Course Specification of Pharmaceutics I
Course Specification of Pharmaceutics I
Course Specification of Pharmaceutics I
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
1. Recognize the characteristics of different pharmaceutical dosage forms and routes of drug administration.
2. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
3. Recognize the different additives used in manufacturing of pharmaceutical solutions and colloids.
4. Describe methods of preparation of pharmaceutical solutions and colloids.
5. Discuss the method of evaluation of pharmaceutical solutions and colloids.
6. Distinguish pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
7. Determine the appropriate methods for preparation of solutions and colloids.
8. Select the suitable method for evaluation of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
9. Propose best approaches to solve the problems encountered in formulation pharmaceutical liquid dosage
10. Select and practice different methods for preparation of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
11. Formulate different pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
12. Label the different formulations of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
13. Evaluate the formulations of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
14. Implement writing and presentation skills.
15. Work independently or collaboratively to prepare seminars/ presentations or write reports.
16. Effectively use internet resources to search for up-to-date information to solve emerging problems.
A1- Recognize the principles of physical, a1- Recognize the characteristics of different pharmaceutical
chemical, clinical, social, behavioral, health dosage forms and routes of drug administration.
and pharmaceutical sciences.
A2- Recognize the physicochemical properties, a2- Describe the advantages and disadvantages of
preparation, structure activity relationship pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
B1 Consolidate the chemical, biochemical and b1- Distinguish pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
physiological principles to construct the
pharmacophores of the structure and their
effect on the stability, pharmacokinetic and
pharmacodynamic profiles of the drug.
B3 Design different types of safe and effective b2- Determine the appropriate methods for preparation of
pharmaceutical dosage forms and develop solutions and colloids.
novel methods of qualitative and
quantitative analytical and biological
analysis for pharmaceutical and b3- Select the suitable method for evaluation of
pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
biopharmaceutical products that support
pharmaceutical research.
b4- Propose best approaches to solve the problems
encountered in formulation pharmaceutical liquid
dosage forms.
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
C1- Operate different pharmaceutical equipments and c1- Select and practice different methods for
instruments and use emerging technologies in design, preparation of pharmaceutical liquid dosage
synthesis, pre-formulation, formulation, packaging, forms.
storage and analysis of pharmaceutical products
according to GLP, GSP and cGMP guidelines.
C3- Extract, isolate, purify, identify and formulate the natural c2- Formulate different pharmaceutical liquid
products and assure their rational use. dosage forms.
C5- Conduct research studies and utilize the results in c3- Label the different formulations of
different pharmaceutical fields. pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
c4- Evaluate the formulations of pharmaceutical
liquid dosage forms.
Teaching And Assessment Methods For Achieving Learning Outcomes:
Alignment of Learning Outcomes of Professional and Practical Skills to Teaching and Assessment Methods:
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) in Teaching Methods of assessment
Professional and Practical Skills strategies/methods to
be used
After completing this course, students will be able to: Lectures, tutorials, Attendance, homework,
practical, discussion written, practical, oral
c1- Select and practice different methods for preparation of and brain storming exams, report, project
pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms. and observation.
c2- Formulate different pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
c3- Label the different formulations of pharmaceutical liquid
dosage forms.
c4- Evaluate the formulations of pharmaceutical liquid dosage
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
D3 Develop financial, market management, writing, d3- Effectively use internet resources to search for up-to-
presentation and time management skills as well as date information to solve emerging problems.
creativity, critical thinking, problem solving and
decision making abilities.
V. Course Content:
1 – Course Topics/Items:
a – Theoretical Aspect
Sub-topic List Number Contac
Order Topic List / Units CILOs (symbols)
of weeks t hours
Pharmaceutical solvents and
a1, a3, b1-2, d1-3
Definition, types, Advantages, 1 2
excipients disadvantages,
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
b- Practical Aspect:
Number of Contact
Order Practical Tasks
CILOs (symbols) weeks hours
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
3 6
evaluate topical aqueous solutions.
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
3 6
evaluate oral aqueous solutions.
c1-4, d1-3
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
3 6
evaluate topical non-aqueous solutions.
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
3 6
evaluate oral non-aqueous solutions.
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
2 4
evaluate colloidal solutions.
