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Revised Internship Scheme

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(revised w.e.f. 12-08-2024)

1 Objective

Bureau of Indian Standards, the National Standards Body of India, seeks to engage students
(Diploma and Undergraduate) as "Interns", who would be given exposure to the laboratory
activity of BIS. The Interns would also be required to carry out regular testing of the various
products received by BIS Laboratories under different BIS conformity assessment schemes.

The Scheme is envisaged to be mutually beneficial to students and BIS. BIS would benefit in
the form of getting fresh thoughts, perspectives and updated technical knowledge from the
young generation on the ongoing testing operations and procedures. For the "Interns", the
exposure to the functioning of BIS laboratories, testing of products, test methods and
procedures, implementation of Laboratory Quality Management System and operation of high-
end testing equipment, which would be an add-on in furthering their own career goals in the
Industries or International Organizations.

2 Salient Features

2.1 Eligibility

(i) Internship Scheme can be availed by students enrolled in University/Institution within

India (only such Universities which are State promoted or recognized by Association
of Indian Universities) pursuing the following levels of course(s) in any of the
disciplines given under Appendix A:
a. Under graduation (having completed studies at least 4 Semesters)
b. Post-Graduation (having completed studies at least 2 Semesters)
c. Post Graduate Diploma
d. Research Scholars.
e. Under Diploma Course

(ii) Degree/Diploma holders who have completed their studies within the last 180 days are
also eligible for internship. (For considering the eligibility of the applicant, the last date
of the term of the university/institution of the applicant and the date of submission of
internship application by the applicant will be taken for calculation of 180 days)

(iii) Students pursuing Undergraduate/Post Graduate/Post Graduate Diploma Courses shall

have a good academic record and with minimum 75% Marks or Cumulative Grade
Point Average (CGPA) of 7.5 out of 10 as on the last semester, whose result has been

(iv) Research Scholars, shall have a good academic record and with minimum First Division
or Cumulative Grade Point Average of 7.5 out of 10 in their Post-Graduation.

(v) Students/Research Scholars shall be Indian Nationals.

2.2 Duration

The Internship Scheme would be available throughout the year based on the requirements of
BIS and the timelines for Internship in the selected Institutions. The duration of Internship shall
be for minimum one months to maximum upto six months.
2.3 Stipend

The Interns pursuing Bachelor’s degree in Science / Diploma Courses will be provided stipend
of Rs. 15,000/- per month and the interns pursuing Bachelor’s in Engineering/Technology or
Master’s degree or higher will be provided a stipend of Rs. 20,000/- per month. The stipend
will be calculated on pro-rata basis for each completed week.

2.4 Logistic Support

BIS would provide adequate infrastructure facilities to the Interns at its labs and also proper
authorization for carrying out the testing and related activities.

2.5 Attendance

Interns shall be required to have a minimum of 95% attendance out of the actual working days.
Loss of attendance due to unforeseen circumstances may be compensated by extension of the
Internship for the commensurate number of days, subject to recommendations by the sponsoring
Institution and approval by the Head of the concerned BIS Labs. Such extension would however
not entitle the Intern for any additional stipend.

2.6 Certificate

Interns who have completed the Internship with minimum 95% attendance and having
submitted the Report to the Head of the BIS Lab to which the Intern was attached would be
issued Certificate of Internship Appendix B.

2.7 The Internship shall neither be considered as employment for the student nor shall it be
considered as an assurance for any employment in BIS.

3 Process of Engagement of Interns

3.1 The BIS Laboratories situated at the addresses given below shall engage the interns:

Sl. Lab Address Maximum no. of

No. interns which
can be engaged
in a financial
1. CL Bureau of Indian Standards, Central Laboratory, Plot No. 40
20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad 201

2. NRL Bureau of Indian Standards, Northern Regional 20

Laboratory B-69, Phase VII, SAS Nagar Industrial
Focal Point, Mohali-160051

3. ERL Bureau of Indian Standards, Eastern Regional 20

Laboratory, P-230, C.I.T. Scheme VII M, Block-W,
Kankurgachi, Kolkata-700054
4. WRL Bureau of Indian Standards, Western Regional 20
Laboratory, E-9, M.I.D.C., Behind Marol Telephone
Exchange. Andheri (East), Mumbai 400 093

5. SRL Bureau of Indian Standards, Southern Regional 20

Laboratory, C.I.T Campus, IV Cross Road Chennai-600

6. BNBL Bureau of Indian Standards, Bangalore Branch 20

Laboratory Peenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage,
Bangalore-Tumkur Road, Bangalore-560 058

7. PBL Bureau of Indian Standards, Patna Branch Laboratory 20

Pataliputra Industrial Estate, Patna-800 013

8. GBL Bureau of Indian Standards, Guwahati Branch 10

Laboratory 2nd Floor, West End Block, HOUSEFED
Building Complex, Beltola, Dispur, Guwahati-781006

3.2 Receipt of Applications

Applications will be invited on prescribed proforma (Appendix C) from the identified

Institutions. Inviting applications and their further processing would be done online to the extent

3.3 Screening Committee for selection of interns

The candidates applying for internship would be screened by the Committee constituted by
DDGL for each BIS Lab from the officers/staff of the laboratory.

Applications which are found to be eligible will be placed before the Screening Committee for
its approval on the basis of merit, discipline and preferred location for Internship. In case no
application is received for any particular field, the Committee may also suggest inviting fresh
applications from same or other institutions.

