TDMF Reference Softek4

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IBM Data Mobility Services Softek TDMF (IP) for Windows

Version 3.1

Quick Reference Card

This quick reference card is NOT intended for firsttime installation purposes. New users should read all Softek TDMF (IP) for Windows manuals for complete details on installation requirements, usage, and functionality. You can start and configure Softek Replicator for Windows using the Softek Data Mobility Console. For complete details, refer to the Softek Data Mobility Console Installation and User Guide (DMC-W12IU). causes the Full Refresh of a local mirror to only copy in-use file system data blocks. This allows for copying to thin-provisioned targets, but also speeds up the replication time for other replications since unused volume space is not copied. The Mobility Group must be a Mirror Group (Mirror Group option checked) for this option to be enabled. The Thin-Copy option is only supported on NTFS file systems for local disk replications using the local mirror driver. The ThinCopy option can not be used in the following configurations: Chaining mode, Symmetric configurations, Complex configurations, and Cluster environments. b. In the Secondary System area: D In the Enter Host name or IP Address text box, type the hostname or IP Address of the Secondary Server. If you want to configure a local loopback configuration, specify the same IP address for both Primary and Secondary systems. Alternatively, you may use the IP address D In the Journal Directory text box, specify the directory on the Secondary Server where journal files will be written. D In the Secondary Port text box, type a new port number. By default, port 575 is set during installation. D Select Chaining if you have a complex configuration and want the Target volume to be both readable and writable. c. Type a note pertaining to the systems if desired. 10. Select the Volume Pairs tab. 11. Click Add to display the Add/Modify Mirrors dialog box: a. From the Data Device list box, select a drive letter or mount point of the volume on the Primary Server that you want to mirror. b. From the Mirror Device list box, select a drive letter or mount point of the volume on the Secondary Server. NOTE: The size of the target volume must be equal to that of the source volume. If the target volume (Mirror Device) has a larger size, the additional space will not be used. c. Click OK or select the Tunable Parameters tab to set the tunable parameters. If you do not set the tunable parameters, the default values are accepted, and a warning message is displayed: D If this is a new Mobility Group, a message appears asking if you would like to start the Mobility Group, and reminds you to copy the p###.cfg files. Click Yes to start the Mobility Group. D This message is not displayed if the Mobility Group for which you are setting tunable parameters is already running. 12. Select the Tunable Parameters tab: a. Set the Chunk Delay and Chunk Size. The minimum Chunk size is 32 KB, the default is 256 KB, and the maximum is 4000 KB. NOTE: If using a Loopback configuration, we recommend that the Chunk size be initially set to 2048 KB. The CHUNKDELAY parameter defines the length of time, in milliseconds, during which the PMD is idle between data transfers. The default CHUNKDELAY is 0 ms.

Setting up TDMF (IP)


To set up TDMF (IP):

1. Open a Command Prompt. 2. Change to the TDMF (IP) installation directory, and type dtcconfigtool. 3. Type a new value in the BAB Size text box. By default, the BAB size is set to 64 megabytes of memory. The size is limited to a maximum of 60% (in 32 MB block increments) of the total physical memory on the Primary Server: H 224 MB for Windows 2000 H 292 MB for Windows Vista H 316 MB for Windows Server 2003 H 420 MB for Windows XP and Windows Server 2008 NOTE: For Secondary Servers, the BAB size must be set to 0. 4. Type a new value for the TCP Windows Size. This is the size of the TCP sliding window in bytes. This parameter overrides the operating systems TCP send and receive spaces. CAUTION: It is recommended that this parameter be changed only by an Administrator with a thorough understanding of the operating system. For details, refer to the Softek Replicator for Windows Installation and Reference Guide (REPW31IR). 5. Type a new value for the Primary Port Number. This is the port that will be used by TCP/IP. Click OK. 6. Under Replication Groups, click Add to display the Add Group dialog box. 7. Type a group number from 0 to 999. The group number will be displayed as a three digit number. 8. Type a note pertaining to the group, if desired. 9. Click OK to display the Systems tab a. In the Primary System area: D In the Enter Host name or IP Address text box, type the hostname or IP Address of the Primary Server. NOTE: When configuring servers that are located on separate networks, make sure to give the servers different hostnames to avoid replication failures. D In the PStore text box, type the folder and PStore filename. CAUTION: If you choose not to keep the default location, you must place the Pstore on a source volume or partition that will NOT be replicated. H Check the Mirror Group option to mirror data without using TCP/IP to a target device located on the same server as the source device. H Check Autostart to automatically start the Mobility Groups after rebooting the server. When this option is checked, all I/Os are tracked at boot time, when you start a Mobility Group. H Check the Thin-Copy option to replicate/migrate data to devices that support thin provisioning or space efficient provisioning. This implementation allows you to replicate data from devices that do not support thin provisioning to devices that do. The Thin-Copy option

