Vol 141569-573
Vol 141569-573
Vol 141569-573
Genetic variability, heritability and genetic advance in pole type French bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
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5 authors, including:
Vuppanapalli Chaitanya
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
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Forty four genotypes of French bean were evaluated for eighteen quantitative characters. Wide amount of variability was
found for all the characters studied. Maximum variation was showed by marketable pod yield per plant followed by plant
height, number of pods per plant, number of inflorescences per plant and 100 seed weight. GCV values were high for length
of inflorescence, number of pods per plant, marketable yield per plant and 100 seed weight. High estimates of broad sense
heritability was observed for all the characters under study this might be possible due to low impact of environment on these
traits. High heritability coupled with high expected genetic advance as percentage was observed for all the traits indicating
the additive gene effects. Hence, direct selection for these traits may lead to the development of high green pod yielding
Key words : French bean, genetic advance, heritability and variability.
Table 1: Analysis of variance for eighteen quantitative traits in forty four genotypes of French bean
Mean sum of squares
Replications (df = 2) Treatments (df = 43) Error (df=86)
Plant height (cm) 0.283 1712.342** 43.098
Number of primary branches per plant 0.073 1.699** 0.182
Days to first flowering 0.295 111.848** 1.574
Days to 50% flowering 0.068 121.549** 3.137
Length of inflorescence (cm) 0.023 34.305** 0.784
Number of inflorescences per plant 0.016 409.024** 6.998
Number of flowers per inflorescence 0.064 8.567** 0.585
Number of pods per inflorescence 0.085 1.431** 0.099
Days to first pod harvest 0.090 137.751** 4.579
Days to last pod harvest 0.234 231.928** 6.079
Pod length (cm) 0.690 11.275** 0.491
Pod width (cm) 0.006 0.088** 0.004
Pod weight (g) 0.1635 5.870** 0.056
Number of pods per plant 23.310 1002.303** 15.277
Number of seeds per pod 0.559 3.626** 0.275
100 seed weight (g) 0.004 252.292** 1.370
Protein content (%) 0.008 70.243** 1.266
Marketable po.d yield per plant (g) 19.259 19248.646** 334.468
and Sukatme (1985), genotypic and phenotypic coefficient In the present investigation, all the characters except
of variation by Burton and De Vane (1953) and heritability number of primary branches per plant showed narrow
and genetic advance by Johnson et al. (1955). differences between the values of GCV and PCV (table
3), implying variability due to genetic constitution. The
Results and Discussion GCV values were high for length of inflorescence, number
Forty four genotypes exhibited wide variation for of pods per plant, marketable yield per plant and 100
twelve qualitative characters studied. The frequency seed weight. These results indicated that high magnitude
distribution of these traits is presented in table 1. The of genetic variability existed for the above traits, offering
analysis of variance for 18 quantitative characters a good opportunity for improvement through selection.
revealed that mean sum of squares were highly significant This is in consonance with the findings of Gnanesh (2005)
for all the characters both at 5% and 1% level of Savitha (2008) and Upadyay and Mehta (2010).
significance indicating enough variability (table 1). Mean Although, genotypic coefficient of variation helps to
values for eighteen quantitative characters in forty four measure the genetic variability in a character, it is not
genotypes indicates wide amount of variability for all the possible to partition the heritable variation with this alone.
characters studied (table 2). However, absolute variability Burton (1951) suggested that GCV together with
in different characters does not permit in deciding as to heritability estimates would give the best result of the
which character is showing the highest degree of amount of genetic advance to be expected from selection.
variability. Therefore, estimation of phenotypic and High estimates of broad sense heritability was observed
genotypic variances and coefficient of variations become for all the characters under study this might be possible
necessary. Maximum variation was showed by due to low impact of environment on these traits. Similar
marketable pod yield per plant followed by plant height, results was reported by Rai et al. (2009) and Upadhayay
number of pods per plant, number of inflorescences per and Mehta (2010). Days to last pod harvest had high
plant and 100 seed weight both at phenotypic and genotypic heritability in spite of low GCV, which might be due to
levels, respectively (table 3). Low variance was observed introduction of replication into the system (Burton and
for pod width followed by number of pods per DeVane, 1953).
inflorescence, number of primary branches per plant and
The heritable variation can be estimated with greater
number of seeds per pod. Similar results were earlier
degree of accuracy when heritability is studied along with
reported by Gnanesh (2005) and Rai et al. (2010).
genetic advance. A high heritability coupled with genetic
Table 2 : Mean values of eighteen quantitative traits in forty four genotypes of French bean.
