Unit 6 Aphg Study Guide
Unit 6 Aphg Study Guide
Unit 6 Aphg Study Guide
■ Southeast Asian Model
Cities that grow around
■ Harris and Ulman ports and lack a CBD.
Multiple-Nuclei Model
Cities don't grow in Rings
or Sectors but are formed
by the progressive
integration of multiple ● Townships
focal points of a region Geographic areas that are smaller than
countries and controlled by local
● Shantytowns
Urban settlements of impoverished and
improvised dwellings constructed from
cheap or waste materials.
■ Galactic City Model ● Squatter settlements
Explain cities that have a A collection of buildings aim to provide
traditional downtown and housing and shelter for poor people in a
loose conditions of other city.
● Favelas
The concerns that are related to the long- To provide more than one use or purpose
term well-being of individuals and within a shared building or Development
communities. Area.
● Mixed Use Development (MUD) ● How does Mixed Use Zoning differ from
One way to limit sprawl and Design livable Traditional Zoning?
Urban spaces. Mixed Use Zoning Permits multiple
● Vertical Mixed-Use Development land uses in the same space
Building up while using mixed use structure while traditional zoning
development. (store bottom floor, retail over zones are based on land type or
and then residential) economic function
● Walkability
Safe convenient and efficient to walk in ● What are Smart Growth Policies trying to
urban environment takes into account bikes achieve?
and cars. To protect our health and natural
● Transportation-oriented development environment and to make communities more
Creation of dense walkable is pedestrian attractive economically stronger socially
oriented mixed use communities centered diverse and resilient to climate change.
around a transit station. ● How is Curitiba, Brazil an example of New
● Smart Growth Policies Urbanism? In order to expand Green Space
○ Zoning and avoid sprawl they made a master plan
Permits multiple land uses in the which preserved areas for parks.
same space structure while ● Why do many US cities want to promote
traditional zoning zones based on mixed-income neighborhoods?
land type or economic function They want to make one building have
○ New Urbanism multiple purposes.
Associated with smart growth it ● What is the purpose of a greenbelt?
focuses on limiting Urban To prevent urban sprawl.
expansion while preserving in
nature and usable farmland 17.2
○ Slow growth cities ● Deed Restrictions (covenants)
Smart growth policies to decrease They mandate owners and tenants to avoid
the rate by which cities grow or take specific actions intended to preserve
outward. the value and enjoyment of the adjoining
● Diverse Housing Options land.
Mix of housing types and neighborhoods / ● Redlining
communities. Mixed income economic A lending Institution such as a bank refuses
stability and jobs. to offer Home Loans on the basis of a
● Greenbelts neighborhood's racial or ethnic makeup.
A ring of Parkland, agricultural land, or ● Fair Housing Act of 1968
other open space maintained around an Made redlining illegal
urban area to prevent sprawl. ● Blockbusting
● What can a city do to increase its livability? Real estate agents who would stir up
Implement zero waste practices composting concern that African-American families
and Sustainable Building Materials. would soon move into a neighborhood they
● What is the purpose behind Mixed-Use would convince white Property Owners to
Development? sell at a lower price.
● Great Migration The internal migration that
moved 6 million African Americans between
1960 and 1970 from rural areas of the not have the same available outcomes in life
South to areas in the north. as white people did. this caused African-
● Zones of abandonment American families to have less money than
Areas that have been largely deserted due to white families.
lack of jobs, declines in land values, and ● Identify and explain three challenges of
following demand. rapid urbanization
Pollution, congestion, and higher crime
● Filtering rates.
The process of neighborhood change in ● How does gentrification have both positive
which housing Vacated by more affluent and negative effects on a city? Positive
groups passes down the income scale to effects include increased property values,
lower income groups. tax revenue, higher-income residents,
tourism, and infrastructure improvements.
● Inclusionary Zoning Laws while negative effects include displacement
Affordable housing by offering incentives of lower-income people, increased
for developers to set aside a minimum homelessness, less low-income housing, and
percentage of new housing construction to it pushes prices so high in the middle class
be allocated for low-income people. can't stay either.
● Eminent Domain
A government's right to take privately 17.3
owned property for public use or interest ● Brownfields
● Disamenties Abandoned and polluted industrial sites in
The very poorest part of cities central cities and suburbs.
● Gentrification ● Regional planning
Intention to improve and rebuild Planning is a regional scale that seems to
downtown/innercity neighborhoods. develop housing, transportation, Urban
● Food Deserts infrastructure, and economic activities.
More than 10 miles from a grocery store or ● City footprint
supermarket. The cities release of pollution and
● Urban Farming environmental damages on the environment.
De cultivation processing and distribution ● Ecological footprint
of agricultural products in urban and The impact on the environment expressed as
Suburban areas the amount of land required to sustain its
● Identify and explain five challenges facing use of Natural Resources.
urban areas today. ● Fossil fuels
Pollution, old infrastructure, housing, Non-renewable resources
economic inequity, and crime. ● Aging infrastructure
● Explain how deed restrictions, redlining, Old infrastructure that is starting to fall
and blockbusting led to residential apart.
segregation in the U.S. and to African ● Identify and explain three challenges to
American families, on average, having less creating sustainable urban places.
wealth than White families Sanitation, air/water quality, suburban
It caused them to have a harder time finding
● How do the type of government and the
housing and available services. white
wealth of a country play a role in
people didn't want to live in these areas and
sustainability? Low interest rate financing
black people could only afford/allowed to.
reduce risks for investors buying time to
this led to segregation. with less available
scale up Technologies and programs and
Services goods and transportation, they did