EMS-SNPT V3.15.3 User Guide

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Version 3.15.3

User Guide
Document Revision: 01
Published Date: April 2023
EMS-SNPT User Guide
April 2023

NPT-2300, NPT-2100A, NPT-1800, NPT-1300, NPT-1250, NPT-1200, NPT-1100, NPT-

1050, NPT-1022, NPT-1021, NPT-1020, and NPT-1010/1010D are CE2.0

NPT-2300, NPT-2100A, NPT-1800, NPT-1300, NPT-1250, NPT-1200, NPT-1100, NPT-

1050, NPT-1022, NPT-1021, NPT-1020, and NPT-1010/1010D are MEF3.0 Carrier
Ethernet certified/compliant for E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree, E-Access, and E-Transit services.

Ribbon's qualification lab is accredited by A2LA for competence in electrical testing

according to the International Standard ISO IEC 17025-2017 General Requirements for the
Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories.

Ribbon's management applications run on VMWare virtualization hypervisors.

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Catalog #: X66653

Drawing #: 426006-2401-016-A00
Useful Information ................................................................................................x
Related Documents..................................................................................................................... x
Contact Information..................................................................................................................... x
Revision History .......................................................................................................................... x

1 General Configuration ................................................................................ 11

1.1 EMS-SNPT: Getting Started ......................................................................................... 11
1.1.1 System Introduction............................................................................................... 11
1.1.2 System Architecture .............................................................................................. 12
1.1.3 System Requirements ........................................................................................... 12
1.1.4 Supported Products............................................................................................... 13
1.1.5 Application Scenario.............................................................................................. 14
1.1.6 Log in to EMS-SNPT ............................................................................................. 15
1.1.7 Exit EMS-SNPT .................................................................................................... 16
1.1.8 EMS-SNPT Operations .......................................................................................... 16
1.1.9 Interface Overview ................................................................................................ 18
1.1.10 Customize the Background..................................................................................... 23
1.1.11 Customize Tables ................................................................................................. 23
1.1.12 Customize User Settings ........................................................................................ 24
1.2 Security Management................................................................................................... 24
1.2.1 Manage Roles ...................................................................................................... 24
1.2.2 Manage Users ...................................................................................................... 25
1.2.3 Lock the Server .................................................................................................... 30
1.2.4 Unlock the Server ................................................................................................. 30
1.2.5 Manage Logs ....................................................................................................... 30
1.2.6 Managed Objects Domain ...................................................................................... 34
1.2.7 User Management Parameters ............................................................................... 36
1.3 Topology Management ................................................................................................. 37
1.3.1 Manage the EMS .................................................................................................. 37
1.3.2 Manage Domains .................................................................................................. 38
1.3.3 Managing the Subnet............................................................................................. 39
1.3.4 Manage Sections .................................................................................................. 39
1.3.5 Manage NEs ........................................................................................................ 41
1.3.6 Parameters .......................................................................................................... 47
1.4 Alarms Management..................................................................................................... 48
1.4.1 Alarm Categories .................................................................................................. 48
1.4.2 Alarm Severity ...................................................................................................... 49
1.4.3 Alarm Indications .................................................................................................. 50

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1.4.4 Alarm Reports ...................................................................................................... 50

1.4.5 Current Alarm....................................................................................................... 51
1.4.6 Search for an Alarm .............................................................................................. 51
1.4.7 Acknowledge an Alarm .......................................................................................... 52
1.4.8 Clear an Alarm ..................................................................................................... 53
1.4.9 View Alarm Statistics ............................................................................................. 54
1.4.10 History Alarm........................................................................................................ 54
1.4.11 View TCA Alarms .................................................................................................. 55
1.4.12 View OAM Events ................................................................................................. 56
1.4.13 View Protection Switch Events ................................................................................ 57
1.4.14 Perform Alarm Maintenance ................................................................................... 58
1.4.15 Alarms Management: Additional Operations ............................................................. 59
1.4.16 Set the Alarm Color ............................................................................................... 59
1.4.17 Modify an Alarm Attribute ....................................................................................... 60
1.4.18 Create an NE Alarm Mask ...................................................................................... 61
1.4.19 Filter the NE Alarm Mask ....................................................................................... 62
1.4.20 Alarm Masks: Additional Operations ........................................................................ 62
1.4.21 Create a PTP Alarm Mask ...................................................................................... 62
1.4.22 PTP Alarm Masks: Additional Operations ................................................................. 63
1.4.23 View Alarm LEDs .................................................................................................. 64
1.4.24 View Active Events................................................................................................ 64
1.4.25 View Active Alarms................................................................................................ 65
1.4.26 View Topology Alarms ........................................................................................... 66
1.5 Performance Management ........................................................................................... 67
1.5.1 Create a Performance Template ............................................................................. 67
1.5.2 Assign a Performance Template ............................................................................. 68
1.5.3 Performance Management: Additional Operations ..................................................... 68
1.5.4 Configure Performance Attributes............................................................................ 69
1.5.5 Manage the Current Performance ........................................................................... 70
1.5.6 Manage History Performance ................................................................................. 70
1.5.7 Manage the Performance Description ...................................................................... 71
1.5.8 Clear Performance Details ..................................................................................... 72
1.5.9 Create a Long-term Performance Task .................................................................... 73
1.5.10 View Performance Trend Analysis ........................................................................... 74
1.5.11 View Flow Bandwidth Statistics ............................................................................... 75
1.5.12 Long-term PM Tasks: Additional Operations ............................................................. 76
1.5.13 Performance Parameters ....................................................................................... 77
1.6 Maintenance................................................................................................................. 77
1.6.1 Manage Port Mirroring ........................................................................................... 77
1.6.2 Configure TDM Loopback....................................................................................... 78

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Contents

1.6.3 Perform Card and NE Reset ................................................................................... 79

1.6.4 Set Card Temperature Thresholds........................................................................... 79
1.6.5 Configure NE Time................................................................................................ 80
1.6.6 Download or Upload the NE Configuration File.......................................................... 81
1.6.7 Upgrade a Card .................................................................................................... 82
1.6.8 Check the Optical Power........................................................................................ 83
1.6.9 Configure the Environment Monitor Port ................................................................... 84
1.6.10 Configure the Environment Control Port ................................................................... 84
1.6.11 Perform Database Backup ..................................................................................... 85
1.6.12 Dumping .............................................................................................................. 86
1.6.13 Perform Scheduled Dumping.................................................................................. 87
1.6.14 Dumping: Additional Operations .............................................................................. 87
1.6.15 Perform Manual Dumping....................................................................................... 87
1.6.16 Capacity Management ........................................................................................... 88
1.6.17 Environment Port Parameters ................................................................................. 89
1.7 Configuration Statistics ................................................................................................. 90
1.7.1 Display NE Statistics ............................................................................................. 90
1.7.2 Display Sub-NE Information Statistics ...................................................................... 91
1.7.3 Display Card Statistics ........................................................................................... 91
1.7.4 Display Slot Information Statistics............................................................................ 92
1.7.5 Display Interface Statistics ..................................................................................... 93
1.7.6 Display Label Statistics .......................................................................................... 94
1.8 NE Statistics ................................................................................................................. 95
1.8.1 Display NE Configuration Statistics.......................................................................... 95
1.8.2 Display LSP/PW Information Statistics ..................................................................... 96
1.8.3 Display Alarm Statistics.......................................................................................... 96
1.8.4 Display History Performance Statistics ..................................................................... 97

2 NE Configuration ........................................................................................ 97
2.1 Shelf Management ....................................................................................................... 98
2.1.1 Shelf View............................................................................................................ 98
2.1.2 Slot Arrangement .................................................................................................. 99
2.1.3 Card Configuration ................................................................................................ 99
2.1.4 Add a Card Manually ............................................................................................. 99
2.1.5 Auto-match Cards ................................................................................................. 99
2.1.6 Configure Card Protection .................................................................................... 100
2.1.7 Uninstall a Card .................................................................................................. 100
2.1.8 Configure NE Attributes ....................................................................................... 100
2.2 User Management ...................................................................................................... 101
2.2.1 Create a User..................................................................................................... 101
2.2.2 User Management: Additional Operations............................................................... 102

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Contents

2.2.3 Manage Logs ..................................................................................................... 102

2.2.4 Configure an NE ................................................................................................. 103
2.2.5 Configuration Example......................................................................................... 106
2.3 ECN Management ...................................................................................................... 109
2.3.1 Enable/Configure OSPF....................................................................................... 109
2.3.2 Configure an Area ............................................................................................... 110
2.3.3 Configure Redistribution....................................................................................... 111
2.3.4 Display OSPF Neighbor Status ............................................................................. 112
2.3.5 Display OSPF Packet Statistics............................................................................. 112
2.3.6 Display OSPF Interface Running Status ................................................................. 112
2.3.7 Manage Routes .................................................................................................. 113
2.3.8 Configure a Static Route ...................................................................................... 113
2.3.9 Manage the ECN Interface ................................................................................... 114
2.3.10 Manage the CCN Interface ................................................................................... 115
2.3.11 Manage the OSPF Interface ................................................................................. 116
2.3.12 Manage Data Plane Topology............................................................................... 116
2.3.13 ECN Implementation and Deployment ................................................................... 116
2.3.14 Configure Direct Connection of a Single GNE ......................................................... 117
2.3.15 Configure a Single GNE with Static Routing............................................................ 118
2.3.16 Configure a Pair of GNE Backup Solutions ............................................................. 119
2.3.17 NE Parameters ................................................................................................... 119
2.3.18 OSPF Parameters............................................................................................... 120
2.3.19 Area Configuration Parameters ............................................................................. 121
2.3.20 Redistribution Configuration Parameters ................................................................ 122
2.3.21 OSPF Neighbour Status Parameters ..................................................................... 123
2.3.22 OSPF Statistics Parameters ................................................................................. 123
2.3.23 OSPF Interface Status Parameters........................................................................ 124
2.3.24 Routing Management Parameters ......................................................................... 124
2.3.25 CCN Management Parameters ............................................................................. 125
2.3.26 OSPF Interface Configuration Parameters .............................................................. 125
2.3.27 Data Plane Topology Parameters .......................................................................... 126
2.4 QoS Configuration ...................................................................................................... 126
2.4.1 Create a CMAP .................................................................................................. 126
2.4.2 Create an ACL.................................................................................................... 128
2.4.3 Create an ETHAC PMAP ..................................................................................... 130
2.4.4 Create an MPLS PMAP ....................................................................................... 130
2.4.5 Map COS to EXP ................................................................................................ 131
2.4.6 Create a CoS2VLANPRI ...................................................................................... 131
2.4.7 Create a VLANPri2Color ...................................................................................... 132
2.4.8 Create a QoS Queue Template............................................................................. 133

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2.4.9 CMAP Template Parameters ................................................................................ 133

2.5 Port Management ....................................................................................................... 134
2.5.1 EMS-SNPT Port.................................................................................................. 134
2.5.2 Configure the PDH Port ....................................................................................... 135
2.5.3 Configure the ETH Port........................................................................................ 136
2.5.4 ETH Port: Additional Operations............................................................................ 138
2.5.5 Configure the TOD Port ....................................................................................... 138
2.5.6 Configure the EXTCLK Port.................................................................................. 139
2.5.7 Configure the Line Clock Port ............................................................................... 140
2.5.8 Configure the LAG Virtual Interface ....................................................................... 141
2.5.9 Create a LAG ..................................................................................................... 142
2.5.10 Configure the PDH AC Interface............................................................................ 143
2.5.11 Configure the ETH AC Interface............................................................................ 143
2.5.12 Configure the PW Interface .................................................................................. 145
2.5.13 Configure the Tunnel Interface .............................................................................. 147
2.5.14 Configure the LSP Interface.................................................................................. 149
2.6 OAM Configuration ..................................................................................................... 150
2.6.1 OAM Overview ................................................................................................... 150
2.6.2 Configure MPLS-TP Section OAM......................................................................... 151
2.6.3 Configure OAM Loopback .................................................................................... 152
2.6.4 Configure LSP OAM............................................................................................ 153
2.6.5 Configure PW OAM............................................................................................. 155
2.6.6 Configure ETH EFM (802.3ah).............................................................................. 156
2.6.7 Configure ETH Service OAM (Y.1731) ................................................................... 158
2.6.8 Run an OAM Trace Test ...................................................................................... 159
2.6.9 Section/LSP/PW/ETH Service OAM (Y.1731) Parameters ........................................ 160
2.6.10 ETH EFM (802.3ah) Parameters ........................................................................... 161
2.6.11 OAM Loopback/Test/Trace Parameters.................................................................. 163
2.7 Synchronization Management..................................................................................... 163
2.7.1 Configure the Clock Port ...................................................................................... 164
2.7.2 Configure Clock Synchronization........................................................................... 164
2.7.3 Configure the Time Synchronization ...................................................................... 166
2.7.4 Clock Synchronization Configuration Parameters .................................................... 168
2.7.5 Time Synchronization Configuration Parameters ..................................................... 170
2.8 Service Configuration ................................................................................................. 172
2.8.1 Configure a Service ............................................................................................. 172
2.8.2 Create a Label Switch.......................................................................................... 173
2.8.3 Create an E-Line Service ..................................................................................... 174
2.8.4 E-Line Service Scenario....................................................................................... 176
2.8.5 Create an E-LAN Service ..................................................................................... 181

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2.8.6 Configure IGS..................................................................................................... 182

2.8.7 Configure the MAC Address ................................................................................. 183
2.8.8 Configure the STP............................................................................................... 184
2.8.9 Remove the STP................................................................................................. 185
2.8.10 E-LAN Service Scenario ...................................................................................... 185
2.8.11 Create an E-Tree Service..................................................................................... 188
2.8.12 E-Tree Service Scenario ...................................................................................... 189
2.8.13 Create a CES Service.......................................................................................... 192
2.8.14 CES Service Scenario ......................................................................................... 193
2.8.15 Create a CCC Service ......................................................................................... 197
2.8.16 Service Configuration Parameters ......................................................................... 199
2.8.17 IGMP Snooping Parameters ................................................................................. 200
2.9 Protection Management.............................................................................................. 201
2.9.1 Card Protection................................................................................................... 201
2.9.2 Configure Ethernet Link Protection ........................................................................ 202
2.9.3 Configure SDH Link Protection ............................................................................. 202
2.9.4 Configure the MSP Protection Switch..................................................................... 203
2.9.5 Network Protection.............................................................................................. 204
2.9.6 Configure LSP 1:1 Protection................................................................................ 204
2.9.7 LSP SNCP Protection.......................................................................................... 205
2.9.8 Configure SNCP Protection .................................................................................. 206
2.9.9 LSP Ring Protection ............................................................................................ 206
2.9.10 Configure the Ring Protection Label ...................................................................... 208
2.9.11 Configure the LSP Ring Protection Switch.............................................................. 209
2.9.12 Dual Homing Protection ....................................................................................... 210
2.9.13 Execute Dual Homing Protection........................................................................... 210
2.9.14 Configure the Dual Homing Protection Switch ......................................................... 211
2.9.15 Modify or Delete Dual Homing Protection ............................................................... 212
2.9.16 Dual Homing Protection Scenario.......................................................................... 213
2.9.17 Switch Command Parameters............................................................................... 218
2.9.18 Protection Parameters ......................................................................................... 218
2.10 LPT Configuration....................................................................................................... 219
2.10.1 LPT Working Mechanism ..................................................................................... 220
2.10.2 LPT Application .................................................................................................. 221
2.10.3 Create LPT ........................................................................................................ 221

3 Appendix ................................................................................................... 223

3.1 MPLS-TP OAM........................................................................................................... 223
3.2 EMS-SNPT Alarm List ................................................................................................ 225
3.3 EMS-SNPT Performance Data List............................................................................. 227

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Contents

4 Glossary .................................................................................................... 230

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Useful Information
This document provides instructions for using EMS-SNPT to configure and manage Neptune Layer 2
CPE NEs. It is intended for:
 NE administrators
 Data configuration engineers
 Network engineers
 System engineers

Related Documents
 EMS-SNPT Installation Guide: Linux
 EMS-SNPT Server Administration Guide
 LCT-SNPT Operation and Maintenance Manual

Contact Information
Contact Telephone Email
IP Optical Documentation +972-3-9268145 techdoc.feedback@rbbn.com
IP Optical Customer Support +972-3-9266000 on.support@rbbn.com

Revision History
Revision Section Description
01 N/A New

Ribbon Com m unications Inc. Proprietary x

1 General Configuration
This section provides general configuration descriptions for EMS-SNPT, including:
 Security Management
 Topology Configuration
 Alarm Management
 Performance Management
 Maintenance Management
 Log Management

1.1 EMS-SNPT: Getting Started

1.1.1 System Introduction
EMS-SNPT is a distributed, multi-process, cross-platform, modularized carrier-class network
management system (NMS). The basic function of embedded EMS-SNPT supports network
management level and network element management level.

NPT-1015 Administrated by EMS-SNPT

EMS-SNPT improves the capability of managing converged networks, scalability, and ease of use to
construct a customer-centered and future-oriented NMS of a new generation.
 Centralized Network Management
 Multiple Operating Systems
 Leading Scalable NMS Architecture

Ribbon Com m unications Inc. Proprietary 11

EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

 Visualized Management
 Cross-Domain E2E Service Provisioning

1.1.2 System Architecture

EMS-SNPT provides graphical user-friendly interfaces to realize device configuration, end-to-end
service management, and topology management, alarm monitoring, performance supervision, security
management as well as other network management functions. It is an ideal carrier-class management

EMS-NPT System Architecture

1.1.3 System Requirements

System requirements for Client/Server applications are as follows:

Network Management System Hardware Configuration

Network Scope PC Server Windows Platform

Small Network (less than 4000 equivalent NEs) • HP DL380G7

• CPU:2 Xeon 4 cores >2.0 GHz
• HDD:300 GB x 2

Medium Network (4000 to 8000 equivalent NEs) • HP DL580 G5

• CPU:2 x Xeon4 cores >2.13 GHz
• RAM:16 GB
• HDD:500 G x 2

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

Network Scope PC Server Windows Platform

Large Network (8000 to 15000 equivalent NEs) • HP DL580 G5

• CPU:4 x Xeon4 cores>3.0 GHz
• RAM:32 GB
• HDD:500 G x 2

EMS-SNPT Software Configuration

Operation System Platform Operation System Version Others

x86(Windows32bit) WindowsServer HA software:Veritas 6.0.1

2003R2Enterprise SP2

x64(Windows64bit) WindowsServer HA software:Veritas 6.0.1

2008R2Enterprise SP1

EMS-SNPT Client Configuration

Operation System Platform Operation System Version Others

Minimum configuration: • CPU:Intel dual cores >2.0GHz • Windows XP Professional SP3

• x86(Windows32bit) • RAM:2GB
• HDD:100G
• Resolution >1440 x 900
• Network card, serial port, sound
card, and speaker are supported

Recommended configuration: • CPU:Intel i5 dual cores >2.6GHz • Windows XP Professional SP3

• x64(Windows 32/64bit) • RAM:4GB • Windows 7 Ultimate (32bit)
• HDD:500G • Windows 7 Ultimate (64bit)
• Resolution >1440 x 900
• Network card, serial port, sound
card, and speaker are supported

NOTE: Configure the server according to the network scope and requirements, such as
increase the RAM to 4G/8G

1.1.4 Supported Products

EMS-SNPT supports the following product categories:
 240G
 92G
 8G
 5G

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

1.1.5 Application Scenario

EMS-SNPT supports flexible application scenarios according to user’s requirements.
Compact Deployment
Deploying single server is more convenience and practicable in small network.

SBI Proxy
SBI Proxy provides distributed NE management with multiple SBI interface servers in increasing
network scale.

