Mic - Mde CKT1 - Red670

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Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 1 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Modon – Madinah Industrial City (MIC) 380 / 110 / 33 / 13.8 kV BSP

Feeder: Madinah East – Circuit 1
MDE – CKT.1 (Bay AC041)

Line differential & distance relay (Set 1)

Final setting test report

1. Relay data
2. General check & visual inspection
3. CT & VT data
4. Measurements
5. Binary inputs
6. Output contacts
7. LEDs
8. Line differential protection
9. Distance protection zone reach & times
10. Distance directionality
11. Fuse failure supervision
12. Power swing
13. Switch on to fault (SOTF)
14. Over-current protection
15. Earth fault protection
16. Stub protection
17. Scheme communication (with distance protection & DEF)
18. Current reversal (with distance protection & DEF)
19. Weak end infeed (WEI) (with distance protection & DEF)
20. Synchro-check & energizing check
21. Auto-reclosing

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 2 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

1. Relay data:
Manufacturer: ABB
Type: RED670
Ordering number: 1MRK004810-DC
Firmware version:
Production date: 27/4/2015
Serial number: T1516229
Auxiliary supply: 90 - 250V DC
Nominal current: 1A
Nominal voltage: 110 - 220V
Binary inputs: 2 modules, each one has 16 binary inputs (slot 3 & slot 5)
Output relays: 2 modules, each one has 24 output relays (slot 4 & slot 6)
Type of module installed in each slot can be viewed in relay display (Diagnostics – IED status – Installed

2. General check & visual inspection:

Relay damaged? No
Rating information correct for installation? OK
Aux. Supply voltage measured 127.84 V DC
Case Protective Earth Connection OK
LCD front panel display OK
Date & time setting OK
Date & time maintained when auxiliary supply removed OK
Connections tightness OK

3. CT & VT data:
CT ratio: 3000A / 1A
VT ratio: 380/√3 kV: 115/√3 V

4. Measurements:
4.1 Current:

Injected current Corresponding primary Measured values

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 3 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

3ph. balanced, 1 A 3000 A

Angles: 0°, -120°, 120°

3ph. balanced, 0.5 A 1500 A

Angles: 0°, -120°, 120°

3ph. balanced, 0.25 A 750 A

Angles: 0°, -120°, 120°

3ph. balanced, 1.2 A 3600 A

Angles: 0°, -120°, 120°


Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 4 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

4.2 Voltage:

Injected voltage Corresponding primary Measured values (Ph - N) Measured values (Ph - Ph)
Ph-N Ph-Ph
3ph. balanced, 66.4 V
Ph-N 219.4 kV 380 kV

Angles: 0°, Angles:

-120°, 120° 30°, -90°,

3ph. balanced, 33.2 V 109.7 kV 190 kV

Angles: 0°, Angles:
-120°, 120° 30°, -90°,

3ph. balanced, 16.6 V 54.85 kV 95 kV

Angles: 0°, Angles:
-120°, 120° 30°, -90°,

3ph. balanced, 79.68 263.3 kV 456 kV

V Ph-N
Angles: 0°, Angles:
-120°, 120° 30°, -90°,

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 5 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1


4.3 Frequency:

Injected 60 59 61 60.2 59.8 60.12 59.88

Measured 60 59 61 60.2 59.8 60.12 59.88

4.4 Power:

Injected values Calculations Actual measurements

3-ph. balanced φ = 0 – (-45) = 45°
voltages (66.4 V),
3-ph. balanced S=√3*380*1500/1000 = 987.269 MVA
currents (0.5A), P = 987.269 cos 45° = 698.105 MW
current lag voltage Q = 987.269 sin 45° = 698.105 MVAR
by 45°

3-ph. balanced φ = 0 – 45 = -45°

voltages (66.4 V),
3-ph. balanced S=√3*380*1500/1000 = 987.269 MVA
currents (0.5 A), P = 987.269 cos(-45°) = 698.105 MW
current lead voltage Q = 987.269 sin (-45°) = -698.105 MVAR
by 45°

3-ph. balanced φ = 0 – 135 = -135°

voltages (66.4 V),
3-ph. balanced S=√3*380*1500/1000 = 987.269 MVA
currents (0.5 A), P = 987.269 cos(-135°) = -698.105 MW
angle of R phase Q = 987.269 sin (-135°) = -698.105
current = 135° MVAR

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 6 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

3-ph. balanced φ = 0 – 225 = -225°

voltages (66.4 V),
3-ph. balanced S=√3*380*1500/1000 = 987.269 MVA
currents (0.5 A), P = 987.269 cos (-225°) = -698.105 MW
angle of R phase Q = 987.269 sin (-225°) = 698.105 MVAR
current = 225°


4.5 Energy:


** Reverse reactive energy (ERRACC) doesn’t appear in software measurements but it can be read from
relay display. In relay display, energy values are displayed in TWsec & TVARsec. These values can be
converted to MWH & MVARH as follows:

1TWsec = 1000000MW * (1/3600) hour = 277.778 MWH

1TVARsec = 277.778 MVARH

For example, when energy values on display are:

EAFACC = 6.690 TWsec

EARACC = 2.041 TWsec

ERFACC = 2.777 TVARsec

Values converted to MWH & MVARH:

EAFACC = 6.690 * 277.778 = 1858.335 MWH

EARACC = 2.041 * 277.778 = 566.945 MWH

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 7 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

ERFACC = 2.777 * 277.778 = 771.390 MVARH

Values read by software are:

Injected Calculations Energy before Energy after Difference

values injection injection
3-ph. balanced P = 698.105 MW (Exported) • EAFACC
voltages (66.4 Q = 698.105 MVAR (Exported) increased by
V), 3-ph. 882.894 –
balanced • Active energy = ERRACC = 3.467 ERRACC = 3.467 859.963 =
currents 698.105 MW * (2/60) hour TVARsec ** TVARsec ** 22.931 MWH
(0.5A), = 23.270 MWH (Forward) • ERFACC
currents lag Forward active energy (EAFACC) increased by
voltages by should increase by 23.270 MWH 658.730 –
45°for a 635.307 = 23.423
period of 2 • Reactive energy = MVARH
minutes (7200 698.105 MVAR * (2/60) hour = • EARACC &
cycles) 23.270 MVARH (Forward) ERRACC
Forward reactive energy didn’t change
(ERFACC) should increase by
23.270 MVARH
3-ph. balanced P = 698.105 MW (Exported) • EAFACC
voltages (66.4 Q = -698.105 MVAR (Imported) increased by
V), 3-ph. 955.014 –
balanced • Active energy = ERRACC = 3.492 ERRACC = 3.576 931.630 =
currents (0.5 698.105 MW * (2/60) hour TVARsec ** TVARsec ** 23.384 MWH
A), currents = 23.270 MWH (Forward) • ERRACC
lead voltages Forward active energy (EAFACC) increased by
by 45° for a should increase by 23.27 MWH 3.576 – 3.492
period of 2 = 0.084
minutes (7200 • Reactive energy = TVARsec =
cycles) -698.105 MVAR * (2/60) hour 23.333
= -23.27 MVARH (Reverse) MVARH ##
Reverse reactive energy • EARACC &

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 8 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

(ERRACC) should increase by ERFACC

23.27 MVARH didn’t change

3-ph. balanced P = -698.105 MW (Imported) • EARACC

voltages (66.4 Q = -698.105 MVAR (Imported) increased by
V), 3-ph. 461.851 –
balanced • Active energy = ERRACC = 3.383 ERRACC = 3.467 438.647 =
currents (0.5 -698.105 MW * (2/60) hour TVARsec ** TVARsec ** 23.204 MWH
A), angle of R = -23.27 MWH (Reverse) • ERRACC
phase current Reverse active energy (EARACC) increased by
= 135° for a should increase by 23.27 MWH 3.467 – 3.383
period of 2 = 0.084
minutes (7200 • Reactive energy = TVARsec =
cycles) -698.105 MVAR * (2/60) hour 23.333
= -23.27 MVARH (Reverse) MVARH ##
Reverse reactive energy • EAFACC &
(ERRACC) should increase by ERFACC
23.27 MVARH didn’t change

3-ph. balanced P = -698.105 MW (Imported) • EARACC

voltages (66.4 Q = 698.105 MVAR (Exported) increased by
V), 3-ph. 485.223 –
balanced • Active energy = ERRACC = 3.467 ERRACC = 3.467 461.851 =
currents (0.5 -698.105 MW * (2/60) hour TVARsec ** TVARsec ** 23.372 MWH
A), angle of R = -23.27 MWH (Reverse) • ERFACC
phase current Reverse active energy (EARACC) increased by
= 225° for a should increase by 23.27 MWH 737.958 –
period of 2 714.578 = 23.38
minutes (7200 • Reactive energy = MVARH
cycles) 698.105 MVAR * (2/60) hour • EAFACC &
= 23.27 MVARH (Forward) ERRACC
Forward reactive energy didn’t change
(ERFACC) should increase by
23.27 MVARH
## EARACC increment = 0.084 TVARsec = 0.084 * 277.778 MVARH = 23.333 MVARH

