Field Practical 1
Field Practical 1
Field Practical 1
Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine Program
A1- Demonstrate a sound knowledge and a1- Demonstrate a knowing and understanding of the
understanding of concepts and principles of basic principles of the most important animal and
general culture, basic science, and that support poultry diseases and identify the impact of
veterinary medicine. clinical conditions, veterinary diagnosis and
treatment on the health of animals and poultry
and their consequent need for supportive nursing
A2- Clarifies basic concepts, principles, and a2- Identify various animal and poultry production,
theories related to animal production, animal nutrition and environmental housing and hygiene
health and nutrition, behavior management, control measures.
breeding and care that is related to animal
ethical codes.
Teaching And Assessment Methods For Achieving Learning Outcomes:
Alignment of Learning Outcomes of Knowledge and Understanding to Teaching and Assessment Methods:
Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs) in Teaching strategies/methods Methods of assessment
Knowledge and Understanding to be used
completing this course, students will be able to: -Practical training (Clinical -Written exam
B1- Competently practices analytical and critical b1- explains how to deal with and mange animal
thinking skills in studying and assessing production and healthy and nutritional problems to
health problems and reading the results of achieve maximal profits.
animal medical examinations that is related
to sciences.
B3- Design appropriate nursing and treatment b2- Interpret of drug-drug interaction in the veterinary
care plans for different diseases that affect field as well as differentiate the actual cause(s) of
animals, prioritizing treatment. intoxication among farm animals.
b1- explains how to deal with and mange animal demonstrations, practice of -Practical exam
production and healthy and nutritional skills, and discussions). -Oral exam
problems to achieve maximal profits. (a) Field visits (farms and - Report assignments
b2- Interpret of drug-drug interaction in the villages) - Discussion
veterinary field as well as differentiate the (b) General experimental
actual cause(s) of intoxication among farm animal teaching
animals. (c) Clinical and small group
(d) Outpatient clinic
(e) Cases study
C1- Accurately records a comprehensive c1- Obtains the case history professionally for
pathological story of a sick animal including animals and poultry owners and select and apply
information on healthy behavior and the clinical skills appropriate to the role of a
necessary checks professional
veterinary nurse.
C4- Treat animal patients safely and effectively c2- Build up a therapy program, preventive and
considering the evaluation of the results, the control programs for animal and poultry .
appropriate modification of the treatment plan
and the accurate description of the appropriate
d1- Work effectively as a member of a teamwork essay and presentations - Evaluating student
in the delivery of services to community (computer and faculty library) presentations.
d2- Use new technology and have access to - Cooperative learning and - Practical exam
internet veterinary web sites and retrieve working groups - Report assignments
information - Scientific visits - Discussion
- discussions - Note performance
- Assignments
b- Training Aspect:
Number of Contact
Order Training Tasks
CILOs (symbols) weeks hours
- Introduction & History taken
-Clinical examination & diagnosis ( Inspection& a1, a2, b1, b2, c1,
1 2 6
physical examination. c2,
- Temperature
-Examination of cardiovascular system a1, a2, b1, b2, c1,
2 2 6
-Examination of respiratory system c2,
a1, a2, b1, b2, c1,
3 Examination of digestive system 1 3
(a) Field visits (farms and Veterinary teaching clinic and hospital and villages…..)
3-Assessment Methods:
- Written exam
- Practical exam
- Oral exam
- Report assignments
- Discussion
Grading Scale:
Prepared by Quality Assurance Unit Dean of the Faculty Academic Development
Dr. Abdulraqeb Alshami Dr. Abdulraqeb Alshami Ass. Prof. Dr. Abdu Alraoof Center & Quality
Dr. Saleh Alomaisi D Al-Shawkany Assurance
Dr. Aref Abdulmghni D Ass. Prof. Dr. Huda Al-
Rector of Sana’a University
77 Prof. Dr. Al-Qassim Mohammed Abbas
Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine Program
Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade(90-100) and F is a fail (<50).
Saturday-Wednesday from 8:00 a.m.-2 p.m. Student can contact me via email
Clinical Examination of Farm Animals BY Peter G.G. Jackson & Peter D Cockcrot (2002)
Color atlas of diseases and disorders in catle by. Blowey, Roger W and Weaver, A. David 2011
3rd Ed
3- Essential References
Epidemiology for field veterinarans An interoduction by Sergaant E. and Perkins N. (2015)
4- Electronic Materials and Web Sites etc.