Advanced Deployment
Advance deployment manages network data with enhanced performance to meet the requirements of
the telecommunication class.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

Multi-level Deployment
Multi-levelled EMS-SNPT applies the large network scale.

1.1.6 Log in to EMS-SNPT

NOTE: EMS-SNPT applies multiple user between server and client. Start up and shutdown
EMS-SNPT according to the suggested sequence to avoid the conflicts with other users.

1. Double-click the EMS-SNPT Client V1.0.0 icon.
The User Login window appears.

2. Enter the login information, and click Login.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

• The default user name is system, the default password is manager.
• Enter the server IP address in the Server text box.
• Port is 1099.

1.1.7 Exit EMS-SNPT

1. Select System>Exit System from the main menu.
A confirmation message appears.
2. Click Yes.

1.1.8 EMS-SNPT Operations

EMS-SNPT Operation Process

EMS-SNPT Operations

Task Description

Configure a network and service plan Necessary information:

• Network diagram
• NE ID and IP address assignment
• Card slot arrangement
• Software version (compatible with LCT and the
• Cabling plan
• Resource distribution plan

Ribbon Com m unications Inc. Proprietary 16

EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

Task Description

Configure an NE Configure equipment on LCT including NE property

configuration, card configuration, and interface

Configure communication Configure ECN

Create a domain Create domain by area, network level, equipment

and manage the user account

Create a user Creating user class and assign the relevant


Create an NE Create corresponding NE for each equipment by

network search or manual creation.

Create a span Create span before configuring traffic by network

search or manual creation.

Create a ring Creating reversed close ring on the traffic by

network search or manual creation.

Create an LSP path LSP path is independent from the traffic. The E2E
traffic through label switch provides traffic tunnel for

Create a PW PW is L2 carrier technology from E2E, which

provides tunnel for two PE node in the packaged

Configure QoS Configure QoS policy from different service


Manage protection EMS-SNPT supports equipment protection, network

protection, and OAM mechanism

Perform E2E tasks E2E includes CESand L2VPN

Manage maintenance Maintenance includes alarm management,

performance management, port mirroring,
temperature management, log management,
statistics management.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

1.1.9 Interface Overview Graphic Elements
EMS-SNPT System Icons

Icon Description


Virtual NE

Duplicated NE

offline NE

Maintenance disconnected


Duplicated NE maintenance disconnected

Duplicated NE disconnected

Maintain NE such as switching and loopback

Gateway NE

Modify NE Configuration









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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

Icon Description

Clock topology

Time topology

Sub-network with NE

Sub-network without NE

EMS-SNPT Alarms and Events

Category Icon Description

Critical alarm and the number

Major alarm and the number

Minor alarm and the number

Warning alarm and the number

New event (Flashing indicates the new events


Active alarm (Flashing indicates active alarm


Right-click context menu Select active alarm and right-click, the right-click
context menu appears:
• Mute alarm: Mute the alarm on local PC
• Refresh: Refresh the current alarm
• Help: Open the relevant online help

EMS-SNPT Standard UI Graphical Elements

UI Element Description




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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

UI Element Description


Export/print the information

Drop-down menu:
• (Export): Output the current page into CSV
• (Export All): Output all items into CSV

• (Print): Print the current page



Synchronize NE

Quote template

Export EXCEL




EMS-SNPT Shortcut Icons

Icon Description


Log off

NE Configuration

Span management

Ring management

Ribbon Com m unications Inc. Proprietary 20

EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

Icon Description

Alarm list

LSP path management

PW path management

CES traffic management

E-Line traffic management

E-LAN traffic management

E-Tree traffic management



Topology Tool Icons

Icon Description


Delay drag


Upper level sub-network

Zoom in

Zoom out

Zoom to pervious display

Ribbon Com m unications Inc. Proprietary 21

EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

Icon Description

Fit to full page

Zoom to square

Original size

Eagle eye window

Export image

Auto distribution

Lock map

Change background

Restore background

Refresh the display

Save the display

Zoom in selection

Restore selection

Move NE (only for fibre topology


EMS-SNPT Status Bar

# Status Description

1 Connection status Display the connection status between client and


2 Current user Display the current user name

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

# Status Description

3 User mode Display the current user mode including single user
mode and multiple user mode

4 Server Display the server IP address

1.1.10 Customize the Background

Network management authority differs by the user. You can customize an illustration as the working
interface for topology. The background image format includes JPG, JPEG, GIF, and PNG.

1. On the topology toolbar, click to open the Open window.

2. Browse to an image, and click Open.

3. On the topology toolbar, click to save the image as the background.

1.1.11 Customize Tables

You can select the displayed item in the table. It is more convenient to locate the important item at a
selected favorite place.
 For the operator or the upper role, drag the selected column to the required place.

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1.1.12 Customize User Settings

1. From the main menu, select System>Customized Setting.
The User Personalized Settings window appears.
2. Select the personalized user settings, and click OK.

Personalized User Settings Options

Setting Options

Default display Select to open the area display by default

Display NE label by IP address • Yes

• No

Display the section name • Yes

• No

Display binding connection • Merge display

• Non-merge display

Expand sub-network • Yes

• No

Auto lock time Set the auto lock time for EMS-SNPT. The default
value is 15 mins

1.2 Security Management

EMS-SNPT security management controls system access and prevents the network from illegal login to
ensure the security of the database. The account can be added, modified, and locked/unlocked.
Different permissions and passwords can be assigned to different users.
Security management includes role management, account management, and log management.
EMS-SNPT security module comprises three elements:
 Operator
 Role

1.2.1 Manage Roles

Roles and Permissions

Module Permission Root Administrator Operator Viewer

System Manage Supported Supported Supported Not Supported

View Supported Supported Supported Supported

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Module Permission Root Administrator Operator Viewer

Topology Manage Supported Supported Not Supported Not Supported

View Supported Supported Supported Supported

Core Manage Supported Supported Supported Not Supported

View Supported Supported Supported Supported

Alarm Manage Supported Supported Supported Not Supported

View Supported Supported Supported Supported

Performance Manage Supported Supported Supported Not Supported

View Supported Supported Supported Supported

Statistics Manage Supported Supported Supported Not Supported

View Supported Supported Supported Supported

Configuration Manage Supported Supported Supported Not Supported

View Supported Supported Supported Supported

Security Manage Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported

View Supported Not Supported Not Supported Not Supported

1.2.2 Manage Users

EMS-SNPT supports multiple concurrent users. Create a User

To perform operations on EMS-SNPT, you need to create the account on the NE.
 The role is Root, and NMS is connected to NE normally.
 The domain is created.
1. From the main menu, select Security>User Management.
The User Management window appears.
2. Click Create.
The Create User window appears.

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3. Configure the user Basic Information:

a. Enter the User Name.
b. Set the Account Status and Term of Validity (Optional).
c. Set the Password

NOTE: The password must include 6 to 20 digits, and must contain numbers, letters and
special characters.

d. Select Set password validity and enter the day(s) of validity (Optional).
e. Select a Role.
f. Select a Domain.

NOTE: A user can only be authorized for one role in the same domain.

4. Configure the user Additional Information (Optional):

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a. Set the contact information.

b. Set the IP range:
i. Click Create.
The Create IP Range window appears.

ii. Set the IP range information and click OK.

5. Click OK to complete the configuration. Additional User Management Operations

Additional User Management Operations

Operation Description

View/Modify/Delete a user • From the main menu, select Security>User Manager Modify a User Password

The user password should be remembered and modified on schedule.

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1. From the main menu, select Security>Modify Password.
The Modify Password window appears.

2. Enter the password and click OK.

NOTE: The password must include 6 to 20 digits, and must contain numbers, letters and
special characters. Switch Users

Permissions vary for different users. You can switch the user from the current user to another to gain
different permissions.

1. From the main menu, select System>Log off.
A confirmation message appears.
2. Click Yes.
The Login window appears.

3. Enter the login information and click Login. Forced Logoff

This function logs off a selected user from the EMS-SNPT.
In the single user mode, all other users are logged off.
 Administrator or the upper permissions

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1. From the main menu, select Security>Online Users.
The Online User Management window appears.

2. Select the user who you want to log off, and click Log Off.

NOTE: The maximum number of concurrent online users is 96. Set User Mode

The user mode includes single user mode and multiple user mode. Switch the multiple-user mode to
single user mode when the network extension is needed to avoid interruptions to other users.

NOTE: In the single user mode, all other online users are logged off automatically. Switch
the single user mode to multiple user mode when the maintenance operation is complete.

 The role is Root.
1. From the main menu, select Security>Single-User Mode.
A confirmation message appears.
2. Click Yes.

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1.2.3 Lock the Server

You can lock the server display when the EMS-SNPT is not used. Traffic is not affected by the
1. From the main menu, select System>Screen Locked.
The screen display of the server is locked.

• The lower user can be locked by the upper user defined by the role.
• The locked user cannot log in to the system
• The user is locked when entering the incorrect password over 3 times.

1.2.4 Unlock the Server

The server can be switched to operational status by unlocking the server.
If the Administrator unlocks the server for lower users, the original lower user account is logged out,
and any unsaved data is lost.
If the current user unlocks the server on their own, the server is restored to operational status.
 Enter the password of the current NE user or the administrator, and click OK.

1.2.5 Manage Logs

It is recommended to backup and inspect the log on schedule to prevent the system from illegal login
and incorrect operation, and also to help the user to perform troubleshooting. Request the Login Log

 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

1. Select Maintenance>Login Log.
The Login Log window appears.

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2. Set the filter parameters, and click Filter.

NOTE: Maximum storage limit is 6 months or 20,000 records. Request the Operation Log

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Select Maintenance>Operation Log.
The Operation Log window appears.

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2. Set the filter parameters, and click Filter.

NOTE: Maximum storage limit is 6 months or 20,000 records. Request the Event Log

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Select Maintenance>Event Log.
The Event Log window appears.

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2. Set the filter parameters, and click Filter.

NOTE: Maximum storage limit is 6 months or 20,000 records. Request the System Log

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Select Maintenance>System Log.
The System Log window appears.

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2. Set the filter parameters, and click Filter.

NOTE: Maximum storage limit is 6 months or 20,000 records.

1.2.6 Managed Objects Domain

Managed Objects Domain (MOD) comprises one or multiple managed objects.
 Role: The set with assigned permission.
 User: The user account with role and MOD. The administrative domain of the superior user is
global domain, which cannot be modified.

MOD Scenarios

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration Add the Managed Objects Domain

 The role is Root
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Security>Managed Objects Domain.

2. Click
The Create Managed Objects Domain window appears.

3. Configure the domain, and click OK.

Additional Managed Objects Domain Operations

Operation Description

View/Modify/Delete a domain • From the main menu, select Security>Managed

Objects Domain Select an NE
 The role is Root
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Security>Managed Objects Domain.

2. Click
The Select NE window appears.

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3. Select NEs, and click .

4. Click OK.

1.2.7 User Management Parameters

User Management Parameters: Basic Information

Parameter Description

Account Status • Enable

• Disable
Disabled account cannot log in to EMS-SNPT.

Term of Validity Set the validity term.

The expired account cannot log in to EMS-SNPT.

Password Must contain:

• 6-20 digits
• Figure, letter, and special character.

Set Password Validity Enable or disable the password validity.

Validity (Day) If the password validity is enabled, set the days of

The validity must be reset when the validity of days
is expired.

Role Set the specific role and domain to assign the

relevant authorities to the users.
Domain The user only has one role in the same domain.
• Select the role and domain from the list, and
click Add.

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User Management Parameters: Additional Information

Parameter Description

Start IP Supports address access/control functions that

allow user log in to the server with a specific IP
End IP address.


1.3 Topology Management

Topology management includes domain, subnet, section, NE, and ring.
The following types are supported.
 Link
 Ring
 Mesh

1.3.1 Manage the EMS Create an EMS

 Root user

1. Select Confuguration>EMS Management.

2. Click
The Create EMS window appears.

3. Fill in the relevant information, and click OK.

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Additional EMS Management Operations

Operation Description

Delete an EMS • From the main menu, select Configuration>EMS

Note: An EMS cannot be deleted when it has an NE.

1.3.2 Manage Domains

A domain is the basic element of a topology. A domain contains an NE and a Subnet.
Permissions vary for different domain users. Create a Domain

 The role is Administrator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Right-click the root directory of the topology tree, and select Create Domain.
The Create Domain window appears.

2. Enter the Domain Name, and click OK. Additional Domain Management Operations

Additional Domain Management Operations

Operation Description

Modify a domain • Right-click the domain in the topology tree, and select
Modify Domain.

Delete a domain • Right-click the domain in the topology tree, and select
Delete Domain.
Note: The domain cannot be deleted when an NE and a
Subnet exist in the domain.

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1.3.3 Managing the Subnet

A subnet is a component of a domain. A subnet inherits its permissions from the domain, and manages
different types of NE. Create a Subnet

 The role is Administrator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Right-click an NE in the root directory of the topology tree, and select Create Subnet.
The Create Subnet window appears.

2. Select the Domain and Subnet.

3. Enter the Subnet Name, and click OK. Additional Subnet Management Operations

Additional Subnet Management Operations

Operation Description

Modify a subnet • Right-click the domain in the topology tree, and select
Modify Subnet.

Delete a subnet • Right-click the domain in the topology tree, and select
Delete Subnet.
Note: The subnet cannot be deleted when the section is
connected to another NE, domain, or subnet.

1.3.4 Manage Sections

A section should be created before the traffic configuration. A section is the physical or logical
connection between two objects in the main topology.
In EMS-SNPT, the section is created via the method:

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 Create a section manually Create a Section Manually

 The role is Administrator or upper
 The ETH NNI port is on Observation Complete status
1. From the main menu, select Topology>Section.

2. Click
The Create Section window appears.

3. Enter the section information, and click OK.

NOTE: Select Auto Name to name the section automatically. Additional Section Management Operations

Additional Section Management Operations

Operation Description

Search/delete section • From the main menu, select Topology>Section.

Note: The section cannot be deleted when the traffic is on
including CES, L2VPN, PW, and LSP.

Modify section and section QoS • From the main menu, select Topology>Section.
• Right-click a section, and select Modify>Modify
Section or Modify>Modify QoS.

Configure OAM • From the main menu, select Topology>Section.

• Right-click a section, and select OAM.

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Operation Description

Request/block current alarm • From the main menu, select Topology>Section.

• Right-click a section, and select Alarm>Current Alarm
or AlarmAlarm Mask.

Request performance • From the main menu, select Topology>Section.

• Right-click a section, and select PM.

Related request ring, LSP, or PW on the • From the main menu, select Topology>Section.
section • Right-click a section and select Associated
Search>Ring Information or Associated
Search>Ring LSP or Associated Search>PW

1.3.5 Manage NEs

NE represents the corresponding equipment on LCT-SNPT and EMS-SNPT.
When an NE is managed by multiple network management systems, if one network manager modifies
the NE configuration data, then data on other network managers will be inconsistent with the NE data.
As a result, the user will make inappropriate judgments or operations due to the wrong configuration
data. Therefore, it is critical that the network manager makes sure that the network manager data and
the NE data is consistent for the purpose of managing NEs.
EMS-SNPT provides rich data management functions to ensure the safety and consistency of the
configuration data. Different data management functions can be used in different network construction
 Upload: Upload data from an NE to the specified directory of a client/server.
 Download: Download data from the specified directory of a client/server to an NE.
 Compare: Check if the network manager data and the NE data are consistent. If inconsistency is
found, then synchronize or upload the NE configuration data.
 Synchronization: Upload the inconsistent data (such asthe conflicting data, data exist on the NE
but not on any network manager)to the network manager’s network element layer.
 Copy: For an NE with the same type and the same host software version, if the configuration data
of the NE to be configured are identical to those of another NE, then you can configure the NE
data in the same way as you copy the NE data. As copying NE data only changes the network
manager data, it does not affect NE data. You need to download the copied data to put the data
into effect on the NE.
In different stages of engineering and different application scenarios, different data management
functions can be used. The basic principles of data management are as follows:
 Upload the NE’s data before making any configuration modification, and make sure that network
manager’s data is consistent with the NE’ data.
 Back up the NE database and network management database after making any configuration
modification for NE abnormal data recovery.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration Search for an NE

 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS-SNPT communicates with gateway NE normally
 Section is created
 EMS is created
 NE is configured including NE ID and CCN interface
1. From the main menu, select Topology>NE Search.
The NE Search window appears.

2. Select the NE Search tab and click

The Search by gateway window appears.

3. Enter the GNE IP, select the EMS ID, and click OK.
4. Select the searched NE, and enter the NE name and section/subnet information.
5. Click Create. Create an NE Manually

 The role is Admin or the upper
 EMS is created
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Management.

2. Click
The Create NE window appears.

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3. Enter the NE information and click OK. Synchronize an NE
 The role is Admin the upper.
 Automatic synchronization and manual synchronization are supported.
 Automatic synchronization is executed when:
 NE is created
 NE is disconnected and re-connected
 Network management server is rebooted
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Management.
2. Synchronize the NE.
a. Select EMS-SNPT from the list of search conditions.
b. Select the NE to be synchronized.

c. Click
The Synchronize NE window appears.

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3. Select the module to be synchronized, and click Sync. Additional NE Management Operations

Additional NE Management Operations

Parameters Description Note

Basic Module Basic NE Configuration


ETH Port ETH port configuration Dependency:

information Must be synchronized with the
Basic Module

EMS-SNPT Core Module LSP, PW information Dependency:

Must be synchronized with the
Basic Module and ETH Port

CES Module CES service information Dependency:

Must be synchronized with the
Basic Module, ETH Port, and
EMS-SNPT Core Module

L2VPN Module L2VPN service information Dependency:

Must be synchronized with the
Basic Module, ETH Port, and
EMS-SNPT Core Module

Dual Port Dual port and the protection Dependency:

information Must be synchronized with the
Basic Module, ETH Port, EMS-
SNPT Core Module, CES Module,
and L2VPN Module.

OAM OAM information Dependency:

Must be synchronized with the
Basic Module, ETH Port, EMS-
SNPT Core Module, CES Module,
and L2VPN Module.

Alarm Module Alarm information Dependency:

Must be synchronized with the
Basic Module Compare NE Configurations

Compare the data in NE database and EMS-SNPT database, and get verification report. If any
inconsistency found, upload or download the NE as necessary.
The NE compare contains following parts:
 Card and physical port
 Logical port

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 CES service
 L2VPN service
 The role is Admin or upper
1. From the main menu, select Topology>NE Management.
2. Select the NE to be compared from the NE list in the left panel.
3. Click More>NE Configration Compare.
The NE Configuration Compare window appears.

4. Select the module to be compared and click Search.

The NMS parameters and NE parameters are displayed.
5. Click Export to export the report in CSV format (Optional). Additional NE Configuration Operations

Additional NE Configuration Operations

Operation Description

Modify NE • From the main menu, select Configuration>NE

Management to modify the NE name, label,
and location.

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Operation Description

Delete NE • From the main menu, select Configuration>NE

Management to delete the NE.
Note: An NE cannot be deleted when it is on normal

Copy to domain • Right-click the NE to be copied and select

Copy to domain.
The NE is copied to the other domain, and the
NE in the original domain stays the same.

Move to domain • Right-click the NE to be moved and select

Move to domain.
The NE is moved to other domain, and the NE
in original domain is cleared.

Copy to subnet • Right-click the NE to be copied and select

Copy to subnet.
The NE is copied to the other subnet, and the
NE in the original subnet stays the same.

Move to subnet • Right-click the NE to be moved and select

Move to subnet.
The NE is moved to the other subnet, and the
NE in the original subnet is cleared

Locate NE 1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE

2. Right-click an NE and select Locate to locate
the NE in the topology.

Filter NE • From the main menu, select Configuration>NE

Management to set the filter conditions and
have the required NE displayed in the topology.