5. Binary inputs:
Binary input No. Function Tested Notes
BIM3 – BI1 Block differential protection OK
BIM3 – BI2 Line VT (PT-11) MCB trip / fuse fail OK
BIM3 – BI3 Bus-1A VT (PT-01) MCB trip / fuse fail OK
Date GeSCo SEC - CSD
Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 9 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

BIM3 – BI4 AC42 VT (PT-12) MCB trip / fuse fail OK

BIM3 – BI7 Block / inhibit auto-reclose
BIM3 – BI8 CB Q0-1 auto-reclose remote selection
BIM3 – BI9 CB Q0-1 open
BIM3 – BI10 CB Q0-1 closed
BIM3 – BI11 CB Q0-1 ready
BIM3 – BI13 CB Q0-1 manual close command
BIM3 – BI14 Line disconnector Q9-1 open
BIM3 – BI15 CB Q0-3 open
BIM3 – BI16 CB Q0-3 closed
BIM5 – BI1 CB Q0-3 ready
BIM5 – BI3 CB Q0-3 manual close command
BIM5 – BI5 Distance carrier receive
BIM5 – BI6 DEF carrier receive
BIM5 – BI7 Relay under test *** See note
BIM5 – BI9 CB Q0-1 auto-reclose IN (by push button)
BIM5 – BI10 CB Q0-1 auto-reclose OUT (by push button)
BIM5 – BI11 CB Q0-3 auto-reclose remote selection
BIM5 – BI12 CB Q0-3 auto-reclose IN (by push button)
BIM5 – BI13 CB Q0-3 auto-reclose OUT (by push button)
*** Note:
In test mode, start LED is flashing & all functions are automatically blocked. It is then possible to unblock
every function(s) individually from the local HMI to perform required tests. When leaving test mode, all
blockings are removed and the IED resumes normal operation. However, if during test mode operation,
power is removed and later restored, the IED will remain in test mode with the same protection functions
blocked or unblocked as before the power was removed.

When the IED is in test mode, the disturbance report can be made active or inactive.

Settings for the control of the disturbance recorder during test mode are located in the local HMI under:
Settings/General settings/Monitoring/Disturbance report/DisturbanceReport(RDRE)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 10 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

To unblock function during test mode:

1. Browse to the ‘Function test modes’ menu. It is located in the local HMI under: Test/Function test
2. Browse to the function that should be unblocked. Use the left and right arrow buttons. Press ‘E’ when the
desired function is found.
3. Select ‘Yes’. Press 'E'.

6. Output contacts:
6.1 Programmable output contacts:
Output contact Function Tested Notes
BOM4 – BO1 Differential protection trip OK For trip relay 94-1
BOM4 – BO2 Distance protection trip (including SOTF / OK
communication-aided trip)
BOM4 – BO3 EF trip (non-directional stage / directional
stage / communication-aided trip)
BOM4 – BO4 Over-current / stub protection trip
BOM4 – BO5 Differential protection trip For fault recorder
BOM4 – BO6 Distance protection start forward direction
BOM4 – BO7 Distance protection carrier send
BOM4 – BO8 Distance protection carrier receive
BOM4 – BO9 DEF start forward direction
BOM4 – BO10 DEF carrier send
BOM4 – BO11 DEF carrier receive
BOM4 – BO12 CB Q0-1 auto-reclose operated
BOM4 – BO13 CB Q0-3 auto-reclose operated
BOM4 – BO15 Distance protection start reverse direction
BOM4 – BO16 DEF start reverse direction
BOM4 – BO17 Over-current / stub protection trip
BOM4 – BO18 CB Q0-3 auto-reclose operated
BOM4 – BO19 CB Q0-3 auto-reclose close command To close CB of bay AC043
BOM4 – BO21 CB Q0-1 auto-reclose close command To close CB of bay AC041
BOM4 – BO23 Distance protection carrier send To send signals to
BOM4 – BO24 DEF carrier send remote end
BOM6 – BO3 Auto-reclose blocked To block auto-reclose in set 2

6.2 Watchdog contact:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 11 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Contact terminals Status

When relay on When relay off
X11: 1-3 closed open
X11: 2-3 open closed

7. LEDs:
LED No. Function Latched / unlatched Tested Notes
1 Differential trip Latched OK
2 Distance Z1 trip Latched
3 Distance Z2 / Z3 / Z4 trip Latched
4 Communication aided distance trip Latched
5 Switch on to fault trip Latched
6 Communication aided DEF trip Latched
7 Stub protection / Over-current / earth fault trip Latched
8 Phase A fault Latched
9 Phase B fault Latched
10 Phase C fault Latched
11 Power swing detected Latched
12 Fuse fail / VT MCB trip Unlatched ***
13 Q0-1 auto-reclose successful Latched
14 Q0-3 auto-reclose successful Latched
15 Auto-reclose unsuccessful Latched
*** including fuse fail function in relay & binary inputs for VT MCB / fuse fail (BIM3 – BI2, 3, 4)

8. Line differential protection:

• The following figure shows the characteristic of differential protection.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 12 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• During test: LDCM (Line Data Communication Module) is off.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 13 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

8.1 Pickup values:

8.1.1 Restrained characteristic section 1 sensitivity (IdMin):

Inject current less than expected value for operation and increase gradually until signal operates. Decrease
current gradually until signal resets. Signal START (common start) of function block L6CPDIF can be used.
Other signals available are STL1, STL2 & STL3 (start phase L1, L2 & L3 respectively).

Setting: IdMin = 0.4 IBASE


Phase Expected value (A) Pick-up (A) Drop-off (A)

A 0.402 0.383
B 0.400 0.401 0.383
C 0.402 0.384


Compensation for charging currents can be selected active or not by setting “ChargCurEnable” on or off.
Above results are obtained with this parameter set to “Off”. If set to “On”, pick-up value = 0.802A & drop-
off value = 0.382A.

Effect of this parameter on differential measurements is shown in the following figures:

➢ Injecting 0.3A (< 0.4 IBASE) with “ChargCurEnable” on

Injected current appears as bias current
Differential current for 3 phases = 0 & injected current appears as charging current (primary value =
0.3 * 3000 = 900A).
Negative sequence differential current (IDNSMAG) = injected value / 3 (900 / 3 = 300A)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 14 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ With the same injection but “ChargCurEnable” off:

Charging current “ICHARGE” = 0 & differential current in injected phase = bias current (primary
value = 0.3 * 3000 = 900A).
Negative sequence differential current (IDNSMAG) = injected value / 3 (900 / 3 = 300A)

➢ Injecting 0.5A (> 0.4 IBASE) with “ChargCurEnable” on:

Injected current appears as bias current (primary value = 0.5 * 3000 = 1500A).
Charging current is fixed at 0.4 IBASE (primary value = 0.4 * 3000 = 1200A). Differential current in
injected phase = 1500 – 1200 = 300A
Negative sequence differential current (IDNSMAG) = injected value / 3 (1500 / 3 = 500A)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 15 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ If “ChargCurEnable” is on, ICHARGE is available until signal operates & then it is 0 until drop-
off. After drop-off, it appears again. This is shown as follows:
Differential function operated at 0.802A & reset at 0.382A

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 16 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

8.1.2 Unrestrained differential current limit (IdUnre):

Inject current less than expected value for operation and increase gradually until signal TRIPUNRE of
function block L6CPDIF operates (trip by unrestrained differential protection). Decrease current gradually
until signal resets.

Setting: IdUnre = 50 IBASE

Note: Due to high value, it is tested for reduced setting (45 IBASE). Maximum output current of Freja = 15A.
3 phases can be connected in parallel & 3 ph. currents with same angle are injected. Relay current = injected
current * 3.


Phase Expected value (A) ** Pick-up (A) Drop-off (A)

A 3*14.972 = 44.916 3*14.212 = 42.636
B 45 ** 3*14.968 = 44.904 3*14.214 = 42.642
C 3*14.969 = 44.907 3*14.211 = 42.633
** See previous note.

8.1.3 Differential current alarm (IdiffAlarm):

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 17 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Inject current less than expected value for operation and increase gradually until output ALARM of function
block L6CPDIF operates. Decrease current gradually until signal resets.

Setting: IdiffAlarm = 0.10 IBASE


Phase Expected value (A) Pick-up (A) Drop-off (A)

A 0.102 0.097
B 0.100 0.102 0.097
C 0.104 0.098

8.2 Delay times:

• Alarm delay is measured by injecting current greater than setting IdiffAlarm.

• Trip time is measured by injecting current greater than setting IdMinHigh & another time by
injecting current between IdMin & IdMinHigh.

