality Assurance for
technical and quality requirements prior to submitting to SAUDI ARAMCO for review.

7.4.3. Verification of Purchased Products

In accordance with Saudi Aramco Standards, work performed by the suppliers and sub-
suppliers shall be reviewed for conformance to contract requirement and accepted by
Manager Quality Assurance and documented.
He is responsible to ensure that the equipment and materials ordered for this project
under this contract meet contract requirements and are delivered on time. The following
steps shall be taken to ensure that the suppliers are capable of providing appropriate
• Supplier suborders shall be reviewed for conformance to the original purchase
order requirement and document.
• The manufacturer/supplier quality program in accordance with ISO 9001:2000
shall be verified by Manager Quality Assurance.
• Manufacturer/supplier capabilities to supply items that meet technical
requirement in a timely manner shall be evaluated. Once fabrications starts,
progress shall be reported on a weekly inspection/fabrication status report to
• Applicable supplier process control procedures (i.e., welding, heat treatment,
NDT, refractory installation, PMI) shall be reviewed by Manager Quality Control
and submitted to SAUDI ARAMCO as required.
• Equipment/material delivered for use on the project shall be inspected by QC
Inspector and any Non-conforming material shall be returned to originator or
marked in a manner that shall prevent its use.
• Records of supplier inspections shall be prepared following each inspection or
weekly for resident inspectors and submitted to SAUDI ARAMCO per Schedule
• Inspection Disposition Reports shall be prepared within two weeks following
release to ship material and submitted to SAUDI ARAMCO.

7.5. Production and Service Provision

7.5.1 Control of Production and Service Provision

QAS Arabia has established the following controls applicable to construction and
construction management activities. These activities are reflected in the detailed
Inspection and Test Plans along with the quality procedures and shall be submitted to
SAUDI ARAMCO for approval prior to the start of the subject activity.
• Activities are planned.
• Activities are scheduled.
• Acceptance criteria are defined.
• Adequate resources (tools, equipment, trained personnel) are available to
perform the work.
• The work environment is safe and conforms to health and safety requirements in
the contract.
• Methods are employed to monitor resource expenditure against expected results.

• Procedures, work instructions, and/or installation instructions are available to the
• Codes, standards and other references, including portions of the contract are
available to the workforce.
• Standards of workmanship are implemented.
• Where required, licensed or certified personnel are assigned to the project to
perform activities requiring such license or certification.
• A program to monitor the effectiveness of these process controls is in place and
• Criteria for release, approval, and acceptance are established.

7.5.2. Validation of Processes for Production and Service

The validation of the design is the constructed project that satisfies the SAUDI ARAMCO
requirements. The validation of certain construction processes can only be ascertained
when load is applied or operation is initiated.

QAS Arabia assures these processes can achieve planned results through

• Process qualification
• Equipment and personnel qualification
• Defined methods and procedures
• Records shall be maintained and revalidation performed as necessary.

Applicable construction process procedures identified in Saudi Aramco Standards, shall

be submitted for SAUDI ARAMCO for review at least 30 days prior to start of the
construction activity.

7.5.3. Identification and Traceability

QAS Arabia shall develop and maintain a system to identify, design, or report documents
so they remain traceable to their originator and contain customer identification, as may
be required by the contract (Reference paragraph 4.3.4. of this quality plan).
QAS ARABIA shall develop and maintain a system to identify construction materials and
equipment to the extent required by the contract or applicable codes and standards.
Nonconforming material shall be identified or removed to prevent inadvertent use. For
this contract, the following shall be included:

• Tagging
• Placement of Non conforming material at a separate place
• Information regarding such material to the workforce at the project site.

7.5.4. SAUDI ARAMCO Property

There is no material and equipment provided by SAUDI ARAMCO for this project.

7.5.5. Preservation of Material and Equipment

QAS ARABIA shall plan and implement a system on this project to ensure that material
storage, handling and preservation is controlled to present misuse, damage,
deterioration or loss. The Procurement supervisor is responsible for this activity.
Equipment suppliers shall be requested to provide storage and preservation procedures
for purchased equipment. The Quality Assurance Manager shall ensure that special
handling, storage and preservation requirements are included in the subcontract
documents/purchase orders.
The Quality Assurance Manager shall check that special handling, storage and
preservation requirements are included in the subcontract documents/purchase orders.
The Supervisors shall be responsible for monitoring the routine handling, storage and
preservation techniques required ensuring that these activities do not contribute to the
misuse or deterioration of components and materials. Where necessary the Non-
Conformance Report shall be issued by the Quality Assurance Manager.