Connect NE • From the main menu, select Configuration>NE

Connection status:
• Connected: EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE
• Maintenance disconnected: EMS-SNPT is
disconnected from the NE manually.
• Disconnected: EMS-SNPT is disconnected
from NE.

View NE maintenance information • Right-click the actual NE in the topology and

select NE Maintenance Information to view
following information:
• Online user
• Card loopback information
• Port loopback information
• Mirroring port

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1.3.6 Parameters
NE Parameters

Parameter Description

NE Name Enter the NE name that contains maximum 40


NE label Enter the NE label that contains maximum 40


Location The location of the NE

NE type • Actual NE: The NE actually exists

• Virtual NE: The NE is created virtually to
display the topology relations
• Offline NE: The offline NE can be configured
and sent to the actual NE if necessary

Equip type The equipment type

Domain The domain to which the NE belongs

Subnet The subnet to which the NE belongs

IP Address The IP address of the current equipment

TCP port The NE connection port

• When the actual NE is created manually, the
TCP port is mandatory
• The default value is 3333

GNE Enable or disable the gateway NE

• A Gateway NE can communicate with EMS-
SNPT directly
• A Non-gateway NE can only communicate with

Ring Parameters

Parameter Description

Ring Name • Enter the Ring name that contains maximum 40


Enable APS • Enable or disable APS protocol

WTR(s) When APS is enabled and switch occurs, the

waiting time of switching the protection channel to
the working channel
• Unit: Second
• Step length: 60

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Parameter Description

Hold-off Time(ms) The hold-off time from when the trouble is detected
to the switch
• Unit: 50ms

OAM Configuration

Set Default OAM • Set OAM parameters automatically for all

selected sections

Set OAM • Set OAM parameters for a single section

1.4 Alarms Management

Automatically detected and generated by EMS-SNPT, alarms indicate a problem.

1.4.1 Alarm Categories

Alarm Categories

Category Description Notes

Communication alarms An alarm of this type is principally Relevant to equipment

associated with the procedures
and/or processes required to
convey information from one point
to another

Equipment alarms An alarm of this type is principally Relevant to equipment

associated with an equipment

QoS alarms An alarm of this type is principally Relevant to equipment

associated with a degradation in
the quality of a service

Environmental alarms An alarm of this type is principally Relevant to equipment

associated with a condition
relating to an enclosure in which
the equipment resides

Processing error alarms An alarm of this type is principally

associated with a software or
processing fault

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Category Description Notes

System alarms An alarm of this type is related to • NE_DIS:NE Disconnection

the network management system Alarm
• OAM_CON: Exceptions occur
when OAM running, such as
license expiration.
• SBI_CON:Exceptions on SBI
• DISK_FULL:When this alarm
occurs, it may cause disk
write failed and occur
database exception.The
alarm reports when a disk or
a partition usage rate is
greater than upper threshold
value(utilization reaches
80%). It will be clear when
usage rate is smaller than
lower threshold value. The
reasons are as follows:
• Useless files are
• The number of upper
threshold values is too
• The disk space is too
small to support the
server running

1.4.2 Alarm Severity

Alarm Severity

Alarm Severity Color

Critical Red

Major Orange

Minor Yellow

Warning Blue

Indeterminate Purple

Clear Green

Critical>Major>Minor>Warning>Indeterminate> Clear

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1.4.3 Alarm Indications

 Color
 Flashing
 Sound

1.4.4 Alarm Reports

Alarm Reports

Parameter Description

Alarm severity See Alarm Severity table

Alarm source The location where the alarm occurs, including:

• Port/Tunnel
• PW
• AC
• Card
• Slot
• XC
• Dual
• Ring

Alarm object Refer to relevant maintenance manual

Alarm name

Alarm category See Alarm Category table

Alarm time The time when alarm occurs

Time format: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss

Clear time The time when the alarm is cleared

Steplength 15 mins/24 hours

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1.4.5 Current Alarm

Current Alarm

Alarm Type Description

Current alarm The uncleared alarm or the unacknowledged alarm

Acknowledge alarm Acknowledge the current alarm manually and


Clear alarm Clear the trouble manually and automatically

Alarm statistics Display the alarm data in table according to the user

1.4.6 Search for an Alarm

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
Search for an alarm via one of the following four methods.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. In the function tree, select Alarm>Current Alarm.
4. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
5. Select the NE
6. In the function tree, select the NE shelf.
7. Select the card on the shelf (Optional).
8. In the right pane, right-click the required card/port, and select Alarm View.


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 From the main menu, select Fault>Current Alarm.

 See the section describing Topology Alarms.

9. Click
The search filter window appears.

10. Set the filter conditions, and click OK.

11. Click to display the alarm information.

The alarm information can be output or printed out (optional).

1.4.7 Acknowledge an Alarm

Acknowledge an alarm via one of the following four methods.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. In the function tree, select Alarm>Current Alarm.
4. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
5. Select the NE
6. In the function tree, select the NE shelf.
7. Select the card on the shelf (Optional).
8. In the right pane, right-click the required card/port, and select Alarm View.

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 From the main menu, select Fault>Current Alarm.
 See the section describing Topology Alarms.

9. Click an item and click .

10. Enter the comments and click OK.

1.4.8 Clear an Alarm

Clear an alarm via one of the following four methods.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. In the function tree, select Alarm>Current Alarm.
4. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
5. Select the NE
6. In the function tree, select the NE shelf.
7. Select the card on the shelf (Optional).
8. In the right pane, right-click the required card/port, and select Alarm View.

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 From the main menu, select Fault>Current Alarm.
 See the section describing Topology Alarms.
9. Select an item, and click OK.

1.4.9 View Alarm Statistics

1. From the main menu, select Fault>Current Alarm.

2. Click
The Alarm Chart Statistics window appears.

1.4.10 History Alarm

History alarm refers to an alarm that has been cleared.
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

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1. View the history alarm via one of the following two methods:
a. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
b. Select the NE.
c. From the function tree, select Alarm>History Alarm.
 From the main menu, select Fault>History Alarm.
2. Search for the alarm information.

a. Click
The filter window appears.

b. Set the filter parameters, and click OK.

NOTE: Fuzzy query can check out historical alarms which has been deleted or not deleted
on NE.

c. Click to view the alarm information.

The alarm information can be output or printed (optional).

1.4.11 View TCA Alarms

Threshold Crossing Alerts (TCA) alerts the user when a provisionable threshold has been crossed. The
threshold can be defined by the user.
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

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1. View the TCA alarm via one of the following two methods:
a. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
b. Select the NE.
c. From the function tree, select TCA Alarm>History Alarm.
 From the main menu, select Fault>TCA Alarm.
2. Search for the alarm information.

a. Click
The filter window appears.

b. Set the filter parameters, and click OK.

c. Click to view the alarm information.

The alarm information can be output or printed (optional).

1.4.12 View OAM Events

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 The OAM is configured
1. View the OAM event via one of the following two methods:
a. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
b. Select the NE.
c. From the function tree, select Alarm>OAM Event.
 From the main menu, select Fault>OAM Event.
2. Search for the event information.

a. Click
The filter window appears.

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b. Set the filter parameters, and click OK.

c. Click to view the OAM event information.

The OAM event information can be output or printed (optional).

1.4.13 View Protection Switch Events

 The role is Operator or upper
 The protection group is switched
1. View the protection switch event via one of the following two methods:
a. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
b. Select the NE.
c. From the function tree, select Alarm>Protection Switch Event.
 From the main menu, select Fault>Protection Switch Event.
2. Search for the event information.

a. Click
The filter window appears.

b. Set the filter parameters, and click OK.

c. Click to view the protection switch event information.

The protection switch event information can be output or printed (optional).

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1.4.14 Perform Alarm Maintenance Modify the Alarm Description

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm Maintenance>Alarm Description.
The Alarm List window appears.

2. Select an alarm list and click

The Modify Alarm Description window appears.

3. Modify the alarm description, and click OK.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration Set the Alarm Sound

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm Maintenance>Sound Configuration.
2. Set the alarm sound, and click Set.

• The supported audio format is wav
• The Duration (s) refers to the time duration the alarms sound lasts ranging from 1s to

1.4.15 Alarms Management: Additional Operations

Operation Description

Mute the alarm sound • Right-click the alarm toolbar and select Mute.

1.4.16 Set the Alarm Color

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm Maintenance>Color Setting.
The Color Setting window appears.

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2. Set the alarm color for one of the Alarm Severity list items:
a. Click the corresponding alarm color.

b. Select a color, and click OK.

c. Click Set.

1.4.17 Modify an Alarm Attribute

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Configure the alarm attribute via one of the following two methods:
a. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
b. Select the NE, and click Search.
c. From the function tree, select Alarm>Alarm Attribute Configuration.
d. From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm Maintenance>Alarm Attribute Configuration.
e. Select the NE, and click Search.

2. Select an alarm and click

The Modify Alarm Attribute window.

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3. Configure the alarm and click OK.

1.4.18 Create an NE Alarm Mask

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm Mask>NE Alarm Mask.

2. Click
The Create Alarm Mask window appears.

3. Next to the Shield Objects field, click

The lists of unmasked and masked objects appear.

4. In the Unmasked List, select the objects that need to be masked and click .
5. The selected objects are moved to the Masked List.

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6. Click OK.

1.4.19 Filter the NE Alarm Mask

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm Mask>NE Alarm Mask.

2. Click
The NE Alarm Mask Filter window appears.

3. Select the filter parameters, and click OK.

1.4.20 Alarm Masks: Additional Operations

Operation Description

Modify NE Alarm Mask • From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm

Mask>NE Alarm Mask

• Select an Alarm Mask, and click

Delete NE Alarm Mask • From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm

Mask>NE Alarm Mask
• Select an Alarm Mask, and click

1.4.21 Create a PTP Alarm Mask

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm Mask>PTP Alarm Mask.

2. Click

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The Create Alarm Mask window appears.

3. Next to the Shield Objects field, click

The lists of unmasked and masked objects appear.

4. In the Unmasked List, select the objects that need to be masked and click .
5. The selected objects are moved to the Masked List.
6. Click OK.

1.4.22 PTP Alarm Masks: Additional Operations

Operation Description

Modify PTP Alarm Mask • From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm
Mask>PTP Alarm Mask

• Select an Alarm Mask, and click

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Operation Description

Delete PTP Alarm Mask • From the main menu, select Fault>Alarm
Mask>PTP Alarm Mask
• Select an Alarm Mask, and click

1.4.23 View Alarm LEDs

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Log in to EMS-SNPT.
2. View the Alarm LEDs in the Alarm Bar.

3. Click the Alarm LED to display the alarms with their corresponding severity.

1.4.24 View Active Events

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

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1. Log in to EMS-SNPT.
2. View the events in the Event Bar.

3. Click Event to display the active switching events and the active OAM events.

1.4.25 View Active Alarms

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Log in to EMS-SNPT.
2. View the alarms in the Alarm Bar.

3. Click Active Alarm to display the active alarms and the active TCA alarms.

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1.4.26 View Topology Alarms

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Log in to EMS-SNPT.
View the current topology.

2. Select the view type.

3. Right-click the NE and the section to display the relevant alarm information.

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1.5 Performance Management

The performance monitoring and signal quality analysis provide information to detect and alert a cause
that could lead to degraded performance before a failure is declared.

1.5.1 Create a Performance Template

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>PM template.
2. Select the port type, and click Search.

NOTE: Port types include PDH, SDH, SDH TS, ETH, ETH AC, PW, and Tunnel/XC.

3. Click
The Create Template window appears.

4. Enter the template Name and Description.

5. Select an item in the list and click

The Modify Template window appears.
6. Enter the following threshold details:
 15min performance lowest threshold
 15min performance highest threshold
 24h performance lowest threshold

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 24h performance highest threshold

7. Click OK.

1.5.2 Assign a Performance Template

1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>PM template.

2. Select the port type, and click Search.

3. In the Template List, select a template.
In the Details area, select the port to which the template is assigned.

4. Click to assign the template to the port.

1.5.3 Performance Management: Additional Operations

Operation Description

Search/modify/delete the template • From the main menu, select

Configuration>Template>PM template
• The default template cannot be deleted
• The quoted template cannot be deleted

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Operation Description

Export template • From the main menu, select

Configuration>Template>PM template

• Select the template and click to export the

template data

1.5.4 Configure Performance Attributes

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 A physical interface is enabled.
 A logical interface is enabled and has cross traffic.
 The threshold is configured and the template is created.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select Performance>Performance Attribute Configuration.

4. Click
The Filter window appears.
5. Set the filter parameters, and click OK.

6. Select an item in the list, and click

The Modify PM Attribute window appears.

7. Set the PM attribute, and click OK.

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1.5.5 Manage the Current Performance

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 The physical interface is enabled
 The logical interface is enabled and has cross traffic

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select Performance>Performance AttributeConfiguration.
a. From the main menu, select Performance>Current PM.
b. Search the performance information.

c. Click
The filter window appears.

d. Click OK to filter the information.

4. Click to update the view of the required information.

1.5.6 Manage History Performance

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 A long-term performance task is created
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.

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3. From the function tree, select Performance>History PM.

a. From the main menu, select Performance>History PM.
b. Search the performance information.

c. Click
The filter window appears.

d. Click OK to filter the information.

4. Click to update the view of the required information.

You can export and save or print the history performance information.

1.5.7 Manage the Performance Description

 The role is Root
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Performance>Performance Description.

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2. Select a performance and click

The Modify PM Description window appears.

3. Modify the performance information, and click OK.

1.5.8 Clear Performance Details

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 A physical interface is enabled.
 A logical interface is enabled and has cross traffic.
 The threshold is configured and the template is created.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select Performance>PM Counter Reset.
The PM Counter list appears.

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4. Select the port on which the performance needs to be cleared.

5. Select the Counter Type, and click Clear.

NOTE: Clearing performance clears all the performance on the traffic, trail including the
middle node.

1.5.9 Create a Long-term Performance Task

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 The management status of the port is enabled.
 The performance status of the port is monitored.
1. From the main menu, select Performance>Long-term PM Task.

2. Click .
The Create Long-term PM Task window appears.

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3. Enter the information, and click OK.

Task Type includes:
• Port
• MPLS-TP section
• LSP trail
• PW trail
• Traffic includes CES, E-line, E-LAN, and E-Tree

1.5.10 View Performance Trend Analysis

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 The management status of the port is enabled.
 The performance status of the port is monitored.
1. From the main menu, select Performance>Long-term PM Task.

2. Click .
The Filter window appears.

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3. Set the filter conditions, and click OK.

4. Click
The PM Trend Analysis window appears.

5. Select the PM Type and the End Time, and click Analyze.

1.5.11 View Flow Bandwidth Statistics

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 The management status of the port is enabled.
 The performance status of the port is monitored.
1. From the main menu, select Performance>Long-term PM Task.

2. Click .
The Filter window appears.

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3. Set the filter conditions, and click OK.

1.5.12 Long-term PM Tasks: Additional Operations

Operation Description

Export/Print 1. From the main menu, select Performance>Long-

term PM Task.

2. Click to export/print the information on the

current page.
3. Click to export the current page to a CSV

4. Click to print the current page.

Modify/Delete 5. From the main menu, select

Performance>Long-term PM Task.
6. From the main menu, right-click an item, and
click Modify or Delete.

Suspend For the monitored task in Run status, suspend the

task to stop reading data from the equipment.
7. From the main menu, select
Performance>Long-term PM Task.
8. From the main menu, right-click an item, and
click Suspend.
• Multiple tasks can be suspended

Recover Recover suspended tasks to change their status to

9. From the main menu, select
Performance>Long-term PM Task.
10. From the main menu, right-click an item, and
click Recover.
• Multiple tasks can be recovered simultaneously.

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Operation Description

End End a running or suspended task.

11. From the main menu, select
Performance>Long-term PM Task.
12. From the main menu, right-click an item, and
click End.
• Multiple tasks can be ended simultaneously.

1.5.13 Performance Parameters

Long-term PM Parameters

Parameter Description

Period Select 15Mins or 24Hrs.

• For 15Mins, the data is collected by steps of 5
mins, 20 mins, 35 mins, and 50 mins.
• For 24Hrs, the data is collected at 00:05:00.

Status • Run: The task is in running status

• Suspend: The suspended task cannot read
data from the equipment.
• End: The task is ended.
• Not Started: The task is not started.

Time Range: Set the time range

• The tolerance between server time and NE time
cannot be more than ±5 mins.

1.6 Maintenance
1.6.1 Manage Port Mirroring
Port mirroring is used on a network switch to send a copy of network packets seen on one switch port
to a network monitoring connection on another switch port. This is commonly used for network
appliances that require monitoring of network traffic, such as an intrusion detection system.
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 The ETH port is available.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>Port Mirror.

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4. From the main menu, select Maintenance>Port Mirror.
5. Select an NE.
6. Click .
The function tree is displayed in the right panel.
7. Select the mirror port.
8. From the Set Mirror list, select Add Mirror.

NOTE: The number of mirror ports is only one, which cannot be the member of LAG.

9. To modify the mirror port, select the mirrored port, click , and select the mirror

1.6.2 Configure TDM Loopback

TDM loopback meant that an interface is placed into a diagnostic mode whereby its input was
immediately sent to its output. In this way fault causes could be localized from the source by
successively placing each network element along the path into loopback mode.

TDM loopback includes:

 Terminal loopback
 Line loopback

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 SDH/PDH and CC card is configured.

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1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>TDM Loopback.
4. From the main menu, select Maintenance>TDM Loopback.
5. Select an NE.
6. Click
The function tree is displayed in the right panel.

7. Select the port, click , and select the loopback type.

1.6.3 Perform Card and NE Reset

NE/card reset is a protection for the application and database.
Reset includes warm reset and cold reset.
The NE reset procedure resets all the cards on the equipment.
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 Logical cards and physical cards are configured.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>Card Reset.
4. From the main menu, select Maintenance>Card Reset.
5. Select an NE.

6. Select the card, and click .

7. Select warm reset card or cold reset card.

1.6.4 Set Card Temperature Thresholds

Request the card temperature on the current equipment, and set the highest and lowest threshold.
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.

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 Logical cards and physical cards are configured.

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>Temperature.
4. From the main menu, select Maintenance>Temperature.
5. Select an NE.
6. Select the card and perform the temperature management as follows:
a. Check the card temperature, and the history highest and lowest temperature.

b. Select the card, and click to set the temperature thresholds in the Set Card
Temperature window.

1.6.5 Configure NE Time

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 NTP is enabled.

1. From the main menu, select Maintenance>NE Maintenance Manager>NE Time.
2. Select an NE.

3. Click and select NTP Server.

The Modify NTP Server window appears.

4. Enter the NTP Server IP address, and click OK.

5. From the main menu, select Maintenance>NE Maintenance Manager>NE Time.
6. Select an NE.

7. Click and select the timezone.

The Modify NE Time Information window appears.

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8. Select the timezone and click OK.

9. From the main menu, select Maintenance>NE Maintenance Manager>NE Time.
10. Select an NE.

11. Click and select the time.

The Modify NE Time Information window appears.

12. Select the NE time and click OK.

13. From the main menu, select Maintenance>NE Maintenance Manager>NE Time.
14. Select an NE.

15. Click to synchronize the NE time with the NTP server.

1.6.6 Download or Upload the NE Configuration File

 Upload: Upload the data from the NE to the target directory on the client/server.
 Download: Download the data from the target directory on the client/server to the NE.

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.

16. From the main menu, select Maintenance>NE Backup.
The NE Backup tab opens.

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17. From the NE list on the left pane, select an NE.

