Research Design
phenomena. This aligns with the study’s goal of understanding both the
Sampling Procedure
to be:
Inclusion criteria: Participants should be teenagers aged 13-19
parental consent must be obtained. The participants may have the option
that they provide relevant and insightful data. A total of fifteen (15)
Kabacan, North Cotabato for one week during the first semester of the
researcher will set a date with participants to meet at a certain place; third,
the researcher will start the conduct of their study by interviewing and
by the researcher after the data collection. The data will be subjected to
influences of social media on their daily lives. Second, the researcher will
identify and label key concepts and themes that emerge from the data with
the use of coding for the participants’ data privacy. After developing
method will help in organizing and making sense of the data, focusing on
Lincoln and Guba (1985), the reliability of the study intends to expound the
information must not be altered or drawn from the original data. The data
unknown factors.
ensure that the research questions and collected findings from in-depth
credibility of the research. To avoid bias, the researcher will conduct and
record the entire conversation with the participants before writing down
Ethical Considerations
Any participation in the study will be voluntary after the participants
are informed of the study's purpose, and any physical or mental discomfort
to show tolerance and empathy at the target location for this study,
conducting this study, the researcher will give a token to each of its
participants to show my utmost appreciation for their participation and
the thoughts and feelings of study participants. This is not an easy task, as
it involved asking people to talk about things that may have been very
responsibility for the data acquired is to protect the participants and their