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Periodic Assesment First

Subject- Maths
Time-1 :30 hours MM- 40 marks
Section- A
Multiple choice Questions: - 1x10=10 marks
Q.1- Write the between numbers:
a- 1[ ]3 b- 5[ ]7
Q.2- Write the before numbers:
a- [ ]3 b- [ ]8
Q.3-Write the after numbers:
a- 6[ ] b- 9[ ]
Q.4-Write the numbers names:
a- 3_______________ b- 9_____________
Q.5- 6 Comes in between [ ] and [ ]

Q.6- [ ] comes is between 1 and 3.

Q.7- 2 Comes just after [ ]

Q.8- 5 Comes just after [ ]

Q.9- 7 comes just before [ ]

Q.10- 3 Comes between [ ] and [ ]

Section- B
Very short type Questions: 1x6
Q.11- Arrange the number in asending order.

(a) 7,3,5,1,8 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

(b) 3,9,1,6,2 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Q.12- Arrange the numbers in desending order:

(a) 4,8,2,5,9 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

(b) 5,8,3,1,2 _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

Q.13-Count the obect and subtract it:

(a) -

_____ - ____ = ________

(b) -

__________ - _____ = ________

Q.14- Add the followings
(a) 3 + 1 = __________
(b) 5 + 2 = __________
Q.15-Substract the following:
(a) 4 - 1 = __________
(b) 6 - 3 = __________
Q.16-Complete the spellings
(a)- T___O (b)- TH___E___
Short type Questions 2x6=12
Q.17- Write the shapes name:

___________ ____________

___________ ___________
Q.18- Match the following numbers:
(a) 5 Six
(b) 2 Five
(c) 6 One
(d) 1 Two
Q.19-Write the table 3 and 4:
(a) (b)
3x0 = __________ 4x0 = __________
3x1 = __________ 4x1 = __________
3x2 = __________ 4x2 = __________
3x3 = __________ 4x3 = __________
3x4 = __________ 4x4 = __________
3x5 = __________ 4x5 = __________
3x6 = __________ 4x6 = __________
3x7 = __________ 4x7 = __________
3x8 = __________ 4x8 = __________
3x9 = __________ 4x9 = __________
3x10 = __________ 4x10 = __________
Solve it:
Q.20- Rani Had 3 balloons Ankit gave her 2 more balloons. How many balloons
does have now?
Q.21- Yash had 5 toffees. Shurti gave her 2 more toffees. How many toffees
does he have now?
Q.22- Shyam had 3 goats. He gave 2 Goats to Jyoti. How many does he have
Long type Questions: 4x3=12
Q.23-Write the Back Counting:
100 90 80 70