Parameter Setting Result Note

tDefTime 0 sec 29 ms Injected current > IdMinHigh
tIdMinHigh 1 sec 1.009 sec IdMin < Injected current < IdMinHigh
tAlarmdelay 10 sec 10.016 sec

8.3 Slopes:

• Relation between operate current & restrain current can be given by the following parameters:
Parameter Setting
IdMin 0.4 IBASE
EndSection1 1.25 IBASE
EndSection2 3 IBASE
SlopeSection2 40 %
SlopeSection3 80 %

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 18 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ Section 1: I OPERATE = 0.4 for 0 ≤ I RESTRAIN ≤ 1.25

➢ Section 2: (for 1.25 ≤ I RESTRAIN ≤ 3):

(I OPERATE – 0.4) / (I RESTRAIN – 1.25) = 40 %
I OPERATE – 0.4 = 0.4 I RESTRAIN – 0.5
I OPERATE = 0.4 + 0.4 I RESTRAIN – 0.5

➢ Section 3: (for I RESTRAIN ≥ 3):

(I OPERATE – I OP B) / (I RESTRAIN – 3) = 80 % where I OP B is the operate current for point B.
I OP B can be calculated by equation of section 2 by putting I RESTRAIN = 3
I OP B = 0.4 * 3 – 0.1 = 1.2 – 0.1 = 1.1
So, equation of section 3 is:
(I OPERATE – 1.1) / (I RESTRAIN – 3) = 80 %
I OPERATE – 1.1 = 0.8 I RESTRAIN – 2.4
I OPERATE = 1.1 + 0.8 I RESTRAIN – 2.4


• Restrain current is the highest phase current.

• Slope characteristic can be tested by injecting fixed current in one phase & ramp current in another
• Slope of phase L1 can be tested by injecting 1.5 A in phase L2 (corresponding primary value = 1.5 *
3000 = 4500 A) & ramp current in phase L1. Measurements of differential protection are as

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 19 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• By this injection, signals STL2, TRL2, START & TRIP operate. Bias (restrain) current is common
for 3 phases.

• Slope of phase L1 can be checked by operation of signal STL1. It should operate when
I OPERATE L1 = 0.4 * 1.5 – 0.1 = 0.6 – 0.1 = 0.5 pu
I BASE = 3000 A (corresponding secondary current = 1A). So, expected secondary value = 0.5 A
Result: pick-up value = 0.502 A & drop-off value = 0.477 A
• Injecting 2.95 A in phase L3 & ramp current in phase L1, signal STL1 should operate when
I OPERATE L1 = 0.4 * 2.95 – 0.1 = 1.18 – 0.1 = 1.08 pu (secondary value = 1.08 A)
Result: pick-up value = 1.081 A & drop-off value = 1.028 A
• Injecting 2.125 A in phase L2 & ramp current in phase L1, signal STL1 should operate when
I OPERATE L1 = 0.4 * 2.125 – 0.1 = 0.85 – 0.1 = 0.75 pu (secondary value = 0.75 A)
Result: pick-up value = 0.752 A & drop-off value = 0.715 A

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 20 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ For section 2:

Phase Restrain current (A) * Calculated operate current (A) ** Pick-up value (A) Drop-off value (A)
L1 2.125 0.75 0.752 0.715
L2 2.125 0.75 0.752 0.716
L3 2.125 0.75 0.753 0.716
* Fixed current injected in another phase to be taken as restrain current & ramp in tested phase to be
taken as operate current
** I OPERATE = 0.4 * 2.125 – 0.1 = 0.85 – 0.1 = 0.75

➢ For section 3:

Phase Restrain current (A) * Calculated operate current (A) ** Pick-up value (A) Drop-off value (A)
L1 3.5 1.5 1.499 1.425
L2 3.5 1.5 1.501 1.426
L3 3.5 1.5 1.503 1.428
* Fixed current injected in another phase to be taken as restrain current & ramp in tested phase to be
taken as operate current
** I OPERATE = 0.8 * 3.5 – 1.3 = 2.8 – 1.3 = 1.5

8.4 Harmonic blocking:

8.4.1 Restrained stage:

• Injecting current in phase L1 with value of 0.6A (greater than pickup value) at 60 Hz frequency: trip

➢ 2nd harmonic:
• 0.10 * 0.6 = 0.06A = 60 mA
• Injecting same value of fundamental frequency (0.6A) & adding ramp current with 120 Hz
frequency (2nd harmonic): 2nd harmonic blocking signal operates when 2nd harmonic current = 61
• Injecting same value of fundamental frequency (0.6A) & 2nd harmonic current with value of 70 mA
(greater than blocking value): 2nd harmonic blocking signal operates & trip signal doesn’t operate.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 21 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• Decreasing 2nd harmonic current gradually, trip signal operates when 2nd harmonic current = 60 mA

➢ 5th harmonic:
• 0.25 * 0.6 = 0.15 A = 150 mA
• Injecting same value of fundamental frequency (0.6A) & adding ramp current with 300 Hz
frequency (5th harmonic): 5th harmonic blocking signal operates when 5th harmonic current = 154

• Injecting same value of fundamental frequency (0.6A) & 5th harmonic current with value of 170 mA
(greater than blocking value): 5th harmonic blocking signal operates & trip signal doesn’t operate.

• Decreasing 5th harmonic current gradually, trip signal operates when 5th harmonic current = 153 mA

8.4.2 Unrestrained stage:

Note: Setting of unrestrained stage IdUnre = 50 IBASE

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 22 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Due to this high value, setting is temporarily reduced during this test to 7.5 IBASE

• Injecting current in phase L1 with value of 8A (greater than pickup value) at 60 Hz frequency:
TRIPUNRE signal operates.

➢ 2nd harmonic:
• Injecting same value of fundamental frequency (8A) & 2nd harmonic current with value of 1A (>
0.10*8A): TRIPUNRE signal operates (no harmonic blocking for unrestrained stage).

➢ 5th harmonic:
• Injecting same value of fundamental frequency (8A) & 5th harmonic current with value of 2.5A (>
0.25*8A): TRIPUNRE signal operates (no harmonic blocking for unrestrained stage).

9. Distance protection zone reach & times:

Results are attached.

10. Distance directionality:


With these settings, angle range for each direction should be as in the following table:

Direction Angle range

Forward 0° to 115° & 345° to 360°
Date GeSCo SEC - CSD
Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 23 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Reverse 165° to 295°

Undefined 115° to 165° & 295° to 345°

Test results:

10.1 Single phase fault:

Injected voltages are: Va = 11.34V /0° , Vb = 66.4V /-120° , Vc = 66.4V /120°

Injected currents are: Ia = 0.725A, Ib = 0, Ic = 0

Change angle of Ia & monitor operation of outputs Distance start forward & Distance start reverse.

Angle of Ia is changed from 0° to 360°. Result is summarized in the following table:

Va angle Ia angle Impedance angle = Va angle - Ia angle Direction
0° 0° 0° Forward
0° 15.6° -15.6° = 344.4°
0° 15.7° -15.7° = 344.3° Undefined
0° 64.6° -64.6° = 295.4°
0° 64.7° -64.7° = 295.3° Reverse
0° 195.6° -195.6° = 164.4°
0° 195.7° -195.7° = 164.3° Undefined
0° 244.6° -244.6° = 115.4°
0° 244.7° -244.7° = 115.3° Forward
0° 360° -360° = 0° = 360°

With these results, angle ranges for each direction are as in the following table:

Direction Angle range

Forward 0° to 115.3° & 344.4° to 360°
Reverse 164.4° to 295.3°
Undefined 115.4° to 164.3° & 295.4° to 344.3°

10.2 Phase - phase fault:

Injected voltages are: Va = 11.34V /0° , Vb = 11.34V /-120° , Vc = 66.4V /120°

Vab leads Va by 30° (Vab = 64.730 kV / 30°)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 24 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

With ab fault: Ia = -Ib

Zab = Vab / Iab

Iab = Ia – Ib = Ia – (-Ia) = 2Ia
Zab angle = Vab angle – Iab angle = Vab angle – Ia angle

Injected currents are: Ia = -Ib = 0.725A, Ic = 0

Change angle of fault current & monitor operation of outputs Distance start forward & Distance start

Angle of Ia is changed from 0° to 360°. Result is summarized in the following table:

Vab angle Iab angle = Ia angle Impedance angle = Vab angle - Iab angle Direction
30° 0° 30° Forward
30° 45.7° -15.7° = 344.3°
30° 45.8° -15.8° = 344.2° Undefined
30° 94.7° -64.7° = 295.3°
30° 94.8° -64.8° = 295.2° Reverse
Date GeSCo SEC - CSD
Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 25 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

30° 225.7° -195.7° = 164.3°

30° 225.8° -195.8° = 164.2° Undefined
30° 274.7° -244.7° = 115.3°
30° 274.8° -244.8° = 115.2° Forward
30° 360° -330° = 30°

With these results, angle ranges for each direction are as in the following table:

Direction Angle range

Forward 0° to 115.2° & 344.3° to 360°
Reverse 164.3° to 295.2°
Undefined 115.3° to 164.2° & 295.3° to 344.2°

10.3 3-phase fault:

Injected voltages are: Va = 11.34V /0° , Vb = 11.34V /-120° , Vc = 11.34V /120°

Injected currents are: Ia = 0.725A /φ , Ib = 0.725A / φ - 120° , Ic = 0.725A / φ + 120°

Change φ from 0° to 360° & monitor operation of outputs Distance start forward & Distance start reverse.