18. Select the NE Backup, and click Backup.
Select the NE Recover and click Recover.

NOTE: Reboot the equipment after NE Recover to valid the execution.

1.6.7 Upgrade a Card

To upgrade cards,there are two modes by setting FTP transmission on EMS-SNPT Client
 NMS self-FTP tool
 Third-party FTP tool
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 Both the logical card and the physical card exist and their status is online.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.

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3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>Upgrade.

4. Select the card, and click Upgrade.
The Upgrade Version window appears.
5. Select the upgrade file and the MD5 file.
6. Set the FTP transmission mode, and click OK.

NOTE: The name extension of the upgrade file must be tar.gz, for instance:

7. Synchronize the backup card:

a. Select the upload version, and click Synchronize.
A confirmation message appears.
b. Click Yes.

NOTE: 5G does not need synchronization.

8. Activate the backup card.

NOTE: The ticked working card is the main card. The unticked card is backup card.

a. Select the card, and click Activate.

A confirmation message appears.
b. Click No.
9. Activate the main card.
a. Select the main card, and click Activate.
A confirmation message appears.
b. Click Yes to reboot the card.

1.6.8 Check the Optical Power

 The role is Operator or upper.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>Optical Power.
The Optical Power window appears.

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4. Check the optical power.

1.6.9 Configure the Environment Monitor Port

 The role is Operator or upper.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>Environment Interface.

4. From the Environment Monitor Port list, select an item, and click .
The Modify Environment Monitor Port window appears.

5. Modify the port information, and click OK.

1.6.10 Configure the Environment Control Port

 The role is Operator or upper.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Maintenance>Environment Port.

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4. From the Environment Control Port list, select an item, and click .
The Modify Environment Control Port window appears.

5. Modify the port information, and click OK.

1.6.11 Perform Database Backup

 The role is Root
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 Connection is in Single-user Mode
1. From the main menu select System>DB Backup.
2. Select the object to back up.
3. In the Backup Path box, enter the backup path.

NOTE: Format requirements of Backup path:

ftp://username:password@FTPserver IP addr: port id/
For instance: ftp://admin:admin@

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4. Click to start the backup.

A confirmation message appears.
5. Click Yes.
A confirmation message appears.

6. Click OK.

NOTE: Batch backup is supported when you select multiple records.

1.6.12 Dumping
EMS-SNPT supports the following types of dumpings:
 HistoryAlarm
 TCA Alarm
 OAM Event
 Protection Switching Event
 System Log
 Operation Log
 Event Log
 Register Log
 EMS15minHistoryPM
 EMS24h History PM
Scheduled dumping and manual dumping are both supported.

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1.6.13 Perform Scheduled Dumping

 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select System>Dump Management.

2. Select dumping data and click .

The Modify Dumping Setting window appears.

3. Set the dumping properties, and click OK.

NOTE: Format requirements of dumping path:

ftp://username:password@FTPserver IP addr:port id/
For instance: ftp://admin:admin@

4. Select the task above, and click to start the task of timing the dump.

1.6.14 Dumping: Additional Operations

Operation Description

Stop timing dump

• Select a task, and click to stop the task.

1.6.15 Perform Manual Dumping

 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally

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1. From the main menu, select System>Dump Management.

2. Select dumping data and click .

The Modify Dumping Setting window appears.

3. Set the dumping properties, and click OK.

NOTE: Format requirements of dumping path:

ftp://username:password@FTPserver IP addr:port id/
For instance: ftp://admin:admin@

4. Select the task above, and click .

A confirmation message appears.
5. Click Yes to start the dumping manually.

1.6.16 Capacity Management

Support for EMS system disk capacity for the alarm setting.
Set up disk capacity monitoring parameters to:
 Monitor disk space usage of EMS
 Discover and resolve the EMS disk space shortage problem as soon as possible to avoid throwing
an exception due to insufficient disk space
When disk space usage reaches the setting threshold, the EMS-SNPT Client receives the related
 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>Disk Capacity.

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2. Select a record, and click .

The Modify Disk Usage window appears.

3. Set the related parameters, and click OK.

NOTE: Check Interval determines the setting of the early-warning interval when inspecting
the system, after which an alarm is reported if the threshold is exceeded.

1.6.17 Environment Port Parameters

Environment Port Parameters

Parameter Description

Environment Monitor Port Configuration

Monitor Name The monitored object name

Actual input High level

Low level

Report Select to report or not report the alarm

Hardware Input value Read-only

Monitor result Read-only

When the actual input is identical with the hardware
input value, the result is valid.

Environment Monitor Port

Name The monitor object name

Rule Specify the output as valid

Invalid Output
Combination Mode

Actual Inspect Value High level

Low level

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Parameter Description

Status Read-only

1.7 Configuration Statistics

1.7.1 Display NE Statistics
 The role is Root
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>Configuration Statistics.
2. From the function tree, select Function Tree_NE.
3. Select the NE Statistics tab.

4. Click .
The Select NE Setting window appears.

5. Select filtered index or node ,and Click OK.

6. Select Statistics types.
Optional types of Statistics include:
 Device Type
 Device Speed
 Software Version
 Device Type + Software Version
The system can display the statistics information by setting conditions.
(Optional) Statistic information can be exported or printed.

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1.7.2 Display Sub-NE Information Statistics

 The role is Root
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>Configuration Statistics.
2. From the function tree, select Function Tree_NE.
3. Select the Subnet NE Statistics tab.

4. Click .
The Select NE Setting window appears.

5. Select filtered index or node, and click OK.

6. Click .
The system can display the statistics information by setting conditions.
(Optional) Statistics information can be exported or printed.

1.7.3 Display Card Statistics

 The role is Root
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>Configuration Statistics.
2. From the function tree, select Function Tree_Card.
3. Select the Subnet NE Statistics tab.

4. Click .
The Select NE Setting window appears.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide General Configuration

5. Select filtered index or node, and Click OK.

6. Select Statistics types.
Optional types of Statistics include:
 Card Type
 Card Type + Software Version
The system can display the statistics information by setting conditions.
7. (Optional) Configure spare card numbers.
a. Select card types
b. Input spare cards in the corresponding card type.

c. Click to save the settings.

(Optional) Statistics information can be exported or printed.

1.7.4 Display Slot Information Statistics

 The role is Root
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>Configuration Statistics.
2. From the function tree, select Function Tree_Card.
3. Select the Slot Information Statistics tab.

4. Click .

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The Select NE Setting window appears.

5. Select filtered index or node, and Click OK.

6. Click .
The system can display the statistics information by setting conditions.
(Optional) Statistics information can be exported or printed.

1.7.5 Display Interface Statistics

 The role is Root
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>Configuration Statistics.
2. From the function tree, select Function Tree_Port.
3. Select the Port Information Statistics tab.

4. Click .
The Select NE Setting window appears.

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5. Select filtered index or node, and Click OK.

6. Click .
The system can display the statistics information by setting conditions.
(Optional) Statistics information can be exported or printed.

1.7.6 Display Label Statistics

 The role is Root
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>Configuration Statistics.
2. From the function tree, select Function Tree_Label.
3. Select the Qty of Label Statistics tab.

4. Click .
The Select NE Setting window appears.

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5. Select filtered index or node, and Click OK.

6. Click .
The system can display the statistics information by setting conditions.
(Optional) Statistics information can be exported or printed.

1.8 NE Statistics
1.8.1 Display NE Configuration Statistics
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>NE Information.
2. Select the NE Configuration tab.

3. Select a domain, a subnet, or an NE, and click .

4. Select Statistics types.
Optional types of Statistics include:
 NE Name
 NE Type

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 NE Status
 User Label
 NE Version
 IP Address
 Fiber Number
 Create Time
(Optional) Statistic information can be exported or printed.

1.8.2 Display LSP/PW Information Statistics

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>LSP/PW Information.
2. Select the Label Information tab.

3. Select a domain, a subnet or an NE, and click .

The NE information can be exported or printed.

1.8.3 Display Alarm Statistics

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>Alarm Quantity.

2. Select a domain, a subnet or an NE, and click Search.

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1.8.4 Display History Performance Statistics

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS_SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Statistics>History PM Information.

2. Click .
The Filter window appears.

3. Set the filter condition to display the history performance statistics.

2 NE Configuration
This section providesNE Configuration descriptions for EMS-SNPT as follows:
 Basic NE Configuration
 QoS configuration

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 EMS-SNPT interface configuration

 OAM management
 Clock synchronization management
 Time synchronization management
 E-liNE Configuration
 E-LAN configuration
 E-Tree configuration
 CES configuration
 CCC configuration
 Card protection
 Link protection
 Network protection
 Double-homing protection

NOTE: A single NE configuration, which is supported by the network management system,

• Basic NE Configuration
• QoS configuration
• Interface configuration
• OAM management
• Clock synchronization management
• Time synchronization management
• L2VPN configuration
• CES configuration
• Alarm management
• Performance management
• Protection.

2.1 Shelf Management

2.1.1 Shelf View
Product Shelf View


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• Yellow flag: Logical card only, no physical card
• Pink border: Physical card only, no logical card
• Red border: Alarm is raised on the card

2.1.2 Slot Arrangement

Product Slot Card

NPT-1015 Slot1 ACTPS_J

2.1.3 Card Configuration

EMS-SNPT supports cards include switch clock main card, traffic card, line card, fan card, and power
card etc.

2.1.4 Add a Card Manually

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 The NE is created
 The card slot is vacant
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. From the function tree, select NE Shelf.
3. From the shelf view, select the vacant slot.
4. Right-click to select the card.

5. Click Commit.

2.1.5 Auto-match Cards

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 The NE is created
 The card slot is vacant and there is a valid physical card in the slot.

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1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. From the function tree, select NE Shelf.
3. Select Auto-match to match the logical card with the physical card.
4. Right-click to select the card.

5. Click Commit.

2.1.6 Configure Card Protection

See Card Protection.

2.1.7 Uninstall a Card

 No traffic is running on the card.

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. From the function tree, select NE Shelf.
3. Right-click the required slot, and select Uninstall Card.

4. Click Commit.

2.1.8 Configure NE Attributes

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. From the function tree, select NE Attribute.
3. Click Search to display the current information.

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4. Set the NE attributes, and click Commit.

NOTE: The network is configured according to Gregorian calendar dates.

• Modifying ICCCODE might trigger an OAM alarm on the NE and the peer NE.
• Modifying TP-OAM Channel Type might cause an OAM interruption.
• Modifying Time Zone, Timer Server, and NE Time might cause divergence of the
transmission performance.

For additional information, see Parameters.

2.2 User Management

EMS-SNPT supports three user levels:
 Admin
 Operator
 Viewer

2.2.1 Create a User

 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

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1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>User Management.
4. Select the All Users tab.

5. Click .
The Add User window appears.

6. Enter the user information, and click OK.

2.2.2 User Management: Additional Operations

Operation Description

Modify/Delete a User 13. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE

14. From the function tree, select NE
Configuration>User Management.
15. Select the All Users tab.

Check an Online User 16. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE
17. From the function tree, select NE
Configuration>User Management.
18. Select the All Users tab.

2.2.3 Manage Logs

EMS-SNPT manages logs, including system logs, security logs, and operation logs.
Logs can be searched, exported, saved, or deleted.
 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

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1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>Log Management.
4. Select the System Log, Security Log, or Operation Log tab, as required.

5. Perform following operations, as required:

 Export
 Print
 Refresh
 Delete log
 Clear log

• Delete log: Delete logs during a time period, and select whether to archive the log.
• Clear log: Delete all the system logs.

2.2.4 Configure an NE
 The role is Admin or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 The equipment is configured according to the network scheme.
 NE ID and other basic parameters are defined.
 The ETH interface is planned.
 CCN and route parameters are defined.
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>NE Configuration Wizard.
4. Click Start.
The NE Configuration Content tab opens.

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5. Configure the NE attributes and click Commit.

6. Click Next.
7. Configure the card.
8. Click Next.
9. Configure the Ethernet port.

10. Select the port and set the manage status and role.
 Manage Status: Enabled
 Role: NNI
11. Click Next.

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12. Select Enable NE OSPF, and click Commit.

13. Click Next.

14. Click .
The Create CCN Interface window appears.

15. Set the CNN Interface information, and click OK.

16. Click Next.
17. Configure OSPF for the CNN interface, and click OK.

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18. Click Finish.

2.2.5 Configuration Example

Configuration Scheme

ge10.2/ccn2 ge10.1/ccn1

ge10.2/ccn2 ge10.1/ccn1 Client GNE1
ge10.1/ccn1 ge10.2/ccn2


NE NE ID MCN IP CCN Carrier Interface Local portIP Peer NE ID

GNE1 CCN/1: ge10.1

CCN/2: ge10.2

NE2 CCN/1: ge10.1

CCN/2: ge10.2

NE3 CCN/1: ge10.1

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NE NE ID MCN IP CCN Carrier Interface Local portIP Peer NE ID

CCN/2: ge10.2

NE4 CCN/1: ge10.1

CCN/2: ge10.2

Configure GNE1
1. Log in on GNE1.
2. Select Function tree>NE Configuration>NE Configuration Wizard, and click Start.
3. Configure GNE1 attributes:
a. GNE1 NE ID:
b. GNE1 NE Description: GNE1
c. Click Commit.
4. Click Next.
5. Configure GNE1 card:
a. Select the vacant slot in the shelf view.
b. Right-click the card, and click Commit.
6. Click Next.
7. Configure the GNE1 port.
a. Select ge.10.1 and ge.10.2 on which Slot10=SX2G20.
b. Manage status: Enabled
c. Role: NNI
8. Click Next.
9. Configure OSPF for GNE1.
a. Enable OSPF
b. Click Commit.
10. Click Next.
11. Configure CCN interface of GNE1
a. Create CCN/1
 Manage status: Enabled
 Max Tx unit: 1400 (default value)
 Local port IP and Mask:
 Peer NE ID:
b. Create CCN/2
 Manage status: Enabled
 Max Tx unit: 1400 (default value)

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 Local port IP and Mask:

 Peer NE ID:
12. Click Next.
13. Configure OSPF of GNE1
a. Configure OSPF interface for CCN1
 Select the interface name: ccn/1
 Other parameters by default
b. Configure OSPF interface for CCN2
 Select the interface name: ccn/2
 Other parameters by default
14. Click Next.
15. Configure MCN interface for GNE1
a. Select Function tree>ECN >ECN Interface to open the MCN Management tab.

b. Select MCN/1, and click to open the Modify MCN Interface window.
c. Configure IP address for MCN/1:
d. Click OK.
16. Configure redistribution.
a. Select Function tree>ECN >OSPF to open the Redistribution tab.

b. Click to open the Create Redistribution window.

c. Configure redistribution
 Redistribution type: MCN
 Other parameters by default
d. Click OK.
Configure NE2
1. Log in on NE2
2. Select Function tree>NE Configuration>NE Configuration Wizard, and click Start.
3. Configure NE2 attributes:
a. NE2 NE ID:
b. NE2 NE Description: GNE1
c. Click Commit.
4. Click Next.
5. Configure the NE2 card:
a. Select the vacant slot in the shelf view.
b. Right-click the card, and click Commit.
6. Click Next.
7. Configure the NE2 port

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a. Select ge.10.1 and ge.10.2 on which Slot10=SX2G20.

b. Manage status: Enabled
c. Role: NNI
8. Click Next.
9. Configure OSPF for GNE1
a. Enable OSPF
b. Click Commit.
10. Click Next.
11. Configure CCN interface of NE2
a. Create CCN/1
 Manage status: Enabled
 Max Tx unit: 1400 (default value)
 Local port IP and Mask:
 Peer NE ID:
b. Create CCN/2
 Manage status: Enabled
 Max Tx unit: 1400 (default value)
 Local port IP and Mask:
 Peer NE ID:
12. Click the Next.
13. Configure OSPF of GNE1
a. Configure OSPF interface for CCN1
 Select the interface name: ccn/1
 Other parameters by default
b. Configure OSPF interface for CCN2
 Select the interface name: ccn/2
 Other parameters by default
14. Click Finish.

Configure NE3/4
See NE2 configuration.

2.3 ECN Management

EMS-SNPT supports Embedded Communication Network (ECN) by OSPF protocol in-band.

2.3.1 Enable/Configure OSPF

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

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1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>OSPF.
4. Select the OSPF Configuration tab.
5. Set the parameters as required, and click Commit.

2.3.2 Configure an Area

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>OSPF.
4. Select the Area Configuration tab.

5. Click .
The Create Area window appears.

6. Set the parameters as required, and click OK.

7. Select the Area Boundaries Configuration Table tab.

8. Click .
The Configure Address window appears.

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9. Enter the relevant information, and click OK.

10. Select the VL Configuration Table tab.

11. Click .
The Create VL window appears.

12. Enter the relevant information, and click OK.

2.3.3 Configure Redistribution

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 OSPF is enabled
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>OSPF.
3. Select the Redistribution tab.

4. Click .
The Redistribution window appears.
5. Set the parameters as required, and click OK.

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2.3.4 Display OSPF Neighbor Status

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 OSPF is enabled
 MCN and CCN interface are enabled

6. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
7. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>ECN Interface Management.
8. Select the ECN Management>Neighbor Status tab.

9. Click to display the current information.

2.3.5 Display OSPF Packet Statistics

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 OSPF is enabled
 MCN and CCN interface are enabled
10. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
11. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN> ECN Interface Management.
12. Select the ECN Management>Packet Statistics tab.

13. Click to display the current information.

2.3.6 Display OSPF Interface Running Status

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 OSPF is enabled

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 MCN and CCN interface are enabled

14. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
15. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN> ECN Interface Management.
16. Select the ECN Management>Running Status tab.

17. Click to display the current information.

2.3.7 Manage Routes

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 OSPF is enabled
 MCN and CCN interface are enabled
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>Route.
4. Select the Routing Table tab.

5. Click to display the current information.

2.3.8 Configure a Static Route

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 OSPF is enabled

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1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>Route.
4. Select the Routing Table tab.

5. Click
The Create Static Route window appears.
6. Set the parameters as required, and click OK.

2.3.9 Manage the ECN Interface

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select an NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>ECN Interface Management.
4. Select the MCN Management tab.

5. Select a required MCN item, and click .

The Modify MCN Interface window appears.

6. Set the parameters as required, and click OK.

7. In the Static ARP Management tab, click .

The Create Static ARP window appears.

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8. Set the parameters as required, and click OK.

2.3.10 Manage the CCN Interface

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>ECN Interface Management.
4. Select the CCN Management tab.

5. Click .
The Create CCN Interface window appears.

6. Set the parameters as required and click OK.

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2.3.11 Manage the OSPF Interface

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>ECN Interface Management.
4. Select the OSPF Interface Configuration tab.

5. Click .
The Create OSPF Interface window appears.

6. Set the parameters as required and click OK.

2.3.12 Manage Data Plane Topology

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select NE Configuration>ECN>ECN Interface.
4. Select the CCN Data Plane tab.
5. Select an item, and click Commit to enable or disable the function.

2.3.13 ECN Implementation and Deployment

To achieve ECN, refer to the three reference scenarios displayed in this section before the deployment
of network management system. See relevant references for configuration and implementation.

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 Configuration on Direct Connection of Single GNE

Connect with network management system sever by single gateway NE and the redistribution
mode of MCN interface OSPF.
 Configuration on Single GNE with Static Routing
Connect with network management system sever by single gateway NE and the configuration of
relevant static route in MCN interface.
 Configuration of Pair GNE Backup Solutions
Enable OSPF of MCN interface in two gateway NE and use functions of external OSPF router to
achieve the connection with network management system sever in 1+1 protection.