Q.24- Add the Following

a- 2 b- 4
+ 1 + 5

c- 4 d- 3
+ 1 + 1

e- 3 f- 6
+ 4 + 2

g- 2 1
5 5
+ 2 + 2
M.B. Public School
Periodic Assesment I
Class- VII
Subject- Maths
Time Allowed- 2hrs M.M.-40
General Intruductions
1. The questions paper Comprises these section A.B.C.
2. There are 20 questions in the questions Paper
3. All Questions are compulsory.
Section- A
Q.1- Tick (√) and write the correct option (Meas)
1- For any integer a what is (-1) x a equal to?
(a) a (b) -a (c) 1/a
2- 3 x – 1 = ___________
(a) 3 (b) -3 (c) 0
3- -15x0x18 =_________________
(a) -15 (b) -18 (c) 0
4- - 21 x-30 = __________________
(a) 630 (b) -630 (c) none of these
5- a+0 =______________
(a) a (b) 0 (c) 1
6- 5x0 = ____________
(a) 5 (b) -5 (c) none of these
7- -30 ÷ 10 = __________
(a) 3 (b) -3 (c) -300
8- - 49 ÷ 49 = __________
(a) 1 (b) -1 (c) 49
9- (-3) x (-6) x 9 =____________
(a) 162 (b) -162 (c) 81
10- (-1) x 225=____________
(a) 225 (b) -225 (c) None of these
Section- B (Ability to Compute) 1x6
Q.11 Fill in the blanks
(a) 369 ÷ ____________ = 369
(b) -75 ÷ ____________ = -1
(c) (-206) ÷ ____________= -1
(d) 20 ÷ ____________= -2
(e) -87 ÷ ____________= 87
Q.12- A plane is flying at the height of 5000m above the sea level A1 particular Point, it is
exactly above a submarine floating 1200 m below the sea level. What is the vertical distance
between them?
Q.13- Write down a pair of integers whose
(a) Sum is -7 (b) difference is -10
Q.14- Find the Prodcuet, using suitable Properties
26 x (-48) + (-48) x (-36)
Q.15- Arrange the following in desending order
2 2 8
9 3 21
Q.16- Multiply and express as a mixed fraction
(a) 3x5 1 (b) 5x6 3
5 4
Q.17- A car runs to km using 1 litre of Petrol Hour much distance will it cover using 2 ¾
litres of
Section-C (Problems solving Ability) 4x3
Q.18- In a class test containing 10 questions, 5 marks are awarded for every correct answer
and (-2) marks are awarded for every incorrect answer and o for question not attempeted.
(i)- Mohan gets four correct and six incorrect answer what is his score.
(ii)- Reshma gets give correct answer and five incorrect answers, what is her score.
Q.19- In a magic square each row, column and diagonal have the same sum. Check which of
the following is a magic square.

Q.20- Vidya and pratap went fo a Picnic Their mother gave them a water bottler that containt
5 litres of water, vidya comsumed 2/5 of the water, pratap consumed the remaining water.
(i)- How much water did Vidya drink?
(ii)- What fraction of the total quatity of water did Pratap drink?
M.B. Public School
Periodic Assesment I
Class- V
Subject- EVS
Time Allowed- ½ hrs M.M.-40
Section- A
(A) -M C Q s; Tick the correct option and write in test copy: 1x8=8
Q.1- Noori finds the city:
(a) So big [ ] (b) Different [ ] (c) Bothe of these [ ]
Q.2- sometimes people move to new cities within a country or even to new.
(a) Village [ ] (b) Country [ ] (c) Town [ ]
Q.3- The Braille script enables______ people to read and write through touch-
(a) Blind [ ] (b) partically [ ] (c)both of these [ ]
Q.4- When Helen Keller was____ year old she lost both her vision and hearing
during illness.
(a) 2 ½ [ ] (b) 1 ½ [ ] (c) 3 ½ [ ]
Q.5-_____ is a good form of exercise.
(a) eating [ ] (b) playing [ ] (c) sleeping [ ]
Q.6- How manyplayers are there in Volleyball?
(a) 11 [ ] (b) 5 [ ] (c) 6 [ ]
Q.7-The games that we play inside house / school are called ____games.
(a) Indoor [ ] (b) Outdoor[ ] (c) Team [ ]
Q.8- We breath in air through our________.
(a) Nose [ ] (b) Mouth [ ] (c) Both of these [ ]
(B)-Q.9- Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4
(a) In modern times, we can see more and more _______ families.
(b) The Braille script was invented by_____________________
(c) Games played in the playground or parks are called______ games.
(d) The air that is sent out is rich in___________.
(C)-Q.10- Tick [√] the correct and cross (x) the incorrect. 1x4 = 4

a. Our breathe that comes out is warm and humidty. [ ]

b. Chess and ludo are outdoor games. [ ]
c. We must make fun of people who are diffrently- abled. [ ]
d. Staying in the sme place for very long is known ad migration. [ ]
(D)-Q.11- Match the following- 1x4=4
[A] [B]
Indoor Player
Sport Organs
Family games
Sense Members
(E)-Answer the following questions: 2x4=8
Q.12-Why did Noori Came to the city?
Q.13-Why are our senses important to us?
Q.14-What is team sprit?
Q.15-What protect our two lungs?
(F)-Answer the following Questions- 3x4-=12
Q.16-What helps to break down food materials to release energy?
Q.17-What do you know about Martial Arts?
Q.18-Who was Helen Keller? Write a note on her achivement?

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