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Fundamentals of Magento 2 Development - Exercise

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Fundamentals of Magento 2 development - Exercise 

INSTRUCTOR: Hidro Le - h
​ idro@forixwebdesign.com 
Copyright © Magento, inc 

Unit One. Preparation & Configuration 

1. Magento 2 Overview 
1.1. Install Magento Application on local. 
1.2. Create a category 
1.3. Create a few sample products and experiment with each type:  

Simple, Configurable, Bundle, Grouped, Downloadable 

1.4. Create a new module. Make a mistake in its config. Create a second module 
dependent on the first. 

=> Report the problem. 

2. Development Operations 
2.1. Mode 
1. Make sure the mode is set to Developer. 
2. Then, go into the lib\internal\Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap.php 
file and throw an exception in the method, run(). 
3. See whether the exception is displayed on your screen. If it is, you 
have successfully set the mode. If not, review your steps. 
2.2. Cache 
1. Under what circumstances will cleaning the var/cache folder not 

3. Dependency Injection & Object Manager 

3.1. Dependency Injection 

3.1.1. 1. Go into the Magento core modules folder (app/code/Magento). 

2. Open Catalog module; select 5 different classes from different 
3. What kind of a ​pattern​ do you notice?   




4. Plugins 

5. Events 

5.1. In your module, create an observer to the event 

controller_action_predispatch. Get the URL from the request object 
request->getPathInfo(). Log it into the file. 





Unit Two. Request Flow 

1. Request Flow Overview 

1.1. Find a place in the code where output is flushed to the browser. Create an 
extension that captures and logs the file-generated page HTML. (“Flushing 
output” means a “send” call to the response object.) 

2. Request Routing 

2.1. Create an extension that logs into the file list of all available routers into a 

2.2. Create a new router which “understands” URLs like /test-frontName- 

actionPath-action and converts them to /frontName/actionPath/action 

2.3. Modify Magento so a “Not Found” page will forward to the home page. 

3. Working with Controllers 

3.1. Create a frontend controller that renders “HELLO WORLD” 

3.2. Customize the catalog product view controller using plugins and preferences. 

3.3. Create an adminhtml controller that allows access only if the GET parameter 
“secret” is set. 

3.4. Make the “Hello World” controller you just created redirect to a specific 
category page. 

4. URL Rewrites 

4.1. Create a URL rewrite for the “Hello World” controller. 





Unit Three. Rendering 

1. Rendering Flow 

1.1. In the core files, find and print out the layout XML for the product view page. 

2. Block Architecture & Life Cycle 

2.1. Create a block extending AbstractBlock and implement the _toHtml() 

method. Render that block in the new controller. 

2.2. Create and render a text block in the controller. 

2.3. Customize the Catalog\Product\View\Description block, implement the 

_beforeToHtml() method, and set a custom description for the product here. 

2.4. Define which template is used in Catalog\Block\Product\View\Attributes. 

2.5. Create a template block and a custom template file for it. Render the block in 
the controller. 

2.6. Customize the Catalog\Block\Product\View\Description block and assign a 

custom template to it. 

3. Layout XML: Loading & Rendering 

3.1. Add a default.xml layout file to the Training_Render module. 

1. Reference the content.top container. 
2. Add a Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template block with a custom 
3. Create your custom template. 
4. Check that the template content is visible on every page​. 

3.2. Create a new controller action (ex: training_render/layout/onepage). 

1. For that action, choose a single-column page layout using layout XML. 
2. Set a page title using layout XML. 

3.3. Add an arguments/argument node to the block. 

1. Set the argument name to background_color. 
2. Set the argument value to lightskyblue. 
3. In the template, add an inline style attribute to a <div> element: 

style="background_color: <?= $this->getData('background_color') ?>;" 

4. Confirm that the background color is displayed 

3.4. Change the block color to orange on the product detail pages only. 




3.5. On category pages, move the exercise block to the bottom of the left column. 

3.6. On the custom action you just added, remove the custom block from the 
content.top container. (See Exercise 3.1) 

3.7. Using layout XML, add a new link for the custom page you just created to the 
set of existing links at the top of every page. 





Unit Four. Databases & Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) 

1. Databases Overview 

1.1. Echo the list of all store views and associated root categories (category 
1. Get a list of stores using: 
2. Get root category IDs using: 
3. Create a category collection and filter it by the root category IDs. 
4. Add the category name attribute to the result. 
5. Display stores with the associated root category names​. 

Suggestion​: Create a controller. 

2. Models Detailed Workflow 

2.1. Product Save Operations 

1. Log every product save operation. 
2. Specify the productId and the data that has been changed 

3. Setup Scripts & Setup Resources 

3.1. Create a table with an install script for the module Training_Vendor. 
1. Give Training_Vendor a setup_version of 0.0.1. 
2. Create the Setup folder. 
3. Create the InstallSchema class. 
4. Create a training_vendor_entity table using DDL methods. 
5. Execute the installation using the console tool. 
6. Verify that it works by checking the setup_module table. 

4. Attribute Management 

4.1. Create a text input attribute (1) from the Admin interface. 
1. Add it to an attribute set. 
2. Check that it appears on the product edit page. 
3. Make it visible on the storefront product view page 

4.2. Create a text input attribute (2) from an install data method. 

Suggestion​: Create a module. Create an InstallData setup class 




4.3. Create a multiple select product attribute from an upgrade data method. 
1. Create a multiselect product attribute. 
2. Set the backend_model property to 
3. Add a few options to the attribute. 
4. Make it visible in the catalog product view page. 