7. Final-term exam c1-4 1 2
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
b- Assessment Methods:
Oral Exam, Quizzes, Attendance, Participation, Short answers, reports, homework, and Written exam
Practical works, practical exam and practical reports.
VII. Assignments:
No. Assignments Aligned CILOs (symbols) Week Due Mark
1 Homework Assignments a1-4, b1-4, d1-3
Sporadic through the semester 10
2 Reports c1-4, d1-3
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
1. Loyd, V Allen J.,2013, Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 22nd edition,
Pharmaceutical Press, London.
2. Florence, A.T. and Attwood, D., 2006, ''Physicochemical principles of pharmacy'', 4th edition,
Pharmaceutical Press, London.
3. Banker, G.S.and Rhodes, C.T, (1999) Modern Pharmaceutics, 3rd edn. Marcel Dekker.
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
I. Facilities Required:
- Well-equipped lecture halls with data show facilities, whiteboards,
1 - Accommodation: net connection, etc.
- Well-equipped laboratories with all required equipment and reagents.
2 - Computing resources: - Computer laboratory with internet facilities.
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
5- Procedures for periodically reviewing of course effectiveness and planning for improvement
Student rating and feedback
Peer rating and feedback
Regular meeting of the Curriculum Committee of the faculty.
6- Course development plans
Conducting regular workshops for the staff for improving their course specification skills.
Regular revision of course specification and syllabus items.
The University Regulations on academic misconduct will be strictly enforced. Please refer to -----------
1 Class Attendance:
Attendance of all lectures and practical sessions is required. Unexcused absence exceeding 25% of the
lectures or practical sessions will disqualify the student from entering the final exam.
2 Tardy:
- Roll will be called in the very beginning of each lecture and practical class. Retardation for more than three
weeks without a reasonable excursion, the student involved shall not be allowed to attend the class any longer and
consequently shall be considered to be absent.
3 Exam Attendance/Punctuality:
Exam attendance is obligatory unless being excused by the department and faculty.
Absence from assignments or exams will be dealt with according to the general policy of the university.
5 Cheating:
Punishment of cheating will be according to the general policy of the university in this respect.
6 Plagiarism:
Plagiarism in written essays, reports, etc. is not accepted, and students who plagiarize the works of others
will be punished according to the general policy of the university.
7 Other policies:
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University جاهعت -صنعاء
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
General policies of the Students' Affairs of the University and the Quality Assurance Unit.
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
ا.د .القاضن دمحم عباش ا.م.د .هدي العواد ا.د.احود ضباتي ا.د.احود ضباتي ا.د .عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د .هحوىد البريهي
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University جاهعت -صنعاء
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
ا.د .القاضن دمحم عباش ا.م.د .هدي العواد ا.د.احود ضباتي ا.د.احود ضباتي ا.د .عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د .هحوىد البريهي
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
Location & Telephone No. SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
17. Recognize the characteristics of different pharmaceutical dosage forms and routes of drug administration.
18. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
19. Recognize the different additives used in manufacturing of pharmaceutical solutions and colloids.
20. Describe methods of preparation of pharmaceutical solutions and colloids.
21. Discuss the method of evaluation of pharmaceutical solutions and colloids.
22. Distinguish pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
23. Determine the appropriate methods for preparation of solutions and colloids.
24. Select the suitable method for evaluation of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
25. Propose best approaches to solve the problems encountered in formulation pharmaceutical liquid dosage
26. Select and practice different methods for preparation of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
27. Formulate different pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
28. Label the different formulations of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
29. Evaluate the formulations of pharmaceutical liquid dosage forms.
30. Implement writing and presentation skills.
31. Work independently or collaboratively to prepare seminars/ presentations or write reports.
32. Effectively use internet resources to search for up-to-date information to solve emerging problems.
X. Course Content:
1 – Course Topics/Items:
a – Theoretical Aspect
Sub-topic List Number Contac
Order Topic List / Units CILOs (symbols)
of weeks t hours
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
Pharmaceutical solvents and
a1, a3, b1-2, d1-3
Definition, types, Advantages, 1 2
excipients disadvantages,
7 Mid-term exam a1-4, b1, b2, b4 1 2
Definition, types, Advantages, 2 4
disadvantages, solvents,
Pharmaceutical Aqueous
excipients, methods of
8 Solutions a2-5, b1-4, d1-3 formulation and methods of
evaluation of pharmaceutical
aqueous solutions.