b. Select Sync Mode to determines whether the source volume in a Mobility Group requires a synchronous and acknowledged update from the target volume with each I/O update to the source volume. When enabled, Sync Mode ensures that all data on both local and target volumes are synchronized at all times. However, this parameter negatively affects application performance on the Primary Server due to the roundtrip network time required for each I/O. c. Type a Depth value, or use the default value of one if you select Sync Mode. This value indicates the number of I/Os that can accumulate in the BAB before the Synchronous Mode is triggered. When set to 1, source volumes in the Mobility Group are in full Synchronous Mode. d. Type a Timeout value, or use the default value of 30 seconds. This is the number of seconds the TDMF (IP) device driver waits for a Synchronous Mode update to complete before returning control to the application. This parameter keeps the application from freezing up if the network suddenly becomes busy. e. Select Compression to turn on compression. By default, data is sent across the network in its original, uncompressed state. When this parameter is enabled, data is compressed before being transferred, then decompressed before being written to the journal or target volume on the Secondary Server. f. For the Refresh Timout Interval, choose one the following options: D Select Never Timeout to not allow any timeout. D Set a Refresh Timout Interval using the format: DD/HH/MM/SS. The default value causes TDMF (IP) to stop when the BAB overflows. g. Select Do Not Use Journal to turn off the Journal feature of TDMF (IP). 13. Click OK to exit the Configuration Tool. 14. Copy the Mobility Groups configuration file to the Secondary Server and change the prefix from p to s. The configuration files can be copied while the Mobility Group is in PassThru state. 15. Launch a Full Refresh by typing: dtclaunchrefresh -g <group#> -f

If you want to replicate groups in an MSCS cluster environment, BEFORE starting the Mobility Groups, you must follow the procedure described in Chapter 9 of the Softek Replicator for Windows Installation and Reference Guide (REP-W31IR).

To create the initial mirror:

1. Open the Command Prompt 2. Change to the TDMF (IP) installation directory. Type: dtclaunchrefresh -g <group#> -f Where <group#> is the Mobility Group number. 3. To monitor the progress of the Refresh command: H Type dtcinfo, or H Use the Monitor Tool, or H Use the Performance Monitor in Windows 2000, 2003 or 2008. Every data block on the Primary Server is transferred to the Secondary Server, synchronizing both. If either system halts during the Refresh operation, the process restarts when the system is rebooted. NOTE: You can start using the source volumes for active I/O while the Refresh synchronization is processing without suffering a loss in data integrity. However, the data on the target volumes is in an incoherent, non-usable state until the Refresh operation completes. Once the Refresh operation is complete, TDMF (IP) switches to Normal state and assumes normal operations. NOTE: If a Full Refresh is interrupted, the Secondary Server is marked as being unformatted and you need to manually reformat it in order to run a Full Refresh again. This is done to protect system crashes that may occur when a Secondary Server attempts to access a partially replicated volume. Interrupting a Smart Refresh or a Checksum Refresh does not have this effect.

TDMF (IP) Monitor Tool

The Monitor Tool displays information, status and error messages, warnings from the monitored Primary Server and all Secondary Servers associated with the Primary Server, and the status of Mobility Groups and volumes. NOTE: The Monitor Tool should only be run on the Primary Server. However, it can be run on the Secondary Server if you are looking for Target event messages that only apply to the Secondary Server (such as rmda journal apply messages, or rmd ststop messages).