4.4. Customize the frontend rendering of the attribute values. 

1. Customize the rendering of the values of the multiselect product attribute 
that you created in the previous exercise. 
2. Show it as an HTML list rather than as comma-separated values. 

4.5. Create a select attribute with a predefined list of options. 

1. Create a new customer attribute 'priority' using an upgrade data method. 
Use the frontend_input type 'select'. 
Use the backend_type 'int'. 
Set is_system to 0.  
2. Assign a custom source model. 
3. Implement the custom attribute source model to list numbers from 1 
through 10. 
4. Test that the attribute works as expected. 





Unit Five. Service Contracts 

1. Services API: Repositories & Business Logic 

1.1. Obtain a list of products via the product repository. 

- Print a list of products. 
- Add a filter to the search criteria. 
- Add another filter with a logical AND condition. 
- Add a sort order instruction. 
- Limit the number of products to 6. 
1.2. Obtain a list of customers via the customer repository. 
- Output the object type. 
- Print a list of customers. 
- Add a filter to the search criteria. 
- Add another filter with a logical OR condition. 
1.3. Create a service API and repository for a custom entity. 
- Try to follow best practices. 
- The custom example entity should use a flat table for storage. 
- The repository only needs to contain a getList() method. 
2. Data API 

2.1. Create a new entity category_countries. 




- Include category_country_id, category_id, country_id. 

- Add a few records to that table (using DataInstallScript). 
- Add an extension attribute "countries" to the category. 

3. Web API 

3.1. Create scripts that make SOAP calls. 

- Create a php-script that performs a SOAP call to the customer repository 
getById() method. 
- Create a php-script that performs a SOAP call to the customer repository 
getList() method. Define the 
- filter & sorting options in the SearchCriteria parameter. 
- Create a php-script that performs a SOAP call to the catalog product 
repository getList() method. 
- Add a new attribute in the Admin and make a SOAP call to the catalog 
product repository get() method to 
- obtain a product with a list of attributes. Make sure your new attribute is 

3.2. Perform an API call to the "V1/customers/1" path. 

- Explore the Magento_Customer module and find other examples of the 
available services. Perform a call to some service you've found there. 

3.3. Create your own Data API class and make it available through the Web API. 
- Make it anonymous and test how it works through the REST. 





Unit Six. AdminHTML 

1. Grids 

1.1. Configurable Products 

- Add a new filter for configurable products that filters by number of 
configurable options. 
- It should be available on the products grid, as a dropdown with a list of 
possible values (according to which configurables are in the database). 
- When selected, it should show a list of configurable products with the 
appropriate options. 

1.2. Add a New Attribute 

- Add new column to the order table require_verification. 
- It should always be set to “1” when an order is created. 
- Do this by setting the “default” property of a corresponding column.Note 
that, in general, it will require a more sophisticated customization of a 
Magento/sales module. 

1.3. Add a New Column 

- Add new column to the order table require_verification. 
- It should always equal “1” if an order is placed through the checkout. 
- It should equal “0” if it was placed in the Admin. 

1.4. Mass Action 

- For the require_verification field, add a mass action to the orders grid 
which changes it to “0” for all selected orders. 

1.5. Create a Table 

1.5.1. Create a new table, computer_games, with the following fields: 
1. game_id  5. MMO  8. trial_period  
2. name (varchar)   6. Simulator  (period in days) 
3. type (RPG)   7. Shooter  9. release_date 
4. RTS 



- For this table, create a grid with columns that correspond to the fields. 
- Make release_date column optional (not visible by default). 
- Create filters that correspond to fields (text for name, dropdown for 
type, from-to for trial_period, date for release_date). 

2. Adminhtml Forms 

2.1. Add a Form 

- For the computer_games table and grid created in the previous grid 
section, add a form. 
- Use following field types: 
- name (text) 
- type (dropdown: RPG, RTS, MMO, Simulator, Shooter) 
- trial_period (integer) 
- release_date (date) 
- Make sure the save/delete/back buttons are available and functioning. 

3. Adminhtml: System Configuration – Menu – ACL 

3.1. System Configuration 

- Create a new element in the system configuration. 
- Name it “test”. 
- Put it into the General section. 
- Make it a “yes/no” select. 
- Create a new element in the system configuration with custom code 
that renders “Hello World”. 

3.2. Menu 
- Create a submenu in the Catalog/Product menu called “Games”. It 
should lead to the games grid created earlier. 

3.3. ACL 
- Create a new page in Admin that renders “Hello World”. 



- Create a new role for this page. 

- Create a new user and assign the user access to the page. (Verify that the 
user does have access.) 

Unit Seven. Frontend 


1. RequireJs, Layout Processor, Order Attribute 

1.1. Custom checkout page 

- Create the field in both quote and sales_order table with 
- Add extension attribute for shipping information 
- Override 
Magento_Checkout/js/model/shipping-save-processor/default to get 
the attribute data with jQuery and add it to the shipping information. 
- Add the attribute data the the quote 
- Add the attribute data to the order 
- Fetch the data in the admin panel and show on the order page 



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