Definition, types, Advantages, 2 4
disadvantages, solvents,
Pharmaceutical non-aqueous
excipients, methods of
9 Solutions (elixirs, ) a2-5, b1-4, d1-3 formulation and methods of
evaluation of pharmaceutical
non-aqueous solutions.
Definition, types, Advantages,
disadvantages, solvents,
excipients, methods of 2 4
10 Pharmaceutical colloids a2-5, b1-4, d1-3 formulation and methods of
evaluation of pharmaceutical
11 Final-term exam a1-5, b1-4 1 2
Number of Weeks /and Units Per Semester 16 32
b- Practical Aspect:
Number of Contact
Order Practical Tasks
CILOs (symbols) weeks hours
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
3 6
evaluate topical aqueous solutions.
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
3 6
evaluate oral aqueous solutions.
c1-4, d1-3
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
3 6
evaluate topical non-aqueous solutions.
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
3 6
evaluate oral non-aqueous solutions.
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
Formulate, practice preparation, label and
c1-4, d1-3
2 4
evaluate colloidal solutions.
14. Final-term exam c1-4 1 2
Number of Weeks /and Units Per Semester 16 32
b- Assessment Methods:
Oral Exam, Quizzes, Attendance, Participation, Short answers, reports, homework, and Written exam
Practical works, practical exam and practical reports.
VII. Assignments:
No. Assignments Aligned CILOs (symbols) Week Due Mark
1 Homework Assignments a1-5, b1-4, d1-3
Sporadic through the semester 10
2 Reports c1-4, d1-3
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
4. Loyd, V Allen J.,2013, Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy 22nd edition,
Pharmaceutical Press, London.
5. Florence, A.T. and Attwood, D., 2006, ''Physicochemical principles of pharmacy'', 4th edition,
Pharmaceutical Press, London.
6. Banker, G.S.and Rhodes, C.T, (1999) Modern Pharmaceutics, 3rd edn. Marcel Dekker.
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
Regular follow-up of laboratory logbooks to assess the practical achievement of students.
10- Procedures for periodically reviewing of course effectiveness and planning for improvement
Student rating and feedback
Peer rating and feedback
Regular meeting of the Curriculum Committee of the faculty.
6- Course development plans
Conducting regular workshops for the staff for improving their course specification skills.
Regular revision of course specification and syllabus items.
The University Regulations on academic misconduct will be strictly enforced. Please refer to -----------
1 Class Attendance:
Attendance of all lectures and practical sessions is required. Unexcused absence exceeding 25% of the
lectures or practical sessions will disqualify the student from entering the final exam.
2 Tardy:
- Roll will be called in the very beginning of each lecture and practical class. Retardation for more than three
weeks without a reasonable excursion, the student involved shall not be allowed to attend the class any longer and
consequently shall be considered to be absent.
3 Exam Attendance/Punctuality:
Exam attendance is obligatory unless being excused by the department and faculty.
Absence from assignments or exams will be dealt with according to the general policy of the university.
5 Cheating:
Punishment of cheating will be according to the general policy of the university in this respect.
6 Plagiarism:
Plagiarism in written essays, reports, etc. is not accepted, and students who plagiarize the works of others
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا
Republic of Yemen
Minster of Higher Education الجوهىريت اليونيت
and Scientific Research وزارة التعلين العالي والبحث العلوي
Sana’a University صنعاء- جاهعت
Faculty of Pharmacy كليت الصيدلت
Quality Assurance Unit وحدة ضواى الجىدة
7 Other policies:
General policies of the Students' Affairs of the University and the Quality Assurance Unit.
رئيص الجاهعت عويدة هركس التطىير وضواى الجىدة عويد الكليت رئيص القطن نائب العويد لشؤوى الجىدة الو ىصف
القاضن دمحم عباش.د.ا هدي العواد.د.م.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا احود ضباتي.د.ا هحوىد البريهي.د. عبدالىلي أحود ضيف ا.د.ا