2.3.14 Configure Direct Connection of a Single GNE

1. Plan and deploy the network based on users’ designed solutions.
2. Configure the NE via the client, and make sure that the CCN communications between the
equipment are in normal condition.
3. Configure GNE1 MCN interface IP as via the client, and enable the redistribution.
4. Adjust the gateway of sever as, or add the command route add mask to make sure that there is available routing between the server and the
5. Configure the interface IP of the client or add the server routing to make sure that there is
available routing between client and server.

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2.3.15 Configure a Single GNE with Static Routing

1. Plan and deploy the network based on users’ design solutions.
2. Configure the NE via the client, and make sure that the CCN communications between the
equipment are in normal condition.
3. Configure GNE1MCN interface IP as via the client and add the IP address of the
client to GNE1 as the static route.
4. Adjust the gateway of the sever or add relevant routing to make sure that through the DCN
network, there is available routing between the server and the network.
5. Configure the interface IP of the client or add the server routing to make sure that there is
available routing between client and server.

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2.3.16 Configure a Pair of GNE Backup Solutions

1. Plan and deploy the network based on users’ design solutions.
2. Configure NE by client and make sure that the CCN communications among equipment are in
normal condition.
3. Configure GNE1 MCN interface IP as via the client, and enable MCN OSFP.
4. Configure and enable GNE10 MCN interface IP as via the client, and enable MCN
5. Adjust the gateway of the sever or add relevant routing to make sure that the router between the
server and the DCN network is in normal communications.
6. Adjust the router of the DCN network, and configure the relevant parameters of the routing port
related to the gateway and the server port.
7. Make sure that server and the network are communicating normally via the DCN network.
8. Configure the interface IP of the client or add the server routing to make sure that there is
available routing between client and server.

2.3.17 NE Parameters
Parameter Description

NE Description Enter the NE description. The default value is EMS-


NE ID The only ID in the network. Format is IP (A.B.C.D)

The default value is The configured NE
ID cannot be modified.
It is suggested the user modified the value
according to the network plan at the first login.

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Parameter Description

NE Type Read-only, it is consistent with the equipment.

NE version Read-only, it is consistent with the equipment.

ICCCODE The character length is [1-6], the default value is


TP_OAM Channel type Range: [32760, 32767], the default value is 32762

Time Zone Range: [GMT-12:00, GMT+13:00], the default value

is GMT+08:00

NE Time Set the current NE time.

Time server The IP address of the time server.

Click to synchronize the time server with the

2.3.18 OSPF Parameters

Parameter Description

Enable NE OSPF Enable or disable the NE OSPF

OSPF Version Read-only, the OSPF software version information

OSPF Area OSPF divide the equipment to different groups,

which are identified with Area ID. Each OSPF
interface must indicate the area.
If the NE has multiple effective area, it is suggested
to join in the main area (0 area)

Router Timer (ms) The timer for router calculation.

Unit: ms

ABR CompatibleType Configure the ABR type, the supported types are

Maximum Count Time (ms) The maximum router count time

Unit: ms

Default Metric The default metric value

Delay interval The delay interval calculated by the router.

Unit: ms

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Parameter Description

LSA Refreshing Interval (s) Each OSPF has validity. With the validity period, the
source router refreshes to avoid the expiration.
Range: [10,1800]
Unit: Second

Routing Distance Value Set the OSPF routing distance value

Compatible RFC1583 Enable or disable RFC1583

2.3.19 Area Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description

OSPF Area ID Range: [0,255]

Area Type Select the area type

Default Metric Range: [1,65535]

This item is available only when the area type is not

No Summary Enable or disable no summary

Area Boundaries Configuration Table

Destination Network Set the destination Network IP address

Mask digits Set the mask digits

Polymerization Cost Set the polymerization cost, (-1) indicates no


Advertisement Enable or disable advertisement

VL Configuration Table

IP Address The IP address can only be A, B, C type. D type is

not applicable.

Hello Interval (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Dead Interval (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Retransmit Interval (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Packet Transmission Delay (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

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2.3.20 Redistribution Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description

Redistribution Type DEFAULT


Redistribution Resource RIB


Router Type TYPE1


Metric Range:[-1,16777214]

Filter Rule Enable or disable the filter rule.

This item is not available when the redistribution
type is DEFAULT.

Add Filter

Destination Network Set the destination Network IP address

Mask digits Set the mask digits

Priority Range: [0,65535]

Redistribution Enable or disable redistribution.

VL Configuration Table

IP Address The IP address can only be A, B, C type. D type is

not applicable.

Hello Interval (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Dead Interval (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Retransmit Interval (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Packet Transmission Delay (s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

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2.3.21 OSPF Neighbour Status Parameters

Parameter Description


Neighbor Number The neighbor number of current interface

Neighbor IP Neighbor IP address

Neighbor ID The neighbor router ID

Neighbor Priority Range: [0,255]

Discovery Status down, attempt, init, two way, exstart, exchange,

loading, full

2.3.22 OSPF Statistics Parameters

Parameter Description

Port name CCN/MCN

Hello_in The number of received hello packets

Hello_out The number of transmitted hello packets

db_desc_in The number of received database description packets

db_desc_out The number of transmitted database description packets

ls_req_in The number of received link status request packets

ls_req_out The number of transmitted link status request packets

Is_upd_in The number of received link status update packets

Is_upd_out The number of transmitted link status update packets

Is_ack_in The number of received link status acknowledge packets

Is_ack_out The number of transmitted link status acknowledge


discarded The number of discarded packets

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2.3.23 OSPF Interface Status Parameters

Parameter Description


Interface Running Type ptp/broadcast

Interface Running Status BACKUP/LOOPBACK

DR The router IP address, 0 indicates none.

BDR The backup router IP address, 0 indicates none.

Hello_interval Hello interval of the interface

Range: [1,1800]
Unit: Second

Dead_interval Dead interval of the interface

Range: [1,1800]
Unit: Second

Retransmit_interval Retransmit interval of the interface

Range: [1,1800]
Unit: Second

Transmit_delay The delay time of LSA

Range: [1,1800]
Unit: Second

2.3.24 Routing Management Parameters

Parameter Description

Destination Network The IP address of the destination Network

Mask Digits Set the mask digits

Next Hop Set the IP address of the next hop

Output Port Set the output port

Default Metric Set the default metric

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2.3.25 CCN Management Parameters

Parameter Description

Manage Satus Enable


Max Tx Unit (byte) Range: [576, 1400]

Unit: byte

Local Port IP Set the IP address of the local port

Mask Set the mask

Peer NE ID Set the peer NE ID

2.3.26 OSPF Interface Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description

Port Name Set the port name

OSPF area ID OSPF area ID

Type P2P

Passive Mode Enable or disable the passive mode

Metric Range: [0,65535]

Priority Range: [0,255]

Hello Interval(s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Dead Interval(s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Retransmit Interval(s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Packet Transmission Delay(s) Range: [1,1800]

Unit: Second

Authentication Type None


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Parameter Description

Password The authentication is simple

Length of the password: [1,8]

Key The authentication is MD5

Length of the key: [1,16]
Multiple keys can be added

2.3.27 Data Plane Topology Parameters

Parameter Description

Port Name Set the port name

Neighbor NE Status Auto-detecting

Complete detecting

Neighbor NE The peer NE ID

Peer Interface The peer interface ID

Peer MAC address The peer MAC address

CCN Enable or disable CCN

2.4 QoS Configuration

The quality of service (QoS) is the set of techniques to manage network resources by managing the
delay, delay variation (jitter), bandwidth, and packet loss parameters on a network becomes the secret
to a successful end-to-end business solution.

2.4.1 Create a CMAP

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>CMAP.

2. Click .
The Create CMPA window appears.
3. Enter the information, and click OK.
 For L2, configure the information as follows:

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 For L3, configure the information as follows:

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NOTE: For EMS-SNPT, L2 and L3 CMAP cannot be in the same ACL.

2.4.2 Create an ACL

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 CMAP template is created
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>ACL.

2. Click .
The Create ACL window appears.

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3. Enter the Name, and click .

4. In the displayed list, click …
The CMAP window appears.

5. Select the CMAP template, and click OK.

6. In the Create ACL window, set the Action and SEQ values.
7. (Optional) Select the port and apply the template to the port.

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8. Click OK.

2.4.3 Create an ETHAC PMAP

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 CMAP template is created
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>ETHAC PMAP.

2. Click .
The Create ETHAC PMAP window appears.

3. Select the CMAP template, and set the SEQ value.

4. Select AC, and apply the template to the port.
5. Click OK.

2.4.4 Create an MPLS PMAP

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>MPLS PMAP.

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2. Click .
The Create MPLS Template window appears.

3. Enter the Name, QoS Type, and all other values (CIR, CBS, EIR, EBS, PIR).
4. (Optional) Select PW or LSP, and apply the template to the port.
5. Click OK.

2.4.5 Map COS to EXP

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>COS2EXP.

2. Click .
The Create CoS2EXP window appears.

3. Enter the Name, Type, and Direction, and set the mapping between EXP and Color.
4. (Optional) Select ETH or LAG to apply the template to the port.
5. Click OK.

2.4.6 Create a CoS2VLANPRI

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>CoS2VLANPri.

2. Click .

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The Create CoS2VLANPri window appears.

3. Enter the Name, and set the VLANPRI mapping.

4. (Optional) Select ETH to apply the template to the port.
5. Click OK.

2.4.7 Create a VLANPri2Color

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>VLANPri2Color.

2. Click .
The Create VLANPri2Color window appears.

3. Enter the Name, and set the mapping.

4. (Optional) Select ETH to apply the template to the port.
5. Click OK.

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2.4.8 Create a QoS Queue Template

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Service>Template>Queue.

2. Click .
The Create QoS Queue Template window appears.

3. Enter the Name, the Queue Scheduling, and the thresholds.

4. (Optional) Select ETH or LAG to apply the template to the port.
5. Click OK.

2.4.9 CMAP Template Parameters

Parameter Description

Type L2

Template CMAP template name


S-VLAN ID Range: [0,4094]

S-VLANPri Range: [0,7]

C-VLANID Range: [0,4094]

C-VLANPri Range: [0,7]

ETH Type 0x0

SA The ETH source MAC address

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Parameter Description

DA The destination MAC address


S-VLAN ID Range: [0,4094]

C-VLANID Range: [0,4094]

S-VLANPri Range: [0,7]

C-VLANPri Range: [0,7]

Destination IP The IP address is A, B, or C type

Source IP

IP Type Range: [0,255]

DSCP 0~63

TCP/UDP Destination Port 0~65535

TCP/UDP Source Port 0~65535

2.5 Port Management

2.5.1 EMS-SNPT Port
Type Port Description Naming Rule

Physical port ETH Can be configured as x.slot.port

UNI or NNI port

SDH x.slot.port

PDH(E1) x.slot.port

MCN Management port on mcn/ID

main control card

TOD External time port tod.slot.port

EXTCLK External clock port extclk.slot.port

PON OLT EPONport x.slot.port

Virtual port LAG Can create ETHAC lag/LAGID

under LAG node or
configured as NNI port

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Type Port Description Naming Rule

AC port ETH AC Supportport and port + ETH port name/AC ID

cevlan/port+spvlan/port> LAG port name/AC ID


SDH AC Support VC12

PW port ETH PW pweth/ID

PDH PW SAToPEncapsulation pwpdh/ID

SDH PW SAToP Encapsulation pwsdh/ID

Tunnel port Tunnel tunnel/Tunnel ID

LSP port LSP LSP is the sub-port of Tunnel name/LSP ID


CCN port CCN ccn/ID

2.5.2 Configure the PDH Port

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 PDH port is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>PDH.

4. Select an item and click .

The Modify PDH window appears.

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5. Modify the information, and click OK.

6. Right-click an item, and select Modify ManageStatus to enable or disable the port.

2.5.3 Configure the ETH Port

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH port is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>ETH.

4. Select an item and click .

The Modify ETH window appears.

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5. Modify the information in each tab (Basic Information, SFP Module Information, NNI Information,
UNI Role Information), and click OK.
6. Right-click an item, and select Modify ManageStatus to enable or disable the port.
7. Select one entry, and click the QoS Queue tab.
8. To configure manually, set the queue mode, priority, and discard threshold.
 Discard threshold range: [8,512] (unit: KB)
Quote QoS Queue template.
9. (Optional) Select one UNI entry, and click the QoS tab.
10. Click the ACL tab.

11. To configure manually, click .

The ACL window appears.
12. Configure the ACL information and click OK.
Quote the ACL Template.
a. Select the Coloring Mode tab.
b. To configure manually, select input/output mode, color and other properties.
Quote the Template:
 Input: When input mode is VLANPRI2CNG, user can quote VLANPRI2CNG Template
 Output: User can quote the COS2VLANPRI Template
a. (Optional) Select one NNI entry, and click the COS to EXP Mapping tab.
b. To configure manually, select input/output mode, color and other properties.
Quote the COS to EXP Mapping Template

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NOTE: Duplex mode consists of Auto, Half and Full.

2.5.4 ETH Port: Additional Operations

Protection Object Protection Type Protection Mode Protection Switch Time

Ethernet link protection LAG UNI side has functions of Link bi-directional
protection and load suspend ≤50 ms

NNI side has non- Link uni-directional

retrieve link protection suspend ≤50 ms
(non load balancing)

2.5.5 Configure the TOD Port

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

NOTE: The clockclass of the system should be set as default (248). For external clock
such as TOD, the clockclass shall be no less than 128 and less than the system default
value (248).

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Clock>Clock Port.
4. Click the EXTCLK Port tab.
5. Configure the TOD port according the NE type.
 For NPT-1015:

a. Select a TOD port, and click .

The Modify Clock Port window appears.

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b. Configure the port information.

c. Set the Manage Status to Enable, and click OK.

2.5.6 Configure the EXTCLK Port

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Clock>Clock Port.
4. Select the EXT CLK Port tab.
5. Configure external clock port according the NE type.
 For NPT-1015:

a. Select an EXTCLK port, and click .

The Modify Clock Port window appears.

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b. Set the Manage Status to Enable.

c. Configure the other port information, and click OK.

2.5.7 Configure the Line Clock Port

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Clock>Clock Port.
4. Select the Line CLK Port tab.
5. Configure the Configure line clock.
a. Right-click an item, and select Modify.
The Modify Line Clock window appears.

b. Set the Manage Status to Enable.

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c. Modify the other line clock port information, and click OK.

2.5.8 Configure the LAG Virtual Interface

LAG (Link Aggregation Group) combine a set of physical links together to a logical link (LAG), which
provides higher bandwidth and more reliability. EMS-SNPT products support LAG over Ethernet links.
Both manual and static aggregation is supported.
LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) is used to dynamically control whether the physical interface
can join the LAG.
Aggregation method:
 Manual Aggregation: Manual aggregation needs user to manually create LAG and add the
members of LAG. It doesn’t use LACP protocol Manual aggregation can interwork with those
equipment which doesn’t LACP. In case of individual member failure (such as unidirectional fiber
brOKen of one Ethernet interface), the transmission side of the brOKen fiber can’t detect the
failure. Traffic will be affected in case of load sharing or interrupted in case of non-load sharing.
 Static Aggregation: Static aggregation need user to manually create LAG and add the member
links. LACP is used in static aggregation. LACP will not change the user’s configuration.
Equipments on both sides of the link will negotiate about the aggregation via LCAP protocol
interaction. It doesn’t depend on the configuration of either end and make the control of
aggregation more accurate and effective.
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH interface with role NONE is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>LAG.
4. Click More, and select Set LACP.
The Set Global LACP Protocol window appears.

5. Set the LACP information, and click OK.

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• LACP System Priority: The priority of a LAG, which is effective to the working status of
the member ports of LAG.
• When local LAG negotiates with remote LAG, they can get the LAG system priority from
each other and can use the logical calculation of the one with higher priority as the
common result of both ends. If both sides are with same priority, the MAC address is
compared, and depends on the one with the lower MAC address. A smaller number of
priority means higher priority.
• LACP System Priority Range: [0,65535], default is 32678.
• LACP System ID: The MAC address, matching the Ethernet destination.

2.5.9 Create a LAG

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>LAG.

4. Click .
The Create LAG window appears.

5. Set the Basic Information of the LAG.

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• When the object is in use, set the Manage Status to Enable.
• Working Port: Required when LAG type is 1:1.
• Max Frame Length: Set according to the frame length of traffic. All the received frames
that are larger than the value are discarded.
• Range: [64, 9600].

6. Select the Aggregation method: Manual or Static.

7. Select the port, and click Add Member.

• LACP Interface Priority: When the other conditions of ports in the LACP LAG are
same, port with higher priority carries the traffic first. It is invalid for the LAG without
LACP (manual aggregation). Smaller number of priority means higher priority.
• LACP WTR: When LAG type is 1:1 and with manual aggregation, wait to restore timer
can be set. Range: [0, 120]. Unit: second. Default is 5.

8. (Optional) You can set the UNI Attribute when LAG role is UNI.

9. Click OK.
10. Set QoS.

NOTE: Set the Admin Status to Down before deleting the LAG port, or the switching will
time out.

2.5.10 Configure the PDH AC Interface

The whole PDH interface can be considered as a PDH AC.

2.5.11 Configure the ETH AC Interface

NOTE: ETH AC is created on the ETH/LAG node.

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 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH/LAG interface is available

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>ETH AC.

4. Click .
The ETH AC window appears.

5. Set the ETH AC information.

6. Set the port information, and click Next.

NOTE: When the object is in use, set the admin status to Enable.

7. Set the output rule, and click Next.

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8. Select the PMAP Type.

9. Set the QoS classification, and click Finish.

NOTE: Two types of classification are supported: Simple QoS and Complex QoS:
• Simple QoS: Map the priority of input frame directly to the specified QoS, and enable
traffic to get the same service when it passes through all the nodes.
• Complex QoS: EMS-SNPT supports complex QoS for Ethernet and IP frame, which
provide a finer and more flexible classification for customers.

2.5.12 Configure the PW Interface

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 PW resource is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>PW.

4. Click .
The Create PW window appears.

5. Set the PW information.

6. Set the basic information, and click Next.

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• Service Type: PWETH, PWSDH or PWPDH, can be chosen according to the
• When the object is in use, set the Manage Status to Enable.

7. Set according to the different service types (PWSDH, PWPDH), and click Next.

NOTE: PWSDH and PWPDH support Jitter Buffer Depth configuration.


8. Set QoS, and click Finish.

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NOTE: The bandwidth of each QoS must be less than the interface bandwidth.

2.5.13 Configure the Tunnel Interface

A Tunnel is independent with traffic. It can be used for end to transmission and can provide a carrier
channel for service-related PW.
Tunnel doesn’t care what kind of traffic is encapsulated in PW. It only provides a channel from the local
to the remote end. Packets are encapsulated into PW and labeled with an MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label
Switching) label, and are sent to the Tunnel for transmission. They are recovered at the destination
end, keeping their original characteristics. You can implement the tunnel on the ingress node where the
Tunnel traffic is IN, or on the Egress node where traffic is OUT.
 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH-NNI resource is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>Tunnel.

4. Click .
The Create Tunnel window appears.

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5. Set the Tunnel information.

6. Set the basic information, and click Next.

• Type: Normal or 1:1. Select according to the requirement.
• When the object is in use, set the Manage Status to Enable.

7. Set the label information, and click Next.

 Normal

 1:1

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• SD Trigger: Decide whether protection can be triggered by an SD (Signal Degrade)
• WTR: The time required to wait before switching from the protection channel to the
working channel when the working channel is recovered. 0 means not to revertive.
Range: [0, 450], Step: 30s, Unit: second.
• Hold-off Time: The waiting time before protection is executed in case of failure. Range:
[0,750], Step: 50ms, Unit: ms.

