Prince CN 7
Prince CN 7
Prince CN 7
1. Aim :
Implement Router as a DHCP server that can serve multiple VLANs.
2. Prerequisites :
● An access to CISCO PACKET TRACER .
3. Theory :
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is an application layer protocol used to
distribute various network configuration parameters to devices on a TCP/IP network. – IP
addresses, subnet masks, default gateways, DNS servers, etc. DHCP employs a client-server
architecture; a DHCP client is configured to request network parameters from a DHCP server
on the network. A DHCP server is configured with a pool of available IP addresses and assigns
one of them to the DHCP client.
4. Configuration :
2. Create a new DHCP pool with the ip dhcp pool NAME command.
In the example above you can see that I’ve configured the DHCP server with the
following parameters:
· the IP addresses from the – range will not be assigned
to hosts.
· the IP addresses assigned to the hosts will be from the range