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Beretz Fall 2024-25 Cultural Project

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Fall 2024 Cultural

Participation Projects
DUE DATES Project must be submitted by January 9th, 2025
One of the greatest benefits of acquiring a new language is learning
about the culture and countries of the people who speak it. Each
Spanish 1 and Spanish 3 student will complete one Cultural
Participation Activities or Project chosen from the following
descriptions. Projects are done outside of class.
● Projects may be turned in for credit before the due date, but not after it.

● Students may write and/or present orally in English.

Options Choose 1
¡A Comer! Eat at a restaurant that serves ¡A Cocinar! Cook an authentic dish from Spain
authentic dishes from either Spain or Latin or Latin America. A listing of foods can be found
America. Please clear the restaurant with me in the Resources section of this handout. Unless
prior to going. Verification: Make a digital or the recipe is very complex, each student needs
physical poster or booklet that includes photos to cook his/her own food. Verification: Make a
of you at the restaurant and a photo of the digital or physical poster or booklet with photos
menu. Write a 500-1000 word (12 pt font, double and illustrations of you doing the project. You
spaced, Times New Roman) must be in the pictures doing the project. Write
description of the experience. Include a 500-1000 word (12 pt font, double spaced,
information about the country and cuisine. Times New Roman) description of the
Describe, in detail, what you and others ate. experience. (Name of dish in Spanish,
(Name of dish in Spanish; description; description, ingredients, Did you like it?) Please
ingredients; Did you like the dish?) If several make sure to include information about the
students go together to a restaurant, they may country where this food is made. Include the
submit only one poster or booklet, but each actual recipe (photo copy from a cookbook,
student must write his/her own description of the internet recipe or a copy from a magazine).
experience. NOTE: Taco Bell and the like don't
count for this project. Look for authentic
restaurants that serve dishes you've never tried
La Danza: Take a lesson in Latin dance, or watch La Música: Find a group or individual musician
a live performance of a Latin dance such as you like, play a song for the class, and tell them
tango, flamenco, salsa or ballet folklórico. about the artist. Play the music from the group
Research the dance to find out its country of you chose, and write a 500-1000 word (12 pt
origin and other information. Verification: Make font, double spaced, Times New Roman)
a digital or physical poster or booklet describing report that includes their country of origin, history

the experience. Write a 500-1000 word (12 pt and greatest hits.
font, double spaced, Times New Roman).
Include the program/ticket stub, and photos of
yourself at the event.
Toca la Música: Learn to play or sing a piece of Dibujar el Arte: Reproduce artwork by a famous
Hispanic music, and research the type of music Hispanic artist, and write about the artist and the
and the composer. Verification: Play/sing the picture you copied. Verification: Turn in your
music piece for the class. artwork and attach a copy of the original print
Write a 500-1000 word report(12 pt font, double you reproduced. Write a 500-1000 word (12 pt
spaced, Times New Roman) that includes the font, double spaced, Times New Roman)
country of origin, information about the description of the experience. Tell about the
composer and your overall experience with artist, his/her country of origin, important dates,
learning the piece. type (genre) of art and other interesting facts.
Also, describe why you chose to draw this
particular piece of art. You need to include your
Mi Visita Visit a museum exhibit related to the culture,
Tell the class about your visit to a Spanish- geography or history of Spain or Latin America.
speaking country. It can be a trip you have Verification: Make a SMALL poster or booklet
taken within the last 2 years. Verification: Make that includes photos and handouts of the
a SMALL poster or booklet describing your visit. exhibit. Write a 500-1000 word (12 pt font,
Write a 500-1000 word (12 pt font, double double spaced, Times New Roman) telling what
spaced, Times New Roman) description of the you saw and what you liked.
experience. Illustrate with photos and souvenirs,
and then report orally to the class. Emphasize
the cultural aspects of the country, rather than
Una Celebración Cultural Leer es Poder: Read (in English) a novel or story
Participate in a Día de los Muertos or Las by a famous Hispanic or Latin-American author,
Posadas celebration. Verification: Make a and orally report to the class. A list of authors is
poster or booklet with photos and illustrations of compiled in the Resources section of this
your experience, and a 500-1000 word report handout. Verification: Make a SMALL poster or
(12 pt font, double spaced, Times New Roman) booklet describing the story and telling about
of the event, telling what the celebration is the author. Include cultural aspects in the novel,
about. Make sure it’s clear that you were there! and a 500-1000 (12 pt font, double spaced,
You must be in the photos. Times New Roman) word opinion piece about
the book. You will present your work orally to the

Dia de Los Muertos
Old Town San Diego October 28-November 2
LA Dia de los Muertos Festival
LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes Dia de los Muertos event
Rady’s Shell
LA Plaza de Cultura y Artes
Caliente Food and Music Festival
Hola Mexico Film Festival

La Danza
Flamenco San Diego

Las Posadas
Old Town
Olvera Street Las Posadas

Alejandro Fernandez Concert

Cooking: Spanish Cooking Classes at Sur la Table
San Diego Museum of Art
Cabrillo National Monument

● Costa Brava (Spain) https://www.costabravasd.com/

● Café Sevilla (Spain) http://www.cafesevilla.com/

● Q'Ero (Peru and South America) http://qerorestaurant.com/

● Andres (Cuba) http://www.andresrestaurantsd.com/

● Puerto La Boca (Argentina) http://puertolaboca.com/

● Tropical Star (Caribbean) http://tropicalstarrestaurant.com/index.htm

Spanish Foods and Recipes: http://www.spain-recipes.com/
South American Countries Recipes: http://lanic.utexas.edu/la/region/food/

Food Network
All Recipes
New York Times Cooking

Some Famous Hispanic and Latin-American Artists
* (born in Spain)

Mexico Spain Costa Rica Cuba

Rudolfo Tamayo Diego Velázquez Tomas Povedano Elena Maza

Alfredo Ramos Salvador Dalí
Frida Kahlo Juan Gris
Diego Rivera David Alfaro Siquieros
Joaquin Sorolla
J. Clemente Orozco
Juan Miro
David Alfaro Siqueiros
Francisco Goya
Remedios Varo Pablo Picasso

Guatemala Argentina Venezuela Uruguay

Carlos Mérida Antonio Alice Mercedes Pardo Pedro Figarí

Jesús Rafael Soto

Chile Colombia

Luz Donoso Fernando Botero


Luis Borges Mario Vargas Llosa Cristina Rivera Garza

Gabriel García Márquez Ruben Dario Gabriela Mistral
Sandra Cisneros Victor Villaseñor
Isabel Allende Pablo Neruda
Juan Rulfo Jose Marti
Christina Garcia Alfonsina Storni

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