8. Set QoS, and click Finish.

NOTE: Tunnel QoS supports three modes:

The bandwidth of each class must be less than the interface bandwidth.

2.5.14 Configure the LSP Interface

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Interface>LSP.

4. Click .
5. Modify LSP information.

6. Select one entry, and click .

The Modify LSP window appears.

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7. Modify the related information, and click OK.

8. Modify the manage status. Select one entry, right click and select Modify Manage Status.
9. Enable or disable the interface.

NOTE: When the object is in use, set the admin status to Enable.

2.6 OAM Configuration

2.6.1 OAM Overview
OAM (Operations Administration and Maintenance) is a tool to monitor problems of network. With the
feedback of OAM, the administrator of network can quickly find and locate the network problem.
EMS-SNPT products has layered OAM function to do the quick problem detection and location on each
layer. With the protection trigger by quick problem detection of OAM, the QoS of telecommunication
class can be guaranteed in the packet switch network.

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OAM Layered Module

 ME (MaintenanceEntity)
 In T-MPLS, basic ME is the path of T-MPLS. M means an entity to be managed. It’s the
relationship between two maintenance entities.
 MEG (Maintenance Entity Group)
 MEs that belong to one MEG is with the boundary of same administrative domain. They have the
same MEG level.
 MEP (Maintenance End Point)
 Originator and destination of all OAM frames, related with traffic
 MIP (Maintenance Intermediate Point)
 MIP can’t originate OAM frame, but can act accordingly to some OAM groups
 MEL (MEG Level MEG)
 Support eight levels (0-7). In case of MEG cascading, different MEG use different level to
distinguish its own OAM frame.

2.6.2 Configure MPLS-TP Section OAM

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH-NNI interface is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.

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3. From the function tree, select OAM .

4. Select the OAM type. (Use MPLS-TP section OAM)

5. Click .
The Create Section OAM window appears.

6. Set the OAM information, and click OK.

2.6.3 Configure OAM Loopback

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select OAM .
4. Select MPLS-TP OAM as the OAM type.

5. Select an entry, and click .

The Loopback window appears.

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6. Set the Loopback information.

7. Click Start Test to run the OAM loopback test.

2.6.4 Configure LSP OAM

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH-NNI interface is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select OAM .
4. Select LSP OAM as the OAM type.

5. Click .
The Create LSP OAM window appears.

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6. Set the OAM information, and click OK.

7. Run the OAM Loopback Test and the OAM Test, as described above, selecting LSP OAM as the
OAM type.

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2.6.5 Configure PW OAM

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH-NNI interface is available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select OAM .
4. Select PW OAM as the OAM type.

5. Click .
The Create PW OAM window appears.


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6. Set the OAM information, and click OK.

7. Run the OAM Loopback Test and the OAM Test, as described above, selecting PW OAM as the
OAM type.

NOTE: Only MEP is supported in the loopback and OAM tests for PW OAM.

2.6.6 Configure ETH EFM (802.3ah)

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 ETH-NNI interface is available

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select ETH EFM (802.3ah).

NOTE: ETH EFM(802.3ah) is used here.

4. Click .
The Create ETH OAM window appears.

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5. Set the OAM information, and click OK.

6. Run the OAM Loopback Test, as described above, clicking .

The Loopback window appears.

7. (Optional) Select the LB Status tab, and click Search.

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2.6.7 Configure ETH Service OAM (Y.1731)

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally.
 ETH-NNI interface is NOT available
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select ETH Service OAM (Y.1731).
4. Select ETH UNI OAM as the OAM type for E-Line traffic.

NOTE: ETH Service OAM (Y.1731) is used here for E-Line traffic.

5. Click .
The Create ETH Service OAM (Y.1731) window appears.

6. Set the OAM information, and click OK.

7. Run the OAM Loopback, as described above, clicking .

The Loopback window appears.

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8. Set loopback information, and click Start Test to do the OAM loopback test.

2.6.8 Run an OAM Trace Test

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select ETH Service OAM (Y.1731).

4. Select an entry, and click .

The Trace window appears.

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5. Click Start Test to run the Trace OAM test.

2.6.9 Section/LSP/PW/ETH Service OAM (Y.1731)

Parameter Description


Port OAM maintenance port

MEG ID Length of characters from 1-7

MEG level Ranging from 0 to 7.

7 is the default value

Local MEP ID Local MEP ID ranging from 0 to 8191

Remote MEP ID Remote MEP ID ranging from 0 to 8191

LB timeouts The time for sending out loopback package and

waiting for the response ranging from 3 to 10 in

CV Detection Select to enable or disable the connectivity test.

Note: The connectivity test takes some bandwidth.

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Parameter Description

CV interval • Select 3.3ms for protection switch

• Select 100ms for performance test
• Select 1s for CV detection
• Select the CV interval as required. If the fast
detection is needed, select 3.3ms. The less
interval is configured, the more bandwidth is

Lock Select to enable or disable the lock function.

• Enable: Indicate the tunnel is in maintenance,
which may affects the traffic.
• Disable: The tunnel is not in maintenancewhich
can carry traffic.

Enable CSF Select to enable or disable CSF.


MIP ID The MIP ID ranging from 0 to 8191

MEP ID1 MEPID ranging from 0 to 8191

MEP ID2 MEP ID ranging from 0 to 8191

2.6.10 ETH EFM (802.3ah) Parameters

Parameter Description

Port The UNI port which is maintained by OAM.

ETH EFM (802.3ah) Configuration

Enable OAM Select to enable 802.3ah to the port.

Work Mode • Active Mode: The port can send OAM

message actively.
• Passive Mode: The port cannot send OAM
message, it can only respond to the OAM
message sent by the remote port in active

Remote Loopback Remote Loopback: Test the connectivity of

psychical link to troubleshoot.
Select to enable the remote loopback

LB Timeouts The time for sending out loopback package and

waiting for the response ranging from 3 to 10 in

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Parameter Description

Link Event Link Event: if the event of the local port is beyond
the threshold, the remote port can be notified by the
link event.
Select to enable the link event.

Variables Query Select to enable the variables query.

Max OAM PDU Set the maximum OAM message length ranging
from 64 to 1522.

MED ID MEG ID ranging from 0 to 16777215

Vendor info The related vendor information

Frequency(s) Set the frequency:

• 100MS
• 1S

Linkfail Period(s) Linkfail period(s) ranging from 2 to 5

OAM Event

ErrSymbPeriod Set the error message period

When received number of error message in the
error message event is more than the threshold, the
event occurs.
Range: [125000000,4294967295]

ErrSymbThreshold Set the error message threshold

When received number of error message in the
error message event is more than the threshold, the
event occurs.
Range: [1,7500000000]

ErrFramePeriod Set the error frame period.When the number of the

error frame in the error frame period is more than
the threshold, the event occurs.
Range: [1,60] in second

ErrFrameThreshold Set the error frame threshold

When the number of the error frame in the error
frame period is more than the threshold, the event
Range: [1,4294967295] in frame

Period of ErrFramePeriod Set the period of the error frame period. When the
number of the error frame in the period of the error
frame period is more than the threshold, the event
Range: [14880000,892800000] in frame

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Parameter Description

ErrorFramePeriodThreshold Set the error frame period threshold. When the

number of the error frame in the period of the error
frame period is more than the threshold, the event
Range: [1,4294967295] in frame

ErrFrmSecPeriod Set the error frame second period. When the

number or the seconds which contain the error
frames is more than the threshold, the event occurs.
Range: [10,900] in second

ErrFrmSecThreshold Set the error frame second threshold. When the

number or the seconds which contain the error
frames is more than the threshold, the event occurs.
Range : [1,900] in second

2.6.11 OAM Loopback/Test/Trace Parameters

Parameter Description

Port NNI port of OAM loopback.

Data Length Set the message length ranging from 0 to 64

Tx Packets Set the number of packets of each transmitting

ranging from 1 to 5.

TTL Set Time To Live ranging from 1 to 255.

Range: [1,255]

Interrupt Service Test Select to enable or disable the service test during
the OMA loopback test.

2.7 Synchronization Management

Clocking Type
Synchronization is to centralize the bytes to be sent and sent in batch, omit the reminder of start-stop
bit of all bytes, which increase the efficiency of data transmission.

Synchronization Type:
 Clock Synchronization
 Clock synchronization, also called as frequency synchronization, means some strict relationship
on frequency or phase between signals. The corresponding effective moment appears at the
same mean speed to guarantee all the equipments working at same speed in the network.
 Time synchronization
 Time synchronization, also called as phase synchronization, which means frequency and phase
are same between signals.

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Clock Source
Include system clock and external clock output:
 System clock provides a synchronized clock for the whole system.
 External clock output provides clocking reference to 2M external clock port.

Clocking Model
 OC (Ordinary clock)
Ordinary clock is connected to the network via a PTP port. It maintains local clock and port clock,
decide the master/slave with BMC algorithm. When the port is slave, equipment gets clock
packets from PTP to recover the clock. When the port is master, system works as freerunning or
locked to external clock port, and advertises the clock from the port.
 BC (Boundary clock)
Boundary clock has multiple connections to the network via PTP. Every PTP of boundary clock is
same as that of ordinary clock, maintain one set of clock information, share the local clock and
current clock source information. Boundary clock can advertise the clock information via multiple
PTP ports. When local clock is selected by BMC, boundary clock is the master clock, all the ports
act as master and advertise the clock. When one of the PTP port is selected by BMC, the PTP
port is slave and clock is recovered from the port. All the other ports are master and advertise the
clock information.
 TC (Transparent clock)
Transparent clock consists of transparent ports. Transparent clock forwards all the PTP packets
just like a router or switch, is not synchronized with it but calculate the residence time (how much
time the packets spend to go through the node) and accumulate to “correction field.
Transparent clock can work together with ordinary clock or boundary clock in one node and act as
a network element (TC+OC or TC+BC).

2.7.1 Configure the Clock Port

See Configure the TOD Port, Configure the EXTCLK Port, and Configure the Line Clock Port.

2.7.2 Configure Clock Synchronization

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Clock>Frequency.
The Frequency window appears.

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4. Select the NE Clock Status/Attribute tab.

5. Set the attribute, and click Set.
6. In the Frequency window, select the CLK Source Config/Status tab.

7. Click .
The Create Clock Source window appears.

8. Set the Clock Source information, and click OK.

9. In the Frequency window, select the CLK Source Config/Status tab.
10. Select the NE.

11. Select an entry, and click .

The External Command window appears.

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12. Check the external command, and click Set.

2.7.3 Configure the Time Synchronization

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Clock>PTP.
The PTP Management window appears.

4. Select the PTP Configuration tab.

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5. Set the attribute, and click Set.

NOTE: Offset From Master: The time difference from the master clock.

6. In the PTP Management window, select the ETH Configuration tab.

7. Click .
The Create PTP Time Port window appears.

8. (Optional) Click Map Table.

The Map Table window appears.

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9. Select the ports to be added to the Map Table, and click the right arrow to move them to the Map
10. Configure the TOD port. (See Configure the TOD Port)

2.7.4 Clock Synchronization Configuration Parameters

Clock Status/Attributes Parameters

Parameter Description

NE Clock Attribute

Mode Select the mode of source clock:

• Priority
SMM allows resource clock quality information
exchange between nodes to ensure the system
select the best quality resource clock with highest
priority and avoid the clock being locked by each

SCS WRT The waiting time from the time when the resource
clock recovers s from the trouble to the time when it
is used again.
Range: [0,12] in minute
It is suggested that no se the WTR as 0 to avoid the
clock repeated switch in the unstable status.

Operation Mode Select the operation mode:

• Auto
• Free-run
• Holdover

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Parameter Description

Free-run Mode Set the free-run mode

QL-UNK Mapping Set the mode for the unknown clock.

Set as Non Synchronous to avoid the NE trace the
error clock

Export Clock mode Select the export clock mode:

• Selector

ECS Suppression Threshold Set the external clock suppression threshold.

• G>811
• G>812>U
• G>812>A
• G>813 (SETS)
This item is available only when the clock mode is

Actual Clock Status

Working Status The value is read-only, displays the status of the

current clock.

Actual Reference Source The value is read-only, displays the actual reference

Clock Source Parameters

Parameter Description

Port Select the port to create the clock source.

System Clock

Priority Set the priority of the clock source ranging from 0 to

0 indicates no priority is selected.

Revertive Mode Select the revertive mode.

This item only applies to a PDH port.

DNU Group To avoid clocking loop by inter-locking of clock

source, suggest to set the same ID to DNU group
for some known clock source (non-zero)
Set the DNU group ID ranging from 0 to 255.

Export Clock

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Parameter Description

Priority Set the priority of the export clock ranging from 0 to

This item only applies to a PDH port.

Shared Parameters

Rx SSM value Select the receive SSM value.

Enable Tx SSM Select to enable or disable the Tx SSM.

2.7.5 Time Synchronization Configuration Parameters

NE PTP Status/Attributes Parameters

Parameter Description

PTP Attributes

Mode Select the PTP mode:

• Priority
BMC compares the data between two clocks to
determine and select clock source with the better

Clock Type Displays the quality of the clock. The less value
indicates better quality.
Range: [0,255]

Clock Precision The less value indicates the higher precision.

Range: [0,255]

Clock variance The variance indicates the current quality of the

Value: [0,65535]

Priority 1 The less value indicates the higher priority.

Value: [0,255]

Priority 2 The less value indicates the higher priority. When

the value of Priority 1 are equal, compare the
Priority 2 to determine the priority.
Value: [0,255]

Clock Domain Value: [0,255]

TC Domian1 Value: [0,255]

TC Domian2 Value: [0,255]

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Parameter Description

TC Domian3 Value: [0,255]

TC Domian4 Value: [0,255]

TC Delay Mechanism Select the TC delay mechanism:

• E2E
• P2P

Follow Mode Select the follow Mode:

• Slave_Only: Indicates the NE only follows
other PTP clock in OC mode.
• Non_Slave_Only: Indates the NE can either
follow other PTP clock in OC mode, or as the
major clock equipment, which depends on the
quality of PTP clock.

TOD Tx Type Select the TOD transmission type:

• Time information
• Time information/Status information

PTP Time Port Parameters

Parameter Description

Port Attributes

Port Select the port

Enable Port Enable or disable the port

Port type • Trans

• Non-Trans

Time Stamp Mode • One Step

• Two Step

VLAN ID Range: [0,4094]

Delay Mechanism • E2E

• P2P

Operation Mode • Auto

• Master
• Slave
• Passive

Port Message

Annc Interval(s) Set the Annc intervals in seconds

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Parameter Description

Set ANNC Timeout Set the ANNC timeout value

Value: [1,65535]

Sync Interval(s) Set the Sync intervals in seconds

Delay_Req Time Interval(s) Set the Delay_Req time intervals in seconds

This item is only available when the delay
mechanism is P2P.

Pdel_Req Time Intervals Set the Pdel_Req time intervals in seconds

This item is only available when the delay
mechanism is E2E.

Clock Offset

Delay Offset (ns) Value: [-1000000000,1000000000]

2.8 Service Configuration

2.8.1 Configure a Service
EMS-SNPT products support both Ethernet service ad CES (Circuit Emulation Service). Ethernet
service includes E-Line, E-LAN and E-Tree service. CES includes E1, STM-1 and aggregation service.

NOTE: Only point to point CES service is supported in current release, which means only
traffic in one TDM port can be mapped to one PW. It’s not allowed to map multiple TDM
ports to one PW.

1. Create a logical card. (See Card Configuration.)
The system creates corresponding physical ports, according to the card type.
2. Create an AC port. (See Configure the PDH AC Interface.)
The AC port can be attached to a physical or a LAG port. You can set the port, timeslot, QoS, and
OAM of input traffic.
3. Create a Tunnel/LSP Port. (See Configure the Tunnel Interface and Configure the LSP Interface.)
4. At the PE node, set the input/output node of the Tunnel, bandwidth, LSP protection, LSP OAM,
working LSP, etc.
5. Also set the input/egress labels of the working/protection LSP and the corresponding NNI port.
6. At the P node, create a cross connection for each LSP.
7. Create PW (SDH/PDH/ETH). (See Configure PW OAM.)
8. Set the bandwidth, OAM, output/ingress label, and QoS for PW.
9. Set the corresponding port for PW, which could be a Tunnel or NNI port.
10. Create a service Cross Connection. (See the service creation procedures in this section.)
11. Associate the AC to the specified cross connection. (Set the service subnode on the AC node).

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12. Associate the PW to the specified cross connection. (Set the service subnode on the PW node).

• Ethernet Service: Cross connect between ETH AC and PW ETH
• CES Service: Cross connect between SDH AC and PW SDH, or PDH AC and PW PDH
• CCCService: Cross connect between PW (ETH/SDH/PDH)/E1, SDHAC/ETHAC

2.8.2 Create a Label Switch

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Service>Label XC.

4. Click .
The Create Label Switch window appears.

5. Set the Basic Information and the Label Switch information, and click Next.
The QoS window appears.

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6. Set the QoS, and click Finish.

2.8.3 Create an E-Line Service

An E-Line service is a point-to-point service in the network topology.
A bi-directional p2p tunnel and a PW are created to support the E-Line service between nodes.

Typical E-Line Service Model

Port Port

Business Enterprise

1. Configure the following ports:
 Tunnel

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2. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.

3. Select the NE.
4. From the function tree, select Service>E-Line XC.

5. Click .
The Create E-Line XC window appears.

6. Set the E-Line service Basic Attributes.

7. Select AC and PW, and click .

8. Click OK.
9. Set the OAM of all layers. (See OAM Configuration.)

NOTE: When OAM is used, you can check the working status of each layer via the MPLS-
TP OAM/LSP OAM/PW OAM/Ethernet service layer OAM/Ethernet link layer OAM.

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2.8.4 E-Line Service Scenario

Service configuration is done node by node. You need to log in to a different node to configure the

E-Line Service Scenario Design

Configure NE2
1. Configure the ETH port.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

E-Line Service NE2 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.6 UNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

2. Create AC.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Loading Port: ge.10.6
 Port Mode: Port mode
 Manage Status: Enable
 Egress Rule: Not change Vlan
 PMAP Type: L2
 CIR of AF1 in Simple QoS: 9984kbps
The system automatically names the ETH AC: ge.10.6/1.

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3. Create the Tunnel.

In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: 1:1
 Tunnel Role: INGRESS
 Tunnel Port Manage Status: Enable
 Working LSP:
 Ingress Label: 50
 Egress Label: 40
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 Protection LSP:
 Ingress Label: 90
 Egress Label: 80
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

The system automatically names the LSP: Tunnel/1/1.

4. Create PW.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Service Type: PWETH
 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/1
 Ingress Label: 200
 Egress Label: 100
 Peer Node ID:
 Egress Rule: Not change Vlan
 PW [TPID]: 0x8100
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

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NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

The system automatically names the ETH PW: pweth/1.

5. Create the E-Line service
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Node Configuration:
 Port: ge.10.6
 AC: ge.10.6/1
 PW: pweth/1
Configure NE5
1. Set the ETH port.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

E-Line Service NE5 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

2. Create the label switch.

In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Type: Normal
 Manage Status: Enable
 Forward LSP Ingress Label: 40
 Forward LSP Egress Label: 50
 Forward LSP Loading Port: ge.10.1
 Backward LSP Ingress Label: 30
 Backward LSP Egress Label: 20
 Backward LSP Loading Port: ge.10.2
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9,984kbps
The system automatically names the LSP: xc/1.
Configure NE3
See the procedure above for the configuration of NE5.