Accession Plant No. of Days Days to Length No. of No. of No. of Days to Days to Pod Pod Pod No. of No. of 100 Protein Marketable
number height primary to first 50 percent of inflo- infloresce- flowers pods per first pod last pod length width weight pods per seeds seed content pod yield
(cm) branches flower- flowering resce- nces per per inflo- inflo- harvest harvest (cm) (cm) (g) plant per pod weight (%) pod yield
per plant ing nce (cm) rescence rescence (g) per plant (g)
SRS-13429 166.73 2.22 39.00 45.00 3.35 15.33 3.44 2.77 58.66 107.00 9.27 1.30 5.08 12.90 3.55 36.10 19.62 65.32
SRS-13430 150.66 2.77 37.00 42.00 5.36 30.10 3.77 2.44 49.33 109.33 9.39 0.98 5.08 28.20 4.77 23.90 29.47 141.97
SRS-13443 123.46 3.33 37.33 41.33 4.06 39.66 4.77 2.88 49.33 85.33 11.03 1.26 5.16 60.08 5.21 26.16 31.65 307.68
SRS-13444 173.26 2.99 37.33 42.00 15.49 36.66 5.21 3.44 53.00 91.66 10.37 1.04 4.20 40.54 5.77 18.73 26.68 168.35
SRS-13449 170.22 2.55 39.33 41.33 3.71 35.88 4.11 3.22 56.33 98.00 9.16 1.14 2.71 47.77 5.44 14.80 22.61 136.08
SRS-13451 161.66 2.77 41.33 42.66 10.17 56.99 5.99 3.55 56.66 106.66 8.39 0.75 2.36 104.03 6.22 11.16 19.51 317.59
SRS-13454 183.11 2.11 39.33 42.66 8.00 65.99 4.99 3.44 53.33 98.66 10.57 1.02 3.26 73.47 5.55 16.26 28.82 259.22
SRS-13456 124.52 3.18 40.33 42.00 5.19 49.00 4.99 3.77 52.33 81.66 13.97 1.25 6.94 52.43 4.33 22.63 25.83 358.98
SRS-13459 170.11 3.44 42.66 45.33 6.11 56.99 3.88 2.99 56.00 108.33 10.22 0.87 3.82 74.53 6.22 9.20 29.48 283.08
SRS-13460 139.10 3.44 41.33 44.66 6.23 40.33 6.77 3.22 56.66 109.00 11.75 1.13 6.25 31.69 5.44 18.50 34.47 194.36
SRS-13461 123.95 2.76 42.33 44.66 3.01 21.66 3.77 2.77 58.00 95.00 10.63 1.21 7.04 19.46 4.44 19.83 34.74 131.33
SRS-13462 150.42 2.22 38.00 43.66 5.51 26.00 3.99 2.99 54.33 93.00 9.01 0.95 3.05 35.95 3.88 26.13 33.39 109.93
SRS-13463 152.44 2.33 40.00 46.66 9.86 31.32 5.88 3.77 54.33 88.66 11.73 1.02 4.45 49.06 5.55 17.36 23.86 216.93
SRS-13470 127.10 3.33 38.00 42.00 3.76 23.88 5.44 2.88 52.33 87.66 12.38 1.12 4.54 27.84 4.33 20.86 26.49 124.14
SRS-13471 110.99 3.33 39.33 43.33 13.86 29.70 7.55 3.66 55.66 90.00 12.25 1.25 5.84 40.31 3.44 27.46 27.51 235.76
SRS-13480 164.88 2.66 37.33 42.33 4.11 28.64 4.66 2.11 49.00 100.33 14.22 1.10 5.90 29.86 5.44 38.80 23.58 176.38
SRS-13481 124.88 2.44 36.33 41.33 2.07 20.93 3.44 1.77 49.33 108.00 13.78 1.15 5.81 23.17 4.55 43.76 22.87 134.87
SRS-13482 175.26 2.84 51.33 53.33 4.08 31.66 4.33 2.55 64.33 91.33 12.41 0.93 5.27 38.79 4.66 7.10 19.82 216.33
SRS-13483 128.25 2.66 37.33 38.66 2.80 14.66 3.88 1.44 56.00 104.33 11.14 1.11 4.27 19.74 2.99 7.10 22.61 84.04
SRS-13491 128.54 4.33 48.33 49.33 6.67 34.33 5.22 1.66 62.33 95.33 11.60 1.33 7.97 28.98 4.77 20.69 23.62 226.30
