Customize Detail
Customize Detail
Customize Detail
Customize detail
Creatio displays section details on tabs of the record page in the tab container.
Detail structure
View the structural items of the detail in the table below.
Structural Element to
Setup example
item set up
The ContactAddress object schema of
the Base package corresponds to
Detail object Section
the Addresses detail of the contact page. The
schema object
detail is connected to the section object via the
required Contact column of the detail object.
Detail view Structure, Set up the Addresses detail on the contact page in
model position, and the ContactAddressDetailV2 view model schema of
behavior of the detail that inherits
detail the BaseAddressDetailV2 schema of the Uiv2 package.
View model Set up the properties of the Addresses detail page
schema of the on the contact page in the ContactAddressPageV2 view
Detail page
detail record model schema of the detail that inherits
page the BaseAddressPageV2 schema of the Uiv2 package.
Implement a detail
The BaseDetailV2 schema of the NUI package implements the functionality of a
base detail.
Detail Wizard
Creatio IDE
Delete a detail
To delete a detail, make sure you have the Can manage configuration
elements (CanManageSolution code) system operation permission and database
To delete a detail:
SQL query
See also
Create a detail (user documentation)
Configuration elements
Module types