Distributing the Configuration Files

For each Mobility Group on the Primary Server, TDMF (IP) creates a configuration (.cfg) file and places them in the TDMF (IP) installation folder on the Primary Server. Each configuration file is named using the corresponding Mobility Groups number and prefixed with the letter p (Primary) or s (Secondary). The created p###.cfg file contains details of Primary Server, Secondary Server, and all associated replication source and target devices. This configuration file is identified by the Mobility Group number (### portion of the configuration file). Before any replication can take place to the Secondary Server, this p###.cfg file must be copied over to the Secondary Server, placed in the TDMF (IP) Installation folder, and renamed to s###.cfg. For example: p000.cfg corresponds to Group 0 on the Primary Server, s001.cfg corresponds to Group 1 on the Secondary Server. The p### and s### configuration files represent a link between the Primary and Secondary Server as to which source volumes are to be replicated, to where they are to be replicated, and what network addresses are to be used. Any modification to either the p###.cfg file or the s###.cfg file will prevent the connection from being established.

To start the Monitor Tool:

1. Open a Command Prompt. 2. Type: dtcmonitortool CAUTION: You must set up the Windows Event Viewer to overwrite logs as needed. Otherwise, the logs will become full, and will stop updating. For details, refer to the Softek Replicator for Windows Installation and Reference Guide (REP-W31IR).

Error Messages and Warnings

Error messages and warnings are displayed in the upper portion of the Monitor Tool. This scrolling list can contain up to 200 messages. The most recent messages are listed first. Each update cycle obtains new error or warning messages from the Primary Server. Each message shows the date and time that the message was generated and the system name (or IP address) from which it originated.

Device Information
Device information is displayed in the lower portion of the Monitor Tool. The information is described as follows: D Group / Device: The Mobility Group number and the drive letter or mount point of the source volume defined for that device.

Creating the Initial Mirror

Once you have finished creating the Mobility Groups, you can now synchronize the Primary and Secondary Server to create an initial mirror of the data.

D Connection. The status of the PMD and RMD. Values



can include: H CONNECTED - Box is green. The Mobility Groups PMD and RMD are connected and active, and will transfer any entries in the BAB. H ACCUMULATE - Box is red. The Mobility Groups PMD and RMD are not present. Changes made to the source volume are accumulating in the BAB. H NOT CONNECTED - Box is yellow. The Mobility Groups PMD is active and attempting to create a connection with the RMD on the Target system. Changes made to the source volume are accumulating in the BAB. Mode / % Done: Indicates the current operating state and the percentage done. Read KBps: The rate at which data is being read from the source disk. Write KBps: The rate at which data is being written to the source volume. Actual Net: The actual rate of data flow (amount of data flow without compression) over the network. Effective Net: The effective data rate (amount of data flow with compression and Smart Refresh taken into consideration). Entries: The number of entries in the BAB. % In BAB: The percentage of BAB being consumed by the entries. Between 1 and 50, the box is green; between 51 and 80, the box is yellow; if 80 or more percent of the BAB is in use, the box is red.

-on: Turns checkpointing on. -off: Turns checkpointing off. -w: Waits for the Mobility Group to be in Checkpoint state. -l: Keeps lock on Secondary Server during checkpoint. This keeps the target volume locked so hardware snapshots can be used when in checkpoint mode without having the target volume being allocated or changed. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The dtcconfigtool command opens the Configuration Tool for TDMF (IP), a graphical user interface utility used for viewing, editing, or defining Mobility Group configuration files, including Source and Target systems, tunable parameters, and local and target volumes. dtcconfigtool

The dtcdebugcapture command collects system and software information that can be used for diagnosing problems with the Server-Only TDMF (IP) environment. The information is saved in a text file in the TDMF (IP) folder with the following naming convention: %COMPUTERNAME%yymmddhh.txt. Send this file to Technical Support. dtcdebugcapture

The dtcmonitortool command opens the Monitor Tool for TDMF (IP), which displays a range of performance statistics in real time. This command must be run on the Primary system and only monitors Mobility Groups that have been started. The Monitor Tool displays current values for a variety of parameters, and error messages from both Source and Target systems. dtcmonitortool

TDMF (IP) Commands and Switches

TDMF (IP) commands allows you to manually initiate TDMF (IP) functions on Mobility Groups and/or Servers. NOTE: If you use Command Prompt to run the TDMF (IP) commands, you need to type dtc in front of each command, except for dtcconfigtool, dtcdebugcapture, and dtcmonitortool.