SRS-13494 201.32 3.10 60.33 62.66 6.72 34.66 5.99 3.21 75.33 106.66 15.20 1.12 4.88 34.03 3.22 18.76 20.56 187.32
SRS-13496 147.49 4.22 39.00 41.33 6.40 44.00 4.99 2.11 50.33 90.66 12.56 1.21 4.62 47.7 4.10 22.16 32.86 218.35
SRS-13497 130.62 4.55 39.33 42.33 8.48 34.66 5.77 1.66 56.33 92.66 9.16 1.04 1.95 40.58 4.22 24.06 21.40 77.92
SRS-13498 116.75 3.22 56.33 58.00 2.48 16.33 3.44 2.11 76.33 107.33 8.71 1.31 2.75 23.88 3.10 22.66 18.84 65.13
SRS-13499 187.25 2.77 41.66 43.66 2.42 17.00 3.12 1.77 52.33 103.33 10.73 1.06 4.58 22.39 4.44 28.43 24.31 109.20
SRS-13500 126.99 4.66 34.33 36.33 3.54 17.66 4.33 1.55 49.33 93.66 11.93 0.81 4.58 35.46 4.55 25.60 32.73 161.83
SRS-13504 187.70 4.21 34.33 37.33 4.62 39.00 4.44 1.33 50.33 105.33 9.19 1.12 3.03 52.03 4.66 27.73 23.32 157.67
SRS-13505 152.32 3.99 35.33 36.66 11.93 33.66 5.33 2.33 50.00 91.00 11.03 1.05 5.89 30.22 4.32 15.16 22.24 196.10
Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Pole Type French Bean
SRS-13522 166.95 4.55 32.33 34.33 9.97 44.66 8.77 2.77 45.33 90.33 8.99 1.05 4.12 54.71 3.66 27.86 27.68 239.02
SRS-13525 183.18 3.33 34.33 35.33 6.50 26.00 9.10 1.77 51.00 104.66 9.06 0.95 2.34 32.59 3.99 22.73 25.43 69.17
SRS-13526 151.13 3.77 35.33 37.33 2.89 39.66 3.66 2.55 48.66 115.33 9.99 1.14 4.16 46.07 5.21 23.40 22.62 191.40
SRS-13527 145.59 3.55 44.33 52.33 1.92 24.22 3.10 1.66 69.33 103.33 8.12 1.19 3.67 21.21 3.44 19.36 29.65 84.62
SRS-13530 137.68 4.33 34.66 36.00 7.45 28.00 10.10 2.33 48.33 87.00 12.42 1.17 4.58 46.08 4.00 31.50 27.34 210.64
SRS-13536 123.05 3.55 32.00 34.33 10.56 26.33 3.44 2.11 45.33 80.66 7.76 1.25 3.59 34.84 2.99 41.33 20.49 127.87
SRS-13546 121.77 3.77 34.33 39.33 9.54 45.00 7.11 2.44 49.33 97.33 13.05 1.10 4.47 59.03 5.33 37.70 20.36 264.23
Table 2 continued....
Table 2 continued....
SRS-13547 171.88 4.33 39.33 43.33 3.84 46.88 3.88 1.88 53.33 103.33 13.44 0.90 3.95 38.88 4.55 20.80 23.65 152.61
SRS-13552 167.76 4.33 53.33 59.33 5.53 33.66 6.44 2.88 65.33 101.66 11.04 0.83 4.90 46.84 5.77 24.30 15.68 284.29
AUV-315 120.66 2.88 38.33 42.33 7.93 26.33 7.88 2.66 50.66 91.33 13.47 1.15 5.89 61.40 4.88 23.83 17.58 361.96
AUV-317 129.21 3.99 38.33 48.33 10.89 38.66 7.88 2.55 55.33 96.00 10.89 0.90 3.56 53.97 6.21 14.50 25.12 190.74
PMA01-237 167.63 4.77 41.33 48.33 5.54 22.66 5.66 2.55 56.33 83.33 9.70 0.80 2.89 31.22 5.44 16.23 23.64 90.17
RSMP-842 140.50 4.33 41.33 44.33 5.89 50.00 5.11 2.44 53.00 92.33 10.09 0.87 2.88 82.55 6.66 13.00 31.37 237.24
Kentucky 183.47 2.66 50.33 52.33 11.77 38.00 5.99 3.44 57.33 84.00 15.62 0.77 7.06 40.22 7.99 19.06 23.18 286.98
PLB10-01 121.74 3.66 37.33 38.33 5.43 35.21 5.66 1.88 54.33 95.00 12.17 1.18 5.92 55.77 4.55 47.40 17.60 294.87
Ayoka 159.78 3.66 42.00 44.33 11.64 38.88 6.77 3.55 52.33 85.66 12.92 0.56 4.03 58.18 6.88 16.16 27.15 226.14
