Solids and Semiconductor Devices 1
Solids and Semiconductor Devices 1
Solids and Semiconductor Devices 1
Valence Band (VB) is the energy band occupied by the valence electrons.
Conduction Band (CB) The unfilled energy band just above the valence band is called
conduction band.
Forbidden Energy Gap (FG) is the gap between valence band and conduction band. It
is the width of the energy gap that decides whether the solid is a conductor, insulator
or semiconductor.
It is the minimum energy required to move an electron from valence band to
conduction band.
Fermi level is the highest energy level occupied by an electron is the valence band at
zero Kelvin and the corresponding energy is called Fermi energy.
Conductors Insulators
• Conduction band and valence band overlap
• no forbidden energy gap.
• On applying a small electric field, the electrons acquire energy and conducts
• Valence band is completely filled and conduction band is empty.
• Forbidden energy gap is quite large.
• When electric field is applied, the electrons in VB find it difficult to acquire
large energy and move to the CB and go in for conduction.
• The electron cannot be excited from the valence band to the conduction band
by thermal excitation.
• Valence band is completely filled and conduction band is completely empty
• has a small energy gap.
• At zero Kelvin electrons are not able to cross the energy gap. Hence,
semiconductor at 0 K is an insulator.
• When the temperature increases (at room temperature), some electrons in VB
acquire thermal energy greater than energy gap and jump to the CB increasing
the conductivity.
Consider a semiconductor of length ‘l’ and area of cross section ‘A’. Let ne and nh be
the number density of electrons and holes respectively. Let V be the p.d. set up across
the semiconductor such that
E = V/l -(1)
Due to the electric field set up, electons and holes move in opposite direction with
drift velocities Ve and Vh contributing electron current Ie and hole current Ih in the
same direction.
I = Ie + Ih -(2)
II = neeAve + nheAvh = eA(neve + nhvh) – (3)
I/A = e(neve + nhvh) -(4)
But = RA/l -(5)
E/ = V/ RA = I/A -(6)
Intrinsic Semiconductor
It is a pure semiconductor free from impurities in which ne = nh = ni.
Eg: Si or Ge crystal.
A p-n junction is obtained when a p-type crystal is played in contact with n-type
• The majority carriers, more concentration of holes from p-region diffuse into n-
region and the majority carriers, electrons from n-region diffuses into p-region
giving rise to diffusion current.
• When an electron diffuses from n to p, it leaves behind it an ionised donor on
n-side. The ionised donor (+ ve charge) is immobile as it is bounded by the
surrounding atoms. This immobile charges set up an electric field.
• The drifting of electrons move from p-side to n-side due to electric field
resulting in drift current.
• Due to the electron-hole combination, a thin layer consisting of only immobile
ions of opposite polarity called the depletion layer is formed at the junction.
• This immobile charge carriers set up a potential barrier which opposes the
diffusion of majority carriers further.