Manikandan.P (IJER) 5-5-16-916
Manikandan.P (IJER) 5-5-16-916
Manikandan.P (IJER) 5-5-16-916
Genetic variability of leaf caterpillar resistance traits among groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.)
Manikandan P1*, V Selvanarayanan2, T Sabesan3
1, 2
Department of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, Tamil Nadu,
Two hundred and ten accessions of groundnut (Arachis hypogea L.) were evaluated for leaf caterpillar (Spodoptera litura F.)
resistance and yield potential during Rabi season, 2018- 2019 at Thandavankulam, Nagapattinam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Observations were recorded on mean larval population, per cent damage caused by leaf caterpillar and biometrical traits such
as plant height, pod yield, number of mature pods, immature pods, primary branches, secondary branches and plant biomass.
The mean larval population per plant was significant but negatively correlated with pod yield and number of secondary
branches per plant whereas it was positively correlated with the number of matured pods and primary branches per plant. Per
cent leaf damage exerted a significant negative correlation with secondary branches per plant and had a non-significant
association with pod yield and plant biomass. A significant positive association was observed between the mean larval
population and per cent leaf damage. For the characters viz., plant height, pod yield, number of matured pods, plant biomass
and per cent leaf damage, high GCV, PCV, heritability and genetic advance were recorded indicating the role of additive gene
action in controlling these characters and hence, selection for improvement of these characters in early generation itself might
be effective.
International Journal of Entomology Research
Seven characters such as plant height, pod yield, number of (GCV) was worked out as per the procedure given by
matured pods, number of immature pods, number of Burton and Dewane (1953) [6] while, heritability was
primary branches, number of secondary branches and plant calculated based on the method suggested by Falconer
biomass were observed in ten plants from each accession (1981) [13] and the genetic advance was calculated based on
and mean value was worked out for each parameter. the formula given by Johnson et al. (1955) [18]. Analysis of
The simple correlation coefficient was calculated based on variance was computed for all the traits evaluated, using
the procedure given by Panse and Sukhatme (1995) [26]. SPSS 16.00 for Windows 16.0 computer software system
Phenotypic (PCV) and genotypic coefficient of variation (SPSS Inc., 2007).
Table 1: Analysis of variance for Spodoptera litura resistance and other traits in groundnut genotypes (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Mean sum of square
Source of Number of Primary Secondary
Degrees of Plant Pod Yield Number of Plant Per cent leaf
Variation immature branches per branches per
freedom Height (cm) (g) matured pods Biomass damage
pods plant plant
Genotypes 209 302.8026** 459.7797** 137.9098** 124.1762** 3.640018** 28.6109** 2762.25** 376.5308**
Replications 1 0.0607 0.02933 3.5494 0.0644 1.1840 2.4259 0.5379 1.2118
Error 209 0.2899 0.3139 0.6080 87.5690 0.1519 0.1175 4.6127 1.3639
** Significant at 1% level of probability
Table 2: Correlation coefficient among the different plant traits and leaf caterpillar incidence and per cent damage
Mean Per cent Plant Number of Number of Primary Secondary
Pod Plant
Plant Traits Larval leaf Height matured immature branches per branches per
Yield (g) Biomass
population damage (cm) pods pods plant plant
Mean Larval population 1
Per cent leaf damage 0.6935** 1
Plant Height (cm) -0.0022 0.1146** 1
Pod Yield (g) -0.1484* -0.0106 0.3365** 1
Number of matured pods 0.0942* 0.2066** 0.1655** 0.5660** 1
Number of immature pods -0.0027 0.0645 0.1219** 0.5214** 0.7715** 1
Primary branches per plant 0.0262 0.0992* 0.0942* 0.1751** 0.1833** 0.2054** 1
Secondary branches per plant -0.2802** -0.2551** 0.0764 0.2028** 0.0995* 0.2245** 0.1451* 1
Plant Biomass -0.0733 -0.0278 0.4051** 0.5816** 0.4513** 0.4535** 0.2003** 0.4040** 1
* -Significant at 0.05%, ** -Significant at 0.01% level of probability
Table 3: Genetic components of variation for Spodoptera litura resistance and other traits
Plant Height Pod Yield Number of Number of Primary branches Secondary branches Plant Per cent leaf
(cm) (g) matured pods immature pods per plant per plant Biomass damage
GV 151.26 229.73 68.65 18.30 1.74 14.25 1378.82 187.58
EV 0.29 0.31 0.61 87.57 0.15 0.12 4.61 1.36
PV 151.55 230.05 69.26 105.87 1.90 14.36 1383.43 188.95
GCV 28.97 34.52 43.29 13.52 29.93 77.70 60.31 45.05
ECV 1.27 1.28 4.07 29.56 8.84 7.06 3.49 3.84
PCV 29.00 34.55 43.48 32.50 31.21 78.02 60.41 45.21
h2BS 99.81 99.86 99.12 17.29 91.98 99.18 99.67 99.28
GA 25.35 31.25 17.02 3.67 2.61 7.75 76.48 28.15
GV-Genetic variation, EV- Environment variation, PV- Phenotypic variation, GCV- Genetic coefficient variation (%), ECV- Environment
coefficient variation (%), PCV- Phenotypic coefficient variation (%), h2BS- Heritability (Broad Sense) (%), GA- Genetic advance (%)
Result and Discussion per cent leaf damage showed a highly significant and
Analysis of variance for various characters confirmed the positive correlation. Pod yield and number of matured pods
existence of significant variation among the genotypes taken per plant, primary branches, secondary branches, plant
for the study (Table 1). The results revealed that leaf height and plant biomass were strongly correlated with a
caterpillar population was significantly correlated with traits positive association (Table 1). The positive correlation
such as plant height, pod yield, number of pods per plant, between pod yield and number of pods per plant
number of primary and secondary branches per plant (Table corroborates with earlier reports of Meta and Monpara
2). Gangadhara et al. (2016) [14] also reported association of (2010) [22]; Raut et al. (2010) [29] and Vekariya et al. (2010)
plant traits with S.litura damage and foliar disease .
incidence. Mean larval population per plant was negatively The highest genetic variation (GV) was observed with
correlated with pod yield and number of secondary branches regard to plant biomass and the lowest in case of number of
per plant whereas it was positively correlated with the primary plant branches per plant. Moderate to low GV was
number of primary branches and plant height. Per cent leaf recorded for pod yield, per cent leaf damage, plant height,
damage was negatively correlated but non-significant with number of mature pods, immature pods and number of
pod yield. Mohammad Saleem et al. (2018) [23] also reported primary branches. Environment variation (EV) was the
the non-significant correlation between S. litura damage and maximum in case of number of immature pods per plant in
pod yield per plant. Mean larval population per plant and contrast to the minimum in case of number of secondary
International Journal of Entomology Research
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