7.6. Control of Monitoring and Measuring Devices

QAS ARABIA shall establish, maintain, and implement a written program to identify,
control, and calibrate measurement and monitoring devices used to assure conformity of
work as required by the contract. The program shall contain the following elements:
• Identification of what equipment needs to be monitored and measured.
• Identification of equipment and instruments that require calibration to maintain
• Listing of such equipment and instruments, frequency of calibration, and
evidence calibration took place. Calibration frequency shall be based on the
most stringent of Saudi Aramco standards, other applicable standards, or
manufacturer recommendations. If no standards apply, the calibration cycle shall
not exceed six months.

Unless equipment calibration is performed by the manufacturer or a Saudi Aramco

approved agency, the following shall apply:

• Availability and use of calibration instructions, manufacturers’ instructions, codes,

or national standards for calibration.
• A program of corrective actions to repair or replace items that do not meet
acceptance criteria.
• A program to ensure measuring and monitoring devices are protected from
damage deterioration and unauthorized alterations of settings.
• A program of corrective actions for previously accepted work, if defective
equipment and instruments were used to inspect or test the work.
• Confirmation that computer software used as a basis of product acceptance is
acceptable for the intended application. Confirm prior to use and as necessary
• Records to demonstrate calibration and verification.

To ensure accurate and reliable monitoring and inspection results at this project, the
Quality personals ensure that monitoring and measuring equipment and devices are
controlled, calibrated and maintained.
The type of monitoring and measuring equipment/device/software to be used and the
required accuracy of these monitoring and measurement activities are defined during
quality planning and specified in the specifications plan, process traveller and/or

inspection reports. It is the responsibility of the applicable department to ensure that
monitoring and measuring processes are capable for their intended purpose and are
performed in a manner that is consistent with requirements. To ensure valid results,
measuring equipment is

• Calibrated and/or checked in defined intervals or prior to use, and

according to a recognized standard; where no recognized
standard is used, the basis applied for the calibration is

• adjusted and re-adjusted as necessary to ensure required


• Identified with a unique identification number and the current

calibration status.

• Kept in a secure and restricted location to prevent misuse and

improper adjustments that could invalidate calibration settings.

• protected from damage and deterioration during handling,

maintenance and storage

In the event that monitoring and measuring devices are found out of calibration, previous
measuring results are reviewed regarding their validity. Corrective action on the
measuring device or product affected is taken, including recall of nonconforming product,
if required.
Prior to the use of computer software for monitoring and measuring activities, it is
verified and confirmed that the software produces defined results. Records of these
verifications are maintained.

8. Measurement, Analysis & Improvement

8.1 General

In order to demonstrate the conformity of product, the conformity of the Quality

Management System and its continual improvement, the Management Representative
develops and distributes quarterly statistics. These statistics are analyzed by
Department Heads and corrective and preventive action for the continual improvement
of the Quality Management System is taken as appropriate. The focus of their analysis is
on the following:

• Customer satisfaction surveys

• Internal audits

• In-process reviews/inspections/tests
• Control of nonconformities
• Data analysis
• Corrective, preventive, and improvement activities

8.2. Customer Satisfaction

Periodic customer satisfaction surveys are conducted by management to verify if

customer satisfaction has been achieved. Survey results, which include customer
complaints and feedback, customers’ business disruptions, customer returns of
nonconforming product and delivery performance are analyzed and evaluated. As
required, management takes corrective or preventive action. The Management
Representative monitors the effectiveness of these corrective or preventive actions.
Particularly on this project QAS Arabia will get the feedback regarding SAUDI ARAMCO
satisfaction through weekly meetings, correspondence and inspection results.

8.3. Internal Audit

QAS Arabia has established, and will maintain, and implement an internal quality audit
program to verify that quality activities and related results comply with planned
contractual arrangements and to determine the effectiveness of the quality program and
associated procedures. The internal quality program has the following attributes:
• Internal procedures govern these activities
• Internal audits shall be scheduled based on requirements in Saudi Aramco
• The schedule shall be transmitted to the SAUDI ARAMCO Representative within
30 days of the effective date of the contract.
• Personnel conducting internal audits are capable of objectivity and impartiality in
conducting audits. They will not audit their own area.
• Reports of internal audit results shall be generated and issued to affected
departments. Company management and SAUDI ARAMCO shall receive
copies of report within two weeks of audit completion.
• Corrective action shall be monitored and brought to a close.
• Follow-up internal audits shall be conducted as appropriate, to ensure
implementation of corrective action, and the results reported to Company
management and SAUDI ARAMCO.
• The activities of subcontractors working under this quality management system
will be included in the audit program.