The analyzer command allows you to view all open Handles on a selected Mobility Server. analyzer [-a] [-f <volumename>] [-l] [-p pid] [-v] [-h] D -a: Displays the number of file handles on all drives on the selected Mobility Server. D -f <volumename>: Displays all open handles for the selected volume name. Volumename is the name of the volume, which is optional. D -l: Displays a list of all volume names on the selected Mobility Server. D -p pid: Returns path and name for specified process ID. D -v: Selects verbose mode. Verbose mode lists the files in the applications that are open. Non-verbose mode lists only the applications that are open. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The dtcutil utility modifies the hidden sectors value in the boot sector since it is taken in count by Windows Vista. The dtcutil utility invokes a Windows utility called bcdedit, which you can see it in the command window in the examples provided in the following procedures. The Windows bcdedit command will fix the boot drive or adjust new parameters development has coded dtcutil -FUNCTION [-a | -g group_number]

The hostinfo command returns the network host names and IP addresses for a system, and the host ID if executed on the system in question. hostinfo <hostname> D <hostname>: Optional host name. The current host name is the default.

The info command displays state information for one or more Mobility Groups and their source volumes. The state information that can be displayed is divided into three categories: D BAB memory size requested and BAB memory currently allocated; D Mobility Group state; D Volume Pair information. NOTE: The first time you run the info command against one or several groups, you will get an error message if the group(s) is(are) not started. You may ignore the message and run the command again, which will then return the required information. info [-g <group#>|-a] [-v] [-h] D -g <group#>: Displays information for all volumes within the specified Mobility Group. D -a: Displays information for all source volumes.

The Checkpoint feature allows you to perform backups and data mirroring on the Secondary Server. A checkpoint is a snapshot of data on the Primary Server at a specific point-intime, and it ensures that the data on the target volume is in a known, usable state. NOTE: In Journal-less mode, the Checkpoint On command only tracks data on the Primary Server. With the Checkpoint Off command, an automatic Smart Refresh is launched, and tracked data is transferred to the Secondary Server. checkpoint [-g <group#>|-a] [-s] [-on|-off] [-w] [-l] [-h] D -g <group#>: Selects one Mobility Group. D -a: Selects all Mobility Groups. D -s: Turns checkpoint on or off from the secondary.

D -v: Displays the TDMF (IP) version number. D -h: Displays help for the info command.

The launchbackfresh command initiates a Backfresh operation to synchronize data on the Primary Server with more up-to-date data from the Secondary Server. The Backfresh state is a maintenance-only state. Data on the Primary and Secondary Servers cannot be updated or accessed while a backfresh operation is in progress. NOTE: The group must be in Tracking state BEFORE running the launchbackfresh command. If not, you can override the group status by issuing the override -g <group number> state tracking command, then issue the launchbackfresh command. CAUTION: In order for this command to work, the drive volumes on the primary and secondary servers must be of exact same size. NOTE: The launchbackfresh command should be run on one group at a time to ensure proper synchronization of data on the Primary Server. launchbackfresh [-g <group#>|-a] [-h] D -a: Places all Mobility Groups in Backfresh state. D -g <group#>: Selects one or more Mobility Groups to place into Backfresh state. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The init command initializes or resizes the BAB. It also allows you to tune the Optimized BAB Recording feature. The init command without options displays the BAB size configuration. init [-b <BAB_size_MB>] [-tm on|off] [-tc on|off] [-th 0:100] [-tl 0:100] [-h] D -b <BAB_size_MB>: Resizes the BAB to reflect the specified size in MB. D -tm on|off: Enables or disables Optimized BAB Recording. D -tc on|off: Enables or disables Optimized BAB Recording collision detection. D -th 0:100: Sets the Optimized BAB Recording high threshold. D -tl 0:100: Sets the Optimized BAB Recording low threshold. D -h: Displays help for the init command.