Result is summarized in the following table:

Voltage angles Current angles Impedance angle = Voltage angle – Current angle Direction
0° , -120°, 120° 0° , -120°, 120° 0° Forward
0° , -120°, 120° 15.8°, 255.8°, 135.8° -15.8° = 344.2°
0° , -120°, 120° 15.9°, 255.9°, 135.9° -15.9° = 344.1° Undefined
0° , -120°, 120° 64.7°, 304.7°, 184.7° -64.7° = 295.3°
0° , -120°, 120° 64.8°, 304.8°, 184.8° -64.8° = 295.2° Reverse
0° , -120°, 120° 195.4°, 75.4°, 315.4° -195.4° = 164.6°
0° , -120°, 120° 195.5°, 75.5°, 315.5° -195.5° = 164.5° Undefined
0° , -120°, 120° 244.5°, 124.5°, 4.5° -244.5° = 115.5°
0° , -120°, 120° 244.6°, 124.6°, 4.6° -244.6° = 115.4° Forward
0° , -120°, 120° 360°, 240°, 120° -360° = 0°

With these results, angle ranges for each direction are as in the following table:

Direction Angle range

Forward 0° to 115.4° & 344.2° to 360°
Reverse 164.6° to 295.2°
Undefined 115.5° to 164.5° & 295.3° to 344.1°

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 26 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

11. Fuse failure supervision:

Operation mode can be selected by parameter “OpMode”. In our case, zero sequence is selected (UZsIZs).

11.1 Operate level of residual overvoltage 3U0>:

• Inject zero sequence voltage. Increase gradually until output BLKU of function block SDDRFUF
• Zero sequence voltage can be obtained by single phase injection.

Parameter Setting Expected value Result

3U0> 30 % UBASE 19.92 V 19.97

11.2 Operate level of residual undercurrent 3I0<:

• Injecting zero sequence voltage greater than setting 3U0> & inject zero sequence current greater
than setting 3I0<. Signal shouldn’t operate.
• Decrease zero sequence current until signal operates.

Injecting zero sequence voltage = 22V & zero sequence current = 0.15A: Signal doesn’t operate.

Decreasing zero sequence current, signal operates when zero sequence current = 0.101A

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 27 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Parameter Setting Expected value Result

3I0< 10 % IBASE 100 mA 101

11.3 Seal-in function:

If fuse failure situation is present for more than 5 seconds and the setting parameter SealIn is set to On it will
be sealed in as long as at least one phase voltages is below the set value “USealIn<”. This will keep the
“BLKU” and “BLKZ” signals activated as long as any phase voltage is below the set value “USealIn<”. If
all three phase voltages drop below the set value “USealIn<” and the setting parameter “SealIn” is set to On
the output signal 3PH will also be activated. The signals “3PH”, “BLKU” and “BLKZ” signals will now be
active as long as any phase voltage is below the set value “USealIn<”.

Case 1: Injecting for 4 seconds: Signal “BLKU” operates & “BLKZ” doesn’t operate.

After stopping injection, signal “BLKU” resets.

Case 2: Injecting for 6 seconds: Both signals “BLKU” & “BLKZ” operate.

After stopping injection, both signals still operate.

They can be reset by injecting 3 ph. voltages greater than 70 % of rated voltage (setting “USealIn<”)

11.4 Operate level of seal-in phase voltage USealIn<:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 28 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• Inject zero sequence voltage greater than setting “3U0>” & zero sequence current less than setting
“3I0<” for a period more than 5 seconds. Both signals “BLKU” & “BLKZ” should operate &
continue operating after stopping injection.
• Inject 3 ph. voltages & increase gradually & until signals “BLKU” & “BLKZ” reset

Parameter Setting Expected value Result

USealIn< 70 % UBASE 46.48 V 46.52


Input signal “DISCPOS” is supposed to be connected via a terminal binary input to N.C. auxiliary contact of
the line disconnector. The DISCPOS signal sets the output signal BLKU in order to block the voltage related
functions when the line disconnector is open. The impedance protection function is not affected by the
position of the line disconnector since there will be no line currents that can cause malfunction of the
distance protection. When “DISCPOS” = 0, it signifies that the line is connected to the system. When the
“DISCPOS” = 1, it signifies that the line is disconnected from the system & output “BLKU” is activated.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 29 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

11.5 Delay times:

• Inject zero sequence voltage greater than setting “3U0>” & zero sequence current less than setting
• Stop timer by operation of output “BLKU” of function block “SDDRFUF”.
• Inject again & stop timer by operation of output “BLKZ”.

Signal Expected delay Result

BLKU Instantaneous 15.1 ms
BLKZ 5 sec 5.021 sec

11.6 Operation with VT MCB open:

The “MCBOP” signal sets the output signals “BLKU” and “BLKZ” in order to block all the voltage related
functions when the MCB is open.

• Operation with BI (without injection): OK

11.7 Effect of fuse failure:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 30 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• Output “BLKU” can be used for blocking the voltage related measuring functions (undervoltage
protection, synchro-check and so on) except for the impedance protection. The function output
“BLKZ” shall be used for blocking the impedance protection function. (page 545 in relay manual)
• Output “BLKZ” of function block “SDDRFUF” (fuse failure)is connected to input “VTSZ” of
function blocks of all distance zones to block distance protection in case of VT fuse failure.

11.7.1 Blocking distance protection by fuse failure:

• Inject values to get fuse failure.

• Inject distance protection fault. Result: no trip.
• Reset fuse failure by injecting normal voltages.
• Inject distance protection fault. Result: trip.
• Activate BI of VT MCB to activate output of fuse failure function block.
• Inject distance protection fault. Result: no trip.
• De-activate BI of VT MCB to reset output of fuse failure function block.
• Inject distance protection fault. Result: trip.

11.7.2 Other effects of fuse failure:

• As per final setting, over-current protection & non-directional stage of earth fault protection should
be enabled in case of VT fail. Details are mentioned in sections 14 & 15.

12. Power swing:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 31 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• During power swing, the measured impedance varies with time along a locus in an impedance
plane. This locus can enter the operating characteristic of a distance protection and cause, if no
preventive measures have been considered, its unwanted operation.
• Power swing detection comprises an inner and an outer quadrilateral measurement
characteristic. Its principle of operation is based on the measurement of the time it takes for a
power swing transient impedance to pass through the impedance area between the outer and the
inner characteristics. Power swings are identified by transition times longer than a transition
time set on corresponding timers.
• Function block ZMRPSB has 3 outputs:
START: Power swing detected
ZOUT: Measured impedance within outer impedance boundary
ZIN: Measured impedance within inner impedance boundary


➢ Reaches of outer & inner boundaries are attached.

➢ Power swing is detected if measured impedance stays between outer & inner boundaries
for a period greater than time setting tP1.

It can be tested by changing rate of change of impedance.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 32 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

13. Switch on to fault (SOTF):

13.1 Zones to be accelerated by SOTF:

• With Mode = Impedance; trip is released if the input ZACC (Distance zone to be accelerated by
SOTF) is activated. For SOTF to be activated with zone 2 only, ZACC input of function block
ZCVPSOF (Automatic SOTF) is connected to zone 2 start signal.

Zone Trip time without close command Trip time with close command Notes
Z1 23ms 22 ms Instantaneous
Z2 423 ms 26 ms Accelerated by SOTF
Z3 1.024 sec 1.025 sec Not accelerated by SOTF
Z4 2.524 sec 2.524 sec Not accelerated by SOTF

• Effect of SOTF on trip time of Z2 fault is shown in the figure below:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 33 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ Without close command: Fault in zone 2 is cleared in normal time of Z2.

➢ With close command: Fault in zone 2 is cleared in Z1 time (instantaneously).
➢ Other zones are not affected.

13.2 Activation of SOTF function:

• With setting parameter AutoInit set to Off, SOTF function is activated by input BC. Input BC
(external enabling of SOTF) is configured as in the following figure:

➢ Operation with bus CB close command: OK

➢ Operation with tie CB close command: OK


13.3 Time period in which SOTF function is active:

• Setting of pulse timer in above figure (configuration of input BC) can be viewed in setting file by
right-clicking & selecting “Manage function block visibility”.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 34 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• Time period in which SOTF function is active can be checked by changing time between close
command & fault as follows:
➢ Pre-fault values (0A, 63V) are injected for 1000 ms followed by fault.

➢ Close command is simulated by activating binary out BO1 of Freja during pre-fault
period. By changing instant of activating BO1, time between close command & fault is
controlled. SOTF should operate if time between close command & fault is less than

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 35 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ Case 1: Fault during tSOTF:

Close command after 820 ms from injection start

Time between close command & fault = 1000 – 820 = 180 ms (< tSOTF)

Trip time = 37 ms (Accelerated by SOTF)

➢ Case 2: Fault after tSOTF:

Close command after 780 ms from injection start

Time between close command & fault = 1000 – 780 = 220 ms (> tSOTF)

Trip time = 435 ms (normal time of Z2)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 36 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

14. Over-current protection:

• As per final setting, over-current protection should be enabled in case of VT fail.