P. Arun Kumar et al.
Range 110.99- 2.11-4.77 32.00- 34.33- 1.92- 14.66 3.10- 1.33- 45.33- 80.66- 7.76- 0.51- 1.95- 12.90- 2.99- 7.10- 15.68- 65.13-
201.32 60.33 62.66 15.49 65.99 10.10 3.77 76.33 115.33 15.62 1.33 7.97 104.03 7.97 47.40 34.74 361.96
Mean 149.82 3.40 40.29 43.68 6.53 33.88 5.32 2.56 54.88 96.57 11.15 1.06 4.53 42.92 4.79 22.96 25.03 190.32
C.V. 4.38 12.54 3.11 4.05 13.56 7.80 14.37 12.30 3.89 2.55 6.28 5.97 5.25 9.10 10.95 5.09 4.44 9.60
S.E. ± 3.79 0.24 0.72 1.02 0.51 1.52 0.44 0.18 1.23 1.42 0.40 0.03 0.13 2.25 0.30 0.67 0.64 10.55
C.D. 5% 10.65 0.69 2.03 2.87 1.43 4.29 1.24 0.51 3.47 4.00 1.13 0.10 0.38 6.34 0.85 1.90 1.82 29.68
C.D. 1% 14.12 0.92 2.69 3.81 1.90 5.68 1.64 0.67 4.60 5.30 1.50 0.13 0.51 8.40 1.12 2.51 2.42 39.33s
Genetic Variability, Heritability and Genetic Advance in Pole Type French Bean 573
Table 3: Estimates of variability, heritability and genetic advance as per cent of mean for eighteen traits in forty four genotypes of
French bean
Character Range VariancePCV GCV h2 Genetic GA as %
Minimum Maximun Phenotypic Genotypic (%) (%) (%) advance of mean
Plant height (cm) 110.99 201.32 599.51 556.41 16.34 15.74 92.81 46.81 31.24
No. of primary branches per plant 2.11 4.77 0.68 0.50 24.34 20.85 73.42 1.25 36.81
Days to first flowering 32.00 60.33 38.33 36.75 15.36 15.04 95.89 12.23 30.35
Days to 50 per cent flowering 34.33 62.66 42.60 39.47 14.94 14.38 92.64 12.45 28.51
Length of inflorescence (cm) 1.92 15.49 11.95 11.17 52.94 51.17 93.44 6.65 101.89
No. of inflorescence per plant 14.66 65.99 141.00 134.00 35.04 34.16 95.04 23.24 68.60
No. of flowers per inflorescence 3.10 10.10 3.24 2.66 33.85 30.64 81.96 3.04 57.15
No. of pods per inflorescence 1.33 3.77 0.54 0.44 28.71 25.94 81.64 1.24 48.30
Days to first pod harvest 45.33 76.33 48.96 44.39 12.74 12.13 90.65 13.06 23.80
Days to last pod harvest 80.66 115.33 81.36 75.28 9.33 8.98 92.53 17.19 17.80
Pod length (cm) 7.76 15.62 4.08 3.59 18.12 17.00 87.98 3.66 32.85
Pod width (cm) 0.56 1.33 0.03 0.02 16.91 15.82 87.53 0.32 30.50
Pod weight (g) 1.95 7.97 1.99 1.93 31.15 30.71 97.16 2.82 62.36
No.of pods per plant 12.90 104.03 344.28 329.00 43.22 42.25 95.56 36.52 85.09
No.of seeds per pod 2.99 7.99 1.39 1.11 24.62 22.05 80.22 1.95 40.69
100 seed weight (g) 7.1 47.4 85.01 83.64 40.15 39.82 98.39 18.68 81.37
Protein content (%) 15.68 34.74 24.25 22.99 19.67 19.15 94.78 9.61 38.41
Marketable pod yield per plant (g) 65.13 361.96 6639.19 6304.72 42.81 41.71 94.96 159.39 83.74
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