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Configure NE4
1. Set the ETH port.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

E-Line Service NE4 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.6 UNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

2. Create the AC.

In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Loading Port: ge.10.6
 Port Mode: Port mode
 Manage Status: Enable
 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan
 PMAP Type: L2
 CIR of AF1 in QoS List: 9984kbps
The system automatically names the ETH AC: ge.10.6/1.
3. Create the Tunnel.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: 1:1
 Tunnel Role: INGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 Working LSP:
 Ingress Label: 20
 Egress Label: 30
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 Protection LSP:
 Ingress Label: 60
 Egress Label: 70
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 QoS

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 QoS Type: ELSP

 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

The system names the LSP: Tunnel/1/1

4. Create the PW.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Service Type: PWETH
 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/1
 Ingress Label: 100
 Egress Label: 200
 Peer Node ID:
 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan
 PW [TPID]: 0x8100
 QoS
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

The system names the ETH PW: pweth/1

5. Create the E-Line service.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Node Configuration:
 Port: ge.10.6
 AC: ge.10.6/1
 PW: pweth/1

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2.8.5 Create an E-LAN Service

An E-LAN service is a multi-point-to-multi-point service model from the topology point of view.
EMS-SNPT network based on EMS-SNPT products supports E-LAN services via a bi-directional tunnel
and a PW between all PE nodes.

Typical E-LAN Service Model


Enterprise CE C CE D

Business Enterprise

1. Configure the following ports:
 Tunnel
2. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
3. Select the NE.
4. From the function tree, select Service>E-LAN XC.

5. Click .
The Create E-LAN XC window appears.

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6. Set the E-LAN service Basic Attributes.

7. Select AC and PW, and click .

8. Click OK.

2.8.6 Configure IGS

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Service>E-LAN XC.
4. Right-click an entry, and select IGS Configuration.
The IGMP Snooping window appears.

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5. Set the IGS information, and click OK.

2.8.7 Configure the MAC Address

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Service>E-LAN XC.
4. Right-click an entry, and select MAC Configuration.
The Configure MAC Address window appears.

5. Set the MAC Aging Time.

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NOTE: MAC Aging Time: If one dynamic route is not updated for some time (no more
frames from the MAC address to re-learn it), the routing entry is deleted automatically. It’s
called Aging, and the time is called Aging Time.
MAC Address Aging Time is a general parameter and valid for both E-LAN/E-Tree

6. Right-click an entry, and select Configure MAC Address.

The Configure MAC Type and Address window appears.

7. Select the Type, input the MAC Address, and click OK.

2.8.8 Configure the STP

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Service>E-LAN XC.
4. Right-click an entry, and select STP Configuration.
The Configure ELAN _STP window appears.

5. Set the STP information, and click OK.

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2.8.9 Remove the STP

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Service>E-LAN XC.
4. Right-click an entry, and select Remove STP.

2.8.10 E-LAN Service Scenario

Service configuration is done node by node. You need to log in to a different node to configure the

E-LAN Service Scenario Design

1. Configure the ETH port.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

E-Line Service NE2 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.6 UNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

2. Create AC.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Loading Port: ge.10.6
 Port Mode: Port mode
 Manage Status: Enable

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 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan

 PMAP Type: L2
 CIR of AF1 in Simple QoS: 9984kbps
The system automatically names the ETH AC: ge.10.6/1.
3. Create LSP>1.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: Normal
 Tunnel Role: INGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 50
 Egress Label: 40
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 in the QoS List: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

The system automatically names the LSP: Tunnel/1/1.

4. Create LSP>2.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: Normal
 Tunnel Role: INGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 60
 Egress Label: 70
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 in the QoS List: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the LSP: Tunnel/2/1.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

5. Create PW>1.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Service Type: PWETH
 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/1/1
 Ingress Label: 400
 Egress Label: 300
 Peer Node ID:
 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan
 PW [TPID]: 0x8100
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 in the QoS List: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the ETH PW: pweth/1.

6. Create PW>2.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Service Type: PWETH
 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/2/1
 Ingress Label: 500
 Egress Label: 600
 Peer Node ID:
 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan
 PW [TPID]: 0x8100
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 in the QoS List: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the ETH PW: pweth/2.

7. Create the E-LAN service.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

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 Manage Status: Enable

 Node Configuration:
 Port: ge.10.6
 AC: ge.10.6/1
 PW: pweth/1, pweth/2
8. Configure NE4/NE5.
See the configuration of NE2.

2.8.11 Create an E-Tree Service

E-Tree is a point-to-multipoint aggregation service from the topology point of view.
EMS-SNPT products support E-Tree services via bidirectional tunnels and PW between the root PE
and the branch PE.

Typical E-Tree Service Model


ch Root
Bran PTN 10GE
Access HQ



1. Configure the following ports:
 Tunnel
2. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
3. Select the NE.
4. From the function tree, select Service>E-TreeXC.

5. Click .
The Create E-Tree XC window appears.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

6. Set the E-Tree service Basic Attributes.

7. Select AC and PW, and click .

8. Click OK.
9. Configure the IGS. (See Configure IGS)
10. Configure the MAC Address. (See Configure the MAC Address)

2.8.12 E-Tree Service Scenario

Service configuration is done node by node. You need to log in to a different node to configure the

E-Tree Service Scenario Design

1. Configure the ETH port.

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In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

E-Tree Service NE2 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

ge.10.6 UNI Enable AF1 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

2. Create AC.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Loading Port: ge.10.6
 Port Mode: Port mode
 Manage Status: Enable
 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan
 PMAP Type: L2
 CIR of AF1 in the Simple QoS List: 9984kbps
The system automatically names the ETH AC: ge.10.6/1.
3. Create LSP>1.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: Normal
 Tunnel Role: INGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 50
 Egress Label: 40
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

The system automatically names the LSP: Tunnel/1/1.

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4. Create LSP>2.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: Normal
 Tunnel Role: EGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 60
 Egress Label: 70
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the LSP: Tunnel/2/1.

5. Create PW>1.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Service Type: PWETH
 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/1/1
 Ingress Label: 400
 Egress Label: 300
 Peer Node ID:
 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan
 PW [TPID]: 0x8100
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the ETH PW: pweth/1.

6. Create PW>2.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable

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 Service Type: PWETH

 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/2/1
 Ingress Label: 500
 Egress Label: 600
 Peer Node ID:
 Egress Rule: Not to change Vlan
 PW [TPID]: 0x8100
 QoS:
 QoS Type: ELSP
 CIR of AF1 Ingress/Egress: 9984kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the ETH PW: pweth/2.

7. Create the E-Tree service.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Root Port:
 Port: ge.10.6
 AC: ge.10.6/1
 Branch Port: pweth/1, pweth/2
8. Configure NE4/NE5.
See the configuration of NE2.

2.8.13 Create a CES Service

EMS-SNPT products support CES (Circuit Emulation Service) based on MPLS network for transparent
E1 and channelized STM-1 service.
CES includes the service between PDH and SDH in TDM.
SAToP (Structure-Agnostic TDM over Packet) doesn’t care about the structure of the TDM signal. It
looks at the data as a fixed-rate bit stream. These bit streams are encapsulated as packets and sent
through PW.
1. Configure the following ports:
2. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
3. Select the NE.
4. From the function tree, select Service>CES XC.

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5. Click .
The Create CES XC window appears.

6. Set the CES service information.

7. Select the port and PW, and click .

8. Click OK.

2.8.14 CES Service Scenario

Service configuration is done node by node. You need to log in to a different node to configure the

CES Service Scenario Design

Configure NE2
1. Configure the ETH port.

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In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

CES Service NE2 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable EF 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable EF 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

2. Configure the SDH port.

In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 SDH Port: stm1.2.1
 Manage Status: Enable
 All other parameters: Default value
3. Configure the SDH AC port.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 SDH AC Port: stm1.2.1/1
 Manage Status: Enable
 All other parameters: Default value
4. Create LSP.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: Normal
 Tunnel Role: INGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 50
 Egress Label: 40
 Peer Node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 QoS:
 QoS Type: LLSP
 CIR of EF Ingress/Egress: 3072kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the LSP: Tunnel/1/1.

5. Create PW.

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In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

 Manage Status: Enable
 Service Type: PWSDH
 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/1
 Ingress Label: 200
 Egress Label: 100
 Peer Node ID:
 QoS:
 QoS Type: LLSP
 CIR of EF Ingress/Egress: 3072kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

 All other parameters: Default value

The system automatically names the SDH PW: pwsdh/1.
6. Create the CES service.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Service Type: SDH
 Manage Status: Enable
 Port: stm1.2.1
 AC: stm1.2.1/1
 PW: pwsdh/1
Configure NE5
1. Set the ETH port.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
CES Service NE5 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable EF 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable EF 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual traffic over the

2. Create the label switch.

In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Type: Normal

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 Manage Status: Enable

 Forward LSP Ingress Label: 40
 Forward LSP Egress Label: 50
 Forward LSP Loading Port: ge.10.1
 Backward LSP Ingress Label: 30
 Backward LSP Egress Label: 20
 Backward LSP Loading Port: ge.10.2
 QoS Type: LLSP
 CIR of EF Ingress/Egress: 3072kbps
The system automatically names the LSP: xc/1.
Configure NE3
See the procedure above for the configuration of NE5.
Configure NE4
1. Set the ETH port.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:

CES Service NE4 Design

Loading Port Role Manage Status COS Level CIR

ge.10.1 NNI Enable EF 128,000kbps

ge.10.2 NNI Enable EF 128,000kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

2. Configure the PDH port.

In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 PDH Port: e1.1.1
 Manage Status: Enable
 All other parameters: Default value
3. Create LSP.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Tunnel Type: Normal
 Tunnel Role: INGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 50
 Egress Label: 40
 Peer Node:

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 Loading Port: ge.10.1

 QoS:
 QoS Type: LLSP
 CIR of EF Ingress/Egress: 3072kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

The system automatically names the LSP: Tunnel/1/1.

4. Create PW.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Manage Status: Enable
 Service Type: PWPDH
 Port Type: LSP
 Loading Port: Tunnel/1/1
 Ingress Label: 100
 Egress Label: 200
 Peer Node ID:
 QoS:
 QoS Type: LLSP
 CIR of EF Ingress/Egress: 3072kbps

NOTE: CIR must be larger than the maximum throughput of the actual service over the

 All other parameters: Default value

The system automatically names the SDH PW: pwpdh/1.
5. Create the CES service.
In this example, the parameter values are as follows:
 Service Type: PDH
 Manage Status: Enable
 Port: e1.1.1
 PW: pwpdh/1

2.8.15 Create a CCC Service

EMS-SNPT products provide TDM service access in single node.
CCC means cross connectionbetween two ports of same type. It supports cross-connection between
PWs (ETH/SDH/PDH), between E1 and SDH AC, and between ETH AC.
Configure the AC-AC CCC Service

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1. Configure the following ports:

 AC
 PW
2. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
3. Select the NE.
4. From the function tree, select Service>AC-AC CCC.

5. Click .
The Create CCC window appears.

6. Set the AC-AC CCC service information and the Basic Information.

7. Select AC, and click .

8. Click OK.
Configure the PW-PW CCC Service
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Service>PW-PW CCC.

4. Click .
The Create CCC window appears.

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5. Set the PW-PW CCC service information and the Basic Information.

6. Select PW, and click .

7. Click OK.

2.8.16 Service Configuration Parameters

Parameter Description

Activate Activate or deactivate the service.

Activate: Assign the configuration data to the
Deactivate: Save the configuration data on the
EMS-SNPT and remove the data on the equipment.

Manage Status Enable: The data is saved on the equipment and

available for use.
Disable: The data is saved on the equipment and
cannot be used.

Max Addr Entry Select to enable the Max Addr Entry

Range: [0,32000]

Learning Rules Discard


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Parameter Description

Broadcast Suppression/Unknown Unicast/Multicast Select Yes to not receive or transmit

Suppression Broadcast/Unknown Unicast/Multicast messages
Broadcast: The message is transmitted to all the
members of the network. The range is defined by
the broadcast address.
Multicast: The message is transmitted to multiple
Unicast: The message is transmitted and received
by single source and destination.

2.8.17 IGMP Snooping Parameters

Parameter Description

IGS Enabled: The equipment starts the learning and

aging operations for the multicast group. The
corresponding multicast services only can be carried
within the group.
Disabled: The learning and aging operations for
multicast group is not allowed. All learned dynamic
multicast groups are deleted.

PROXYREPORT Enabled: The message can be transmitted only

when the first member joins in or the last member
quits the group.

Version IGMP Snooping protocol version:


Fast leave Enabled: Fast leave when the message is received

without delay.

Querier Enabled: The IGS performs as the querier when no

router on E-LAN/E-Tree.

Query Interval(s) The time interval that the IGS sends the query as
the querier.
Range: [60,125]
Unit: Second

Other Querier Interval(s) Range: [120,800]

Unit: Second

Max Query Response(ms) Range: [100,25500]

Unit: ms

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

Parameter Description

Last Query Interval(ms) Range: [0,25500]

Unit: ms

Host Aging Time(s) IGMP protocol requires the router send IGMP query
message to the host. When E-LAN/E-Tree service
of EMS-SNPT equipment learns the router port in a
broadcast domain, an aging timer is enabled on the
The IGMP Snooping ages the router port once it
expires and no query message is received.
Range: [60,600]
Unit: Second

Router Port Learn Enabled


2.9 Protection Management

2.9.1 Card Protection
EMS-SNPT products support card protection for those important cards, such as main controller card,
PDH card, and etc. Two cards with the same type can protect each other. When the working card fails
or switch command of working card is executed, system can still work because of card protection.
When the system is commissioning, execution of switch command can test whether card protection
works properly or not. In case of an outage solution, a switch command can help to locate the problem.

NOTE: Card protection is not supported for 5G.

Product Type Protection Type Description

8G Main Controller Slot: slot1, slot2

XC and Clock Protection Switch Command:
• Force switch
• Manual switch
• Clear

Switch Condition:
• Card hardware/software failure
• Manual switch command
• Card manual plugout
• Card hardware reset

92G MC protection Slot: slot3, slot4

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Product Type Protection Type Description

XC and Clock protection Switch Command:

PDH card protection • Force switch
• Manual switch
• Clear

Switch Condition:
• Card hardware/software failure
• Manual switch command
• Card manual plugout
• Card hardware reset

240G MC protection Slot:

XC and Clock protection MC, XC, and Clock: slot8, slot9
PDH card protection PDH Card: two groups, in slot t2/3, slot 14/15

Switch Command:
• Force switch
• Manual switch
• Clear

Switch Condition:
• Card hardware/software failure
• Manual switch command
• Card manual plugout
• Card hardware reset

2.9.2 Configure Ethernet Link Protection

See Create a LAG.

2.9.3 Configure SDH Link Protection

MSP (Multiplex Section Protection) is an auto protection protocol based on K1/K2 bytes in MS section
in SDH overhead.
Traffic in the working channel can be protected with MSP. In case of working channel failure, traffic can
be switched to protection one. MSP protects the main channelized STM-1 port.

NOTE: Only bidirectional protection is supported in the current release.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

MSP Protection

Protection Revertive Switch Switch Time Holdoff Time WTR

Type Mode Protocol

1+1 Non Revertive APS ≤50ms 0~10000ms, 0s

bidirectional default is 0.

1+1 Revertive APS ≤50ms 0~10000ms, 60s~720s,

bidirectional default is 0. default is 60s

1:1 bidirectional Non Revertive APS ≤50ms 0~10000ms, 0s

switch default is 0.

1:1 bidirectional Revertive APS ≤50ms 0~10000ms, 60s~720s,

switch default is 0. default is 60s

Switch Criteria (meet any one of the following):

• Working link failure
• Card software/hardware failure
• Card cold reset
• Manual switch command
• SF occurrence/clearance
• SD occurrence/clearance
• OAM alarm

2.9.4 Configure the MSP Protection Switch

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Protection>MSP Protection.
4. Select an entry, and click Switch.
The External Command window appears.

5. Select the external command, and click Set.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

2.9.5 Network Protection

LSP 1:1 protection can protect the traffic on the working channel with protection channel. In case of
working channel failure, traffic can be switched to protection channel.
The protection channel is used to transmit APS protocol, communicate the protocol and switch status.
Equipments on both ends can do the protection basing on the protocol and switch status.
LSP 1:1 Protection

Switch Type Revertive Switch Switch Time Holdoff Time WTR

Mode Protocol

1:1 bidirectional Non Revertive APS ≤50ms 0~750ms, 0s

switch default is 0

1:1 bidirectional Revertive APS ≤50ms 0~750ms, 60~450s,

switch default is 0 default is 30s

Switch Criteria (meet any one of the following):

• Card software/hardware failure
• Card cold reset
• Manual switch command
• SD occurrence/clearance
• LSP OAM alarm

NOTE: For LSP protection, set the admin status as Down before modifying the speed of
the working channel. Otherwise, the switching times out.

2.9.6 Configure LSP 1:1 Protection

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
1. Create Tunnel of 1:1 LSP (see Configure the Tunnel Interface).
2. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
3. Select the NE.
4. From the function tree, select Interface>Tunnel.
5. Select one entry of type 1:1, and click Switch.
The Tunnel Protection Switching window appears.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

6. Select the external command, and click OK.

2.9.7 LSP SNCP Protection

LSP SNCP (Sub-Network Connection Protection) is a sub network protection. It can protect the
important path of the whole LSP.

LSP SNCP Protection

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

• LSP is from Node A to Node Z. SNCP is created from Node AA to Node ZZ.
• An extra label will be added, the service goes into LSP section Node AA-Node ZZ. It will
be stripped when service comes out of the section and keep going with the original
• Working and protection LSP between Node AA-Node ZZ works as 1:1 bidirectional LSP.
OAM and APS are run independently. LSP protection and OAM between Node A-Node
Z is independently with those between Node AA-Node ZZ
• LSP SNCP is a special application of LSP 1:1.

2.9.8 Configure SNCP Protection

See Configure LSP OAM.

2.9.9 LSP Ring Protection

Ring protection creates another close ring with diverse direction from the physical topology point of
view, so that traffic can be protected. The forward or backward depends on the direction where traffic
goes after switch is triggered.
LSP ring protection provides protection for Tunnels over EMS-SNPT network, and protects the service
on the working channel with protection channel. In case of working channel failure, taffic can be
switched to protection channel.

LSP Ring Protection

Direction of Working/Protection Path

Type Forward Backward

Working Path 12…5 54…1

Protection Path 16…21 123…1

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LSP Ring Label includes the following two scenarios:

Ingress Node of LSP in the Ring

Label Information of In-Ring LSP

Node LSP LSP Label Ring Type Ring Label

NE1 Tunnel inlabel/outlabel Terminal ingress xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o



NE2 XC xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o In the ring xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o

utlabel utlabel

xcif2.inlabel/xcif2.o xcif2.inlabel/xcif2.o
utlabe utlabel

NE3 Tunnel inlabel/outlabel Egress xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o



NE4 Bypass xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o



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Ingress Node of LSP Not in the Ring

Label Information of Not-in-Ring LSP

Node LSP LSP Label Ring Type Ring Label

NE1 XC xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o Ingress xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o

utlabel utlabel

xcif2.inlabel/xcif2.o xcif2.inlabel/xcif2.o
utlabel utlabel

NE2 XC xcif2.inlabel/xcif2.o Egress xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o

utlabel utlabel

xcif2.inlabel/xcif2.o xcif2.inlabel/xcif2.o
utlabel utlabel

NE3 Bypass xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o



NE4 Bypass xcif1.inlabel/xcif1.o



NE5 Tunnel inlabel/outlabel

NE6 Tunnel inlabel/outlabel

2.9.10 Configure the Ring Protection Label

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

2. Select the NE.

3. From the function tree, select Service>Label XC.

4. Click .
The Create Label Switch window appears.

5. Set the label switch information.

6. Set the label information, and click Next.
The QoS window appears.

7. Set the QoS information, and click Finish.

2.9.11 Configure the LSP Ring Protection Switch

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Protection>LSP Ring Protection.