• Inversion of VT fail is connected to BLOCK input of function block OC4PTOC. Without VT fail,
BLOCK input = 1 & OC function is blocked. With VT fail, BLOCK input = 0 & OC function is



Phase Expected value (A) Pick-up (A) Drop-off (A) Time (sec)
A 2.001 1.959 2.526
B 2 2.001 1.961 2.527
C 2.002 1.962 2.524
➢ No operation without VT fail: OK
➢ Operation with VT fail: OK

15. Earth fault protection:

15.1 Non-directional stage:

• As per final setting, non-directional stage of earth fault protection should be enabled in case of VT
fail. It is made by connecting inversion of VT fail to BLKST1 (Block of step 1) input of function
block EF4PTOC. Without VT fail, BLKST1 input = 1 & step 1 is blocked. With VT fail, BLKST1
input = 0 & step 1 is enabled.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 37 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1



Expected value (mA) Pick-up (mA) Drop-off (mA) Time (sec)

400 403 395 2.521
➢ No operation without VT fail: OK
➢ Operation with VT fail: OK


15.2 Directional stage:

Stage 2 is set to operate in forward direction.

Boundary of forward direction is determined by relay characteristic angle ‘AngleRCA’.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 38 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Characteristic of DEF is shown in the following figure:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 39 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

To get -3U0 angle = 0°, 3U0 angle should be 180°

If Va only is injected, 3U0 angle = 0° (Va (Channel 7) is reference according to setting).

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 40 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

A reference PhaseAngleRef can be defined to facilitate service values reading. This analog channels phase
angle will always be fixed to zero degrees and all other angle information will be shown in relation to this
analog input.

Angle 180° for 3U0 can be obtained by injecting Va with angle 0°, Vb with angle 180° & Vb > Va as

Pick-up Drop-off Trip time without CR Trip time with CR

52 mA 47 mA 176.5 ms 23.9 ms

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 41 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Min polarizing voltage (UPolMin):

Setting: 1 % U BASE (0.664 V)

➢ Using STIN2 (start stage 2):

Injecting 1-ph current 0.077A / 295° , Va = 5V / 0° , Vb = 5V /180°

3V0 = 0 & signal doesn’t operate.

Increase Vb to increase 3V0

Signal STIN2 operates when Vb = 5.67 V
3V0 = 5.67 – 5 = 0.67 V

➢ Using STFW (forward direction start):

Injecting 1-ph current 0.16A / 295° , Va = 5V / 0° , Vb = 5V /180°

3V0 = 0 & signal doesn’t operate.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 42 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Increase Vb to increase 3V0

Signal STFW operates when Vb = 5.67 V
3V0 = 5.67 – 5 = 0.67 V

Boundary of forward direction (RCA±85°):

RCA = 65°
Expected boundary for forward direction: φ = RCA – 85° to RCA + 85° (-20° to 150°)
Where φ is the angle between U POL & I OP.

With Va = 15.5V / 0° , Vb= 25V /18 0° , Ia = 0.190A / 215°:

3V0 = Va + Vb + Vc = 9.5V /180°
U POL = -3V0 = 9.5V /0° (primary value = 9.5 * 380 / 115 = 31.39 kV)
IOP = 3I0 = Ia + Ib + Ic = 0.190A / 215° (primary value = 0.190 * 3000 / 1 = 570A)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 43 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

φ = angle between U POL & I OP = 0 – 215 = -215° = -215° + 360° = 145°

Values measured by relay are as follows:

• For boundary of forward direction, inject zero sequence current greater than setting of step 2 & zero
sequence voltage greater than minimum polarizing voltage. Change angle & monitor STIN2 signal.

Injecting Va = 5V / 0° , Vb = 15V /180°

With these values: 3V0 = 10V /180°
U POL = -3V0 = 10V /0°
Injecting 1-ph current 0.077A (> pick-up value of stage 2) with variable angle, signal STIN2
operates when current angle is in the range 0° to 20.1° & 207.7° to 360°.

U POL angle = -3U0 angle I OP angle = 3I0 angle φ = angle between U POL & I OP
0° 0° 0 – 0 = 0°
0° 20.1° 0 – 20.1 = -20.1°
0° 207.7° 0 – 207.7 = -207.7° = 152.3°
0° 360° 0 – 360 = -360° = 0° = 360°
Signal STIN2 operates when current angle is in the range 0° to 20.1° & 207.8° to 360° (-20.1° ≤ φ ≤ 152.3°).

• Forward direction start signal STFW=1 when operating quantity magnitude I OP cos (φ - AngleRCA) is
bigger than setting parameter IN>Dir and directional supervision element detects fault in forward

Expected value for each angle can be calculated by: I OP cos (φ - 65°) = 0.10 I BASE
I OP cos (φ - 65°) = 0.10 * 1 = 0.10 A
I OP (A) = 0.1 / cos (φ - 65°)

U POL angle = I OP angle = φ = angle between U POL & I OP Calculated Pick-up Drop-off
-3U0 angle 3I0 angle value (mA) value (mA)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 44 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

value (mA)

0° 295° -295° = 65° 100 102 99

0° 315° -315° = 45° 106.4 110 106
0° 335° -335° = 25° 130.6 135 132
0° 355° -355° = 5° 200.1 208 204
0° 15° -15° 577.7 583 577
0° 275° -275° = 85° 106.4 110 105
0° 255° -255° = 105° 130.6 130 127
0° 235° -235° = 125° 200.1 196 193
0° 215° -215° = 145° 577.7 549 545

16. Stub protection:

Stub protection STBPTOC covers the zone between the current transformers and the open disconnector. The
three-phase instantaneous over-current function is released from auxiliary contact on the line disconnector.


Parameter ReleaseMode can be set Release or Continuous. With Release setting, the function is only active
when a binary release signal RELEASE into the function is activated. This signal is normally taken from an
auxiliary contact (normally closed) of the line disconnector. With Continuous setting, the function is
activated independent of presence of any external release signal.


Phase Expected value (A) Pick-up (A) Drop-off (A) Time (ms)
A 1.001 0.985 25
B 1 1.001 0.986 28

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 45 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

C 1.002 0.986 27
➢ No operation with line disconnector closed: OK
➢ Operation with line disconnector open: OK

17. Scheme communication:

17.1 Distance protection scheme communication:

• Distance zone to be accelerated by CR signal (zone 2) is connected to input CACC of function block
ZCPSCH (scheme communication logic for distance or overcurrent protection).
• Overreaching distance protection zone (zone 2) is connected to input CSOR (Carrier send for
permissive overreach scheme).
• Input CSUR is used if ‘SchemeType’ is set to ‘Permissive UR’ (permissive underreach) & input
CSBLK is used if ‘SchemeType’ is set to ‘Blocking’.
• Inputs BLKTR & BLKCS are connected to to IRVL output (Operation of current reversal logic) of
function block ZCRWPSCH to delay sending of a communication signal and activation of trip signal
in case of current reversal (see section 18).

➢ Trip logic:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 46 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Zone Trip time without CR Trip time with CR Notes

Z1 27 ms 28 ms Instantaneous
Z2 428 ms 25.4 ms Accelerated by CR
Z3 1.023 sec 1.024 sec Not accelerated by CR
Z4 2.527 sec 2.528 sec Not accelerated by CR

➢ Send logic:

Zone CS (Carrier send)

Z1 CS (t = 18.1 ms)
Z2 CS (t = 21.2 ms)
Z3 no CS
Z4 no CS
Time of CS is measured by output CS of function block ZCPSCH.

17.2 DEF scheme communication:

• Signal to be used for tripping by communication scheme is connected to input CACC of function
block ECPSCH (scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection). (See note ***)
• Input signal CSOR is used for sending permissive signal in the overreaching permissive
communication scheme.
• Input CSUR is used if ‘SchemeType’ is set to ‘Permissive UR’ (permissive underreach) & input
CSBLK is used if ‘SchemeType’ is set to ‘Blocking’.
• Inputs BLKTR & BLKCS are connected to to IRVL output (Operation of current reversal logic) of
function block ECRWPSCH to delay sending of a communication signal and activation of trip signal
in case of current reversal (see section 17).

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 47 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ Trip logic:

Fault Trip time Trip time Notes

without CR with CR
Forward EF 176.5 ms 23.9 ms Accelerated by CR
EF outside boundary of forward direction, current No trip No trip Directional stage & non-
value < setting of non-directional stage (400 mA) directional stage don’t operate
EF outside boundary of forward direction, current 2.523 sec 2.524 sec • Non-directional stage
value > setting of non-directional stage (400 mA) operates
• Not accelerated by CR

➢ Send logic:

Fault CS (Carrier send) Notes

Forward EF CS (t = 56.6 ms) • Send signal operates with step 2
EF outside boundary of forward direction, current No CS (input CSOR of function block
value < setting of non-directional stage (400 mA) ECPSCH)
EF outside boundary of forward direction, current No CS • Internal delay 50 ms for CS (figure
value > setting of non-directional stage (400 mA) page 739 in relay manual)
Time of CS is measured by output CS of function block ECPSCH.

*** Note for input CACC:

In final setting:

In relay manual (section 13.5.2 Principle of operation – page 736 in Technical reference manual):

Input signal CACC is used for tripping of the communication scheme, normally the start signal of a forward
overreaching step of STFW.

Input signal CSOR is used for sending permissive signal in the overreaching permissive communication
scheme, normally the start signal of a forward overreaching step of STINn, where n corresponds to the
overreaching step.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 48 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Setting for STFW = 10% I BASE & setting for step2 = 5% I BASE

Also, operating current for STFW depends on angle between U POL & I OP but operating current for ST2N is
fixed as long as it is in boundary of forward direction (see results in section 15.2).

