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Classification: Confidential
Title: CT Sizing calculation DocID: DBAD801325
Revision: -

Author: Janne Määttä Sheets: 7

- General
Approved by: Mikael Östergård / 12.01.2016 IDMStatus: Approved
Energy Solutions

Project: PW/15905 Central Termica Electrodunas Luren

Description: MV system Vendor Document:

Type: Calculation Customer Document:

This document provides CT sizing calculation for overcurrent, earth-fault and differential protection of
generator, auxiliary transformer and outgoing feeders in Central Termica Electrodunas Luren power plant
project. CT sizing calculation is carried out based on relay manufacturer manuals.

The following CT sizing calculations are given in this report.


VAMP 265 protection relay
Current transfomer rated 750/1A (5P10, 20VA) on 10kV


VAMP 210 protection relay
Current transfomer rated 750/1A (5P10, 20VA) on 10kV


VAMP 50 protection relay
Current transfomer rated 100/1A (5P10, 5VA) on 10kV


VAMP 50 protection relay assumed
Current transfomer rated 1500/1A (5P20, 10VA) on 10kV


VAMP 210 / VAMP 50 protection relay
Current transfomer rated 50/1A (10P10, 1VA) on 10kV

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Introduction
IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 1/13
CT sizing calculation is carried out based on the following assumption:
1. The Design safety factors in the calculation are considered as per Schneider Electric CT sizing application

2. Recommened cable size between protection CT's and MV switchgear Relays is 2.5 mm2

3. CT secondary winding, internal resistance as follows:

750/1A - Max.CT secondary winding internal resistance at 75°C
For differential protection CT - 750/1A (5P10, 20VA) = 16 Ω
For O/C protection CT - 750/1A (5P10, 20VA) = 16 Ω

100/1A - Max. CT secondary winding internal resistance at 75°C

For O/C protection CT - 100/1A (5P10, 5VA) = 4Ω

1500/1A - Max. CT secondary winding internal resistance at 75°C

For O/C protection CT - 1500/1A (5P20, 10VA) = 8Ω

50/1A - CBCT secondary winding internal resistance at 75°C = 0.8 Ω

The calculation shall be re-checked if manufactured CT internal resistance is higher than
the above specified values.

4. Cable CT sizing calculation under section 7 is applicable for all cable CTs which are available in
10 kV MV switchgear.

Based on the CT sizing calculation, CT rating for each feeder is given below. CT ratio which are highlighted in
yellow colour are recommended size based on CT sizing calculation:
Feeder Name Cubicle Name CT Rating Type of Protection
Generator BAE0_1 750/1A (5P10, 20VA) O/C and Differential
BAE0_1 50/1A (10P10, 1VA) Earth fault
Outgoing feeder BAO901 1500/1A (5P20, 10VA) O/C
BAO901 50/1A (10P10, 1VA) Earth fault
Auxiliary transformer BAA90_ 100/1A (5P10, 5VA) O/C
BAA90_ 50/1A (10P10, 1VA) Earth fault

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Introduction

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 2/13

A. CT Burden Calculation:

Actual Burden of CT is calculated based on the below formula,


Internal Secondary Burden of CT is calculated based on the below formula,

Si = [RCT] x I2NCTSEC (VA)

RW - Wiring resistance from CT to relay and back,
RW = 2 x L x ( Γw /1000 ) (Ω)
RL - Resistance of the protection relay
RL = SR/IR2 (Ω)
RCT - CT internal secondary resistance (Ω)
INCTSEC - CT secondary current (A)
L - Wiring distance between CT and Relay (m)
Γw - AC resistance of wiring at 75°C (Ω/km)
SR - Relay burden (VA)
IR - Rated relay current (A)

B. CT Knee Point Voltage Calculation

Actual Knee point voltage of CT is calculated based on the below formula,

Vkact = C x If (IR/INCT) x (RCT+RW +RL) (V)

Rated Knee point voltage as per IEC,


C - Safety design factor
KALF - Accuracy limit factor at rated burden
If - Fault current (A)
INCT - Rated CT primary current (A)
SN - Rated Nominal burden of CT (VA)

Requirement: Vk > Vkact

C. CT Adequacy Checking Calculation

The actual accuracy limit factor KA is calculated based on the below formula,
KA = KALF {(Si + SN) / (Si + SA)}

The actual accuracy limit factor KA after accounting safety design factor:

The accuracy limit current referred to secondary of the CT, IA = KAS x INCTSEC (A)

The CT secondary current during maximum fault conditions, IAact = If x (INCTSEC / INCT) (A)

Requirement: IA > IAact.