The killbackfresh command terminates the Backfresh state for one or more Mobility Groups. This command takes the specified Mobility Groups out of Backfresh state and puts them into Tracking state, as it kills the PMD. This action takes place whether the PMD is currently running or not. If the PMD target is not running but is in Backfresh state (that is, if the PMD was in Backfresh state and the killpmd command was issued), it is restarted in Normal state when run with the launchpmd command. killbackfresh [-g <group#>|-a] [-h] D -g <group#>: Terminates backfresh operations for one or more specified Mobility Groups D -a: Terminates all backfresh threads. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The launchpmd command starts the PMDs for a single Mobility Group or for all Mobility Groups. launchpmd [-g <group#>|-a] [-h] D -g <group#>: Starts the PMD and RMD for the specified group. D -a: Starts the PMDs and RMDs for all groups. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The launchrefresh command puts one or more Mobility Groups into Refresh state to synchronize the Primary and Secondary Servers. If you run the command without any options, it performs a Smart Refresh that mirrors only those blocks on the source volume that have changed. You can use this command to do the following: D Establish an initial remote mirror during a new TDMF (IP) installation. D Re-establish a remote mirror if the BAB fills up and automatically moves the Mobility Groups into Tracking state on the Primary Server by transferring only the changed data (Smart Refresh). D Re-establish the mirror after a remote target volume has been replaced because of hardware failure. Use the -c or -f option in combination with the -g <group#> or -a option to re-synchronize the target volume. launchrefresh [-g <group#>|-a] [-f[-r]] [-b] [-c] [-z] [-h] D -g <group#>: Puts all source volumes in the specified Mobility Group into Refresh state. D -a: Puts all source volumes into Refresh state. D -f: Launches a Full Refresh, that is, a full sector-bysector synchronization of all data blocks from the source volumes to the target volumes. You must use this option when you create the initial mirror of the data on your Primary Server. H -f[-r]: The -r option automatically restarts a Full Refresh from the last block successfully written to the target disk if a Full Refresh process failed, or if the Full Refresh was interrupted. This option is also referred to as Launch Interrupted Refresh. D -b: Perfroms a refresh of an autostarted Mobility Group. D -c: Initiates a Checksum Refresh that compares data blocks. D -z: Performs a Checksum comparison for all volume pairs in a Mobility Group on the source and target devices.

This command terminates one or more active PMD threads. killpmd [-g <group#>|-a] [-u] [-h] D -g <group#>: Terminates PMD threads for one or more specified Mobility Group. D -a: Terminates all PMD threads. D -u: Unlocks the target volume. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The killrefresh command terminates the Refresh state in one or more Mobility Groups. killrefresh [-g <group#>|-a] [-h] D -g <group#>: Terminates the Refresh state for the specified Mobility Group.
D -a: Terminates the Refresh state for all Mobility Groups. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The killrmd command terminates one or more active RMD threads. Once RMDs have been terminated, TDMF (IP) will go into Tracking state and you can restart the PMD by running the launchpmd command. killrmd [-g <group#>|-a] [-u] [-h] D -g <group#>: Terminates RMDs for specified Mobility Groups.
D -a: Terminates RMDs for all Mobility Groups on the

Secondary Server.
D -u: Unlocks the target volume. D -h: Displays help for the command.

D -h: Displays help for the command.

D -a: Recovers data from all Mobility Groups. One of the

The licinfo command reports the state of TDMF (IP) licenses on the system. licinfo

previously-mentioned options MUST be used in the reco command. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The set command sets tunable parameters in the Pstore for each Mobility Group specified. You can also use this command to view the current setting of a specific tunable parameter, or all tunable parameters, for a Mobility Group. When you change values for tunable parameters using the set command, the changes take effect immediately. NOTE: Parameter names are case-sensitive. set -g <group#> [<parameter_name>=<value>] [-h] D -g <group#>: Displays the current values of this groups tunable parameters. D parameter_name=value: Sets the value of a tunable parameter for the specified Mobility Group. D -h: Displays help for the command. The Tunable Parameters include: chunkdelay, chunksize, syncmode, syncmodedepth, syncmodetimeout, compression, refreshtimeout, journal, statinterval, maxstatfilesize, netmaxkbps