If CACC input is connected to forward start:

CR with 0.071A @ angle 295, same voltage as before: stage 2 operates but STFW doesn’t operate. CS
operates but CR has no effect (input CACC of block ECPSCH = 0)

T = 175.9 ms

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 49 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

CR with 0.108A: stage 2 operates & STFW operates. So, CS operates & CR has effect (input CACC of
block ECPSCH = 1)

T = 26.4 ms

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 50 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

If CACC input is connected to start step 2 (same like CSOR):

CR with 0.071A @ angle 295, same voltage as before.

stage 2 operates so CR has effect (input CACC of block ECPSCH = 1)

T = 25.1 ms

18. Current reversal:

If parallel lines are connected to common busbars at both terminals, overreaching permissive
communication schemes can trip unselectively due to fault current reversal. To avoid this type of
disturbance, fault current reversal logic (transient blocking logic) can be used.

18.1 Current reversal with distance protection:

• When the reverse zone has been activated for a certain settable time ‘tPickUpRev’, it prevents
sending of a communication signal and activation of trip signal for a predefined time ‘tDelayRev’.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 51 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

This makes it possible for the receive signal to reset before the trip signal is activated due to the
current reversal by the forward directed zone.

• Reverse fault must be available for time greater than ‘tPickUpRev’ so that after it if forward fault
occurs, relay senses it as current reversal. If reverse fault is available for less than ‘tPickupRev’. It
will not be considered as current reversal.
• To measure pickup time of current reversal logic (tPickUpRev): Inject reverse fault & stop timer by
operation of IRVL output (Operation of current reversal logic) of function block ZCRWPSCH

Setting: 40 ms
Result: 58.7 ms

• To delay sending of a communication signal and activation of trip signal in case of current reversal,
BLKTR & BLKCS inputs of function block ZCPSCH (scheme communication logic for distance or
overcurrent protection) are connected to IRVL output (Operation of current reversal logic) of
function block ZCRWPSCH (Current reversal and WEI logic for distance protection).

• If current reversal is detected, trip & carrier send signal are delayed. Delay time is set by parameter
➢ To measure delay of trip, use TRIP output of function block ZCPSCH
➢ To measure delay of carrier send signal, use CS output (carrier send signal) of function
block ZCPSCH.

Case Time of carrier Trip time Notes

send signal with CR
Normal voltages & currents & then 21.3 ms 22 ms No current reversal, no delay
Z2 fault

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 52 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Z4 fault for 100 ms (>tPickUpRev) 96.4 ms 100 ms ➢ Current reversal is detected.

& then Z2 fault ➢ Trip & carrier send signal are
➢ tDelayRev = 60 ms + internal
delay 10 ms
Z4 fault for 20 ms (<tPickUpRev) 27 ms 30 ms ➢ Current reversal is not detected
& then Z2 fault because reverse fault is available
for less than tPickUpRev
➢ Trip & carrier send signal are not

18.2 Current reversal with DEF:

• To measure pickup time of current reversal logic (tPickUpRev): Inject reverse EF fault & stop timer
by operation of IRVL output (Operation of current reversal logic) of function block ECRWPSCH.
Setting: 40 ms
Result: 54.4 ms

• BLKTR & BLKCS inputs are connected to IRVL output (Operation of current reversal logic) of
function block ECPSCH.
• If current reversal is detected, trip & carrier send signal are delayed. Delay time is set by parameter
➢ To measure delay of trip, use TRIP output of function block ECPSCH (scheme
communication logic for residual overcurrent protection).
➢ To measure delay of carrier send signal, use CS output (carrier send signal) of function
block ECPSCH (scheme communication logic for residual overcurrent protection).

Case Time of carrier Trip time Notes

send signal with CR
Normal voltages & currents & then 20 ms 24 ms No current reversal, no delay
forward EF
Reverse EF for 100 ms 93.8 ms 95 ms ➢ Current reversal is detected.
(>tPickUpRev) & then forward EF ➢ Trip & carrier send signal are

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 53 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ tDelayRev = 60 ms + internal
delay 10 ms
Reverse EF for 20 ms 23 ms 25 ms ➢ Current reversal is not detected
(<tPickUpRev) & then forward EF because reverse fault is available
for less than tPickUpRev
➢ Trip & carrier send signal are not

19. Weak end infeed (WEI):

19.1 Weak end infeed with distance protection:

• Weak-end infeed logic is used in cases where the apparent power behind the protection can be too
low to activate the distance protection function.
• The weak-end infeed logic (WEI) function sends back (echoes) the received signal to accelerate the
sending end under the condition that no fault has been detected on the weak-end by different fault
detection elements (distance protection in forward and reverse direction).
• When activated, received carrier signal together with local undervoltage criteria and no reverse zone
operation gives an instantaneous trip. (if setting parameter “WEI” (operating mode of WEI logic) is
set to “Echo & Trip”).
• In final setting, operating mode of WEI logic is set to “Echo”. Received signal is sent back (echoed)
after ‘tPickupWEI’.

• To avoid a continuous lockup of the system, the duration of the echoed signal is limited to 200 ms.
• To measure ‘tPickupWEI’, start timer by distance CR & stop by output ECHO of function block
• To measure duration of echo signal, start timer by operation of output contact configured with
output ECHO of function block ZCRWPSCH. Stop timer when the same output contact resets.

Parameter Setting Result

tPickupWEI 60 sec 60.002 sec
Duration of echo signal 200 ms (fixed) 199 ms

• The weak-end infeed logic (WEI) function sends back (echoes) the received signal to accelerate the
sending end under the condition that no fault has been detected on the weak-end by different fault
detection elements (distance protection in forward and reverse direction).

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 54 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

Case Result
CR input activated with forward distance fault (Z1, Z2 & Z3) no echo signal
CR input activated with reverse distance fault (Z4) no echo signal
CR input activated without forward / reverse distance fault Received signal is echoed


• Input VTSZ blocks WEI trip but it doesn’t block WEI echo. In our case, WEI trip is not enabled.
• Purpose of echo signal is to accelerate sending end. With this setting of 60 sec, there is no benefit of
echo signal. In normal cases, CR signal will not continue for this time because sending end will trip
after time of Z2.


19.2 Weak end infeed with DEF:

• To measure ‘tPickupWEI’, start timer by DEF CR & stop by output ECHO of function block
• To measure duration of echo signal, start timer by operation of output contact configured with
output ECHO of function block ECRWPSCH. Stop timer when the same output contact resets.

Parameter Setting Result

tPickupWEI 60 sec 60.014 sec
Duration of echo signal 200 ms (fixed) 205 ms

• The weak-end infeed logic (WEI) function sends back (echoes) the received signal to accelerate the
sending end under the condition that no fault has been detected on the weak-end by different fault
detection elements (forward & reverse directional measuring elements).

Case Result
CR input activated with forward EF no echo signal
CR input activated with reverse EF no echo signal
CR input activated without forward / reverse EF Received signal is echoed

20. Synchro-check & energizing check:

• SESRSYN function is used for synchro-check, energizing check, and synchronizing. Relay has 2
elements. SESRSYN 1 is used for bus breaker Q0-1 & SESRSYN 2 is used for tie breaker Q0-3.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 55 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• Synchro-check function measures the conditions across the circuit breaker and compares them to set
limits. The output is only given when all measured quantities are simultaneously within their set
• Energizing check function allows closing when one side of the breaker is dead. It measures voltages
on the busbar and the line to verify whether they are live or dead. This is done by comparing with
the set values “UHighBusEnerg” and “ULowBusEnerg” for bus and “UHighLineEnerg” and
“ULowLineEnerg” for line.
• Synchronizing function allows closing of asynchronous networks at the correct moment including
the breaker closing time, which improves the network stability. The main purpose of the
synchronizing function is to provide controlled closing of circuit breakers when two asynchronous
systems are going to be connected. It is used for slip frequencies that are larger than those for
synchro-check and lower than a set maximum level for the synchronizing function.
This function is disabled for both bus breaker & tie breaker.

• SESRSYN function block has 4 voltage inputs (busbar1, busbar2, lin1 & line2). The voltage
selection type to be used is set with the parameter “CBConfig”. If “No voltage sel.” is set, the
default voltages used will be U-Line1 and U-Bus1. This is the case when external voltage selection
is provided (as in our case).

➢ For SESRSYN 1 (used with Q0-1): Channel 7 is used as line1 voltage & channel 10 is used
as busbar1 voltage.
➢ For SESRSYN 2 (used with Q0-3): Channel 7 is used as line1 voltage & channel 12 is used
as busbar1 voltage.
• Fuse failure supervision for the used inputs must also be connected. External fuse failure signals or
signals from a tripped fuse switch/MCB are connected to binary inputs that are configured to the
inputs of SESRSYN function in the IED. Alternatively, the internal signals from fuse failure
supervision can be used when available. In the event of fuse failure, energizing check function is
blocked. Synchronizing and synchro-check functions require full voltage on both sides and will be
blocked automatically in the event of fuse failure. Output signal “USELFAIL” if
is true if the selected bus or line voltages have a fuse failure.