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Formulas

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 3/13

1.1. General Data

Feeder ID - BAG011 & BAG021

Protection - Differential protection
Relay - VAMP 265
CT Rating - 750/1A (5P10, 20VA)

1.2. Input Data

Variable Value Unit Description

MVA 11.676 MVA Generator rated apparent power
VN 10 kV Nominal voltage
IG 674.11 A Rated full load current of generator
fn 60 Hz System supply frequency
If 3730 A Maximum through fault current
Current Transformer
INCT 750 A Rated primary current of CT
INCTsec 1 A Rated secondary current of CT
- 5P - Accuracy class
KALF 10 - Accuracy limit factor at rated burden
SN 20 VA Nominal burden of CT
RCT 16 Ω CT secondary winding resistance at 75°C (Assumed)
IR 1 A Rated input current
SR 0.04 VA Relay input burden
C 3 - Safety factor for Differential protection
Wiring distance between Differential protection CT (BAG0_1) and
L 66 m
relay (CFC0_1) -(Assumed)
A 2.5 mm2 Cross sectional area of wire (Assumed)
Γw 7.41 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 20°C (As per Gorse catalogue)
Γw 9.00 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 75°C

1.3. Calculation

1.3.1. CT Burden:

Wiring resistance from CT to relay and back (RW )

RW = 2*66*(9/1000) Ω
= 1.19 Ω
Resistance of the protection relay input (RL)
RL = 0.04/(1)^2 Ω
= 0.04 Ω
Actual Burden of CT (SA)
SA = (1.19+0.04) * (1)^2 VA
= 1.23 VA
Internal Secondary Burden of CT (Si)
Si = 16 * (1)^2 VA
= 16 VA

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Generator DP

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 4/13
1.3.2. CT Knee Point Voltage:

Actual Knee point voltage (Vkact)

Vkact = 3*3730*(1/750)*(16+1.19+0.04) V
= 257.08 V
The Min. knee point voltage required for the selected CT (Vkact) = 258 V

Rated Knee point voltage as per IEC (Vk),

Vk = (20*10/1)+(10*16*1) V
= 360.00 V
The Rated knee point voltage of the selected CT (Vk) = 360 V

Requirement: Vk > Vkact

Requirement: 360V > 258V is Satisfied

1.3.3. CT Adequacy Checking

The actual accuracy limit factor KA depends on actual burden:

KA = 10*{(16+20) / (16+1.23)}
= 20.9
The actual accuracy limit factor KA after accounting for safety factor:
KAS = 20.9/3
= 6.97
The accuracy limit current referred to secondary of the CT (IA):
= 6.97*1 A (With safety factor)
= 6.97 A (With safety factor)
The CT secondary current during maximum fault conditions (IAact)
= 3730*(1/750) A
= 4.98 A

Requirement: IA > IAact.

Requirement: 6.97A > 4.98A is Satisfied

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Generator DP

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 5/13

2.1. General Data

Feeder ID - BAG011 & BAG021

Protection - Overcurrent protection
Relay - VAMP 210
CT Rating - 750/1A (5P10, 20VA)

2.2. Input Data

Variable Value Unit Description

MVA 11.676 MVA Generator rated apparent power
VN 10 kV Nominal voltage
IG 674.11 A Rated full load current of generator
fn 60 Hz System supply frequency
If 1685 A Relay setting high stage pick up current
Current Transformer
INCT 750 A Rated primary current of CT
INCTsec 1 A Rated secondary current of CT
- 5P - Accuracy class
KALF 10 - Accuracy limit factor at rated burden
SN 20 VA Nominal burden of CT
RCT 16 Ω CT secondary winding resistance at 75°C (Assumed)
IR 1 A Rated input current
SR 0.04 VA Relay input burden
C 1.4 - Safety factor for Overcurrent protection
Wiring distance between Overcurrent protection CT (BAG0_1) and
L 66 m
relay (CFC0_1) -(Assumed)
A 2.5 mm2 Cross sectional area of wire (Assumed)
Γw 7.41 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 20°C (As per Gorse catalogue)
Γw 9.00 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 75°C

2.3. Calculation

2.3.1. CT Burden:

Wiring resistance from CT to relay and back (RW )

RW = 2*66*(9/1000) Ω
= 1.19 Ω
Resistance of the protection relay input (RL)
RL = 0.04/(1)^2 Ω
= 0.04 Ω
Actual Burden of CT (SA)
SA = (1.19+0.04) * (1)^2 VA
= 1.23 VA
Internal Secondary Burden of CT (Si)
Si = 16 * (1)^2 VA
= 16 VA

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Generator OC

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 6/13
2.3.2. CT Knee Point Voltage:

Actual Knee point voltage (Vkact)

Vkact = 1.4*1685.275*(1/750)*(16+1.19+0.04) V
= 54.21 V
The Min. knee point voltage required for the selected CT (Vkact) = 55 V

Rated Knee point voltage as per IEC (Vk),

Vk = (20*10/1)+(10*16*1) V
= 360.00 V
The Rated knee point voltage of the selected CT (Vk) = 360 V

Requirement: Vk > Vkact

Requirement: 360V > 55V is Satisfied

2.3.3. CT Adequacy Checking

The actual accuracy limit factor KA depends on actual burden:

KA = 10*{(16+20) / (16+1.23)}
= 20.9
The actual accuracy limit factor KA after accounting for safety factor:
KAS = 20.9/1.4
= 14.93
The accuracy limit current referred to secondary of the CT (IA):
= 14.93*1 A (With safety factor)
= 14.93 A (With safety factor)
The CT secondary current during maximum fault conditions (IAact)
= 1685.275*(1/750) A
= 2.25 A

Requirement: IA > IAact.