The override command is used to force a transition between Operating States to clear the BAB. CAUTION: The override command may cause a loss of synchronization between the Primary and Secondary Servers. This command does not initiate data replication. You must use either the Full Refresh command or the Checksum Refresh command after override to initiate data replication. Using the override clear BAB command may have unexpected consequences, and is not recommended by IBM. It is not necessary to use the override command, using the killpmd command alone will stop BAB usage. override [-g <group#>|-a] [clear BAB|LRT|HRT] [state backfresh|normal|passthru|refresh| tracking] [-h] D -g <group#>: Selects one Mobility Group to be affected by the forced change in operating state. D -a: Validates all Mobility Groups to be affected by the forced change in operating state. D clear BAB|LRT|HRT: The BAB option clears the BAB. The LRT and HRT options clear the tracking bitmaps. D state Backfresh|Normal|PassThru| Refresh|Tracking: Forces a change in operating state for the specified Mobility Groups. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The start command processes the .cfg files for the specified Mobility Groups and activates the source volumes defined within each Mobility Group. As the command processes each .cfg file, it creates a copy that it renames with a .cur extension. The .cur file is an exact copy of the configuration file for the Mobility Group upon startup and is referenced by all TDMF (IP) commands during operations. The .cfg files are processed only by start, so when a Mobility Group is stopped and restarted, a nectar file is created. This allows you to modify the .cfg files and control when those changes are implemented. Also, the .cur file assures that all components of TDMF (IP) have a consistent view of the configuration. TDMF (IP) supports Plug and Play driver functionality on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. The PnP driver attaches to all source devices available at system boot time. The start and stop commands do not require an exclusive lock of the source volumes anymore. You no longer need to stop applications on source volumes as Mobility Groups can be started or stopped at any time with the PnP driver. start [-g <group#>|-a] [-d] [-f] [-s] [-h] D -g <group#>: Starts (creates or activates) the specified Mobility Group and its local parameters. D -a: Starts (creates or activates) all Mobility Groups and their source volumes. D -d: Starts the selected Mobility Group with the non-PnP driver. This is useful if you want to set up a One-to-Many configuration because the PnP driver does not support this configuration. Furthermore, Mobility Groups that use the non-PnP driver can be run on the same machine as Mobility Groups using the PnP driver. D -f: Forces the group to start. In this case, the start command does not create the .cur files. D -s: Begins replication of shares on startup. For manual replication of shares, refer to the util command. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The panalyze command is based on Pstore information, and returns the amount of journal space needed for a Smart Refresh of a Mobility Group. panalyze -g <group#> [-v] [-h] D -g <group#>: Selects the Mobility Group upon which to run the command. D -v: Select the verbose mode. This will return more detailed info about the state of LRDB and HRDB. D -h: Displays help for the command.

From the Secondary Server, the reco command creates an file in the TDMF (IP) installation directory for each Mobility Group. When the Primary Server comes back online, or when a new system is added to the configuration, the Mobility Groups RMD detects the presence of the file and does not start mirroring operations. This prevents corruption of the target volumes before you have a chance to perform a Backfresh/Refresh operation. The reco command should be used only when you are switching data ownership over to the Secondary Server. It is a recovery utility that ensures that the target volumes are in a coherent and recoverable state by flushing data from the journal file(s) to the corresponding target volume(s). NOTE: Before you perform a Backfresh/Refresh operation, type the following command: reco -d -a to delete all files and to reinitiate mirroring. reco [-g <group#>|-a] [-d] [-f] [-v] [-h] D -g <group#>: Recovers data for the specified Mobility Group. D -d: Deactivates recovery mode. D -f: Force mirror offline. D -v: Verbose mode

The stop command stops one or more Mobility Groups and removes their corresponding source volume definitions. The source volume definitions associated with the Mobility Group(s) are now no longer available for active use. This release of TDMF (IP) supports Plug and Play driver functionality on Windows 2000 and Windows Server 2003. The PnP driver attaches to all source devices available at system boot time. The start and stop commands do not

require an exclusive lock of the source volumes anymore. You no longer need to stop applications on source volumes as Mobility Groups can be started or stopped at any time with the PnP driver. stop [-g <group#>|-a] [-f] [-s] [-h] D -g <group#>: Stops a specified Mobility Group and removes its source volume definitions. D -a: Stops all Mobility Groups and removes their source volume definitions. D -f: Forces the group to stop, and kills the PMD, when using the PnP driver. D -s: For boot scripts onlystops the previously started Mobility Groups, but marks them "enabled for restart" when the system is next booted (UNIX Servers only). D -h: Displays help for the command.