Following the established documented Internal Quality Audits, the Manager Quality
Assurance is responsible for internal audits. Internal audits are planned and scheduled
in such a way that all applicable clauses of ISO and other additional quality system
requirements are audited regarding compliance with this implemented Quality
Management System and ISO.
Records of internal audits are maintained. As appropriate, management is informed of
the results of audits and follow-up audits and takes additional corrective action. The
Management Representative ensures that audit results are part of Management Review.

8.4. Monitoring and Measurement of Processes

During Quality Management System Planning, and based on statistics of operational

performance and the achievement of quality objectives, the processes of the Quality
Management System are analyzed by the Management Representative and
responsible Department Heads regarding their effectiveness. As required, corrective
action is implemented to achieve planned results and product conformity, to correct
nonconformities or to improve the operational effectiveness and efficiency of the
processes of the Quality Management System.

8.5. Monitoring and Measurement of Production Processes

QAS ARABIA shall establish, maintain, and implement a program to control the
development, review, and release of designs that are in conformance with SAUDI
ARAMCO requirements. The program shall be controlled by written procedures,
instructions, or checklists as appropriate. Results shall be recorded, authenticated, and
distributed in accordance with written procedures.
To verify process capability and provide additional input for process control, the quality
planning team arranges for the monitoring of construction processes. Results are
documented and include instructions for production processes, verification and
maintenance as well as objectives for production process capability, reliability,
maintainability and availability.
Product ensures that processes are implemented according to control plans and other
applicable procedures or documents in order to ensure that process capability and
process performance is maintained according to customer part approval process
Control plans and process flow diagrams are implemented, including adherence to
specified measurement techniques, sampling plans, acceptance criteria and reaction
plans. It is the responsibility of construction quality control to monitor process capability
and to ensure that process capability and performance is according to applicable control
plans. In case of nonconformity of processes, defined reaction plans are followed.
Important events that are occurring during construction, such as down times are
recorded. If identified characteristics on the control plan become unstable or non-
capable, the applicable reaction plan is followed. If appropriate, these reaction plans
include containment of produced parts or products and 100% inspection. Corrective
action is taken as per established procedure in order to restore required process
capability and product quality. If required, these corrective action plans are reviewed with
and approved by the customer. Effective dates of process changes are documented by
During construction QC Inspector shall inspect the quality of the construction effort
through regular inspections of the work in progress, as agreed to in the respective
Inspection and Test Plans, approved by SAUDI ARAMCO. Activities shall be recorded
via inspection and test reports attached to relevant procedures and work instructions and
acceptance verified against written acceptance criteria obtained from applicable contract
documents or referenced codes and standards. Manager Quality shall notify SAUDI
ARAMCO by initiating Requests for Inspection (RFI) for all inspection points coded as
Witness or Hold. All test results shall be documented on forms appropriate for the tests,
and dated and signed by the test personnel. Results shall be issued as required by the

8.6. Control of Nonconforming Product

QAS ARABIA has a program to detect and correct nonconforming conditions in relating
to work output of its own staff or others under contract to QAS Arabia .
Any non conformance discovered by outside sources shall be processed by Manager
Quality Assurance. All procurement and construction nonconformities shall be
documented in written form by Manager Quality Assurance and tracked to closure.
Documentation shall be a non conformance report. The purpose of this procedure is to
provide a vehicle for the resolution and correction of any items, procedures, materials, or
equipment identified as not conforming to Project Documents.

• The Non-Conforming Control mechanism does not apply to quality related

matters, which can resolve through normal working channels.

• All Project Staff employed by QAS ARABIA shall be responsible for the
identification of items, procedures, materials, or equipment not conforming to
contract/subcontract documents.

• The Project Manager shall be responsible for assigning the responsibility for
action to correct the non-conformance once the corrective action, as submitted
has been approved.

• In the event of an issuance of an NCR the supervisor in-charge of the area work
will take the responsibility for the corrective action, which will be reviewed and

• Where a non-conformance has been identified the Project staff member

responsible shall inform the Quality Assurance Manager. He shall initiate a Non-
Conformance Report and shall forward copies of the Non-Conformance Report
to SAUDI ARAMCO within 48 hours of the occurrence.

• The original Non-Conformance Report shall be returned by Quality Assurance

Manager and the details available shall be entered in the log. The non
conformance report(NCR) shall be closed by submitting the proper documents
regarding the job/work and incorrect job will be rectified by proper procedure or
method statements.

• Upon receipt of the Non-Conformance Report with an approved resolution, the

Project Manager shall issue instruction to implement the required corrective

• Upon completion of the approved corrective action, the Quality Assurance

Manager shall sign and date the original Non-Conformance Report and a copy
shall be forwarded to SAUDI ARAMCO.