Requirement: 14.93A > 2.25A is Satisfied

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Generator OC

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 7/13

3.1. General Data

Feeder ID - BAA90_
Protection - Overcurrent protection
Relay - VAMP 50
CT Rating - 100/1A (5P10, 5VA)

3.2. Input Data

Variable Value Unit Description

Auxiliary Transformer
kVA 630 kVA Auxiliary transformer rated apparent power
VN 10 kV Nominal voltage
IT 36.37 A Rated full load current of auxiliary transformer
fn 60 Hz System supply frequency
- 962 A LV reflected fault current on MV
If 1154 A 1.2 x LV Reflected fault current on MV
Current Transformer
INCT 100 A Rated primary current of CT
INCTsec 1 A Rated secondary current of CT
- 5P - Accuracy class
KALF 10 - Accuracy limit factor at rated burden
SN 5 VA Nominal burden of CT
RCT 4 Ω CT secondary winding resistance at 75°C (Assumed)
IR 1 A Rated input current
SR 0.2 VA Relay input burden
C 1.4 - Safety factor for Overcurrent protection
Wiring distance between Overcurrent protection CT (BAA90_) and
L 10 m
relay - (Assumed)
A 2.5 mm2 Cross sectional area of wire (Assumed)
Γw 7.41 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 20°C (As per Gorse catalogue)
Γw 9.00 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 75°C

3.3. Calculation

3.3.1. CT Burden:

Wiring resistance from CT to relay and back (RW )

RW = 2*10*(9/1000) Ω
= 0.18 Ω
Resistance of the protection relay input (RL)
RL = 0.2/(1)^2 Ω
= 0.20 Ω
Actual Burden of CT (SA)
SA = (0.18+0.2) * (1)^2 VA
= 0.38 VA
Internal Secondary Burden of CT (Si)
Si = 4 * (1)^2 VA
=4 VA

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Aux. Trafo. OC

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 8/13
3.3.2. CT Knee Point Voltage:

Actual Knee point voltage (Vkact)

Vkact = 1.4*1154.4*(1/100)*(4+0.18+0.2) V
= 70.79 V
The Min. knee point voltage required for the selected CT (Vkact) = 71 V

Rated Knee point voltage as per IEC (Vk),

Vk = (5*10/1)+(10*4*1) V
= 90.00 V
The Rated knee point voltage of the selected CT (Vk) = 90 V

Requirement: Vk > Vkact

Requirement: 90V > 71V is Satisfied

3.3.3. CT Adequacy Checking

The actual accuracy limit factor KA depends on actual burden:

KA = 10*{(4+5) / (4+0.38)}
= 20.55
The actual accuracy limit factor KA after accounting for safety factor:
KAS = 20.55/1.4
= 14.68
The accuracy limit current referred to secondary of the CT (IA):
= 14.68*1 A (With safety factor)
= 14.68 A (With safety factor)
The CT secondary current during maximum fault conditions (IAact)
= 1154.4*(1/100) A
= 11.55 A

Requirement: IA > IAact.

Requirement: 14.68A > 11.55A is Satisfied

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: Aux. Trafo. OC

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 9/13

4.1. General Data

Feeder ID - BAO901
Protection - Overcurrent protection
Relay - VAMP 50
CT Rating - 1500/1A (5P20, 10VA)

4.2. Input Data

Variable Value Unit Description

VN 10 kV Nominal voltage
fn 60 Hz System supply frequency
If 3750 A Relay setting current seen by O/C CT, If (2.5 x INCT)
Current Transformer
INCT 1500 A Rated primary current of CT
INCTsec 1 A Rated secondary current of CT
- 5P - Accuracy class
KALF 20 - Accuracy limit factor at rated burden
SN 10 VA Nominal burden of CT
RCT 8 Ω CT secondary winding resistance at 75°C (Assumed)
IR 1 A Rated input current
SR 0.2 VA Relay input burden
C 1.4 - Safety factor for Overcurrent protection
Wiring distance between Overcurrent protection CT (BAO90_) and
L 10 m
relay - (Assumed)
A 2.5 mm2 Cross sectional area of wire (Assumed)
Γw 7.41 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 20°C (As per Gorse catalogue)
Γw 9.00 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 75°C