4. Select a type 1:1 entry, and click .

The External Command window appears.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

5. Select the external command, and click Set.

2.9.12 Dual Homing Protection

Dual Homing is that traffic from Node B goes through EMS-SNPT network via two access node to RNC.
Dual Homing protection is use to realize the protection between RNC to Node B with dual homing
topology. When the working node/path fails, traffic can go to RNC via standby node/path.

Dual Homing Protection

Working LSP
BTS (CE1) PE1 (w)

Protection LSP

Dual homing protection is mainly use to protect the service with one source node but different
destination. When either equipment in the destination fails, the other one can still work to guarantee the
traffic running fine.

2.9.13 Execute Dual Homing Protection

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 LAG port is available
 ETH port with NNI role is available
1. Configure the LAG port. (See Configure the LAG Virtual Interface)
1. Configure the Associated Tunnel. (See Configure the Tunnel Interface)
2. Configure the Bypass Tunnel. (See Configure the Tunnel Interface)

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• Associated Tunnels must be 1:1. Peer node ID of two LSPs are that of the dual homing
• Bypass Tunnel can be Normal or 1:1.

3. Configure the LSP OAM. (See OAM Configuration)

4. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
5. Select the NE.
6. From the function tree, select Protection>Dual Protection.

7. Click .
The Create Dual Protection window appears.

8. Set the information and the Basic Parameters of Dual-Homing protection.

9. From the list of Available Tunnels, select the Associated Tunnel.
10. Select Associate, and click Add.
11. From the list of Available Tunnels, select the Bypass Tunnel.
12. Select Bypass, and click Add.
13. Click OK.

2.9.14 Configure the Dual Homing Protection Switch

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Protection>Dual Protection.

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4. Select an entry, and click .

The Set External Command window appears.

5. Set the information and the Basic Parameters of Dual-Homing protection.

6. Select the external command, and click OK.

2.9.15 Modify or Delete Dual Homing Protection

1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select Protection>Dual Protection.

4. Click .
The Create Dual Protection window appears.

5. Modify the Basic Parameters and/or select Associate and/or Bypass tunnels, as required.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

6. To delete a selected service tunnel, from the Selected Tunnels list, select a tunnel, and click
7. Click OK.

2.9.16 Dual Homing Protection Scenario

Dual Homing Protection Scenario Design

Create Dual Homing Protection Parameter Design1

Node Node ID Loading Port Associated Bypass Tunnel Dual Homing


Working path: NE2-NE5-CE

Protection path: NE2-NE3-CE

NE2 ETH (Role: Tunnel Type:

NNI): ge.10.1, 1:1
ge.10.2 Working LSP:
Peer NE ID:
Peer NE ID:

NE3 ETH (Role: Tunnel Type: Tunnel Type: Associate

NNI): ge.10.1, 1:1 Normal Tunnel:
ge.10.2 Working LSP: LSP: Tunnel/33 Working:
LAG (Role: Tunnel/3/1 Tunnel/3/1
UNI): lag/3 Peer NE ID: Protection: Tunnel/3/2
LSP: Bypass
Tunnel/3/2 Tunnel:
Peer NE ID: Tunnel/33

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Node Node ID Loading Port Associated Bypass Tunnel Dual Homing


NE5 ETH (Role: Tunnel Type: Tunnel Type: Associated

NNI): ge.10.1, 1:1 Normal Tunnel:
ge.10.2 Working LSP: LSP: Tunnel/55 Working:
LAG (Role: Tunnel/5/1 Tunnel/5/1
UNI): lag/5 Peer NE ID: Protection: Tunnel/5/2
LSP: Bypass
Tunnel/5/2 Tunnel:
Peer NE ID: Tunnel/55

Create Dual Homing Protection Parameter Design2

Node Tunnel Working LSP Protection LSP

Ingress Label Egress Label Ingress Label Egress Label

NE2 Associated 50 40 90 80

NE3 Associated 60 70 80 90

Bypass Tunnel 120 130

NE5 Associated 40 50 70 60

Bypass Tunnel 130 120

Configure LSP OAM Parameter Design 3

Node Tunnel MEG ID Local MEP ID Peer MEP ID

NE2 Tunnel/2/1(W) 1 1 2

Tunnel/2/2(P) 2 1 2

NE3 Tunnel/3/1(W) 1 2 1

Tunnel/3/2(P) 2 2 1

Tunnel/33(bypass) 3 1 2

NE5 Tunnel/5/1(W) 1 2 1

Tunnel/5/2(P) 2 2 1

Tunnel/55 (bypass) 3 2 1

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Configure NE2
1. Configure the loading port according to the Create Dual Homing Protection Parameter Design1
table above.
2. Configure the Associated Tunnel
 Type: 1:1
 Manage Status: Enable
 Working LSP:
 Ingress Label: 50
 Egress Label: 40
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 Protection LSP:
 Ingress Label: 90
 Egress Label: 80
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 Working LSP: Tunnel /2/1
 Protection LSP: Tunnel /2/2
3. Configure LSP OAM according to the Configure LSP OAM Parameter Design 3 table above.
 Working LSP: Tunnel/2/1
 MEG ID: 1
 Local MEP ID: 1
 Peer MEP ID: 2
 Protection LSP: Tunnel/2/2
 MEG ID: 2
 Local MEP ID: 1
 Peer MEP ID: 2
Configure NE3
1. Configure the Loading Port according to the Create Dual Homing Protection Parameter
Design1 table above.
2. Configure the Associated Tunnel
 Type: 1:1
 Role: EGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 Working LSP:
 Ingress Label: 60

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 Egress Label: 70
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 Protection LSP:
 Ingress Label: 80
 Egress Label: 90
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 Working LSP: Tunnel /3/1
 Protection LSP: Tunnel/ 3/2
3. Configure the Bypass Tunnel
 Type: Normal
 Role: EGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 120
 Egress Label: 130
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 LSP: Tunnel /33
4. Configure LSP OAM according to the Configure LSP OAM Parameter Design 3 table above.
 Working LSP: Tunnel/3/1
 MEG ID: 1
 Local MEP ID: 2
 Peer MEP ID: 1
 Protection LSP: Tunnel/3/2
 MEG ID: 2
 Local MEP ID: 2
 Peer MEP ID: 1
 Bypass Tunnel: Tunnel/33
 MEG ID: 3
 Local MEP ID: 1
 Peer MEP ID:2
5. Create Dual Homing Protection.
 Role: Protect
 Loading LAG: lag/3
 Associated Tunnel:Tunnel/3
 Bypass Tunnel: Tunnel/33

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Configure NE5
1. Configure the Loading Port according to the Create Dual Homing Protection Parameter
Design1 table above.
2. Configure the Associated Tunnel
 Type: 1:1
 Role: EGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 Working LSP:
 Ingress Label: 40
 Egress Label: 50
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 Protection LSP:
 Ingress Label: 70
 Egress Label: 60
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.2
 Working LSP: Tunnel/5/1
 Protection LSP: Tunnel/5/2
3. Configure the BypassTunnel
 Type: Normal
 Role: EGRESS
 Manage Status: Enable
 LSP:
 Ingress Label: 130
 Egress Label: 120
 Peer node:
 Loading Port: ge.10.1
 LSP: Tunnel/55
4. Configure LSP OAM according to the Configure LSP OAM Parameter Design 3 table above.
 Working LSP: Tunnel/5/1
 MEG ID: 1
 Local MEP ID: 2
 Peer MEP ID: 1
 Protection LSP: Tunnel/5/2
 MEG ID: 2
 Local MEP ID: 2
 Peer MEP ID: 1

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 Bypass Tunnel: Tunnel/55

 MEG ID: 3
 Local MEP ID: 2
 Peer MEP ID: 1
5. Create Dual Homing Protection.
 Role: Working
 Loading LAG: lag/5
 Associated Tunnel: Tunnel/5
 Bypass Tunnel: Tunnel/55

2.9.17 Switch Command Parameters

Parameter Description Priority

Clear Clear the switch command and the protection group Clear>Lockout>FS>Ms
recovers to the status before the switch command is

Lockout The traffic is not allowed to switch from working path to

protection path.

FS Force Switch a normal traffic to protection path. FS has

higher priority over SF and SD alarms. FS is performed
without considering the protection path status unless the
protection path has a switch command with a higher

MS Manual Switch a normal traffic to protection path. MS

has lower priority than SF and SD alarms. MS takes
effects only when no signal degradation or effectiveness
on the protection path.

Exercise Used to test APS protocol. The traffic cannot be switch

to protection path. The protocol calculation result is

2.9.18 Protection Parameters

Parameter Description

Protection Type 1+1: Source end double sends, the destination end
receives optionally
1:1: Single send and receive

Revertive Mode Revertive: After the protection switch, if the work

path is back to normal, the traffic is switched to the
work path automatically.
Non-revertive: The traffic is not switched to the work
path even if the work path is back to normal.

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Parameter Description

WTR(s) The waiting time when the traffic switches from work
path to protection path when the work path is back
to normal.

Hold-off time(ms) The time period from the trouble is detected to the
switch is performed.
When the APS or other protection is enabled, the
hold-off time can ensure other switches with higher
priority can be performed firstly.

SF Priority Set the single fail priority as the switch precondition:

High or Low

SD Priority Set the single degradation priority as the switch

precondition: High or Low

Enable APS Enable or disable Automatic Protection Switching

APS is a method that allows transmission
equipment to recover automatically from failures.
APS is the capability of a transmission system to
detect a failure on a working path and switch to a
protection path to recover the traffic, thus increasing
overall system availability.

Enable SD Switch Enable or disable signal degradation as the

precondition for protection switch.

2.10 LPT Configuration

LPT (Link State Pass Through) is a kind of technology which is to transfer the link state of one side to
another side through network, to let the device in another side make correlative operating according to
this side’s link state, for example, to start backup link when remote link is faulty, therefore, to realize
network level protection.
LPT mechanism can detect the fault between service access point and transport network and inform
the fault, then notice devices in both sides to start up backup network in time for communicating,
therefore, to ensure the normal data transmission.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

2.10.1 LPT Working Mechanism

The function application model of LPT is as in below picture.

2. PE1 find
1. CE1- CE1-PE1 link
PE1 link failure and 4. PE2
failure notice it to 3. PE2 close
PE2 get the PE2-CE2
notice link
Link Failure

1. PE1 find 1. PE2 find

2. PE1 PE1-PE2 PW PE1-PE2 PW 2. PE2
failure by failure by close
cl os e PE1- PE2-CE2
CE2 l i nk link

Link Failure

The functionality of LPT includes the following:

 User Side
 In normal case, when access point link on CE1 side is faulty, CE1 will detect the link fault and
start up the backup network automatically, then try to use backup network to communicate
with CE2. Due to CE2 cannot get the information from CE1 of the link fault, it will still use the
original network to communicate with CE1, leading the communication between CE1 and
CE2 failed.
 After starting up LPT function, if the transmission device PE1 detected the link fault between
itself and CE1, it will send LPT message to transmission device PE2 on the other side. PE2
will let CE2 detect the link fault by shutting down its own interface, therefore CE2 will start up
backup network then set up the connection with CE1 in backup network.
 Network Side
 After detecting service network fault, service network will start up LPT function, and send LPT
message to the faulty end, cut down connections between transmission devices (PE1/PE2)
and access devices (CE1/CE2), then use backup network to communicate.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide NE Configuration

2.10.2 LPT Application

Scenarios of LPT function supporting E-Line, E-LAN, E-Tree:
 Access Point Fault
After detecting fault between transmission device PE1 and access point CE1, PE1 will shut down
the link between PE1 and CE1, then send PE2 the information with link fault between itself and
CE1. At the same time PE1 will supervise the link state between itself and CE1, in case that if the
link recovers, service can recover to normal state. After receiving the message with link fault on
the otherside, PE2 will shut down the link between PE2 and CE2, then let both sides shift to
backup network. If recovery of link between PE1 and CE1 has been detected, PE1 will send fault
recovery message to PE2, after receiving this message PE2 will open the link, service will be
recovered to original network.
 Network Fault
Under the situation of network fault with single-direction, for example, if the network between PE1
and PE2 is faulty only on PE1PE2 direction, PE2 will shut down the link between PE2 and CE2
after detecting the network fault, at the same time send a message to PE1 with PE2 side’s link
fault information by using the original service network on PE2PE1 direction. After receiving this
message, PE1 will shut down the link between PE1 and CE1, to make both sides shifted to
backup network at the same time.

2.10.3 Create LPT

 The role is Operator or upper
 EMS-SNPT is connected to the NE normally
 AC mode is port, and cannot be configured
 PW is configured as OAM
1. From the main menu, select Configuration>NE Configuration.
2. Select the NE.
3. From the function tree, select LPT.

4. Click .
The LPT Configuration window appears.

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5. Configure the Basic Attribute.

6. Select the cross connection type of the LPT carrier and the carrier port.

NOTE: The CE Notice Method area here is a shortcut configuration for the AC CE
Notice Method.
It supports batch configuration to several ACs, but the precondition is the assignment
values of all of the ACs should be the same.
If not, this parameters is invalid, and the system takes each AC CE Notice Method value
as the standard.

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3 Appendix


MPLS-TP work group generalized the PW Associated Channel Header (ACH) as Generic Associated
Channel Header (G-ACH) to support an in-band control channel associated also to MPLS LSP. The
OAM packets are identified by Generic Associated Channel Label (GACL), which value is 13 in
G.8113.2 and G.8113.1 and it is reserved only for the GACL.

Generic Associated Channel Label (GAL)

e.g. OAM, DCC


W -

Section LSP User Data



Data Traffic

EMS-SNPT provide three levels of MPLS-TP OAM: Section OAM, LSP OAM, PW OAM. It completes
MPLS-TP OAM feature sets with two standard system options: ITU-T G.8113.1 and ITU-T G.8113.2.
The MPLS-TP OAM includes fault, performance and protection-switching management functions that
do not rely on the presence of a control plane. It reuses MPLS OAM mechanisms wherever possible
and adds new OAM mechanisms where existing mechanisms are not sufficient to meet the
requirements. The OAM considers following operator needs:
 Monitor of the MPLS-TP PW/LSP performance
 PW/LSP connectivity failures report
 Troubleshooting
 Trigger of the protection switching
Although in G.8113.1 and G.8113.2, there is some difference in the OAM items. Basically, the two
MPLS-TP OAM set cover the same functionalities. Tab.5.1 summarize the MPLS-TP OAM functions in
different level. Yellow blocks are proactive items, green blocks are on-demand items, and purple blocks
are on-demand/proactive items. Proactive items are enabled/disabled by NMS and LCT manually.


G.8113.1 G.8113.2

Section LSP PW Section LSP PW RFC



CC X X X RFC 6428

CV X X X RFC 6428

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G.8113.1 G.8113.2

Section LSP PW Section LSP PW RFC





TEST X X X Throughput X X RFC6375

LB X X X Ping X X X RFC4379

LT X X Trace Route X X X RFC4379




DM X X X DM*** X X X RFC6374

Delay Variation X X X RFC6374


• ** CCM packet can be 3.3ms, 100ms, 1s
• *** Supports both one-way delay and two-way delay

In G.8113.1 mode, EMS-SNPT support MPLS-TP OAM alarm include: LOC, AIS, RDI, Mismerge,
UnexpMEP, UnexpPrd, LCK, CSF.
In G.8113.2 mode, EMS-SNPT support MPLS-TP OAM alarm include: LOC, AIS, RDI, Mismerge,
UnexpMEP, UnexpPrd, LCK
Although most of the MPLS-TP OAM parameters have very similar definition as the Ethernet Service
OAM parameter, there are still some new concepts introduced compared with EMS-SNPT ETH OAM
feature sets.
 APS: Automatic Protection Switch, which is defined by ITU-T G..8131/G.8132. Equipment sends
APS frame to far end equipment to trigger the protection mechanism when a failure is detected.
EMS-SNPT supports MS-PW, SS-PW, and hierarchy LSP.
The following figures present the MPLS-TP OAM in different scenarios.

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Appendix

PW over LSP Monitoring

PW Segment OA




MS-PW over LSP Monitoring





3.2 EMS-SNPT Alarm List

The EMS-SNPT supports following alarms. The supported alarms may be different in each model
variant. For detail description, Refer to EMS-SNPT Maintenance Description Manual.

Category Alarm Name Category Alarm Name

SDH Alarm PDH Alarm



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EMS-SNPT User Guide Appendix

Category Alarm Name Category Alarm Name

RS_TIM Optical Interface Alarm

RS_EXC (B1_EXC) LsrMismatch

RS_DEG (B1_SD) LsrOffLine




MS_DEG (B2_SD) OOP_15L/24L






HP_RDI Board Alarm





TU_AIS LowTemp

LP_TIM HighTemp

LP_UNEQ Clock Alarm






SAToP Alarm External Clock Interface


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EMS-SNPT User Guide Appendix

Category Alarm Name Category Alarm Name




Ethernet Alarm Time Alarm



G.8113.1 OAM Alarm G.8113.2 OAM Alarm




UnexpMEL Mismerge

Mismerge UnexpMEP

UnexpMEP UnexpPrd

UnexpPrd LCK



3.3 EMS-SNPT Performance Data List

Performance monitoring refers to continuous tracking the system, network and service operations,
collecting NE original performance data and device status, reporting and assessing the performance of
network and NE. The EMS-SNPT PM data are listed below. For detail descrioption, Refer to EMS-
SNPT Maintenance Description manual.

Category Performance Data Category Performance Data

SDH Ethernet Performance




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EMS-SNPT User Guide Appendix

Category Performance Data Category Performance Data



MSES TP1024TO1518







LPBBE RP1024TO1518






Laser Performance RPMC





CES Performance ROALL



MPLS-TP Performance FCSERR

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Appendix

Category Performance Data Category Performance Data








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4 Glossary

Term Definition


1pps 1 Pulse Per Second

ACL Access Control Lists

AIS Alarm Indication Signal

BTS Base Transceiver Station

CES Circuit Emulation Service

cSTM-1 Channelized STM-1

DDF Digital Distribution Frame

ECN Embedded Communication Network

E-LAN Ethernet- Local Area Network

E-Line Ethernet- Line (Service)

EPLAN Ethernet Private LAN

EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network

E-Tree Ethernet-Tree (Service)

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

GE Gigabit Ethernet

GUI Graphical User Interface

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Glossary

Term Definition

IEC International Electrotechnical Commission

IETF Internet Engineering Task Force

IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem

ITU-T ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector

IVL Independent VLAN Learning

JWT Joint Working Team

LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol

LAG Link Aggregation Group

LAN Local Area Network

LCT Local Control Terminal

MAC Media Access Control

MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching

MPLS-TP MPLS Transport Profile

NMS Network Management System

NNI Network Node Interface

OAM Operation Administration and Maintenance

ODF Optical Distribution Frame

OLT Optical Line Terminal

OSPF Open Shortest Path First

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Glossary

Term Definition

PW Pseudo Wire

PWE3 Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge

QoS Quality of Service

RNC Radio Network Controller

SAToP Structure-Agnostic TDM over Packet

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

TDM Time Division Multiplexing


TOD Time of Day

T-PE PW Terminating Provider Edge

TTL Time To Live

UNI User Network Interface

UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair

VLAN Virtual Local Area Network

VPI Virtual Path Identifier

VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service

VPN Virtual Private Network

VSI Virtual Switch Instance

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EMS-SNPT User Guide Glossary

Term Definition

WAN Wide Area Network

WRED Weighted Random Early Detection

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