• The original Non-Conformance Report shall be reviewed by the Quality
Assurance Manager and the detailed corrective action report shall be entered to
update and close out the Non-Conformance Report Log for that particular NCR.

8.7. Analysis and Use of Data

The Management Representative issues statistics regarding the performance of the

Quality Management System through the analysis and use of data. Ratings on supplier
performance are issued by Purchasing and/or Quality Assurance. The statistics are
analyzed by the Management Representative regarding the effectiveness, suitability and
opportunities for improvement of the processes of the Quality Management System, and
by Department Heads regarding the performance and suitability of activities and
processes under their responsibility. This includes the analysis of SAUDI ARAMCO
A summary report is issued by the Management Representative, providing information
on SAUDI ARAMCO satisfaction or dissatisfaction, product quality, characteristics and
trends of processes and products including opportunities for preventive action, and
supplier performance.
The Management Representative controls and coordinates the implementation of
required corrective or preventive actions. Analysis results of statistics and actions are
reported by the Project Manager to the Management Representative who monitors the
progress and results of these actions.
In addition, trends in quality and operational performance are compared with progress
toward objectives and lead to action to support: the development of priorities to resolve
customer-related problems, to determine customer related trends and correlation for
status review, decision making and longer term planning, and an information system for
reporting of product information related to usage.

8.8. Improvements

It is the responsibility of the Management Representative to form and implement a

Quality Planning Team for the handling of assigned activities related to the Quality
Management System. Members should be from Quality Assurance, Engineering,
Purchasing and any other additional members deemed necessary.
The purpose of the Quality Planning Team is to review, analyze and make final
decisions on Corrective Action Requests and Quality Improvement Proposals, to make
recommendations for preventive actions and quality improvements, to coordinate and
implement preventive actions and quality improvement projects, monitor results, and to
provide a forum for any quality issue which requires a cross-functional approach.
Nonconformities and deficiencies are analyzed; root causes are determined and
required action is taken or recommended as appropriate.
As required and/or decided by management, selected Quality Improvement Proposals
are referred to the Quality Planning Team for review regarding their feasibility and

8.8.1 Continual Improvement

The planning, coordination and control of activities for continual improvement is the
responsibility of the Management Representative and the Quality Team. Continual
improvement activities include – but are not be limited to – the following:

• Activities of the Quality Team under the responsibility of the

Management Representative

• Actions on results from analysis of data

• Customer Satisfaction

• Evaluation of suppliers

• Achievement of departmental quality objectives

• Trends of both positive and negative compliance

• Results from internal quality audits

• Quality improvement proposals

• corrective actions and preventive actions

• Periodic review of controlled documents

The objectives of the corporate Quality Policy are taken into consideration for planning of
improvement. During Management Reviews, the effectiveness of continual improvement
is reviewed and opportunities for improvement are identified.

8.8.2. Corrective Action

QAS Arabia has established a corrective action program to eliminate the causes of the
nonconformity and prevent its recurrence. Corrective action will be appropriate to the
severity of the nonconformity identified.
It is the responsibility of the Project Manager to implement and maintain the documented
procedure Corrective Action that defines a corporate approach for corrective action.

Following the established procedure for corrective action, nonconformities are identified,
root causes are determined, corrective action is evaluated and defined, recurrence of the
nonconformity is prevented, corrective actions and their results are recorded, and the
effectiveness of corrective action taken is reviewed. Corrective actions are appropriate to
the importance and impact of the addressed nonconformity.
It is the responsibility of the Manager Quality Assurance to inform the management of all
customer complaints and related corrective actions and he shall also establish and
maintain records of corrective actions and their results.

8.8.3. Preventive Action

It is the responsibility of the Manager Quality Assurance to implement and maintain the
documented procedure Preventive Action that defines a corporate approach for
preventive action to prevent the occurrence of potential nonconformities, deficiencies or
problems. Any employee can suggest a preventive action to the Project Manager by
initiating a Preventive Action Report.
The process of preventive action includes the following steps:

• identify potential nonconformities, deficiencies or problems

• determine the root causes

• determine the necessary preventive action

• implement the action

• Follow-up on status and results

• Review the effectiveness of preventive action.

• update all related documents with preventive action taken

Project Manager analyzes and evaluates data of statistics and performs periodic reviews
of procedures in order to detect deficiencies and problems and to take preventive action
as required.
It is the responsibility of the Manager Quality Assurance to establish and maintain
records of preventive actions and their results. The Management Representative
ensures that relevant information on preventive action is on the agenda of management








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