Channel Corresponding VT (R-N) Fuse fail relay BI for VT MCB trip / fuse fail relay
7 AC041 (PT-11) 98L-1 Module 3 – BI2
10 Bus – 1A (PT-01) 98B-1 Module 3 – BI3
12 AC042 (PT-12) 98T-1 Module 3 – BI4

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 56 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

20.1 Measurements:

• When injecting 68V /0° in channel 7 & 71V /15° in channel 10, both @ 60 Hz:
➢ For SESRSYN 1:
VLINE = 68 V (primary 224.696 kV)
VBUS = 71 V (primary 234.609 kV)
Voltage difference = (71 – 68) / 66.4 = 0.045 pu
Phase angle difference = 15° – 0° = 15°

➢ For SESRSYN 2:
VLINE = 68 V (primary 224.696 kV)
VBUS = 0

• When injecting 62V /0° in channel 7 & 55V /350° in channel 12, both @ 60 Hz:
➢ For SESRSYN 1:
VLINE = 62 V (primary 204.870 kV)
VBUS = 0

➢ For SESRSYN 2:
VLINE = 62 V (primary 204.870 kV)
VBUS = 55 V (primary 181.739 kV)
Voltage difference = (55 – 62) / 66.4 = -0.105 pu
Phase angle difference = 350° – 0° = 350° = -10°

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 57 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• When injecting 64V /0° in channel 7 & 60V /350° in channel 10, both @ 60 Hz:
➢ For SESRSYN 1:
VLINE = 64 V (primary 211.478 kV)
VBUS = 60 V (primary 198.261 kV)
Voltage difference = (60 – 64) / 66.4 = -0.060 pu
Phase angle difference = 350° – 0° = 350° = -10°

➢ For SESRSYN 2:
VLINE = 64 V (primary 211.478 kV)
VBUS = 0

• With different frequencies, phase angle difference is not fixed (φ = t)
For example: When injecting 62V /0° @ 61 Hz in channel 7 & 65V /10° @ 60 Hz in channel 10:
Frequency difference = 60 – 61 = -1 Hz
Phase angle difference is not fixed as shown below:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 58 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

20.2 Synchro-check function:


a. Voltage difference:

Setting = 0.1 pu (± 6.64 V)

Start injection with voltage difference greater than setting & change value of one side until output AUTOSY
OK (auto synchro-check OK) operate.

▪ For SESRSYN 1:
➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 54V /0° in channel 10, both @ 60 Hz, signal doesn’t
Increase voltage of channel 10. Signal operates @ 59.77 V
Voltage difference = 59.77 – 66.4 = -6.63 V
➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 75V /0° in channel 10, both @ 60 Hz, signal doesn’t
Decrease voltage of channel 10. Signal operates @ 73.02 V
Voltage difference = 73.02 – 66.4 = 6.62 V

▪ For SESRSYN 2:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 59 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 54V /0° in channel 12, both @ 60 Hz, signal doesn’t
Increase voltage of channel 10. Signal operates @ 59.77 V
Voltage difference = 59.77 – 66.4 = -6.63 V
➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 75V /0° in channel 12, both @ 60 Hz, signal doesn’t
Decrease voltage of channel 10. Signal operates @ 73.01 V
Voltage difference = 73.01 – 66.4 = 6.61 V


b. Phase angle difference:

Setting = 20° (± 20°)

Start injection with phase angle difference greater than setting & change angle of one side until output
AUTOSY OK (auto synchro-check OK) operate.

▪ For SESRSYN 1:
➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 66.4V /25° in channel 10, both @ 60 Hz, signal
doesn’t operate.
Decrease angle of channel 10. Signal operates @ 20.2°
Phase angle difference = 20.2 – 0 = 20.2°
➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 66.4V /335° in channel 10, both @ 60 Hz, signal
doesn’t operate.
Change angle of channel 10. Signal operates @ 340.1°
Phase angle difference = 339.9 – 0 = 339.9 = 339.9 – 360 = -20.1°

▪ For SESRSYN 2:
➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 66.4V /25° in channel 12, both @ 60 Hz, signal
doesn’t operate.
Decrease angle of channel 10. Signal operates @ 20.1°
Phase angle difference = 20.1 – 0 = 20.1°
➢ Starting with 66.4V /0° in channel 7 & 66.4V /335° in channel 12, both @ 60 Hz, signal
doesn’t operate.
Change angle of channel 10. Signal operates @ 339.8°
Phase angle difference = 339.8 – 0 = 339.8 = 339.8 – 360 = -20.2°


c. Frequency difference:

Setting: 0.05 Hz (± 0.05 Hz)

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 60 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

▪ For SESRSYN 1:
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 60.049 Hz in channel 10, signal
operates (Frequency difference = 60.0490 – 60 = 0.049 Hz).
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 60.050 Hz in channel 10, signal
doesn’t operate (Frequency difference = 60.050 – 60 = 0.050 Hz).
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 59.951 Hz in channel 10, signal
operates (Frequency difference = 59.951 – 60 = -0.049 Hz).
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 59.950 Hz in channel 10, signal
doesn’t operate (Frequency difference = 59.950 – 60 = -0.050 Hz).

▪ For SESRSYN 2:
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 60.049 Hz in channel 12, signal
operates (Frequency difference = 60.0490 – 60 = 0.049 Hz).
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 60.050 Hz in channel 12, signal
doesn’t operate (Frequency difference = 60.050 – 60 = 0.050 Hz).
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 59.951 Hz in channel 12, signal
operates (Frequency difference = 59.951 – 60 = -0.049 Hz).
➢ Injecting 66.4V /0° @ 60 Hz in channels 7 & 66.4V /0° @ 59.950 Hz in channel 12, signal
doesn’t operate (Frequency difference = 59.950 – 60 = -0.050 Hz).

d. Voltage high limit:

Setting = 80% UBASE = 0.80 * 66.4 = 53.12 V

Start injection with identical voltages in both sides with magnitude less than setting (80% rated voltage).
Increase voltage until output AUTOSY OK (auto synchro-check OK) operates.

▪ For SESRSYN 1:
➢ Starting with 50V /0° @ 60 Hz in both channels 7 & 10, signal doesn’t operate.
Increase voltage in both channels. Signal operates @ 53.23V & reset @ 53.21V

▪ For SESRSYN 2:
➢ Starting with 50V /0° @ 60 Hz in both channels 7 & 12, signal doesn’t operate.
Increase voltage in both channels. Signal operates @ 53.22V & reset @ 53.20V


e. Time delay:

▪ For SESRSYN 1:
Setting: 1 sec
Result: 1.081 sec

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 61 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

▪ For SESRSYN 2:
Setting: 0.1 sec
Result: 180 ms


20.3 Energizing check function:


a. Mode of energizing check:

▪ For SESRSYN 1:

Mode of energizing check with auto-reclosing “AutoEnerg” is set to “DLLB” (Dead Line Live Bus).
* Injecting voltage in line side only (channel 7): output AUTOENOK = 0
* Injecting voltage in bus side only (channel 10): output AUTOENOK = 1
* Injecting voltage in bus side only (channel 10) with BI of VT MCB trip / fuse failure activated:
output AUTOENOK = 0 & output USELFAIL = 1 (function is blocked by selected VT MCB trip /
fuse failure)

▪ For SESRSYN 2:

Mode of energizing check with auto-reclosing “AutoEnerg” is set to “Off”.

* Injecting voltage in line side only (channel 7): output AUTOENOK = 0
* Injecting voltage in bus side only (channel 12): output AUTOENOK = 0

❖ Next parameters are tested for SESRSYN 1 only.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 62 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

b. Voltage setting for dead line:

Setting = 0.40 * 66.4 = 26.56 V

Starting injection with normal voltage in channel 10 (> setting of live bus) & line voltage = 27 V (>
setting of dead line): output AUTOENOK = 0
Decreasing line voltage, output AUTOENOK = 1 when line voltage = 26.60 V
Increasing line voltage, output AUTOENOK = 0 when line voltage = 26.64 V

c. Voltage setting for live bus:

Setting = 0.80 * 66.4 = 53.12 V

Starting injection with voltage in channel 10 = 51 V (< setting of live bus) & line voltage = 0 (or <
setting of dead line): output AUTOENOK = 0
Increasing bus voltage, output AUTOENOK = 1 when bus voltage = 53.20 V
Decreasing bus voltage, output AUTOENOK = 0 when bus voltage = 53.17 V

d. Maximum voltage for energizing:

Setting = 1.15 * 66.4 = 76.36 V

Starting injection with voltage in channel 10 = 51 V (between setting of live bus & maximum
voltage for energizing) & line voltage = 0 (or < setting of dead line): output AUTOENOK = 1
Increasing bus voltage, output AUTOENOK = 0 when bus voltage = 76.45 V
Decreasing bus voltage, output AUTOENOK = 1 when bus voltage = 76.41 V

e. Delay time “tAutoEnerg”:

Setting = 0.1 sec
Result = 180.7 ms

21. Auto-reclosing:

• With the setting Operation = External ctrl, the activation/deactivation is made by input signal
pulses, for example, from a control system.
• When the function is set On and is operative the output SETON is high. Other input conditions such
as CBPOS and CBREADY must also be fulfilled. At this point the auto-reclosing is prepared to start
the reclosing cycle and the output signal READY on the SMBRREC function block is high.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 63 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• In multi-breaker arrangement, CB which was not closed when a fault occurred should not be closed
by auto-reclosing function. CB position is connected to input ‘CBPOS’ of function block
SMBRREC. Type of CB auxiliary contact (NO / NC) is determined by parameter

• CB is checked to be closed for a certain length of time before the starting occurred (tCBClosedMin).