The trace command is used to activate TDMF (IP)s tracing features, which increases the number and type of messages viewable in the Events tab. trace [-l x|-off|-on] [-s n|f] [-b] [-h] D -l x: Starts Server tracing at the level entered. H -on: Equivalent to level 3 H -off: Equivalent to level 0 D -b: Sends a tracing level request to the TDMF (IP) Block Device Driver. With the -b option, the trace level request is sent only to the Mobility Server. D -s n|f: Sends the System Event Log messages for driver errors. The n option enables this feature, and the f option disables it. D -b: Send trace level to TDMF (IP) Block device driver. D -h: Displays help for the command.

Tracing Levels

level level level level level level

0: Disable traces. 1: Errors only. 2: Warnings and higher priorities levels. 3: Level 0 information and higher priorities. 4: Level 1 information and higher priorities. 5: Level 2 information and higher priorities.

CAUTION: User permissions assigned to a share are not replicated. The System Administrator must provide user credentials on the Secondary Server that are identical to the ones on the Primary Server. D -x: Extends the file system (NTFS only) to the entire partition on the Target drive: H -p x, where x is the mount point on which to extend the file system. The group number is not referenced when using the -p option. D -m: Mirror tool utility that swaps mount points of the source and target partitions, for local devices or Loopback groups only: H -d: Dismounts the source disk before swap; H -f: Forces swap mount points even if a disk failure happens; H -u: Updates the mirror content (no swap) - this option overrides the -d and -f options; H -p x -p y, where x and y are the source and target mount points to swap. The group number is not referenced when using the -p option. D -b: Drive tool utility that swaps boot drives: H -r: Replaces certain registry keys so the replicated devices show up with the same drive letters and mount points as the source system. H -dx: Swaps the specified group target device (boot drive), represented by x (or fixes the REMOTE drive if it is not local.) H -wWIR: The Windows directory name on the target drive (WINDOWS or WINNT.) D -c: Swaps the target disk signatures so that they inherit the personalities of the source disks. This makes it possible to switch to new disks in a Microsoft Cluster. H -p x -p y: Where x and y are the source and target mount points on which to swap signatures. The group number is not referenced when using the -p option. D -h: Displays help for the command.

Displays a snapshot of the file system on the target volume at the time the command was issued. Both the source and target volumes remain synchronized during the viewtarget command, so updates made to the target volume after issuing the viewtarget command are not reflected. viewtarget [-g <group#>|-a] [-on|-off] [-h] D -g <group#>: The specified Mobility Group.
D -a: All Mobility Groups. D -on: Enables read-only access to the Mobility Group. D -off: Disables read-only access to the Mobility Group. D -h: Displays help for the command.

The util command is a general set of utilities that allow you to perform the following functions: D Share replication; D Volume expansion following a migration or replication; D Swapping the drive letters following a data migration; D Switching disk signatures following a migration in a cluster environment; D Fixing a boot drive following a migration or replication to enable it to boot properly; D Fixing the mounted devices registry key so that other disks show up with the correct drive letter when a boot drive and other drives are migrated or replicated. util [-a|-g <group#>] [-s] [-x [-p]] [-m [-d|-f|-u|-p]] [-b [-r|-dx|-wWDIR]] [-c [-p]] [-h] D -g <group#>: Specified Mobility Group. D -a: All Mobility Groups. D -s: Begins the replication of shares from the Source drive to the Target drive.

Online Documentation
D Softek Replicator for Windows 3.1 Installation and Reference Guide (REP-W31IR) D Softek Replicator for Windows 3.1 Messages Guide (REPW31MG) D Softek Replicator for Windows 3.1 Release Notes (REPW31RN)1 D Softek Data Mobility Console 1.2.0 Installation and User Guide (DMC-W11IU) D Softek Data Mobility Console 1.2.0 Release Notes (DMC-W11RN) D Softek Data Mobility Console 1.2.0 Quick Reference Card (DMCW11QC)

Technical Support

Copyright IBM Corporation 2010. All rights reserved. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Printed in Canada. Part Number: REP-W31QC-005

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