The Committee would examine the candidates for suitability of consideration under the
Internship Scheme. The Committee would recommend the Interns required in each discipline.

The recommendations, along with financial implications would-be put-up Head of the Lab for

4 Commencement of Internship

(i) Individual Interns and their respective Institutions would be informed about the
selection, including date of commencement and duration of internship, by the
respective BIS laboratories where the Interns have to report.

(ii) The Intern shall be briefed appropriately about the laboratory, modalities, etc. by the
concerned officer of the laboratory under whom the Intern has been assigned. Further
briefing will be done by the Head of the concerned Lab under whose jurisdiction the
intern will be carrying out the internship.

(iii) Conduct, work and performance of the Interns should be reviewed periodically by the
Head of the lab under whose jurisdiction the intern will be carrying out their term.

(iv) The Internship would be deemed to be completed only on satisfactory submission of

their project report based on the work during their tenure in BIS labs. The report should
be submitted to the Lab Head under whose jurisdiction the internship was carried out.

5 Power to Relax

Any of the provisions of this Scheme may be relaxed by Director General, BIS as considered
necessary and expedient to do so in the interest of BIS for achieving the objective of the Scheme.
Appendix A
Essential Academic Qualification

Sl. Disciplines Qualification (Students pursuing following or

No. higher academic course in the concerned
1. Food Technology Diploma or Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering
2. Dairy Technology or Technology
3. Chemical
4. Electrical
5. Civil
6. Mechanical
7. Production & Industrial
8. Metallurgical
9. Plastics
10. Agriculture Master’s Degree in the discipline
11. Chemistry
12. Bio-Chemistry
13. Microbiology
Appendix B


------------------ Laboratory

It is certified that Shri / Smt. / Ms. ______________________________________ is student of

_____________________________________________________ (name of
College/University/Institution) has successfully completed the training/ internship / subject (title)
_____________________________________________________ from period __________________ to
____________________________. During the course of internship / training his/her conduct was found to
be very good and most professional.

Signature of Department Head

along with Official Seal
Appendix C
1. Name of the Institution:

2. Address of the Institution:

3. Contact details of the institution

a. Contact Person’s Name:

b. Designation

c. Email ID

d. Phone No.

4. Name of the student:

5. Contact details of the student:

a. Address:

b. Email:

c. Mobile No.:

6. Date of Birth: (dd/mm/yyyy)

7. Nationality:

8. Educational Qualification (10th class onwards):

Sl. No. Name of Examination Year of Marks Subjects

Institute / Passed Passing Obtained
Board / (Percentage /
University CGPA)

9. Course Completed / presently

being pursued: (attach certificate
from institution as per Annexure II)
10. Marks (%) or CGPA Overall / of
last semester

11. Period suitable for Internship

(Indicate Month & Year)

12. Area of interest

(Indicate 2 options out of the list at
Appendix A)


I ____________________________________ hereby declare that the information furnished

above is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in
the event of my information being found false or incorrect at any stage, my candidature /
engagement shall be liable to cancellation/ termination without notice or any compensation in
lieu thereof. I agree to the terms and conditions of Internship at Annexure I.

Signature of the Student

Annexure I
Terms & Conditions of Internship
(i) The Intern, under no circumstances shall claim to become the employee of BIS. Nothing in this
Scheme shall create, or be deemed to create, a partnership or the relationship of employer and
employee between BIS & the Intern.

(ii) The Interns shall be duty-bound to follow the methodology and instructions given by the BIS
and adhere to the time-frame for various aspects of their work.

(iii) The Interns shall be required to submit the Report for the duration as completed, to the concerned
BIS authority failing which s/he would not be issued the Certificate of Internship.

(iv) Interns shall not divulge or disclose to any person, any details of BIS office(s), security
arrangements, administrative/operational process, any technical know-how, and other
organizational matters.

(v) Interns shall maintain confidentiality of data and shall not divulge or disclose to any person, any
details of the Manufacturer or other organizations collected/ obtained as part of their internship.

(vi) Interns shall be liable for costs accrued on account of any loss that might be caused to BIS due
to lapse on his/her part while discharging in willful or accidental manner including fraud, etc.

(vii) Any violation of instructions or suppression of facts or disclosure of BIS matters, records,
documents, Indian Standards, Special Publications etc. in hard or soft form to an outsider shall
lead to termination of Internship without any reference.

(viii) The BIS shall be within its right to terminate the Internship forthwith or take any other action
without assigning any reason whatsoever.

(ix) Any or all the terms and conditions can be changed with the approval of DG, BIS.
Annexure II
Certificate from University / Institution
It is to certify that Shri/Smt./Ms. _______________________________________________ Son/Daughter
of Shri/Smt. ______________________________________________is a bonafide student of our
Institution/University pursuing _____________________________________ (Name of degree/diploma
course) and he/she is presently in ___________ year/semester.
It is to certify that Shri/Smt./Ms. _______________________________________________ Son/Daughter
of Shri/Smt. ______________________________________________was enrolled in our
Institution/University and has completed _____________________________________ (Name of
degree/diploma course).

We certify that his/her candidature for Internship at Bureau of Indian Standards, submitted in the prescribed
proforma along with the acceptance of Terms & Conditions is duly endorsed by our University/Institution
and we have no objection to his candidature being considered. It is also certified that as per our record the
information given by him/her is true and he/she bears good moral conduct.

(Signature of Head of Institution / Registrar of University
with Name, Contact No. and Official Seal)

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