• CB closing command ‘CLOSECB’ is a pulse with a duration set by parameter ‘tPulse’.

• Up to four different time settings can be used for open time for the first shot, and one extension
time. There are separate settings for single-, two- and three-phase auto-reclosing open time, t1 1Ph,
t1 2Ph, t1 3Ph. If no particular input signal is applied, and an autoreclosing program with single-
phase reclosing is selected, the auto-reclosing open time t1 1Ph will be used. If one of the inputs
TR2P or TR3P is activated in connection with the start, the auto-reclosing open time for two-phase
or three-phase reclosing is used.
• The reclaim timer defines a time from the issue of the reclosing command, after which the reclosing
function resets. If a new trip occurs during this time, it is treated as a continuation of the first fault.
Depending on the setting for the number of reclosing shots, further shots may be made or the
reclosing sequence will be ended. After the reclaim time has elapsed, the auto-reclosing function
resets but the CB remains open. The CB closed data at the CBPOS input will be missing. So, the
reclosing function will not be ready for a new reclosing cycle.
• After the reclosing command the reclaim timer tReclaim starts running for the set time. If no
tripping occurs within this time, the auto-reclosing will reset. If a new trip occurs after the CB
closing command, and a new input signal START or TRSOTF appears, the output “UNSUCCL”
(unsuccessful closing) is set high.
• Auto-reclose unsuccessful “UNSUCCL” signal can be made to depend on CB position input. The
parameter “UnsucClByCBChk” (Unsuccessful closing signal obtained by checking CB position)
should then be set to “CBCheck”. If the CB does not respond to the closing command and does not
close, but remains open, the output “UNSUCCL” is set high after time “tUnsucCl”. In our case, it is
set to ”NoCBCheck”.

• Input “PLCLOST” can be used to extend the open time if the communication channel for permissive
line protection is lost. In such a case there can be a significant time difference in fault clearance at
the two ends of the line. A longer “auto-reclosing open time” can then be useful. This extension time
Date GeSCo SEC - CSD
Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 64 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

added to the normal shot 1 delay is set by tExtended t1 & is controlled by setting parameter
Extended t1 = On and the input “PLCLOST”.
• In normal circumstances the trip command resets quickly because of fault clearance. The user can
set a maximum trip pulse duration “tTrip”. A longer trip signal extends the auto-reclosing open time
by tExtended t1 (auto-reclosing open time extension delay added to the normal shot 1 delay). If
Extended t1=Off (as in our case), a long trip signal interrupts the reclosing sequence in the same
way as a signal to input “INHIBIT”.
• Multiple auto-reclosing functions are provided for multi-breaker arrangements. A priority circuit
allows one circuit breaker to close first and the second will only close if the fault proved to be
transient. One auto-reclosing function (Master) is set with Priority=High and the other (Slave) with
Priority=Low. There should be interconnections from the Master to the Slave function;
WFMASTER – WAIT, and UNSUCCL – INHIBIT. Output “WFMASTER” of high priority auto-
reclosing function block (bus CB) is connected to input “WAIT” of low priority auto-reclosing
function block (tie CB). Output “UNSUCCL” of bus CB auto-reclosing function block is connected
to input “INHIBIT” of tie CB auto-reclosing function block.
• The maximum waiting time, “tWaitForMaster” of the second CB is set longer than the “auto-
reclosing open time” and a margin for synchro-check at the first CB.
• Each auto-reclosing function is configured to co-operate with the synchro-check function. The
synchro-check or energizing check must be fulfilled within a set time interval, tSync. If it is not, or if
other conditions are not met, the reclosing is interrupted and blocked.
• Input SYNC is required for three phase shots 1-5 to proceed. Input START makes a first attempt
with synchro-check; STARTHS makes its first attempt without synchro-check. TRSOTF starts shots
• Auto-reclosing is configured to operate with 1-phase instantaneous trip. Input START in both auto-
reclosing function blocks is connected to signal “START_AR” configured as follows:

• Signal “Differential 1-phase start” above is configured as follows:

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 65 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• For auto-reclosing function to operate with synchro-check, input “TR3P” should be activated. So, it
is connected also to signal “START_AR”. In this case, timer “t1 3Ph” is used as open time for 1st
shot. So, it is set with same value as “t1 1Ph”.

Parameter For bus breaker For tie breaker

Setting Result Setting Result
Open time 0.5 sec 0.517 sec 1 sec 1.015 sec
Reclaim time 10 sec 10.024 sec 10 sec 10.025 sec
CB Closing pulse 200 ms 199 ms 200 ms 200 ms
tCBClosedMin 5 sec 5.018 sec 5 sec 5.016 sec
tSync 30 sec 30.016 sec 30 sec 30.017 sec
tinhibit 10 sec 10.017 sec 10 sec 10.015 sec

• Fault with both bus CB & tie CB closed: AR operated for both breakers
• Fault with bus CB closed & tie CB open: AR operated for bus CB
• Fault with bus CB open & tie CB closed: AR operated for tie CB
• No operation without CB ready: OK

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 66 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

• No operation if synch not satisfied during “tSync”: OK

• For bus CB AR:
➢ Operation with live line live bus: OK
➢ Operation with dead line live bus: OK
➢ No operation with live line dead bus: OK
➢ No operation with dead line dead bus: OK
• For bus tie AR:
➢ Operation with live line live bus: OK
➢ No operation with dead line live bus: OK
➢ No operation with live line dead bus: OK
➢ No operation with dead line dead bus: OK
• No operation for fault during reclaim time: OK
• No operation for fault during “tCBClosedMin” (minimum time that CB must be closed before new
sequence): OK
• No operation in case of out of service: OK
• No operation with blocking BI: OK
• No operation during “tinhibit”
• No operation for tie CB AR if “WFMASTER” signal continued for more than 2 sec (parameter
“tWaitForMaster”): OK
• Tie CB AR inhibited by unsuccessful bus CB AR: OK


• For measuring open time: with injecting fault followed by synch satisfied, time between AR start &
close command = 1.124 sec for bus CB. This is due to the effect of delay time “tSCA”. This delay
Date GeSCo SEC - CSD
Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 67 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

can be avoided during test by setting “tSCA” = 0. In this case, between AR start & close command =
0.510 sec
• For measuring reclaim time, start timer by “CLOSECB” output & stop timer by “READY” output
(ready for a new sequence).
• For measuring CB closing pulse, output contact is configured with “CLOSECB” output. Start timer
when this contact closes & stop timer when it opens.
• For measuring “tSync”, output contact is configured with “INPROGR” output. Start timer when this
contact closes & stop timer when it opens. Synch is not satisfied during injection.
Signal “INPROGR” starts with input “START” but input “SYNC” is checked after open time. Due
to open time, measured length of “INPROGR” signal = 30.516 sec for bus CB (open time + tSync =
0.5 + 30 = 30.5 sec) & 31.017 sec for tie CB (open time + tSync = 1 + 30 = 31 sec).
• For “tinhibit”, activate “INHIBIT” input. Output “READY” will be 0. Remove “INHIBIT” input.
Output “READY” will be 1 after “tinhibit”.
• AR operates if synch condition is satisfied (input “SYNC” = 1) during “tSync”.
• If synch condition is satisfied for tie CB but not satisfied for bus CB, output “WFMASTER” of bus
CB AR = 1. So, input “WAIT” of tie CB AR = 1. As long as this input is available, it will prevent
close command for tie CB. If continued more than 2 sec (parameter “tWaitForMaster”), tie CB will
not close even if AR operated for bus CB & “WAIT” signal reset.

Length of “WAIT” signal can be measured by configuring output contact with output “WFMASTER” of
bus CB AR, starting timer when this contact closes & & stopping timer when it opens.
➢ With length of this signal = 1.798 sec (< 2 sec): both breakers close.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:
Main Contractor: Final Setting Test Report End Client: SEC-WOA

Customer: Description:
Line differential & distance relay
(Set 1)
Manufacturer: Site:

Modon – MIC 380/110/33/13.8 kV BSP

Contract No: 1483 Sheet 68 of 68 Panel / Relay:

+8L4A.Q01 / 87L–1

➢ With length of this signal = 2.199 sec (> 2 sec): bus breaker only closes.

• If bus CB is open before the fault, output “WFMASTER” of bus CB AR = 0. So, input “WAIT”
of tie CB AR = 0. If synch condition for tie CB is satisfied during “tSync”, tie CB closes.

Date GeSCo SEC - CSD

Eng. Abdelfattah Sayed Abdelfattah Eng. Abdul Ghaffar
4 / 6 / 2016
Signature: Signature:

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