4.3. Calculation

4.3.1. CT Burden:

Wiring resistance from CT to relay and back (RW )

RW = 2*10*(9/1000) Ω
= 0.18 Ω
Resistance of the protection relay input (RL)
RL = 0.2/(1)^2 Ω
= 0.20 Ω
Actual Burden of CT (SA)
SA = (0.18+0.2) * (1)^2 VA
= 0.38 VA
Internal Secondary Burden of CT (Si)
Si = 8 * (1)^2 VA
=8 VA

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: OG OC

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 10/13
4.3.2. CT Knee Point Voltage:

Actual Knee point voltage (Vkact)

Vkact = 1.4*3750*(1/1500)*(8+0.18+0.2) V
= 29.33 V
The Min. knee point voltage required for the selected CT (Vkact) = 30 V

Rated Knee point voltage as per IEC (Vk),

Vk = (10*20/1)+(20*8*1) V
= 360.00 V
The Rated knee point voltage of the selected CT (Vk) = 360 V

Requirement: Vk > Vkact

Requirement: 360V > 30V is Satisfied

4.3.3. CT Adequacy Checking

The actual accuracy limit factor KA depends on actual burden:

KA = 20*{(8+10) / (8+0.38)}
= 42.96
The actual accuracy limit factor KA after accounting for safety factor:
KAS = 42.96/1.4
= 30.69
The accuracy limit current referred to secondary of the CT (IA):
= 30.69*1 A (With safety factor)
= 30.69 A (With safety factor)
The CT secondary current during maximum fault conditions (IAact)
= 3750*(1/1500) A
= 2.50 A

Requirement: IA > IAact.

Requirement: 30.69A > 2.5A is Satisfied

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: OG OC

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 11/13

5.1. General Data

Feeder ID - BAE0_1, BAA90_, BAO90_

Protection - Directional and non-directional earthfault protection
Relay - VAMP 210 / VAMP 50
CT Rating - 50/1A (10P10, 1VA)

5.2. Input Data

Variable Value Unit Description

VN 10 kV Nominal voltage
fn 60 Hz System supply frequency
If 10 A Max. Earth fault current seen by CT (Assumed)
Current Transformer
INCT 50 A Rated primary current of CT
INCTsec 1 A Rated secondary current of CT
- 10P - Accuracy class
KALF 10 - Accuracy limit factor at rated burden
SN 1 VA Nominal burden of CT
RCT 0.8 Ω CT secondary winding resistance at 75°C (Assumed)
IR 1 A Rated input current
SR 0.04 VA Relay input burden
C 3 - Safety factor for Directional and non-directional earthfault protection
Wiring distance between Directional and non-directional earthfault
L 66 m
protection (BAE0_1) and relay - (Assumed)
A 2.5 mm2 Cross sectional area of wire (Assumed)
Γw 7.41 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 20°C (As per Gorse catalogue)
Γw 9.00 Ω/km AC resistance of wiring at 75°C

5.3. Calculation

5.3.1. CT Burden:

Wiring resistance from CT to relay and back (RW)

RW = 2*66*(9/1000) Ω
= 1.19 Ω
Resistance of the protection relay input (RL)
RL = 0.04/(1)^2 Ω
= 0.04 Ω
Actual Burden of CT (SA)
SA = (1.19+0.04) * (1)^2 VA
= 1.23 VA
Internal Secondary Burden of CT (Si)
Si = 0.8 * (1)^2 VA
= 0.8 VA

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: 10kV MV EF

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 12/13
5.3.2. CT Knee Point Voltage:

Actual Knee point voltage (Vkact)

Vkact = 3*10*(1/50)*(0.8+1.19+0.04) V
= 1.22 V
The Min. knee point voltage required for the selected CT (Vkact) = 2V

Rated Knee point voltage as per IEC (Vk),

Vk = (1*10/1)+(10*0.8*1) V
= 18.00 V
The Rated knee point voltage of the selected CT (Vk) = 18 V

Requirement: Vk > Vkact

Requirement: 18V > 2V is Satisfied

5.3.3. CT Adequacy Checking

The actual accuracy limit factor KA depends on actual burden:

KA = 10*{(0.8+1) / (0.8+1.23)}
= 8.87
The actual accuracy limit factor KA after accounting for safety factor:
KAS = 8.87/3
= 2.96
The accuracy limit current referred to secondary of the CT (IA):
= 2.96*1 A (With safety factor)
= 2.96 A (With safety factor)
The CT secondary current during maximum fault conditions (IAact)
= 10*(1/50) A
= 0.20 A

Requirement: IA > IAact.

Requirement: 2.96A > 0.2A is Satisfied

DocID: DBAD801325 - Document Classification: Sheet name: 10kV MV EF

IDM Status: Approved Confidential Page: 13/13

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