5- Other Learning Material:
X. Course Policies:
1 Class Attendance:
2 Tardiness:
Not allowed at all. Students must be in class or in the practical session 10 minutes prior to the
beginning of lectures or practical session
3 Exam Attendance/Punctuality:
Attendance is mandatory; absence is accepted with valid excuse
4 Assignments & Projects:
All assignments and projects are to be submitted on their due date. Any assignment turned in after
the due date will not be accepted without valid and reasonable excuse
5 Cheating:
Not tolerated and may lead to EXPELLING the student from the program
6 Plagiarism:
Not tolerated AT ALL and may lead to EXPELLING the student from the program
7 Other policies:
1. All devices must be on silent or at least on vibration during lectures/labs
2. Before any exam (written, oral) we must check student’s identity (student’s card, ID,
passport). Without any of these documents, the student will not be allowed in the exam
3. Any of type/ form of cheating is not allowed no matter what.
4. Maintain silence during lectures/exam and disturbance is not allowed. For any questions
students should raise their hand and wait for permission to talk.
Sana’a Governorate
Location & Telephone No. SAT SUN MON TUE WED THU
8am 8am 8am 8am 8am
2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm 2pm
a1- Demonstrate a knowing and understanding of the basic principles of the most important animal
and poultry diseases and identify the impact of clinical conditions, veterinary diagnosis and
treatment on the health of animals and poultry and their consequent need for supportive
nursing care.
a2- Identify various animal and poultry production, nutrition and environmental housing and
hygiene control measures.
b1- Explains how to deal with and mange animal production and healthy and nutritional problems to
achieve maximal profits.
b2- Interpret of drug-drug interaction in the veterinary field as well as differentiate the actual
cause(s) of intoxication among farm animals.
c1- Obtains the case history professionally for animals and poultry owners and select and apply
clinical skills appropriate to the role of a professional
veterinary nurse.
c2- Build up a therapy program, preventive and control programs for animal and poultry .
d2- Use new technology and have access to internet veterinary web sites and retrieve information.
A – Theoretical Aspect:
Order Topics List Week Due Contact Hours
1 Non - -
Number of Weeks /and Units Per Semester
b- Training Aspect:
Order Training Tasks Week Due hours
- Introduction & History taken
1 -Clinical examination & diagnosis ( Inspection& physical examination. 1,2 6
- Temperature
-Examination of cardiovascular system
2 3,4 6
-Examination of respiratory system
3 Examination of digestive system 5 3
-Examination of lymph nodes
4 6 3
-Examination of udder and milk
-Examination of skin
5 -Allergic tests 7 3
-Routs and administration of drugs
6 Mid-Term Exam 8 3
Examination of animals ,diagnosis of disease conditions referred to the
7 Veterinary Teaching Clinic or through field visits. Rotation in surgery, ,9,10,11,12,13 21
obstetrics, poultry diseases, internal medicine and clinical pathology. ,14,15
8 Final Exam 16 3
Number of Weeks /and Units Per Semester 16 48
(a) Field visits (farms and Veterinary teaching clinic and hospital and villages…..)
Grading Scale:
Grades are awarded on a scale from A to F, where A is the best grade (90-100) and F is a fail (<50)
Each evaluation step include; medicine, clinical pathology, surgery, obstetrics and poultry
2- Essential References.
Epidemiology for field veterinarans An interoduction by Sergaant E. and Perkins N. (2015)
1 Class Attendance:
2 Tardy:
Not allowed at all. Students must be in class 10 minutes prior to the beginning of lectures
3 Exam Attendance/Punctuality:
Attendance is mandatory; absence is accepted with valid excuse
4 Assignments & Projects:
All assignments and projects are to be submitted on their due date. Any assignment turned in after
the due date will not be accepted without valid and reasonable excuse.
5 Cheating:
Not tolerated and may lead to EXPELLING the student from the program
6 Plagiarism:
Not tolerated AT ALL and may lead to EXPELLING the student from the program
7 Other policies:
1. All devices must be on silent or at least on vibration during lectures/labs.
2. Before any exam (written, practical, oral) student’s identity will be checked (student’s
card, ID, passport). Without any of these documents, the student will not be allowed in the
exam room.
3. Any of type/ form of cheating is not allowed no matter what.
4. Maintain silence during lectures and disturbance is not allowed.